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Vanrhynsdorp Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Van Rhynsdorp, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (69 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Vanrhynsdorp
18951COLEWilliam Henryage 39
18952MISSENTTabithadaughter of August, age 3
18953FORTUINDemasage 48
18954VEITSN.n.son of Jacob, age 0
18955FELANDERAugust Nicolaasson of August, age 1
18956MASSONMinaage unk
18957ADAMSN.n.son of Tryn, age 4
18958COETZEEGustoffson of Hendrik, age 5
18959TRYEL(?)Christianson of Henry, age 4 Months
189510ALEXANDERCatharineage 16
189511ALEXANDERCatharineage 16, (duplicate notificaion
189512LOVEJacobson of Lys Andro, age 1
189513BOOISIzaakson of Hans, age 1 Month
189514NIEUWOUDTAbrahamson of David, age 11 Months
189515LEDDASHendrikson of Tuin, age 6
189516KOETZEEAbram Jabobusson of J D, age 11
189517JOONTJESRachelage 50
189518DAMBURGIzakson of Mari, age 4 Months
189519SCHREUDERN.n.daughter of A N, age 0
189520FOONTJESWillemson of Hendrik, age 1
189521TIMMERMANJosefage 27
189522APRILOubiesson of Deelja, age 2 Months
189523CLOETEWillemson of Gert, age 1 Month
189524OUBIESHansson of Josef, age 1 Month
189525CLOETEJan age 94
189526CLOETEJan age 50
189527LANDSMANJohanna Elizabethdaughter of Joseph, age 1
189528DONJohannadaughter of Fredrik, age 3
189529MAARMANHansson of Grietje ALEXANDER, age 7
189530REINBACHAndries Damascasage 53
189531DE WAALFranscois Cornelisson of J H, age 19 Months
189532VAN WYKN.n.son of Margarite, age 1 Month
189533SMITElizabeth Christina Jacobadaughter of F J H, age 1
189534DIRKSannadaughter of Simon, age 15
189535CEDERASJaftason of Jan, age 0
189536VAN DYKGert Jacobusson of C J F , age 0
189537JAFTAJannetjedaughter of Fredrik, age 8 Months
189538MICHELJohannesage 60
189539MEIJacobson of Hermanus and Truitje, age 4 Months
189540ANDRIOJacobusage 80
189541SMITHN.n.son of G J , age 0
189542APRILAntje daughter of Antje, age 8 Months
189543VAN ZYLGideon Johannes Jacobusage 56
189544COURAGEJacobson of Jacob, age 9
189545SMITEvadaughter of Georg, age 6 Months
189546FRANKJohanna Elizabethdaughter of Maria Margaretha, age 8 Months
189547CLOETEHannahage unk
189548FRANSMANSara Mariaage 18
189549KIVIEDOPietson of Elsie, age unk
189550BLANKENBERGSaradaughter of Achilles, age 0
189552KOOPMANN.n.son of Anna, age 6 Months
189553CRUYWAGENSanna age 11
189554KOTZEJohanna Adriana Jacobadaughter of Johannes Andreas Jacobus, age 1
189555GOLIATHCupidoson of Christina, age 5 Months
189556BEUKESJannetje age 21
189557ROSSOUWDaniel Pieter Van Rhynson of Gideon, age 9 Months
189558HANNEKAMPDina Figelanddaughter of Aletta, age 15
189559BLOMBURGTrisja Geritsa(?)age 70
189560LOFKatrinadaughter of Katrina FLICK, age 6
189561JAFTASaradaughter of F, age 1 Month
189562THERONAbram Johannesage 17
189563D'OLIVIERAPieter Francois de Villiersage 31
189564BEUKES Carolina nee CAROLIS, age 25
189565NEROJacobusson of Jacoba BEZUIDENHOUT, age 3 Months
189566LA FLEURJohannesson of Zacheus, age 13
189567VAN NEUWHOLTZJohannes Petrusage 32
189568CAROLISCarolisage 55
189569NIEUWOUDTHester Maria Christina Elizabethage 15



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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Van Rhynsdorp; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8670