WHEELER, James - Extra Data
(member of WILLSON's Party)
(see also correspondence of John Frances PAYNE)
London Metropolitan Archives
Banns of marriage published between James WHEELER and Harriott PEPPER on three Sundays, 6/13/20 May 1804 in Christ Church, Southwark
Martha, daughter of James and Harriot WHEELER, baptised 5 January 1806 in St.Sepulchre, Holborn (born 23 September 1805)
Ann, daughter of James and Harriot WHEELER, baptised 27 September 1807 in St.Sepulchre, Holborn (born 17 July)
James, son of James and Harriot WHEELER, Old Street, baptised 22 October 1809 in St.Sepulchre, Holborn (born 9 January) (died in infancy)
Harriot, daughter of James and Harriot WHEELER, Old Bailey, baptised 4 August 1811 in Sepulchre, Holborn (born 14 July)
Richard Thomas, son of James and Harriot WHEELER, Old Street, shopkeeper, baptised 15 September 1816 in St.Sepulchre, Holborn (died in infancy)
Richard James, son of James and Harriot WHEELER, Old Street, shopkeeper, baptised 7 June 1818 in St.Sepulchre, Holborn
James WHEELER states in his correspondence that he came from Wiltshire.
Possible baptism in Longbridge Deverill, Wiltshire:
James, son of Richard and Sarah WHEELER, baptised 29November 1781
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