The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1868 2 July - December
Friday, 3 July, 1868
In den boedel van wijlen Hester Jacoba Jacomina MARAIS, weduwee van wijlen H.W. WESSELS
Allen die iets verschuldigd zijn aan, of eenige vordering hebben tegen opgemelden boedel, worden bij deze verzoct hunne schulden af te doen, of hunne verderingen in te zenden bij de ondergetekenden, binnen drie maanden, van heden gerekend.
J.W. LOUW, J.W. WESSELS, Executeuren
Kalkfontein, Dist Winburg
1 Jun, 1868
MARRIED in Smithfield on 24th June, 1868 by the Rev J. Harris WILLS, Mr Franz Heinrich HOLM, Commadant,of Molappo Dist, to Elizabeth Ann JAMES oldest daughter of Alexander JAMES of Smithfield
Nog een diamant: - De Heer F DANIEL van deze stad, word verledene week geinformeerd door zekeren Heer JACOBS van de stad Boshof, dat de Heer ISRAEL, van die plaats, in zijn bezit heft een diamant, iets grooter dan een erwt. De Heer ISRAEL, is van plan deze diamant per eerste post naar Kaapstad te zenden.
Friday, 10 July, 1868
CHRISTENING At Jacobsdal, O.F.S. on Sunday, the 21st June, 1868, a daughter of Alfred HUTTON, baptized Caroline Ann
BIRTH at Jacobsdal, district Bethulie, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Thomas HARVEY, of a son.
Friday, 17 July, 1868
Overleden te Kaapstad, op Maandag avond, den 6den dezer, in den ouderdom van 71 jaren, Lady Catharina Frederica BRAND, geboren KUCHLER, echtgenoot van Sir C. BRAND en moeder van onzen Staats President.
Friday, 24 July, 1868
Het heft den Hoogen God van Hemel en Aarde behaagd tot zich te nemen op den achtsten dezer, myn teerder geliefde vrouw, Anna Susilea Gertruida OBERHOLZER, in den jeugdigen ouderdom van achttien Jaren, acht maanden en acht dagen en heft nagelaten haren diebaren echtegenoot en 2 geliefde kinderen om haren dood diep te betreuren.
Frederick Reynard CRONJE, Echtegenoot van den overleden.
Schaaplaats, wyk Mulden Zandrivier, district Winburg, den 15 Julij, 1868
With deep regret we learn that Mr. George REED jun., oldest son of Mr. George REED, of Smithfield, and representative of that town in the Volksraad, a fine young man just reaching the strength of manhood, was accidently killed near Potchefstroom by a wagon wheel passing over his body some 14 days since. No particulars have reached us beyond the fact that the young man was accompanied his brother-in-law, Mr. L.M. OWEN, on a trading excursion beyond the Vaal River, and was, when the said and fatal accident occurred, returning to his farm on the borders of Cronstadt and Winburg districts. It is said that the deceased, in attempting to get up into the wagon, slipped and fell under wheel; that he lingered till the following morning, and then died. His father and family have our deepest sympathy in this painful bereavement. The deceased had, in Basuto war of 1865-1866, and especially in the storming of Thabo Bosigo, on the day on which Commandant WIPENER was killed, proved himself one of the bravest of our burghers. He was high up the mountain on that occasion, and near to WIPENER when he fell.
Friday, 7 August, 1868
We deeply regret to have to announce the death of Mr. George CLEGG, master of the Church of England Grammar School in this town, which event occurred on Friday evening last. Mr. CLEGG was a native of Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, and came to this country with Bishop TWELLS, about five years since. The deceased gentleman was respected and esteemed by all who knew him for his quiet, unobtrusive Christian character, and painstaking and persevering discharge of his onerous duties as teacher and leader of the Cathedral choir here. His funeral was attended by upwards of 80 of our townsmen.
DIED on Friday, July 31st, at the Church Mission House, Bloemfontein, George CLEGG, Master of the Grammar-School, aged 33 years.
His widow desires to express her thanks to all friends for the sympathy shown during his long and painful illness.
Friday, 14 August, 1868
MARRIED on the 12th inst., at the Wesleyan Chapel, Bloemfontein, by the Rev. John G MORROW, Mr John CLARKE, of Boshof, to Anna, eldest daughter of I.J. de VILLIERS, Esq. J.N. son, of Bloemfontein.
