The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1869 1 January - June
Thursday, 7 January, 1869
In the insolvent estate of W.H. FUTCHER of Bloemfontein
The whole of the movable and immovable property in the above insolvent estate will be sold by public auction on Saturday, the 6th February next, comprising as follows:-
No.1 – That property well-known as “Futcher’s Hotel,” Situated in Bloemfontein, at the corner of Douglas and Gordon Street, being water-erf no.3 Douglas street, and No. 3 Gordon Street, having a frontage in Douglas Street of 79 feet and of 147 feet in Gordon Street. These premises are well known as being admirably adapted for te carrying on of a business of this sort. The hotel is surrounded by a large garden in choice condition, and has a great number of well- grown fruit trees, contains 2 dining rooms, kitchen, billiard room and 6 bed rooms, beside stabling for 5 horses, and sundry outbuildings.
No.2. Erf No.28, St Georges Street, with a commodious dwelling house, containing 5 rooms, with kitchen, stable, and other outbuilding, the whole including garden and yard, surrounded by a strong stone wall, having a frontage in St Georges Street of 95 feet, and 166 Green Street.
At the same time will be sold
The Hotel furniture, comprising billiard table, with lamps, &c. complete Bagatele table, &c., &c.
And the dwelling house furniture, consisting of round tables, sideboard, sofa, chairs, clocks, and a number of books, pictures and curiosities.
Also 19 Horses, 10 oxen, 2 carts with double harness &c., &c., &c.
The sale to commence at 12 o’clock precisely on the hotel premises.
By order of the trustees,
James B. BROWN,
G.C.A. Jonas,
Joint Trustees
GETROUWD te Winburg, door den Wel. Eerw, Heer P.A.C. van HEIJNINGEN: W.H. v. B. van ANDEL met J.A. MERTENS.
29sten December, 1868
DIED at Bloemfontein on 1st January 1869, John FYNES (better known as R. McMULLEN), a native of Drogheda, North of Ireland, aged 37 years.
Thursday, 14 January, 1869
In the estate of late Johannes Wilhelmus SWART
The undersigned, being duly authorized hereto, will sell by public auction on Tuesday , 26th day of January, 1869 on the farm Mosterdhoek, district Boshof:
1st The valuable and well known farm Mosterdhoek, No.174
Formerly known as Koedoesfontein, district Boshof, in extent about 3,50 Morgen situation on the road from Boshof to Jacobsdal, and about 3 hours from the former place. This farm is acknowledged to be one of the best for stock, and agriculture, being plentifully supplied with wood and dams.
On his is a large and comfortable dwelling house, comprising 5 commodious apartments, as also several serviceable outbuildings, amongst which a blacksmith’s shop and mill house; large kraals – everything in the best repair.
This farm is temptingly situated between mountains and hils; very fertile – so much so that for many years an orchard of 66 orange trees and 100 fruit trees have richly produced fruit; as also corn lands for 5 mulds, and dry lands for 5 additional mulds for grain.
2ndly - The half of the well-known farm Pandamsfontein, No.18, district Boshof, in extent about 1000 Morgen, bordering on first named farm – Mosterdhoek. This farm has been occupied for many years, and is known as one of the best stock farms, well supplied with wood and permanent water. On this farm is a very comfortable dwelling house, comprising 6 rooms – also three stone kraals.
3rdly The farm Tafelkop, No.654.
Formerly in the Bloemfontein now in the Boshof district, bordering the farm Koedoesdam or Mosterdhoek, in extent 2575 Morgen, plentifully supplied with wood and one dam. A very superior stock farm.
4thly – The farm Grootvlakte, No. 588, district Boshof, adjoining on a forenamed farm – Tafelkop, in extent 3110 Morgen, well supplied with wood, the nature of the ground will permit of fine dams being constructed – likewise a first rate stock farm
5thly – The farm Graspan, No. 552, situated Boshof district.- 3000 Morgen
6thly – The farm Kwaggafontein, No. 542, Boshof District – 3860 Morgen
7thly – The farm Boesmansput, No. 201, Boshof district – 3000 Morgen
8thly – The farm Nooitgedaght, No.16, Boshof District – 3000 Morgen
9thly – Water-erf No 103, with the building thereon, in the village of Boshof.
10thly – Water-erven, Nos. 145, 147, 149. These erven are the best in the village of Boshof, and are particularly favourable for gardening.
Movable Properties
1400 Well bred merino ewes, 405 African sheep and goat ewes, 645 Wethers and goats (kapaters), 180 Draught and slaughter oxen, 360 Breeding cattle, 13 Riding and draught horses, 15 Well bred mares, 1 Thorough bred jackass, 1 Mule, 1 Superior buckwagon, 1 (Karrewij) wagon, 1 New spring wagon, 1 Tent, 1 Second hand scotch cart, Ploughs, Rake with teeth, Blacksmiths shop, Yellow wood and deal beams, Yellow wood planks, Dam scrapers (sleepblokken), Guns, Furniture &c., &c., - everything requisite to a well conducted farming establishment
At the same time will be offered for sale, for account of those whom it concerns.
The farm Roseberry Plain an extent 2750 Morgen bounding the abovenamed farms Grootvlakte and Tafelkop, plentifully supplied with wood, and the ground convenient for constructing dams and adapted for any kind of stock.
1 New horse wagon, a number of thorough-bred Angora rams.
And what further may be offered for competition.
Terms very favourable
Refreshments will be provided
Geo ISRAEL, Auctioneer
Boshof, November 26th 1868
MARRIED at Tempe, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Jean Louis August ROCHER, of Potchefstroom, Transvaal Republic, to Margaret ALLISON, second daughter of Joseph ALLISON, of Tempe, Orange Free State – No Cards
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on Saturday the 9th of January, 1869, Reze RIJNHOUD, beloved wife of Mr. John POULTON, aged 52 years and 6 months, leaving a sorrowing husband and four children to mourn their loss. Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice
DIED at Winburg, on the 10th Instant, after a short illness, at the age of 7½ years, Sophia Jessie, beloved daughter of J.J. JOHNASON
Thursday, 21 January, 1869
DIED At Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 7th January, 1869, Alexander MOORE, Cabinet Maker, formerly of Cape Town, aged 36 years. Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
DIED on the 2nd inst., at Clarksbury, Transkeian Territory, Henry WEBSTER, 9th son of the late Thomas WEBSTER and brother to Commandant WEBSTER, of the Free State, to whom death was caused by the discharge of his gun, whilst drawing it from his wagon to clean.
Thursday, 28 January, 1869
In the insolvent estate of the late C.T. PAPENFUS
The undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, will sell by public auction, on Saturday, the 6th March next, at 8 o’clock, pm., in front of his office, Harrismith, the following valuable property, viz.,
1st Rensburgskop, No211, in the ward and district of Harrismith, on the main road from Natal to the Tatin Gold-fields, and about 9 miles from Harrismith. With the diggings going ahead, the town of Harrismith must increase rapidly; and it requires no prophet to foretell that in a very few years all landed property around that will have increased in value some hundreds per cent.
2nd Holfontein, No.536, ward of Wilge-River, district Harrismith, about 2000 morgen in extent, good for stock of all descriptions, also for agriculture, and with permanent water.
3rd. Eensgevonden, No 635, in the ward Wilge-river, district Harrismith, extent according to Land Commission report about 2000 morgen – a good sheep and cattle run.
4th. Two water erven, Nos. 202 and 203, in the town of Harrismith, the only dorp in the Free State that is capable and likely of becoming a large town, owing to the unlimited supply of good water, and its position on the nearest and best road to the port of Natal from the diggings, the Transvaal Republic, and the greater part of the Free State
The conditions will be made known on the day of sale
Robert MACFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 22 January, 1869
In the estate of the late Anna Maria du PREEZ born SMIT
The undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, will sell by public auction, on Wednesday, the 24th February next, on the farm Welverdiend, district Harrismith, the whole of the moveable and immoveable property in the above estate, comprising as follows:
The well-known farm, Welverdiend, No.435, district Harrismith, in extent about 3000 morgen. A substantial dwelling house and several good kraals, have been built on this farm and it is acknowledged to be one of the best for stock and agriculture
And the dwelling house furniture, consisting of the usual assortment required by an affluent farmer.
Also 30 Sheep and bucks, Cows, Calves, bull, Mares, Foals, Tent wagon, Plough, &c. &c., &c.
