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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1869 2 July - December

Thursday, 1 July, 1869

DIED at Aliwal North, on 1st June, 1869, Alice Lilian, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John LLOYD; and at the same place, on the 23rd June, John Raymond, their beloved son, aged two and half years.
Friends at a distance, will please accept this notice.

In den boedel van wylen John VAUGHAN
De ondergeteekende zal op Zaturdag, 3 July, 1869, ten 2 uur in den namiddag, publiek doen verkoopen: wagens, tafels, klederen kisten, ledikant, horologies, kar, piano, silver lepels en vorken, spiegel, enz.
En het geen verder te voorschyn zal worden gebragt.
De vendutie zal gehouden worden op het Marketplein.
N. MEYER, Venduafslagter
Chas. T. WELSFORD, Executeur Datief
Philippolis, 19 Juny, 1869

Mr. O.C. KAYS, Rector of Grey College, has, we regret to learn, determined upon resigning that appointment, which he has filled with so much credit to himself and satisfaction to parents and those interested. Mr. KAYS will, we understand, be succeeded by the Rev. Mr. RADLOFF, of Fauresmith; but the former gentleman has consented to retain the charge of the College till the end of the present month (July)

Half yearly examination of the classes – list of prizes
1st Division
Dutch – 1st prize – H. RADLOFF
English – 1st Prize – H. RADLOFF
Greek – 1st Prize – H. RADLOFF
Latin - 1st Prize – H. RADLOFF – 2nd do – M. KAYS
Geography – 1st Prize – C. CARROLL – 2nd do – A. ROBERTS
English History – 1st Prize – J. BAUMANN
Bible History – 1st Prize – H. RADLOFF – 2nd do - M. KAYS
Arithmetic – 1st prize – H. RADLOFF
2nd Division
English – 1st Prize – C. KRAUSS
Dutch – 1st prize – A. BAUMANN
Geography – 1st Prize – A. BAUMANN
English History – 1st Prize – J. COLLINS
Arithmetic – 1st prize – C. KRAUSS
English Grammar – 1st Prize – F. HEFER
Translation – 1st Prize – F. HEFER

Mrs. ANSHEL, begs to inform the inhabitants of Bloemfontein and Travellers, that on the 1st July next, she will remove from the house she now occupies in Douglas Street to the one lately in the occupation of Miss CUMMING, situated on the Market Square.
23rd June, 1869

My Last Trading Trip to the Transvaal
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
I arrived at Brandfort, district Bloemfontein, just as a heavy thunderstorm commenced. The next morning, at 2 a.m., being anxious to see the state of the weather, I crept out on to the wagon-box, when I espied a dense black cloud coming from the E., charged with electricity; every succeeding flash overlapping the former one, and lighting up the surrounding landscape. Then followed reverberating thunder; then sharp crackling claps accompanied with vivid forked lightning, as if the elements were at war with each other. It was an awfully grand spectacle, and I sat for a long time gazing at it with admiration mingled with awe. Presently the floodgates of heaven were opened, and it became necessary that I should retire in order to prepare for the advancing tempest. I then lit a candle and amused myself with a book till daylight, when I found there was no chance of renewing my journey that day. The weather did not clear up the whole of that day and the next, until the afternoon, when I took a stroll round the village, and called upon Mr. JOLLIE. I was agreeably struck with his ‘winkel’, which is fitted up in a most business-like style with a well selected stock for the Boer trade. Brandfort is rapidly progressing, and many improvements have been made since I was last there. It possesses a J.P., (an inestimable treasure), a good store (a very great convenience), a tavern (that cynosure of thirsty souls), and it delights in a blacksmith and wagonmaker, a tanner and currier, carpenters, masons, and other tradesmen. It is a pity the post-cart does not go that way; it would not be an hour out of the direct course, and would be hailed as a boon by the inhabitants. I left Brandfort as soon as travelling was practicable, and outspanned at the Vette river, which I crossed in safety. Here resides an old respected friend of mine, of forty years standing, Gert COETZEE, who is rich in worldly possessions, owning a fine farm, plenty of sheep and cattle, and all that he could wish for, but alas, he is bereft of that chief of earthly pleasures, robust health. For upwards of ten years he has been bedridden, and cannot enjoy the glorious view of the rising and setting sun.  – Next morning we trekked on, and met the Queenstown party returning from the so-called Victoria gold-fields. Poor fellows! they spent gold but found none. I felt extremely sorry for them, inasmuch as I know too well what disappointment is. We passed many homesteads, at which I would have called, had time permitted. In due course we reached THERON’s farm, where, six years ago, I spent a happy Christmas and New Year. The round-topped tree, under which I and my late wife sat, at a distance from the young people, is still standing. But enough of this moralising. We journeyed on, until in sight of Mr. WESSELS’s, on Sand-river, when a heavy thunderstorm brought us to a halt, where there was neither wood nor water.
Next morning, while sitting on the wagon-box, my attention was directed to an advancing cart, which drove past, when I discovered that the late Landdrost of Bloemfontein, Mr. VAN SOELEN, was a passenger on it. My heart bled for him. – Inspanned and crossed the Sand river, on the N. side of which Mr. WESSELS’s house is situated. It is a well-built homestead, but the want of enclosed lands, orchard, garden &c gives it a desolate appearance. We had expected that in about this locality game would be plentiful; but we were disappointed, and my companion, Mr. PHILIPS, regretted that he had bought an expensive gun. In the evening we were again obliged to halt in consequence of a smart thunder shower. The rain was so heavy that we could not cook any food; and thereupon PHILIPS commenced grumbling, “Tired, wet and hungry, are you?” said I, “Well, go to bed without supper. The staff of life, bread and water, you can partake of, if you choose.” “Y-e-s,” murmured the malcontent. “Now do leave off grumbling, for that won’t fill your belly any more than a pound of sorrow will pay an ounce of debt.” “Y-e-s” drawled out the inveterate growler, “Tomorrow you can have supper, breakfast and dinner all at once.” “Y-e-s,” surlily rejoined the supperless man. – The next morning, before day break, we moved on, and rode over a large flight of red locusts that had alighted and slept on the ground and the wagon wheels were literaly clogged with all the crushed insects, which were so benumbed with the cold that they could not flee from destruction. The red locust is larger than the common grey species, and more [poisonous] to vegetable matter. – About ten o’clock PHILIPS shot a wildebeeste in a pretty valley, and all hands assisted in the skinning process, while I gave orders to outspan the oxen and inspan the pots, pans and kettles. The venison was then brought to the wagon, and every one cooked for himself, - each man according to his taste. In the afternoon PHILIPS bowled over four more wildebeestes; so he had sufficient for breakfast, dinner, and supper, and was in high glee. – Without anything occurring worth relating, we arrived at Potchefstroom, where I obtained the Friend, and observed that some one at Lady Grey pretends to know something of the Founder of Burghersdorp. I need only refer that correspondent to the file of the Burghersdorp Gazette for 1856 or 1857, in which he will find the whole history of the transaction, a copy of the deed of sale, and several interesting letters to prove the point.  He will then discover that the farm was not purchased from John STEENKAMP, but from Gert BUITENDACH, and that I was obliged to give to my brethren of the committee then formed, a security bond that I would bear all expenses, and take all responsibility on myself, in case I did not carry out my plans. I do not wish to contend for the honor of anything I ever did, as I am well aware that many have credit for what I was the author of, but I must maintain the truth. We arrived in Potchefstroom on a Friday morning, and left the same afternoon. Nothing particular occurred on the road, save that the driver, a Mahouwa, advised me to take the straight route, which I found to be the worst. 
– On Saturday, at sunset, we were induced by my man Jan to leave without water, and move on four hours to a large pan. The moon being almost at the full, and the evening delightfully fine, I was not averse to making a much headway as possible, but when we arrived at the pan where I had intended to stay over the Sunday, we could not find a drop of water. So at daylight I was compelled [to push on, and at length we came to the flat described in one of my former communications as being covered with flat stones, smelted together with quartz and black flinty rocks. The wagon wheels rolling and stamping on the hard flats caused one of the tyres to start and trundle off, but fortunately my Jo drew up in time. My man Jan was alarmed at the disaster. “What were we to do? No water nearer than six hours. How was the wheel to be repaired?” “Never mind, Jan,” said I, “we must make the best of a bad job”. So I had the oxen spanned out, the wheel taken off and laid on the ground, the tyre replaced, and the riem-chain twisted all round the tyre and [fellies], until the tyre had assumed its legitimate position, then replaced the wheel, lashed it with riems to the riem-chain as tight as was practicable, and within half an hour was on the road to Marico. There I met Jan VILJOEN, who gave me an account of his trip and adventures in the interior. While I was at Marico I rode over to MODO’s kraal in order to try and obtain some assistance, as all the boys who had started with me had left me. After a great deal of trouble I hired three helps, who all said they were old drivers, with the object of drawing drivers’ wages. As ‘needs must when the devil drives’ I was forced to comply with the hirelings’ preposterous demands. While at MODO’s I visited the missionary, and was received with much kindness. Mr. JOHNSON, the principal, was very communicative. They had a large school-room, which answers the double purpose of school on weekdays and church on Sundays. I casually took up one of the schoolbooks, and in looking over the alphabet noticed the absence of the W and Y – the language of the tribe being deficient in those two letters – and two E’s – the common E and the accented E. MODO, the chief, invited me to his house. I went and found all the seats occupied by his councillors, who were drinking coffee. I looked round for a seat but could see no other than a sofa, upon which the chieftain’s ‘fair lady’ was reclining close to the table. Accordingly I anchored alongside of her and offered her my snuff-box, at which the chief and his councillors heartily laughed. Coffee was served by a Bushman servant, who understood Dutch pretty well and acted as interpreter. Next morning the ‘Queen’ honoured my wagon with a visit, and requested me to present her with a ring. I complied with her Majesty’s command and gave her a ring, not one intended for the finger, the ear or the nose, but a ring with which she might encircle her by no means slender waist. A day or two before I reached Marico Sir John SWINBURNE passed it with seven laden wagons for the Goldfields; and while I was there, Mr RICKETS, of Potchefstroom, went by with three very heavily laden wagons, having on them the remainder of the quarry crushing machine. I saw the fly wheel, weighing 500lbs, 5 crushing stampers (500 lbs each) with plates 10 x 12 in., and 4 in. thick, a coil of rope (1,500 lbs) and an abundance of good cheer, calculated to prevent the dissolution of soul and body. – The next day I left Jan VILJOEN’s, as usual, I stuck fast. My new Johns knew no more about driving oxen than the oxen knew about them; so it was not marvellous at all – at all, that towards sunset, after a hard day’s work, the poor beasts became most inextricably fixed in a veritable ‘slough of despond’. Next morning, after an immense amount of trouble, walloping, screeching, and a terrific storm of Hottentot-Dutch anathemas, the belaboured and terror-stricken animals were persuaded to put their ‘best feet foremost’ and trudge along again. In a short time we gained the ‘adamantean-paved’ flat aforementioned, then selected the centre road, which is certainly the best, and plodded wearily on our way until the moon set. Then we outspanned in a waterless valley, and my boys volunteered to keep watch over the oxen until I had had my first sleep; but when I awoke at 2 in the morning, I discovered the oxen nowhere, and the boys fast asleep. I searched in vain for the oxen; roused the boys from their lethargic slumber; and towards daybreak made for a ‘kopje’, which appeared to me close at hand, but I soon found out to my cost that it was far more distant than I had imagined. As the day advanced, despite my vigorous ‘heel and toe’ endeavours to reach the ‘kopje’, it seemed to recede from me; so I was inclined to believe that the ‘kopje’ was in reality one of those “enchanted castles in the air” which the natives hold in such reverential awe. It is told for a fact that there is a ‘kopje’ in the Marico, near which the natives will not approach, nor will they stand by if any one points to the same kopje. The tradition is, that God spoke to their forefathers from thence. Probably the ’kopje’ is hollow, and the vibrations of the wind cause an unearthly or dismal sound to issue from it; or otherwise if it is a tradition handed down from Moses, seeing that the aborigines, to the present day, retain many Israelitish customs. – Eventually we reached Potchefstroom, from whence my boys all returned to their own ‘veld’, so I was necessitated to get a fresh relay of servants; and found travelling with half-trained oxen and wholly untrained Mahouwas anything but comfortable. However, patience and perseverance surmounted all obstacles, and [at last] we touched Cronstadt, where we met Mr. VOWE and the Rev. Harris WILLS, en route for the Zambesi. -  In conclusion, I cannot forbear testifying to the numerous improvements I saw in progress, both on my outward and homeward bound journey. On all sides, the erection of substantially built baked-brick houses, the enclosure of arable lands, and the construction of dams, speak as eloquently as a “book” of the blessings which follow in the train of ‘MOSHESH’s sister’ “PEACE”

DIED at Bloemfontein, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. L. BASCHER, on 2nd July, Mr. George Gale Snelling COWARD, M.R.C.S.E., late district surgeon of Hopetown, Cape Colony, aged 50 years.

We regret to record the death, on Friday night last, of Dr. George Gale Snelling COWARD, of this town. It is just nine months since we had a like painful duty to perform for Mrs. COWARD, wife of the above gentleman. Mr. COWARD was a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, and was, on his first arrival in the Cape Colony, appointed by the Colonial Government as District Surgeon of Bathurst, and afterwards to a like office at Hopetown. It is now some eight years since the Doctor with hgis family (wife and only daughter) settled in this town. Deceased was a gentleman of large and varied experience, having in his younger days made no less than eight different voyages to Australia as medical officer in charge of large emigrant vessels, and for a time thereafter settled at Geelong, a town then in its infancy. Dr. COWARD was a native of Tiverton, Devon, England, and elder brother of Dr. James COWARD of Middelburg. He had not long since completed his fiftieth year. His earthly remains were conveyed to their last resting place on Sunday afternoon, and interred in the military burial ground, according to his oft-expressed desire, close beside those of his late wife; the funeral service being impressively performed by the Rev. D.G. CROGHAN, of the Church of England, Bishop’s Chaplain

Thursday, 15 July, 1869

DIED on the 17th June, 1869, at Marico, S.A. Republic, of inflammation of the throat, William James, son of William and Alice SEPHTON, aged 2 years 1 month, and 17 days, deeply lamented by his parents.

From the Colesburg Advertiser, we regret to learn that Mr. G.P. VISSER, chairman of the Volksraad, has lost by death, at that place, his only son, a child of 6 years of age. The parents have our sincerest sympathy in this their painful bereavement.