The Angel of Death, after accomplishing his last recorded mission among us and ready to depart, cast a long lingering look around him on God and Nature’s handiwork.
Died at Bloemfontein, on the 8th inst., the infant daughter of F.W. MacRAE and Jane R. MacRAE
Friday, 21 August, 1868
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 19th inst., Mrs. Thomas HOLMES, senr., of Nooitgedacht, of a daughter.
DIED at Otter’s Poort, after a few days illness, George Henry HARVEY, aged 28, the son of Henry HARVEY, Esq. of Philippolis, and son-in-law of Dr. EAGLE of Otter’s Poort. He was married on the 18th December last, and died on the 9th August, leaving after less than 8 months, a disconsolate widow and a large circle of relatives and friends, to whom, by his integrity and affability, he had thoroughly endeared himself, to mourn their irreparable loss.
Friday, 28 August, 1868
BEVALLEN te Potchefstroom, Z.A. Republiek, op den 11den Augustus, 1868, Mejufvrouw I.H.M. VALCKENAER, geboren van SOELEN, van eenen zoon.
Aan Bloedverwanten en Vrienden wordt hiermede bekend gemaakt, dat mijn geliefden echtegenoot, de heer Carel Hendrik Wilhelm NEZAR, op Dinsdag, den 11den dezer, is overleden, in den ouderdom van 37 jaren, 7 maanden en 21 dagen, mij nalatende met nege kinderen om dit, voor ons, zoo smartelijk verlies te betreuren.
Veerder word took alle vrienden hartelijk door mij en de mijnen dank gezegd voor de weldaden, voor en na’mijne verlies, aan ons bewezen, en voornamelijk de Wew. Heeren LUCKHOFF en SCOTT, en den Wed. heer Dr. NEEBE
Geboren BENDER.
Fauresmith, 19 Augustus, 1868
We deeply regret to hear of the sudden death of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Cape Colony; Sir William was but 60 years of age at the time of his lamented decease. He was universally esteemed throughout the Cape Colony. Sir William’s sympathies were thoroughly English, and consequently with the Eastern Province and the British party in this state. He appears to have been a most amiable and well-meaning man, though he did not bear the reputation of being a great lawyer.
Among numerous advertisements of warrants for the apprehension of […..s] and defaulters appearing in the Cape Gazette, was one for apprehending Mr. F.W. WIEGMAN, described as “almost 5 feet 6 inches in height”, some 24 years of age, has light hair and blue eyes. The warrant was granted upon the oath of Mr. J. D. HAUPT, chairman of the Paarl Municipality, and [….ed] by the magistrate of that division. WIEGMAN, it appears, was appointed secretary to the Paarl Municipality when a very young man, and suddenly left the place about ten days ago, leaving a deficiency of over [£300] to be accounted for in his cash [….]. The supposition is, that he has either come down to Cape Town and proceeded home by sea, or made for the Orange River with the object of [reaching] the Free State
Friday, 4 September, 1868
Den den boedel van wijlen Jan Hendrik NIENABER.
De ondergeteekende, behoorlijk daartoe gelaat zijnde, sal op Zaturdag, 3de October, 1868 ten 10 ure, des voormiddags, voor zijn kantoor te Winburg, publiek verkoopen:
Fraatje en kostbare plaats genaamd Klippan, No. 400, gelegen slechts 6½ uur te paard van het dorp Winburg, en geschikt voor allerlei einden.
Vendu Afslager, Vendumeesters Kantoor,
Winburg, 19 Augustus, 1868
Aan debiteuren in den Insolventen Boedel van wijlen H. RIPKING voormaals Winkelier te Bethlehem.
Allen die aan bovengemelden insolventen boedel verschulgd zijn, worder verzocht hunne debitas ten mijnen kantore zoo spoedig moelijk te verefferen, ter voorkoming van regterlike vervolging.
Robt. MacFARLANE, Eenige Curator.
Harrismith, 22 Augustus, 1868
Aan debiteuren in den Insolventen Boedel van wijlen John ANDREWS voormaals Winkelier te Bethlehem.
