The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1868 1 January - June
Friday, 3 January, 1868
MARRIED on the 18th December, at Philippolis, by the Rev. R. BROOKE, Mr. Francis C. W. EAGLE, of Ottersport, to Miss Fanny T. HOCKLY, of Tuinplaats; and Mr. George HARVEY, of Philippolis, to Miss Emily Fanny EAGLE, of Otterspoort. No Cards.
OVERLEED op 21 December, 1867, overleed te Bloemfontein, na een ziekbed van acht dagen de Heer Willem Christiaan BOUWER, oud 55 jaar 8 manden en zes dagen, diep betrered door zyne achterblijvende weduwe en kinderen.
Vrienden en familie gelieve deze als eenige kennisgeving aan te nemen.
Namens de weduwe en kinderen.
Bloemfontein, 21 December, 1867
[Transcriber’s note: In the following issue the same notice is signed De Weduwe BOUWER, geboren van ROOIJEN]
DEPARTED this life, at Manti, Matlabane’s place, near Hart River, on the 13th of December, 1867, after a severe illness, John BAGWILL, formerly of Bloemfontein, aged 46 years 11 months and 15 days, deeply regretted by his widow and only child.
Friday, 10 January, 1868
In the estate of the late James DICK, of Bloemfontein, General Agent.
All persons having any claims whatsoever against the said estate, are hereby called upon to send in the same duly sworn to within two months from the date hereof; and all persons indebted to the said estate are hereby called to settle their debts within the same period at the office of the second undersigned.
George PATON,
Executors Dative.
Bloemfontein, 17th December, 1867
Tuesday last having been fixed for the wedding day of Mr. John PALMER, of Port Elizabeth, his brother, Mr. Thomas PALMER, merchant of this town, in honour of the event, treated all comers right royally. Nearly the whole town (ie the male population) from His Honor downwards repaired to the store and quaffed bumpers of champagne and drank to the health and prosperity of the bride and bridegroom. Mr. John PALMER and his young wife (a daughter of Dr.DAVIES of the Bay) will, it is understood, very shortly settle among us. Long life and happiness to them is our earnest wish.
Friday, 17 January, 1868
DIED at Springfield, on the 15th inst., after a short illness of 3 days, Claude Benjamin Eddie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George HANGER, age 7 months and 12 days, deeply regretted by his bereaved parents.
Bloemfontein, 16th January, 1868
All persons having claims in the estate of the late E.J. BIRD are requested to send in the same, within six weeks from date, to Mr. J. ROBERTSON, Aliwal, or to Mr. T. HAYWARD, of Strangers’ Rest, Aliwal; and all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to settle their accounts within the same period.
Aliwal North,
6th January, 1868
Friday, 24 January, 1868
BIRTH at Fauresmith, on Christmas Day, the 25th December, 1867, Mrs. R.J. HARVEY, of a daughter.
Friday, 07 February, 1868
HEDEN morgen ten 7 ure ontsliep in den Heere mijne geliefde echtgenoote Josephine Antonie Elise ROUX, geb. DRIEL, in den ouderdom van 44 jaren, 6 maanden, en 6 dagen.
P. ROUX, Leeraar der N.G.Gemeente te Smithfield.
Smithfield 4den Februarij, 1868
DEPARTED this life in the Lord, at Smithfield, on the 4th inst, Josephine Antonie Elise, beloved wife of the Revd. P. ROUX, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, aged 44 years 6 months and 6 days.
Friday, 14 February, 1868
Het heeft de Heer behaagd van ons teeder minnende ouder harten weg te rukken in den jeugdigen leeftijd van elf maanden onze geleefde zoontje Jotham die op de 3den dezer overleden is, na een smartelijke leiden van drie dagen.
Beervlei, 4den Februarij, 1868
Friday, 21 February, 1868
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that the business lately carried on by him at Dordrecht has been taken over and will in future be carried on in the name of Mr. H.S. CALDECOTT, Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
18th January 1868
DIED at Bloemfontein on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. John MONTGOMERY, aged 63 years, 10 months and 17 days.
Another of our old people, Mrs. MONTGOMERY (born VAN ZYL) has gone from among us. The deceased was the wife of Mr. John MONTGOMERY, one of the Settlers of 1820, and well known in the Eastern and Western Provinces of the Cape Colony; and at the time of her death (the evening of the 19th inst) must have been sixty-three years of age. The old couple had been married almost half a century, and yet were not privileged to be with each other at the separation, Mr. M. being absent on a journey. Mrs. MONTGOMERY leaves a large number of children and grandchildren, and other relatives, to deplore her loss, as well as friends; for ‘tis sad to miss an old familiar face, awakening reminiscences of happy bygone days. Her end was peace, trusting in God and the Lamb of sacrifice.- Communicated.