At the same time will be offered for sale, on account of whom it may concern, the valuable farm, Uitkyk, No. 437, district Harrismith, in extent about 3000 morgen, adjoins the above-named farm is abundantly supplied with water, and offers a rare chance for one wishing to combine stock farming with agriculture.
Conditions exceedingly liberal
Robert MACFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 21 January, 1869
Thursday, 4 February, 1869
The undersigned, duly qualified by the executrix testamentary in the estate of the late James GRIFFITH, will sell publicly to the highest bidder, on the 4th March next, on the farm Valschfontein, district Fauresmith, the following livestock and furniture
Merino Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Ox Wagon with gear complete, Cart and pair of harness, House hold furniture, etc.
Refreshments will be provided
S.F.G. RORICH, Auctioneer.
Fauresmith, 16th January, 1869
It has pleased the Almighty God to take to Him, by lightning, on the evening of the 1st inst., my dearly beloved husband, Dr. William MAWBY, born in London, England, aged 45 years, 11 months, and 28 days, leaving me with six children to mourn over this hard and sad stroke. I take this opportunity of thanking the friends and inhabitants of this place for the kind assistance they rendered to me in this sorrowful and grievous event.
His deeply grieved widow,
Elizabeth LEPPAN
2nd February, 1869
A CRIMINAL WARRANT has been issued for the apprehension of Horatio GIBBON, an Englishman, on a charge of theft at Fauresmith; likewise of Jan Hendrik HABIG, a Hollander, charged on the oath of J.F. Janse van RENSBURG, with assault. HABIG was formerly of Sleutelspoort, district Fauresmith.
By John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony
About forty-five years ago I set out on a journey from Cradock, as there was no business to be done after Nachtmaal. I shaped my course along the Brak-river, up to the New Hantam, my intention being merely to visit Mrs. M.’s relations, and my friends; but somehow or other I was induced to proceed further. At this period the Saltpan Flats were overrun with all kinds of game; so there was an abundance of sport. After visiting my friends I continued my journey towards the Orange River, by Koolskop, where the father of the late lamented Commandant KOLBE conducted a Bushmen mission school, and which is now Colesberg. From there I crossed the Orange River, which was almost dry – the water being in pools only here and there. I then trekked on to Philippolis, where old Dam KOK [i.e. Adam KOK] was in command of the Bastards or Griquas. The town was rather irregularly laid out. It possessed a place of worship, and a few mud-walled houses; and the water-course was carried out to irrigate a few erven or plots of ground. Dam KOK received me very kindly when he heard that Mrs. M. was the granddaughter of his late master, whom he described as a good old baas. On this news being disseminated numbers of the Bastards, who were acquainted with the old baas, flocked round the wagons; the first and foremost of course being the SCHALKWIJKs, the PIENAARs, the VAN WIJKs, Willem NULES and others who had emigrated from the Compassberg and the Roggeveld. I did some business with them in the cattle line, and left one Tintjey VAN WIJK to see to my interests until I returned. The Boers in the New Hantam were very much dissatisfied with the Government for locating the Bastards in a country that they claimed a right to by purchase, as they considered, they having subscribed and collected a large lot of cattle and sheep, and purchased the land from the Bushmen, who were in a starving state at the time. It was reported that the Bastards killed the Bushmen and took their cattle. Be that as it may, the Bushmen certainly disappeared, and very few of them were thereafter to be seen. Captain STOCKENSTROM, Landdrost of Graaff-Reinet, had located the Bastards there by direction of the Government. This I believe to have been the first grievance of which the Boers had to complain. They maintained that a great injustice had been done them, and I heard many of them grumble incessantly in the course of my travels amongst them. It was futile attempting to persuade them that the Government did all for the best, or with the best intentions. I moved on to the Koranna country, having hired one VAN WIJK as my guide, and passed a good many small and poor kraals; consequently I did very little trading until I came to KRUGER’s Kraal, where I gleaned the information that in the course of a month or so the hunters would return, and thus I should then have a chance of doing something worth my while. I procured a boy from KRUGER to be my guide to the Hart-river. On the way I called at every kraal to pick up anything that might suit my purpose (ostrich feathers at this period could be obtained for 9d per lb, and ivory for 1s 6d), until I crossed the Vaal and reached the Hart-river, where I was informed one morning that MOSELEKATZE had sent out a commando to follow up the Korannas, who had stolen a herd of cattle from his people. Upon hearing this I thought it was time for me to return; so I made all haste back, recrossing the Vaal, and keeping as direct a line as I could to the Modder-river, where we were obliged to span out, as it was too dark to find a place to cross. We outspanned close to a ‘kopje’ that abuts on the river, where there are some thorn trees. While the tent was being pitched, and other preparations were going on, Mrs. M. told me that she smelt fire. This put me on the alert, as I knew that there were no kraals in the neighbourhood; so I wended my way a short distance up the side of the ridge, when I heard an unmusical noise, not that of rejoicing or dancing. Thereupon I went back to the wagons, and the first thing I did was to capsize the pot over the fire, and blow out the candle in the tent. I then warned Mrs. M. not to be alarmed and told her that I would go and see what was the matter. So I took my gun and proceeded to the top of the ridge. As I approached the summit the confusion became more confounded. At last I planted my feet on the top of the ridge, and concealed myself, so as to see what was going on without being detected. It was very dark, and I could only perceive a long line of natives proceeding in the direction that I had come that day. It was MOSELEKATZE’s commando returning. They had followed and overtaken a tribe of MOSHESH’s people who were on their way to join their chief in Basutoland. It appeared that KARAPAN and WITVOET, two Koranna captains, had gone a-hunting, an[d] thinking to make their trip a paying one, capture a large herd of cattle. [There is a fold in the page obscuring one or two of the letters in each line] On their road back they fell in with the poor Basutos, and left such cattle with them as they deemed proper, in order to deceive them, and the commando which they (KARAPAN and WITVOET) expected: so these fell a p[re]y to the savage foe, and some ten or twelve hundred human beings were butchered. I was afterwards told that the scene of the massacre was most horrible to witness. Several who made their esc[ape] found their way to some farmers, who went the next day and took such of the children as still lived, also reims, and everything that was of any value to them. Next morning I crossed the Modder-river and proceeded to the Riet-river, but before I had proceeded far I received a message from KAR[AP]AN and WITVOET to visit their kraal, as they wished to handel (trade). When I arrived at their headquarters I perceived that something was wrong, most of the huts were levelled with the groun[d] and neither of the great chiefs was to be found. The only living things I observed about the [p]lace were a few fat cattle. I thereupon became u[n]easy, as the spot whereon I was outspanned was not a good defensible position. Accordingly [I] made up my mind to skedaddle, and went down to the river to hurry the boy with the oxen, in order to inspan. To tell the truth I became very suspicious of my friends KARAPAN and WITVOET, and believed the fat cattle were intended as a decoy t[o] my destruction. Immediately thereafter I heard a rustling noise in the reeds. Quick as thought I cocked my gun, and brought it to my shoulder, [thinking] there might be a lion in ambush. I soon discovered, however, that it was KRUGER, the Koranna captain, on whom I had called on my way to the river. It was KRUGER’s brother who was my guide, and I cannot say much in his praise, for he was a worthless, deceitful fellow: KRUGER h[ear]d me, and informed me that KARAPAN and WITVOET had laid a plot to decoy me away, and then la[n]d upon my wagons, and seize the ammunition and guns. KRUGER insisted that I must instantly depart and assured me that he would keep my false friends back. KRUGER stated that he had a right to some of the cattle which KARAPAN and WITVOET had captured, inasmuch as MOSELEKATZE would blame all the Korannas (he among the rest); and that he would be in as much danger as if he had really lifted the[m himself]. KRUGER pointed to an opening between two mountains as the course I was to take, and directed his brother to lead us through the river. When I had crossed the stream, however, I mistrusted KRUGER, and kept to the left, far from the kloof through which I was to have passed before emerging upon the open plain. I travelled all night, and next morning heard the report of guns. It was very fortunate for me that I smelt a rat as it afterwards appeared that KRUGER had sent a number of Korannas to waylay me, and rob me of what I had. When I was clear of the kraal I made every preparation to defend myself, and had all the guns brought to my wagon. I loaded new [thread] and primed all the firelocks, and gave directions to the boys to come to me in the event of their hearing or seeing anything which alarmed them. When I arrived at Philippolis Tintjey VAN WIJT [sic] had decamped with my cattle, twenty-five in number, under the pretence of looking for grass for them. Many years afterwards Barend BERENS, of Philippolis, told me all about the plans that had been laid for me. One of the children who survived the massacre on the Modder-river was my neighbour on the Caledon. He and his mother were saved, she having hidden herself in the reeds by the river. She was still alive when I left Tienfontein. The boy’s name in Sesuto was K[….]see, but we called him Paul, after the Acting Field-cornet to MOSHESH. On the day I was about leaving and after I had packed up, a Bastard came from one of the chiefs to advise me not to go; but Paul recommended me not to listen to him. Tintjey VAN WIJK never returned my cattle. He was drowned in the Orange River, not far from where NORVAL’s pont is now.
