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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1866 2 July - December

Friday, 6 July, 1866

BIRTH at Bloemfontein,on 29th June, the wife of DR. B.O. KELLNER, of a son

In den boedel van wylen Sara Johanna NIEMAN, geboren LOUW
Allen die iets verschuldigd zyn aan of eenige vordering hebben tegen bovengemelden boedel, worden by deze opgeroepen met de ondergeteekenden,op de plaats Poortje, district Winburg, tot vereffening te komen binnen zes weken, van heden gerekend.
Sarel Francois du PLESSIS, Executeur.
Poortje, District Winburg,
July, 4 1866.

In den insolventen boedel van Hercules Georg Gredrik ENSLIN
Kennis wordt hiermede gegeven dat geen person of personen [….] naamd geauthoriseerd zyn geworden tot ontvangen van eenigen schuld of eenige uitstaande vordering, noch parden, schapen, beesten, muil ezels, of eenig anderer eigendom behoorende aan bovengemelden boedel dan alleen de ondergeteekenden die de noodige authoriteit daartoe hebben van de Curatoren in opgemelde boedel.
Fauresmith, 28 Juny, 1866

The Revd. Andrew MURRAY, Senr., late Minister of the D. R. Church at Graaff Reinet, and father of our Mr. MURRAY, former minister of The Dutch Church here, died on Sunday, 24th June, at the advanced age of 72 years: and the Revd. John PEARS, minister of D.R. Church at Somerset (East) died but a few days previously, viz:- on the 17th ult., also at an advance age. Both were Scotchman by birth, and both had spent a long and laborious life in the service of the Dutch Church of South Africa.

Friday, 13 July, 1866

MARRIED at Aliwal North, on the 9th April, 1866 by the Rev David ROSS Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, Lady Grey, Mr. David Nicolas de WET, of Buffels Vallei, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. John BURNET, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Aliwal North.
All old “Sovereighty” friends are requested to accept this notice.
Aliwal North,
9 April, 1866

Friday, 20 July, 1866

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on Thursday 12th July, 1866, by he Right Revd. the Bishop of Orange Free State, Mr. William Edward SEPHTON, only son of the late Mr. W.E. SEPHTON of this district to Miss Alice GOODALE, eldest daughter of Mr. James GOODALE of Bloemfontein – No Cards.

De uitmuntende vee en zaaiplaats “Rietfontein” aan het Vet Rivier, district Winburg, 5 uren van gemelden dorp, omtrent 4000 morgen groot. Het plaats is volop water en hout, en is een extra zai en vee plaats. Daar is op de plaats 5 huizen, 3 kralen, 2 lappen vruchteboomen, 1 wijngaard, een land bemuurd voor 3 mud zaad, een sterk fontein en een winddam. Voor verdure byzonderheden vervoeg men zich by de egbares op de plaats.
Weduwee Mej. M.C. VISAGIE.
Rietfontein, district Winburg.
July 11, 1866

Boshof - We regret to announce that Mr. W. CARROLL of the firm CARROLL & NEUMEYER, of the above place, died suddenly on the night of the 16th inst. The body was conveyed to this town, to the house of deceased’s mother, and interred in the Roman Catholic burial ground last evening: the Rev. P HOENDERVANGERS, R.C. PROST performing the funeral service of that Church. The funeral was numerously and respectably attended.

DIED at Boshof, on the 16th July, 1866, William CARROL, aged 25 yrs. Deeply regretted by his family and friends.
Friends at a distance are requested accept this notice

Friday, 27 July, 1866

A carrier named James LEAREY, left the Bay on the 4th of May last, and has not yet turned up, with a load of merchandise, hhds., and groceries.
Any information as to his whereabouts in this State will be gratefully received by
Alfred HUTTON.
10 July, 1860

Friday, 3 August, 1866

Aan bloedverwanten en vrienden wordt hiermede bekend gemaakt dat het den Almagtigen behangd heft onze liewer Moeder Elizabeth Susanna WESSELS, geboren BOTHA, op den 23den Julij, 1866, na een zick bed van slechts acht dagen in den ouderdom van 68 jaren 8 maanden, 28 dagen, tot zich te nemen. Diep betreurd door hare kinderen en nabestaanden.
28 Julij, 1866

Friday, 31 August, 1866

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on Sunday, 26th August, Mrs J.F. WALDEK, of a daughter.

