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VOC Letters of Freedom

Indexes to the Letters of Freedom (Vrijbrieven) from service of the VOC

The Dutch United East India Company or Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) archives are held at the General State Archives in The Hague, Netherlands. The ‘Inventaris van het archief van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC), 1602–1795’ collection contains 14 934 individual series of which approximately 1 200 are of specific interest on the history of the Cape of Good Hope. The first Letters of Freedom were issued on 14 Apr 1657 by Jan van Riebeek. The original Vrijbrief (Letter of Freedom or Free Paper) was held by the former VOC employee and the copies of the Letters of Freedom for the initial freeman were included in the journal of documents sent back to the VOC in the Netherlands. These Vrijbrieven were included in the journal of documents until October 1662. The extent of this index focuses on the first 208 Letters of Freedom from 1657 to 1662. 

Unfortunately, the Vrijbrieven post 1662 are not generally available. Copies of the Letters of Freedom for May 1686 to June 1700 are available at the Cape Town Archives Repository (KAB) in the Archives of the Secretary, Council of Police, reference number 2748 ‘Diverse Letters of Freedom and Notices’ (KAB C. 2748).

The structure of the Letters of Freedom for the period 1657 to 1662 are in the format of a legal contract between the VOC and the former VOC employee, containing the following information as applicable:

  • Name of the Freeman (former VOC employee)
  • Where the person was residing
  • Where the person originated from 
  • The person’s role or duties in the VOC, i.e., sailor, soldier, etc.
  • The time remaining on the terminated employment contract
  • The duration of the (new) agreement
  • Specific conditions applicable to their contract, e.g.if they were to acquire the land.
  • Official signature of the VOC Governor or official

Following this introduction are the transcripts in the form of an index with the details mentioned above in a searchable table, including a link to the online digital image of the Letter of Freedom document held by the archive in The Hague. 

Background and context of the Freemen Scheme

The ‘freeman’ construct was established by the Commander, Jan Van Riebeek, who started the initial scheme, allowing the most respectable of the Company Servants to cultivate little gardens for themselves with the right to freely sell their produce whenever there were ships in the bay. The scheme was planned to be executed through a legal contract or agreement between the VOC and the Company servants that would declare them as “freemen” with rights and obligations towards the VOC. The agreement was called a ‘vrijbrief’ and would form the basis of establishment of the first farming communities at the Cape of Good Hope 

When Jan Van Riebeek landed at the Cape of Good Hope on the 6th of April 1652, his mission was to establish refreshment and lodging facilities for the ships passing between the East and the Netherlands. The initial intention was to barter with the local communities and over time, establish sufficient facilities to service the needs of the VOC and ships and those passing by from England and France. The trade with the local communities was proceeding with caution but did encounter quite a few skirmishes. The cost and upkeep of employees to sufficiently cultivate produce, livestock and other necessities, was very costly to the VOC. To this end, the VOC started floating the idea as early as 1655 to settle free families on the ground about the fort to reduce the Company’s expenditure but maintain their monopoly on trade at the Cape of Good Hope. A similar plan had been found to answer well in India and was thought suitable to replicate at the Cape. The Freemen would assist in defending the station so that the garrison could be reduced, and they would then be required to grow food for sale at the cheap rates set out by the VOC, utilising hired servants from across the VOC strongholds.

One such notable initial event was the chief gardener, Hendrik Boom’s wife, Annetje, who was allowed to lease a cow from the VOC and use her knowledge from back in the motherland, Netherlands, to cultivate dairy products. This led to her being called Annetje De Boerin by the locals. She was contracted to pay a yearly lease fee of twenty shillings and ten pence for each cow and in return would supply milk and butter to the Commander at a fixed price. She was allowed to sell the passing ships freely and at the best prices she could obtain. These events are well documented in the VOC records and form the basis for the first recorded European diary business to be established at the Cape.

By 1656, nearly every garden plant of Europe and India was cultivated at the Cape, although potatoes and maize were not yet introduced. Fruit trees of many kinds, young oaks and firs were sent in growing boxes from Europe. Various kinds of vines from the Rhine region were also established. Even strawberries and blackberries had been brought from the motherland. Plenty of foreign animals had been introduced, including horses from Java, pigs, sheep, dogs, and rabbits from Europe. Unfortunately, every season’s wheat and barley crops have failed thus far. Just as it was getting ripe, the south-east winds came sweeping through the valley and destroyed it. This was not the case at the back of Devil’s Peak, and even when a perfect storm was blowing at the fort, there was nothing more than a gentle breeze about Devil’s Peak. The Commander ordered a trial to plant grains at the “ronde doorn bosch”, today’s Rondebosch, where the first plot of land was ploughed with some wheat, oats, and barley. The experiment was mostly successful and yielded a very large return.

The initial arrangements to release VOC servants from their engagements and take up farming were concluded on the 21st of February 1657. These men were mostly petty officers with their families, who drew money instead of rations, and who could derive a portion of their food from their gardens, as well as participate in small business ventures selling vegetables and other produce to passing ships. The free burghers, as they were known from there on, formed a different class within society, as they were neither subjects, nor servants of the VOC, but free men working and living for their own account.

The men formed units or ‘geselschappen’ to support each other and establish a cooperative means of working and earning a living. The first part consisted of five men, consisted of Harmen Remajenne, Jan Martensz De Wacht, Jan Van Passel, Warnar Cornelisz, and Roelof Hansz. They had selected a tract of land just beyond the Liesbeek, and had called it ‘Groeneveld’ or Green Country. They were led by Harmen Remajenne, thus called the ‘Harmen’s Geselschap’ and were principally going to cultivate wheat. They would also attempt to grow vegetables, breed cattle, pigs and poultry.

The second party was composed of four men, led by Steven Jansz Bothma, and called the ‘Steven’s Geselschap’, which included Hendrik Elbrechtsz, Otto Jansz, Jacob Cornelisz. They also selected a piece of land on the side of the Liesbeek and named it ‘Hollandsche Thuijn’ or Dutch Garden. They were mainly going to cultivate tobacco and grain. They would also attempt to grow vegetables, breed cattle, pigs and poultry.

