AYLIFF, John - Extra Data
(Wesleyan Missionary, member of WILLSON's Party)
His gravestone says he was born in London on 7 November 1797.
London Metropolitan Archives
His parents are reputed to be Jonathan AYLIFF and Esther RATHOM. Their marriage is recorded in the register of St.Matthew, Bethnal Green for 1799, although no actual year has been entered on the register.
Jonathan AYLIFF Batchelor of this parish and Esther RATHOM of the same parish were married by banns 5 August
Both signed
Witnesses: Thos. HARDING and Robt. NELSON
National Archives, Kew, London
Burial Records for Globe Fields Wesletyan Burial Ground
10 July 1831 Jonathan AYLIFF aged 53yrs, Luke Street, Mile End New Town
21 March 1834 Esther AYLIFF aged 64 yrs, Brick Lane, Spitalfields
Newspaper Cuttings from the Eastern Cape (unknown source 1973)
Before the DOLDs left Algoa Bay, the marriage of Jane DOLD to fellow settler John AYLIFF provided an historic occasion. Because there was no legal marriage officer on land, it became necessary for the couple to be rowed out to the ship Menai, where they were legally married by the master, Captain Fairfax MORESBY, on June 25, 1820.
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