[Author’s name is not legible but could be John MONTGOMERY – the style is similar, and he mentions Brandfort, which is where he died. The first six lines of the text, at the foot of one column, are barely legible]
Last year in November I had a quantity of goods on hand, which I offered [for sale to] my friends in town for £75, as I wished to settle some small accounts [……………….] purchase them. My oxen were in such poor condition that I could not venture to [go to] the Transvaal with them; they were so weak that when they fell into the Rhenosterspruit they could not extricate themselves, but had to be pulled out half dead. However, I sent for them, packed up my merchandize, and sought my fortune. I remarked to some of my friends that I never started on a journey with such miserable cattle, or with such a wretched stock. My first day’s trek was right over BOUWER’s farm; the next, to Modder-river, where I obtained assistance to cross; and then stayed a day to rest my impoverished oxen. I was five days in reaching Brandfort, at which village I obtained an erf in barter, for £32. This I deemed a pretty good commencement. I proceeded from thence, by short journeys, to the Rhenoster-river, and was occasionally obliged on the road to lift up my oxen, as when they lay down they were incapable of getting up again. The pasturage was excellent at Rhenoster-river, and therefore I staid there a few days. The river had come down, and was still rising very fast, when two farmers reached its banks, with their wagons, laden with meal and tobacco. I ran to the drift to advise the owners of the wagons not to attempt to cross the stream. They would not listen to me, however, and the consequence was that the oxen belonging to one of the vehicles were washed down the river by the strength of the water, the disselboom was snapped asunder, and the wagon had to remain for the night in the middle of the stream. I, with all my people, did all in our power to save the bedclothes and wagon-chest, and tied the wagon as well as we could to a tree. Fortunately the river did not rise much higher that night, and the next morning we recued the wagon from its perilous predicament. The meal was but very little injured by the water, but the tobacco was very much damaged. I gave the Boers such shelter as I could for the night, and they started anew the following morning after making such repairs as they could to the wagon that had come to grief. I was then left all alone, and had no one to speak to but my Kafirs, so I set to and composed some stanzas on my late wife, which shall see the light after my friend, the “Smithfield poet”, has brushed them up a little.
My returns for my £75 worth of merchandize were as follows: 1 erf in Brandfort, £32; 1 ditto in Potchefstroom, £40; a farm on Vaal-river, £75; produce £250. Total, £397. So I have every reason to return thanks to my friends in Bloemfontein for not purchasing my goods. I saved all my oxen, and came back to this city in eight days from Potchefstroom.
Thursday, 11 February, 1869
DIED at Boshof, O.F.S., on Monday, the 25th January, 1869, at the residence of the Rev. H.W. BRANDT, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church of that place, Edouard van OLDEN, Esq., Landdrost of Boshof, in the 60th year of his age, deeply regretted.
The widow and relatives of the deceased beg to return their sincere thanks to the Rev. and Mrs. BRANDT, and also to the other friends, for their great kindness during his illness.
Having been informed on reliable authority, that Mr. John CAWOOD, of Cradock, lately trading in the Free State, and in whose employ I have been for a considerable length of time, has taken it upon himself to spread reports in the Free State injurious to my character, inasmuch that he insinuated that I, when dealing for him, should have acted dishonestly, and had appropriated to my own use property belonging to him; and as I am quite conscious that on no occasion I defrauded Mr. CAWOOD, I hereby challenge him to give me proof of these serious assertions, or publicly withdraw them through the medium of this paper.
Should such not take place, I shall find myself compelled, not only in justice to myself, but also for the satisfaction of my friends, to take measure in the matter
Vet-river, Orange Free State,
5th February, 1869
Cornelis van Dyk van SOELEN, virtually late Chief Justice of this state, Landdrost of the capital, Orphan Master, Official Member of the Executive Council, President of all Land Commissions in this district, &c., &c., is now, in his old age, and in his absence, publicly charged with [Landsdieferij], which being translated into vulgar tongue is tantamount to “robbing the public chest,” “defrauding the Government.” Or “public embezzlement;” and a warrant has been issued in the Government Gazette for his apprehension on the above grave charge. The charge is made on the oath of the present Orphan Master, and the special act referred to dates back as far as the 5th July, 1864. So the poor old gentleman, who has sat in judgment upon so many others, is at length to be judged himself. Whether Mr. van SOELEN be innocent or guilty it is not for us to say, but one thing we remember, that when the Raad was sitting the other day it seemed almost dangerous for any independent member even to hint that anything was wrong, for Mr. BRAND rose at once, and repeatedly, to show that there was actually a balance in the Bank to the credit of several of the different departments of his government accounts. We do not rejoice at Mr. van SOELEN’s downfall. Far from it; but we think it our duty, thus publicly, to allude to the matter, because when the Anti-Blueback Association respectfully suggested to Mr. BRAND that the government should appoint two auditors from the public, wholly unconnected with the paid officials, to look into the public accounts, he (Mr. BRAND) ridiculed the idea, saying that no honourable man would submit to such treatment: It struck us, at the time, as passing strange, that honourable men should object to a strict investigation of their administration of public moneys. Mr van SOELEN is not the first by several against whom similar charges have been made; neither will he be the last. Deferments are publicly spoken of in the accounts of a landdrost quite recently deceased; but the moment has, not as yet been officially stated. Mr. van SOELEN’s defalcations already discovered in The Orphan Chamber department are alleged to be extensive.
Thursday, 18 February, 1869
In den boedel van wylen Jacoba Petronella LAURENS, en nageblevene echtgenoot Joachin Jacobus TALJAARD, van Grootdam, district Calendonrivier.
Hiermede, worden debiteuren opgeroepen hunne schulden te betalen, en crediteuren hunne vorderingen in te leveren voor den 8sten April, 1869, ten kantore van den heer C.S. ORPEN, te Smithfield.
Joachim J. TALJAARD, Voor zichzelf en als executeur Testamentair.
Smithfield, 15 February, 1869
De ondergeteekende, gelas door de executeuren in den boedel van wylen Janetta H.M du PLESSIS, geboren OLIVIER, en den heer Joseph A. du PLESSIS, zullen verkoopen per publiek vendutie, op Donderdag, 1 April, 1869 te 9 ure voormiddag, op die plaats Rietfontein, aan Vetrivier, naby het dorp Winburg, omtrent
200 Aanteel Beesten, extra geode melk koeijen, 20 Trek en slagossen, 1200 Merino Schapen, een aantal bokken, 6 Ry-en trekpaarden, 5 opregte ezels, 1 Bokwagen met ten, nieuw en kompleet. Ook meubelen en huisraad van alle soorten, bestaande uit: 2 kleerkasten, 3 bedden, 1 huisklok, 2 zakhorologies, geweer en pistol, en een weinig andere goederen.
Adler & Co, Afslagers.
Winburg, 15 February, 1869
Thomas THOMSON, Transport Rider, about 30 years of age, height about 5ft 3in., thin sandy beard, dark brown hair, left his wagon near Rouxville about the 10th November last, and has not since been heard of. No reason can be given for his leaving or absence.
