The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1867 1 January - June
Friday, 4 January, 1867
DIED at Fauresmith, December 19th 1866, Emily, the beloved wife of the Rev. C. CLULEE, Priest of the English Mission in the Orange Free State. Beloved and lamented by all who knew her.
The Rev. C. CLULEE would take this opportunity of publicly thanking the inhabitants of Fauresmith for the expression of their kindly respect and sympathy in attending the funeral.
George PRINCE Esq. and Mrs. PRINCE, have left during the week, on a visit to the Cape.
We deeply regret to announce the death of Mrs. DICK, wife of Mr. James DICK, of the town, which sad event occurred this (Friday) morning.
The next of kin of the late Canimero SIMEONS are hereby called upon to produce sufficient proof of their right of inheritance in the estate of the said late Canimero SIMEONS and surviving widow Maria Louisa SIMEONS , born SCHUURMAN, at this office within six months from this date, as after that period the whole of the proceeds of said estate will be handed over to the said surviving widow.
Portuguese Vice-Consulate, South African Republic, this 10th day of November 1866
J. ALBASINI, Port. Vice-Consul
Friday, 11 January, 1867
BIRTH at Boshof, on the 4th January, 1867, Mrs Johan Sebastian GAUM, of a daughter.
Friday, 18 January, 1867
One of the young ladies of Winberg, Miss VERGOTTINI, was married, on Tuesday last, to Mr. BORDELL, acting Landdrost. From all accounts, she is a suitable young girl and therefore may she be a happy as she deserves.
ACCIDENT – MR. Cornelius du PLOOY, jun. I am sorry to communicate, met with a serious accident a few days ago. He was catching a horse in the usual way viz. with three long reins attached to a whip-stick, to throw round the neck, when he got entangled in the riems, and the horse bolted dragging him on the ground for a considerable distance. Fortunately, an equestrian came up, and brought the horse, dragging Mr. du PLOOY, to a stand-still Mr. du PLOOY, I learn, is much injured.
Storekeeper, at Bethlehem
Debtors and creditors in the above estate are requested within the time of two months from this date, to pay their accounts or debts, and file their claims at the office of the undersigned.
WESSELS & BRAMLEY, for the executrix dative.
Harrismith, 10th January, 1867
The undersigned, hitherto known in this state as James SANDERSON, has determined to take and use henceforth his right name which is James Samuel HALL, born in the parish of Bishop’s Middleham, in the county of Durham, England, and requests that he may in future be known and addressed by said name only.
James Samuel HALL
January 15th 1867
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 16th January, Mrs. E. NIEMEYER of a son.
In den intestaten boedel van wylen Gerhardus ENGELBRECHT.
De ondergetekeende in syne capaciteit als Executeur datief in bovengemelden boedel, zal by publieke veiling verkoopen op den 29 Januarij, 1867, op de plaats Bosjoskraal, tusschen de Oranje- en Calendonrivier :-
200 Merino schapen, 1 Wagen en 10 ossen, 11 aanteel beesten, 2 vederenbedden, verscheidene huisraad artikelen.
W.C. ENGELBRECHT, Executeur Datief,
December 27, 1866
Friday, 25 January, 1867
MARRIED at Winburg, on the 8th January, 1867, Mr. C. BREDELL to Miss C.C. VERGOTTINI, eldest daughter of Mr. O. VERGOTTINI
DIED on the 19th January 1867, on the farm Grootkuil, district Winburg, the residence of Dr. J. GIBSON, Mr. Leonard Johan LENTING, in consequenceof apoplexy, at the age of 36 years. Relatives and friends are requested to accept this as a notice.
20th of January 1867
DIED at Bloemfontein, 23rd of January, our dearly beloved son, Alfred, aged 7 months.
Death has again visited our small community, and this time struck, and without warning, a man in the midst of health and strength, and in the prime of life, Mr. LENTING, of the firm Wohlitz & Co. Deceased, aged 30years, while traveling in the neighbourhood of Dr. GIBSON’s farm, Vette River, was attacked by apoplexy, and after being removed thither, had a second and third attack, under which he succumbed. This sad event has cast a gloom upon our town. Truly the Prophet said:” In the midst of life we are in death” A number of our townsmen leave this today for the funeral, in order to testify their respect for the deceased.
15th January 1867
Since the close of the past year, our village has been chiefly remarkable for the comparative number of deaths and funerals which have occurred.