MARRIED by Special License, on the 10th inst., at the English Church, Bloemfontein, by the Rev. C. CLULEE, Mr. James SANDERS to Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. John ALDRED, of Bloemfontein

DIED on the 5th inst at Rietfontein, O.F.S., of inflammation of the lungs, Arthur, the youngest son of J. and M. BLAKE, aged 18 months.

DIED on the 9th August on the farm Langerkraal, district Winburg, our only and beloved child Hendrika Jacoba, aged 10 months and 19 days. Family and friends will please accept this notice.
Hendrik van BROEKHUIZEN,
August 1866

Friday, 7 September, 1866

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 4th inst., Mrs. J.J. RAAFF, of a son.

MARRIED at Boshof, on the 20th August, 1866 by the Rev. H.W. BRANDT, Caroline, eldest daughter of Gad JEFFRIES, to David SCOTT, of Leuchars, Fifeshire, Scotland

Aan Bloedverwanten en Vrienden wordt hiermede bekend gemaakt dat het den Almagtigen behaagd heft van ons tot zich te nemen den Weledle heer Burgert Godlieb SMIT, op den 21sten Augustus, 1866, na een zick bed van slegts acht dagen, in den ouderdom van 72 Jaren. Diep betreurd door mijn en zijne kinderen
Frederika E. SMIT geboren de BEER
Smithfield, Oranjevrijstaat

Friday, 14 September, 1866

It is the painful duty to record the death of Mr. J.J. SLUITER, of the firm of MATAIS & SLUITER, Fauresmith. Deceased was on a visit to Colesberg, where he was struck down suddenly by the “last enemy” in his 35th year

Friday, 21 September, 1866

In den boedel van wylen de weduwee L.H. du PLOOIJ, van Leeuwkop, district Bloemfontein.
De ondergeteekenden, als executeuren datief in bovengenoemden boedel, zal publiek laten verkoopen aan den meestbiedede, op het Marktplein, te Bloemfontein, op Zaturdag, 20 sten October, 1866, te 11 ure in den Voormiddag de uitmuntende plaats “Leeuwkop”, aan Rhenosterspruit, omtrent 2 ure van de stad Bloemfontein, groot volgens kaart 4851 morgen. Volop hout en water hebbened verscheidene strandhoudende fonteinen als ook de Rhenosterspruit welke door het midden van deze plaats loopt. Welbekend als eeu van de beste plaatsen in en geheelen Vrystaat.
Termen van betaling gunstig
Joseph ALLISON, Fredrk DANIEL, Executeuren Datief
Augustus 23, 1866

Friday, 28 September, 1866

In den boedel van wijlen Louiza Johanna MARAIS
Zal verkocht worden op Vrijdag, den 10den November aanstande, op de plaats Jakhalsdans, des voormiddagete 10 ure.
11 paarden, 1 ossenwagen, 2 tafels, 2 stoelen, 1 bed, 1 zeepot, 2 potten, 1 klok rommelarij, 5 trekossen, 220 schapen, 18 aanteelbeesten bastaard vaderlanders
En wat verder op den verkoopdag zal te vooschijn worden gebragt.
Edwd S. HANGER, Vendu Afslager
S.J. MARAIS, Executeur
Bloemfontein, 16 September, 1866

Friday, 5 October, 1866

In den insolventen boedel van Pieter Mattheas BRINK
Op Zaturdag, den 6den October, 1866, zal te Smithfield, verkoch worden op publieke vendutie de onverdeelde helfde der plaats Wonderheuvel, no, 95, in het district Kroonstad, behoorende aan den Insolvente boedel van P.M. BRINK.
Deze is een extra gode plaats, gelegen omtrent een uur aftstande van het dorp Kroonstad. Crediet 6, 12, 18 maanden.
R. FINLAY, Eenige Curator.
Smithfield, 6 Augustus, 1866

BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 15th inst., Mrs. Robert MacFARLANE, of a son (still-born)
Harrismith, 22nd September, 1866

Friday, 12 October, 1866

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 7th inst. Mrs KAYS, of a daughter

DIED in her 51st year of age Johanna van STEIJN, most beloved wife of
E. van OLDEN, J.U.D., Landdrost of Jacobsdal
Jacobsdal, 20 September, 1866

