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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

COCK, William, 1820 Settler

National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 523

May it pleasure your Lordship.

We whose names are hereunto written beg leave most humbly to lay before your Lordship the following detail. Having been given to understand by a Mr John HAWKINS that he had obtained a Grant from His Majesty's Government for 40 Able bodied Persons to become settlers at the Cape of Good Hope, we paid into his hands the Sums Required for our respective deposits which sum we understand has been paid into the hands of Mr HILL at the Treasury Office Commissary Department but in other names, and that in consequence thereof we are deprived of the opportunity of emigrating to the Cape, notwithstanding we have each disposed of our Property, some of us to the amount of several hundreds, and prepared ourselves with the necessary implements for the undertaking, we thus under those circumstances your Lordship will be pleased to take our case under your most serious consideration and to permit our names to be added to those names that [have] been regularly entered, - And your Petitioners will ever Pray.

William BEALE


Thos OVERA Junior

Jno OVERA Senior

John BRADLEY [Note 1]







National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 525

Argyll Street

Nov 29th 1819

This is to certify that I have known Mr Wm COCK late of the Borough of Penryn for several years, that he is of honest & respectable Parents, and that he bears an honest & industrious Character.





National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 526

May it please your Lordship

We whose names are here undersigned beg leave most Humbly to lay before your Lordship the following detail. Having been given to understand by Mr John HAWKINS that he had obtained from his Majesty's Government a Grant of Land at the Cape of Good Hope for Forty able bodied Men with their families, we paid into the hands of the Person deputed by him the Sum required by his Majesty's Government for each individual together with a further sum to assist Mr HAWKINS in making up the amount required by Government, he not being prepared with the requisite Sum on his part, but stating to us that he was at that time disposing of an estate for the said purpose. We now find that Mr HAWKINS is a Prisoner for debt in the Kings Bench and is not only unprepared to repay us the Amount but likewise to depart with us.

Your Petitioners therefore pray that your Lordship will be pleased to transfer the Grant to Mr William COCK who has hitherto acted as our President, and in whom We place [the] greatest confidence, we have each of us disposed of our Property and are now with our Families waiting at considerable expence untill we receive our Order for Embarcation.

We beg further to state that we have purchased a considerable quantity of implements for our general use, and that should we be deprived of the opportunity of emigrating to the Cape it would be the entire ruin of several of the Members of this society. We therefore most humbly beg your Lordship will be pleased to take our case under your Most serious consideration and your Petitioners shall ever pray





Charles DEAN



William JONES

Henry BOOTH [Note 1]


Edward MARTIN Senior

Edward MARTIN Junior

Stephen BROWN


Thos [Thomas] OVERA Junior

Jno [John] OVERA Senior

Thomas Henry CHESHIRE [Note 2]





the mark X of Abraham COLLIER


Benjamin WARDEN

Jos [Joseph] RHODES

the mark X of Sam DUGELBY

the mark X of James LEPPAN

Chas [Charles] EVANS



George JAMES

Thomas FIELD

The Mark X John BRADLEY [Note 1]


John AMES [Note 3]


William COCK

At the Running Horses

Blackfriars Road

[Transcriber's Notes:]

Except where noted, all the persons who endorsed the above two letters are listed in The Settler Handbook as being part of William COCK's Party. Her sailing list also includes persons not mentioned above.

[1] According to The Settler Handbook: "Henry BOOTH, John BRADLEY, Charles INGRAM and Philip ROGERS, whose names appear on the official sailing list, did not embark."

There are two persons with the name John BRADLEY listed under the HAYHURST Party. The others are not listed under any other Party in The Settler Handbook.

[2] According to The Settler Handbook: "Thomas Henry CHESHIRE, who replaced INGRAM, left the ship at the Isle of Wight."

[3] John AMES eventually sailed with SEPHTON's party.




National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 528

Running Horses

Blackfriars Road

Nov 27 1819


Provided it meets your approbation this Society has no objection to Mr. George LYONS being added to the list regularly entered at the Colonial Office.

We are Sir your most obed't humble svts

Wm. COCK President






National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 532

London, Dec 1st 1819


On the other side you will receive the amount of the different sums paid into the hands of the persons deputed by Mr. HAWKINS together with the balance paid by me to make up the amount. It may be necessary for me to state that Mr. HAWKINS did not contribute one sixpence towards the amount.

I am Sir your most obed't and very humble svt

William COCK

[on reverse]

Running Horses

Blackfriars Road

Nov 28 1819


We whose names are hereunto written have paid the respective sums placed against our names into the hands of the person deputed by Mr. HAWKINS, the amount of which we understand has been paid into Mr. HILL's bank at the Treasury.







William COCK



William BEALE















Edward MARTIN Senior






Edward MARTIN Junior


















Charles DEAN












William JONES









Benjamin WARDEN






Charles INGRAM












Thomas FIELD



George JAMES



For Joseph THOMAS



Thomas OVERA



For Thomas JARMAN






The difference to make





up the amount




was paid by me Wm.COCK


534 [Printed]

Articles of Agreement of a Society of Free Settlers to Southern Africa

Dated 12 October 1819

At the Running Horses, Great Surrey Street, Blackfriars Road, London


1.  That we do hereby form ourselves into a Society of intended Settlers at the Cape of Good Hope for the mutual assistance of each other to be called “The Hardwick Society”

2.  That a President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and a Committee of six be chosen and that they shall continue to act as such for a period of six months, after which they shall be chosen quarterly.