On New Year’s Day, Mr. Edwin NEW, bookkeeper, &c. in the establishment of Messrs, Draper & Plewman, was drowned in a pool of the Sea-cow River, where it runs through the farm Nooitgedacht, the property of Mr. Alex MURRAY, formerly of the Smithfield district of the Free State. On the previous day (31 Dec) it was remarked by more than one intimately acquainted with NEW’s manner and temperament, that he exhibited an excess of exuberance of animal spirits, considering that he was one who scarcely ever indulged in strong liquors. But this exuberance was no doubt attributable to the anticipated pleasure of enjoying a drive to the country in course of the afternoon of the 31st, and spending the New Year in the country, in fishing and such other recreations as are peculiarly grateful to persons closely confined to the desk or the store for the rest of the year. A fishing party, consisting of two or three of Mr. MURRAY’s sons, a Mr. MAEDER, eldest son of one of the French Missionaries in Basutoland, provided with a net, proceeded on the morning of New Year’s Day to the Sea-cow River. Although it was said that NEW was no swimmer, it would appear that he exhibited exceeding recklessness, not only in venturing into the water, but in running about with his head uncovered in the full blaze of a most scorching sun; notwithstanding the other young men remonstrated with him most strenuously. He was told that his assistance was not required in the fishing operations; and, in short, every argument was employed to restrain him from exposing himself to the risk of drowning or of sunstroke. However, by a fatality which is almost unaccountable, in one ordinarily or assuming and unpresuming, it so happened while the others were engaged at some short distance from the stream, he plunged into the deepest part of the pool. The plunge was instantaneously heard; a rush was immediately made for his rescue, but the last seen of him, until the body was recovered, was his head disappearing. His companions, none of whom were divers, but could swim, kept floating round the spot where he had sunk, in the expectation that he would come to the surface, as is usual with persons so suddenly immersed, but strange to say, he never did. Ultimately, a young man in the neighbourhood, who had been brought up at the sea-side, and could dive, was sent for. I may mention that the water of the Sea-cow River, like that of several other South African streams, is so thick and non-transparent that nothing can be discovered even a few inches below the surface. Consequently the young man who recovered the body, was compelled to swim about, sounding the bottom with a long whipstick, and only dived when he had discovered, by that means, the position of the body. I have been thus circumstantial, because very unjust insinuations have been made against the companions of NEW, in reference to the extent of exertion they had made for his immediate rescue. Several who had sat with him at the same table for some two years, were inexpressibly shocked at hearing in course of the evening of New Year’s Day, that the corpse of one whom they met in “top-spirits” at table the previous day, was on its way to town. On the evening of the following day, he was interred with every mark of respect, - the funeral being one of the largest I have seen.
On the following day, or the day thereafter, an Englishman, who had been suffering from illness, and whom the authorities had kindly and promptly admitted into the hospital connected with the gaol, for the benefit of the services of the district surgeon, also died, and was respectably buried. His name I forget, fot the moment; but I believe he formerly resided in Cradock and was well spoken of by one or two who had known him there.
The third funeral has been that of Mrs. WALDECK, the wife of our worthy old market-master and the mother of Mrs. ORTLEPP, senior, and Mrs. John SMOOK, of Boshof. She, however, had attained the age of three score and eighteen – and (contemporaneously with her husband) was, at the time of her death, the oldest resident of Colesberg.
Dr. TANRED has shuffled off this mortal coil. You Bloemfonteiners of twelve years ago will not fail to recollect his very questionable and laughable vagaries and escapades, in connection with his championship of the privilege of independent Government, which Sir George CLERK, by the way, was only too glad to confer.
Friday, 1 February, 1867
MARRIED at Fauresmith, on the 23rd January, by the Rev. A.A. LOUW, Mr. Jan George van DYK, to Miss Maria Theresa KNOBEL
DIED At Vaalbank, district Bloemfontein, on the 29th January, 1867, Percy Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. DANIEL, aged three years, six months, and ten days.
Bethulie, 19th Jan, 1867.
The village of Bethulie presented a sombre and melancholy aspect on Thursday evening, the 17th inst, when with lightning speed the mournful intelligence spread that Mr. Samuel HARE – one of the ldest and most respected inhabitants – had paid the last debt of nature. It is now nearly six years since he commenced business in the then newly established village, during which period he has, by his suavity and engaging manners, entwined around him a large number of friends.