The Kafir War of 1836
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]

One morning I was in Grahamstown, and had disposed of the most of my stock, except some fat slaughter cattle, which I held in at what was considered a high price. I had a Gaika kafir, SINQUOS by name, in my employ for some time. He came to my tent in the morning before daylight, and said he wished to speak to me. I got up, and followed him a short distance from the wagons. He then told me that he must go to Kafirland, as he was called by his captain. I tried to persuade him not to go; but in vain. Then I said to him, “SINQUOS, what must I do with your cow and heifer calf?” He answered, “If I come out again I know you will give them to me; but if not, give them to your son John.” “Am I to understand then that there will be war?” I rejoined. But he did not confirm my suspicion otherwise than by advising me to inspan as quickly as possible, and not stop before I was over the Fish-river Rand, for, he added, “daar is een ding in de pad” [there’s a thing in the road]. However, I could not act up to his advice at the moment, as I had sold some cattle, and had to deliver them about 10 o’clock. I was summoned to appear at the office; and I went. In front of the office I met Mr. GRIFFITHS of Burntkraal. He informed me that a complaint was lodged against me, but recommended me not to allow myself to be imposed upon, as I could remove my wagons and stock to Burntkraal. I am going from home, he added, but will leave directions with my overseer how to act. I thanked him, and went to hear what the complaint was. The magistrate stated, that a complaint was lodged against me for overstocking the townlands; and that as it was my practice every three or four months to bring down such large numbers of stock, it must be put a stop to. Consequently, I was ordered to move off within a very short period, or otherwise my stock would be impounded. In reply, I said it would be better for the Municipal and other authorities to provide for their coming wants than to trouble themselves about a little grass. Thereupon I was told by the great man in authority, to go and mind my own business. I bowed, and said I would. On coming in front of the office there were a good many people whom I knew; and as I was very angry, I cried in a loud voice so that I might be heard, that “I would see them all d____d before I would sell under my price, and within an hour I would leave; the legs upon which the cattle came could take them back, and I would never bring stock to the Graham’s Town market again.” So off I set for the wagons, and ordered the oxen up, but ere I inspanned I had sold the remaining cattle at my price. Then I started, and did not outspan until I had crossed the Fish-river, and then only to give the oxen water. Spanned in again, crossed the Fish-river Rand, reached Leeuwfontein, and the oxen had but little rest until I made Cradock. The morning after my arrival there, I was surprised to see Messrs. GRIFFITHS and O’REILLY walk in. The first glimpse of them told me something was wrong. We mutually expressed our astonishment at seeing one another. Mr. GRIFFITHS then told me he had received a letter that the Kafirs had broken out, and he must return at once. I said, I expected the outbreak and that was the reason I made such haste to get out of the fire. Mr. GRIFFITHS then informed me he had [75 rams] for sale, and hoped I would buy them. I answered, I was willing, but could not spare the money. Never mind, [returned] Mr. G., if you will relieve me of them I will let you have the lot at £2 each, although I had expected to get £5 per head. As it was no use trying to put him off, and he told me I could pay him at my convenience, I became the purchaser. A few days after this some farmers from the New Hantam arrived on their way to Grahamstown, and as they were old acquaintances I persuaded them not to continue their journey, as the Kafirs had broken out. So they stayed, and I became the purchaser of the whole of their produce, and 400 blank-haar ewes, at 2 Rds each. This was a good beginning for me. Soon afterwards I got more sheep, brought the flock up to 1,500 and sent them on to Doornhoek, whither I soon after moved with my family, and commenced building. I had a great deal to contend with, viz. wolves, tigers, jackals [&c], and my losses were very severe. The Fatherland rams would not keep company with the Cape ewes; the lazy rascals would stay behind, and form small lots, so I had more trouble with them than they were worth. I continued doing all I could to improve the farm, until I was almost tired of farming. For two years ensuing I obtained, so to say, no lambs, but the ewes grew large and fat. At this time I was loading up for Grahamstown the produce of the farm (but no cattle or sheep), consisting of [eggs], butter, cheese, riems, trektouws, strops, buckskins, horns, sheepskin blankets &c, but had still no meat with me. In the morning a thought struck me that I would be even with the ewes, and make up my loads. Accordingly I got up, and as soon as it was light I called HUNTER, my overseer and man of all work, to come, as I had a job for him. I then went to the kraal, and waited till HUNTER came. What is it, sir, he enquired: Go bring two good sharp knives, and call the boys, I replied. HUNTER brought the knives. Now, said I, these ewes will not lamb, so set to, and cut off all their tails. HUNTER looked at me with astonishment. Go on, I repeated. No, sir, they will die, he pleaded. Never mind, cut away, I answered. The ewes were then deprived of their tails; some did not bleed much, but we had to tie up the arteries of others. I had [the tails] skinned, salted, and packed for market, thus completing my loads. Thereupon I proceeded to Grahamstown, where the fat tails realized a fair price, along with the other produce. While travelling I had seen the Griquas and Bastards cut pieces off the fat tails of their sheep to cook with their venison. In the course of time I had a good lambing season, which gave me fresh courage to persevere. I found other markets for my cattle and sheep, and left off dealing with my old Grahamstown acquaintances, of whom I wish to say something. These were the men who first opened the frontier to the wilderness among the wild tribes, where life and property were not safe for one night, and started the trade which others now enjoy, without knowing or caring who were the pioneers - Donald MACDONALD and McLUCKIE, who came out in 1819 with Mr. MOODIE, WEEKS and WALKER, who were the first that penetrated as far as Cradock; DRIVER, of Driver’s Hill; THACKWRAY and his sons;  John WEAKLEY, TEMLETT, HUME, TENNANT, HANGER, the NORDENS (John, Ben and Mark), J. PHILIPS, FOSSEY, MURPHY, ANDERSON, WEBBER Snr. (who still survives), GLEESON, COLLINS, J. HOWSE, G. WOOD, Adam GILFILLAN, and many others whom I forget, who after one or two trips settled down to a more easy way of living. Some of these men took up their abode in Graham’s Town, and carried on a lucrative trade with the smouses; and others became so “stuck up” that they would not take their hands out of their breeches pockets without they had gloves on. The Kafir never returned, consequently the cow and heifer calf were given to my son John, who, however, did not live long to enjoy them. He has now lain at rest about 30 years, with some of Mr. OGILVIE’s family, in Graham’s Town burial ground. Some cows in possession of my family bear the name of “Sinquos” to this day. But very few of the aforementioned traders now live to tell of the days of “auld lang syne”. 

Thursday, 22 July, 1869

In den insolventen boedel van Pieter Johannes MAHARY, onlangs landbouwer te Wilgerivier, district Harrismith.
De ondergeteekende […..] behoorlyk belast zynde zal op Maandag, den 2den Augustus a.s., ten 1 ure p.m. Publiek voor zyn kantore te Harrismith aan den meestbiedende verkoopen: Beesten, waarder voorname koeijen en vaarsen, 2 paarden, tent kar, stel achterduigen en meer andere artikelen dae ter dage der verkooping zalien worden te voorschyn gebragt.
Robert MACFARLANE, Venduafslagster
Harrismith, 16 July, 1869

DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 21st July, 1869, after a short and painful illness Mr. Andrew W. BLOM, aged 52 years

The Boer Trek of 1826-1827 [recte 1836-1837]
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]

[Transcriber’s note: His reminiscences of the Great Trek were serialised in the next four editions of The Friend. The first three extracts were dated 1826-1827, but the date was later corrected to 1836-1837.]

On the 20th August 1827 [recte 1837] I started from Thornhoek, accompanied by Robert DANIEL, and LE MARE, a German botanist and doctor, who came out to collect bulbs and curiosities, but whether he ever sent any to Europe I do not know. LE MARE had his own wagon and oxen, and I had three wagons, laden with merchandize, which I desired to dispose of, and at same time collect my old outstanding debts among the Boers. At that period, no licence was granted to traders to cross the boundary. I, however, risked it. We crossed the Orange and Caledon rivers, and arrived at the mission station Beersheba, where the missionaries received us very kindly, invited us to their houses, and treated us with the greatest hospitality. Next morning, September 1st, a gentleman with gun on shoulder and bandolier round waist, passed through the mission station walking alongside of his wagon, as if to guard it. As he neither halted nor saluted anybody, I was anxious to know who he was, but not a soul knew him. I then inspanned, followed him up, and soon overtook him, when I hoisted the “Smouse’s” flag, i.e. three or four coloured handkerchiefs on the point of a whip-stick. The old gentleman saw the flag and halted; and who should he be than Mr. VON ABO, land surveyor, from Graaff-Reinet. After a little conversation, I found he was bent on the same speculation as myself: so we agreed to travel together, and a more agreeable companion I have seldom met with. We resumed our route to Thaba ‘Nchu, and spied the Rev. Mr. ARCHBELL, who received us with great cordiality. We stayed there a day, as Mr. ARCHBELL was preparing to start for Platburg, where he was to meet other missionaries. He lent us several interesting books for the journey, and furnished me with an excellent boy (a rara avis at a mission station) for a guide. His name was ‘Prins’ and in the course of our travels he told me of the Great Lake, and offered, if I had no objection, to be my guide thither. We shortly reached Platburg, where the missionaries had congregated to hold their meeting. I was surprised to find some Grahamstown people there (viz. W. WRIGHT, James HOWSE, and McLUCKIE), besides the Revs. ARCHBELL, EDWARDS and JENKINS, with whom I was personally acquainted, and a good many more, whose names have slipped my memory. The missionaries were so much occupied laying down the boundaries of certain mission stations that my old friend JENKINS excused himself for not entertaining me as he would have done upon another occasion. ‘Never mind, JENKINS,’ I replied, you know that I value a friendly face and a hearty shake of the hand above everything else.’ Mr. EDWARDS invited us to call upon him at Groenkloof, which we did, and were most hospitably entertained. From there I sent R. DANIEL with one wagon to MOSHESH’s, with orders to trade and to join me in 15 days, whilst I proceeded after the Boers to Sand River, where they were to hold a meeting at which their future plans would be determined. We made the Sand River and found about 150 Boers assembled there under Piet RETIEF, an acquaintance of mine since 1821. Their intention was to cross the Drakensberg to our right. I invited Piet RETIEF to breakfast with me, and then he unfolded all his schemes. I tried to persuade him not to go down the mountain; that DINGAAN would lead him on until he (RETIEF) was completely in his power; that DINGAAN was aware of the projected ‘trek’ and, no doubt, dreaded the Boers, but would not show his uneasiness; that DINGAAN, to deceive him, would agree to sell him land, and when an opportunity offered, DINGAAN would fall upon him, in a country from whence escape would be difficult, abounding as it does in deep kloofs, and dense bush, and that if he took my advice, he would remain in this country, where he could protect himself and stock, and then, in course of time, he could see what was best to be done. He answered, ‘MONTGOMERY, DINGAAN’s people are not spoilt by the English as the frontier kafirs are.’ When breakfast was over we parted, and for the last time. We never met again. His history is well known. Two or three days afterwards more farmers arrived, with Gert MARITZ and POTGIETER as commanders or leaders. Now we formed a strong party, and when the Boers began to trek one continuous string of wagons stretched as afar as the eye could reach, for miles. We remained in the rear, so the front wagons were outspanned a considerable time before we reached the bivouac. We crossed a spruit where I discovered a seam of black rock, and had some of it excavated, when it proved to be coal. I induced one BOTHA, a blacksmith, to try it, and he pronounced it to be good for some kinds of work. It was all the talk that stone was found to burn. I suppose that is the locality now called Coalspruit. On we went and we came to Rhenoster River where I availed myself of the opportunity to write home by Gert RUDOLF. This was on October 3rd. In my letter of that date I stated it was heartrending to see so many human skeletons bleaching in the sun. Here it was that MOSELEKATZE’s commando attacked the Boers, and slew POTGIETER and KRUGER. The space encircled by the wagons was but small, but the kafirs came on and formed a ring, sat down within a short distance and then arose and made a rush on the wagons. The Boers beat them off, but they came on a second and third time, when some of the Kafirs tried to get in under the wagons. The wives of the Boers were forced to defend themselves with their hatchets, cutting off the hands of their swarthy foes, and splitting their heads open. However, the farmers succeeded in driving them off, but the enemy took all their sheep, cattle and horses, so that they could not pursue and recapture their stock.  In this dilemma, the Boers sent to the Chief MOROKA of Thaba ‘Nchu for assistance, and he was so kind as to send oxen to bring them out. Many tales were told of the gallantry of the women. A farmer broke his ramrod; in his haste his wife supplied him with the handle of an assegai, which had been hurled at her, but only pierced her clothes. On walking about among the dead it could be seen where the balls had penetrated the head or the ribs; some had looper holes in the side; others had their thighs broken.  The skeletons were still entire but the flesh was torn off by wolves and jackals. The place was named Moordkop. It was a hard-fought battle.
(to be continued)

Thursday, 29 July, 1869

MARRIED at 12 Shaftesbury Terrace, Glasgow, Scotland, on the 29th April, 1869 by the Rev J. McCANN, D.D. incumbent, of St Jude’s English Episcopal Church, W.D. SAVAGE, Orange Free State, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late John ALLAN.

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, by special licence, on the 20th inst., by the Revd. John G. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. Daniel BRADFIELD to Julia, eldest daughter of E.M. TURVEY, Esq. of Queenstown, Cape Colony.

The death of Mr. Stephen Day MANDY, a landowner in this state, is announced. He died near London, at the age of 54.

The Boer Trek of 1826-1827 [recte 1836-1837]
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
(continued from our last)
On the 6th of October we resumed our journey, the Boers taking the lead, and opening up the road, so that our travelling was not difficult, though irksome, inasmuch as the farmers made but short stages. It was painful to see the young girls and children driving the sheep and cattle, as the Boers, with few exceptions, had left all their slaves and Hottentots behind. This grievance totally changed the temper and disposition of the once most kind and hospitable people in the universe. They became sulky, unfriendly and insolent, especially to the English, as if they were responsible for the unjust acts of the British Government. For several days we ‘trekked’ on over everlasting flats, without anything worthy of mention occurring, and we arrived at a spruit, fringed with willow trees. All the farmers had crossed, and encamped on the opposite bank. My wagons also got safely through, but Mr. VON ABO’s vehicle was capsized, and overturned, the four wheels being uppermost. The poor old gentleman was in a great rage with his driver. I begged of him not to distress himself, and seeing that no damage was done, save to the tent, I promised to make everything all right. With the assistance of all hands we raised the wagon, and drew it out of the spruit. Whilst doing [so] the Boers collected around us, and, catching sight of Mr. VON ABO’s surveying instruments, threatened to throw them and their owner into the water. A report had been circulated amongst them that Mr. VON ABO was STOCKENSTROM’s spy; that I was a Government informer; and that LE MARE was present for some other sinister purpose. It was with difficulty I staved off a quarrel. I applied to Mr. POTGIETER to pacify the farmers, telling him that he knew very well that what the people said or thought was all nonsense; and that if I could sell my goods, and get what was owing me, I would return without delay. Then I set to and repaired the tent of Mr. VON ABO’s wagon, which greatly pleased the old gentleman.
Next day we resumed our tiresome journey to the Vaal River, and outspanned on this (the southern) bank of that stream on November 2. Thereupon a ford whereat to cross, and a suitable site for bivouacking on the other side of the stream, were sought for. The morning before we crossed the river, the English and others were served with a written notice, that if they desired to throw in their lot with the emigrant farmers, they must comply with such laws, rules and regulations, as the farmers chose to frame for their future protection. The ‘uitlanders’ could not otherwise than acquiesce in this, as they were under the protection of the Boers. So Gert MARITZ and party crossed the Vaal, as likewise did I in company with Mr. VON ABO, leaving R. DANIEL with one wagon, and Mr. LE MARE, at POTGIETER’s lager, to do the best they could. – In due course, we arrived at Zuikerboschrand, where the farmers drew their wagons into lager; and being now in the enemy’s country, every preparation was made for defence, and patrols were sent out, which returned laden with game. Whilst awaiting the arrival of some Boers, who were expected, we had resort to many amusements, such as target-shooting, putting the stone, racing, and leaping. One day the young Boers assembled for a jumping match, when I could not find one to beat me at either the high or broad leap, barring a lithe little fellow who had just come from POTGIETER’s lager; he, James MITCHEL, beat me by an inch, and is now in Bloemfontein to boast of it. MITCHEL was with McLUCKIE, who arrived with others afterwards. The evenings were spent by the old people in reading their bibles and singing psalms, whilst the young folks went in for music and dancing – a place being scuffled level in front of a tent, for a ballroom floor. It was fine fun in the moonlight skipping about with the Boers’ wives and daughters. Thus time passed pleasantly enough until Piet UIJS found us, when it was announced that he would take command. This raised the ire of Gert MARITZ, and induced him to make use of threatening language towards Piet UIJS, which threats were retailed to Piet UIJS, and threw him into an awful passion, prompting him to call his men together, to hold a consultation, with the object of putting down Gert MARITZ. Eventually it was decided to enforce obedience upon Gert MARITZ by despatching to his tent a body of 150 armed men. I got wind of this, and prevailed on one Jan JOUBERT to accompany me to POTGIETER’s lager, and try to stay the intended battle. I was well acquainted with Piet UIJS and knew I would be able to bring him to view matters in another light. Accordingly, off we started, leaving MARITZ’s men in great confusion. The two lagers were not far apart. Upon arrival at POTGIETER’s I reasoned with him about the impolicy of such a step as that contemplated by UIJS: but he (POTGIETER) would not interfere either one way or the other. Seeing that everything was in readiness to attack MARITZ, I persuaded UIJS to walk with me. I then remonstrated with him, and succeeded in inducing him to go along with me, and challenge Gert MARITZ, promising him that I would supply the needful and act as his second, as there was no reason to cause a breach between the whole of the burghers, just because he and MARITZ had quarrelled. If MARITZ will not accept the challenge, I continued, he must apologise and arrange matters. Anyhow, I [concluded], being now in the enemy’s country, it behoves us to live together in unity and you (UIJS) must fight it out with MARITZ. So over we went, and I delivered the challenge: but MARITZ was not prepared to meet UIJS. “I have no pistols”, said he. “Oh”, I replied, I will supply you with them. We must have it out, and settle matters.” “But not in that way,” rejoined MARITZ. “Then you must see one another and talk it over,” said I: “you must make an apology for any rash words you may have uttered in haste.” To this MARITZ assented, and the two great men had an interview. I thought I should have died of laughing when they met, they abused each other like pickpockets, and I expected every moment to see them at fisticuffs; but there was not so much game in them. By the time the wordy encounter was over, Mrs. MARITZ had tea ready. Thereupon more edifying conversation was resumed, the tobacco pouch was handed round and the calumet of peace smoked. It was arranged that UIJS and MARITZ should both remain in command of their own men.
As HENDERSON and McLUCKIE were at POTGIETER’s lager, I persuaded R. DANIEL and LE MARE to come and join us at Zuikerboschrand. Daily meetings were convened for framing laws, and I sent in some propositions which were accepted. One was to guard against all deserting the camp, and thus leaving it unprotected, inasmuch as we did not know from what side the enemy might approach, and then there would only be the old men to protect the lager. Another regulation was, that not more than 25 men should be permitted to go out hunting on one day. The 25 men, it was  decreed, should obtain passes from Landdrost RUDOLF. But that evening (Friday) the herds returned to camp with the intelligence that a troop of elephants had been seen in an adjacent valley, and on Saturday all hands who could go, with or without passes, went. On Sunday nothing but the reports of firearms could be heard: and on Monday all who went were summoned to appear before President MARITZ and the Landdrost. I forgot to mention, that the following stood in my proposal – Any one leaving the camp without a pass to be fined not more that Rds 10, or less than Rds 5. The amount of the fines to be appropriated for the purchase of ammunition.
(to be continued)