The above reward will be paid to any person giving information that will lead to his discovery, to Mr. Robert TAIT, near King William’s Town; or to Mr. Thomas DEEN, Rouxville
DIED at Winberg, O.F. State, on 1st February, 1869, James Cromwell Wills, son of Henry James and Elizabeth ORCHARD, aged 13 months, less 2 days
BIRTH at Abrikooskop, on the 9th February, 1869, Mrs. J. REIJNEKE, of a daughter
Thursday, 25 February, 1869
My First Trading Trip in the Colony
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
Is by deezen aan John MONTGOMERY gepermiteerd, om met Negotie Goederen door dit District ter verkoop te rysen [i.e. reisen], mits hoegenaamd geene sterke Dranken verhandelende, nog het geringste aan eenig Hottentot of slaaf vernegotieerende zonder voorkennis van hunne Huur of Lyf-Heeren of Vrouwen; nogte aan eenig Hottentot in de gepermiteerde Kraalen losleggende, zonder voorkennis van den Veldcornet van ’t smaldeel, die gehouden zal zyn te zorgen dat van de onkunde van die schepsels geen misbruik worde gemaakt: zullende hy mede niet vermogen, eenig gedeelte zyner waaren te verhandelen aan eenig perzoon buiten de Grenzen in ’t land residerende, nog onder eenig voorwendzel hoegenaamd de Grenzen te passeeren; zynde de Veldcornets gehouden, by overtreding van deze restrictien, de Wagen of Wagens van zoodanige overtreder, met alle verdere by zig hebbende Eigendommen te arresteeren, en naar herwaards optezenden. Zullende deeze mede aan ieder Veldcornet op deszelfs requisitie moeten worden vertoond.
Cradock, den 12 Juny, 1824.
Namens den Ag. Landd[ros]t,
A. PRETORIUS, Veldcornet.
Provided with the above license I set out on my first trading trip with a first-rate Cape-made wagon, which I purchased from Mr. A. MARTIN under the following conditions: At that time one or two of the Cape butchers were reported to be insolvent, and numbers of farmers in the neighbourhood came to me with their slagters brieven, which I accepted, promising faithfully to account for everything that I received. As Mr. MARTIN had transactions at the Cape, and was going down to make fresh purchases, I went to him with a considerable amount of bills. These bills (slagters brieven) and the Cape rixdollar were the only circulating medium in the country – like the bluebacks are nowadays in the Free State. Mr. M. agreed to take these bills in part payment of the wagon (£75) and I was to arrange for the balance on his return – paying him there and then half of what was due to him. Those slagter bills were printed on a half sheet of foolscap, and had a neat border round them – the slagter binding all his moveable and immoveable property, and his wife and children, to fulfil the payment. An open space was left for his agent to fill in the number of sheep or cattle and the amount purchased, together with day, date, place, and the farmer’s name; then, lastly, it was signed by the agent, who kept a copy. I said I started with a first-rate wagon. In those days it was a novel[t]y to see one. The old fashioned wagon was about [2½] feet broad, and from 15 to 18 feet long. The sides were lined with Spanish reeds instead of plank; the wheels were very low, and made upon the cannon-carriage principle – the tier cut into five pieces, put on to overlap each other at the ends, and fastened with broad flat nuts. Tents (as many of the present day are) were made with laths. I was very proud of the capital turn out I had to begin the world with, and my father-in-law sent me a span of oxen. So off I set on my first day’s journey, and with the assistance of a boy furnished by my father-in-law, came to a farmer’s homestead. After this I was to get on the best way I could; so I spanned out, and exhibited some of my goods. By the bye, I must state how I obtained my merchandize. When in Cradock I met a Mr. D. MACDONALD at a friend’s house, offering his goods for sale; and as he did not succeed in disposing of the whole of them, he told me I could take the remaining stock for cattle. I told him I had no cattle to give. “Never mind,” said he, “you can have the goods, and when you obtain the cattle you can write to me, and I will either come or send for them.” (Here I must remark that we were both perfect strangers to each other.) “I will take the goods on your terms, Mr. MACDONALD,” I responded, “if you will bring them up to my father-in-law’s.” He did so; and the bargain was struck. I then fell in with a Mr. Cornelis OLIVIER, from Graaff-Reinet, who had been trading, and wished to get rid of the remnant of his stock. He said he had heard of me, and was in hopes that I would buy all his odds and ends. I considered over the matter, and finally agreed to purchase the goods, and pay for them in sheep. Thereupon commenced my troubles. I must here narrate something that came to my notice at my first outspanning as a trader. The farmer had been to a sale and purchased a slave girl and her child; her man was sold to another baas, and so they were separated. The girl’s master had a big Malabar slave, so he thought he would buy a wife for him; but the girl refused to take the Malabar, and thus obtained the ill-will of her master and mistress. It did not require much provocation to find a cause for thrashing her; so she was tied up for ongehoorzaamheid (disobedience), and received a severe flogging with a flattened riem. The Malabar had the satisfaction of beating her, although he could not obtain her as his wife. She persisted in not accepting any other husband, but preferred undergoing any amount of punishment. At length she was set free and joined her own man at Kat River. The next day the Malabar helped me to inspan, and in I got to drive for the first time in my life. I took the whip; the oxen were good and tame, but I knew as much about them as they did about me. I could not handle the long whip at all; if I tried to make it crack forward, it cracked behind; then it became immoveably fixed on some portion of the wagon, then on an ox’s horn or yoke, or round my own neck. This was no small amusement for Mrs. M., who ever and anon called me a domme Engelschman. However, I got to the next farmer’s, where I was allowed to outspan; but I found the oxen’s horns to be too long, and they blew their noses at me in derision; so I could not release them from their yokes. Thereupon the farmer laughed heartily, and helped me. After selling some merchandize on this farm, I left some sheep behind, and continued my route along Vlakpoort up to the entrance of Doornhoek to the last place within the boundary. The country thereabouts was principally inhabited by bands of roving Bushmen, and it was not safe to travel in those parts. I soon became used to the oxen, and I made them begin to know me. I made a short whip that I could manage; and then I began to be master. I then shaped my course under the mountain to Strypoort, where the Boers had to battle for their sheep and oxen with the Bushmen, before they could live there comfortably. I passed a great many farms, and at last reached old Mr. PRETORIUS’s, who was afterwards Commandant. He signed my license; and I then obtained permission to cross over Kniehalter’s Nek to hunt, under a promise that I would respect the Bushmen. I promised to do so as long as they respected me. However I had no trouble with them. The springbucks were almost as numerous as flocks of sheep; they could not give way for each other. I had a very pleasant time hunting. But there has been so much written about the chase that I will forbear stating at any great length my adventures as a Nimrod. I shot bucks at 20, 30, and seldom more than 100 yards from the wagon. Ultimately I began to think of turning the hind-quarters to some account. The Bushmen came to my wagon, and as the little boy I had with me could speak the Bushman language, I got on very well with those untutored savages. I gave them plenty of meat, which they dried. I had the hind-quarters sprinkled with salt, pressed flat, and hung up to dry. In this way I employed myself until I reached the Orange River, where I and Mrs. M. amused ourselves by picking up stones in the bed of the stream. Growing tired of shooting large game I turned to and shot birds for the pot, and some we stuffed to bring back with us to show our friends. When I had a good load, it entered my head that it would not be amiss to take the wagon to Algoa Bay, in order that Mrs. M. might see where I landed, and the sea water. She was willing to enter into any wild scheme; so I returned, and after collecting my live-stock, wrote to MACDONALD to come or send for his cattle. I also dropped a line to Mr. OLIVIER, telling him to send for his sheep. Both these gentlemen came, were paid off in full, and were well satisfied. I made a prosperous trip, and bought an erf from Mr. ZIERVOGEL (now of Graaff-Reinet) out of the proceeds. After settling everything I had still a span of oxen over. I then proceeded direct to the Bay with beast biltong, springbuck legs, knapsacks, sheepskins, bags of fat, a little soap, and a few ostrich feathers, which at this period were in requisition only as dusters. I by good fortune obtained a boy and girl by giving 60 Rds. to release them from their master, who would not, without much coaxing, let them go. The law was so strict that no Hottentot was permitted to be more than two hours without a master, and the Hottentot was compelled to enter into service whether he liked or disliked it. This boy did not wish to stay longer with his old baas, so the latter agreed to part with him for a consideration. I was too glad to tender the money, and give over the flogging of the oxen to the Hottentot, who was an old Cape Town man, and knew the way to the Bay. Off we went, down along the Great Fish River, through the Little Fish River, over the Zuurberg, and thence to Quaggavlakte and the Sunday’s River. After passing through this stream, and as I was walking alongside the wagon, three or four old Irish women came running up to me shouting:- “And sure is it yourself Johnny?” It would puzzle me to repeat a tithe of the comical expressions they made use of. They pounded me as if they were all mad. The truth was that they came out in the same vessel with me; and not having seen me for a long while they imagined that I had fallen a prey to the wild beasts. Mrs. M. could not comprehend their outburst of joy until I explained it to her as well as I could – for I spoke but very little Dutch, and that so broken as scarcely to be understood. I was delayed the remainder of the day by my good-natured countrywomen, who tried to outdo each other in making presents to my Dutch wife. They put a great many questions to me, such as “What will your mother say when she hears that you, a mere boy, have married and got a fine babe?” The poor little thing was hauled about in a most unmerciful manner, and we were glad to get away the next morning from our Irish well-wishers. I arrived in Algoa Bay in due course. Captain EVERETT was still there; and John Owen SMITH had a very small store supplied with a scanty stock of merchandize. I think I could have carried the pots, kettles, tin buckets, and all the stock-in-trade that I could see on my back. John Owen SMITH was very kind to me, and although our dealings with each other were small, they were extremely satisfactory. His uncle from the Cape anchored in the Bay in a small trading vessel, and soon came ashore. He bought all my biltong, and everything else I had to dispose of. Mrs. M. and myself spent two days in the Bay, rambling along the beach, picking up shells and gathering seaweed. We would have stayed longer, but my boy warned me that by delaying our departure I ran the risk of losing some of my oxen; so we parted with Mr. J.O. SMITH, and proceeded to a mission station, where we were kindly received by the Missionaries. From thence we travelled to Uitenhage, and went to the store of Messrs. HEUGH and FLEMING, where we purchased some trifles – amongst the rest a Church of England prayer-book. This was the first English book that I became possessed of in South Africa. Messrs. HEUGH and FLEMING were surprised that I should buy such a book, inasmuch as they believed all Irishmen to be Roman Catholics. I told Mr. H. that in Ireland it was that the real, true Protestants were to be found. Thus commenced my friendship with Messrs. P. HEUGH and FLEMING. To their memory be it said that I never had to do with kinder or more upright dealing men in the country. My whole stock of merchandize, on this my first trading excursion, amounted to Rds. 2,000.
