The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1866 1 January - June
Friday, 5 January, 1866
Whereas by certain information received by me, some evil-disposed person or persons have been in communication with my friends in England, with the view to the settlement of my affairs, and which has been done without my knowledge or that of my legal advisers:
This is to give notice that I have withdrawn all previous authority, special and general with the exception of those in the hands of my legal advisers; and further, that I do not recognize in any way whatever any arrangements that have as yet been determined upon, nor yet is it my intention to sign any mortgage deeds or documents, unless by the advice of my legal advisers; and further, whatever arrangements have been entered into by my friends in England, without my sanction, to be considered null and void.
Albert A. NEWTON
Dec 21st 1865
[Transcriber’s note: see entry on gaol break in the following issue]
Friday, 12 January, 1866
BIRTH at Reddersburg, on the 5th inst., Mrs. R.F.A. LAVERS of a daughter
9th January, 1866
MARRIED at Aliwal North on the 5th January 1866, by the Rev. W. ROSSITER, Minister of the Church of England at Aliwal North, Mr. Archibald Crichton BELL, of Queen’s Town, to Josephine Benjamina, second daughter of mr. John BURNET, Civil Commissioner and Resident magistrate of Aliwal North. All old “Sovereignty” friends are requested to accept of this intimation.
DIED of sun-stroke, on 28th November, 1865, at the kraal of the Chief SECHELI, Interior of South Africa, Mr. Joseph McCABE, aged nearly 50 years. Deeply regretted by his relatives and a large circle of friends.
We regret to learn, that Mr. Joseph McCABE, the well known and much esteemed trader and traveller, brother of Mr. F McCABE of this town, died suddenly at the kraal or town of Chief SECHELI, beyond the Vaal River, on 28th November last. Mr. McCABE was an old resident of this town and State and his death is deeply regretted by many who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His nephew, Mr P. McCABE, son of Mr. F. McCABE, was fortunately with him at the time, and has brought out, or is bringing out, the wagons to Hope Town.
The following deserters from the commando were brought before the Landdrost Court yesterday morning, and fined in the sums opposite their respective names: -
Johannes CORNELISE … … £87 10
Andries CORNELISE … … £87 10
Pieter ERASMUS … … … £87 10
Abraham van der WALT … £87 10
Floris SWANEPOEL … … £15
Barend KRENOSNIP … … £10
Servas de KOCK and Piet VIVIJIE were brought here as prisoners on a similar charge but managed to escape in the night from the house of the Sheriff. The fines are only to be paid after the war, and the burgers to be sent back to camp.
A son of Louis van der WALT died the other day on his father’s farm, in this district, of fever caught at the camp. There is no longer any doctor or medical man in the lager,
On the night of Friday last six white prisoners contrived to make their escape from Bloemfontein prison through a hole in the roof, which had previously been made by some of their number with a crowbar or some other burglarious instrument, The names of the men who thus liberated themselves are as follow: - Mr. Albert A. NEWTON, Englishman; George WEINBERG, German; Gregororius BORCHERDS, German; William SMITH, English; HILLARD, alias Judas, Englishman; and Pieter LANDMAN, Africander. A party of choice spirits went in pursuit of the runaways last Saturday, but did not succeed in capturing, or even catching a glimpse of the considerate gentleman, who were manifestly too proud to be beholden to our Government any longer for board and lodging in these hard times. We have been informed that these gaol-birds were seen close to the Bainsvley homestead, about an hour from this town, and that they enquired the way to Bloemhof, in the S.A. Republic. We can well dispose with such “weeds” and our Government can equally well afford to allow our republican neighbours to ration them.
Friday, 19 January, 1866
In den insolventen boedel van wylen Jacobus J. LUTTICH en nagelaten weduwee, gewoond hebbende op de plaats ‘Fairfield,’ district Kroonstad.
Zal op den 1sten Februaury, 1866, eene eerste vergadering plaats vinden ten einde de crediteuren in staat te stellen hunne schulden op te geven en debiteuren hubben da nook het door hen verschuldigde op te geven.
Executeur Datief
Serjt. Van RENSBURG of the Free State Artillery, who returned on leave from the camp at Leeuw River, on Friday night last, met with a sad accident shortly after his arrival here. After calling on Mr. C. de Jongh BLOEM, the Landdrost’s clerk, and delivering the letters of which he was the bearer, he by the advice, we believe, of Mr. BLOEM, proceeded up to the Fort with his two horses for the sake of procuring them forage. This was at near midnight, and the fort was garrisoned by a party of Dutch Burghers, under a certain young van TONDER as prov. Fieldcornet. The night was pitch dark, the wind blowing a hurricane, accompanied by thunder, lightning and rain, when van RENSBURG arrived at the gate. He knowing the place well, and finding the gate unfastened, opened the same and entered the fort. He then, while endeavouring to get his horses inside, was fired at by the prov. Fieldcornet van TONDER from the door of the guard room, the bullet striking him in the arm, shattering the small bone and passing out grazed and wounded the thumb also. Sergt RENSBURG, who is one of the bravest and most active of our young artillerymen, is, we are glad to hear, doing well. The guard was at first blamed severely for firing, as it appeared so hastily and unnecessarily, at a single man, but it is now alleged that they had already challenged 7 times before firing, and that RENSBURG suffering at the time from cold could not make himself heard through the storm. Either way, the accident is much to be regretted, as the State will now, it is feared, be deprived of the services of Sergt. RENSBURG for the remainder of the war.
