MENEZES, William, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 506
23rd July 1819
Having seen in the news piper a grant for emigrants to go to the Cap of good pop your humble servent William MENZIS and John OLIVER solicty the the faver from your honner to go under govinmant as Labrors or what you think proper to send us your Humble servent Wm. MENZIS has searved his King and Country 7 yeirs in 5 Company 91 Regt. Commanded by geinrl D CAMPBELL London & was descharged after the Battel of Watter Lou with a good Charitter if your honner Plise to mark I am master shoe maker Dover and John OLIVER is a man that I employ But as so much Confinment does not a gree with us and being a quinted with farming and moreover I have so many Bad debts and have no parish being a scotishman and being [upon?]offisers of Religon we wish to be Yousfill to our Country and our fellow Criatuers in workin with our heands defusing religous know Lige where eir we go we have both gott wifes but no Childring and young men and well a quinted with militry Dessipling and wishen to a bay all your commands as honist faithfull men to god and there Country if your honner will grant this faver and Lett your Humble servints know whin to geitt Reidy we will remnber you at a [?Shenon?] of greace with the warmest of gratitude we Both remen your very Humble and obeident searvents
William MENZIS
My a driss Wm MENZIS shoemakir oppiset St.Mary's church Dover Kint
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 610
Dover August 1819
My Lord,
Having received your Circular Letter Dated 24 July in answer to my petition, And as I have the means and willing to comply to the orders of His Majesty's Government, your Petitioner as got a number of men agreeable to the orders of His Majesty's Government, and men that are served His Majesty in the Army & of very good Carracter and none of them 40 years of age and used to all sorts of Husbandry work. Your petitioner hopes your Lordship will grant his request and inform him if it will be Necessary for him to appear Personally at your Lordship's Office as the money required to be deposited can be advanced whenever your Lordship thinks Proper
In granting this your Petitioner's request will much oblidge your most obedient & Humble Servant
Direct for Mr. Wm. MENEZES
Opposite St.Marys Church Dover Kent
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 620
Dover 24th Aug 1819
My Lord,
I return you my Sinceir thanks for the goodness your Lordship has Shewn me in answering my Letter without delay, and I hope my Conduct will meet your Lordship's further Approbation, I have now transmitted to your Lordships Department, a detaild Statement of the men, Women and Children who with myselfe are willing to go with me to the Cape of Good Hope as Settlers and are willing to Conform to all the terms offered by His Majestys Governament. And as those Persons are been in His Majesty's Service (regular Service) and some are been in the above Colony and discharged with excellent Characters on the reducement and are Perfectly Sound and Enjoy good Health, which I have taken great Care to assertaine, and the Deposit money will be ready whenever you Lordship shall think proper to have it advanced theirfore I Hope your Lordship will grant this our request, as it will bee the means of relieving the persons with the Parishes to Which they Belong, from very great Burdens.
The Person Named Jno. GREEN with a Wife and Six children has been 15 years in the Army, and was 3 years & 6 months a pay serjeant in the 4 Regt. Of Infantry; and 7 years serjeant in the Northampton Militia and belongs to Walmer Parrish out of Employ. Rich'd BOWLS has been in the Navy & Army and out of Employ Belongs to River Parrish.
Thos EASTLAND as been in the Army and out of Employ belongs to Deal Parrish.
James HAYWARD Wm. HAYWARD & George HAYWARD in the Navy and been to the Cape of Good Hope out of employ belong to the Walmer Parrish all Brothers.
And the Men are Perfectly satisfied with the agreement they are made with the Parrishes as will appear by the Inclosed certificate, and I remain your Lordship's
Obeidt. & Humble Servent
We the undersigned are perfectly satisfied with the Agreement we are made with Mr. William MENEZES of Dover in the County of Kent to go under is Directions as Settlers to the Cape of Good Hope, been assured he as the means, (with the Blessing of Divine Providence) to accomplish the Wishes of His Majestys Government, with Credit to ourselves, and Honour to our Country.