About 40 years ago I had considerable dealings with Messrs. P. HEUGH & Co., of Uitenhage. Upon one occasion I left Uitenhage on a stormy afternoon, much against the will of my friends, but I had no time to spare as I wanted to be home before Nachtmaal. In Cradock thunderstorms and heavy rains had rendered the roads almost impassable, and these, together with the swollen rivers, made it very difficult to get on. However, I proceeded to Grasrug and spanned out. Hardly had I lit a fire when a lion gave me notice that he was not far off; so I thought it best to tie up my tired oxen, and make large fires on each side of the wagon – my boy and myself keeping watch with our guns, prepared to give the king of the forest a warm reception, in the event of his daring to feast on any of my oxen; but the moon beamed from under the clouds, and Mr. Leo did not molest us. I spanned in and proceeded to Sunday’s River, where I stuck fast, the oxen not being able to pull the wagon out. I had to unload, and carry the principal part of the freight out of the drift; and, meanwhile, the oxen had a good feed. When clear of the river I trekked on as fast as I could, sticking fast here and there; but on I went until I turned out of the highway to cross the Zuurberg. This was a heavy pull, as the roads were not much travelled. On I went over Zuurberg, through Camdebo, and thence to Little Fish River. I noticed that the clouds were very lowering in the direction of Zwagershoek. This made me fear that the river would be full. When I reached the drift the sun had already set. I sent my boy to see if the stream was passable; he returned in great glee, saying – “The river is almost dry.” Thereupon I attempted to cross; but to my great consternation the leader cried out – “I can’t get out!” I instantly went to see what hindered him, when I found that the recent floods had formed two streams, the one on the opposite side having cut the drift away, and created a perpendicular wall 7 or 8 feet high. Consequently I was obliged to pack off on the island, which the two streams had formed, loosen the oxen from the disselboom, take the riemchain and fasten it to the after axle, hook the trektouw to the oxen, and pull the wagon back, so as to bring the disselboom to face the drift by which I entered. That done the oxen were replaced in the disselboom, and I then loaded up with as much haste as possible, trekking out the way I came in. The boy took the the [sic] touw, and I commenced to drive, when he cried out, “Drive up; the water rises!” “No, nonsense,” said I, “it is the wind.” “No, baas, it is the water,” reiterated the leader. I looked back, and saw that the island was submerged, and that the oxen could but slowly get on, the drift being muddy and slippery from the former floods. “Drive up! drive up, baas,” shouted my boy. I did all I could. I holloaed to the oxen and smacked the whip lash as hard as I could. The poor beasts hurried on as if they knew the danger we were in. Looking behind I perceived that the water had reached the hind wheels, and I made all the noise I could to urge the oxen on. The water rose to the front wheels, but the oxen had luckily gained dry ground. The boy immediately threw up the touw, and asked me to give him the whip. I complied with his request, and he drove on. At last we were out of danger, and spanned out for the night. Though tired and fatigued we were thankful for our narrow escape. The next morning we rode on to Mr. VAN DER MERWE’s, as I knew from some of my former trips that at his place there was a broad drift with a stoney bottom; and that if he would allow me to cross at his place, I could get on much quicker than by waiting to do so at the drift where I had so nearly met with my end. I arrived at VAN DER MERWE’s farm; the old people were glad to see me, and received me with the greatest kindness; but they were in great grief. It appeared that the herd (a girl) had not returned the evening before with the sheep at the usual time, so they became uneasy, and sent to see where she was, when she was found most cruelly murdered. The herd was a slave girl, and her owner either valued her at 2,000 Rds., or gave that sum for her. It appeared that some tame Bushmen had run away from their master and came upon the poor girl and murdered her, either for some spite which they bore her master, or because she would not give her master’s sheep to them. All the hands VAN DER MERWE could muster were out searching for the murderers. I crossed the river safely in the afternoon, but did not hear if the Bushmen were caught. I continued my journey to Roodewal; the military barracks and officers’ quarters were as if they had just been deserted, and the garden, with a prickly hedge encircling it, was in good order. From thence I proceeded to Slagtersnek, the spot celebrated in history as being the place where the rebellious Boers made their stand. Piet ERASMUS (or Piet UIJS) told me of their folly; all he regretted was, that the ringleader got clear off. He laughed heartily at his name while a prisoner; it was No. 17. I pushed on notwithstanding many drawbacks; and once or twice a day I was compelled to off load, and carry my coffee, sugar, rice, &c., out of the gullies or short drifts, until I came to Blaauwkranzdrift. There I found the water too deep to venture through; so I spanned out and stripped, in order to wade through the stream. It was impassable for vehicles, but the water was fast sinking. At length I endeavoured to cross, when my wagon came to a dead standstill in the middle of the stream. I jumped off instanter, and found that the wheel had run against a big stone. The water was too deep to allow me to raise the stone with my head above the surface; so I had to duck under and hold my breath in order to remove the obstacle. This feat I accomplished, for be it known, that an object which is too heavy to be lifted on dry land, is comparatively light in the water, according to the depth to which it is submerged. The stone removed, I crossed through all safe after some trouble, and proceeded to Vanheerdensdrift. There I found the water too strong to permit the passage of a vehicle, so I outspanned, and as the stream was sinking rapidly, I had not to wait long until the bekerklip (a safety beacon) appeared above the water. Then I inspanned, and rode through just in the nick of time. I reached Cradock on Saturday, instead of Thursday, as I had intended. An old friend (S.D.B.) asked me whether the Angel Gabriel piloted me through the Brak River. “Yes,” I answered, “but St. Patrick was my leader.” That river had just come down and overflowed its banks. Though late I lost no time in unpacking my merchandize, and did a good business on Saturday and Monday. The Nachtmaal over I prepared for another trip up country.
Thursday, 4 March, 1869
We regret to announce the decease of Mr. Albert Brookebank ROBERTS, late Attorney-General of this State, which sad event occurred on Friday night last, 26th inst. Mr. ROBERTS had visibly been ailing for some time past, but his end was very sudden, he having been discovered by his wife lying dead and cold on the bed at about 3 o’clock in the morning of 27th. A fit of apoplexy is said to have been the proximate cause of death. Deceased had completed his 47th year in November last. Mr. ROBERTS came to this State from Natal about the end of 1855 and, we believe, accepted office under the Government in the February season of the Rand 1856; consequently he had served the State for 13 years. Deceased served his time in the office of the late Mr. MERRRINGTON, of Cape Town, and afterwards resided in Graham’s Town, Cradock, and later in Natal. Mr. ROBERTS has left a widow (his third wife) and three children, the youngest being a grandson of Mr. J.N. BOSHOF, late President of this State. One by one the original officials who helped to form the Free State Government, such as it is, are dropping off. We shall shortly have entirely new men.