[Transcriber’s note: There is a second obituary paragraph under “Local and General News” with much the same information, but which includes the line. “The deceased was well known and much respected at Cradock, Burghersdorp, Smithfield and other places, at which, at different periods, she and her husband have resided.”
Bloemfontein, 15th Feb., 1868
To the Editor of The Friend
Sir – You ask for information in regard to Mr. O’BRIEN, whose death was mentioned by your camp correspondent. Feeling deeply for this poor stranger, who was cut down in the midst of life and activity, far from those dear to him, I was repeatedly with him, to speak words of direction and hope, and to pray with him, as he drew near the dark valley: He told me that his name was Thomas O’BRIEN, aged 27 years and a few months, born in Wexford County, Ireland. I took down the direction of his mother, for the benefit of a friend whom he requested to write her. If I remember well it was thus: Mrs. Jane DILLON, Balfour, Kat River (or Kat Berg) district. Mr. O’BRIEN was wounded in action on [Marskahj’s] Mountain, at about 9 or 10 a.m. on Wednesday 22nd January, 1868, he arrived in camp at about 11a.m. and breathed his last at nearly 8 o’clock the same evening. Hoping that this may be of interest to his mourning friends.
I remain &.,
Friday, 28 February, 1868
DIED at Bloemfontein, on 19th February, 1868, Susannah Jacoba van ZIJL, wife of John MONTGOMERY, leaving ten surviving children, who with their families number upwards of 60 children and grandchildren, to deplore her loss, Deceased was born in the Western Province of the Cape Colony the 4th April, 1805, and married in Cradock, 22nd December 1822. The surviving husband takes this opportunity of returning his best thanks to the inhabitants of Bloemfontein, for their kindness and attention to his late wife during her illness and absence from home.
One Daniel LOMBAARD was killed the other day near Baasberg, by the accidental discharge of a gun: and a woman, his cousin, likewise named LOMBAARD, was by the same shot wounded in the arm. The bullet, it is said first stuck a katel and divided, the half penetrating the body of LOMBAARD just at the navel, the other passing through the arm of the woman. The man lingered for some hours and then expired, the woman will recover. One Piet LOMBAARD was the cause of the accident, he having had the gun in his hand at the time. We call it an accident; but some say the men were quarrelling. An investigation should certainly take place.
Friday, 6 March, 1868
DIED at Smithfield, on Saturday the 28th February, 1868, Daniel John third son Mr. J. HARVEY, Landdrost of Caledon-river district, aged 23
Friday, 13 March, 1868
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on Wednesday, the 11th Inst., the wife of the Rev John G. MORROW, Wesleyan minister, of a son.
BIRTH at Jacobsdal, Orange Free State, on Sunday, the 8th March, 1868, the wife of Alfred HUTTON, of a daughter.
Smithfield Division, Camp under T’KIEME, 4th March, 1868
To the editor of The Friend
Dear Sir, - I am sorry to have to fulfil the painful duty of informing you of the death of Mr. A.P. BOSCHKER. He was aged about 32 years, and was born, in the village of Boven-Kuijne, Province of Friesland, Kingdom Holland. He came to this country since 12 years ago, and was well known by many of the inhabitants of the Free State.
He went on the 1st March into one of the kloofs of T’Kiemi, without suspecting danger, and was murdered by the Basutos. His body was brought into camp, on the following morning, when it was found that he had got seven assegai wounds in his back. His remains were buried in camp, on the morning of the 2nd inst., Dr. ROBERTSON of Fauresmith reading the burial service over him.
I am, Sir, yours truly,
Friday, 20 March, 1868
Het heeft den Grooten Beschikker van leven en dood behaagd op den 9sten l.l. na een smartvol hijden van vier maanden, van mijne zijde weg te nemen, mijnen geliefden echtgenoot Cornelis Johannes van ROOIJEN, in den ouderdom van 58 jaar en 9 maanden. Mogt de heer mij in staat stellen onder deze smartlijke beproeving in Zijnen wil te berusten en te zeggen; Wat Hij doen is welgedaan
M.J. van ROOIJEN, geboren van ROOIJEN.
Kroonstad, 13 Maart, 1868
Eenige kennisgeving aan geliefde vrienden en betrekkingen. Degenen die behulpzaam waren in het bewijzen van de laatste eer aandeb dierbaren overledene, gelieven de innige dank aan te nemen der bedroefde weduwee.
M.J.v R.