Thursday, 5 August, 1869

In den insolventen boedel van Willem Adriaan du PLOOY, veeboer, van Druipfontein, district Winburg.
Op Zaturdag, den 21sten Augustus, 1869, ten 9 ure des voormiddags zullen de volgende goederen by publieke veiling worden verkocht: Aanteel schapen, beesten, trek ossen, trek-ry en aanteel paarden, ossenwagen, paardewagen, dubbelloop “Rayton” rifle, tafel, stoel, kist, veder bed – complete, &c., &c., &c.
F.P. SCHNEHAGE, P BREDELL, Gesamentlyke curatoren.
C. BREDELL, Venduafslager.
Winburg, 29 July, 1869

DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 26th July, 1869, Mr. Laurence REID, after a severe and lingering illness of 16 months, borne in a truly Christian spirit, at the age of 38years, deeply regretted by his relatives and friends, leaving a sorrowing widow and three small children to deplore their loss.
Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice. R.I.P.

The Boer Trek of 1826-1827 [recte 1836-1837]
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
(continued from our last)
Monday was a day of great confusion. All who were assembled appeared determined to kick against such laws as they thought were calculated to deprive them of their liberty. A brother of President MARITZ was the first to be tried and fined. This threw him into a towering rage. He flew to his tent for his gun, to shoot his brother, but was checked by his mother and friends. I expected this row; therefore I got out of the way, and ascended a mountain, from whence I watched the movements of the Boers with a spyglass. Then it was Waar is de ver-domde Engelschman? Ik zal hem schieten dat hij barst. Waarom komt hij hier om wetten voor ons te maken? [i.e. “Where’s the damned Englishman? I’ll shoot him until he bursts. Why does he come here to make laws for us?”] This storm of indignation, however, soon blew over. Presently I saw Gert MARITZ walk up the kloof and sit down by a big stone. I went to him: he was deeply grieved that his brother should have shown such a bad example. He expressed his regret at leaving the Colony, inasmuch as he had discovered that he possessed no control over the men who had elected him as their President. But it was too late to repent. A few days after that, I, with some companions, was sitting in my tent, when a messenger came to inform us that there was a good opportunity of sending letters to the Colony, as two burghers were going to Mr. ARCHBELL’s to get married, whereupon some conversation occurred respecting the legality of a marriage entered into before Gert MARITZ, when each of us passed some remark which was carried over, in a grossly exaggerated form, to MARITZ. Several days after this a summons was received by LE MARE and myself, calling upon us to appear on Monday, to answer to whatever the informers chose to make out of what was said in joke amongst ourselves. Unfortunately, LE MARE lost his temper when the summons was served upon him, and made use of some strong language, which was retailed to MARITZ. Presently, a field-cornet came with a guard, to take us up to the President’s tent, where he had already summoned about 30 grey-headed old men as jury. When I was ordered to step out of my tent, I was surprised to see about 25 farmers, several of whom were armed. I asked the field-cornet, whether they all came to capture me? ‘Ja,’ was the answer. ‘Well, then,’ said I, jocularly, ‘this is the first time I fully knew the value of an Englishman.’ LE MARE was very angry, but this pleased me the more. ‘LE MARE,’ I observed, ‘this is the first occasion I ever had the honor of such a fine bodyguard. It beats the German Legion hollow.’ ‘Go to [Bath], you are always full of nonsense,’ LE MARE testily replied. On the way to the court I met Bart PRETORIUS, with whom I became acquainted whilst residing in Graaff-Reinet (he is still living close to Pretoria, S.A. Republic), and he thus accosted me. Jy moet niet bang wees nie, jy hebt vrienden hier. [i.e. “You mustn’t be afraid, you have friends here.”] I answered, ‘I must first learn what fear is, for I have never yet experienced it.’ We arrived at the tent where the court was assembled, and found that the clerk was the witness, to which I objected. I suggested, that as LE MARE could write good Dutch, he should act as clerk. This was assented to. I then advised LE MARE to keep his temper, and all would go well. When we were charged with condemning the marriage ceremony as instituted amongst the emigrant farmers, I adhered to what I had said, viz., that the marriage of such persons, on their return to the Colony, would not be valid, nor would they get their children baptised without going through the marriage rite according to the formula of the D.R. Church. That in place of such a mock ceremony, I would propose that the parents of the young people, and other friends, should have the marriage contracts drawn up, signed, and witnessed before MARITZ, each of the parents holding a copy of the same, and a minister of the D.R. Church should be established among them. Ja, Oom Jan is regt, muttered the old men, who thereupon vacated the tent, leaving me and the president alone. He then said he only wanted to know the truth. I forgot to mention that the Boers shot upwards of 40 elephants. It was a troop of young cows, and they were all killed with the exception of a young one that was brought to the laager, and of which I became the purchaser. It was quite tame, and used to turn up its trunk and smell under my arm before it would eat what I offered it. The tusks were put up to public competition, but there was not one so thick that a billiard ball could be turned out of it. I may as well mention here that in the course of a conversation I had with Sir Harry SMITH, when on his way back from Boomplats via Burghersdorp, I ventured to remark, that I thought it would not be amiss if His Excellency would, by proclamation, declare all marriages and contract of marriages legal beyond the boundary. His Excellency, however, made no reply, but merely enquired about the marriages and marriage ceremony.
The morning after the mock trial, we were all thrown into the direst confusion by the report that the kafirs were coming. Our wagons, which formed a separate laager for ourselves, were ordered into the ring to make the laager as compact and secure as possible. At this period a fever was raging, and a great many of all classes were thereby prostrated. I had to carry some of my boys on my back to the laager, as I could not, in the event of the report being true, leave them to be massacred. On enquiring of everyone who was in a position to know about the certainty of a hostile commando being on its road to attack us, no one could give me any satisfactory intelligence, so I sent R. DANIEL up a steep ‘kop’ to reconnoitre, and to make signs so that I could understand him. Accordingly he made signs that he could see but 18 of the enemy. Thereupon I signalled for him to come down, and by the time he joined me I had the horses saddled up. We then rode in the direction that the kafirs were coming, when we discovered that the 18 natives were those that MOROKO had sent to be our guides to MOSELEKATZE’s. Upon returning to the laager and reporting it was only the guides who were coming, the terrible confusion was allayed. To describe the uproar that had prevailed would fill almost a volume. What with women and children screaming, and men firing off their old shots, casting bullets, and making other preparations for receiving the enemy, it was like Bedlam run wild. We again drew out our wagons and formed our camp afresh. Three or four died weekly in the laager. I was very sorry for one of the victims, Miss MARSH. She was educated at an English school in Uitenhage, was in love with a young man, and wished to be married to him, but her parents would not allow it and desired that she should unite herself to one she did not care for. I believe, from what I could understand, that there was a considerable amount of money involved in her nuptials. She was confined to a camp  tent wagon, and the sun being at that season in the zenith of his power, she sickened and died. I attended her funeral. I was acquainted with her, and therefore she requested me to take letters for her to some friends in the Colony.
(to be continued)

Thursday, 12 August, 1869

Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Company
In den insolventen boedel van Roderick CAMPBELL, winkelier, van Kroonstad
De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk daartoe gelast zynde door de Bloemfonteinsche Executeurs Kamer, zal op Zaturdag, den 9den October eerstkomende, ten 9 ure s’ voormiddags, voor den winkel van den insolvente, te Kroonstad, publiek verkoopen de aanvolgende vaste eigendommen:-
Erven Nos. 1 & 2, gelegen aan het Marketplein, in de stad Kroonstad. Op no.1 staat een groot winkel, met pakhuizen, waarin alsnog al de rake, toonbank, enz., aanwezig zyn; annex dat is een zeer gerieflyk woonhuis, met buiten vertrekken, en geschikt voor elke fatsoenlyke familie. Beideerven zyn ommurd en beplant met boomen en nemen de beste stand van de stad in.
Erven Nos. 27 & 28, gelegen aan het Marketplein, in de stad Kroonstad, naast het Gouvernements kantoor. Op no. 28 staat een husje. Beiden zyn geschikt om bezigheid op te driven of ook om private woningen op te bouwende, nemen de beste stand in van de stad
Erven Nos. 33 & 34, gelegen aan het Marketplein, in de stad Kroonstad, naast den welbekenden winkel van den heer J.A. de KOCK, aan den publieken weg van Winburg, zeer geschikt om besigheid op te driven of private woningen op te bouwen, en er staat reeds een klein gebouwen op.
De plaats Tochgekregen, No. 323, gelegen 1½ uur afstand van de stad Kroonstad, wyk Ondervalschrivier, groot (min of meer) 3000 morgen, goed oorzien van water. Er staat een gerieflyk woonhuis op en kralen, en is een der beste zaai en veeplaatsen van het district. Het is onnodig om verder over die plaats uitteweiden, terwyl dezylve te algemeen als eene uitstekende plaats bekend is.
De plaats Morgenader, No. 206, gelegen in de wyk Bouvenrenosterrivier, district Kroonstad, groot (min of meer) 3000 morgen
De plaats Rietpoort No 255, gelegen in de wyk Bouvenrenosterrivier, district Kroonstad, groot (min of meer) 3000 morgen
De plaats Schoongezigt, No. 711, gelegen in de wyk Bouvenrenosterrivier, district Kroonstad, is zeer geschikt voor groot en klein vee en zaaijen, en heft eene goede fontein met eene goede gelegegenheid om damme te maken.
De plaats Kaap de Goede Hoop, of Fairfield, grenzende aan de stadsgronden van Kroonstad, groot (min of meer) 2500 morgen, annex de plaats van den heer Paul DELPORT.
Verder zalook worden verkocht:- Groot schaal met gewigten, klein do, do. Al de rakken en toonbakken in den winkel. Eenige tafels, ladders, ledikabten enz., enz. Te veel om te melden.
C BREDELL, Venduafslager.
Vendu Kantoor,
Winburg, 7 Augustus, 1869

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 10th August, Mrs. L. RASCHER, of a son.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Philippolis, Mr. Eduard George Wilhelm BERKMEIER, (BERKEMEIER) son of Heinrich Georg BERKMEIER, Esq., Hans Hagen, [Amt…burg], Landdrost & [Bezigd], Osterbrook, Hanover Germany, after a short but debilitating illness, which terminated on the evening of the 6th August, 1869. The deceased has left in this country a large number of sorrowing friends and acquaintances, who deeply sympathize with the bereaved parents, who are still living in Germany. The deceased only reached 33 years, 1 month and 8 days.
Philippolis, O.F.State,
South Africa,
August 9th, 1869

