DOLD, Matthew - Extra Data
(member of WILLSON's Party)
London Metropolitan Archives
Matthew DOLD, bachelor, married Jane ARNOLD, widow, on 9 February 1793 in St.George in the East.
Both signed their names.
Witnesses: Peter SAUERMILK and Susanna SAUERMILK
Baptisms of children in St.Mary's, Whitechapel
John Matthew 9 March 1794, Roadside (died in infancy)
Catharine 31 July 1796, Roadside (born 24 August 1795) – presumably died in infancy
John Matthew 30 July 1797, Roadside
Jane Catherine 3 February 1799, Roadside (born 9 January)
William Andrew 21 September 1800, Roadside
Sarah Ann 17 April 1803, Roadside
Newspaper Cuttings from the Eastern Cape (unknown source 1973)
Before the DOLDs left Algoa Bay, the marriage of Jane DOLD to fellow settler, John AYLIFF provided an historic occasion. Because there was no legal marriage officer on land, it became necessary for the couple to be rowed out to the ship 'Menai', where they were legally married by the master,
Captain Fairfax MORESBY, on June 25, 1820.
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