Friday, 27 March, 1868
On Saturday last a baker named CHALMERS, while laboring under delirium tremens, brought on by drink, endeavored to put an end to his life by cutting his throat with a razor. He inflicted two gashes in his throat, before the lodgers in his house could arrest his hand. Dr. LAUTRE was called in, and when the wounds were stitched up the wretched man was carried off to prison. Alas! For our vaunted civilization.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on Thursday, March 19th, Mrs. L.J. PAPENFUS, of a daughter
Friday, 10 April, 1868
This sad event occurred at the farm Leeuwberg, on the night of Friday, the 3rd April. John Gerson Eliezer KOLBE has departed this life after a severe illness of 2 or 3 weeks, in the prime of life, and in the midst of his usefulness, leaving a widow and 12 children to lament their loss. He returned from commando some four weeks ago, suffering from illness, which turned out to be typhus, or typhoid fever, shortly afterwards took to his bed, and never rallied, thus adding another to the long list of victims of our last miserable war. What makes it more to be lamented is, that it is now very generally admitted, that by good management after April, 1866, the present, or rather recent war might have been avoided, and many valuable lives and much suffering and consequent unnecessary expenditure of money spared. Mr. KOLBE was born on the 7th July, 1822, and married on the 3rd April, 1843, to Anna Jacoba van der MERWE, and strange coincidence, died on the anniversary of his wedding day. He had not completed his 46th year. His parents came out with the settlers of 1820, his father was of German extraction, if not by birth, but resided and married in London. His mother a thoroughgoing and fine old English lady, it will be remembered, died in Burghersdorp, about three months since. Mr. KOLBE’s father soon after his arrival in the colony - we do not know the exact period - became a missionary to the Griquas at Philippolis, and most of his family, we believe, grew up there. The subject of this obituary notice removed to this district some 18 years since, and settled on the farm where he died and now lies buried on [Randspruit], in this district. Of the eight sons and four daughters he has left behind him, one daughter alone is married, the youngest being but an infant. Two of the sons, who have been serving with their father in the field, have proved themselves to be among the bravest of our burghers. Mr. KOLBE at the time of his lamented decease was Commandant of the district, a Justice of the Peace, director of the Bloemfontein Bank, and deacon of the Dutch Reformed Church. For about 12 years after the abandonment he steadily declined [obscured] anything to do with public affairs,[obscured]
[Transcriber’s note: The obituary continues for a further half column, but is very difficult to read]
Friday, 17 April, 1868
BIRTH at Philippolis, on Wednesday night, 1 April, 1868 the wife of Mr. ZIMMERMAN, of a daughter
DIED at Philippolis, on Wednesday night, 1 April, 1868 the infant daughter of H. ZIMMERMAN.
Friday, 24 April, 1868
In the estate of the late Barend Jacobus LUKAS
The executor in the above estate will cause to be sold in front of the Public Office, at Philippolis, on Monday, 29th June, 1868, at 11 o’clock a.m., the well-known agricultural and sheep and cattle farm “Kransfontein,” in extent 2500 morgen, situated in the district of Philippolis, on the banks of the Orange River. There is abundance of wood and water on the farm, and certainly the finest views to be found in the Orange Free State.
Terms of credit liberal.
The executor of the above estate, H. HARVEY.
Carl C. MATHEY, Auctioneer.
Philippolis, 7 April, 1868
MARRIAGE at Harrismith, on Tuesday, 6th April, 1868, at 7 o’clock a.m. Mrs. ANDREWS, widow of the late John ANDREWS, Esquire, of Harrismith, was led to the hymeneal altar by H. CORNWALLIS, Esq., M.D., M.R.C.S. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. MACMILLAN. May happiness attend them.
Friday, 1 May, 1868
OVERLEDEN op Vrijdag, 24 April, 1868, de Wel Ed. Heer J. HEIJERMANN, in den ouderdom van ruim 62 jaren.
OVERLEDEN op heden morgen, de Wel Edele heer M. GRIFFIN, in den ouderdom van ruim 50 jaren, geboortig van Ierland, en serdert vele jaren een inwoner van dezen Staat, diep betreurd door zijne weduwe en nagelatene kinderen.
Bloemfontein, 29 April, 1868
DIED at Bloemfontein on the 29th April 1868, Mr. M. GRIFFIN, aged 50 years, a native of Ireland, for many years an inhabitant of this city, deeply lamented by his widow and children.
BIRTH at Winburg, Mrs.C.C. BREDELL, of a son.
Winburg, 26 April, 1868
BIRTH at Vlakfontein, district Bloemfontein, on Wednesday, the 29th of April, 1868, the wife of Dr. O.J.G. KRAUSE, of a son
Death has of late been busy in our midst. On Friday evening last, as already briefly noted, Mr. Johannes HEIJERMANN, late Post-master General Auditor General of this State, breathed his last after a short illness, at an age of 62 years. Deceased had, in his younger days, served in the army of the Netherlands, but immigrated to this country some nine years ago, and at once settled [in this town]. Shortly after his arrival, he obtained a Government appointment as clerk to the then Auditor and Postmaster-General, Mr. A.B. [obscured], and after a time succeededto both these [posts]. The late Kapitein, as he was familiarly called, was a thorough Hollander in his views and […ings], and aided and assisted his countrymen at all times to the utmost of his power…….