“Enter the house of mourning, view the silent corpse, Comment then upon the sudden death.” – Died, at Bloemfontein, on the night of Friday last, Alfred Brooksbank ROBERTS, Esquire, aged 46 years. Deceased was the son of Dr. ROBERTS, who was well known in Cape Town between 35 and 40 years ago. He was also a blood relative of the celebrated Bishop BURNET, of the days of the Revolution in England, and was connected also with Mr. Thomas Jervis BIDDULPH, once a magistrate of Winburg. Mr. ROBERTS settled at Natal in [18--] as an attorney, and on the establishment there of a Recorder’s Court, was admitted to the Bar as an advocate and attorney, and was several times, during his practice there, complimented by Judge CLOETE for his assistances in Roman Dutch law, and thorough knowledge of the Rules of Court. In the year 1858 the deceased was appointed in this country as State Attorney, but his star was not in the ascendant here, and the Fates were against him; hence, instead of realizing a large fortune, for which his position afforded facility – he being allowed private practice –he died in comparative poverty, leaving a family, who will no doubt meet with the sympathy due to the widow and orphan.
Shortly after the Hottentots were emancipated, the Government thought to do something for those poor oppressed people, and Mr. James O’REILLY, J.P. of Cradock, was directed by the authorities to locate a number of them in a most injudicious place – Kraamberg. Their headman, I believe, was Knecht WINDVOGEL, who was nothing more or less than a semi-civilized Bushman. All the so-called Hottentots, so soon as their time with their masters had expired, joined this gang. The Boers were very much annoyed at Government setting these vagabonds free, without any restraint whatever. The schepselen [i.e. creatures] whom the Boers at the risk of their lives had ventured to capture among the rugged rocks and civilize, now that they were of some use, were to be set at large to become a greater enemy than ever. This was unendurable. The Hottentots directly they were strong enough to make a haul of cattle from MOSHESH, did so. Speedily they supplied themselves with guns and ammunition, and kicked up a pretty hullabaloo for a time, but eventually they removed to this side of the Orange River. At that period a [kafir] named DANSTER had fled with a few followers from the Lower country, and settled beyond the Orange River. This man I met frequently in the course of my travels. He became suspicious of his Hottentot neighbours, but still kept on friendly terms with them. One day he invited the Hottentots to a great beer-drinking bout, whereupon some of them became very uneasy, and called their wise men together to prophesy whether it would be safe to go. Several threw their four sticks in the milk, and averred that it would not be safe to accept the invitation. Others threw the bones, and augured that there was nothing to fear. So they went, and when they came to the feasting place they were met by the kafir women, and the principal men made them welcome. One of the Hottentots, however, by some chance discovered that DANSTER had killed either a red ox or cow, and went away avowedly to rub his horse’s back; but no sooner did he reach his steed than he managed to loosen his riem, spring on his back, and dash off at full speed. DANSTER was bent on treacherously butchering his guests, and in a short time the signal was given, and the whole of the party were massacred, excepting one, who Mietjie, DANSTER’s daughter, saved. It was supposed that he had been killed along with his comrades, but after a while he showed symptoms of life, and Mietjie interceded for him, and brought him round. Thus but two escaped with their lives out of 30 or 36. While I was on the banks of the Orange River the Hottentot women ran through to me for protection. The massacre I have narrated occurred on this side of the Orange River, not far from where now flourishes the rising town of Aliwal North. Mietjie was a civilized kafir woman, and could speak Dutch and English fluently. She used to amuse Mrs. M. by telling her tales of war and camp life. One of her yarns was that on a certain evening she had to proceed to the camp, but delayed doing so until it was rather late. The consequence was, that when she came within range of one of the sentries, he let drive at her, not knowing in the dark that it was a woman. She was shot through both breasts, and she used to show the wounds to us. She was taken to the camp, where she was well taken care of, and remained there until the peace was made in 1849, when her father trekked up to this part of the country. I invariably found DANSTER to be fair in his dealings. A son of one of his followers, SCHEEPERS by name, is now in charge of my farm Tienfontein.
Between 30 and 40 years ago, when the Cradock Nachtmaal was over, I set out on a trip up country. I must here premise, that after the celebration of the Sacrament in those days there was generally nothing doing in Cradock in the shopkeeping line, so I never lost time by staying at home at ease, twiddling my thumbs, and drumming my heels against the counter. Off I started with a buoyant heart, and, of course, some merchandize in my wagon, wherewith to tempt the border farmers. I crossed the Stormbergspruit to the East of Kraamberg, where an old friend of mine, Gert F. BEZUIDENHOUT, was located with his sheep and cattle. BEZUIDENHOUT and his good lady were a very kind and hospitable couple, and as they had no “olive branches” of their own, they adopted a Bush boy, and made as much of him as if he had proceeded from their own loins. The boy grew up to be a very fine stripling; but, nevertheless, there was a sinister expression in his countenance which I disliked. Sometimes we meet individuals whom we instinctively take an aversion to at first sight, and with whom we never court a very intimate acquaintance. So it was with this boy; I could not endure his presence, although he was much petted and caressed by his master and mistress. I packed off my goods at BEZUIDENHOUT’s, and did a little business, and was preparing to proceed further, in search of “pastures new” and fresh customers, when my boy came scampering along, out of breath, crying – “Baas, the Bushmen have taken the oxen!” I said, in my anger – “They shan’t keep them!” and seized my gun and bandolier, and went in pursuit of them. Old BEZUIDENHOUT shouted after me, “You’re mad: the Bushmen will kill you. Wait till we get up the horses.” “Come on,” I screamed: “I won’t wait.” So away I rushed, proceeding by a circuitous route up the mountain, and breaking off bushes as I trudged along, wherewith to make a shield. Upon gathering a good-sized bundle of the bushes I was at a loss how to tie them together; but the thought struck me to take off one of my braces, and bind them therewith in the middle. As the Bushmen had experienced great trouble in driving the oxen up the rocky side of the berg, I speedily reached a higher elevation than they. Immediately upon seeing me the marauders let drive, one arrow lodging in my shield, and another striking a stone close to my leg. The Bushmen, without pausing, fired two or three more volleys, but the arrows glanced harmlessly off my bush shield. As soon as the oxen turned I fired, then [drew] a little back, reloaded, and fired again. By this time Gert BEZUIDENHOUT had reached the spot with three or four men, all on horseback: so I left it to them to chase the scoundrels. I returned with my oxen to the wagon, so I do not know how BEZUIDENHOUT and his men got far with the enemy. I inspanned, and directed my course to the Orange River, hunting and trading by the way to kill time, when the news reached me that Gert BEZUIDENHOUT had been shot by a Bushman. I then hurried on to where I heard poor B had met with his untimely end, as I felt very sorry for his bereaved widow. She was a Miss PELSTER, and I had formed her acquaintance in the New Hantam, before she was married. At last I arrived at the scene of the foul and unnatural murder, and learnt that BEZUIDENHOUT had removed to a farm near the Orange River, where he had sown some corn, reaped it, and threshed it. One day he loaded his gun with shot to shoot the bush doves that came to pick up the grains of corn which remained on the floor, and he sent the Bush boy, for the first time, with the gun to shoot the birds. The lad fired, and killed 6 or 7. Thereupon his master praised him highly, and lent the boy the gun the second time to shoot more doves. The birds, however, flew up: the boy returned with the gun, and his master took it, loaded as it was, and laid it by the wagon wheel. Thereupon BEZUIDENHOUT and his wife entered the vehicle, to take their midday nap. Upon the Bush lad discovering that they were asleep, he seized the firearm, climbed upon the disselboom, levelled the gun at his master, who was lying on his back, and lodged the whole of the contents in BEZOUDENHOUT’s chest and stomach. The poor fellow died that afternoon, and his last injunction was Do not kill the Bushman. However, I believe, the miscreant was shot. Mrs. BEZUIDENHOUT married afterwards Barend DE KLERK, or Dick BAREND, as he was called. On my last trip to Smithfield I heard that she is now no more. I believe better people than the BEZUIDENHOUTs were not to be found amongst the Dutch population. From the scene of the murder I returned in all haste to Grahamstown, collecting my stock on the way. All went smoothly till I reached the Fish River, at Espagsdrift. There I was brought to a dead standstill, the stream being swollen, and it was eighteen days before I could cross. My mood was very much agitated, and I knew my friends in town would become impatient. Every day I fostered the hope that I might be enabled to cross. Then the water would subside, as was indicated by the stones and sticks lying at the water-mark. But the expectations of one hour were doomed to be disappointed the next. The water sometimes was black, then red, and occasionally another colour, according to the tributary that fed the river. It was almost unfit for drinking or even cooking purposes, so I improvised a filtering machine, by erecting a bag. Then I pounded some charcoal, laid a bed of it in the bag, placing a layer of the cleanest sand on top of it, and then filled the sack with water. Presently the water began to filter through it pretty clear, but to my great disgust, when I tasted the water it was as salt as if it had come from the sea. The fact was that my filtering machine had formerly been a salt bag. So I fixed another sack, and improving from experience, obtained a good wholesome beverage during the remainder of the time I was compelled so reluctantly to bivouac on the banks of the Fish River. At length I got through the troublesome stream, and Dame Fortune smiling upon me benignlyonce again, stock was much in demand, and, consequently, I obtained excellent prices for what I had to dispose of.