The conditions under which these men were release from the duties within the VOC, were as follows:

  • They were to have full possession of all the ground which they could bring under cultivation within three years, during which time they were to be free of paying any taxes.
  • After the three years, they were to pay a reasonable land tax. They were at liberty to sell, lease, or otherwise alienate their land, but not without first informing the Commander.
  • Any provisions they should require will be sourced from the VOC magazine and would be sold to them at the same price as to the married VOC servants.
  • They were to be at liberty to catch as many fish in the rivers as they would require for their own consumption.
  • They were at liberty to sell freely to the crews of ships any vegetables which the VOC might not require for the garrison, but they were not to go on board any ships until three days after the arrival of the ship and were not to bring any strong drink on shore.
  • They were not to keep taps but were to devote themselves to the cultivation of the ground and the rearing of cattle.
  • They were not to purchase horned cattle, sheep, or anything else from the natives, under penalty of forfeiture of all their possessions.
  • They were to purchase such cattle as they needed from the VOC, at the rate of thirty-four shillings and nine pence for an ox or cow, and four shillings and two pence for a sheep. They were to sell cattle only to the VOC, but all they offered was to be taken at the above prices.
  • They were to pay the VOC for pasture, one-tenth of all the cattle reared, but under this clause no pigs or poultry were to be claimed.
  • The company will furnish them with credit, at the cost price of items in the motherland, to all such implements as were necessary to carry out their work, including food, guns, gun powder, and lead for their defence. In payment they were to deliver the produce of their ground, and the VOC was to hold a mortgage upon all their possessions.
  • They were to be subject to such laws as were in force in the motherland and India, and those made by the VOC for the welfare of the local community.
  • These regulations could be altered or amended at will by the supreme authorities.

The two free burgher parties immediately took possession of their land and commenced building their own houses. They had less than two months before the rainy season would set in, but that was enough time to run up sod walls and cover their new homes with thatched roofs. The nearby forests would provide amble timber and most other materials were relatively close at hand. Their main impediment would be the availability of farming implements to start farming.

On the 17th of March 1657, a ship arrived from the motherland with Rijklof van Goens onboard. He was a high-ranking officer with instructions from the VOC to rectify anything that he might find amiss at the Cape. This included his views on the conditions under which the new free burghers held their land. He therefore made several alterations and inserted additional clauses, the most important of which are as follows:

  • The freemen were to have plots of land along the Liesbeek, approximately forty roods by two hundred roods, or about thirteen and a third morgen. These would be supplied to the farmers tax free for twelve years.
  • All farming equipment were to be repaired free of charge for three years.
  • To enable the freemen to breed good quality cattle, they were at liberty to purchase from the natives, until further instructions were given by the VOC, but they were not allowed to pay more than what the VOC instructed. The price for horned cattle was reduced from thirty-four shillings and nine pence to sixteen shillings and eight pence.
  • The penalty payable to the VOC should a free burgher sell cattle to the natives, was set at eighty-three shillings and four pence.
  • The free burghers were to apply their attention to cultivating grain, and refrain from planting any tobacco, nor vegetables more than their own personal consumption.
  • The free burghers were to keep guard in turns in any redoubts which should be built for their protection.
  • The free burghers were not to shoot any wild animals except such as were noxious. To promote the destruction of ravenous animals, the premiums were increased, for a lion to thirty-four shillings and nine pence, for a hyena to twenty-seven shillings and nine pence, and for a leopard to thirteen shillings and ten pence.
  • None but married men of good character and of Dutch or German birth, were to have land allotted to them. Notealthough this was stipulated in the original regulations, it was not strictly applied given that some of the first free burghers were in fact from Kent, England, Thomas Roberts, and Oslo, Norway, Roeloff Hansz.
  • Upon request, their wives and children were to be sent from Europe. In every such case, they were to agree to remain at the Cape for twenty years.
  • Unmarried men could be released from service at the VOC to work as mechanics or if they were able to secure employment with the land holders for a set number of years.
  • One of the most respectable free burghers will be granted a seat and voting rights in the court of justice whenever cases affecting freemen, or their interests are being tried. He would hold the title of ‘burgher councillor’ for a minimum of one year. Steven Jansz Bothma was appointed to this position for the first term of office.

In addition to those first free burghers already mentioned, the following men also received their vrijbrieven in the next twelve months.

  • Wouter Mostert, who was for many years one of the leading men in the settlement. He was a miller back in the Netherlands, he contracted to build a new mill to replace the existing corn mill that was initially horse-driven and later by fresh water.
  • Caspar Brinkman, Pieter Visagie, Hans Faesbenger, Jacob Cloete, Jan Reyniers, Jacob Theunissen, Jan Rietvelt, Otto Van Vrede, and Simon Janssen, all received land allotments.
  • Harmen Ernst, Cornelis Claasen, Thomas Robertson, the Englishman, Isaac Manget, Klaas Frederiksen, Klaas Schriever, and Hendrik Fransen, who took service with the free burghers as farmhands.
  • Christiaan Janssen and Pieter Cornelissen received their free burgher papers for their expert hunting skills. They were to remain the service of the VOC as well, and were granted a monopoly, at fixed prices, for shooting and selling all kinds of game. They were also allowed to keep a tap to sell strong drink and alcohol.
  • Leendert Cornelissen, a ship’s carpenter, received the strip of forest at the foot of Table Mountain to cut timber for sale, at fixed prices set by the VOC.
  • Elbert Dirksen and Hendrik van Suurwaerden were allowed to make a living as sailors for their own account.
  • Jan Vetteman, the fort surgeon, was given the monopoly to practice his profession.
  • Roelof Zieuwerts, the wagon and plough maker, was granted a small piece of forest land to practice his trade.
  • Martin Vlockaart, Pieter Jacobsz, and Jan Adriaensen were to earn their keep as fishermen.
  • Pieter Kley, Dirk Vreem, and Pieter Heijnse, were allowed to saw yellow wood planks for sale and continue to work as carpenters.
  • Hendrik Schaik, Willem Petersen, Dirk Rinkes, Michiel Van Swol, Dirk Noteboom, Frans Gerritsen, and Jan Zacharias were allowed to become free burghers without any specific restrictions or instructions from the VOC.

 Vrijbrief of Steven Jansz of Wageningen
Vrijbrief of Steven Jansz of Wageningen dated 14 April 1657.