That Marinus Casparus Johannes Erkeleus COOKE, now or lately a clerk, residing in the town of Bloemfontein, is guilty of the crime of forgery, in that on or about the 23rd July, 1865, or between that date and the 26th March 1865, and in the town on Bloemfontein, the said M.C.J.E. COOKE, unlawfully, unjustly, and with the intention of defrauding or injuring the Government of the O.F.State, or one or other of the burgers thereof, did forge a Government note (‘blueback’) for the sum of one pound stg……… utter and bring into circulation said note, so that Thomas PALMER, storekeeper, residing in Bloemfontein ……is defrauded or injured to the extent of one pound sterling…. No Case whatever was made out …………….The president of the court , Mr Mr. van SOELEN, summed up the evidence in his usual clear and lucid manner, and the jury, through their foreman, Mr. J.G. B. KOLBE, of Kafferberg, brought in a verdict of “Not Guilty”

The second case called on, likewise a charge of forgery, was that of Jesse LOXTON, now or lately residing in the village of Boshof, whose trade or calling is unknown, is guilty of the crime of forgery, in that on or about 8th September, 1865, and on or near the farm Rabenthal or Ravonsdal, district Boshof, then occupied by David Stephanus JACOBS, a farmer, he, the said Jesse LOXTON, received from the said D.S. JACOBS a written “good for” for the sum of one pound stg…….said Jessie LOXTON is unlawfully and unjustly forged or falsified, by altering the word “een” (one) to the word ten, so that the same should appear to be “good for” ten pound stg……………..Mr. LOXTON, better known at Boshof as Dr. LOXTON, or “De Doctor,” is the brother of the M.P. for Queenstown, was defended by Mr. HAMELBERG, and likewise got off scot free, we may add to the surprise of many listeners in the court………….. after an absence of about an hour, brought in a verdict through the foreman Mr. J. PRINSLOO, of ‘Not guilty.”

On Wednesday morning ………Samuel TOWNSEND, for stealing on the 31st of August, 1866, at the farm Lough Dearg, ward Middle Modder River, district Bloemfontein, a horse belonging to one McCARTHY, but in the charge of Henry Thomas DEALE, farmer, Lough Dearg. Verdict Guilty; sentenced, one year’s imprisonment, with hard labour.

Charles LOXTON, for stealing on the 8th December, 1865, in the vicinity of Leeuw River, in the territory of the chief Moroko, two saddle horses and one filly, which were given into his charge by fieldcornet J.E. de WET, to take to the Free State commando at Modderpoort, in Basuto, in order to be made over to the Krijgsraad. Verdict: guilty ; Sentence, 6 months imprisonment, with Hard labour.
Jan van der SCHIJF was indicted as an accomplice in the above case, but there being no evidence against him, he was discharged.

On Thursday the following case was brought forward, and disposed of in the forenoon :-
Johannes SLABBERT, for rape, committed on the person of Cornelia Frederika BEZUIDENHOUT, on the 2nd and 3rd May, 1866 at Hartebeesfontein, ward Kaffir River, district Bloemfontein. Verdict, guilty; sentence, 8 years’ imprisonment, with hard labour.

Friday, 19 October, 1866

In denboedel van wylen Alewyn Jacobus van EERDEN en Sophia Wilhelmina ECHARD
De ondergeteekende zal op Vrydag, den 26sten October aanstaande,
Publiek doen verkoopen op de plaats van den heer Abraham STRAUS, Modderfontein, de volgende vee en goederen tot bovengemelde boedel behoorende :-
600 goed geteelde Merino schapen met wol van 1 jaars groei, 5 opregte Merino rammen, 8 gedresseerde trekosse, 13 aanteel beesten van goede ras, 3 extra goede rypaarden, 11 aanteel paarden, 1 paardewagen byna nieuw met tuigen voor 6 paarden,
1 halfsleten ossenwagen met trekgoed voor 8 ossen.
Verder huisraad, als:- Tafels, stoelen, katels, bedden, porcelain en aardewerk, en hetgaan meer ten dage van verkoopen zal worden aangeboden
Barend Johannes van EERDEN,
Executeur datief.
Edenburg, 11 October, 1866