In our impression of the 15th inst., in the report of the affair at Platberg, with 1000 of the enemy, one Petrus PIENAAR is reported “Missing supposed to have been killed” We have just heard, from reliable testimony, the way in which he came by his death. He was killed by the Basutos in the krantz above the Platberg Wesleyan mission-house in the following manner:- He with one other burgher was in the course of the day’s operations, endeavouring to capture and drive some stock, when the Basutos suddenly came down and fired upon them. Both attempted to make their escape, but PIENAAR’s horse bucking, threw his rider, when two of the enemy rushed up and stabbed him to death with their assegais. His companions putting his horse at full speed, escaped. The Basutos are known to have stripped the deceased of his clothes and carried them off, together with a good rifle. What became of the body is not known, but it must also have been made away with by the enemy, as when Mr. BAKER, the teacher of Platberg, went in search of it, three days after the occurrence, no trace of it could be found.
We give the above details, a report having previously reached this place to the effect, that PIENAAR had escaped and returned home to his farm.
Komdt. JOUBERT is onlangs met 54 burghers van dat district hier doorgekomen naar het lager van Hoofd-komdt. JOUBERT een der der beste Kommandanten is, en het zou te bejammeren zijn, indien de burgers van dat district hem niet in zijnen moeijelijken pligt ondersteunden. Zeker D. McINTYRE, een plaatsvervanger voor den heer BRINK, van Boshof, is alhier is den trunk, omdat hij, zoo als wij vernemen, het ongeluk gehad heft een Afrikaansche burger, genaam Adriaan MATHIJSSEN dood te schieten. Er was een groot gemor onder de Afrikanen; sommigen dreigden zelfs McINTYRE dood te schieten, verklarende, dat de Engelschman het met opzet gedaan had.
Friday, 26 January, 1866
DIED at Smithfield, on Friday, the 19th inst., at the age of 1 year and 5 months and 14 days, Constance Isabelle HUMPHREYS, beloved child of Mr. George and Isabelle REED
Aan bloedverwanten en vrienden wordt hiermede bekend gemaakt dat het den Almagtigen God behaagt heft tot sich te nemen myn geliefden broeder Jan Abraham van ROOYEN, op 19 January, 1866, in den ouderdom van 18 jaar en 4 maanden. Ook moet ik myn hartelyken dank toebrengen aan de vriende die alle hulp tot op laatste ge daan hebben.
Namens de Bloedverwanten,
C.J. van ROOYEN,
Winburg, 22 January, 1866
Friday, 2 February, 1866
DIED at Reddersburg, on the 20th inst., the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.F.A. LAVERS, aged 15 days.
25th January, 1866
ADRIAAN VAN DYK:- Many of our readers will remember that a young lad of the above name belonging to the Volunteer Artillery Corps, and whose parents reside in the district of Jacobsdal, has been missing since the 20th June last year, on which day he was dispatched by the Government here as the bearer of an express to Smithfield. It was at first remained that he may have gone home to his parents or got into the Cape Colony for safety, but during the last few days a skeleton of a white man has been discovered near the upper road to Smithfield about an hour’s ride beyond Beyersberg, at which place there is eery reason to fear he must have been murdered by the Basutos. A chain, with a portrait attached, was found suspended round his neck, also part of a red flannel shirt similar to one he is known to have worn when he left this. The portrait and chain are, we believe, at present at Smithfield, but will of course, if his, be immediately recognized when seen by the friends of the unfortunate lad. There is the more reason to believe that the skeleton found is that of van DYK, as he would in all probability have been passing the spot just at the time of the Smithfield raid. He left the house of a farmer named HERBST a little before the family were compelled to trek away from the Basutos, and was seen by a man riding past Beyersberg, with his horse nearly knocked up, proceeding just in the direction in which the Basutos shortly afterwards made their appearance.