The Boer Trek of 1836-1837
[Not 1826-27, as before erroneously printed]
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
(continued from our last)
While the Boers were preparing for the commando against MOSELEKATZE, a despatch came from P. RETIEF, with an enclosure from Captain BIGGAR, signed by his two sons and 8 or 10 others, acknowledging the receipt of a letter from RETIEF, and stating that they were glad the farmers were going to become their neighbours, but as they (the BIGGARs, &c) were the first settlers in Natal, they would not give up the Port, but would hold it for the Crown of England. This letter, being signed by so few, was treated with great indignation and threatenings – I had much conversation with the most enlightened of the farmers respecting the cause of their leaving their comfortable homes in the Colony, and risking their lives and everything else in the wilderness. Some of their remarks for doing so were as follow: The British Government had defrauded them of their money by calling in the paper currency, and then issuing 18d in place of the rixdollar of 24d: and thus they were robbed of one fourth. That the Government set the Hottentots free to become a pest to the Colony; and so they were deprived of those whom they went to so much trouble to rear and train, in the hope of securing their services when they were able to work. Then there was the emancipation of the slaves. This seemed to be the chief grievance, inasmuch as they could not get their money allotted to them otherwise than through the assistance of an agent. “Why did not the Government,” said they, “send out the money to the Colony, so that we could receive it here?” “No,” broke in another, “the Government is not to be further trusted.” A third would have it, that their children would be taken for soldiers, and sent to foreign countries, &c. Argument was of no avail in causing them to take a reasonable view of matters. All I could do was put in now and then a conciliatory word; convince them I could not – Everything was at length ready for an onward movement. There were three divisions of 100 men each, under the command of Piet UIJS, POTGIETER and RUDOLF. Each division had its own wagons, and acted in accordance with the judgment of its commandant. We followed the direction indicated by the guides for some days. At last we reached a kraal, which we surrounded by night. At daylight the Kafirs first became aware of their danger; but by whichever way they attempted to fire they encountered a destructive fire, and at sunrise we were masters of the position. We captured a large herd of cattle, which we drove that night into a deep kloof, that had a very narrow entrance, and was surrounded by a precipitous rock. The 18 Barolongs were left to guard the stock. I remonstrated with the officers that it was not safe to trust such a small force; but not one heeded me. We then ‘trekked’ out on to an open flat for the night. Next morning, to our horror and amazement, we found the 18 Barolongs all slain, and the herd of cattle gone. It was the finest lot of oxen I ever saw, and in number about 1000. After this mishap we had to get on as we best could, and collect such cattle as fell in our way. I, with 24 others, proceeded to what is now called the Dorenberg, in Marico, to search for stock, without any apprehension of meeting a Kafir commando. However, to our surprise, we saw, from the top of the mountain, MOSELEKATZE’s commando advancing. To think of retreating on horseback from the summit of a ‘berg’, whose sides were thickly studded with big stones, was out of the question. So without any hesitation I ordered my companions to dismount, and form in three divisions, to enable them to keep up a constant fusilade, in case we should be hard pressed. This was done. Then I told my after-rider, Plaatje ROOIBAATJE, to lead some of our horses down the hill, while we continued steadily to retreat, only staying to throw in a volley now and then, when the enemy approached too close. One Kafir made a dash by himself through a valley, and was fired upon, but on he came until a little Scotchman named McKENZIE wheeled round and shot him with a pistol. We maintained our retreat down the mountain, until we arrived at a deep sluit, when I thought our career was checked, but we speedily discovered a place where two horses abreast could go through, although we had to fire incessantly until we crossed. Then we all mounted our nags and rode for dear life, the enemy yelling and shouting like fiends incarnate. We overtook our commando, which were collecting cattle, after a long ride, sound in wind and limb. Next day we had a sharp engagement with the enemy, who tried to recapture the stock, but we beat them off, and returned. Had MOSELEKATZE followed us up two or three days afterwards, he might have retrieved the cattle, and done a considerable deal of mischief, as many of the Boers rode home, leaving those who had but indifferent horses to follow. We reached our camp on the 8th December with 4,500 head of cattle, some of which, however, were not worth the trouble of driving; and each warrior, on division of the spoil, after deducting the expenses, received from 5 to 7 head. After the booty had been divided, preparations were made to follow up RETIEF, who had, in our absence, written a pressing letter for us to come on. Mr. POTGIETER thereupon sent for me, requesting my presence at his tent, as he had some business to settle in the Colony, which he wished me to do for him. I then received his documents and directions, and entered into conversation with him about his future proceedings. I endeavoured to persuade him not to listen to RETIEF’s request; but he said he had promised to do so. I told him I would advise him to stay where he was with his followers and stock, viz. in the open country; that MOSELEKATZE could be driven out of it without any difficulty; that we had both seen a beautiful river, from which the water could be led over thousands of morgen of land; that on that stream one of the finest towns in South Africa, where any number of inhabitants might live in peace and prosperity, could be established; that it would be madness to descend the mountain, inasmuch as DINGAAN would watch his opportunity, and then escape being all but impossible, make a clean sweep of all the traders. I said a great deal more, but perceiving that the old gentleman held down his head, and answered not, I saw that I was only tormenting him, so I took up my hat, shook hands with him, as I was going away next morning, and went to my wagon. That evening POTGIETER’s son, with 10 others, came to me, and seated themselves about the wagon. POTGIETER’s son then stated that his father had sent him to me to ask me some questions. To this I at first made no reply. At last I said. “What does your father want to know?” He answered, “My father is desirous of being informed, whether, if we go down the mountain and take Port Natal, the English will allow us to hold the port.” “POTGIETER,” I replied, “do you see the moon shining yonder? Well, then, so sure as that you see the moon shining, so certain you may be that the British Government will not allow you to keep Port Natal, nor any other port between that and Delagoa Bay.” “What would you advise my father to do? rejoined he. “As I have already advised him,” I responded; “that is, to stay in this open country.” I then added, “I suppose your father is anxious because I spoke so much in his tent, and he did not answer me. “No.” he explained, “my father was full of sorrow, and that is why he did not speak.” We then parted on the best of terms. Next morning early the Boers ‘trekked’ over the Drakensberg. Whilst we were preparing to inspan, Mr. Piet UIJS, who sat on a large grey horse, rode up to me. “MONTGOMERY,” said he, “I could not ride away without first coming to bid you goodbye. When you get home, tell all your friends that I am going to found a free settlement, where all will be welcome; no matter of what nation or religion, every one will be respected according to his deserts.” Then we separated for the last time: his party moved one way, and we another. Nothing of any consequence occurred on the road until we reached Groenkloof, where we were most kindly received by Mr. and Mrs. EDWARDS. Here I heard it was reported that a warrant was out for my apprehension. This caused me no uneasiness beyond what I felt  for my family at home. From Groenkloof we moved on to Jammerberg, where after sunset one evening I saw two Bushmen making off to the mountain with a couple of spans of oxen, and I quietly observed their movements as long as I could with my spyglass. As they did not go over the ‘berg’, I conjectured that they must have a kraal on the point of the hill, where there is a kind of kloof. I called DANIEL and told him about it, adding that the Bushmen might kill one ox, but I would not let them have all. Thereupon we prepared for the worst, and ascended the mountain in a northerly direction. Presently we espied the kraal, and saw the Bushmen making merry, dancing and capering. We then sat down on the rock above them, and amused ourselves by watching their fantastic antics, until the Bushmen and their fires alike began to disappear. Deeming it then time to act, I ordered DANIEL to creep down as noiselessly as possible, and remove the bushes that were placed to keep the oxen in a sort of kraal, which was formed by rocks on the edge of a precipice. On the bushes being removed, the oxen walked off one by one, whilst I kept watch in case of the Bushmen becoming aware of the escape of the oxen. We reached our wagon with the cattle without bloodshed. Not a single ox was missing. The marauders, I saw by the faint moonlight, had plenty of meat, and therefore it was not necessary for them to slaughter –We then resumed our journey, and on crossing the Stormbergspruit, I rode home on horseback, and arrived at the door of my dwelling, without any one perceiving me, on the last day of the Old Year. My household were engaged in the festivities of the season, and many farmers, who were on the ‘trek’,  joined in them. The pianoforte, fiddle and other musical instruments had fully occupied the attention of the good folks inside until a stranger (myself) was announced, when a rush was made to receive me, and the fun ceased for a short interval. I then said, “Go on, Mr. DALE, and play me some old Irish airs,” took a stick in my hand, and danced a jig, to show them I was still alive.
DANIEL shortly afterwards arrived with the wagons, and 650 head of cattle, and Mr. VON ABO and LE MARE started thereupon for Colesberg. A few days subsequently I rode to Colesberg, and met Mr. J. CAMPBELL, the then Clerk of the Peace, in the street. I said to him, “I understand you have a warrant out for me.” “No, nonsense,” he replied, “there has been a great deal of talk about you, but no official report.” “Here I am, at all events,” I added significantly.

Thursday, 19 August, 1869

Picked up in the streets of Bloemfontein, a Promissory Note made by H.S. SEWELL, in favour of Mr. Henry WILSON, dated at Durban, Natal 5th October 1868, at twelve months after date, due 5th October, 1869, for thirty one pounds and sixteen shillings (£31 16s) payable at the London & Natal Bank. The owner can have the same on application at this office by paying the cost of this advertisement.

We regret to record the death of Mrs. CASSALIS, wife of Dr. CASSALIS, of the French Protestant Misson in Basutoland. The mother of Dr. CASSALIS likewise, it will be remembered, lies buried in Basutoland

Thursday, 26 August, 1869

Has been issued by the landdrost here for the apprehension of one Christiaan F. SWART, charged on the oath of Mr. B. RENS with the theft of two horses. SWART is an Afrikander from Patrijshoek, between Fort Beaufort and Malgaskraal, in the district of Swellendam, Cape Colony.

Thursday, 2 September, 1869

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 29th August, 1869, Mrs. P.J. de VILLIERS, of a son

Thursday, 9 September, 1869

Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Company
The undersigned, being duly appointed and confirmed as Provisional Trustee in the insolvent estate of J.C. Nielen MARAIS, will cause to be sold at the insolvent’s farm “Gem of the Prairie” on Friday, 24 September, at 11 o’clock a.m., about 180 sheep, 4 cows and calves, bullocks, mules, horses, buck (goats), double Rifle and a quantity of furniture, comprising piano wardrobes, beds, chairs, tables &c., &c., too numerous to mention. And a number of books. Terms easy.
James B. BROWN, Secretary.
W.W. COLLINS, Auctioneer
Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Co.,
7 September, 1869

DIED at Tempe, near Bloemfontein, on the morning of the 5th instant, Mr. Joseph ALLISON, formerly Clerk to the British Resident and Registrar of Deeds, Orange River Sovereignty, aged 51 years, 10 months and 25 days, leaving a sorrowing widow and ten children, to deplore their loss. The bereaved family take this opportunity to express their gratitude to those numerous friends, who attended to pay the last mark of esteem and respect to the remains of the deceased.

DIED, sincerely regretted, at Philippolis, on the 2nd of September, of consumption, Algernon Henry Peto HOWDEN, 4th son of Capt. R. BOWDEN, R.N., of Cawsand, Plymouth, Devon, aged 45; for many years a well loved resident in this neighbourhood.

Mr. Joseph ALLISON, one of the earliest residents, and we may add, founders of Bloemfontein, we deeply regret to record, departed this life suddenly on Sunday morning, 5th inst., on his farm “Tempe,” adjoining the commonage of this town, in an apoplectic seizure, which attacked him at an early hour, about 1 a.m., and from which he never rallied. Dr. H.O. KELLNER was at once sent for, and without delay hastened to the farm; but all was over long ere that gentleman could possibly arrive; in fact, the deceased was, beyond a doubt, from the first moment of attack, quite past human aid. The late Mr. ALLISON had, for some five or six years, been sorely afflicted by paralysis and, at intervals, by dropsy; but when last he visited this town, about five weeks since, appeared to be in somewhat better health and spirits than usual, and conversed cheerfully enough with ourselves and others on public matters, as was his wont, and had even, it is said; planned a visit to the town for the following day (Monday) had not death, the full destroyer, frustrated his plans. Deceased had not quite attained his 52nd year; but, doubtless, though far from the sear and yellow leaf, he had often looked forward to death as the only and not unwelcome deliverer from the pain suffering, and affliction of this transitory life. Many and many a sleepless night has he lain, or rather sat up, for not unfrequently his complaint wholly prevented him from lying down or taking his natural rest. Years ago, he assured us, that his sufferings were at times almost more than he could bear. Mr. ALLISON has left a widow and large family of five sons and five daughters – some of them, alas! too young to feel their loss or miss a father’s care – only the two eldest daughters being married, one to Mr. David J. McMASTER, of Sand-drift, Orange River; the other to Mr. ROCHER of Potchefstroom, S.A. Republic. A sketch of Mr. ALLISON’s life and public acts since he crossed the Orange River, almost 30 years ago, would pretty nearly embrace all the leading events in the history of this country subsequent to its becoming known to, and being occupied by, the white man. The late Mr. ALLISON was we believe – (We write from memory only) – first induced to leave the Cape and make this land his home, through his brother-in-law, the Revd. James CAMERON, Wesleyan minister (now of Durban, Natal), having been appointed by the Wesleyan Conference to labour as a missionary among the native tribes on the immediate border of what is now the Free State. His own brother, the Revd. J. ALLISON, was likewise, at that period, laboring among the same tribes. Deceased, after spending a few years occasionally among the missionaries, and at other times with the emigrant boers, at length married the daughter of a respectable farmer named S. du PLOOY, at that time residing at Leeuwkop, no great distance from the site where Bloemfontein now stands; and from thence forth determined to settle altogether in this country. On Sir Harry SMTIH proclaiming the Sovereignty of the Queen of England over this territory, and appointing Major WARDEN in the capacity of British Resident to rule over the same, the latter gentleman at once sent for Mr. ALLISON, who then resided near Thaba ‘Nchu and offered him the appointment of clerk or secretary, the former being the recognized title, but the labour expected of the recipient including almost everything. Mr. ALLISON accepted the proffered office; moved with his family into Bloemfontein; and erected one of the first substantial buildings therein. From this date (1848) Mr. ALLISON became the Major’s right hand man; and chief, if not sole adviser, “guide, philosopher, and friend;” and such he remained till the close of the Major’s public career” (about May, 1852.) Mr. ALLISON was not only clerk to the British Resident, but likewise Registrar of Deeds and secretary, as well as an active member of the Land Commission for this district. Mr. ALLISON next purchased farms of Mr. T.S. COLLEY, and settled on one of them, Rietfontein, some 12 miles from this town. Three farms he afterwards disposed of to some newcomers (van ZIJLS) from the region of the copper mines, Namaqualand, then recently discovered, realizing a handsome profit by the transaction. At the abandonment (February 1854), Mr. ALLISON was once more sent for, this time by Messrs. HOFFMAN and GROENDAAL, with an urgent request that he (Mr. A.) would assist in taking over the Deeds Registry office from Mr. Percy [CHA….], the then Registrar; and that he, aided by his former knowledge and experience gained in that department, should see that everything was correct and in order. This duty Mr. ALLISON cheerfully undertook, but at the same time firmly declined any permanent employment under the new Government. Mr. ALLISON was next, during the HOFFMAN Government, admitted to practice as an attorney, notary and appraiser in this town; this he continued, however, but for a limited time only. Deceased likewise at this period accepted a seat in the Volksraad as the representative of the town of Harrismith, in the business and debates of which he invariably took an active and intelligent part; and, we believe, as a member of a committee contributed his aid to framing the “Standing Rules and Orders” of that House as they still exist. After some four years in this capacity Mr. ALLISON - differing seriously in opinion with Mr. President BOSHOF, who though perhaps for good, at that time it was considered often rode roughshod over the rights and liberties of the Raad – again retired from public life. Mr. ALLISON’s next public employment was, during the rule of President PRETORIUS, in the capacity of Government Secretary and Treasurer General; and these offices he filled with marked efficiency and zeal for the public service. Many reforms were introduced by him, and had all his efforts been seconded by the Raad we should at that time have had Mr. J.H. BRAND as Chief Justice, instead of later as State President. Mr. ALLISON afterwards resigned these offices in favor of Mr. J.C. Nielen MARAIS (an old schoolfellow of his from the Cape) but before doing so accompanied Mr. President PRETORIUS to Capetown, for the purpose of representing to the Government there the just claim of this State to an equitable share of the Custom dues paid at the Colonial ports. After this, deceased for a brief period filled the office of Acting President, stood as an unsuccessful candidate for the Presidency, and on the election of Mr. BRAND, now nearly six years ago, finally retired to the rest and quietude of his farm, where he has now ended his days. The last public act performed by Mr. ALLISON was the accompanying of President BRAND a few months since for the purpose of pointing out the line between this State and the territory of the Chief Moroka, as laid down by Major WARDEN. Mr. ALLISON had from early days been the steadfast friend of the Barolong tribe, who in consequence placed the greatest confidence in him; and his decisions were final. Deceased was better acquainted with all our land or territorial disputes than perhaps any man now living. It is a pity the question with [Wa….] was not settled ere Mr. ALLISON’s decease, he having nearly 20 years ago accompanied the late Major WARDEN to that part of the country, and was thoroughly conversant with [line obscured.
The late Mr. ALLISON was a keen observer, enjoyed an excellent memory and, moreover, took a keen interest in everything that concerned the welfare of his adopted country. He was well read, enterprising, industrious, and constantly planning and engaged in schemes to improve his farm, on which, at the time of his death, he had so far succeeded that he had a tannery, wool-washery, dams, a young and thriving orange grove, &c. Deceased was the son of a retired officer of the British service, who with his family came out with a party of emigrants in the year 1820, and settled in the district of Clanwilliam, in the Western Province of the Cape Colony. His father has been many years dead, but his mother died in the Cape only a few years ago. His mortal remains were interred on the farm on Monday afternoon last in the presence of a large concourse of mourners (old friends and acquaintances), who rode out from town expressly to take part in the last sad obsequies; the funeral service being most impressively read by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, Wesleyan minister of this town. A brother of the deceased, the Rev. James ALLISON above mentioned, is residing at or near Pietermaritzburg, Natal, and is well known as one of the very few South African missionaries whose labours have been blessed with a degree of success, he having with his religious teachings combined instruction in industrial employment of various kinds - indoors trades as well as work in the field and garden. Three nephews of the deceased, sons of the Rev. Mr. CAMERON, of Natal, are likewise resident in our midst.