3.  That the tonnage of the joint stock of implements &c purchased by the committee for the use of the society shall be deducted out of the total tonnage allowed to the society by government and that the surplus (of the tonnage) be divided amongst the members of this society, allowing to members with families a double proportion to that of a single individual, and in case either member shall exceed his portion he will be subject to any extra charge that may be made.

4.  That all property belonging either to the individuals of the society or jointly coming within the tonnage specified in the 3rd article, to be respected and protected, and in case of any loss of property whilst under its protection, arising from accidents, to be made good by the society out of the joint fund.

5.  That they shall be immediately considered upon their debarkation as a joint stock company, and that the money advanced by each member, together with the sum paid to government, do form the capital and joint stock of the company; which, if not sufficient, each member to be called upon by the treasurer and manager for such further sum as may be required, subject to the approbation of a majority of the members.

6.  That the committee is empowered to purchase each articles as may be considered necessary by a majority of the members for the general use of the society.

7.  That at the expiration of twelve months the joint stock or corn, cattle and other produce of the estate shall be equally divided amongst the members and that the implements shall be divided into equal lots, in respect of value; such divisions shall be made by a majority of the members and afterwards drawn for.

8.  That upon the arrival of the society upon the spot of ground granted by government the land shall be divided into equal portions as soon as possible, by a committee appointed for that purpose.

9.  That an equal proportion of each members land shall be cultivated by the society.

10.          That every person possessed of capital, disposed to assist the individuals of this society by advancing any further sum than stated in these articles, for the purpose of providing against any deficiency on the part of any of the members, to pay any sum or sums required by the society in any of their future resolutions for the general objects of the society, to name the sum which he is disposed to advance, and that he be considered bound to produce that sum, or any portion of it, when called upon by a majority of the society, for which he will be entitled to an interest of 15 per cent, and that the individual deficient in the sum required be debtor for the amount, and such individual do assign or mortgage his estate of 100 acres to the individual making the advance for him, and paying at the rate of 15 per cent to the said individual until the said sum is repaid.

11.          That the time and labour of the society be devoted to the effecting such objects in respect of cultivating land, building &c as may be determined by a majority of the society.

12.          That should anyone be considered an indolent person or render himself disagreeable to the society, he shall be admonished by the president, and should he not alter his conduct it may be competent for the members to investigate it, and if satisfied of his misconduct they may expel him from the society and deprive him of his portion of joint stock, and all benefits arising from it.

13.          That in case either of the members wish at any time to propose any thing for the benefit of the society (which as well as all disputes shall be determined by ballot, the president giving the casting vote) he shall give notice thereof to the president two days before the regular time of meeting is sitting, and the president shall immediately acquaint each member of the society with the particulars thereof.

14.          That we shall when located place ourselves under military discipline for the protection of our families and property; that a fit person shall be selected to take the command as a military officer, and that a sergeant and corporal shall be appointed; this resolution shall be considered binding for three years and all arrangements of a military nature, as well as disputes to be determined agreeable to the 13th article.

15.          That the committee be empowered to purchase such arms and ammunition as may be considered necessary for our joint security, and in case either member is desirous of providing himself with these necessaries, or any part thereof, or should he be possessed of any tools or implements useful to the society, he shall be credited for the amount at the same rate as similar articles may cost, which will be purchased by the committee, leaving it to the committee to inspect into their value and to determine whether they are suited to the purpose intended by the society.

16.          That in case of the death of either member of the society a provision shall be made for his family (if any) and a person placed in the deceased's estate for the purpose of assisting in the cultivation thereof, under the inspection of the society, till some member of the family be considered equal to the undertaking. This article be not limited to time.

17.          That if a member (not having a family on the estate) shall die, the estate to become subject to the management of the society and kept in cultivation till the next of kin or the person or persons appointed by the deceased shall be able to take possession, provided it be within the term of two years, or otherwise to become the property of the society.

18.          That the committee for the time being do superintend the delivery of the different articles of provisions, for the use of families or individuals from the joint stock, and it is hoped that the greatest frugality will be observed on the part of each individual, and heads of families, ever considering the object and general interest of the society.

19.          That at any of the meetings of this society should any difference arise the president shall be required to call silence and any member neglecting to do so shall be subject to such fine as from the nature of the offence the majority of the society may think proper to impose. This as well as all other fines to be applied to the general fund.

20.          That these articles be considered binding for one year only, the 14th, 16th, 17th and 25th excepted, and any member acting contrary to the spirit thereof, on due proof, to be subject to such fine or fines as a majority of the society may think proper.

21.          That a majority of this society may from time to time make such further resolutions or alterations as may be considered necessary for the better government or interest of the society.

22.          That there be proper books kept by the secretary for entering the resolutions of the society and keeping its accounts.