To the Editor of The Friend: -
Sir- Having as yet seen no account in your columns of the death of the late Mr. Bartholomew ENGLISH, for the information of his relatives and friends in the Cape Colony, I send you the following:- he died on Mr. van REENEN’s farm, Wilge River, from a gunshot wound by Kaffirs on the night of 17th August, 1866, having survived one hour after receiving the wound. Twenty Kaffirs attacked Mr. van REENEN’s house at about half past eleven pm, there being at the time on the farm Mr. van REENEN, H. PITHAM, Mr. BOTMA (of the Transvaal), John LANGLEY, myself and ENGLISH, who was in my employ. The Kaffirs, finding that we were on the alert, and had our stock close to the house, so that it was impossible for them to get to them, commenced firing at my wagon and at the house. The waons belonging to van REENEN, BOTMA and myself were drawn up close to the house. The kaffirs werefiring from a small embankment about 250 yards from the same. All that we could do was to keep our stock together and continue firing at the embankment at every opportunity. We had only about three guns between us, and were very short of powder. ENGLISH, after being cautioned, together with the other man who had no gun, to keep within the house, came out and went before the oxen. Assoon as he was in front, one Kaffir fired and shot him through the chest. Mr. van REENEN, as soon as he saw the flash of the Kaffir’s gun, immediately fired. Soon after all was still. At daybreak we went down to the embankment where the Kaffirs were, and Mr.van REENEN found a bullet and a veld shoe. The bullet found is the fellow to one that the Kaffirs fired through the roof of the house, which, after coming through the roof, fell on the floor. Poor ENGLISH came from Cape Town, and was some time in Cradock, where he has left one daughter, also one daughter in Cape Town, to deplore his loss. He also resided in Bloemfontein and since leaving Bloemfontein was in my service until his death.
Yours &c.,
John COE.
Friday, 9 February, 1866
BIRTH at Potchefstroom on the 17th January 1866, Mrs. A.J. MUNNICH of a son.
DIED suddenly at Bloemfontein on the 3rd inst, Mr. James CLARK, aged 29 years and 11 months, deeply deplored by his sorrowing wife and relatives. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
On Saturday evening, 3rd inst, Mr. James CLARK, an old resident of this town, fell suddenly down in the doorway of his house in an apoplectic fit, as is supposed, and instantaneously expired. Mr. CLARK, who only arrived here from Grahamstown about 30 hours previous to his deceased, leaves a widow and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore their loss. The deceased was followed to his last resting place by upwards of fifty of his townsmen. In this solemn instance of the uncertainty of everything under the sun, how strikingly and appallingly has the Psalmist’s words been verified: - “In the midst of life we are in death”. Weomitted to mention in the proper place that the deceased was in the enjoyment of good health until he was so suddenly laid low. The funeral service was performed by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister.
Friday, 16 February, 1866
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 17th January, Mrs. George N. HANGER, of Thaba ‘Nchu, of a daughter.
Aan nabestaanden en bloedverwanten wordt bekend gemaakt, dat het den Almagtige behaagd heeft tot hem te nemen op 28 January 1866, myne teeder geliefde echtgenoot Elizabeth Cecilia STRAUS, in den jeugdigen ouderdom van 88 jaaren, my nalatende met 4 kinderen, om haar verlies te betreuren
W.H. WESSELS. [Benaauwdh…dfontein],
5 Febr., 1866
BIRTH at Reddersburg, on the 7th inst., the wife of Thos. HOLMES, Esq., of Nooitgedacht,of a daughter.
DIED at Aliwal North, on Friday, the 2nd inst., Mr. Edward SOLOMON, in the 51st year of his age, leaving a widow and daughter and a numerous circle of friends to deplore their loss.
Death of Captain James WEIR
Smithfield, 12th Feb., 1866
On Thursday afternoon last (8th) three of WEBSTER’s Volunteers, Messrs. James WEIR, PAPENFUS and DUFFY, were returning to their camp at Rouxville from Smithfield, and on their reaching Commissie Drift, Mr. WEIR, who said he was acquainted with the ford, rode in on horseback. The deceptive element, however, proved deeper and stronger than was thought, and the horse was, at a short distance from the shore, taken off its legs, and was drifted down stream rearing and plunging. The unfortunate rider was speedily unseated, and, as he could not swim, a few short moments sufficed for his watery grave finally to close above him. His companions, who were also not swimmers, could only run along the bank while he occasionally appeared above the surface, and by wading as far as they durst vainly endeavoured to rescue their ill-fated comrade. The horse in plunging became entangled in the bridle-rein, and was drowned even before its master. Mr. PAPENFUS and Mr. DUFFY returned to town in the evening to report the sad disaster, and early on the following morning several townspeople went out and searched the river’s banks for miles for the body, without success. The horse, with its saddle, &c., was found some seven or eight miles downstream. On Saturday the search was renewed, and at nightfall the body was at length discovered floating down the river. Its progress was now speedily checked, and it was brought to land close to where the horse had been found on the previous evening. The remains were conveyed to Smithfield at once, and were yesterday consigned to their last resting place by the Rev. W.A. ROBINSON. The freemasons in the town, in the absence of relatives, occupied the place of chief mourners.