In den insolventen boedel van John Walter MANN, Handelaar, woonachtig op dorp Harrismith.
De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlyk gelast zynde, zal op Zaturdag, 25 Sept. a.s., ten 8 ure p.m., publiek voor zyne kantoor te Harrismith aan den meestbiedende verkoopen: 5 Ossen.
Terme Contant.
Robert MacFARLANE, Venduafslager.
Harrismith, 1 Sept 1869

Thursday, 16 September, 1869

De ondergeteekenden, behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zijnde door de Executeuren Datief in den boedel van wijlen Carolina Maria Johanna HOWELL, geboren de WAEL, zullen publiek voor hun kantoor verkoopen, op Zaturdag, 2 Oct., 1869, om 10 ure in den voormiddag, de volgende losse goederen: Mahonijhout Sideboard, Mahonijhout Sofa, Kleederkast, Groot Glazenkast, met Karaffen, kelken, Comfijtpotten, Waterkaraffen, Zoutvaatjes, enz., Groot Ronde Tafel, Kleine tafels, Kleine Marmer Tafels, Kelder met Karaffen en Kelken, Schilderijen, Aarde Poppen, Parafine Lampen, Servies Theegoed met koekbak, Alle soorten Aardenwerk, als: Soepkomen, Borden, Schoetels enz., Vliegenkast, Aantal Wetboeken, en wat verder ten dage der verkooping zal worden aangehoden.
STUART & UIJS, Venduafslagers.
Winburg, 6 Sept., 1869

DIED on the 29th ultimo, at Pietermaritzburg, Cesarine Mathilda (eldest daughter of the Rev. F. DAUMAN), the beloved wife of H.C. CAMPBELL, aged 28 years. Friends will please accept this intimation.

Thursday, 23 September, 1869

DIED at Bloemfontein, on Friday the 17th September, 1869, after a short and painful illness, George Thomas, eldest son of George and Emma WEBBER, aged 23 years and 10 months.
The bereaved parents beg to return their grateful and sincere thanks for the sympathy shown by so many kind friends on the occasion of their recent loss and deep sorrow.

DIED at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, on Sunday the 29th August 1869, Cesarine Mathilda, wife of H.C. CAMPBELL Esq, and eldest surviving daughter of the Rev. F. DAUMAN, lately of Mequatling, French Mission Station, Basutoland, aged 28 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.

Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Co.
The undersigned, being duly appointed and confirmed as Provisional Trustee in the insolvent estate of W.B. BEETON, of Bloemfontein, will sell in front of the Market House,
Saturday, the 23rd October next, at 11:30 o’clock, the following properties;-
Leeuwkop, No 448, district Harrismith, in extent as per inspection report 8000 morgen, situated near bergs Valley.
Vlakuit, No.574, district Harrismith, in extent as per inspection report 1800 morgen, situated Wilge River.
Edenburg, No.157, district Cronstadt, in extent as per inspection report 2100 morgen, situation in Rhenoster-river.
W.W. COLLINS, Auctioneer
James B BROWN, Secretary
Bloemfontein, 20 Sept. 1869

Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Co.
The undersigned, duly instructed, will cause to be sold on Saturday, 23 October next, in front of the Markethouse, Bloemfontein, the following farms belonging to the insolvent estate of John JOSEPH, of Burghersdorp.
Siberia, No. 261, district Cronstadt, in extent as per inspection report 2000 morgen, situated on Upper Rhenoster-river.
Rustpan, No.506 district Cronstadt, in extent as per inspection report about 2500 morgen, situated between Rhenoster Valsch-river.
At the same time will be offered on account of whom it may concern, if not previous disposed of, a valuable erf in this town, No. 9 St Andrews Street, in extent 90 ÷ 146 feet
W.W. COLLINS, Auctioneer
James B BROWN, Secretary
Bloemfontein, 20 Sept. 1869

IN THE ESTATE of Dodds Stewart PRINGLE, deceased.
The undersigned has received instructions to sell by auction on the farm Boschpoort (near Smithfield), on Thursday, October 7th, 1869, at noon:
1 – The farm Leeupan, No. 49, in the district of Pretoria and fieldcornetcy of Elandsriver; a splendid property adjoining the town commonage of the capital of the South African Republic.
2 - Live stock, furniture and effects, including 29 head superior breeding Cattle, 6 draught oxen, 5 riding and cart horses, 18 thoroughbred Angora bucks, 250 Merino ewes and thoroughbred ram, 1 ox-wagon, 2 ploughs, and other farming implements, Horizontal grand piano, sofas, chairs, tables, wardrobe, chest of drawers, washstand and fittings, bedstead and bedding, dressing glass, clothes, chests, cooking utensils, and a variety of useful articles.
Henry D. HOGDSON, Auctioneer and Sworn Government Appraiser.
Smithfield, 20 September, 1869

De Hr. P.W. WESSELS van het district Bedford, Kaapkolonie, is pas teruggekeerd van eene verre jagt expidetie naar verre binneland, waarop hij was vergezeld door den Hr. Lodewijk BOUWER (vroeger een veldkornet van dit district), de Hrn. Durand en H. PRETORIUS, schoonzoon van bovengenoemden Hr. L. BOUWER, en twee menschen die nu niet meer zijn (van der WESTHUIZEN en DRIETS); zijnde de twee laatsten gedood door eene kudde wile buffels in het land van MOSELEKATZE, omtrent het einde van Jun ij ll. Men zegt, dat de buffels de ongelukkige menschen eerst doorboorden met de horens, en hen daarna dood trapten met hunne hoeven, zijnde elke snipper kleederen van hunne ligehamengetrapt. De twee menschen warden niet terzelfder tijd gedood, maar op verschillende gelegenheden, hoewel men verondersteld door dezelfde kudde buffels, omtrent 200 in getal. De Hr. WESSELS schoot 82 stuks groot wild, bestaande uit buffels, rhinocerossen, en elanden, alsmede 11 struis, vogels,en zag op eene gelegenheid nietminder dan 27 olifanten, maar konde niet bij hen komen, daar zijne twee gezellen juist om dien tijd door de buffels gedood waren. De Hr. WESSELS is van plan om na zijne vrienden nabij Grahamstown bezocht te hebben, op zijn vroeger spoor terug te keeren, wanneer hij vast vertrouwt een beter verslag van de gemelde olifanten te geven. De twee menschen die gedood warden hebben beide weduwen en familiein de Transvaal achter gelaten.

Another death has occurred amongst our small community. On Friday last, George WEBBER, jun., one of the twin-sons of George WEBBER, cabinetmaker, of this town, died after a short but severe illness, aged 23. The funeral, which was numerously and respectably attended, took place on Sunday when the Rev. D.G. GROGHAN, Priest-Vicar of the Cathedral, officiated and delivered a brief address very appropriate to the occasion.

Thursday, 30 September, 1869

A most painful case of suicide occurred here on Thursday night last, about 11pm, on the premises of Mr. H. JORDAN, in this town; the unfortunate victim being one Johann HOETZENDORFER, a clerk, for many years in the employ of Mr. JORDAN, by whom he was much and deservedly esteemed. Deceased was born in Bavaria (S. Germany) and came to South Africa with the British German Legion some 12 years since. HOETZENDORFER was much liked by all who knew him for his honest, harmless, quiet and unobtrusive character and conduct, and his sad and tragical end has made a most painful impression on the community. He effected his purpose by loading his gun with a wire shot cartridge, the charge entering at they eye and, as a matter of course, completely blowing out his brains. Drink is supposed to have been the primary cause of this dreadful occurrence. Deceased was but about 34 years of age. His remains were, on Friday afternoon, followed to the Roman Cathloic burial ground – to which church he belonged – by some 25 persons (mostly countrymen of the deceased); the Rev. Mr. MORROW (Wesleyan), in the absence of the R.C. Priest, officiating, and delivering an earnest address at the grave.

Thursday, 7 October, 1869

The court of Combined Landdrosts, for the district of Fauresmith, after a rather prolonged session commencing on 16th ult., brought it labours to a close on Friday last. The Landdrosts who formed the court there were Messrs. J.G. SIEBERT (presiding) Joe HARVEY and F. McCABE. No written report of the proceedings has reached us. One case of wife murder was tried; the accused, after a patient hearing, having been found guilty and sentenced to death. The condemned man, by birth a Hollander, is named Nicolaas Geerts RICHARDS, and has been employed as a schoolmaster among the farmers of the Fauresmith district. The murdered woman (his wife), J.C. de JAGER, is the daughter of a Dutch farmer. The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr. Attorney O.C. KAYS, assisted, by permission of the courts, by Mr. Attorney J.A. HORNE. From the evidence, it seems it clearly appeared that the unfortunate woman died from the effects of poison and that said poison could not have been administered to her by any person other than her husband. The jury, after a patient trial of some eight hours, brought in a unanimous verdict of guilty, in which it is presumed the fully concurred. The president of the court thereafter sentenced the unhappy man to death by hanging.

Thursday, 14 October, 1869

BIRTH at Queenstown, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Henry WEBSTER, of a daughter.

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 10th inst., Mrs. R INNES, of a son.

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the12th inst., Mrs. E. NIEMEYER, of a daughter

BEVALLEN, van een dochter, J.A. v. B, van ANDEL-MERTENS

Carel Fredrik CORNELIS, for theft, on the 26th March, 1869, at the farm Floridale, ward Kaalspruit, district Bloemfontein, in stealing from John CLARK, carpenter, of this town, one ox and one heifer; from William HARVEY, transport rider, of this town, one black ox; and from Fredrick DANIEL, the owner of said farm, 13 head of cattle, 2 white heifers and 8 young oxen, cows and heifers. The prisoner – who, it will be remembered, boldly drove the stock from the farm on Modder-river into this town, at once offered the same for sale, and was apprehended in the act – naturally no defence to make, pleaded Guilty, and was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment with hard labour.

Thomas O’BRIEN, by trade a painter, for theft, on the 3rd April, 1869, at the village of Brandfort, district Bloemfontein, in appropriating to his own use and benefit, four horses, one muid sack, two handkerchiefs, one vest, and other articles, the property or in the lawful possession of J.G. LOHMANN; and one pair of trowsers, the property of Thomas BARRETT. Plea, Guilty. Sentenced 12 months imprisonment: with hard labour.

Jochemus Jacobus ACKERMAN, for horse stealing, in the beginning of October, 1868, at the farm Springfield, ward Upper Modder-river, district Bloemfontein, in driving off from said place and unlawfully appropriating, firstly : 1 black mare, with dark brown foal, the property of Anna Jacoba van der MERWE, widow of late J.G.E. KOLBE: secondly 1 blue schimmel mare, with foal, the property of John KOLBE, jun.: and thirdly, a chestnut riding horse, the property of Jephts, a man of color, now residing at Leeuwberg. The prisoner pleading Guilty no evidence was taken. Sentence, Three years hard Labour

Van goedgeteelde vee, bestaande uit: Beesten, Paarden, enz., enz In den insolvente boedel van A.H. BAIN, van Bainsvley Bloemfontein.
De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk benoemd en aangesteld als Provisioneel Curator in bovengemelde insolvente boedel, zal in het openbaar aan de meest biedende doen verhoopen, op de plaats Bainsvley, naby de staat Bloemfontein, de navolgende roerende have, op Zaturdag, den 20sten November, 1869 te 10 ure den voormiddags, nam.
50 Paarden – meer of minder – waaronde zich bevind een goed geteeld hengst en versceidene merries, 80 Beesten meer of minder, 30 Ezols, 2 Landmeters instumenten (theodolites), 3 geweeren, 2 karren, 1 schrop, 1 ploeg, 1 blaasbalk, 2 Ijzeren kruiwagens. En verscheidene ander boeren gereedschap, en benoodigheden te veel om te noemen, die op de dag van verkooping tot voorselyn gebragt zullen worfen.
W.W. COLLINS, Venduafslager
James B BROWN, Sec., Provisioneel Curator
Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Company.
12 October, 1869

In den boedel van William Henry WHITE, overleden te Elandsrivier in het district Harrismith.
De ondergeteekende behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zynde zal publiek vaar zyn kantoor doen verkoopen, op Zaturdag den 30sten Oct., ten 3 ure p.m. de volgende, t.w.:-
1 Bokwagen (nieuw), 1 Wagenzeil, 1 Zweepstok, 1 Wagenkist, 6 Jukken met scheien, 1 trektouw voor 8 ossen, 1 Horolgie met ketting, 1 Geweer complete, 1 Kruidhoorn, 1 Sabel, verscheidene kleederen, en anderegoederen, te veel om te melden, die ten dage der verkooping zullen worden te voorschyn gebragt.
Ter gelyken tyd zal opgeveild worden, voor rekening van wien het aangaat, 1 Sterke Veerenkar met kap, 1 Dubbelloop Hayton Rifle complete, en eenige andere artikelen die nog zullen geofferd worden, Terme gemakkelyk.
Robert MacFARLANE, Venduafslager.
Harrismith, 6 Oct., 1869

Thursday, 21 October, 1869

DIED at Winburg, on the 14th inst., suddenly from rupture of a blood vessel, Mr. Andrew REID, (of the firm of REID & WATERS,) aged 38 years.
Friends will please accept of this intimation.

DIED at Otter’s Poort, on the 11th inst., after a short, but severe attack of bronchitis, George Henry, the only and posthumous child of the late George Henry HARVEY, aged 1 year and 1 week; having his widowed mother to deplore the untimely loss of the only solace in her afflicted widowhood.

In the insolvent estate of the late A.B. ROBERTS, the following will be sold by public auction, in the Old Club House on Saturday evening, 23 Oct. at ½ past seven o’clock. The whole of the valuable collection of books, comprising over one hundred volumes, the law library of the late A.B. ROBERTS, as per catalogue, which can be had at the office of this paper, or the office of the trustee. A large book stand. A letter press complete, on handsome stand with drawers and sidewings. Paper and Envelope box (oak)
To be sold without reserve. Terms easy
James B. BROWN, Secretary
W.W. COLLINS, Auctioneer
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Co.,
28 September, 1869

Thursday, 4 November, 1869

Is hereby given, that the liquidation account in the insolvent estate of William Henry FUTCHER has been confirmed in the Circuit Court, at Bloemfontein, and that the dividends payable in that estate may be obtained on application to the undersigned at the office of the Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Company.
James B BROWN,
Joint Trustees.
Bloemfontein, 8 November, 1869

DIED at Bloemfontein, on 4th instant, George TENNANT, last surviving child of George N. and Ellen HANGER, aged three months.

DIED at Jacobsdal, on the 26th October, of bronchitis, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, Kate Marion, youngest daughter of James and Annie SKIRVING

The undersigned hereby gives notice, that from and after this date he will not be answerable for any debts incurred by his wife, Josephine Maria FRIKEL, she having without cause left his bed and boarding.
2 November, 1869.