He was a native of ____ in Ireland and passed therough a regular curriculum at Dublin University, so that his scholastic attainments were of a no mean order. From the time he left Europe until he settled in our midst, his career was chequered, and of singular vicissitude – full of incidents, almost as striking and varied as ever invented by Maryatt or Defoe. To his inward life I need not refer; his experience was that of many highly educated and sensitive youths, who leave the many intellectual home enjoyments for a Colonial life, which is, alas, too often beset by the worst possible influences. When he arrived in our midst his anticipations were bright, and his prospects of the most glowing description, but his hopes were dashed to the ground by losses sustained during the trying years through which we have just past, and with a heart sickened, resulting from “hope deferred”, he yielded to the pressure and retired from business, but too late to save himself from the effects of a disease, which intense mental anxiety had aggravated, if not engendered.
Sam HARE – for such the deceased was affectionately called – was as gentle a person as ever breathed, and although of an unassuming and retiring disposition, he accepted, without any solicitation on his part, the office of Justice of the Peace – an appointment which he filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public.
Towards the close of his earthly career, when the shadows of death began to steal over him, his sufferings were exceedingly great, but at last the storm of physical agony expended itself, when his sun, which had only reached its highest noon, vanished into the great darkness. He leaves a widow and four children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Friday, 8 February, 1867
In den boedel van wijlen Carel Hercules Jacobus van ASWEGEN, en nageblevene echtgenoote Christina Jacoba van ASWEGEN, geboren COMBRINK
Se ondergeteekende behoorlyk laat ontvangen hebbende van de Execeuteur Testamentair in opgemelde boedel zal by publieke veiling worden verkocht op Dinsdag, 5den Maart, 1867, op de plaats Spitskop, naby Bethany, es morgens ten 10 ure, en als het noodig is de volgende dag:- 1070 Goede wolschappen, 90 Bokke, 20 Vaderlandsche aanteel beesten,4 Trekpaarden, 2 Rijpaarden, 24 aanteel paarden van geode ras, 1 Nieuw paardewagen op veeren-compleet, 1 Bokwagen, ploeg, schraapblok, huisraad: Bestaande in tafels, stoelen, rustbanken, bedden, ledikanten, potten, pannen, ens., ens. Te veel om te melden.
Verder:- Een huis op het dorp Edenburg, besittende Voorhuis, combuis, en Slaapkamer. Deze huis staat op een deel van droog erf no. 70 aan de Marktplein.
F.P.J. VILONEL, Venduafslager.
Edenburg 24 Januarij, 1867
BIRTH at Smithfield, O.F.S., on 1st February, 1867, Mrs Richard HARVEY, of a daughter.
DIED at Harrismith, on Sunday, the 27th January, after a month’s illness, Mr. George BINGHAM, aged 56 years and 8 months, deeply lamented by his family and friends.
Harrismith, February 2nd, 1867
Friday, 15 February, 1867
Dr LIVINGSTONE, the celebrated African traveler is reported to have died at or near Zanzibar. No Particulars given.
Mr. James FORSYTHE, formerly of this town, has been murdered in Great Namaqualand, by the Damaras, two of whom, it seems, held him, while a third despatched him by cutting his throat. Mr. F was a particularly business and inoffensive man.
DIED at Fauresmith,on Thursday, the 7th February, Emily Frances, daughter of the Rev. C. CLULEE, aged 11 weeks and 3 days.
Friday, 22 February, 1867
DIED at Potchefstroom, on the 5th inst., of consumption, Mr. John [G…] LENNON, aged 31 years.
Het heeft den Almagtigen God behangd uit de tyd tot de eenwigheid te nemen myne geliefde echtgenoot Carel Theodoris PAPENFUS, in den ouderdom vanvyf en vyftig Jaren en tien maanden en zyne dochter Fransina Carolina GUSTAFA, in den ouderdom van een en twintig Jaren en vyf maanden, beide op een oogenblik door een electriek slag. Bloedverwanten en vrienden wordt verzocht deze als eene bekendmaking aan te nemen, ook worden de vrienden bedankt voor de assistentie en deelneming in myn droevige toestand.
Regina Catharina PAPENFUS, Geborën MULLER.
Harrismith, Febuarij 13, 1867
(Note: English announcement gives the date of death as 10th inst.)