Friday, 23 February, 1866
MARRIED on 18th Jan., at the residence of J. BLACKWOOD, Esq., by the Rev. Jas. PATTEN, Rev. D. Mac MILLAN, M.A., of Harrismith, to Margaret, daughter of the late John McCALLUM Esq., Edinburgh. – Natal Paper
I regret to have to record another fatal accident by which on Friday last [16th] a fine young man named MORRIS, who, with his brother, has been serving in the volunteer camp, lost his life. Deceased was coming into Smithfield from Rouxville, with his younger brother and one or two others, and in assisting his friends to cross the Caledon at Commissie Drift swam the river several times. When all were safe on this side be observed” I would not tell you this was where poor WEIR met his death last week, as I feared it would make you nervous.” A few minutes afterwards when all was prepared for starting, he immediately took hold of his gun, and drew it towards him by the muzzle, when it exploded and shot him through the breast, just above the heart. He only survived for about three quarters of an hour, and was buried here on Saturday afternoon. The number of accidents arising from the incautious handling of firearms is really terrible, and it would appear that no amount of accidents is sufficient to induce carefulness.
Friday, 2 March, 1866
In den boedel van wylen Maria Aletta JACOBS geboren FOURIE
Wordt by deze ter kennisse gebragt, dat de liquidatie en distributier kening in bovengemelden boedel van af heden voor zes weken ter inzage ligt ten kantore van den Weesheer te Bloemfontein.
G.P. JACOBS, Executeure.
Boshof, 24 January, 1866
In den boedel van wylen Cornelia Susanna van den HEVER van Cyferfontein
Degenen die iets te vorderen hebben van gemelden boedel worden verzocht hunne vorderingen, voorzien van behoorlyk bewys, in te leveren zes weken van heden, terwyl zy die iets verschuldigd zyn aan gemelde boedel verzocht worden, het door hem verschuldigde te komen verefferen ook binnen gemelde tyd, ten kantore van den ondergeteekenden.
Namens den Executeur testamentair,
Fauresmith, 16 February, 1866
Friday, 9 March, 1866
In den boedel van Dirk Frederik HELMS
Zal verkocht worden op de plaats Paradys op Dinsdag 20 Maart a.s.,
16 Trek ossen, 9 Aanteel beesten, 9 Parrden, 300 schapen, 50 bokken, 1 Ossenwagen complete. 1 Kar do. Met tuigen, en een verscheidenheid van boeregereedschap, te veel om te noemen.
Verkooping te beginnen te 10 ure precies.
J.F. HELMS, Executeur.
Edwd. S. HANGER, Afslager.
Bloemfontein, 1 Maart, 1866
In den boedel van wylen Susanna Josena Magdalena SMIT, geboren SNYDERS, en nagebleven echtgenoot Cornelis Alewyn SMIT
Degenen die iets te vorderen hebben van gemelden boedel worden verzocht hunne vorderingen, voorzien van behoorlyk bewys, in te leveren zes weken van heden, terwyl zy die iets verschuldigd zyn aan gemelde boedel verzocht worden, het door hem verschuldigde te komen verefferen ook binnen gemelde tyd, ten kantore van den ondergeteekenden.
Namens den Executeur testamentair,
Boshof, 5 Maart, 1866
Friday, 16 March, 1866
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 18th inst., the wife of Mr. J.F.M. SCHULZ, Free State Hotel, of a daughter.
MARRIED by special license, on the 8th inst., at Bloemfontein, by the Rev. C. CLULEE, Ernest Louis, second son of William RASCHER, Esq., of Strasburg, Prussia, to Rosa Elizabeth, only child of Dr. COWARD, of Bloemfontein. – No cards
DIED at Bloemfontein, on 11th March, Mr. Thomas C. CRUICKSHANK, aged 28 years.
Worden opgeroepen Crediteuren en Debiteuren in den boedel van wylen Susannah Jacoba CRONJE, overleden echtgenoot van Petrus Arnoldus HUMAN
Degenen die iets te vorderen hebben van of verschuldigd zyn aan gemelden boedel gelievere hiervan schriftelyke opgrave te doen voor den [?]ten April aanstande, ten kantore van den ondergeteekenden.
Diegenen die hunne schulden niet voor den bepaalden tyd in den boedel verefferen zullen vervolg worden.
Namens den Executeur testamentair, R.G. de VRIES.
Smithfield, 1 Maart, 1866.