Debiteuren in bovengemelden insolventen boedel, worden verzocht om hunne schulden dadelik ten mijnen kantore te verefferen, ter voorkoming van regterlike stappen.
Robt. MacFARLANE, Eenige Curator.
Harrismith, 22 Augustus, 1868
In den Insolventen Boedel van wijlen G.H.L. ROSA voormaals Winkelier te Harrismith.
Debiteuren in bovengemelden insolventen boedel, worden verzocht hunne debitasmet den meesten spoed ten kantore van den ondergeteekende te verefferen, ter voorkoming van regterlike stappen tegen hou genomen worden..
Robt. MacFARLANE, Eenige Curator.
Harrismith, 22 Augustus, 1868
Indien de twee geweren, op 30 Junij, door David JACOBS, van Philippolis, bij mij gelaten voor reparative en hetwelk, zooals de genoemde David JACOBS zide, aan zijn broede, Jan JACOBS van Grootvooruitzigt, tebehooren, met binnen den tijd van 14 dagen van heden weggehaam worden, zullen het verkocht worden, ter bestrijking der onkosten van reparatie.
Thos. BECKLEY, Geweer Maker.
Philippolis, 1sten September, 1868
Friday, 11 September, 1868
A criminal warrant has been issued for the apprehension of Francis William Martin GOODMAN to a charge of theft.
Suddenly, at Thaba’Nchu, on Sunday morning, 6th September, 1868, Mr. Benjamin H. JAMES, at the age of 76 years and 2 months. Deceased was a native of Wales, and one of the British settlers of 1820.
Mrs. B JAMES takes this opportunity of thanking those friends who were so unceasing in their kindness towards her during her affliction.
Recently, at Smithfield, the wife of Mr. John BELL, of a son.
Te Patrijshoek, district Harrismith, naar eene korte ziekte, op den 16den Augustus ll. Onze geliefde dochter, Susanna Margreta Salome, in het ouderdom van 20 jaren en 4 maanden.
Vrienden en betrekkingen worden verzocht dit als eene algemeene kennisgeving aan te nemen.
David Jacobus de VILLIERS,
Susanna Margreta de VILLIERS, geb. BADENHORST.
Patrijshoek, district Harrismith,
3 September, 1868
If Thomas HUMFREY does not release a certain horse left in my charge by him, and pay the account he owes me together with expenses incurred by me, in feeding and herding said horse, and publishing this advertisement, before the 30th September next, the same will be sold to settle said account and costs.
Rouxville, 31st Aug, 1868
If a certain W. BROWN, reputed to be a blacksmith and farrier by trade, does not release a horse, saddle and bridle, left in my procession by him, and pay costs of herding &c., the same will be sold to defray expenses, at expiration of (3) three weeks from date of advertisement.
Commercial Hotel, Smithfield,
7th September, 1868
Friday, 2 October, 1868
Estate of W.B. BEETON of Bloemfontein
The administration of the above estate having been handed over by the trustee to the “Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Company” all parties indebted to the said estate are now requested to pay their accounts and overdue Promissory Notes to the undersigned without delay.
James B. BROWN, Secretary.
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Company.
October 1, 1868
Daar mijn huisvrouw, Anna Adriana VILJOEN, geboren PIENAAR, mijen mij woning op 15 September ll. Moedwillig het verlaten, en tot nou toe niet is wedergekeer word teen ieder gewaarschuwd aan gemeld Anna Adriana VILJOEN, geboren PIENAAR geen credit te verleenen, sullende zulke ni door my erkend, noch betaald worden.
Boschuitfontein, District Bethulie,
21 September, 1868
Friday, 9 October, 1868
Mr. Frederic SANDERS, at Capetown in 1852 when last heard from, three years previously in the employ of Messrs. BAIRD & Co; and who left there to proceed along the Eastern Coast, is requested to communicate with Miss SAUDERS, 6 Crotchet Friars, City, London.
Mr. Harry TAYLOR, of Plymouth, England, who arrived at Cape about the middle of the year 1863, and last heard from by letter dated “20th April, 1866, Bauquita, Central Africa,” is earnestly requested to write to his anxious mother, Mrs TAYLOR, Cobourg Cottage, Richmond- street, Plymouth, England.
