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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

PHILIPPS, Thomas, 1820 Settler

National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 129

[in clerk's hand at top: Sir John OWEN's friend]

Milford, 14th August 1819


Sir John OWEN having already intimated to you my intention of availing myself of the offer of Government for taking out settlers to the Cape of Good Hope, I beg leave in pursuance of it & in conformity to the circulars already issued from the Colonial Office to become a candidate for the allotments of land, and to annex a list of my own family and of those settlers whom it is my intention to take out with me.

I have the honor to remain Sir

Your most humble & obedient servant


Thomas PHILIPPS aged 43, wife, two children above 14 under 17, five children under 14

E.K. SAYER, agriculturalist 38, wife & three children under 14

Wm. WADE, gardener, 32

Daniel HANCOCK, carpenter, 29, wife & two children

James HANCOCK, smith, 30, wife & two children

Wm. MORGAN, mason, 22

Thomas GRIFFITHS, labourer, 22, & wife

Thomas WILLIAMS, labourer, 21

Wm. THOMAS, labourer, 19

Joseph WILLIAMS, labourer, 23

William BROWN, labourer, 28

Wm THOMAS 2, labourer, 18

Joseph GRIFFITHS, labourer, 19

James WILLIAMS, labourer, 24

Wm. WILLIAMS, labourer, 20

Thos. WILLIAMS, labourer, 23

Joseph THOMAS, labourer, 26, wife & child

Isaac JONES, labourer, 22

John JONES, labourer, 19

William PHILLIPS, labourer, 24

Joseph JENKINS, labourer, 35, wife & two children




National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 203

Milford, 9th September 1819


I received so much attention from you whilst in London the middle of last month that I take the liberty of again troubling you on the subject of my application for a grant of land at the Cape. I am led to believe from the public prints that the applications are so numerous that not a 20th part can be complied with, if that should prove the case it is probable that you might think of reducing the quantity asked for & I beg leave to say that I shall have no objection provided the whole of my demand cannot be complied with to accept one half. As the time is drawing near I should be very glad to be informed how soon I may expect a reply.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your most humble servant


[note in GOULBURN's hand: this is the gentleman who came with a letter of recommendation from Sir John OWEN]




National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 287

Milford, 8 October 1819


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 30th September and in conformity beg leave to enclose a return of those Settlers whom I intend to take with me to the Cape of Good Hope.

As I have no doubt that there may be other Settlers residing in the western part of this Kingdom to whom it would be most materially convenient to embark from a Port contiguous to them, I take the liberty of stating my hope that you will be kind enough to take us into your consideration and also to mention that if vessels are fitted out at the Royal Dockyards, that this dockyard may be included, we have almost daily passage vessels sailing to and from Bristol from which city our implements can be obtained with great advantage.

I have the honor to remain Sir,

Your most humble and obedient servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 329

Milford, 24th October 1819


I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your two letters of the 20th and 21st Inst. I learn from Mr. Robert CURRIE that his application to the Cape of Good Hope was made long prior to his being put down in my list, he has now decided on proceeding with me, and he will of course return the letter, which he has received to the Governor of the Cape.

I am concerned to state that owing to death and illness I am under the necessity of taking out other labourers than those which I have returned a list of, but those I have now named do not differ in the size of their families or in age & consequently will not require any alteration in my deposit, should it be considered necessary to give in a new list I shall be ready to attend to your orders at No. 17 Gloster Place, Portman Square to which place I shall proceed by the Mail of Tuesday.

I have directed my agent to pay my deposit money of two hundred and fifty pounds to William Hill Esq. Comissariat Department, Treasury and I have the honor to remain, Sir

Your most obedient humble servant


[note from GOULBURN on reverse: Mr GOULBURN presents his compliments to Mr. PHILIPPS and requests Mr. PHILIPPS to call at this office as soon as convenient

Downing St. 26th Oct 1819]




National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 431

Kennersley Castle Transport

31 Dec 1819


In consequence of two of my party marrying I have been under the necessity of leaving behind the two married people in my former list, and of making some other changes. I therefore take the liberty of enclosing an amended list and returning the letter to the Governor of the Cape in order that it may be altered in conformity. I am exceedingly sorry to occasion so much trouble.