In den boedel van wylen Essex HARRIS, van Roodewal, District Bloemfontein, Landbouer
Alle vorderingen tegen bovengemelden boedel, worden verzocht ingezonden te worden, binnen zes weken van af heden, aan het kantoor van den Heer W.W. COLLINS, Bloemfontein, of den ondergeteken’en
A. HARRIES, Executrice Datief.
Roodewaal, Rhenosterspruit, district Bloemfontein
17de October, 1866

Friday, 26 October, 1866

Boedel van wylen John DRURY
Debiteuren in opgemelden boedels worden ringend verzocht, hunne schulden, ten spoedigdte te komen betalen, zullende zy anders aan eenen Agent worden overgegeven ter collective.
Alfred HUTTON, Exec. Datief.
Jacobsdal, July 10, 1866

Sudden Death from Lightning
A poor man named William DAVIS, an excavator, or well-slaker, who had only been a few weeks here, was struck dead by the electric fluid, on Tuesday evening, in the house of Mr. John BAGWILL in this town. His death was instantaneous.

Funeral of William DAVIS
The above unfortunate man struck dead by lightning, as elsewhere alluded to, was buried by subscription on Wednesday last, more than sufficient money having been raised without difficulty, in small sums, in a very short time. The total cost of the funeral and refreshments, amounted to £8 6s., and the sum raised, to £9 16s 6d. The balance, £1 10s 6d., has been handed to us by Mr. James SAUNDERSON, with a request to make the fact known, so that the subscribers might determine what should be done with this amount. Impressive and suitable addresses were, we understand delivered at the funeral, by the Revd. G van de WALT, both in the house and at the grave. The poor man had only arrived here from Natal, about three weeks since. He was a native of Berkshire, England, having been born in the parish of St. Lawrence, Waltham, in that county. We mention this fact, to unable any who have known him in Natal, to communicate with his friends, he having been, we supposed, quite unknown in this State.

Friday, 2 November, 1866

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on 29th October, in the English Church, by the Right Rev. E. TWELLS, D.D., Lord Bishop of the Orange Free State, Mr. Hendrick Oostewald WILBENACH, eldest son of Mr. H.O. WILBENACH, of Cape Town, to Martha Maria Magdalena, relict of the late Alfred WHITE, Esq., of Smithfield, and seventh daughter of John MONTGOMERY Esq., of this town – No Cards

Friday, 23 November, 1866

MARRIED at Fauresmith, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. A.A. LOUW, J.J. RABIE, Esq., of Groenkloof, to Miss H.D.M. MARAIS, of Fauresmith.
Fauresmith, 15th November, 1866

(From our own Correspondent)
Five persons have been killed by lightning at Rhenoster River, District Cronstadt. One, groot David BOTES; the second, Gert ENGELBREGT; the other, children, all killed at the same time.

Jacobus ODENDAL, charged with the murder of a Kaffir, has escaped to the Transvaal. Mr. TRUTER was not at home at the time, which accounts for his (ODENDAL’s) not being arrested.

Friday, 30 November, 1866

BIRTH on Sunday, 18th inst., at [Otter’s Post] near ? , the wife of the Rev.CLULEE of a daughter [notice virtually illegible]

DIED at Bloemfontein, [rest of notice illegible]

Mrs. S. van REYNEVELD begs to inform her friends and the public that on the 1st December next, she will open a school at the above place for both girls and boys; at which all that belongs to a liberal education will be taught.
Boarders will likewise be received. Terms for either boarders or day scholars very reasonable. Further information to be had of the above Mrs. S. van RYNEVELD (born TRUTER)
Cronstadt, 22 November, 1866

Friday, 7 December, 1866

MR. ZIMMERMANN, late of Graham’s Town, begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Bloemfontein, that he is prepared to tune Pianofortes.
Charges moderate – Application to be made to the office of this paper.
Bloemfontein, 4 December, 1866

Mr. F. PENNELL, of Colesburg, begs to give notice to the inhabitants of Winburg, Cronstadt and Potchefstroom that he intends visiting the above towns, for the purpose of taking photographs, during this and the ensuing month.


This young Dutch minister who has recently been called by [two] congregations in this State, died the other day, after a short illness, at Beaufort West, deeply regretted by the church there.

We regret to record that A.H. BAIN, Esq., of Bain’s Vley, met with rather a severe accident on Friday last, by being thrown out of his cart in passing over some rocks or iron stones near the road, just outside the town; one of the wheels of the vehicle passing over his body, breaking a rib and cracking two others, besides bruising the unfortunate gentleman very, considerably. Mr. BAIN is now pronounced out of danger, and in a fair way of recovery, though it was at first feared that he might have sustained some internal injury.