Mr. Thomas C. CRUICKSHANK, a young man, only 28 years of age, formerly resident in Natal, and much respected by all who knew him, died here rather unexpectedly from that insidious disease, consumption, on Sunday last. Mr. C. was for a time a clerk in the local branch of the Standard Bank here, and latterly bookkeeper to Messrs. C.E. & G. FICHARDT, of this town, in whose employ he remained till within two weeks of his end, and in whose house he died. His remains were interred in the English burial grounds on Monday afternoon – the funeral service being performed by the Rev. C. CLULEE. Nearly the whole of the male inhabitants of the town followed out of good feeling to the deceased, and sorrow at his early death.,
The evidence taken in this case before the Landdrost of Boshof has appeared in the Tijd, and completely exculpates the accused of the charge of murder trumped up against him. The witnesses all concur in stating that no quarrel had ever taken place between the accused and Adriaan MATTHYSEN, the unfortunate young man who lost his life by the accident: but on the contrary, he and McINTYRE had, during the whole time on commando, lived on the most intimate and friendly footing, had travelled in one wagon and evidently thought highly of each other. McINTYRE according to the whole of the witnesses, stood thunderstruck and speechless after the occurrence. David BRANDT, a carpenter, of Boshof, who was corporal over McINTYRE, on oath declares that the shooting of MATTYSEN was the result of accident, that McINTYRE was always well behaved, and that he had never seen him the worse for drink. David SCOTT, also a carpenter residing at Boshof, sworn, states that he did not see the accident, but came up immediately afterwards, saw MATTHYSEN lying on the ground, and McINTYRE standing thunderstruck and trembling. He saw the trousers of the accused were torn, and his leg bruised (blue) from the kicking (discharge) of the gun. He was aware that for three weeks after the accident accused was permitted to do burgher duty, and during that time never had a hearing; that McINTYRE never had words with the deceased, and that the day before the accident deceased himself had the misfortune almost to shoot Mr. BOUTER through the accidental discharge of his gun. Three witnesses, C.H. GROENEWALD, A.A. SMIT, and J.A. BESTER, all state that they cannot swear that McINTYRE shot the young man, MATTHYSEN, intentionally, but all three concur [in] stating that deceased, after receiving the shot, called out to McINTYRE, “Why do you shoot me?” While a Coranna, “Jongen Jacob,” swears that neither deceased nor accused spoke a word after the accident, but McINTYRE stood horrified and speechless: he says further, it happened while they were inspanning and behind the front oxen. The Landdrost discharged the accused, till he should again be called up, on his giving security for three hundred pounds, stg. We are now, we trust, not likely to hear any more of the case of McINTYRE. The accident was doubtless the result of carelessness and thoughtlessness, but certainly was not an act of premeditation, and unfortunately this was not, by many, the first, nor will it be the last accident, of a similar kind, before the war is ended.
Friday, 23 March, 1866
Aan crediteuren en debiteuren wordt mits eze bekend gemaakt dat de genen die in den boedel van wylen Mejufvrouw Maria Wilhelmina HAMAN weduwee van mede wylen den Heer Jacobus Paulus ODENDAAL binnen den tyd van drie maanden aan den ondergeteekenden hetgoen hy verschuldigd is te komen afbetalen en die iets te vorderen hebben hunnen schuld bewyzen te komen vertonen
A.C. ODENDAAL, Executeur Testamentair.
Valschrivier, Maart 14, 1866.
Friday, 13 April, 1866
OVERLEDEN op syne plaats Paardenkuil, naby Bloemfontein, op den 10 April, 1866, de Wel.Eerw. Heer Johannes SCHMIDT, 61 jaren oud
We learn, with deep regret, on what we fear appears to be good authority, that one of the last victims of our late miserable war is Mr. H.O. DREYER, of Harrismith, the chairman of the Volksraad. We still “hope against hope,” that the report may prove unfounded, but Mr. van BREDA, of Cronstadt, who arrived here Wednesday, in command of the escort which brought out the Rev. Mr. DAQUAS and family from Mequatling, assures us that there can be no doubt of the fact, four Kaffir messengers having arrived from Commandant de VILLIERS at the camp of General FICK with a letter for the General communicating the sad intelligence. No Official report has been received by the Government, but the facts as far as can be gathered by us, are, that Mr. DREYER and one other white man (name not mentioned) went out from Harrismith with what are known as Mota’s, in the direction of, we believe, Retief’s Nek, and after succeeding in capturing 1500 head cattle, Mr. DREYER and his only white companion got killed on the way home. No explanation of how they met with their death has, as yet, been given. It is however, stated that several of Mota’s were, at the same time, killed. Should this melancholy intelligence proved correct, it will be, in a great measure attributable to our wretched system of postal communication, by which the people of Harrismith were kept in ignorance of the armistice already at that time entered into with Molappo: and should Mr. DREYER have unfortunately been killed, he has lost his life in taking stock which will after all have to be returned to the people from whom it was taken, it having been captured, it is said, on the 29th and the treaty of peace with Molappo having been signed on the 26th. Mr. DREYER was one of the most rising and intelligent – and bid fair to be one of the most useful – men in the State.
Friday, 20 April, 1866
DIED at Colesberg, on the 3rd inst., of an affection of his heart, Frederick Richard, aged 2 years, 8 months and 10 days; and on the 4th inst., of convulsions, James Frederick, aged 3 months and 6 days, only sons of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ORSMOND
It has pleased the Almighty God to take from us, through an untimely end, on the 8th inst, our eldest and beloved son Oloff Johannes, in the youthful age of 7 years and 10 months – deeply lamented.