Thursday, 11 November, 1869

De Exeuteuren datief en testamentair in den gemeenschappelyken boedel van M.A. THEUNISSEN en echtgenoote maken hierdie bekend, dat sy op Woensdag, 8 December, des voormiddags ten 10 ure op de plaats Preezfontein, gelegen in het district Fauresmith, aan de meestbiedenden zulten verkoopen: De uitmuntende plaats Preezfontein, gelegen in het district Fauresmith, wyk van Zijlsspruit, groot volgens landmetorskaart 9000 morgen en 86 Rhijnlandsche roeden, benevens een stuk grond daaaaraan gelegen, usschen de plaatsen Zuurfontein, Rustfontein en Sleutelspoort groot ongeveer 800 morgen.
Deze verkooping zal geschieden eerst perceelsgewyze en daarna gesamentlyk
Eerste Perceel. Een stuk grond gelegen aan Jagersfontein en Oberjolster’s dam, toonende op de kaart, letters F.G.H.I.K., ongeveer 900 morgen.
Tweede Perceel. Een stuk grond, gelegen aan Vogelfontein, Fauresmith en Ruigtepoort.
Derde Perceel. Een stuk grond, gelegen aan Ruigtepoort en het voormelde perceel. Enloopende op de kaart van letter K. naar de punt van de gruisplaat op de kaart gemerkt S., groot ongeveer 1400 morgen.
Vierde Perceel. Een stuk grond gelegen aan deel Preezfontein en Sleutelspoort. En loopende op de kaart van letterN. Naar R. groot 1000 morgen ingenoeg.
Vijfde Perceel. Het stuk grond gelegen aan het voormelde perceel No. 4 en aan Sleutelspoort, Zuurfontein en Rustfontein. Groot p.m. 800 morgen.
Zesde Perceel. Het overage gedeelte van de plaats Preezfontein. Insluitende gebouwen , saailaanden, kralen, fontein, met ongeveer 4500 morgen grond.
Zevende Perceel. De perceelen 2 en 3.
Achtste Perceel. De perceelen 4 en 5.
Negende Perceel. De perceelen 4 en 6.
Tiende Perceel. Deperceelen 2,3,4 en 6.
Elfde Perceel. Al de perceelen gezamelijk.
Een ruim crediet zal gegeven worden
De heeren BEUKES en J. THENISSEN te Preezfontein belaaten zich gaarne met aanwysing der lynen.
Schikkingen zyn gemaakt met de eigenaars der aangrenzende plaats Ruitepoort, tot verkoop dier plaats, zoodat hier thans fraaije gelegenheid is, om uitmuntende plaatsente maken.
Nadere information zyn te bekomen by de ondergeteekende alsmede ten kantore van Procureur C.J. VELS te Philippolis.
G. CRUICKSHANK, Executeur Datief,
M.G. BEUKES, J. THEUNISSEN, Executeuren Testamentair,
W.A. DICKSON, Vendu-afslager
Fauresmith, 4 October 1869

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. D.G. CROGHAN, John Smith, P.C.D. Medical student, eldest son of Capt. D. SMITH, Bathgate House, Glasgow, to Johanna Benjamina, youngest daughter of J. MONTGOMERY, Esq., Bloemfontein.

If Mr. George BISSETT, does not release his saddle and saddlecloth, left at my house, and pay his hotel account, and the charge for this advertisement, within six weeks from the date hereof, the same will be sold to pay the said account and advertisement.
Rouxville, Nov., 1st 1869

The undersigned has changed his place of residence from Brandfort district, Bloemfontein, to Harrismith, to which place he requests all communications for him may henceforth be addressed.
Thomas F. DREYER
November 10th 1869

In den boedel van wylen Algernon Henry Peto BOWDEN.
De ondergeteekende geven mits dezen te kennen dat zy behoorlyk zyn aangesteld gezamentlyk als executeuren datief in opgemelden boedel, end at zy hiermede aan debiteuren kennis geven, het door hen aan dien boedel verschldigde binnen zes weken van af heden te komen voldoen ten huize van den eerst ondergeteekende te Philippolis; en dat crediteuren hunne vorderingen verzocht worden, ingelyk binnen gemelden tyd, aan den eerst ondergeteekende in te leveren.
James ROBERTSON, William G. CORNWALL, Executeuren Datief.
Namens de Executeuren Datief, Carl C. MATHEY, Procureur, te Bloemfontein.
4 November, 1869

In den boedel van wijle Jacoba Aletta de BEER, en nagelatengen echtgenoot Paul Jacobus GRIJLING, junior van Caledon Rivier district.
Crediteuren en debiteuren in bovengemelde boedel worden mits deze opgeroepen hunne vorderingen met de noodige bewijs stukken in te leveren of hunne schulden te betalen, binnen zes weken van af 10 November, 1869 ten kantore van den Heer G.C.A. JONAS te Bloemfontein.
De Executeur Datief in den boedel van gemelde BEER, Paul Jacobus GRIJLING, senior

The wife of the Rev. Mr. LUCKHOFF, minister of the Dutch Reform Church here, died at 3 o’clock of the morning of Saturday last, from the effects of her confinement; before which she had caught cold. The infant, which predeceased her, was deposited in the same coffin. The funeral was very numerously attended; and would have been still more so, had not been found necessary to inter the remains on the evening of the same day. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband

Aan vrienden en bloedverwanten wordt bekend gemaakt dat het den Almagtigen God behaagd heft op den 27sten October ll. Na een langdurig ziekbed door den dood weg te nemen mynen teeder geliefden achtgenoot Philip Eduard FAURE, in den ouderdom van ruim 31 jaren my met vier kinderen, allen nog te jong om de grootte van ons verlies te kunnen beseffen, in bittere droefheid achterlatende. Hoe zwaar ook deze slag my moge treffen, toch wensch ik stilt e zyn en te zeggen: De Heer heft genomen, de naam des Heeren zy geloofd.
Fauresmith, 1 Nov. 1869
P.S. – Myne hartelyke dankbetuigingen brang ik by dezen toe aan de Eerw. Heeren LUCKHOFF en SCOTT, en alle andere vrienden, die my hunne hulp en troost zoo ruimschoots deden ondervinden.

In den insolventen boedel van Piet Jacob HENNINGS
De ondergeteekende behoorlijk daartoe gelast zijnde door de Provisioneele Curator in bovengemelde boedel zal bij publieke veiling verkoopen te Smithfield op Zaturdag, den 20sten November, 1869. Des voormiddags en 11 ure.
663 schapen en bokken of daar omtrent, 19 stuks hoorn vee, 6 paarden. En wat verder door den curator ten tijde van de verkooping mogt worden voorgebragt.
Onder de beesten zijn er versccheidene extra melk koijen, met jonge kalvers; en de schapen zijn nog ongescheerd.
Henry D. HODGSON, Vendu Meester en Taxateur van ‘t Gouvernment en den Weeskamer
Smithfield, 8 Nov., 1869

Thursday, 18 November, 1869

De ondergeteekenge behoorlijk daartoe gelaat zijnde door de executeuren datied des boedels van wijlen Mejufvrouw de weduwe van wijlen Andries CRONJE, geboren van COLLER zalop Vrydag, den 24sten December, e.k. ten 10 ure ‘s voormiddags, publiek voor zijn kantoor verkoopen de welbekende vee en zaai plaats Welgevonden, No. 42, gelegen ontrent 2 uren van het doep Winburg, bebouwd met een stevig woonhuis en verschillende buiten gebouwen, beplaats met allerlei soorten van vruchtelsomen en druien enz., enz. Het te onnoodig om verder over deze uitmuntende plaats uitteweiden, daar dezelve algemeen bekend is al seen der beste plaatsen en bevat min of meer 6000 morgen grond.
Voor verdure bijzonderheden vervoege men zich ten kantoor van den ondergeteekende.
C. BREDELL, Venduafslager.
Winburg 13 November, 1869

MARRIED on 26th August, 1869, at St. James’s Church, Davonport, Kyrle Alfred, son of D.B. CHAPMAN, Esq. of Rockampton, Surrey, England, to Louisa Wilhelmina, fourth daughter of Vice Admiral the Hon. Keith STEWART, C.B. ….. Also, at the same time and place, Spencer, youngest son of D.B. CHAPMAN, Esq. to Ellinor Sydney, fifth daughter of Vice Admiral the Hon. Keith STEWART, C.B.

The undersigned begs hereby to intimate that the extensive sale of landed property, in the insolvent estate of J. POULTNEY, which was postponed in August last, has been finally fixed for Friday, 24th December, 1869, at 3 p.m., when he hopes to see a large attendance of intending purchasers at Smithfield. The property to be offered includes some of the finest farms in the Free State and South African Republic, together with first-rate house properties in the town of Smithfield; and will be sold at an unusually long credit. For particulars see Dutch advertisement
Henry D. HODGSON, Auctioneer and appraiser to the Government and Orphan Chamber. Smithfield, 15 November, 1869

Thursday, 25 November, 1869

How I arrived in Cradock in January 1822, and narrowly escaped incarceration. – How I learnt the use of tools during the day, and spent my evenings in genteel society. – How I was jilted by a black-eyed coquette, who fooled me to the top of her bent, and then cast me off like a footless stocking without a leg. – How I thereupon, in a fit of desperation, went and hanged myself, by slipping my head into the hymeneal noose.
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
I arrived in Cradock, tired and jaded, on a knocked-up horse, on a very cold, stormy afternoon in January 1822. At that time there were only about half a dozen inhabitants in the place. All that I can remember are Messrs. SOLOMON and S.M. DE BEER, the Rev. Mr. EVANS (D.R. Church), Mr. [P.GIE], James MOUNTJOY (a saddler, who was discharged from the 21st Light Dragoons), the two Messrs. ZIERVOGEL (one was Secretary to Government), Mr. HEILBERG, Fieldcornet B.J. VORSTER, and Gert VAN DEVENTER. After some trouble I obtained lodgings for the night from Mr. MOUNTJOY. The next morning being fine tempted me to take a ‘constitutional’; and while pacing to and fro in front of the house, Mr. SOLOMON came up and demanded my pass. The air of authority with which he spoke nettled me so much, that I would not satisfy him. By the way, I must here remark that settlers could not leave their locations without a pass from the Landdrost of Grahamstown (Captain SOMERSET). Mr. MOUNTJOY invited me to breakfast, when he told me that the Landdrost’s (Captain HARDING’s) office was about 4 miles from town, at a place called Driefontein, and that I had to cross the Fish-river to get to it. So after putting a tidy whack under my belt, I set of for the ‘kantoor’, where I arrived just in time to prevent myself being brought up a prisoner. Mr. SOLOMON had the warrant for my apprehension. However, I took no notice of him, but marched into the Landdrost’s office with my pass in hand, and presented it to the Landdrost, Captain HARDING; a little cross grained Irishman, in an angry tone of voice demanded, why I did not produce my pass to Mr. SOLOMON, the constable? I coolly replied, that I was not acquainted with that gentleman, and I was not going to show my pass to every one that thought fit to demand it of me without authority. The Landdrost then questioned me as to from whence I came, and on my answering, ‘From Albany,’ then said, ‘Your pass is not from the Landdrost of Grahamstown.’ I then explained, that my pass came from the Colonial office, Capetown, and that Colonel BIRD sent it to me while I was in Graaff-Reinet. The Landdrost then enquired how I came to the country, when I left Ireland, and what part I came from. I gave him as much information as I could. He then asked me into the house, where we had a long conversation respecting many families I knew. By this time the Landdrost’s heart warmed towards me. He invited me to dinner, and advised me to stay in Cradock, saying, that there was a good opening for me. ‘Yes, Captain, there is,’ I replied, ‘plenty of room in which to roam about.’ He smiled genially at the light in which I took his advice, and, after dining, ordered his horse to be saddled up. Thereupon I took the hint, and retired. On reaching Cradock I found that the Captain was there before me, and had told MOUNTJOY to try and induce me to stay. I then asked MOUNTJOY if he would allow me to remain over Sunday, and told him I would remunerate him if he did. ‘You can stay as long as you please if you are willing to work,’ said MOUNTJOY. ‘I am willing to work,’ I responded, ‘if only to learn the use of tools. I believe I shall give you satisfaction; but I will enter into no engagement regarding time or wages. My plan is to travel – to learn a trade, and gather all the information I can before proceeding to America, whither I intend going as soon as possible.’ William PETERS, a stepson of Mr. M., asked me if I would take a stroll to the Government Garden. (PETERS was then [at least] some two years younger than myself). I [agreed] and walked on with him. As we proceeded, we came up to a very pretty young lady, seated under a peach tree. On hearing our footsteps she raised her head from the book she had in her hand. We bowed to her as we passed. I then told my companion (who was afterwards for many years churchwarden in Cradock), that I did not think he had such a beautiful flower in this place. I glanced back; I thought she smiled. ‘Zounds!’ said I, ‘she understands English.’ ‘Yes,’ sighed William, ‘she comes from the “Boland.”’ ‘Thunder and turf!’ I ejaculated, ‘she can come from where she may, but she has a pair of sparkling black eyes that would steal the heart of a stone.’ In due course we reached the garden, where I fancied myself in Paradise. Beautiful large trees of all sorts, in full bearing, figs, grapes, pomegranates, quince and prickly pear hedges, and the remains of a flower garden met my enraptured gaze. In short, I was fascinated with the scene, and remarked to William what a pity it was that this splendid garden should be allowed to go to ruin, for want of someone to look after it; and what would the former proprietor say were he to see the labour of so many years thus shamefully and barbarously neglected. We plucked as much of the best fruit as we could carry, and gathered a beautiful nosegay; and as the sun began to dip behind the mountain we retraced our steps. Soon we reached the spot where the lady with the black eyes sat. I could not pass her; so I stepped up to her and offered her some of the fruit and flowers, which she accepted with a bewitching smile. I accosted her in very lame Dutch, and was answered in pure, vigorous, and classical English. This so enchanted me that all at once I fell head and heels in love with her. My comrade had deserted me – left me in the trap. The shades of evening began to close in, and I hinted to my charmer that it was expedient I should bid her ‘Good Night’; when she invited me to accompany her home and see her sister and brother-in-law. I did not require much pressing; so I walked with her to her residence, where I was most kindly received. A cup of coffee and a sweet cake were handed to me by my black-eyed inamorata. After a short while I took my departure, but not before I had given the lover’s sign to my enchantress.
In 1822 the site now occupied by the church and the street above the watercourse was an unbroken forest of thorn trees, and numerous herds of wildebeest, hartebeest, and springbucks there disported themselves. Elands and quaggas, I was informed, likewise abounded there; but I never saw the last mentioned animals in the locality I have indicated.
On Sunday the people got ready to go to church, but where that was puzzled me sorely to find out. PETERS, however, undertook to show me the place of worship. It was an old, dilapidated ‘kelder’ or wine store. The congregation was very small, but amongst them I espied the Empress of my Heart. The parson selected his text from Job, whose patience I envied, inasmuch as I was upon needles and pins for the wearisome rigmarole of a sermon to come to an end, so that I might seize the opportunity for an interview with my lady love. When the service was over I contrived to see her home, and parted with a promise that I would come after dinner and accompany her to the garden, where we would represent Adam and Eve in Paradise before the fall. After having fortified the inner man, I was as good as my word, and went to take my soul’s delight for the bargained promenade – her sister and brother accompanying us. We spent a very pleasant afternoon.
On Monday I buckled to my new employment, which I found not very difficult to learn, and at sunset perceived that I had given satisfaction to my employer. I then titivated myself up, arranged my black locks (in 1822 my curls vied with those of Absalom) becomingly, and rushed off to spend the evening with my black-eyed darling. Thus sped the time for several months. My honey’s parents were informed of my mellifluous proposals, and every arrangement was made for our marriage. Subsequently it was on the cards that our nuptials should be consummated in the church of which my betrothed was a member, and in the district where her parents resided. So home my honeysuckle proceeded, with the understanding that I, accompanied by her brother and sister, was to follow in a short time. Thus we parted.
In the meantime, the quarterly Nachtmaal was celebrated at Cradock. In 1822 from 300 to 450 wagons used to congregate at Cradock on those occasions, when the rural population flocked in from far and near to receive the Sacrament, to get the chains of matrimony forged, and their ‘olive branches’ christened. I sauntered among the vehicles, admiring the trim they were in, and was highly amused at seeing the tents pitched alongside the wagons. Every one had the bible or a psalm-book in his hands, and from every tent a psalm resounded – all the songs of praise being pitched in different keys and sung to various tunes. I thought them a very religious people. Then the farmers with their broad-brimmed hats attracted my attention, and reminded me of Ballatore [recte Ballitore], a town in Ireland abounding in Quakers. I speedily made many friends amongst the young people, who were delighted with my frolicsome, rollicking, never-say-die disposition. I met some of these juvenile (in 1822) acquaintances on my last journey. Alas! they are now no longer young: and they reminded me of some of my daredevil deeds in the days of yore. In those days, traders from Capetown and Graaff-Reinet, and other parts, used to frequent the Cradock Nachtmaal with their merchandize, which they spread out on planks and mats before an easily to be gulled public. The ‘smouse’ made hay whilst the sun shone, small blame to him! My fancy was vastly tickled by a substitute for a bell that warned the farmers of the time of divine service. It consisted of an immense dunghill (accumulated by the former proprietor), on the top of which (a hollow having first been made) was placed a large flat ironstone, supported by four others. To ring this makeshift for a bell the only thing that was needed was a small stone with which to hammer the big one: and this duty the young men performed so vigorously, and with such regularity, that I never heard of the Boers excusing themselves for coming late to church by pleading that they could not hear the sonorous dunghill alarum. The place of worship was under the large pear trees in the garden. [Tent sides], blankets, and every available article obtainable were spread out, and tied fast from tree to tree. A temporary platform was erected for the parson, from which he delivered his discourse; and trestles, surmounted with planks, served for a communion table. Every Boer carried his own psalm book and seat (veldstool). A few alone had slaves, who bore chairs for their masters and mistresses; but these belonged to the wealthiest class. After a while, I became intimate with the minister, Mr EVANS, and his good lady, and as they had neither chick nor child, they were glad to have somebody with them to pass the evening. Accordingly, I availed myself of this golden opportunity, to gain all the information I could from my [host] respecting the country and the [farmers]. I soon ascertained why the Government garden was suffered to go to ruin. It appeared that Captain STOCKENSTROM, the Landdrost of Graaff-Reinet, sold a number of erven [around] a new watercourse, but omitted to make a dam, consequently none of the precious element ever reached the town, and the upshot was that the Government garden was deprived of its water. The trees and plants became the property of anyone who [chose] to uproot them. I took three large syringa trees. Two of these I planted in front of my house (many years after the date of this tale), and the third I planted in a Government erf. The syringa is known also as the Indian bead. The Indians gather the berries (which when cleaned are fluted), pierce a hole through them with a pin, dye them any color they desire, and then wear them as necklaces. It is a most beautiful tree, but very strong-scented. The last time I was in Graaff-Reinet I was obliged to ride far out into the country to avoid the powerful perfume. When in blossom no bee or other insect will alight upon them.
One morning Mr. EVANS sent and told me that he was very ill, and that he would be much obliged if I would allow Mrs. MONTGOMERY to come and keep Mrs. EVANS company, as she was alone. This was in 1823, shortly after my marriage. I at once granted the request, saying, that I would go myself if I could render any assistance. I went to him; he was very ill indeed, and getting worse every hour. I recommended him to send for Dr. McCABE; he tried to put it off, but at last I prevailed upon him to allow me to despatch a messenger for the doctor. I had to get horses, for which I had to send some three or four hours. The next day the horses arrived. Mr. EVANS was much worse. A man and two horses posted off in all haste to Graaff-Reinet. The third day Dr. McCABE turned up; but it was too late to render any medical aid. Mr. E. had departed from this vale of tears. His last words to me were, ‘John, do what you can for my wife.’ Thus died a true Christian minister. Requiescat in Pace!
Now to my tale before I sold my liberty – i.e. got married. Until I went and did for myself in a fit of desperation, I received a billet-doux regularly every week from my dark-orbed goddess. I had everything in readiness for my marriage. My wedding garments had arrived from Mr. BROWN (one of the Salem party), who was as good and honest a tailor as ever handled a goose. My wagon was packed; my brother-in-law that was to be (but never was) was prepared to start; my box, to make it fit in front of the wagon, had been deprived of its head; I had sent for the oxen, taken leave of my friends, promising shortly to return; and sat on my box in front of the wagon, awaiting the coming of the oxen to span them in. The oxen, however, did not put in an appearance. In the meantime, the post arrived, and a most suspicious-looking official letter was delivered to me. I wondered from whom the letter came, as I did not expect one from any official. In haste I broke open the despatch. The first thing I noticed was my black-eyed [.....]’s signature. I read the contents, and compared the signature with that of one of the jilt’s former notes. I perused it and re-perused it over and over again. I turned the missive first one way and then another; then upside down; but all I could gather from it was, that I was fooled and undone. It appeared that the jade’s former suitor had talked her over, and she was en route to Capetown with the Secretary to Government, for the purpose of marrying him. Her brother-in-law came and spoke to me about the affair, saying, that his sister might have done worse than unite herself to a gentleman. ‘Yes, friend,’ I responded, ‘you Dutch people deem a jackanapes in office to be a gentleman, but I opine it requires more ingredients to form a gentleman than an official billet, a fine coat, and a pair of white kid gloves.’ He then wanted to break off, if possible, the approaching nuptials between the Government officer and my fair but heartless deceiver. I, however, gave him no encouragement to do so, but sent for two Hottentots to come and fetch my box and other traps, and take them up to my room, the door of which was still standing open to receive me. As I sat waiting for the boys a thought struck me:-
‘A woman’s smiles I’ll ne’er believe
Are aught but smiles divine.
Hearts in love were oft deceived:
Such a heart is mine.’
I raised my head. ‘Cheer up,’ said I to myself, ‘don’t hold down your head. There are as good fish in the sea as ever were caught. I will now fight shy of sparkling black eyes, and try what virtue there is in soft, heavenly orbs of cerulean blue.’ These I fell in with a short time afterwards, and was married by Mr. EVANS in the old wine-store in Cradock, on December 22, 1822.
I have not divulged the names of parties connected with this story, inasmuch as the black-eyed damsel and some of her friends are still alive, and dwell in the Orange Free State.