NameFromRoleResidingNameSurnameDateMin YearsSigned byAgreementNotesRefrenceImage link
Harmen RemanjenneCeulen [Cologne]Matroosin dienst van d' E: Comp.HarmenRemanjenne1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 10 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-391839
Hans Pietersz FaesbengerHove [Hooven]Soldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.Hans PieterszFaesbenger1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 4 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-391839
Jan Martensz [de Wacht]VreelandtBosschieterin dienst van d' E: Comp.Jan Martensz[de Wacht]1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-391840
Warnar CorneliszNunspeetBootsgezelin dienst van d' E: Comp.WarnarCornelisz1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 2 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-391840
Wouter Cornelisz MostertUtrechtBosschieterin dienst van d' E: Comp.Wouter CorneliszMostert1657-04-1420Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 4 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-392841
Jan ReijnierszAmsterdamZeilmakerin dienst van d' E: Comp.JanReijniersz1657-04-1420Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 2 years and 4 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-392841
Steven Jansz [Bothma]WageningenBootsgezelin dienst van d' E: Comp.StevenJansz [Bothma]1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 2 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-392842
Hendrick Elbrechtsz [Elberts]Osenbrugge [Osnabrück]Adelborstin dienst van d' E: Comp.HendrickElbrechtsz [Elberts]1657-04-1412Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 3 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-392842
Jacob Cornelisz [Rosendael]RoosendaelSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.JacobCornelisz [Rosendael]1657-04-1412Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 4 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-393843
Otto JanszVreedeSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.OttoJansz1657-04-1412Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 16 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-393843
Thomas RobbertszKint Jongenin dienst van d' E: Comp.ThomasRobbertsz1657-04-153Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 7 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-393844
Willem Willemsz [van Deventer]DeventerHooplooperin dienst van d' E: Comp.WillemWillemsz [van Deventer]1657-04-153Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 2 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-393844
Roeloff HanszChristiania [Oslo]Hooplooperin dienst van d' E: Comp.RoeloffHansz1657-04-303Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-394845
Bartholomeus [Borns]Waerden [Waarde]Bootsgezelin dienst van d' E: Comp.Bartholomeus[Borns]1657-04-303Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 2 years and 3 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-394845
Harmen RemanjenneCeulen [Cologne]Matroosin dienst van d' E: Comp.HarmenRemanjenne1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 10 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-433947
Hans Pietersz FaesbengerHovenSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.Hans PieterszFaesbenger1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 4 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-433948
Jan Martensz de WachtVreelandtBosschieterin dienst van d' E: Comp.Jan Martenszde Wacht1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-434949
Warnar CorneliszNunspeetBootsgezelin dienst van d' E: Comp.WarnarCornelisz1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 2 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-434950
Wouter Cornelisz MostertUtrechtBosschieterin dienst van d' E: Comp.Wouter CorneliszMostert1657-04-1420Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 4 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-435951
Jan ReijnierszAmsterdamZeilmakerin dienst van d' E: Comp.JanReijniersz1657-04-1420Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 2 years and 4 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-435952
Steven Jansz [Bothma]WageningenBootsgezelin dienst van d' E: Comp.StevenJansz [Bothma]1657-04-1412Rijkloff Van GoensStill had 2 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-435952
Hendrick ElbrechtszOsenbrugge [Osnabrück]Adelborstin dienst van d' E: Comp.HendrickElbrechtsz1657-04-1412Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 3 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-436953
Jacob Cornelisz [Rosendael]RosendaelSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.JacobCornelisz [Rosendael]1657-04-1412Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 4 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-436953
Otto JanszVreedeSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.OttoJansz1657-04-1412Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 16 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3991-436954
Thomas RobbertszKintJongenin dienst van d' E: Comp.ThomasRobbertsz1657-04-153Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 7 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-436954
Willem Willemsz [van Deventer]DeventerHooplooperin dienst van d' E: Comp.WillemWillemsz [van Deventer]1657-04-153Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 2 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-437955
Roeloff HanszCristiania [Oslo]Hooplooperin dienst van d' E: Comp.RoeloffHansz1657-04-303Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-437955
Bartholomeus BornsWeerden [Waarde]Bootsgezelin dienst van d' E: Comp.BartholomeusBorns1657-04-303Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 2 years and 3 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3991-437956
Jan van PasselGeelSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.Janvan Passel1657-05-313Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 4 years and 3 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-373817
Christiaen JanszHoesum [Husum]Adelborstin dienst van d' E: Comp.ChristiaenJansz1657-06-3020Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3992-373817
Pieter CorneliszLangesont [Langesund]Bosschieterin dienst van d' E: Comp.PieterCornelisz1657-06-3020Jan Van RiebeeckHis contract with the Company had expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3992-373818
Jacob CloetenCeulen [Cologne]Adelborstin dienst van d' E: Comp.JacobCloeten1657-08-1020Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3992-373818
Jan ZachariaszAmsterdamSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.JanZachariasz1657-10-013Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural activities and in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-374819
Caspar BrinckmanVreeckenhorst [Friedenhorst]Adelborstin dienst van d' E: Comp.CasparBrinckman1657-10-0120Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities. He is to send for his wife to join him.3992-374819
Hendrick HendrickszSurwurdeCorporaalin dienst van d' E: Comp.HendrickHendricksz1657-10-0112Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 14 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, but primarily as a tailor. He will be in partnership with Elbert Dircksz of Emmerich. ?They are to occupy/maintain? the newly built stone reduit named Corenhoop3992-374820
Elbert DirckszEmmerichSoldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.ElbertDircksz1657-10-0112Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 2 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, but primarily as a tailor. He will be in partnership with Hendrick Hendricks van Suurwaarden.3992-374820
Herman Ernst GresnichUtrechtTweede Tuinmanin dienst van d' E: Comp.Herman ErnstGresnich1657-10-013Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 1 year and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities for himself and in the service of other free men.3992-375821
Cornelis ClaeszUtrechtBosschieterin dienst van d' E: Comp.CornelisClaesz1657-10-016Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 2 years and 10 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities for himself and in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-375821
Leendert CorneliszSevenhuijsenHuistimmermanRotterdamLeendertCornelisz1657-10-0315Jan Van RiebeecqNeeds to request his wife to join him at the Cape as soon as possible.Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, but primarily to help build homes and sheds for the freemen. He will also be aqcuiring farmland and woodland.3992-375822