Two packages forwarded from Port Elizabeth, by Mr. J. WHILEY, on 5th October, 1866, addresses to Mr. J. NEILAND, Bloemfontein, by the wagon of Mr. R EDWARDS, are now lying at the house of the undersigned, and will be handed over to said Mr. NEILAND, or his agent, on application and payment of carriage on the same, together with expense of this advertisement. The packages are 1 trunk tied rope and 1 bag containing leather trunk. They will be detained here for one month from this date, after which they will either be sold to defray expenses, or returned to the Bay.
Bloemfontein, 7th Dec, 1866

Friday, 14 December, 1866

De naartbestaande bloedverwanten van den overledene Casimero SIMOENS worden by deze opgeroepen, hun erfregt in den boedel van gezegden overledenen en nagebleven Weduwee Maria Louisa SIMOENS, geboren SCHUURMAN, binnen zes maanden van af h?? den aan het Portugesche Consulaat alhier genoegzaam te komen bewyzen, zullen na dien tyd het geheel bedrag des boedels aan de nagebleven Weduwee worden overhandigd. Portugesch Vice-Consulaat in de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek den 10den November, 1866.
J. ALBASINI, Vice Consul van Portugal.

On Friday, a fire broke out in a shed used by Mr. MILES as a carpenter’s shop and consumed
£35 worth of property. A fire been made for cooking purposes in the open air, a short distance from the shed, and it is supposed that a spark was wafted amongst the shavings by the strong wind then prevailing. A Subscription was sent round, to which the charitable were requested to append their names, and defray the damages occasioned by the conflagration.

Michael AKKER – Ons is berigt, dat dezen ongelukkige man onder Dr. MAWBIJ’s leiding gelukkig door den tweeden aanvul van typhus is gekomen. Hij heft na eene goede kans voor herstelling en geeft een duidelijk bewijs van den uitslag van medicinale behandeling. Een dergelijken lof bekomt de heer Henry SELBY, welke gedurende de afwezigheid van den heelmeester en van het begin al alle megelijke aagen en attentive in het erk gesteld om de pogingen van den doctor ter hulp te komen.

Should this meet the eye of John Augustus CARR, a lad of 17 years of age, or that any person knowing anything of his present whereabouts, any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his mother, the undersigned, formerly of Cape Town, but now of this place. J.A. CARR was, till recently, residing with C.L.STRETCH, Esq., of Glen Avon, near Somerset (East), but is supposed to have left for Orange River.
Ann E ROSS, late CARR.
Bloemfontein, December 12th, 1866

Practised by Mrs. Ann Elizabeth ROSS (late CARR) Bloemfontein, being duly qualified thereto, will be seen from the following certificate.” I do hereby certify, that Mrs. Ann Elizabeth CARR, from behind the Castle, passed through a regular course of instruction in Midwifery by me, and that I find her sufficiently qualified to practise the art of midwifery.”
Cape Town, 6th May, 1865

Friday, 21 December, 1866

Death of Mrs. CLULEE
Early yesterday morning, the solemn tolling of the Cathedral bell told the mournful tale that another soul has been summoned to meet its Creator. …. Mrs. CLULEE the wife of the Rev. C. CLULEE, clergyman of the English Church, had died in Fauresmith at noon on Wednesday, and that an express had just then (8a.m. Thursday) brought the startling and woeful tidings to the bereaved husband. Mrs CLULEE came to this country about 2 years ago and was much esteemed by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves two infants whose tender ages prevent them from realizing the irretrievable loss they have sustained. Immediately on receipt of Mrs. C’s demise, the Rev. CLULEE, accompanied by his lordship the Bishop, started for Fauresmith.. It is needless to say, that we deeply sympathized with the chief mourner, whose clerical duties here and elsewhere had prevented him from visiting his wife during the past 6 weeks, and parentally welcoming the little stranger born in his absence. The ages of the babies are, respectively, 1 year and 6 weeks.

Friday, 28 December, 1866

DIED on the 17th December, 1866, at Stranger’s Rest, Caledon River district, O.F.State, Edward J. BIRD, Esq., aged 25 years and 10 months.
Strangers’ Rest,
22nd December, 1866

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