Kroonstad, 9 April, 1866
We regret to have to report that Mr. O.J. TRUTER jr. the much respected Landdrost of Cronstadt, has lost his oldest son, a fine boy of nearly 8 years who was accidently drowned while bathing on 8th inst.
The obituary notice of the above well-known gentleman (formerly missionary to the Baralongs at Thaba ‘Nchu) appears in the latest Natal papers. He knew this country long prior to the Emigration of the boers.
Harrismith, March 30th, 1866
The morning of Good Friday has broke in upon us with a sense of dire enormity. Mr. H.O.DREYER is no more.
………………………. Mr. DREYER , with seven men , formed the vanguard and defiling along the ridge some way in advance of the main body, when, from the ambush of the rocks, up sprang about 100 Zulus, assegai to hand. The greater part of the vanguard made good their retreat to the main body, and in-the skirmish that followed the Zulus were routed, carrying off with them, however, most of the horses and sheep. When all was over it was found that Messrs. DREYER and SEMBECK were missing. SEMBECK’s horse had been seen to fall with him, and his body was found with seven wounds on it in the place where the accident occurred DREYER’s body was discovered slightly in advance of where the Zulu’s made the first rush; it had been stabbed in 21 places
Henry Ostewald DREYER was born in Wynberg, near Cape Town, in October, 1833. In his nineteenth year his enterprising spirit led him to Australia, where he spent about seven years in the diggings. He returned to Cape Town, and after spending a short visit with his friends came direct to Harrismith, where from the first he took a leading position. His Australian experience, backed by the natural abilities, qualified him to treat in all matters with the European part of the population: his strong sense of justice and fair play accrued for him the perfect confidence of our native allies; while by relationship and a thorough knowledge of their character, he had a vast hold on the sympathies and feelings of our Africander friends. The greater part of the law business of the district fell into his hands, and though the acquisitions of a student’s lore had not been given him in early life, yet by dint of zeal, thoroughness and activity of mind and a solid basis of honest feeling, year after year saw him visibly increasing professional knowledge and working power. In the polities of State he took, always an active interact, and the place which he held as Chairman of the late Volksraad marks the influence which he was maturing in the councils of the Country. Like all men of action and impulsive temperament, he was no exception to the one law of human error, but beneath surface failings there ever shone out the character of a sterling man.
Poor (Joseph) SEMBECK was, as it were, one of the institutions of the town – sanguine, active, hasty, and good-natured withal; he had not an enemy in the place. No more pleasant comrade ever rode patrol and he was one of those who in the moment of attack and danger could be relied on.
Friday, 27 April, 1866
BEVALLEN te Fauresmith, op Zondag, den 8sten dezer, de echtgenoote van den Weledele Heer F.K. HORNE, Landdrost van Philippolis, van eenen dochter
Philippolis, 17 April 1866
Door een droevig ongeluk op den 16 en dezer, overleed plotseling onzen geliefden zoon Jacob Albertus Johannes SWANEPOEL, in den ouderdom van 37 jaren en 7 maanden, nalatende eene weduwee met 5 kinderen, die hun verlies niet beseffen.
Wy berusten in den wil van Hem wiens willie moet geschieden en zeggen alle vrienden dank voor hunne hartelyke belangstelling.
Namens Christiaan Hk. SWANEPOEL, VRIES, Koster.
Smithfield, 22 April, 1866
Barthemeus KAISER died in Smithfield on 21st inst., after being confined to his bed for eight days. The deceased was in the field during the whole war, and faithfully and efficiently performed his duty. A trusty servant like this deserved a little consideration at the hands of the Government in his last illness. He did not receive any, however. A correspondent informs us, that not withstanding the fact that KAISER had money to receive from our authorities, he was permitted to be buried like a dog – in his ‘birthday suit” and without a coffin! This is one way – the free and easy way – of rewarding a good and faithful servant.
We learn from the officers now here that the missing young man, EVANS, never turned up alive, neither was his body discovered; but the Basutos admit that a white man was killed, near the place where EVANS would probably have been. EVANS was the brother of Mr. EVANS of Queen’s Town, and had only recently joined the force. Another young man, named NORTON, who was about to join the volunteers at the time of EVANS’ mysterious disappearance, must, it is said, also have killed, together with one NEL, in riding from Smithfield to Comdt. WEBSTER’s camp. NORTON had only a pistol with him, one chamber but of which was loaded, and one lose bullet in his pocket. He is said to have been a fine active young man. He is said to have been a fine active young man. The Basutos say that two white men were killed about that period at Bushman’s Berg, and these are supposed to have been NORTON and NEL. Some 3 months since, an Englishman, named ELLIS, left WEBSTER’s camp to go in search of a wood wagon – took the wrong direction, and was never seen more. Plus three valuable lives were lost through the want of ordinary precautions.