23.          That the secretary shall attend regularly at the times proposed for the assembling of this society and be prepared with his books for the inspection of any member that shall wish to examine them.

24.          That these resolutions as well as any future resolutions that may be entered into by the society be signed by at least a majority of the members.

25.          That as soon as convenient a place be erected for the purpose of conducting religious service and that each member assist in rotation in reading of the prayers of the Church of England, and the lessons of the day, and that no objection be made to either of the members on any occasion of public worship, if so disposed, to make such comment on any portion of scripture in support of morality and experimental religion as he may think proper, but not at any time to enter into any doctrinal discussions.

535 [printed]

Articles of Agreement made and entered into this 5th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen between John HAWKINS of Brighthampton in the County of Oxford, Farmer, on the one part; and the several persons whose names are hereunder written of the other part.

Whereas the said John HAWKINS hath proposed to his Majesty's Government of Great Britain to take a certain number of able-bodied men, with their families, as settlers to the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, and his said Majesty's Government having agreed to accept of such proposals and hath signified their intention to make the said John HAWKINS a grant of land to be consigned to him on his arrival in the said Colony, in conformity with the regulations laid down by his said Majesty's Government, the said several persons whose names are hereunder written have each deposited the sum of Ten Pounds, and do by these presents severally and respectively agree with the said John HAWKINS to proceed with him to the said intended settlement in the said colony, upon the terms, conditions and stipulations hereafter expressed and contained. FIRST, that the said John HAWKINS, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will distribute to each and every one of the said persons, their heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, an allotment of land containing 100 acres to each, such several allotments to be subject to such reservation or reservations, covenants and provisos as may be made by his said Majesty's Government to the said John HAWKINS; also to be subject to their proportionable shares of the quit rent, taxes and all other charges and outgoings as may be hereafter imposed by lawful authority or authorities, together with a proportionable share of the said land for the erecting of a town or village, and for roads and all other necessary and public uses, such roads to be planned and formed as a majority of the said several persons or their assigns shall think fit to direct. And the said John HAWKINS for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, agrees to give a title to each of the said persons in order to secure to them their several allotments of land, so soon as they may require after he shall receive his said title from his said Majesty's Government, such title to conform in every respect with the title he shall receive from his said Majesty's Government, and to be given to the said persons at their expence. And the said John HAWKINS for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall keep all such covenants as may be made to him in his said title, so as to keep harmless and indemnified by the said persons. And shall and will return to the said several persons, their executors or administrators, their several and respective portions of the said deposit money, in manner and at the time as he shall hereafter receive the same from his said Majesty's Government, and the said John HAWKINS further agrees that the land shall be divided into four equal parts by a majority of the members whose names are hereunder written, or their assigns, and after the said division has been made the said John HAWKINS to have the power of taking his portion out of either of the said quarters; also that he the said John HAWKINS shall have free access at any time hereafter to enter upon all or any part of the said allotments of land, to view the state of the same, in order to prevent any encroachments that may be made hereafter, contrary to the title he may receive from his said Majesty's Government. And in case that the said persons, or any or either of them shall make default in any wise contrary to his said title, so as he may be called upon by his said Majesty's Government for such breaches, then such persons shall become liable to him the said John HAWKINS, and subject to the same penalties as he may be put unto by his said Majesty's Government for such breaches of covenant, and it is further agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents, that these articles of agreement shall only be of force and available in as much as they may be found in conformity with the existing laws of the said colony, or with such other local laws as may in future be established or enacted in such new settlement or colony as it may please his said Majesty's Government to create, the said undersigned parties to and in as far to the benefit and privilege of all the parties to these presents as these articles of agreement may meet the approbation of his said Majesty's Government.

In witness thereof all the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written


Witnesses to the signature of John HAWKINS:


William JONES


[actual signatures]



William BEALE



Thomas OVERA

Thomas FIELD

536 [printed]

[a repeat of the Articles of Agreement on p 535]

In witness thereof all the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written

[handwritten] The number of signatures not to exceed thirty five without Mr. HAWKINS further consent


Witnesses to John HAWKINS signature the 23rd day of November 1819

William COCK

Edward MARTIN Senior

Edward MARTIN Junior




National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 555

Cornish Arms Portsmouth

December 21st 1819


Mr. P. RODGERS, the person recommended by Sir C. HAWKINS, in consequence of his wife's recent confinement has declined going. - Mr RODGERS has not paid any portion of the Sum paid into his Majesty's Government. - Mr John BRADLEY is likewise thru illness prevented from going - and has stated so much on the other side for your information. I have therefore to beg that you will be pleased to accept Mr John WILLIAMSON, aged 30 agriculter and Mr Wm WILLIAMSON, aged 26, agriculter in their stead. - Mr BAGLEY wishes as well to take Thomas CHESHIRE, aged 24, labourer instead of Charles INGRAM [as] his labourer. - Your early attention will oblige.

Sir, Your most obt humble svt


[on reverse]

Portsmouth, Dec 21 1819


I am thro' illness unable to accompany Mr COCK as a Settler to the Cape of Good Hope and wish Mr Wm.WILLIAMS to be accepted in my stead.

I am Sir Your very humble svt




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