Pieter Paulusz CleijDelftHuistimmermanin de fortresse De Goede HoopPieter PauluszCleij1657-10-103Jan Van RiebeecqAllowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, but primarily to help build homes and sheds for the freemen. He is not aqcuiring any land.3992-375822
Dirck Adriaensz VreemMeern [De Meern]Huistimmermanin de fortresse De Goede HoopDirck AdriaenszVreem1657-10-103Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 15 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, but primarily to help build homes and sheds for the freemen. He is not aqcuiring any land.3992-376823
Hendrick Hendricksz BoomAmsterdamBaas Hovenierin de fortresse De Goede HoopHendrick HendrickszBoom1657-10-1020Jan Van RiebeecqHis contract with the Company had expired in April. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities. His whole family will be allowed to join him.3992-376823
Dirck MeijerLunenborgh [Lüneburg]Bosschieterin dienst van d' E: Comp.DirckMeijer1657-10-104Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 2 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities for himself and in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-376824
Hans Jacobsz LiskijDantzich [Danzig/Gdánsk]Soldaatin dienst van d' E: Comp.Hans JacobszLiskij1657-10-153Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 2 years and 10 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities for himself and in the service of other free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-376824
Michiel BartholomeuszSwol [Zwolle]Adelborstin dienst van d' E: Comp.MichielBartholomeusz1657-10-153Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 4 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities for himself and in the service of the free carpenters (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-377825
Carel BroerszStockholmBosschieterfortresseCarelBroersz1657-11-013Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van SevenhuijsenHis contract with the Company had expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-377825
Willem GonKetenes [Kettenis]AdelborstfortresseWillemGon1657-11-015Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van SevenhuijsenAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-377826
Henrick Fransz KnipbergenOudewaterSoldaatfortresseHenrick FranszKnipbergen1657-11-015Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Vreden's CompagnieAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-377826
Claes FredrickszAmsterdamJongebootsmanDe WalvisClaesFredricksz1657-11-123Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert CorneliszAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-378827
Jan Jansz MackaDelftSoldaatDe WalvisJan JanszMacka1657-11-125Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert CorneliszAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-378827
Christoffel CoenraetszEmmerichSoldaatDe WalvisChristoffelCoenraetsz1657-11-125Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert CorneliszAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-378828
Dirck DircqszCeulen [Cologne]BootsmanDe WalvisDirckDircqsz1657-11-123Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert CorneliszAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-378828
Christoffel BroeckmeulenMaseijck [Maaseik]BosschieterfortresseChristoffelBroeckmeulen1657-12-153Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert CorneliszAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-379831
Pieter VisagieAntwerpenBootsmanfortressePieterVisagie1657-12-1520Jan Van RiebeecqHis land and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.His contract with the Company had expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3992-379831
Jacob TheuniszCooltiensplaet [Colijnsplaat]BootsmanfortresseJacobTheunisz1657-12-1520Jan Van RiebeecqHis land and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company. His wife is to join him at the Cape as soon as possible.His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3992-379832
Symon Jansz in 't VeltDorth [Dordrecht]BosschieterfortresseSymon Janszin 't Velt1657-12-1520Jan Van RiebeecqHis land and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3992-379832
Frans GerritszUijthoorn [Uithoorn]BootsmanfortresseFransGerritsz1657-12-1520Jan Van RiebeecqHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3992-380833
Claes Schrijver't Ampt BeerstBootsmanfortresseClaesSchrijver1657-12-153Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Jan Reijniersz comp:eAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-380833
Gerret HermanszDeventerBosschieterfortresseGerretHermansz1658-01-0520Jan Van RiebeecqHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.His second contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities including fishing and trying-out train oil in the waters and on the islands of the Cape from the Table Bay to Saldanha Bay with the exception of Robben Island.3992-380834
Jeuriaen JanszAmsterdamBosschieterdes Comps dienstJeuriaenJansz1658-01-0520Jan Van RiebeecqHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities including fishing, whaling and trying-out train oil in the waters and on Dassen Island and other islands of the Cape from the Table Bay to Saldanha Bay with the exception of Robben Island.3992-380834
Thomas Christopher MullerLeijpsich [Leipzig]Soldaatdes Comps dienstThomas ChristopherMuller1658-01-0520Jan Van RiebeecqHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities including fishing and trying-out train oil in the waters and on Dassen Island and other islands of the Cape from the Table Bay to Saldanha Bay with the exception of Robben Island.3992-381835
Bartholomeus BornsWaerden [Waarde]BootsgezelfortresseBartholomeusBorns1658-01-053Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of the Saldanha vaerdersHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3992-381835
Cornelis CorneliszRotterdamSoldaatfortresseCornelisCornelisz1658-01-055Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of the Saldanha vaerdersHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3992-381836
Jan VettemanAmsterdamOpperchirurgijnfortresseJanVetteman1658-01-053Jan Van RiebeecqHe is allowed to try out first. His possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, but primarily as surgeon and inn keeper. 3992-381836
Isaacq MangetGeneveAdelborstArnhemIsaacqManget1658-01-205Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Jan VettemanHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3992-382837
Hendrick BarentszLeeuwaerden [Leeuwaarden]MatroosMariaHendrickBarentsz1658-01-313Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of the Saldanha vaerdersHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3992-382837
Gerret SanderszBlecksum [Blexen]BosschieterfortresseGerretSandersz1658-01-313Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of the Faesbengers CompagnieAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3992-382838
Jan CruijckAntwerpenJong BootsmanWapen van HollandJanCruijck1658-03-133Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Marten Jochumsse FlockaertHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3993-5371217
Cornelis Jansz van RoijeWoerdenBosschieterWapen van HollandCornelis Janszvan Roije1658-03-133Jan Van RiebeecqHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3993-5371218
Carel MelinBruggeJong BootsmanWapen van HollandCarelMelin1658-03-13?Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Vasagies CompagnieHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3993-5381219
Hans RasAngelSoldaatWapen van HollandHansRas1658-03-135Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Vreedens CompagnieHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men.3993-5381220
Jochum ElbertszAmsterdamBosschieterfortresseJochumElbertsz1658-03-3120Jan Van RiebeecqHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities including fishing and trying-out train oil in the waters and on Dassen Island and other islands of the Cape from the Table Bay to Saldanha Bay with the exception of Robben Island.3993-5391221
Jacob BalhoornSt Margriete Caspel [Sankt Margarethen]BosschieterfortresseJacobBalhoorn1658-03-313Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Jan Reijnierssen of Amsterdam"His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men. He became a full freeman in his own right on 10 Dec 1658 under conditon that he was to remain in the colony for 15 instead of 3 years. ""Is om dat sigh fugatijff heeft soecken te stelen voor drie jaren inde kettingh gebannen"""3993-5391222