Mr. J.G. LENNON – We regret to have to announce the death of this gentleman, late Postmaster- General of the Transvaal, which occurred at Potchefstroom, on the 5th inst
Friday, 8 March, 1867
BIRTH at Bloemfontein on 2nd inst, Mrs. I. BAUMANN of a daughter.
Friday, 22 March, 1867
It has pleased Almighty God to take unto Him on Sunday afternoon, the 10th instant, our youngest and beloved son George Henry Louis, aged 1 year 6 months and 10 days. Friends will please accept of this intimation. We heartli beg to thank those kind friends who attended our sick child in the hour of trial.
Harrismith, 14th March, 1867
Het heft den Almagtige Schepper behaagd, op den 22 dezer dez namiddags 3 ure van ons ondehart weg te nemen, ons eenigste geliefd zoontje, Engenatius Christiaan Daniel SCHUTTE, in den bloeijende leeftijd van 3 jaar 9 maand en 11 dagen. Eene kortsondige ziekte van 8 dagen maakte een einde aan zyn voor ons zoo dierbaar leven. Als kind sprak hy dikwyls van den grooten Kindervriend, terwyl hy in zyne laaste ongenblikken nog Gezang 83, ver 3 uitstamelde. Ons troostende aan de woorden van onzen Heiland, “laat de kinderkens tot my komen, en verhindert ze niet, want der zulken is het Koningryk Gods,” lenigt onze smart. Diep bedroefd over dit gevoelig verlies geven wy hiermede kennis aan vrienden en bekenden.
Leeuwkuil, 22 February, 1867.
Friday, 29 March, 1867
In the intestate estate of the late Heinrich REPKING, formerly store keeper a Bethlehem, O.F. State and lately of Ladysmith, Natal
Creditors are herewith requested to file their claims, properly vouched, at the office of the undersigned, within two months from this date; and those indebted thereto are likewise required to pay their respective debts at the same place and within the same period, to avoid legal proceedings being taken against them.
Robert MacFARLANE, Executor dative.
Harrismith 15th March 1867
BEVALLEN op den 8sten dezer, Mejufvrouw Daniel OLTHOFF, van een zoon,
21 Maart, 1867
Friday, 5 April, 1867
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 31 March last, at the advanced age of 84 years, Mrs. M.H. WISKIN, widow of the late John WHISKIN, formerly of Cape Town. Her surviving relatives desire to take this opportunity of rendering their sincere thanks to those numerous friends who have displayed so much kind sympathy towards the deceased during her illness, as well as for their subsequent friendly attentions.
William COLLINS,
If a certain brown horse and saddle, left in my procession by “Doctor WYMAN” about a fortnight since, be not released within 14 days from this date, they will be sold on account.
Also a silver Laver watch, left some time ago in my procession by “James LUTTON,” will be sold on account, in 14 days from date, if not previously released.
Rouxville, 1st April, 1867
Friday, 12 April, 1867
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on April 10th, the wife of Mr. W.P .MILES, of a daughter.
DIED on the 2nd April, 1867, at Philippolis, in the 31st year of his age, after 24 hours illness, my beloved husband, Julius von RAPPARD, truly regretted by all who knew him. “His sun went down while it was yet day.”
Mrs. The widow von RAPPARD
Friday, 19 April, 1867
Mejufvrouw de Weduwe Sara Johanna DREYER, als executice Testamentair des boedel van wylen Hendrik Oostewald DREYER, roept by deze elk en een iegelyk op, die nog papieren of documenten in haar bezit liggende heft, die binnen den tyd van zes weken van af beden af te halen, met betaling der kosten en na dien tyd zal alle overgeblevene documenten en papieren aan den heer Robert McFARLANE, agent te Harrismith, worden overgegeven.
Namens de Executrice Test., Robert MacFARLANE,
Algemeen Agent.
12 April, 1867
Aan familie en vrienden wordt by deze bekend gemaakt, dat het den Heere behaagd heft myn dierbaren echtegenoot Cornelius Johannes VISSER in den ouderdom van 51 jaren 10 maanden en 12 dagen, pletseling door den dood van myne zyde weg te nemen op den 22sten dezer maand.
Wede J.M. VISSER, geb. De KLERK.
Schraalfontein, naby Fauresmith.
Maart, 1867
We omitted to mention that an elderly man named Robert BEAL, a tanner, late of Uitenhage or Port Elizabeth, died here suddenly a couple of weeks since. He is understood to have left some near relations in the Bay.
