WHEELER, James, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 310
10 St. John Street
My Lord
Having applied at your Lordships office for permission for myself and family to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope and being informed that I must apply to your Lordship in writing – I have to inform your Lordship that I have been brought up to the Farming business in the County of Wiltshire from an infant – but am now very much reduced in consequence of an accumulating family – and likewise the general distress. My family consists at present of myself a wife and four children under 14 years of age – I have had no employ for a length of time but have many respectable friends which have done a great deal for me, but I cannot expect them to maintain me and my family having already been too troublesome to them – but they are willing to subscribe towards raising the necessary sum required by Government to assist me in the new Colony – if your Lordship will have the goodness to procure me a passage free of expence I can be well recommended for honesty, Industry & Sobriety.
If your Lordship will consider to favor me with an answer I shall be very thankful and subscribe myself your Lordship's most obedient & very Humble Servant.
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