A sad catastrophe took place at Leeuwspruit, Caledon River district, on the 16th inst. A border farmer, named Jacobus Albertus Johannes SWANEPOEL, who had been seven months on commando, and had only returned home eight days previously, proceeded with his wife and five children to Leeuwspruit, the farm of Mr. Jurie GOUWS. In the neighbourhood of the homestead of this place is a small spruit, the drift of which has been damaged by the recent rains. The wagon descended the bank, and nothing further is known for certain. It is supposed however, that in going down the declivity SWANEPOEL sprung off the vehicle: that in doing so, his trousers, which were known to be torn, caught fast on something or other; and that he was by this means thrown under the wagon, the wheel of which passed over the back of his head, crushing it and depriving him of life instanteously. The position of the wife can be better imagined than described. Wild with despair, she washed the unfortunate man’s head, and when the fearful truth became became apparent to her, she fell into hysterical fits, and cried and laughed, and screamed and prayed, alternatively. On 18th inst. The last and offices were performed the funeral being attended by 80 of the deceased’s friends and neighbours. This melancholy occurrence has cast a gloom over the entire district. SWANEPOEL was much respected, and his wife and family are sincerely sympathized with by a large circle of the surrounding farmers.
DIED at Winburg, on the morning of the 21st inst., George Henry, aged 12 years 6 months, and 11 days, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. LOCH
Friday, 4 May, 1866
IN THE ESTATE of the late Jan Hendrick NIENABER and surviving widow married to P. DINGES of Natal.
To the heirs in the above estate.
Take Notice, whereas the sum of £54 11s 6d. Has been laid out by me at the instance of the heirs in and for the above estate, and whereas although several meetings have been called before the Landdrost of Winburg for the election of an executor in the same estate, no such executor has been elected, and whereas as the principal heirs are now residing beyond the limits of this State, I hereby give notice that unless the above outlay be paid to me within 6 weeks from this date, I shall apply for an attachment against the farm Klippan situated in the district of Winburg, Orange Free State, belonging to the above estate.
James M. HOWELL.
Winburg, 4th May 1866
IN THE INSOLVENT ESTATE of F. DEKKER, of Winburg, Land Agent
A meeting of creditors in the above is requested before the Landdrost of Winburg, on Monday, 4th June next, to instruct the trustee how to proceed with regard to the farms sold in the above estate to Richard DOUTHWAITE, since insolvent, and to make provision for the payment of costs, outlay, &c., advanced by the Trustee in DEKKER’s estate to the amount of £58 18 7.
James M. HOWELL, Sole Trustee.
Winburg, 4th May, 1866
Friday, 11 May, 1866
IN DEN INSOLVENTE BOEDEL van Jacobus Johannes EKSTEEN, van Harrismith, Boer.
Eene byeenkomst van crediteuren in bovengemelden boedel wordt versocht voor den Landdrost van Winburg, op den 5den Juny eerstkomende, om te bepalen of seker vast goed in den boedel nu sal worden verkocht.
James M. HOWELL, Eenige Curator.
Winburg, 5 Mei, 1866
DIED at Smithfield, on Sunday the 6th May, 1866 Hannah, beloved wife of Mr. J HARVEY, Landdrost of Caledon River district, aged 40 years and 8 months.
Suddenly, after an illness of about 4 hours’ duration, arising from disease of the heart, Caroline Eliza, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.F. ORSMOND, aged 6 years, and 27 days.
Colesberg, 30th April, 1866.
If Mr. LENNON does not release his horse, which has been in my stable from 12th January last, on or before the 28th inst., it will be sold to defray expenses incurred for forage and keep.
Cronstadt, 2nd May, 1866.
Friday, 18 May, 1866
IN THE INSOLVENT ESTATE of Jacobus Johannes EKSTEEN, of Harrismih, Farmer
A meeting of the creditors in the above estate is requested before the Landdrost of Winburg, on the 5th June next, to determine whether certain Landed Property in the above estate shall now be sold.
James M. JOWELL, Sole Trustee.
Winburg, 5th May, 1866
Friday, 25 May, 1866
MARRIED at Cronstadt, on 15th inst., by the Rev. HEININGEN, Mr. F.P. Janse van RENSBURG, jun., of Winburg to Dirkje Elizabeth, eldest daughter of P.M. FERREIRA, Esq., of Ongegund, district Winburg, late of the Cape Colony. May 21st, 1866
Al degenen, die iets te vorderen hebben van, of verschuldigd zyn, aan den boedel van wylen den Heer Frederik Petrus SENEKAL, en nagelatene weduwe Mejufvrouw Martha Maria Elizabeth Piet [ROE], worden by deze oproepen binnen zes weken na heden hunne vorderingen in te zenden aan Mejufvrouw Wede F.P. SENEKAL, wonende aan Valsrivier, district Kroonstad, of aan den ondergeteekende, Vetrivier, district Winburg.
A.P.G. GOOSENS, geassumeerd executeur.