Hans CorneliszLegelantlist [Listerlandet]BootsmanfortresseHansCornelisz1658-03-313Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Hermans compagnieHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5401223
Dirck Cornelisse Jonge NoteboomBodegraveSoldaatElburghDirck Cornelisse Jonge Noteboom1658-04-145Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Pieter Pouwelsz Cleij"His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). ""Op den 1sten october [1658] bij den raedt gecondemneert over schapen dieverij inde kettingh geclonken ende gebannen"""3993-5401224
Roeloff KietLiet In Schotlandt [Leith]SoldaatGeelmuijdenRoeloffKiet1658-06-105Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Pieter Pouwelsz CleijHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). 3993-5411225
Dirck JanszPettenBosschieterfortresseDirckJansz1658-06-153Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelisz Mostert"His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). ""Nota, desen Dirck Janssen van Petten is met consent van den Commandeur ende Raedt voorseijde ende toestaen van sijn Meester op sigh selven vreij geworden om met sijn hantwerck van metselen ende gepermitteerde coophandel gelijcq andre vrijluijden te ernaren: mits in plaes van drie, vifjftien jaren vrijman sal moeten blijven, ende voors onder de conditien als boven"""3993-5411226
Dirck Rinckes Maseijck [Maaseik]BootsmanfortresseDirckRinckes 1658-06-153Jan Van Riebeecq"His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). ""Nota desen Dirck Remkes van Maeseijcq wort toegstaen alsoo sigh uijt den dienst van sijn Mrs heeft begeven bij de vrijeluijden daer hij te rade worden sal: om daghgelt te mogen arbeijden, 24 Aug 1658"""3993-5421227
Marten Jochmusz FlockaertDer Goude [Gouda]Trompettercompagnies fortresseMarten JochmuszFlockaert1658-06-1520Jan Van RiebeecqHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company."His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to engage in fishing in both the freshwater and saltwater rivers, aswell as any other work with which he can earn his keep. ""Heeft sigh op den 9en November 1658 fugetijff gestelt ende met 't schip Westvrieslaent na Batavia verstreeken"""3993-5421228
Pieter HeijnseDe RijpBosschieterPrins WillemPieterHeijnse1658-06-263Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van SevenhuijsenHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to seek his fortune and earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). 3993-5461229
Joost Pietersz MoenDouburgh [Domburg]TimmermanPrins WillemJoost PieterszMoen1658-06-263Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Pieter Pouwelsz CleijHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to seek his fortune and earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). 3993-5461230
Claes GeraertsLeeuwen [Leuven]BootsmanPrins WillemClaesGeraerts1658-06-263Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Jan Reijnierssen of AmsterdamHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to seek his fortune and earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). 3993-5471231
Leijn LeijnseDomburgh [Domburg]Bootsmancompagnies fortresseLeijnLeijnse1658-08-063Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of the vrije Saldanha vaerdersHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to seek his fortune and earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). 3993-5471232
Dircq DircxszMontfoortMatroosLeerdamDircqDircxsz1658-08-153Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Marten Jochumsz"Still had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). ""Nota desen Dircq Dircxsz van Montfoort is met consent van den Commandeur ende raat versz: ende toestaen van sijn M:r op sijn selffs vrijgeworden: om alle vrijeluijden voor dagh van gelt te moogen dienen ende voors sigh te erneren gelijk andre vrijeluijden mits in plaets van drie, vijftien jaeren vrij sal moeten blijven onder de conditie voorsz: 30 Sep 1658"""3993-5481233
Willem PieterszNimwegen [Nijmegen]Adelborstcompagnies fortresseWillemPietersz1658-08-313,5Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Commandeur Riebeecq as private farmer."His contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to seek his fortune and earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). ""N:o Is op primo cto: bij den Raedt gecondem:t over schapen diverij onder ander straffe in de ketting ende voor [blank] jaren gebannen"""3993-5481234
Jacques BrackenijBergen in Henegouwe [Hanault]Soldaatcompagnies fortresseJacquesBrackenij1658-08-153Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van SevenhuijsenStill had 4 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5491235
Hendrick Jansz SchaijckMontfoortBosschietercompagnies fortresseHendrick JanszSchaijck1658-08-1520Jan Van Riebeecq"Still had 2 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities. ""Nota - Is op primo october bij den raedt over schapen dieverij etc. gecondemneert onder andere straffen inde kettingh ende voor 15 jaren gebannen"""3993-5491236
Hans MeijerWesselenmareAdelborstHenriette LouijseHansMeijer1658-09-053Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of the Hermans Compagnie"Still had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own). ""Is bij den raedt over dat sigh fugatijff heeft willem stellen gecond: is drie jaren inde kettingh gebannen"""3993-5501237
Hendricq Marcusz BarelAdelborstH:(enriette) LouijseHendricq MarcuszBarel1658-09-053Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Pieter Pouwel KleijStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5501238
Jan ArienszDer Goude [Gouda]BosschieterGoereeJanAriensz1658-09-2715Jan Van Riebeecq"Still had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in fishing in both the freshwater and saltwater rivers, aswell as with his trade as cooper and any other work with which he can earn his keep. ""Heeft sigh op den 9 November met 't schip West Vrieslandt na Batavia versteeken"""3993-5511239
Joannis RietveltAlckmaer [Alkmaar]SchiemansmaatGoereeJoannisRietvelt1658-09-2715Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities. 3993-5511240
Daniel FranckeRemunt [Roermond]BosschieterGoereeDanielFrancke1658-09-273Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Dircq Adriaensen Vreem, vrij timmermanStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5521241
Jan PieterszAnraedt [Anrath, NRW]SoldaatGoereeJanPietersz1658-09-275Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Pieter Pouwelsz Cleij, vrij houtsagerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5521242
Hendricq RijnsteDircxlandt [Dirksland]Bootsman't HartHendricqRijnste1658-09-273Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Pieter Pouwelsz Cleij, vrij houtsagerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5531243
Gijsbert ArijszBommelBootsmancompagnies fortresseGijsbertArijsz1658-09-3015Jan Van RiebeecqHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 2 years and 7 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living with his trade as bricklayer and to engage in permitted commercial activities.3993-5531244
Dircq Cornelisz GrutterHoornBosschietercompagnies fortresseDircq CorneliszGrutter1658-09-303Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of [Wouter] Cornelisz, vrijborgerStill had 1 year and 10 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5541245
Pieter JanszMiddelburghSoldaatcompagnies fortressePieterJansz1658-10-103Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelisz, vrijborgerStill had 10 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5541246
Pieter JacobszBodegraveMatrooscompagnies fortressePieterJacobsz1658-10-1515Jan Van RiebeecqStill had 2 years and 4 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in fishing in both the freshwater and saltwater rivers, planting of (garden) fruit, aswell as the permitted commercial activities. 3993-5551247
Barent WaendersVarick [Varik]Adelborstcompagnies fortresseBarentWaenders1658-11-013Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Jan Van Riebeecq's private landbouwAllowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5551248
Tielman HendricxszUtrechtAdelborstcompagnies fortresseTielmanHendricxsz1658-11-013Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Jan Van Riebeecq's private landbouwHis contract with the Company had expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5561249
Pieter van den BosSt Amandt [Sint Amands]Soldaatcompagnies fortressePietervan den Bos1658-11-013Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the 'borsten van de pen, in haer keucken' i.e. to work as cook for the clercks.His contract with the Company had expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5561250