Information respecting either of these persons, should be sent to the above addresses, or to Mr. G. LEPPAN, Post Office, Grahamstown
Op den 21sten September, 1868, overleed te Harrismith, Oranje Vrijstaat, de heer Josephus FOURIE, in den ouderdom van 71 jaren, 8 maandenen 11 dagen, Diep betreurd door mij en zijne overage betrekkingen.
H.M. Jansen van RENSBURG, weduwe, J. FOURIE
DIED at Bloemfontein, on Saturday morning, 3rd October, Anne, wife of Mr. George G.S. COWARD, M.R.C.S.E., aged 52 years, leaving a sorrowing husband and only daughter to lament their loss.
MARRIED on the 1st October, at the Cathedral, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of the Diocese, Boles REEVES, Esq., to Ann Rule HARRIES, Relict of the late Essex HARRIES, Esq.
BIRTH at Philippolis, on Sunday, 20th September, the wife of the Rev. Davis O. CROGHAN, of a daughter
BIRTH on 13th September, at Vogelfontein, district Philippolis, the wife of Mr. F.C. W. EAGLE, of a son
BIRTH on 4th October, at Otter’s Poort, the widow of the late George H. HARVEY, of a son.
BIRTH at Jacobsdal, on the 28th September, Mrs J. SEINVING, of a son.
BIRTH at Hope Town, on the 30th September, Mrs. J.M. FRASER, of Jacobsdal, O.F.S., of a daughter.
Mr. Jan Willem Erkelens COOKE, a young man, native of Rotterdam, Holland, who had but recently arrived here, departed this life on the 27th ult., at the early age of 25 years. Deceased was a nephew of an old resident here, Mr. M.C.J.E. COOKE. Death has been very busy in our midst during the last twelve months.
We deeply regret to have to record the demise of Mrs. Anne COWARD, wife of Dr. George G.S. COWARD, of this town, at 4 o’clock on Saturday morning last, which sad event was announced to the inhabitants by the solemn tolling of the Cathedral bell at an early hour that morning. Though the early departure of the deceased lady was, from the state of her health, looked forward to with solicitude, none in our small community, we venture to assert, heard that knell sound without regret. The late Mrs. COWARD was in every way an ornament to her sex, and a pattern to wives, mothers and our whole community. In her domestic duties he was most indefatigable, and wherever sickness, trouble or affliction was heard of in the town, there was she to be found. She was moreover a consistent and attached communicant of the Church of England, the services of which she regularly attended to within two Sundays of her end. The last Sunday but one of her earthly career she tottered with faltering steps to the House of God, but found herself too weak in body to remain to the conclusion of the service. Mrs. COWEARD leaves an aged mother, residing with Dr. James COWARD of Middelburg, Cape Colony, a sorrowing husband, in very infirm health, and an only child, a daughter, the wife of Mr. L. RASCHER of this town. Mrs. COWARD has likewide one surviving sister in the Cape Colony, Mrs. STREET of Port Elizabeth, and lost one not long since, over whose death she much grieved, Mrs. J. COWARD of Middelburg. The mortal remains of Mrs. COWARD were interred on Sunday morning last in the Eglish Military burial ground, the service being most impressively read by the Bishop of the Diocese, assisted by the Rev. G. MITCHELL. A large concourse assembled at the grave in testimony of their respect for the departed. The deceased lady had for some years past been a great sufferer, and though active in mind, had been weak and infirm in body, and had, for some time past, looked forward to, and spoken of, her approaching end, apparently without regret.
Friday, 16 October, 1868
In den insolventen boedel van Richard CLARK, van Bloemfontein
De ondergeteekende geeft bij deze kennis, dat hij behoorijk gekozen en geconfirmeerd is als eenige curator in bovengemelden boedel, en dat de 3de bijeenkomst van crediteuren op Zaturdag den 21sten November s.s., ten 10 ure des voormiddags, ten kantore van den Meester der Insolvente Boedel Kamer O.V.Staat alhier, gehouden zal worden, tot het bewijs van schulden, tot het ontvangen van rapport van den Curator, en ook om aan den gezegen Curator betrekkelijk het bestier des boedels instruction te geven.