Thursday, 18 March, 1869
MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on the 11th March, by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. David J. Mc MASTER, to Miss Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Joseph ALLISON, Esq., of Tempe, near Bloemfontein – No Cards
Friday, 25 March, 1869
In den boedel van wylen Charles CLARKE, van Caledon Rivier district.
Crediteuren en debiteuren in opgemeld boedel worden verzocht hunne vorderingen in te leveren, of hunne schulden te betalen, ten kantore van den ondergeteekende te Smithfield binnen den tyd van twee maanden van af heden.
Namens de executrise datief,
Isabella BROWN, C.S.ORPEN, q.q.
Smithfield, 22 Maart, 1869
Thursday, 1 April, 1869
Het spijt, ons te vernemen dat de heer John MASSIJN, die hier zeer onlangs op een bezoek naar deze stad was, op eene plaats nabij Smithfield op den 20sten dezer overleed. De heer MASSIJN was oogenschijnlijk in geode gezondheid, en nam deel in een cricket spel teen hij laatst hier was.
Is te Smithfield uitgevaardigd voor de inhechtenis naming van Jacobus Abraham BARNARD, jnr., op eene beschuldiging van moord, gedaan te Olievenfontein, op den 2den Januarij, 1869. BARNARD is een boer, en word omtrent 10 dagen geleden te Bloemhof, in de Z.A.Republiek gezien.
DIED at Leeuwrand, district Bloemfontein, on the 26th March, of typhoid fever, Josephine Johanna, fourth daughter of Mr. Joseph HAYWARD, aged 12 years 2 months, and 6 days.
Thursday, 8 April, 1869
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 6th Inst., Inez Ellen, only surviving daughter of George N. and Ellen HANGER, of Thaba ‘Nchu, aged 8 months and 5 days.
Thursday, 22 April, 1869
In the estate of Jacob Johannes HERMAN, late of Burghersdorp. The undersigned, duly authorized by the trustees in the above estate, will offer for sale by public auction on Saturday, 5th June, 1869, in front of the Market House, Bloemfontein, at 12 o’clock precisely, the following landed property, via: -
Town of Bloemfontein:
• House and erf, No 6 Market Square, (Now in the occupation of Mr. W. COWIE) in extent – 1 rood, 20 poles- 65 square feet per diagram. This property is well situated and from its proximity to te government offices, is well adapted for stores or offices.
• District Bloemfontein:
The farm Gruispan, No.433, ward Kaffir River, adjoining the farm of Mr. Piet COETZEE;- an excellent grazing farm; estimated extent – 2000 morgen
• District Winburg:
The farm “Bushmanskop” No, 519, between Modder and Vet Rivers, near the head of Vendatjiespruit; bounded north by he farm “Palmiet Gat” – west by “Bondepan” A good grazing farm, having a variety of mixed veldt, and abundantly supplied with wood. In extent about 3600 morgen per land commission sketch chart.
• District Kroonstad:
The farm “Tochgekregen” No 351, in the ward under Rhenoster River, between that and Honingspruit; - bounded by “Groot Vlei” and “Vlakvarklaagte” – well watered; - extent about 1500 morgen by land commission sketch chart.
The farm “Vijandsvlei” No 334, in the ward under Rhenoster River - in extent about 1500 morgen by land commission sketch chart.
The farm “Uitenhage” No.555, in the ward under Middle Valsch River - in extent about 1500 morgen by land commission sketch chart
• District Harrismith
The farm “Steenkampskop” No. 197, In the Wittebergen --- by land commission sketch chart
The farm “Bendigo” No. 523, In the ward Wilge River extent about 1800 morgen by land commission sketch chart
The farm “Vrisch Gewaagd” No. 522, In the ward Wige River, extent about 2500 morgen by land commission sketch chart
The farm “Van Aardt’s Draai” No. 528, in the ward Wilge River – in extent about 2000 morgen by land commission sketch chart
Terms of Credit: - 1,2 and 3 years – without interest! – Approved security to be given by the respective purchasers.
Further particulars may be ascertained on application to the undersigned
George PATON, George HOME, q.q., The trustees --- J.J. HERMAN’s Estate.
Edwd S. HANGER, Auctioneer.
Is uitgevaardigd door den Landdrost van Kroonstad, voor de apprehentie van James O’RYAN, op eene veschuldiging van tronkbraak op 26 Maart ll.
Mrs. Van der WALT, wife of Mr. Gert van der WALT, of Magaliesberg, and daughter of Mr. Piet PRETORIUS, of Vet-river, was accidently killed at the drift of Modder river, on the farm of Mr. Carl PRETORIUS, on Friday last, the wagon wheel having passed over her chest. It seems that the drift is in a wretched state of repair, and the poor woman while beating the hind oxen with a sjambok, fell out of the wagon under the wheel, with the fatal result as above stated. The deceased leaves 6 children, the youngest being but 2 months old. She was buried on the farm of Mr. C. PRETORIUS on Saturday. Surely the government will do something to put this drift in order before other accident of a like nature occur. We are told there is a good deal of traffic on the road by C. PRETORIUS to Brandfort, and beyond
Thursday, 6 May, 1869
In the insolvent estate of the late W.C. BOUWER on Saturday, the 5th June, will be sold by public auction, in front of the Market House Bloemfontein, that extensive and well-known farm, Douglas Valley, half an hour’s ride from Bloemfontein, for many years the residence of the late W.C.BOUWER. It is plentifully supplied with wood and water, having two or three large dams on it, besides a spring and a good well full of water.
The dwelling house has four large rooms with kitchen and store room, with wagon house sheds and extensive kraals adjoining. The garden is large and well planted with fruit trees and vines.
There are also two well-built houses on other parts of the farm, About 5000 morgen in extent. Further particulars would be useless, as the farm is well known for its unrivalled capabilities as a grazing farm.
Also the water-erf No.4 Gordon-St., with the buildings thereon, At present occupied by Mr. W. COWIE and Mr. G. WEBBER. The houses are well built situated in the center of the town and adapted either for residence or retail trade.
Terms exceedingly liberal
Geo. HOME, James B. BROWN ,
Joint Trustees
W.W. COLLINS, Auctioneer
Board of Executors and Trust Company,
Bloemfontein, 21 April, 1869
Sale of Landed property, In the insolvent estate of Richard CLARK, of Bloemfontein. The splendid farm de Hoop will be sold by public auction on Saturday, 5 June next, it is situated near the Caledon- river, on the west side of Platberg, close to the Mission Station and the police station at Jackmannsdrift; it is magnificently watered, and altogether a first-rate farm both for agricultural and grazing purposes. In extent 1500 morgen. Terms exceedingly liberal – to be sold without reserve!
James B. BROWN sole trustee
W.W. COLLINS, Auctioneer
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Company,
21 April, 1869
We regret to announce, that Mr. J.W. LOTZ, landdrost of Winburg, has had the sad affliction to lose, by death, his eldest son, a handsome, intelligent, and promising lad of 12 years. He died, it seems after 20 days of intense suffering on Saturday last, 1st May. Mr. LOTZ has our sincerest sympathy in his affliction.