Hans Jurich GieterCroon Wijsenburch [Kronweissenburg]SoldaatWest VrieslandtHans JurichGieter1658-11-083Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van ZevenhuijsenStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5571251
Jacob Hendricxz PotHoesum [Husum]HooploperWest VrieslandtJacob HendricxzPot1658-11-085Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van ZevenhuijsenStill had 10 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5571252
Dircq MeijerLunenburgh [Lüneburg]Bootsmancompagnies fortresseDircqMeijer1658-11-083Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Jan Van Riebeecq's private landbouwStill had 1,5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5581253
Pieter JonghStaedt Moere [Stadt Moers]BootsmanWest VrieslandtPieterJongh1658-11-083Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Stevens CompagnieStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5581254
Ellert DircsenHuijs ter MeijdenBootsmanHarpEllertDircsen1658-11-303Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Vredens CompagnieStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5591255
Tielman ArijenszGorcum [Gorkum]AdelborstHarpTielmanArijensz1658-11-303Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Sijmon in't Velt's CompagnieStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5591256
Pieter CassierVeurneJongenHarpPieterCassier1658-11-303Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Jan MartenszStill had 10 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5601257
Pieter SchierDrinouteSoldaatHarpPieterSchier1658-11-305Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of Hendricq BoomStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5601258
Jan HendricszNieuwen Nierop [Nieuwe Niedorp]BootsmanHarpJanHendricsz1658-11-303Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Brinckmans CompagnieStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-5611259
Jacob van der HopAmsterdamBosschietercompagnies fortresseJacobvan der Hop1658-12-153Jan Van RiebeecqHe was to remain in the service of the Vrije Saldanha VaerdersStill had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3993-01260
Coenraedt ClaeszDelff [Delft]Bosschietercompagnies fortresseCoenraedtClaesz1659-02-013Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van Zevenhuijsen, houtsagerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4551013
Jan de WolffHamborgh [Hamburg]Soldaatcompagnies fortresseJande Wolff1659-02-123Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Pieter Cornelis and Carel Broersz, vrijborgersStill had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4551014
Adriaen WillemszLeijden [Leiden]JongenPrinces RoijaelAdriaenWillemsz1659-03-225Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of hendrick hendricxe van Surwurde, vrijborgerStill had 10 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4561015
Claes JacobszMeldorpBootsmanPrinces RoijaelClaesJacobsz1659-03-223Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4561016
Philips Van RoijeDen Haegh [Den Haag]AdelborstArnhemPhilipsVan Roije1659-03-2215Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, and is aquiring land.3994-4571017
Torckel TroenszLaerwijck [Larvik, NOR]BootsmanArnhemTorckelTroensz1659-03-223Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4571018
Jan Fopkes't Joumaren [Tzummarum]BootsmanArnhemJanFopkes1659-03-223Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4581019
Jan JanszMunsterAdelborstHectorJanJansz1659-03-313Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Vasagie GeselschapStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4581020
Jan Lievense Verleij[Not Mentioned][Not Mentioned]HoogelandeJan LievenseVerleij1659-04-043Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Hendricq Boom, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4591021
Pieter Kegel[Not Mentioned]BootsmanHoogelandePieterKegel1659-04-043Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Vredens Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4591022
Jan Coenraedt VisserOmmenSoldaatcompagnies fortresseJan CoenraedtVisser1659-09-3015Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions, land and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities, and is aquiring land.3994-4601023
Harman ter SchelhovenWest Befferen [Westbevern]BootsmanMalaccaHarmanter Schelhoven1659-10-295Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Hans Ras van Angel and Pieter Jongh van Stadt MoereStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4601024
Claes WiskebroeckLingerick [Lengerich]BootsmanMalaccaClaesWiskebroeck1659-10-295Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Vreelandts Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4611025
Michiel BartholomeusZwol [Zwolle][Not Mentioned][Not Mentioned]MichielBartholomeus1659-12-0312Jan Van Riebeeck"""Aengesien (primo Octber ao verleden over begaene faulten etca gecondemneert in een bannissement van ses jaren) hem sedert in alle occasien, ende voornamentlijk staende de Hottentoos oorlooge, seer wel heeft gedragen, soo is bij den Raedt conform resolutie van den 3en decembr: ao 1659 verstaen deselve van voorsz: sijn bannissen:t te relegeren ende weder op vrije voeten te stellen om sigh alhier aende Caep als vrij timmerman te erneren mits van nu noch ' twaliff jaren aen de Caep sal blijven woonen, verstaende nae Nieuwe Jaers dagh aenstande"""3994-4611026
Dirck Cornelisz de Jonge Nooteboom[Not Mentioned][Not Mentioned][Not Mentioned]Dirck Corneliszde Jonge Nooteboom1659-12-0312Jan Van Riebeeck"""Aengesien (primo Octber ao verleden over begaene faulten etca gecondemneert in een bannissement van ses jaren) hem zedert in alle occasien ende voornamentlijk staende de Hottentoos oorlooge, seer wel heeft gedragen, soo is bij den Raedt conform de resolutie van den 3en desembr: ao 1659 verstaen deselven van voorsz: sijn bannissem:t te relegeren ende weder op vrije voeten te stellen om sigh alhier aende Caep als een vrij timmerman te erneren mits van nu noch 12 jearen aen de Caep sal blijven woonen, verstaende nae Nieuwe Jaers dagh aenstande"""3994-4621027
Louijs RijckartBrusselKokcompagnies fortresseLouijsRijckart1659-12-033Jan Van Riebeeck"Still had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living as a backer and cook as well as engage in permitted commercial activities. ""Nota, dese vrije backer is tot beter gelegentheijt van huijsinge etca in Comps dienst gebleven ende soo langh uijtgescheijden den 12 Xber 1659"" "3994-4621028
Claes LammertszAelsmeer [Aalsmeer]Bosschietercompagnies fortresseClaesLammertsz1659-12-033Jan Van Riebeeck"Still had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living as a backer and cook as well as engage in permitted commercial activities. ""Nota, dese vrije backer is tot beter gelegentheijt van huijsinge etca in Comps dienst gebleven ende soo langh uijtgescheijden den 12 Xber 1659"" "3994-4631029
Jan LourenszHaerlem [Haarlem]Bootsmancompagnies fortresseJanLourensz1659-12-1515Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 4 years and 3 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living with his trade as (reed) thatcher and to engage in permitted commercial activities.3994-4631030
Jan Van BaerlemBrusselSoldaatcompagnies fortresseJanVan Baerlem1659-12-155Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelisz Mostert, vrij molenaerStill had 4 years and 3 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4641031
Jan WillebrandtEijnckelrooAdelborstcompagnies fortresseJanWillebrandt1659-12-155Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Caspar Brinckman, vrijborgerStill had 4 years and 6 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3994-4641032
Hendrick GijsbertszWestbrouck [Westbroek]BootsmanEnckhuijsenHendrickGijsbertsz1660-01-205Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Vrelandts Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5061125
Hendrick TemanWelschenenstSoldaatEnckhuijsenHendrickTeman1660-01-205Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Van Roons Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5061126
Hendrick DircxEmbden [Emden]BootsmanEnckhuijsenHendrickDircx1660-01-205Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Brinckmans Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5071127
Jan PieterszCaspel ter MareSoldaatcompagnies fortresseJanPietersz1660-01-2014Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 4 years and 2 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3995-5071128
Jacob BruijnBonSoldaat's GravelandtJacobBruijn1660-01-215Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Harmans Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5081129