Debiteuren worden verzocht hunne schulden ten deze kantore dadelijk te betalen.
Jas. B BROWN, Eenige Curator.
Bloemfonein Board of Executors and Trust Company.
14 October, 1868
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 13th October, 1868, Mrs. B.O. KELLNER, of a son.
In the estate of Johan Arnaud SMELLENKAMP deceased
All persons indebted to the above insolvent estate are requested to pay their debts to the undersigned at the office of the late Mr. SMELLENKAMP, and all persons have any documents belonging to the said estate are requested to return the same to him without delay, in default whereof legal proceedings will be instituted against them.
G.C.A. JONAS, Trustee.
Bloemfontein 16 October, 1868
Friday, 23 October, 1868
In de boedel van Balthaar Johannes ERASMUS en Maria Magdalena ENSLIN, beide overleden
Op Maandag, den 16den November, 1868, op de plaats Schuivepoort, van de navogende goederen: -
Eerste, - De woonplaats genaamd Schuivepoort, voorden van loopende water en hout, met een goed woonhuis, kralen en uinen
Teede,- De plaats genaamd Rietgat bewoond en goed voegden van loopende wateren hout, en goed weivelde aa bovengende plaats gelegen
Verdere: Beesten, schapen, bokken, Ossenwagen
En verskillende huisemeubelen en boeken
Liberale Crediet zal verleend worden
D.J. ERASMUS, Executeur datief.
F. COLLINS, Vendu - Afslager,
Kroonstad, 9den October, 1868
BIRTH at Smithfield, on the 8th inst., the widow of the late Mr. George CLEGG, of a son
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 21st inst., Mrs. John PALMER, of a daughter
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 18th Oct., 1868, Mrs. R. INNES, of a son
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 17th inst., Mrs.J.J. [RA…], of a daughter
Friday, 30 October, 1868
Relatives and friends will please to notice that Mr. T.B. STAUNTON, a native of Ireland, died on the farm Honingfontein, district Bethulie, Orange Free State, on the 12th October, 1868, aged 31 Years and 7 Months.
Friday, 6 November, 1868
MARRIED at Thaba’Nchu on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. James SCOTT, Wesleyan minister, Mr. Charles Henry WEBSTER to Hester Ann, daughter of John THORNE, Esq., of Cape Town. – No Cards.
Friday, 13 November, 1868
In den Insolventen boedel van Joseph ARROWSMITH.
De ondergeteekende, behoorlik daartoe gelast zijnde, zal op Donderdag, 24sten December, E.K.,publieke, voor zijn kantoor te Winburg, aan den meestbiedenden verkoopman, de fraaije kostbare, zaai en verplaats genaamd ZIJFERGAT, No.345, gelegen in de nabijheid van Kopjealleen, district Kroonstad, groot volgens landmeters kaart 3751 morgenen 5 vierkanteroeden, goed voorzien van water en hout. De Kroonstad wegen de transport weg naar Potchefstroom loopen er bieden door, er zijn reeds verschillende kraalmurren, enz., opgerigt; in kort, deze plaats is plaats is geschikt voor allerlei einden en eene goede gelegenheid om bilijk aan een zoo uitmuntstende plaats te komen, Termen Gunstig. Voor verdure bijzonderheden vervoege men zich ten kantore van den ondergeteekende.
C. BREDEEL, Vendu-afslager.
Vendu-meestersKantoor, Winburg,
7 November, 1868.
N.B.- Bij deze gelegenheid zullen verschillende andere artikelen verkocht worden.
DIED on Wednesday, the 4th inst., Catherine MOFFATT, the beloved wife of J. Dickson YOUNG, of Fauresmith, aged 26 years. Deeply lamented by her husband, and deservedly beloved and respected by all who thoroughly knew her.
Friends at a distance will please accept this as a notice.
The undersigned hereby gives notice to those whom it may concern, as well as to the public in general, that his proper name is George Joseph Smith O’BRIEN, (late Corporal No.15 Company, Royal Sappers and Miners) by which name he in future wishes to be known and addressed, G.S. NORRIS. Fauresmith, 2 November, 1868.