We deeply regret to have to record, that Commandant Gideon JOUBERT of Boshof district, has had the misfortune to lose a little girl, 6 years of age, by fire. We are informed, that on the 10th inst., her clothes accidently became ignited, and that before the flames could be extinguished, she was so severely burned that she died from the effects the following day. The gallant but by now afflicted commandant has our sincerest sympathy.
Friday, 26 April, 1867
In den boedel van wylen Gert PREORIUS de oude, vroeger wonende op de plaats Sannahspoort, district Bloemfontein.
Crediteuren en debiteuren in bovengemelde boedel worden by dezen opgeroepen het door hen verschuldigde te betalen, of kunne vorderingen, voorzien van behoorlyke bewys, in te leveren binnen 6 weken na heden, ten huize van den ondergetekende, te Waterval, aan Modderrivier, district van Bloemfontein.
Gert PRETORIUS, Executeur datief.
Waterval, Modderrivier,
23 April, 1867
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 17th int., Ann Gertrude, infant daughter of W.J. & S.J. COLEMAN, aged 1 year, after a short illness of 24 Hours
We regret to learn, that the above gentleman, better known as Dr. A.J. FRASER, is no more. He is said to have died rather suddenly in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. No Particulars have, as yet, reached us. Dr. FRASER was one of the oldest inhabitants of this town, having come here with the first detachment of troops, as a staff Assistant Surgeon, in 1848
Friday, 3 May, 1867
Ik, ondergetekende J.A. PRINSLOO, de oude, heft op den plaats, Aanstoot, op den 11 Maart, 1867, den heer A. Du PLOOIJ, Assistant Veldcornet, beschuldigd dat gemelde A.Du PLOOIJ onwettig regeerd als veldcornet, en dat gemelde A. du PLOOIJ en den heer D.B. GROBLER my kind zyn geld gestolen hebben; maar ik heft tot erkentenis gekomen omdat ik den twee heeren het niet kan waar maken, en trek myn woorden terug, waarop den heer A. du PLOOIJ myn het van syn kant vergeven heft, end at gemelde A, du PLOOIJ het kan bekend make naan het publiek, zoo teeken ik mynnaam als schuld belyder.
Als Getuigen: F.J.BOTHMA, J.C. LAURENS
HEDEN overleed alhier ten huise van A. B WESSELS, myn hartelyk geliefde echtgenoot den heer Hermanus Isaac Johannes de MILANDER, in den ouderdom van ruim 46 jaren.
Met diepe smart, stare ik, zyne 3 kinderen uit eerder huwelyk en vyf die hun gemis niet kunnen beseften der dierbare afgestorven na.
Wy zoned te kort komen aan onse verpligting, indien niet openlyk hulde word gebragt aan de hartelyke behandeling van de familie WESSELS
Kroonstad, 24 April, 1867
OVERLEDEN te Kraalkop, Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, op den 29sten Maart, 1867, in den ouderdom van negen en seventig Jaren en twaalf dagen, myne beminde vader, Christ. Laurens DREYER, na een ziekbed van twintig dagen – diep betreurd door zyne familie en vrienden.
Familie en vrienden gelieven deze als kennisgeving aan te nemen.
J.G. DREYER Kroonstad,
April, 1867
BEHAAGDE het den Eenwigen God, op den 21sten dezer maand, myne dierbare echtgenote Eelco Foppo van den BOSCH, in den ouderdom van ruim 45 jaren, na een ziekbed van slechts weinige dagen, door den dood te ontrukken, my nalatende negen kinderen, waarvan vyf het verlies van zoo een zorgdragend vader niet kunnen beseffen. Op den 24 daaraanvolgende stierf een myner toevertrouwde panden Alexander Nicolai, in den jeugdige leeftyd van ruim 2 jaren.
De ondervondene belangstelling door vrienden en bekenden in deze zoo droevige gebeurtenissen bewezen, waarvoor ik hen allen gene genoegzame dank kan noch weet te betuigen, doen my, met het oog op de toekomst, de tranen zachter vloeyen en het hart geruster slaan. Dat God in Jezus Christus naam, my moge sterken, zy en blyve myne harte bede.