Thursday, 2 December, 1869

DIED at Bloemfontein, on Sunday, 28th November, Edward George William, second son of L and R. RASCHER, aged 3 months and 18 days.

De ondergeteekende gelast daarten door de respectieven zal door publieke veiling verkoopen te Smithfield, op Zaturdag, den 11den December, 1869, des voormiddags, om 11 ure. In den insolventen boedel van Jan D.A. BOOYSEN; 8 ossen, 1 koe, 2 paarden, 1 zadel en toom, 1 geweer, 1 ossen wagen en 1 paarden wagen;

In den insolventen boedel van Johs Joshua ROUX; 80 schapen en bokken, 4 beesten, 1 merrie, 1 zael en toom, 1 orgel en 4 jukken:
Henry D. HODGSON, Vendu Afslager en Taxateur voor’t Gouvernement en den Weeskamer
Smithfield, 20 November, 1869

Thursday, 9 December, 1869

Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Company
In den insolventen boedel van John James JOHNASON, Hotelhouder, te Winburg. Zaturdag den 20sten January, 1870, beginnende ten 10 ure s’ voormiddags, zal te Winburg verkocht worden al het roerend en onroerend eigendom behoorende aan bovengemele boedel, als – 1 revolvergeweer, 1 dito pistol, 1 dubbelloop geweer, 1 melk machine, 1 kinderkatel, 1 verrekyker, 1 fraaije gouden zakhorologie, 1 zadel met toom, 1 pistolholster, 1 lot akijzer en pypen, 1 weegschaal, en versschillende andere goederen.
De fraije erven 3, 4 en 5, Southey Terrace, dorp Winburg, met de daaropstande gebouwen. Dezelve zyn gelegen op de beste bezigheids plaatsen van dit vooruitgaande dorp
De Vruchtbare Plaatsen:
Vesuvius, No. 47 gelegen in het district Boshof, groot naar gissing volgens inspectie report 2437 morgen
Newcastle, No, 52, groot maar gissing volgens inspectie rapport en grondbrief 2337 morgen
Etna, No. 205, groot volgens grondbrief 2000 morgen
Heela, No. 196, groot volgens grondbrief 2000 morgen
Summerrone, No. 78, groot volgens grondbrief 2000 morgen, alle deze zyn zeer geschikt voor groot en klein vee, door dat or goed weide veld is ook veel hout enz., enz.
De uitmuntende plaats, Johnasonshoop, No 533, groot volgens grondbrief 1012 morgen, gelegen in de wyk Vetrivier district Winburg, bekend al seen der beste vee plaatsen voor groot en klein vee enz., enz.
De vruchtbare plaats Kafferstrek, No. 468,
Groot volgens grondbrief 3000 morgen, gelegen omtrent 2 uren van Winburg, met eene sterke fontein en standhoudend water, Rietspruit loopt door het midden dezen plaats. Is seer geschikt voor zaaaijen en groot en klein vee, enz., enz.
De plaats Hamburg, No. 512, groot volgens grondbrief 2100 morgen, gelegen annex. Kafferstreek No. 468, seer geschikt voor groot en klein vee enz., enz.
De fraaije en kostbare plaats Rietspruit, No 542, groot volgens grondbrief 2427 morgen, gelegen in de Oner Wittebergen, district Winburg, uitmuntend geschikt voor zaaijen, groot en klein vee. Goed voorzien van standhoudend water en de Rietspruit, enz., enz
De fraaije halve plaats Weltevrede, No – gelegen in het district Kroonstad, zeer geschikt voor allerlei doeleinden
Verder zal by deze gelenheid vekocht worden verschillende anderen eigendommen.
Voor verdure byzonderheden vervorgen men zich ten kantore van de Bloemfonteinsche executeuren kamer, of ten kantore van der heer C. BREDELL te Winburg
Termen van credict gunstig.
C.BREDELL, Venduafslager. James B. BROWN, Secretaris, Eenige Curator
Bloemfonteinsche Raad van Executeuren en Trust Compagnie.
6 December, 1869

Thursday, 16 December, 1869

The undersigned, duly instructed, will sell by public auction, in front of his office, on Monday, 3rd January, 1870, at 9 o’clock a.m. in the insolvent estate of C.E. STEAD.
Erf No. 115, with 2 comfortable houses thereon. This property is suitable for a boarding house, being situated in the centre and the most airy part of town and commands a view of the country for miles around.
In the insolvent estate of G.H.L. ROSA.
4 Erven Nos. 136, 137, 138 and 139, will be offered.
At the same time, by instructions from the owners, several valuable farms, situated in this district, will be put up for sale.
Plans of the property, and conditions of sale, can be seen on application to the auctioneer.
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 3 December, 1869

In the insolvent estate of William John COLEMAN.
Debtors in the above estate are hereby requested to pay their debts without delay at the office of the second undersigned in default whereof legal proceeding will be instituted against them.
James B. BROWN,
Joint Trustees.
15 December, 1869

MARRIED at Aasvogelkop, Smithfield district, on the first of December, by the Rev. Jno. BELL, - Alexander, eldest son of Mr. A. COWIE of Grahamstown, to Elizabeth, only daughter of the late Mr. James SHAW.

Thursday, 23 December, 1869

MARRIED at Reddersburg, on the 15 December, by the Rev. J.N. MEYFARTH, of Bethany, Johannes Friedrick Wilhelm BUTTNER, of Stade, Provincie Hanover, Prussia, Germany, to Annie Loamie VISSER, of George town, Cape Colony. No cards.

DIED at Jacobsdal, on the 7th December, aged 14 months and 10 days, John Bonky, eldest son of James and Annie SKIRVING

Mr. C.W. PAKENHAM – the death of this much esteemed gentleman is announced in the Bay papers. Mr. PAKENHAM had two or three of his sons engaged in our wars with the Basutos; one is still in the conquered territory, and one in the Transvaal.

The undersigned duly instructed by the trustee in the insolvent estate of N.G. BREET, of Reddersburg, will sell by public auction. On Saturday before the Nachtmaal, 8 Jan., 1870, at 10 a.m. on the stoep of the Market Office, Bloemfontein, the following valuable properties, viz.,
1st:- That well known farm Palmietfontein in the district of Boshof (where diamonds are daily found) being No. 140, and in extent according to land commission report 2880 morgen, suited for every description of farming.
2nd – A portion of the farm Zuurspruit No. 59, situated in that not to be excelled district Caledon River. The district in which it is situated is in itself sufficient recommendation.
3rd – The farm Brakleegte. No.149, district Boshof, (in close proximity to where diamonds have recently been found) This farm is well adapted for a farmer with a large number of stock.
4th Watererf, No.36, Postma Street, in the rising town Reddersburg, 20 X 50 feet; this erf is beautifully situated for a business stand, it being close to the parsonage and Dutch Church.
5th A portion of erf No. 7, Boshof Street, in the same town, opposite the Dutch Church.
Terms exceedingly liberal:
Edwd. S. HANGER, auctioneer.
Bloemfontein, 3 Dec., 1869.

Thursday, 30 December, 1869

In the insolvent estate of Diedrik Johannes KRUGER on Saturday, 5th March, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, on the steading of the farm itself. The undersigned thereto duly authorized, will sell, by public auction, half of the farm Rietvallei, No. 489, conveniently situated in the Fieldcornetcy “Idelenbergs Vallie,” or ward “Wittebergen” district Harrismith, about three hours from Bethlehem. In this quarter there is no need to fit for winter veld; and this farm, especially, is well adapted for the maintenance of all kinds of stock, and the production of crops all the year round. It is already under cultivation and is much praised by the surrounding farmers.
Also a horse wagon, and whatever further may be exposed on the day of sale.
Terms easy!
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 24th December, 1869


The undersigned, duly authorized, will sell at the farm “GOEDEHOOP” ward Wilge River, district Harrismith, on Thursday, March 3, 1870, at 10 O’clock, a.m., the following to wit:- in the insolvent estate of Pieter Johannes MAHARY.
1. The farm “Goedehoop,” No. 662 district Harrismith.This was Mr. MAHARY’s dwelling place.
2. Several head of cattle, and whatever further may be exposed on the day of sale.


In the insolvent estate of John George PRINGLE
3. The farm “Mielieland” No. 591 district Harrismith. Although hitherto itself unoccupied, this farm lies in a well peopled neighbourhood, in the ward Wilge-River, and is acknowledged to be very attractive and promising
Terms easy!
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 24th December 1869

MARRIED in St. Mary’s Church, Potchefstroom, S.A. Republic, on Tuesday, the 21st Inst., by the father of the bride, William Sanders RENS, Esq, only surviving son of the late Hendrik Herold RENS, Esq., of the Drostdy, Uitenhage, to Esther Matilda, youngest daughter of the Rev. W. RICHARDSON.

MARRIED by the Rev. D. MacMILLAN, at the residence of the bride’s father, Bethlehem, Octavius W. BOYCE Esq., late H.M.’s 30th Regt. Foot, to Mary Ann MISKIN, third daughter of John Richard MISKIN, Esq.
December 25th, 1869

How I entered Graaff-Reinet on Shanks’ nag in 1821 – How I subsisted upon one cup of coffee and a biscuit for five days, to the great detriment of my “inner man” – How, when I was on the verge of death from starvation, Mr. Z. WRIGHT came to my rescue – How I learnt blacksmithery, repaired jewellery, and mended boots and shoeses – How I became acquainted with John WEYLAND, a first-rate violinist, but an inveterate sponge, who ever and anon cadged a shirt, a pair of trousers, or a vest from my scanty wardrobe – How my fiddler and I were invited to the wedding of “the great merchant” and were flabbergasted to find the company all brunettes – How I was blown up sky high by my sweetheart’s mamma, for going to the aforesaid marriage festivity; and how I vanished from the irate old lady’s presence, like a flash of greased lightning, when she had done letting off the steam – How I bade adieu to Graaff-Reinet and arrived in Cradock as a Jack-of-all-Trades, but Master of none.