As Witness:- H. BRINKMAN
The undersigned hereby gives notice to those whom it may concern, as well as to the public in general, that his proper name Henry BRINKMAN, (late Color-serjeant of the British German Legion) by which name he in future wishes to be known and addressed, William Edward RING. Fauresmith 2 November, 1868
AS Witness:- G.S. NORRIS
Friday, 20 November, 1868
In the insolvent estate of William H. FUTCHER
The undersigned, having been duly elected and confirmed Joint Trustee in above insolvent estate, do hereby give notice, that the third meeting will be held at the office of the Master of Insolvent Court, on Monday 4 January, 1869, for the purpose of proving debts, to receive the report of the trustee, to give them instructions as to the management of the estate, and to design on an application made by the insolvent for certain of his furniture. Debtors are requested to pay their debts, without delay, to the undersigned, at the office of the Bloemfontein Board of Executors.
Joint Trustees
Bloemfontein 20th November, 1868
We deeply regret to learn that the above esteemed gentleman, a Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Aliwal North, died at that place on 14th inst., after a short illness, and that his remains were to be interred there on the 18th inst. Mr. BURNET was well known and much respected in this State, in which he had filled several different offices during the time of the British Sovereignty. Mr. BURNET’s last appointment in the civil service dated back we believe to early 1854, at which time he was appointed by Sir Harry SMITH to the office of clerk to the magistrate of Winburg (Mr. T.J. BIDDULPH). Afterwards he was promoted to the Cicil Commissionership of Harrismith. Then he was transferred to that of Smithfield, and the last office held in connection with this State. Was that of British Agent [at the time of, and after, the abandonment].
[Employment history follows but very difficult to read] In this capacity Mr. BURNET returned here for some time after the departure of the British troops and the rest of the […] for the purpose of … [rest of article illegible]
Friday, 27 November, 1868
DIED at Elands Poort, district Waterberg, Z.A Republiek, on this 16th of October, 1868, my dearly beloved husband, Ernest Olfeman COLLINS, Esq., in the 47th year of his age, deeply regretted by his relatives and friends.
Eland’s Poort, district Waterberg,
16th October, 1868
It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take unto him, on November 14th, 1868, my dearly beloved husband John BURNET, at the age of 66 years and 27 days. What this sore bereavement is to me and my children, all who knew him intimately will know, but we try to be resigned in the thought that “all is well.”
I take this opportunity of expressing our heartfelt thanks to the inhabitant of Aliwal North, for their kindness and sympathy, shown both before and after his decease, and for their untiring attention and care, which lightened many hours of weary watching
Aliwal North,
16th Nov., 1868
The Honorable James Coleman FITZPATRICK, Esquire, senior judge, and the honorable Alfred Whaley COLE, Esquire, the judges of the court of the eastern districts of the Cape of Good Hope – do hereby make known:
That whereas Honorie LEAR of Alice in the division of Victoria East, made an application to the honourable the Court of the Eastern District on the 29th day of September, in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, for leave to summon Charles LEAR, her husband, now or lately a private soldier in Her Majesty’s Regiment called the “2nd Queens,” but now supposed to be in the territory of the Orange Free State, or elsewhere beyond the jurisdiction of this Court, and of the Courts of said Colony, by process of Edictal Citation, to appear either in person, or by proxy, to show cause why an order or decree of this honourable Court shall not be granted for the restitution of the conjugal rights of the said Honorie LEAR by reason of the said Charles LEAR having in or about the month March, 1860, maliciously deserted her, the said Honorie LEAR, all which the said Court having taken into consideration granted accordingly.
And whereas on the 6th day of October last past, the said court did by Edictal Citation, duly published, summon the said Charles LEAR to appear either in person or by proxy before this Honourable Court on the sixteenth day of November 1868, to show wherefore he should not be ordered and desired to return to the said Honorie LEAR, with her to co-habit as man and wife, or otherwise wherefore the said Court should not grant such further or other relief in the promises as might seem expedient, with costs.
And now on this day comes the said Honorie LEAR by her Counsel and Attorney, and the said Charles LEAR does not appear but makes default, and thereupon upon hearing Mr. Solicitor-General of Counsel for the said Honorie LEAR the said Court grants to the said Honorie LEAR the benefit of the first default of the said Charles LEAR and gives leave to issue a second Edictal Citation in the promises.