Hendrick HarmanszInger in WestphaelenSoldaatcompagnies fortresseHendrickHarmansz1660-04-013Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Brinckmans Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5081130
Teecken SiboltsSt AnnekerckenBosschieterWapen van AmsterdamTeeckenSibolts1660-04-043Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Jacob Cloeten, vrijborgerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5091131
Pieter de PuijtIjperen [Ieper]SoldaatVlissingenPieterde Puijt1660-04-125Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelisz Mostert, molenaerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5091132
Jan SevereijnszElsenzeeHooploperVlissingenJanSevereijnsz1660-04-125Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Vrelants Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5101133
Cornelis JacobszVoorhout[Not Mentioned]De WalvisCornelisJacobsz1660-04-163Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the vrijborger Leendert Cornelisz, on his (Leendert Cornelisz) persistent request.3995-5101134
Jan StaetsBergen Wijnocx [Bergues, FRA]Soldaatcompagnies fortresseJanStaets1660-04-305Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5111135
Marten JacobszAmsterdamBaas Tuiniercompagnies fortresseMartenJacobsz1660-05-1515Jan Van RiebeeckHis contract with the Company had expired in December 1658. Allowed to engage in agricultural or gardening and permitted commercial activities. His whole family will be allowed to join him.3995-5111136
Anthonij Jansz van der SchuurStrijenBootsmande Vogel PhenixAnthonij Janszvan der Schuur1660-06-173Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Marten Jacobsz, vrijborgerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5121137
Paulus CorneliszMidwoodt [Midwoud]JongenNagelboomPaulusCornelisz1660-06-225Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Brinckmans GeselschapStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5121138
Herman HendricxEnschedeSoldaatNagelboomHermanHendricx1660-06-225Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of the widow of Jan Van Haerwarde former officerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5131139
Hans LouiszAmsterdamBosschieterLoenenHansLouisz1660-07-222Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of the vrije Saldanha VaerdersStill had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5131140
Bastiaen CastierOostendeBootsmanMusquaetboomBastiaenCastier1660-07-233Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Jacob Cloeten, vrijborgerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5141141
Crijn AnthoniszDer Gouw [Gouda]JongenMusquaetboomCrijnAnthonisz1660-07-235Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Hendr: Hendricsz van Seurwaerde, vrijborgerStill had 10 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5141142
Bartholomeus BornsWaerden [Woerden]Vrijknegt van de Saldanhavaarders[not mentioned]BartholomeusBorns1660-07-2312,5Jan Van RiebeeckHaving been dismissed from the service of the Saldanhavaarders, may earn his living with carpentry, sailmaking and other trades, as well as engaging all permitted commercial activities.3995-5151143
Isaack PieterszLeeuwaerdenHooploperMusquaetboomIsaackPietersz1660-07-275Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Juriaen Jansz, vrijborgerStill had 10 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5151144
Jan Abramsz van der BieNieuwenhoornBootsmancompagnies fortresseJan Abramszvan der Bie1660-08-045Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Jacob Cornelisz van Rosendael, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5161145
Andries ThijszMaesterlandt [Marstrand, SWE]BosschieterDe Perkijt [Parkiet]AndriesThijsz1660-08-233Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz van Zevenhuijsen, vrijborgerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5161146
Harman ter SchelhovenWestbeverenBootsmancompagnies fortresseHarmanter Schelhoven1660-10-1715Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3995-5171147
Hendrick Commertsz HogerveldtHellevoetsluijsBosschietercompagnies fortresseHendrick CommertszHogerveldt1660-10-1715Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 2 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3995-5171148
Joris MackmelleGlascou [Glascow]AdelborstVollenhovenJorisMackmelle1660-10-215Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz, vrij houtsagerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5181149
Jan VerhagenArendonck [Antwerpen]Bosschietercompagnies fortresseJanVerhagen1660-11-013Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Commandeur Jan Van RiebeeckStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5181154
Matthijs Hansz van HuijerCoppenhagenBootsmanDen OliphantMatthijs Hanszvan Huijer1660-11-275Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Jan Pietersz van Caspel ter Mare, vrij lantbouwerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5191155
Jan WesselszHavelsbeeckSoldaatDen OliphantJanWesselsz1660-11-275Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Herman ter Schelhoven and Hendrick Commertsz, vrij lantbouwersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5191156
Jan HanszGroeningenSoldaatDen OliphantJanHansz1660-11-275Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Cornelis Claasz and Dirck Meijer, vrij lantbouwersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5201157
Jan CarelszUtrechtHooploperDen OliphantJanCarelsz1660-11-275Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of the Harmans Geselschap, vrij borgersStill had 10 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5201158
Arent TheuniszDuijsen [Deusen]MatroosDen OliphantArentTheunisz1660-11-273Jan Van RiebeeckHe was to remain in the service of Jan Coenraet Visser, vrijborgerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3995-5211159
Hendrick StelmanHamborgh [Hamburg]Bosschietercompagnies fortresseHendrickStelman1660-12-3115Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions and harvests would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living with his trade as bricklayer and to engage in permitted commercial activities.3995-5211160
Hendrick StelmanHamborch [Hamburg]Bosschietercompagnies fortresseHendrickStelman1661-01-0115Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living with his trade as bricklayer and to engage in permitted commercial activities.3996-1041
Theunis PieterszMaesterlant [Marstrand, SWE]BosschieterDe Perkiet [Parkiet]TheunisPietersz1661-01-133Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the Vrij VissersStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1042
Ariaen BastiaenszUtrechtBosschietercompagnies fortresseAriaenBastiaensz1661-03-203Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Cornelis Claesz van Utrecht, vrije lantbouwerStill had 2 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1043
Pieter JoostenSchoonovenHooplopercompagnies fortressePieterJoosten1661-04-015Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the Stevens Geselschap, vreije lantbouwersStill had 4 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1044
Hendrick Gijsbertsz VerschuijrAmersfoortBootsmancompagnies fortresseHendrick GijsbertszVerschuijr1661-04-013Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the Stevens Geselschap, vreije lantbouwersStill had 4 years and 8 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1045
Claes JanszAlckmaerBosschieterDe Perkiet [Parkiet]ClaesJansz1661-04-013Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the vrije Saldanha VaerderStill had 2 years and 4 months remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1046
Robbert RobbertszWoerdenBootsmanHilversumRobbertRobbertsz1661-04-023Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelisz Mostert, vrijborgerraedtStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1047
Jacob FranszDen BoschBosschieterHilversumJacob Fransz1661-04-023Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Pieter Jongh en de Willem Willemsz van Deventer, vrije lantbouwersStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1048
Salomon Elias HaringhLoosduijnenBootsmanDordrechtSalomon EliasHaringh1661-05-053Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz, vrije houtsagerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1049
Willem Schalk van der MerweBroeckBosschieterDordrechtWillem Schalkvan der Merwe1661-05-053Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Herman ter Schelhoven, vrije lantbouwerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1050
Gijsbert Claesz van StecklenborghMontfoortSoldaatDordrechtGijsbert Claeszvan Stecklenborgh1661-05-055Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz, vrije houtsagerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1051