[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]

John TALBOT and myself set out from Salem direct for Graaff-Reinet in November 1821, and we found travelling rather too warm to be comfortable. We did not go by Grahamstown to obtain passes, as we should have done; nevertheless, we were kindly welcomed by all the farmers as we passed along; and some were so hospitable as to press us to stay for a day to [recover] ourselves. We arrived at Melk-river, where Mr. PEACOCK, who after resided in Somerset, received us with the greatest courtesy. After breakfast next morning we started and arrived in the afternoon in front of Graaff-Reinet, on the bank of the Sunday’s river. We stood still for some time, cogitating how we should enter the town, for we were averse to becoming acquainted with the back-slums. While thus pondering, a door opened on the opposite bank, and a lady looked towards us. Soon thereafter three other well-curled heads were discernible in the doorway. Thereupon I decided to go at once to the house. John demurred, saying, “They will shut the door in our faces.” “Well, what if they do? We can then have a hearty laugh at them. Come along, John; if favor is to be found in the world, it is to be looked for from the ladies.” “No, I won’t go,” retorted John. “Then I will,” and on I went, leaving John in the bed of the river, which was almost dry. As I approached the door, the elder lady opened it, invited me in, and then enquired where my comrade was – directing me to call him. The three young ladies were highly respectable; they were dressed “up to the nines”; their luxuriant hair hung down their backs; and they had beautiful sparkling eyes and alabaster complexions. I summoned TALBOT, and eventually persuaded him to join us. When we were seated, a cup of coffee and a biscuit were handed to us, and were very acceptable after our long walk. I soon saw that John’s fiddle bag attracted the glances of the ladies, and though I understood but little Dutch I could read the meaning of those eyes, so I nudged John, and told him that the ladies would like to hear his fiddle. I then took the fiddle from the bag, and admonished my companion to strike up something lively, - the lovely creatures being all attention. Reluctantly, John complied with my request, when I soon saw that the ladies were anxious for a dance. Thereupon I forgot that I was foot-sore from walking, and stepped forward to the handsomest of the three, and whirled about with her as if we were old acquaintances. So long as the ladies were willing we cut capers on the “light fantastic toe,” and four handed reels and waltzes succeeded each other in rapid succession. But at last John broke one of his violin strings, and thus our fun was terminated. Our hostesses*, then, after another round of coffee and cakes, gave us two boys to carry our bundles up to Mr. TAYLOR’s, who kept a lodging-house. He received us kindly, and enquired if we had passes. Upon ascertaining that we had none, he told us that he could not board us before we had reported ourselves to Mr. BREMMER, the Wijkmeester or Fieldcornet. This we did the next morning, and then we had to go to the Landdrost’s office to report ourselves. We met the Landdrost in front of his ‘kantoor’, and he asked us whether we had passes. We replied in the negative, adding, that as this was an English colony we deemed it unnecessary to provide ourselves with them. But it is the law to do so, stormed the magistrate, and as you are not possessed of passes you must go to gaol. The Landdrost then withdrew, whereupon I thus accosted John. “Well, what do you think of it? We are going to get free lodgings, and, I suppose, the two scarcest things in the colony too, viz. bread and water.” My chum looked so glum after I had thus delivered myself, that I could not resist a laugh. We imagined the Landdrost was drawing out the warrant for our committal, when he reappeared, and thus saluted us: “Now, young gentlemen, I will permit you to stay in town on your own security for your good behaviour, until I have heard †from the Landdrost of Grahamstown; and in the meantime you must report yourselves to the Wijkmeester every evening.” We thanked him, and on being informed that the post left Graaff-Reinet for Capetown the next day, I returned to Mr. TAYLOR’s, procured pen, ink, and paper, and indited a letter to the Colonial-Secretary, Col. BIRD, informing him of the fix I was in. And, lo and behold, by the return post I had a passport. One morning we were summoned to attend the office at 10 o’clock, when John TALBOT was ordered home at his father’s request, and my letter was handed to me. Thereupon I presented my letter, with the enclosed pass, to Landdrost STOCKENSTROM, and this turned the scale in my favour. My money, however, soon ran short, and as Mr. TAYLOR had turned out one of his boarders, and abused him like a pickpocket, because his funds did not enable him to pay for his board and lodging.† this served as a warning to me not to partake of more than I could defray out of my pocket. So I absented myself from Mr. TAYLOR’s table, and went in quest of employment; but in one instance my country was against me, and in another my appearance. I called upon Mr. RITCHIE, a cabinetmaker, told him that I had already worked for some time at the bench, that I stipulated for no wages, but merely wished to improve myself. After listening to my doleful tale, he informed me that he had had more than enough of Irishmen, and would not employ me. Then I went to Mr. BAIN, the saddler (afterwards the celebrated roadmaker), and told him that albeit I knew nothing about his trade I was willing to learn it or anything else. After questioning me, he said he objected to taking a stranger in his employ, unless he had a letter of recommendation and a certificate of good conduct. I bowed to him, and walked away without deigning to say a word, for the blood of all the MONTGOMERYs was raging furiously within me. I had a letter in my pocket that would have satisfied Mr. BAIN, but I could not brook a man who assumed such an air of superiority. For five days I wandered about Graaff Reinet in a state of semi-starvation. To beg I was ashamed, to dig I wasn’t, but my exterior did not befriend me. I did not dress like one who wore the hunger belt from dire necessity, or one who was accustomed to soil his fingers. I thought a decent appearance would recommend me; but I was mistaken. In three days all the sustenance I had was one cup of coffee and a biscuit. I happened to see two of the young ladies I had danced with standing in company with other girls on Mr. ENSLIN’s stoep, and I could not give them the go by like strangers, so I bowed to them, and they asked me in and offered me the coffee and biscuit aforementioned. This was on the third day of my fasting. The fifth day was a Sunday, and I was faint from want of food. However, weak as I was, I had dressed for church, when a comical figure coming down the street attracted my notice. He was clad in a white pair of unwhisperables, blue frock coat, low shoes with a bunch of black riband in front, white stockings, yellow waistcoat with large buttons, and a battered black hat. His swagger attracted my attention. When he came up to me, he thus opened the conversation: “Young man, I hear you are looking for employment. Would you like to come and help me?” I asked him what at...”Oh, I am a Jack-of-all-trades, smith, farrier, &c. In this land a man must do anything that comes in his way. So come along with me.” I accompanied him to his house, which was a bachelor’s establishment, with little or no furniture. My host then took off his hat and coat, hung them on a peg, went into an adjoining apartment, and brought out a potful of odds and ends, capsized the contents into a tin dish, placed a couple of pewter plates on the table, and an old cracked basin, patched with red paint, containing water. “Come along, boy, and learn this trade first.” To this I assented, merely remarking, that I thought it would be too much for my weak and empty stomach. So I drew to the table, and with an iron spoon helped myself to a spoonful, but before I had the next down I fainted. On coming to I found myself on the bed, and no one in the house. A blue check cloth had been spread over the dish of victuals, to which I again essayed to pay my respects; but before I had fairly swallowed the third spoonful, I staggered back to the bed. Mr. WRIGHT had gone for Dr. McCABE, and upon recovering I found my necktie loosened, my bosom open, and my boots off. This was about three in the morning, when I heard a noise like the roaring of the sea, and then the sound of hammers. I could not realise my position until Mr. WRIGHT came in with a kettle in one hand and a candle in the other, and thereupon began to quiz me, saying, “Here is a cup of coffee and a biscuit; try what  you can do with it. The doctor says there’s nothing the matter with you, except that you have starved yourself, and therefore require nourishment. This is all owing to your stinking pride. You young men should go through what I have gone through; then you would leave pride behind. There is a great hubbub about you. Mr. TAYLOR says you have neither eaten, drunk nor slept in his house for the last five days.” I admitted that it was all true, and that I would not subject myself to be insulted as Mr. B. (the young gentleman aforementioned) was, even to save life; but that I would have raised the wind with some things in my possession had I known to whom to apply. “Oh, never mind,” resumed my benefactor, “in a couple of days you will be all right. The bottle of medicine the doctor left, will speedily put you on your legs again; then we will be at it hammer and tongs. You need not trouble yourself today or to-morrow, but when you are able.[”] The second day I went into the workshop, and commenced blowing the bellows, but when it came to the sledge hammer I found myself rather weak. However, I gained strength daily, and learnt something too. Mr. WRIGHT was very kind; and seeing I was willing to learn he taught me almost everything he knew the first month. Indeed, I satisfied him so well, that he gave me to understand he wished I would engage myself for a time. But I declined to do so, telling him I would stay only so long as it suited me. At the end of every month I found Rds.30 on my table; and as I had everything provided me, and the free use of the tools and the shop to do any work I could in my own time (of course, not interfering with Mr. WRIGHT’s blacksmithing or wagon-jobbing) I could not complain.
In 1821 Graaff Reinet was not thickly inhabited nor much improved. There were, however, fine gardens and orchards, vineyards, and orange and lemon groves, upon which the greater portion of the residents depended. The houses were built in the old Dutch style, with front gables, in order, as they were all under thatch, that the occupiers, in case of fire, might pass and repass by the front door. The erven were large, and surrounded with quince hedges. On both sides of the main street there were beautiful orange and lemon trees, but the houses were few and far between. In the back street the houses were likewise very straggling. The trade of the place was carried on by the following shopkeepers, viz. John VAN KERVEL, John CORNELIS, -- OERTEL, Cornelis OLIVIER, Jan VILJOEN and one SMIT. The last three were country traders, and several others used to go down to Capetown with cattle and sheep. These traders had to bring their goods in their own wagons from the Cape. It was customary for them to form trains, and go down once a year, taking about three months to go and return, and make their purchases. The traders took down spare oxen, bought new wagons, brought up loads of merchandize, and sold the wagons at a good profit.
The following gentlemen composed the official department: Captain STOCKENSTROM (afterwards Sir Andries), landdrost; -- MULLER, secretary; -- BRANT, and A. GILFILLAN, clerks; -- SCHINDEHUTTE, sheriff; -- BREMMER, wijkmeester. The Rev. Mr. FAURE was the D.R. minister, and Drs. McCABE and [PERCY] were the medical practitioners. The following were the tradesmen: BAIN (afterwards the geologist and roadmaker), SCHIMPER, and KONKEL, saddlers; RITCHIE, cabinetmaker; A. PETERS, Z. WRIGHT and A. [VOSSES], black-smiths; LEONARD, and an old Dutchman, tanners; Tom ORTEN or Red Tom, boot and shoemaker. Mr. ENSLIN had a wagonmaker and blacksmith’s shop, but his slaves did his work. There were many other mechanics whose names I forget. STOCKENSTROM’s channel was carried out of the Sunday’s river; and while I was in Graaff Reinet the Rev. Dr. [SMALL], a Church of England clergyman, came, and the Rev. Mr. FAURE and his churchwardens gave him liberty to preach in the old Dutch Church. I went to hear him; he did not forget his snuff-box while preaching. A good collection was made for him, but, unfortunately, he was in bad hands; and while the money lasted he was welcome at old TAYLOR’s. However, he was not allowed the use of the church next Sunday.
A Mr. SCANLEN was contractor for the new church. It was highly amusing to see him come to inspect his work. He walked so stiffly as to lead one to suppose that he had a crowbar for a backbone, and used to wear a frilled shirt and white gloves, which (the gloves) he never pulled off even while plumbing up the corners of the walls. When I had nothing else to do I used to sit and watch his every movement; and this was afterwards of service to me. In the course of my stay with Mr. WRIGHT, he would sometimes leave home for a week or two, and then I would turn to and mend brooches, breastpins, rings, &c, to ingratiate myself with the ladies. Thus, in a short time, I became acquainted with most of the Graaff Reinetters. At one period, rather than be idle, I went to Tom ORTEN and said to him, “Tom, I have nothing to do, so sell me enough leather for a pair of shoes, and show me how to make them.” He told me to sit down, and then he showed me how to close, bind, last and sew. I persevered pretty well at this for a week, and then I thought myself master of the awl and everything appertaining to leather.
In the meantime, John WEYLAND, a first-rate violinist, arrived. This fellow became a great bore to me. Every evening there was a dance somewhere or other, and I soon discovered that working all day and dancing all night was more than flesh and blood could stand. I had to supply the fiddler every now and then with a shirt, a pair of trowsers, a waistcoat, or something else, and thus he became very expensive. One evening my fiddler and myself were invited to the wedding of one of the first merchants of the place, and I was much surprised to see that the company consisted of brunettes, who were beautiful as houris, and well and fashionably dressed – their hair covering their dusky shoulders. In fact, all the arrangements seemed to me unexceptionable, barring that the ladies had not been selected for the whiteness of their skins. However, they were splendid dancers, and possessed fine figures, small feet, and well-turned ankles, which were not concealed by such dresses as the ladies wear nowadays. After engaging in several dances I went out on the stoep to cool myself, when a friend of mine tapped me on the shoulder, and asked whether I knew the company I was dancing with. I said, No, I do not know one of them. I thought as much, resumed my friend. Do you see the old Hottentot woman sitting alongside the table? Yes: what of that? I interrogated. That is the merchant’s wife, and, added my friend significantly, tho’ those young ladies and gentlemen are not of the lowest class, I know you would not like to be mixed up with them were your eyes opened. They are a fine bevy of girls, sighed I. Yes: I suppose you would like to take one of them for better or worse, sarcastically rejoined my companion. No, faith, they are all so handsome that I am puzzled which one to love most. However, I am engaged for another dance, and shall not withdraw until I have fulfilled my engagement; but so soon as I am free I will go home.
Next evening my friend and I went to see our sweethearts, who were two sisters. Upon entering the house, and after going through the usual greetings, the old lady called me to her, and began to lecture me about the wedding and the dancing. I did not understand much what she said, but still enough to comprehend that I had done wrong in going to the wedding and dancing with the brunettes, although the scolding old lady was herself far browner than any of the brunettes at the marriage festival. When the ancient dame had finished letting off the steam, and directed her attention to someone else, I took up my hat, saluted all round, and left my friend B-------  to amuse himself with the sister. Upon gaining the street I sung:
O the world may wag
Since I’ve got the bag
And thousands have got it before me.
I am airy and young, but still in the wrong,
O the temper of woman has wore me.
So home I started in the sulks, for although I could not fathom all that the old lady had said, yet I considered it hard to be castigated in front of the young ladies. Some days afterwards I received a letter apologising on behalf of the mother; saying that the old lady did not mean to insult but to warn me; and as I was yet but a child she had only done her duty towards me in doing so. The lesson did me much good.
Soon after this I left Graaff Reinet for Cradock. At this time Pretorius’s Kloof was inhabited by the whole PRETORIUS family. I found that I was well acquainted with most of the young people on the road. I arrived at Commandant PRETORIUS’s, Colonie Plaats, and found his son very ill from a sore leg. The people were all knocked up keeping watch at night, and I offered to sit up with him. Thus I formed my first acquaintance with the now President of the S.A. Republic. When I reached Cradock I was Jack of all trades and master of none.

* The elderly lady shortly afterwards became a widow, and was married to Robert RHODE, who now lives at Kneehaltersnek, and was my neighbour for many years when I resided at Thornhoek.

† The Rev. Mr. FORD took compassion upon this young man, and thereafter he became a teacher, got married, went down to Capetown, and passed as a Landsurveyor.

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