Now therefore the said Court do by these presents again summons the said Charles LEAR tp appear either in person or by proxy before this Honourable Court on the fourteenth day of December now ensuing, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to show wherefore he should not be ordered and desired to return to the said Honorie LEAR, with her to co-habit as man and wife, or otherwise wherefore the said Court should not grant such further or other relief in the promises as might seem expedient, with costs, and further to proceed according to law.
Thus done and granted in the Court of the Eastern Districts of the Cape of Good Hope, at Graham’s Town, this sixteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-eight.
John J. GRAHAM, Acting Registratar of the court of the Eastern Districts.
(sd) J. AYLIFF, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No 14, High Street, Graham’s Town.
Friday, 4 December, 1868
In den boedel van Petrus Jacobus STRIJDOM van Schaapkraal, district Caledonivier.
Crediteuren en Debiteuren is opgemelde boedel worden versocht hunne vorderingen in te leveren, en hunne schulden te betalen binnen den tijd van twee maanden van af heden, ten kantoor van den Hr. C.S. ORPEN te Smithfield.
H. STRIJDOM , Executeur
Smithfield, 30 November, 1868
Friday, 11 December, 1868
DIED suddenly at Bain's Vley, Bloemfontein, on the evening of the 5th inst, from the rupture of a blood vessel on the lungs, William Croft NISBET, aged 35 years.
DIED on the 28th November last, to our deep sorrow, after a long and severe illness, our youngest child Antoinetta Henrietta Johanna Wilhelmina, at the age of more than 19 months.
Harrismith, 4th December, 1868.
Mr. Marthinus Aegidius THEUNISSEN, well known in the districts of Fauresmith and Philippolis (formerly Griqualand) as being one of the best acquainted with all the disputed land cases and Griqua leases and claims to land, died at Fauresmith on the 18th ult., at the age of about 51 years. Mr. T. leaves a widow and eight children, who reside near Fauresmith
In the Gazette appears a warrant for the apprehension of Michael Thomas GREGOROWSKI and James TRUSCOTT (P. TRUSCOTT), signed John HEMMING (P.HEMMING), resident Magistrate of Albert (Burghersdorp), in the Cape Colony, and offering £50 reward for the delivery of them at Burghersdorp. Both these escaped prisoners are safe in the Transvaal, several persons having met them in Potchefstroom. Mrs. GREGOROWSKI and her sister have since passed through this town for the same direction
Died suddenly at Bainsvlei, Orange Free State, on the night of Saturday, the 5th inst., of hemorrhage of the lungs, Mr. William Croft NISBET, aged 35 years. The deceased was the son of Mr. NISBET, of the firm of NISBET & DICKSON, India agents and merchants, Heerengracht, Cape Town, by his wife Miss Catharine HORNE, daughter to Deputy Commissary General HORNE, now deceased, and sister to Commissary General HORNE, now in charge at Hong Kong. Deceased (born at the Cape) was sent to Scotland for his education, which having completed he settled in Madras India, and after a few years residence there, returned to the Cape, and in 1857 came to this State, ever since which he has resided at Bainsvley. The funeral, which took place at 8 o’clock on Tuesday morning, was numerously attended.
Friday, 18 December, 1868
Our esteemed townsman, Mr. Gustaf A FICHARDT, of the firm of Messrs. C.E. & G FICHARDT, led to the hymeneal altar on Tuesday morning last, Miss BECK, eldest daughter of Mr. A.W. BECK, late of Grahamstown. The nuptials were celebrated in the Cathedral, by the Bishop of the diocese, assisted by the Rev. G.G. CROGHAN, in the presence of a large coacourse of spectators. A considerable number of guests afterwards assembled at the house of the father of the bride, to drink the health of the happy couple, and to congratulate them on the auspicious occasion. Mr. and Mrs. FICHARDT left almost immediately for Nethany, and Wildfontein, near Edenburg
Thursday, 24 December, 1868
In the estate of the late Johannes Wilhelmus SWART
The undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, will sell by public auction on Tuesday, 26th day of January, 1869 on the farm Mosterdhoek, district Boshof
1st- The valuable and well known farm Mosterdhoek, No 171, formerly known as Koedoesfontein, district Boshof in extent about 3500 Morgen situated on the road from Boshof to Jacobsdal and about 3 hours from the former place.