Jan PieterszArnhemSoldaatDordrechtJanPietersz1661-05-055Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Herman ter Schelhoven, vrije lantbouwerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1052
Bastiaen JacobszRamsdonckSoldaatDordrechtBastiaenJacobsz1661-05-055Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the Hermans Geselschap, vrijborgersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1053
Johan QueverStammerborgh In WestphalenSoldaatDordrechtJohanQuever1661-05-055Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the Vrelants Geselschap, vrijlantbouwersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1056
Michiel LeendertszGroeningenBootsmanDordrechtMichielLeendertsz1661-05-055Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Pieter Jongh en de Willem Willemsz van Deventer, vrije lantbouwersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1057
Jan CorneliszUtrechtSoldaatWapen van HollantJanCornelisz1661-06-225Jan Van RiebeecqHe is to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelisz Mostaert, vrij borgerraedtStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1058
Marten ConinckHamborgh [Hamburg]SoldaatWapen van HollantMartenConinck1661-06-225Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jacob Cloeten, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1059
Jan Jacobsz FluijtjeHaerlemMatroosWapen van HollantJan JacobszFluijtje1661-06-225Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jacob Cloeten, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1060
Gerrit ArentszEnschedeBootsmancompagnies fortresseGerritArentsz1661-07-013Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jacob Van Rosendael, vrijborgerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1061
Claes EldertszMeldorpSoldaatcompagnies fortresseClaesEldertsz1661-07-205Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Leendert Cornelisz, vrije houtsagerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1062
Albert GilhuijsenBergersteervoort [Burgsteinfurt]BootsmanPrinces RoijaelAlbertGilhuijsen1661-09-233Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Herman ter Schelhoven van Westbeveren, vrij lantbouwerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1063
Cornelis FranszAmersfoortJong BootsmanDe ParlCornelisFransz1661-09-235Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Pieter Jongh van Statmoor and Willem Willemsz van Deventer, vrije lantbouwersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1064
Jan Dircqse van der Voor[Not Mentioned]AdelborstDe ParlJan Dircqsevan der Voor1661-09-235Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the Vreelants Geselschap, vrije lantbouwersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3996-1065
Thielman HendricxUijtrechtVrije LantbouwerNu 3 jaeren vrije bouknecht op des Commandeurs particuliere landerijenThielmanHendricx1661-12-1512Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.His contract with the Company had expired. Allowed to engage in agricultural and permitted commercial activities.3996-1066
Evert JanszTonningenBootsmanW[est] FrieslantEvertJansz1662-01-183Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Pieter Jongh van Stadtmoor en Willem Willemsz van Deventer, vrije lantbouwersStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5041095
Fredrick JanszAlckmaerHooploperWest VrieslantFredrickJansz1662-01-185Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Thielman Hendrickx van Utrecht, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5041096
Jan MatthijszGeertruijdenbergh [Geertruidenberg]JongenWest VrieslantJanMatthijsz1662-01-18 [derived]5Was never signedHe is to remain in the service of Jan Rijniersz, vrijborgerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5051097
Christiaen GerritszAmsterdamHooploperMalaccaChristiaenGerritsz1662-02-135Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Elbert Dircx Diemer, vrije cleermakerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5051098
Hendrick Jansz LaeMunsterlant[Not Mentioned]W[est] FrieslantHendrick JanszLae1662-01-183Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jan Pietersz van Caspel ter Mare, vrije lantbouwerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5061099
Cornelis DircxSandeBosschieterWest VrieslantCornelisDircx1662-01-183Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Cornelis Claesz van Utrecht, vrij lantbouwerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5061100
Andries RoeloffsHilversumBootsmanWest VrieslantAndriesRoeloffs1662-01-183Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jan Coenraet Visser, vrij lantbouwerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5071101
Paulus van Henckelhoven[Not Mentioned]BootsmanWest VrieslantPaulusvan Henckelhoven1662-01-185Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of the Harmens Geselschap, vrij lantbouwersStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5071102
Pieter van de Westhuijsen[Not Mentioned]SoldaatWest VrieslantPietervan de Westhuijsen1662-01-185Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Thielman Hindricx van Utrecht, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5081103
Laurens CorneliszGottenburghBootsmanWest VrieslantLaurensCornelisz1662-01-185Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Thielman Hindrickx van Utrecht, vrijborgerStill had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5081104
Hendrick Pietersz VosWeespBosschieterVeenenburghHendrick PieterszVos1662-04-263Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jacob Rosendael, vrij lantbouwerStill had 3 years remaining in service of the Company. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5091105
Jan ChristianszLaerwijck [Larvik, NOR]BosschieterVeenenburghJanChristiansz1662-04-26[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Christiaen Christiansz, vrij lantbouwerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5091106
Jan SamuelszOldenburgerlant[Not Mentioned]BunschootenJanSamuelsz1662-04-27[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Elbert Dirckx Diemer, vrij cleermackerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5101107
Gijsbert GijsbertszBaeckenesBosschieterDe CalffGijsbertGijsbertsz1662-04-27[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Steven Jansz van Wageningen, vrij lantbouwerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5101108
Hendrick SteenkeHattum In OldenburgherlantSoldaatRhijnlantHendrickSteenke1662-09-20[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jacob van Rosendael, vrij lantbouwerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5111110
Hendrick ClaeszUtrechtSoldaatRhijnlantHendrickClaesz1662-09-20[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelissen Mostert, vrije steen en tichel backerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5111111
Johannes VoortNeijsSoldaatRheijnlantJohannesVoort1662-09-20[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Jacob Cloeten, vrij lantbouwerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5121112
Jan CarelsenUtrechtJong Bootsmancompagnies fortresseJanCarelsen1662-09-20[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Hermen van Schelhoven, vrij lantbouwerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5121113
Jan SeverenszElserzeeBootsmancompagnies fortresseJanSeverensz1662-09-20[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Wouter Cornelisz Mostert, vrije steen en tichel backerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5131114
Jacob CorneliszDantziek [Danzig/Gdánsk]Bosschietercompagnies fortresseJacobCornelisz1662-10-09[not filled in]Jan Van RiebeeckHe is to remain in the service of Thielman Hindrickx, vrijborgerHis contract with the Company had not yet expired. Allowed to earn a living in the service of the free men (as he is not acquiring any land of his own).3997-5131115
Bartholomeus CarolusGentSoldaatOrangeBartholomeusCarolus1662-10-095Jan Van RiebeeckHis possesions would be mortgaged as security for his outstanding debts to the company.Still had 5 years remaining in service of the Company. He may earn his living as tailor and schoolmaster, as well as engaging all permitted commercial activities.3997-5141116


  • Nationaal Archief, Den Haag,Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), call number 1.04.02, inventory numbers 3991–3997
  • Theal, George McCall,History of South Africa Under the Administration of the Dutch East India Company, 1652 to 1795, 2nd revised English ed. (London: S. Sonnenschein & Co, 1897) pp. 52–64
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