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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

JAMES, Samuel, 1820 Settler

National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 102



August 31 1819

My Lord,

Thos. LANHAM of this place having received a circular letter from your office specifying the conditions on which his Majestys government take emigrants to the Cape of Good Hop, I take the Liberty to inform you that I've engaged ten families to go to that Colony & the money will be redy to be Deposited in the hands of government as soon as I hear from you whether we can be accepted

Your answer as soon as convenient will oblige

Your Obd. Humble Servant

Samuel JAMES




National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 130


October 26 1819


Your last came to hand stating the amt. of money which would be nesasary to send you. Amting to £137:10:0 which the parish of Westbury has in contemplation of making up some of the amt for those who is not able to pay their own way which is to be settled on Sunday next, but since the first of our application our foreman Mr.WATSON with three or four of the others has Rinag'd but should it meet with your approbation I will ingage to fill up Mr.WATSON's station as foreman & also get the compliment to fill up those who has left. Your answer to the above will greatly oblige your obed. Serv't.


NB Please to Say the Day when the money must be sent & also when it will be nessasary for us to come to London or where we embark.




National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 142


November 8 1819

My Lord,

In compliance to your Directions stated in a Letter to Mr. Steph'n BROWN of the third Inst. inclosed you have here the Report desired and the money will be remitted in the course of the Present week and when you will be kind enough to write to say on what Day the Partie must be in London and at what Place as it shall be duly attended to

I am my Lord your ob'd serv't

Samuel JAMES




National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 147


December 20


I have been to Portsmouth with my Partie and stating the surcumstance of my wife being just put to Bed with 2 children – to Mr.CHEESMAN he advised me to write to you thinking you would see it nessasary to allow the wife and children something more and this you will please to way over in your mind & Do the Best you Can for me.

I am your obd. Servt.

Samuel JAMES




National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 152


26 Dec 1819

My Lord,

In Apply to John HOPKINS letter dated 22nd instant from Mr. GOULBURN acceptances of him and his wife and family in the substituted of William WATTS and family By my Recomention I therefore strongly recommend him as a usefull an fit man for this Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. I also state that Richard TOWNSEND and family is not coming but in substituted for them this Gentleman of Westbury have sent up Thomas LANHAM Plaster & Tiler aged 30 his wife aged 24 and children aged 2? Also Richard HINTON Blacksmith aged 34 his wife aged 33 their daughter Rebecca 10 George their son age age 7 Linard their Daur [sic] aged 3 years Jane their Daughter 6 months all waiting now at Portsmouth for your Lordship's approbabtion upon the Busness By the Returns of Post if your Lordship think proper.

I am my Lord your Lordships humble servant

Samuel JAMES

[postscript] My Lord I rote a Letter to Mr. GOULBURN requesting a Extra allowance for my two Invent Children but have had no answer as yet. I therefore Relay on your Lordships Goodness for the same. I have inclos'd the list for attention if your Lordship think proper




National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 156

Portsmouth Harbour on board the Weymouth Store Ship

27 Dec 1819

My Lord,

I beg leve to state that I promised to give you the neams of my two sons yesterday. I am very sorey I should be so trubelsome, the neam of the First is Samuel William JAMES and the other Thomas JAMES they are three weeks old yesterday & are very likely to live. But the worst is the Mother have not any Milk to suckle them which is a deal more trubel to express. I also strongly recmd. Thomas LANHAM in the place of Richard TOWNSEND, Being a very usfull to good workman. Also Richard HINTON Blacksmith if you have a vacance in any Party as they are in Gosport awaiting your reply.

I am your ob'd humble servant


Head of the Westbury Party




National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 160

From on board HMS Weymouth

Dec 30th 1819


You will find enclosed a correct list of persons proceeding under my direction to the Cape of Good Hope on receiving this I hope you will lose no time in remitting the nessary order for my future [page torn off]

Believe me Sir your obedient servant

Samuel JAMES

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