This farm is acknowledged to be one of the best for stock and agriculture, being plentifully supplied with wood and dams.
On this farm is a large and comfortable dwelling house, comprising 5 commodious apartments, as also several serviceable outbuildings, amongst which a blacksmith’s shop and mill house; large kraals – everything in the best repair.
2ndly – The half of the well known farm Pandamsfontein, No 18, district Boshof, in extent about 4000Morgen, bordering on named land Mosterdhoek
3rdly – The farm Tafelkop, No 634, formerly in the Bloemfontein – now in the Boshof district, bounding the farm Koedoesdam or Mosterdhoek, in extent 2575 Morgen
4thly – The farm Grootvlakte, No 588, district Boshof, adjoining on aforenamed farm Tafelkop, in extent 3440 Morgen
5thly – The farm Graspan, No 552, formerly situated in the Bloemfontein – now Boshof district, about 3 hours N.E. of the latter village; in the extent about 3000 Morgen
6thly – The farm Kwaggafontein, No 542, formerly situated in the Bloemfontein – now Boshof district, in the extent about 3860 Morgen, bordering on aforenamed farm Graskop
7thly – The farm Boesmansput, no 201. District Boshof in extent about 3000 Morgen, bordering aforenamed farm Kwaggafontein
8thly – The farm Nooitgedaght, No. 16, district Boshof in extent 3000 morgen, bordering on the farm Kwaggafontein
9thly – Water-erf no. 103, with building thereon, in the village of Boshof.
10thly – Water-erven Nos. 145, 1467, 149.These erven are the best in the village of Boshof, and are particularly favourable for gardening.
Movable properties
Merino ewes, African sheep and goats, wethers and goats, draught and slaughter oxen, breeding cattle, riding and draught horses, well bred mares, thoroughbred jackass, mule, superior buck-wagon, (karrewij) wagon, new spring wagon, tent, second hand scotch cart.
Iron ploughs, Rake with iron teeth, Blacksmith Shop, Yellow wood and deal beams, yellow wood planks, Dam scrapers, guns, furniture &c., &c- everything requisite to a well conducted farming establishment.
At the same time will be offered for sale, for account of those whom it concerns the farm Roseberryplain, extent 2770 Morgen, bounding the abovementioned farms Grootvlakte and Tafelkop.
New Horse wagon, number of thorough-bred Angora ams and what further may be offered for competition.
Terms very Favourable.
Refreshments will be provided.
Geo. ISRAEL, Auctioneer
Boshof, November 29th, 1868
MARRIED at St Andrew’s Catherdral by special licence, on Thursday, the 15th inst.,by the Right Rev. Dr. TWELLS, bishop of the Orange Free State, assisted by the Priest –Vicar, the Rev. D.G. CROGHAN, Gustav Adolph FICHARDT, of Bloemfontein, to Caroline BECK, eldest daughter of Andrew BECK, formerly of Capetown- no cards
Thursday, 31 December, 1868
In den insolventen boedel van Jan Petrus MINNAAR
De ondergeteekende zal op Vrijdag, den 15den Januafrij 1868, te 10 ure, a.m. publiek aan den meestbiedenden verkoopen, op de plaats zolve, de welbekende plaats Hartebeestfontein, , gelegen in het district Fauresmith,omstreeks twee uren van’t dorp. De plaats Klein Hartebeestfontein, groot omtrent 2500 Morgen, wordt beschouwd een zeer uitmuntende verplaats te zyn, goed voorzien van dammen, een sterke fontein en vele kralen. Op de plaats staat een zeergeriefelyk woonhuis.
Termen zeer gunstog.
Vergeet niet het uur: ten 10 ure precies!
A.A. DICKSON, Veduafslagr.
Fauresmith, 24 December, 1868.
NB! – Ter zelfde tijd zal opgeveild worden (indien niet eerder uit de hand verkocht) de welbekende plaats Tafelkop of Druivefonteine, groot volgens landmeterskaart 5550 Morgen, gelegen in het Philippolis, zijnde 1½ uur van Philippolis en 2½ van Fauresmith
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