Bloemfontein 24 Mei, 1866
With deep regret we have to announce that no hope remains of the recovery of the above much esteemed gentleman, in fact it is scarcely possible for him to survive till the publication of these lines. He was suddenly seized with a fit on Wednesday night, or to speak more correctly on Thursday at 2am. 10 inst.: and has never properly rallied since. He was at one time apparently a little better but soon had a relapse, and is now said to be at the point of death. He attended the sittings of the Volksraad all day on Wednesday, and a meeting of the Lodge “Unie” of which he was the W.M. on the evening of his first attack. “in the midst of life we are in death!” Mr. SMELLEKAMP breathed his last this (Friday) morning.
The undersigned, executor dative in the estate of the late Martha Elizabetha BEZUIDENHOUT, widow of the late David Johannes VILJOEN, will sell by public auction on the farm Meyerfontein, district of Philippolis, on Wednesday, 20th June next, 2000 fine merino ewes and wethers, in good condition. 30 Oxen and breeding cattle, amongst which there is a span of very large and fat draught oxen, fit for the butcher. 10 Horses, a second hand wagon with gear complete, a quantity of household furniture and kitchen utensils. Conditions of sale liberal. Refreshments will be provided.
W.F. BEZUIDENHOUT, Senior. Executor Dative.
Hartebeesfontein, Philippolis district,
18th April, 1866
In den boedel van wylen Mej. Johanna van KOLLER, weduwee van wylen Andries CRONJE
De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlyk gevolmagtigd door den Executeur in bovengemelden boedel zal op Woensdag, den 27sten Juny e.k., op de plaats Goedgemeend, omtrent twee uren van het dorp Winburg, opveilin en aan de meestbiedende verkoopen.
Ten eersten. De plaats Goedgemeend, gelegen aan Klipspruit, groot omtrent 5000 morgen. De plaats is goedgebouwd, landeryen ommuurd, goed beplant met allerlei soorten vruchteboomen, de kralen in goede orde en geschikt voor alle soorten van vee.
Ten Tweede – Levende Have. 30 aanteelbeesten, 300 Merino Schapen.
Ten Derden – Roerende Goederen, als. 1 Ossenwagen (Compleet) Beddengoed, Huisraad, enz., en wat verder ten dage voornoemd ter verkooping zal worden aangeboden.
Een ruim credit zal gegeven worden.
Bloemfontein, 17 Mei, 1866
Friday, 1 June, 1866
In the insolvent estate of G.H. DEXTER, of Bloemfontein, mason
All persons claiming to be creditors under this estate are required to take notice that a special meeting of Creditors will be held before the Master of the Insolvent Estate Chamber, Bloemfontein, on Saturday 23rd June next, at 10 O’clock precisely, for the purpose of deciding upon the terms of sale of the landed and other property belonging to the above estate.
Richard CLARK, Sole Trustee.
Bloemfontein, 25th May, 1866
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 25th May, 1866, Johan Arnoud SMELLEKAMP, Esq., aged 54 years. Deceased was born at Amerstam, Kingdom of the Netherlands, on 16th January, 1812.
Friday, 8 June, 1866
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth, on the 22nd April, Mr. B. ARNHOLS, of Berlin, Prussia to Miss Sarah SOLOMON, of Aliwal North, South Africa
DIED at Bethulie, on the 29th Instant, Charles Christiaan Pellisier, aged 2 years and 35 days, oldest son of H. KLYNVELD, C.C. KLYNVELD, born PELLISSIER. Bethulie, May 3, 1866
DIED at Potchefstroom, South African Republic, on the 5th of March, 1866, Bertha Emily Landekroon, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SPRUIJT, aged one year, 3 months, and 2 days
DIED at Pretoria, South Africa Republic, on the 10th of May 1866, Victor Andries Landekroon, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. SPRUIJT, aged 2 years, 9 months, and 18 days.
It has pleased the Almighty to take from my side, on the 25th instant in the morning, at 9 o’clock, my sincerely beloved husband Johan Arnaud SMELLEKAMP, at the age of 54 years, 4 months and 7 days, after a happy wedlock of thirteen and a half years, leaving four children too young to deplore their grievous loss.
In the months of April last, he was sent by the honourable Volksraad to Smithfield, for the purpose of investigating certain matters with regard to the Kafir raid into that district in June, 1865, and there is reason to suppose that the cold and wet weather, which prevailed at the time, was the cause of his disease.
My sincerest thanks are hereby tendered to the inhabitants of Bloemfontein for the great kindness and benevolence which they have shown me during the illness of Mr. SMELLEKAMP.
Family and friends will please to accept of this general notice as a special one.
Bloemfontein, 31st May, 1866.
Friday, 15 June, 1866
Aan belanghebbenden wordt bekend gemaakt, dat de rekening en verantwording in den boedel Engela Jacoba VORSTER gedeponeerd is ten kantoor van den Weesheer te Bloemfontein, en aldaar ten inzage ligt volgens Art. 81 van Ordennantie No.2, 1865.
F. HATTINGH, Executeur Testamentair. Cronstadt, Junij, 1, 1866
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