X Richd. BOWLS his mark
X Thos EASTLAND his mark
X Wm. HAYWARD his mark
X George HAYWARD his mark
X Alex CUMMINS his mark
Stephen HOGBIN
Names of the Persons wishing to Emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope
Name & Description of the Person taken out Settlers
Wm. MENEZES & Mary MENEZES is Wife no Children
29 Years of age each
Now Master shoemaker, but formerly a Farmers Son in Scotland until Engagd in the Army where I Served faithfully for the Space of 7 years in His Majestys 91st regt. Foot
Born at Falkirk County of Stirling Scotland.
Names of Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Ages |
Female Children |
Ages |
Remarks |
Jno. GREEN |
Labourer |
39 |
30 |
4 |
6/5/3/2 |
2 |
9/7 |
15 yrs in army |
Whitesmith |
25 |
24 |
1 |
1 |
Been to the Cape |
George HAYWARD |
Labourer |
21 |
Single man |
Been to the Cape |
William HAYWARD |
Butcher |
22 |
Single man |
Been to the Cape |
Rich'd BOWLS |
Labourer |
35 |
Mary BOWLS |
36 |
3 |
16/7/4 |
6 |
13/12/10 9/6/1 |
Labourer |
27 |
24 |
Sawyer |
39 |
36 |
3 |
13/11/9 |
3 |
7/3/1 |
Labourer |
18 |
Single man |
Wheelwright |
36 |
36 |
2 |
7/1 |
3 |
16/5/3 |
Labourer |
24 |
Eliz'h CUMMINS |
26 |
1 |
2 |
Steph'n HOGBIN |
Baker |
20 |
20 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 708
Dover 28th Sept. 1819
My Lord,
Having received your letter dated 25th Aug stating my proposals where under consideration, and that due notice whould be given one on the decision theiron, I Humbly hope your Lordship will excuse the Liberty I have taken in writing to you at this time, But having a very good oppourtunity at this time of desposing of my Property to advantage, if I will Consent to give the purchaser possession at Old Michalmas day, which I am at loss to answer, except your Lordship will have the goodness to give me your opinion whether my proposals are likely to mett your Lordships approbation, and in so doing you will much oblidge your Lordships Obeidt. & Humble Servent
Near St Mary's Church Dover
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 731
Dover 5th Oct 1819
I Congratulate your warm approbation for your Candid information, and I have to state that their has been some alterations since my last returns through Death & which I am filled by with others that meet my approbation, and hopeing they will meet yours and persons of more Utility, which is being the Cause of delay in sending the returns before; as you will see by the returns
I remain your most Obdt.& Humble Servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 762
Dover 26th Oct 1819
Been absent from Dover when your letter arrived, and but just arrived home. I have lost no time in answering yours, I have sent the sum of One Hundred and sixty five pounds to the Treasury according to your directions Been the deposite money required by His Majestys government for the party proceeding to the Cape of Good Hope under my Directions
I remain you most Obt. & Humble Servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 794
Dover 12th Nov 1819
I am very sorry to inform you that one of my party by the name of DICKSON is very much afflicted with the [End?] and is rendered unable to Work, which was unknown to me at the time I sent my returns, theirfore I thought it my duty to inform you of it as it might be attended with serious consequences And as I can supply is place with an able Body'd man whose deposite money will be same and will cause not alterations on that Head, and as we are lost two children in the party since the returns was sent this person will make the total number according to the return, this man is of very good character and is got a Pention of one shilling per Diem from the Board of Ordnance having served 17 years in the Royal Horse Artillery and I am very anxious of receiving him if it will meet your approbation. He is sent to the Secretary of the Board of Ordnance for direction Concerning is Pention
In answering this my request you will Oblidge
Your most Obdt. & Humble Servant
Settlers Name Jos'h HARRISON?, Age 40, Trade Labourer, Womans Name Jane HARRISON, 2 female children, Ages 6/4 Names Mary/Jane.
The above person was discharged on the 30th June 1812 from Capt. WALKER's troop, Royal Horse Artillery and is received is Pention at Dover from the Board of Ordnance
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