DIED at Winburg, on the 1st May, 1869, after 20 days intense suffering from quinsy, aged nearly 12½ years, Johan Willem, dearly beloved eldest son of J.W. LOTZ, Esq., Landdrost of Winburg, - deeply regretted by all who knew him.
BEVALLEN op den 23 April, 1869, te Harrismith, bevallen van een levenloos dochterje, A.C.F. CANISIUS, geb. de GALLIERS
Thursday, 13 May, 1869
MARRIED on the 6th inst., at Nooitgedacht, district Bloemfotein, by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Edmund DENNIS, son of E BRADFIELD, Esq., of Cradock, to Harriet, fourth daughter of Thomas HOLMES, Esq., of Nooitgedacht – No cards
The undersigned, duly authorized thereto by the executrices testamentary in the estate of the late Marthinus Aegidius THEUNISSEN, will sell by public auction on the farm ‘du Preezfontein” on Tuesday, 1 st June 1869, at 10 o’clock, am.
1900 Merino Sheep, 400 Afrikander sheep, 100 Goats, 44 Horses including 1 thoroughbred stallion, 15 well trained mules, 58 Head of cattle, including 1 span trek oxen, 1 horse wagon, 1 Spring cart, 2 Buck-wagon, 2 short wagons, 2 sets Jokes, 1 dam Scraper, 1 Brench loader, Venters tools and all necessary implements belonging to a farm. A large assortment of household furniture, kitchen utensils, &c., too many to enumerate, &c., &c.
Refreshments will be provided.
P.E. FAURE, auctioneer.
Fauresmith, 29th April, 1869
Thursday, 20 May, 1869
Mr. Isaac NEWTON, bricklayer and plasterer, formerly of Port Elizabeth, but for some time past residing here, fell down in the street, near the Wesleyan Chapel on Thursday afternoon, 13th inst., while returning from his work at the store of Mr. PAGE, and before anyone could reach him was a corpse. Mr. NEWTON had long been suffering from consumption and had changed his residence to this place for the benefit of his health. The immediate cause of death was the bursting of one of the larger blood vessels on the lungs, probably during a fit of coughing. Deceased was a quiet, inoffensive, honest and industrious man, and was so highly esteemed here, that a collection amounting to £53 has since been made towards the support of his widow, who is left with two young children otherwise unprovided for. The subscription list was taken round by the Rev. D.G. CROGHAN (Church of England), and nearly every one contributed liberally thereto. Dr. KELLNER, it may be mentioned was, however the first to begin to raise a subscription for this deserving object. The late Mr. NEWTON lost a fine child, a daughter - by death only a few weeks since.
Thursday, 3 June, 1869
In den insolventen boedel van Charles Edward STEAD voormaals winkelier te Harrismith. De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlyk gelaat zynde, zal op Zaturdag, den 19den July, 1869, publiek voor zyn kantore te Harrismith aan den meerstbiedenden verkoopen
2 Paarden (waarvan een de voorname Racer, “Ratcatcher” is.), 1 oude kar met tuigen, 1 zadel en toon, 1 Westley- Richards achterlaayer geweer, 2 schalen en gewigten, 2 harmniunin (halfsletou)
En meer andere artikelendie ten dage dat verkooping zal worden te voorschyn gebragt
Robert MacFARLANE, Venduafslager
Harrismith 24 Mei 1869
In den insolventen boedel van Hercules Albertus VENTER
De ondergeteekende, eenig curator in genoemden insolventen boedel, zal op de plaats Klein Bloemfontein, op Donderday, 1 July 1869, des morgens om 10 uur publiek doen verkoopen: de helft der plaats Klein Bloemfontein, district Bethulie, O.V.S.
Groot volgens opmeting van gouvernments landmeter, C.VOS, 915 morgen en 276 roeden
Deze plaats ligt aan Slikspruit, welke spruit kan gemakkelyk uitgeleid worden, en met het water waarvan men even goed een wolfabriek kan in werking brengen, als aan Kornet spruit, terwyl men bovendien aldaar niets op de grens des straats woont, en de fabriek gebowen veilig zyn.
Als men door het geode dividene der andere wolfabriek eenmaal overtuigd is, van de doenlykheid, en tot het volle begrip is gekomen, dat vaderlandsliefde het dragen van in het land gemaakte wollenstoffen vereischt, zal voor grond langs Slikspuit, byna onbetaalbare pryzen moeten betaal worden
Wie weten wil wat men het water van Slikspruit kan doen, gaan na Broekspoort, de plaats van den weledele heer J.J. VENTER. Als hy daar de uitgestrekte korenvelden, benat door Slikspruit en de molen door Slikspuit getreven, bewonderd heft, zal hy met my instumenten dat noch Kornetspruit noch eenige andere spruit met Slikspruit kan vergeleken.
Credict 6, 12, 18 en 24 maanden met 6 percent interest.
Louis CLEVE, Eenig Curator.
H. KLYNVELD, Venduafslager.
Bethulie, 22 Mei, 1869.
Thursday, 10 June, 1869
We regret to hear that Mr. Jas. PALMER, while riding near his farm in quest of game, met with a serious accident, his horse falling with, and over, him, thereby causing some very severe injuries. We are, however, happy to state that the gentleman is in a fair way of recovery.
Te Groot Vallie, in den morgen van den 27sten Mei, ten 8½uur aan veral van krachten,myne dierbare geliefde vrouw Carolina Maria Johanna de WAAL, oud 46 jaren en 3 maanden.
Het zal geruststellend wezen voor hare talryke betrekkingen en vrienden in den staat en elders, die haar in leven kenden als eene vrouw zonder zonde en zonder blaam, dat zy in de eenwigheid overging met eene glimlach op hare lippen, gereed om haren God en Zaligmaker te ontmoeten.
Die groote smart die dat ik gevoel by het verlies van deze onwaardeerbare vrouw van eene gelukkige vereenining van 28 jaar, moet eene verontschuldiging vaar my zyn dat ik met meer uitvoering kennis geef van dat voor my zoo smartelyk verlies.
Ik erken mits dezen met de meeste dankbaarheid de hoogste broedelyke en zusterlyke hefde en onvermoebare oplentendeid betuigd doorden Hr. Jan WESSELS en zyne vrouw en familie tegenover de overledene nacht en dag gedurende hare ziekte voor een tyd van twee manden. Ik dank ook de vriendelyke buren voor hunne hartelyke ondersteuning in myne berooving.
James Michiel HOWELL
Grootvallei, Winburg 1 Juny, 1869
Thursday, 17 June, 1869
In the insolvent estate of David Hermanus JACOBS, of Phiippolis, will be sold on Saturday, June 27, 1869, at Philippolis, The landed property, belonging to the above estate, consisting of 2 valuable water erven, being No.s 17 & 18, situation in Church Street, Philippolis. On one of the erven a commodious and comfortable dwelling is erected, and on the adjoining erf a small building, used as a work shop. The whole property is enclosed by a stonewall has a yard, piece of garden ground, planted with fruit trees and is situated on an excellent business stand.
At the same time will be sold the household furniture and other effects, belonging to the estate, viz……. sofas, tables, chairs, crockery, kitchen utensils, &c., &c
Terms favourable
James BROWN q.q.,
Sole Trustee
N.MEYER, Auctioneer
Board of Executors,
Bloemfontein, 10th June, 1869
In den insolventen boedel van Roderick CAMPBELL, van Cronstadt.
De ondergeteekende behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zynde door de Cronstadt in den bovengemeldende boede, zal op Vrijdag, den 2den, & Zaturdag, den 3den July e.k.
Beginnende ten ure voormiddags, publiek voor zyn kantore verkoopen:
Eene groot hoeveelheid koopmanswaren, bestaande uit: Linnen, Voerchitz, Klaargemaakte kleederen, Buckskin, Molvel, Hoeden, Fyne negotie goederen, Porcelynwaren, Ijzerwaren, als stiegbeurgels, messen en vorken, troffels, spiegels, medicyn (van allerlei sort)
James B. BROWN, I. BAUMANN, Gezam. Curatoren
C. BREDELL, Venduafslager
Thursday, 24 June, 1869
This gentleman, formerlyn a Magistrate at Ladysmith, Natal, and in 1854 a candidate for the Presidency of this State, died at Pretoria, in the Transvaal, on the 7th inst. Capt. STRUBEN at one time, we believe, commanded a large Indiaman, and, it is said, that he was once a member of the English House of Commons, but for this we cannot vouch. He was born in Holland, but had evidently lived long in England.
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