I have the honor to remain Sir

Your most humble servant


P.S. We expect to sail on Monday next, but Mr. GREATHEAD's party has not yet joined.

Thomas PHILIPPS 44

Charlotte PHILIPPS 41

Edward PHILIPPS 16



Catherine PHILIPPS 17

Charlotte PHILIPPS 14

Sophia PHILIPPS 12


Ann JOHN 25

Mary OWEN 20

Martha THOMAS 18

Robert CURRIE Surgeon 25

John RHENISH Steward * 30

Catherine RHENISH 30

William RHENISH 11

John DAVIES Carpenter 38

William DAVIES 13

John JONES Miller 21

John GITTINS Gardener 23

Richard BUTLER Labourer 19

William DAVIS Labourer 21

Mary DAVIS 25

William PHILLIP Labourer 21

Ben JAMES Labourer 21

John DAVIS Labourer 23

John JAMES Labourer 21

Thomas MATHIAS Labourer 22

David PUGH Cooper 23

David JAMES Labourer 18

John MACK Labourer 19

Robert OWEN Labourer 23

James PROUT Carpenter 23

Samuel WAREHAM Labourer 18

William ESMOND Labourer 18

*[Transcriber's note: John RHENISH and family are not listed in The Settler Handbook but appear in Hockly's ‘Sory of the British Settlers of 1820']




Countess of MANSFIELD re Thomas PHILIPPS

National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 356-361

[From Richard PENN enclosing letter from Countess of MANSFIELD]

30 October 1819

My Dear Sir,

I forgot yesterday to tell you that Lord B's coffee and yours being in bags of a sizeable size I have written to the Treasury in your name requesting an order for their being loaded on payment of the duties.

As Lady Mansfield most probably will not be deterred by what I have said from writing to you or Lord BATHURST, I take the liberty of sending her pompous note and a copy of my answer.

Your much obliged


Richmond Hill


The Countess of MANSFIELD presents her compliments to Mr. Rich'd PENN and is much obliged to him for the Printed Papers, and for the information he was so good as to send her that the Proposal made by Mr. T PHILIPPS of Milford to take 20 families to the Cape of Good Hope, according to the terms of the printed circular letter, has been accepted by Lord BATHURST.

A very intimate friend of Lady MANSFIELD's has written to her mentioning Mr. T PHILIPPS's having received a grant of land from Government and his intention of proceeding to the Cape of Good Hope (as soon as orders are issued) with his family and the settlers he takes out, and that he wishes to obtain letters of introduction particularly to Lord Charles SOMERSET the Governor which he thinks would forward his interests on arriving there. He has also heard that “some of the Gentlemen going out have been appointed Magistrates to the different Districts and his friend (who writes of such) is most anxious to obtain that appointment for him.”

Possibly under the recommendations which have induced Lord BATHURST to accept of the proposal of Mr. T PHILIPPS to take 20 families to the Cape his Lordship might not object to such helps in his instance, if these come within the regulations meant by the printed letter and Lady MANSFIELD will be much obliged to Mr. PENN if he will let her know how this is for the information of her friend?

[copy of reply]

Mr. R.P. presents his compliments to Lady M & has the honor to acquaint her Ladyship that she has been misinformed as to its being Lord B's intention to make any appointments at the Cape of the nature alluded to in her note. Mr. P [PHILIPPS] will be duly furnished with a letter to the Governor but Mr. R P apprehends that Lord B would be unwilling to give any particular recommendation of Mr. P to Lord CS as it might perhaps obtain for him an undue preference over others with equal claims going out under the same circumstances. Any introduction which Lady M can procure for Mr. P from some other quarter might possibly be very serviceable able to him.

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