Terwyl wy mede-ondergeteekenden P.G. van den BOSCH, J.D.M. van der BOSCH, J.J.W. van den BOSCH, G.A.G.P. van den BOSCH, M.H.R. van den BOSCH, als broeders en J.M.C. KAN, geboren van den BOSCH, als zuster van den overleden E.F. van den BOSCH, niet minder onzen hartelyken dank, aan vrienden en bekenden toezeggen, voor de welwillende hulp, in en na het smartelyk lyden, aan hom, onze innig geliefde broeder bewezen.
Gelieve deze als algemeen kennisgeving te willen aannemen.
Wede. P. van den BOSCH,
geboren NICOLAI
Uit aller naam der mede ondergeteekenden broeder en zuster, P.G. van den BOSCH
Harrismith, 25 April, 1867
Friday, 10 May, 1867
Op 5 Mei, 1867, beviel voorspoedig van eenen welgeschapen zoon Mejufvrouw H.H. BIER, geboren DOMIS, geliefde ectegenoot van
Bloemfontein 6 Mei, 1867
Friday, 17 May, 1867
In den boedel van Leseya Christina VORSTER, weduwee van Casper Jan Hendrik KRUGER
Crediteuren en debiteuren is bovengemelde boedel worden by deze opgeroepen het door hen verschuldigde te betalen, of hunne vorderingen, voorzien van behoorlyk bewys, in te leveren binnen 6 weken na heden, ten huize van den eersten ondergeteekende, te Paardekraal aan Korenspruit, district van Bloemfontein.
Barend Johannes Jacob KRUGER,
Casper Jan Hendrik KRUGER,
Executeuren Testamentair.
Mei 17den, 1867
Mr.Thomas Rundell BONE, lately a compositor in this office, we regret to record, is no more. He departed this life, on a farm about 6 hours on the other side of Burghersdorp, in his 29th year. Deceased never entirely recovered from an illness which attacked him about a twelvemonth since. The brain, we believe, was the seat of the disorder that laid him low.
A sad accident occurred, at Verkeerdevley, between this and Winburg, on Monday last, to Mr. Carl EBERLEIN, some time ago poundmaster of Bethulie, but lately of this town. It appears, he was taking his gun out of a cart, by laying hold of it by the muzzle, when it went off, shooting him through the left hand. He was afterwards brought into town, and is no under the care of Dr. KELLNER.
Friday, 24 May, 1867
MARRIED on the 13th instant; only son of J.R. BRANDON, Colonel in the H.E.I.C.’s Service, to Catharina Margaretha Louisa, third daughter of W.A. van AARDT, Esq., of Harrismith.
It has pleased the Almighty to take to himself our dearly beloved daughter, Josephine Johanna, at the tender age of 1 year, 8 months and 15 days, after a few but painful days of suffering. “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord.” Friends will please accept this notice.
Cronstadt, 16 May, 1867
Friday, 31 May, 1867
De ondergeteekende behoorlyk daartoe gemagtigd, door den executeure datief in den boedel van Samuel R.J. HARE, zal op de plaats Zwartfontein, district Bethulie, publiek aan den meestbiedende verkoopen op Donderdag, 20 Juny, 1867, de welbekende zoo gunstig gelegene plaatsen Zwartfontein & Welverdiend, district Bethulie. Deze plaatsen zyn gunstig bekend dat tot aanbeveling niets behoeft gezegd te worden. In de grootste droogte hebben deze plaatsen duizenden van schapen gedrugen.
H. KLYNVELD, Venduafslager.
Bethulie, 3 Mei, 1867
Friday, 14 June, 1867
BIRTH at Harrismith, Orange Free State, on the 31st May, 1867, Mrs. C.E. STEAD, of a daughter
In den boedel van wylen Hermanus Izaak de MELANDER
Alle veschuldigde aan bovenstaande boedel worden verzocht binnen drie maanden van heden hunne schulden te komen verefferen by den benoemden executeur.
Bovenwittebergen, district Winburg,
29 Mei, 1867
In den boedel van wijlen den Wed. heer P.J. LOUW, en nagelatene echtgenoote Mrj. R.M. LOUW, geboren STRAUSS
De ondergeteekende als daartoe behoorlyk gequalifleerd, zal op Woensdag en Donderdag, den 10den en 11den Julij a.s. aan de woning van den overledene te Fauresmith, publiek aan den meestbiedende verkoopen, al de vaste en losse goederen aan voormelden boedel behoorende, bestaande in :
Vaste goederen,
1ste – De welbekende plaats Palmietfontein, groot circa 6000 morgen, gelegen in de afdeeling Bethulie. Op deselve staan 2 woonhuizen, klipkralen, tuin, en ommuurd land voor minstens 4 múdden zaad, en 3 standhoudende fonteinen.
