WATSON, Samuel
(See also correspondence of Samuel JAMES in CO48/44)
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 435
Westbury, Wiltshire
Sept 4th 1819
My Lord,
I have transmitted a list of names of persons that are disposed to accompany me to the Cape of Good Hope as settlers, which are seven married people with famillies & three single men besides my own familly. And we are also ready to conform ourselves to all the conditions specified in the circular letter. I beg leave to mention that if his Majesty's Government approve of our going to the Cape that you will be so obliging as to inform me as soon as convenient & you will greatly oblige
Your most obedient servant
Name and Decription of the Person taking out the Settlers
Names of the Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Samuel WATSON |
Farmer |
37 |
Phebe WATSON |
36 |
Charles WATSON |
15 |
Eliz. WATSON |
13 |
Thomas WATSON |
5 |
Sarah WATSON |
1 |
3 |
Samuel JAMES |
Carpenter |
31 |
Elizabeth JAMES |
33 |
Edward JAMES |
8 |
Eliz. JAMES |
[5] |
Stephen JAMES |
2 |
Jeremiah EMBLEN |
Blacksmith |
39 |
Sarah EMBLEN |
34 |
William EMBLEN |
9 |
? |
Jeremiah EMBLEN |
3 |
John MASON |
Labourer |
29 |
Jane MASON |
32 |
James MASON |
9 |
Eliza MASON |
? |
Charles MASON |
7 |
Sarah MASON |
? |
Phillip HOBBS |
Gardener |
26 |
Charity HOBBS |
25 |
Daniel HOBBS |
3 |
Sarah HOBBS |
1 |
Samuel WARD |
Labourer |
25 |
Jane WARD |
25 |
Alfred WARD |
1 |
Louisa WARD |
3 |
Isaac MOORE |
Labourer |
27 |
Margaret MOORE |
29 |
Jane MOORE |
2 |
Richard TOWNSEND |
Labourer |
29 |
25 |
1 |
Thomas LANHAM |
Plasterer & Mason |
27 |
John WATTS |
Carpenter & Millwright |
34 |
Labourer |
33 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 467
Westbury, Wiltshire
Septr 22nd 1819
My Lord,
Having received a letter from you dated the 6 inst wherein you say that my proposals were under consideration & that die notice will be given to me of the decision which may be taken thereupon but received no further acts though you might have mislaid or forgot my letter. I beg leave also to ask if I may be allowed to take out any more settlers than those whose names were already sent to your office.
Your attention as soon as possible will very much oblige, my Lord
Your most obed't serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 525
Westbury, Wilts
Oct 7th 1819
Have fitted up the list according to your direction as near as I can understand your meaning. Through one of the party being taken ill since I sent the first list have added one in his stead & another declining to go you will observe that there are eleven besides myself. Thought it would make no difference as the people wished to have their name put down. Thought it would be best to enquire if I could be suffered to take more than ten famillies to the Cape.
I am Sir your obed't serv't
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