The second death, [which it is] our painful duty to record, is that of Mr. Michael GRIFFIN, who departed this life,[…] after a short illness, on Wednesday morning, [at 50] years of age. Mr. GRIFFIN was an Irishman […], but left the Emerald Isle at an early age, […] accompanied his parents to the Cape while still in his childhood. Deceased learnt his trade, that of a smith, in Cape Town, and married there, and removed to this town on its first establishment, some 19 years since, through the instrumentality of his Brother-in-law, Mr. Stephen WIGEN, who was then already here as contractor’s agent for the supply of troops. Mr. GRIFFIN has left a widow, two married daughters, and three children, minors (one son and two daughters) to mourn their loss. Mr GRIFFIN was a quiet, unobtrusive, hard-working and intelligent tradesman: and his sudden removal from our midst is regretted by many. It may be truly said of the deceased, that he had not an enemy, and that he has left a void in one small community which will not speedily be refilled. His funeral, which was largely attended, took place yesterday afternoon.
Friday, 8 May, 1868
BIRTH at Vlakfontein, Kaffir river, district Bloemfontein, on the 22nd of April, 1868, Mrs. J. WALDER of a son.
MARRIED on the 27th April, 1868, at Fauresmith, Mr. George Andrew MARTIN to Miss Esther POULTON, only daughter of Mr. John POULTON, Fauresmith, O.F.S. No Cards
Friday, 22 May, 1868
DIED at Fauresmith, on the 11th of May, 1868, Philip Jacob Heinrich SCHOEBEL, formerly of the Sixth Battalion Royal Prussian Rifles, aged 36 years and ten days, leaving a sorrowing widow and numerous friends to mourn their loss.
The undersigned begs to return the most heartfelt thanks to all friends for their kind attention and assistance during the illness of her late husband and at his interment.
Charlotte SCHOEBEL, born WILLE
DIED at Rouxville, on the 16th of May, 1868, at the residence of her son-in-law, Thomas WEBSTER, Esq., Amelia DANIEL, aged 70 years.
The surviving relatives take this opportunity of tendering their thanks to the inhabitants of Rouxville for the kind sympathy and assistance rendered by them during the lingering illness of deceased.
Friday, 5 June, 1868
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 2nd inst., Mrs. E. NIEMEYER, of a son
DIED at Bloemfontein, on Sunday Morning, the 31st ult., after a short illness, Agnes Amelia, the beloved daughter of George N. and Ellen HANGER, at the early age of 2 years, 4 months, and 18 days.
The bereaved parents take this opportunity of tendering their sincere thanks to all friends for their kindness during their affliction.
June 4th, 1868
Friday, 12 June, 1868
DIED at Naauwpoort, district Middleburg, on 1st June, 1868, Richard J.K. KNOWLES, after a short but severe illness of 6 days – Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
In den boedel van de weduwe Anna “Aletta” BURGER as wylen Johannes Jacobus COMBRINK.
De half plaats “ Phisantkraal,” aan de Noordesyde van Vetrivier, district Winburg, behoorend aan bovenstaande boedel, is te koop voor Rds 10 000 betaalbaar in schapen en geld. Het is een extra schaap en veeplaats en heft hout en water is voervloed.
Voor verdure bysonderheden vervoege men zich by
W.S. PRETORIUS qq. De executrier.
Cornelisrivier, district Harrismith, Mei 8sten, 1868
Friday, 19 June, 1868
GESTORVEN te Brandfort na eene korte ziekte op den 5den Junij, onze jongste dochter Hester Magdalena, in een ouderdom van 1 jaar, 10 maanden, en 5 dagen; en den 8sten Junij, onze najongste dochter Maria Hester Helena, in het ouderdom van 1 jaren, 1 maanden, en 17 dagen; wat de diep bedroefte ouders hiermede aan alle vierwante en vrieden bekend maken.
Willem Abraham van ZIJL,
Johanna Levina van ZIJL geb. FOURIE.
Brandfort, den 9den Junij, 1868
Friday, 26 June, 1868
DIED on the 17th June, on the farm Rozendale, in the conquered territory, Charles William KENT, oldest son of Charles KENT, late from the Colony, Peddie district, aged 13 years and 6 months. Deceased was brutally murdered by the enemy, about 1000 yards from the homestead.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
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