2de – Watererf, No 5, metdaarop staande woonhuis, wagenhuis en stal, en beplant met alle soorten vruchtboomen.
3de – Drooge erven, Nos 74 en 81, met de daarop staande huizen
Als 5000 merino schaap ooijen, van 1 tot 4 jaar oud.
2 trek paarden
34 Aandeelen in de Grahamstad Brand a Marine Verzekering Maatschappij. 5 Dito Standard Bank ditto.
Als piano, mahonijhouten rustbanken, kleeder, kasten, tafels, stoelen, enz, enz., enz
En eindelyk een bijna niewe paardwagen en 2 paar tuigen.
De verkooping zal precies om 10 ure een aanvang nemen
S.F.G. RORICH, Vendu- afslager.
Fauresmith, 1st Junij, 1867
Friday, 21 June, 1867
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 10th inst., after a short but severe illness, Sarah Elizabeth HAYWARD, born BEKKER, beloved wife of Joseph HAYWARD, of Leeuwrand, district of Bloemfontein, aged 38 years, 4 months, and 11 days, leaving a disconsolate husband and 7 children to lament their loss. Deeply regretted by all who knew her.
DIED at Bethulie, on Tuesday, the 11th June, after a severe illness of many months, Rev. Jean Piere PELLISSIER, aged 58 years, 8 months, and 14 days. Deeply lamented by his family and friends.
Bethulie, 14 June, 1867
Death of the Rev. J. PELLISSIERS
We regret to record the demise of this much esteemed gentleman, which sad event occurred at Bethulie, on the 11th inst. Mr. PELLISIER was one of the oldest and best known missionaries of the Paris Society
If the person known at Winburg under the name of Harry GIBBON, and who left this town on or about the 15th February last, without wishing his friends, “Good bye,” does not reclaim the smith’s work, &c., now in my possession, by paying the house-rent due, and all other claims I have against him, within one month from this date, I shall cause the said tools, &c., to be sold by public auction.
John J. JOHNASON. Winburg, 17th June, 1866 [sic]
Friday, 28 June, 1867
It is hereby intimated to Mr. Richard HARVEY, at present absent from this place, that he had better return at once and render a satisfactory account of the monies and other business matters entrusted to him while in my employ, as legal proceedings are about to be commenced to compel him to render such account.
June 5th 1867
To Mr. F. PRIOR, Smithfield
My attention has been directed to the above document, published as an advertisement in the Friend of the Free State of the 14th inst. I am fully aware of the bare and paltry motives “F. PRIOR” had in view in endeavouring thus to calumniate me – viz, to intimidate me and prevent me, if possible, from commencing business in Smithfield on my own account, in opposition to him. In this, however, he has signally failed. I have nothing whatever to account to “F. PRIOR” for; and for his information, and that of the inhabitants of Smithfield and neighbourhood, I wish to state that I shall be there in the course of a few days (it being my intention to leave Grahamstown today) and that I intend opening business on my own account –
A Large and Well assorted Stock of First-class Goods
Purchased by me for that purpose, having already left this city – which, upon arrival at Smithfield, will be disposed of at Moderate Rates.
Richard HARVEY
Grahamstown, 21st June 1867
I regret to announce that Mr. Adriaan NIEMAND residing about 20 miles from this town, one of our respectable and hospitable farmers, house was on Monday night last burnt to the ground. Everything in the dwelling was destroyed. The fire cannot be traced to accident.
A report has just come in that a Mr. BUSHE, an Englishman, a resident at Mequatling, but during the last six months or thereabouts, residing in the Free State, was murdered on Friday night last at Mr. DAUMAS’ station. The particulars are as followers: BUSHE was returning from the Rev. Mr. KEEK’s station (Paulus MOPERT’s old residence) to the Free State, and halted for the night at Mequatling. A son of MARAKABI (the same who assisted in the murder of the constable APRIL at Winburg last year) hearing of this, resolved to kill BUSHE, and for this purpose went with two other Basutos to the unfortunate victim, picked a quarrel with him, and then stabbed him to the heart. Casual lawyers may try to creep out of the responsibility of bringing the murderers to justice, on the plea that BUSHE was not a subject of the Free State, but that plea will not be an honest one.
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