South Africa 1889 4 October - December
5 October 1889
ROBERTS-CHAPMAN-28th Ult., at West Croydon Baptist Chapel by the Rev. James A. Spurgeon, Henry J. G. Roberts, of Kimberley, South Africa, son of the late H. Roberts, of Clapham, to Rose Mary, fourth daughter of John Chapman, of Beech Bank, South Croydon.
LORD-Sept. 9, at sea, on board the Norham Castle, on the home voyage from Cape Town to England, William Satterley Lord, of Northiam, Sussex, and of Kimberley, South Africa, Esq., Q.C., and a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Cape Colony for Kimberley.
12 October 1889
PAICE-On Aug. 27, at Cardington, Reit Vlei, Natal, the wife of W. George Paice, of a daughter.
STEVEN-CARR-On Oct. 3, at the parish church of Milton-next-Gravesend, by the Rev. S. W. Steven, rector of Fauresmith, South Africa, uncle of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. R. Starr Jukes and the Rev. M. Pearse, Alexander Steven, of Berwick-on-Tweed, to Ada Jane Carr, of Lifely Lodge, Gravesend.
CHAPMAN-On Oct. 6, at 1, St. John Street, Hereford, Philip Chapman, of Lower Illovo, near Durban, Natal, aged 45.
19 October 1889
TAYLOR—FISH—On the 9th inst., at St. Thomas’s, Camden, by Rev. F. J. Jomini, James Shadforth Bolton Taylor, of Maseru, South Africa, and Eldest son of Rev. J. J. Taylor, Vicar of St. Mary’s, South Shields, to Frances Kate Mary, only daughter of the late Alfred Fish, of Bristol.
HAYNE---On Sept. 15 last, in his 24th year, from accident at a fire at Kimberley, Jonathan (Jack) Hayne, second son of Watson Ward and Julia Hayne, of Croydon.
JOLLIE—On the 9th curt., at Lomond View, Leslie, Fifeshire, N.B., John Tawse Jollie, General Manager of Cape of Good Hope Bank, Limited, aged 53.
SOLOMON—Oct. 15, at Smedley’s Hydropathic, Matlock, George Thomson, second son of Saul Solomon, Esq., of Clarensville, near Cape Town, Cape Colony, in his 12th year.
26 October 1889
GUYON-On the 27th Sept., at Cape Town, the wife of Captain Herbert J. Guyon, East Yorkshire Regt., of a son.
WHITTAKER-STOCKWELL-Oct. 16, at St. Mark's Church, Lyncombe, Bath, by the Rev. E. J. Wemyss-Whittaker, vicar, uncle of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. T. P. Williams and the Rev. E. Bushell, William Leopold, eldest son of Daniel Faber Whittaker, of Pietermaritzburg, Natal, to Georgina Laura, daughter of T. G. Stockwell, F.R.C.S., Lambridge House, Bath.
2 November 1889
BARLOW—On the 26th Sept., at Camps Bay, Cape Colony, from a carriage accident, Agnes Mary Barlow (Sister Mary Agnes, of the community of All SS.), seventh daughter of the late George Hilare Barlow, M.A., M.D., in her 35th year.
JAMESON—On the 25th inst., at Johannesburg South African Republic, Julius P. Jameson, of King William’s Town.
SLOMAN—25th inst., at 24, Stanley Crescent, Kensington Park, aged 68, Miss Maria Sloman, daughter of the late Mr. Morris Sloman, of Cape Town.
9 November 1889
GETHIN—On the 2nd Oct., at Vryburg, the wife of Percy A. H. Gethin, Esq., of Sligo Farm, Setlagoli, British Bechuanaland, of a son.
BREMNER—UPTON—On the 30th Oct., at Kimberley, David Alexander, son of David Bremner, of Mersham House, Trent Road, Brixton, to Minnie, eldest daughter of Edward Upton, of 51, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, and the Chestnuts, Muswell Hill, Solicitor.
BRETON—DARTNELL—On the 11th Sept., at St. Saviour’s Church, Pietermaritzburg, Charles Travers Breton, 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, only son of the late Major John Breton, 53rd Regiment, and many years Town Mayor of Portsmouth, to Nina, second daughter of Colonel Dartnell, C.M.G., commanding Colonial Forces, Natal.
COCK—BALDWIN—On the 22nd Aug., 1889, by special licence, at St. Alban’s, Kimberley, by the Rev. W. Griffiths, William Brett, youngest son of Henry Cock, of Beaconsfield, S. Africa, to Frances Ada, second daughter of the late Alfred Newman, of South Hackney, and widow of the late George Baldwin, of Dutoitspan.
MURRAY—DUNNE—On the 8th Oct., at Graaff Reinet, Cape Colony, by Rev. Canon Steabler, George Everitt Murray, M.B., F.R.C.S., eldest son of W. G. Murray, Esq., of Roode Bloem, to Kathleen, second daughter of Capt. J. J. Dunne, late Governor of Castlebar Prison, county Mayo, Ireland.
POLSON—FISHER—On the 28th Oct., at Nice, by the Rev. F. Sperling, assisted by the Rev. J. Cornell, and by H.B.M.’s Consul, J. C. Harris, Esq., George Henry Polson, Esq., son of the late Rev. Hugh Polson, of Exeter College, Oxford, and the only surviving member of his party of South African travellers, to Edith Mary, daughter of the late Rev. E. H. Pickering, of Eton College, and widow of the Rev. E. R. Fisher, late Vicar of Swallowfield, Berks.
MORANT—Nov. 2, at Brighton, Horatio Graham Morant, aged 35. He served throughout the Zulu War, and was Lieutenant in De Burgh’s Horse, and gained the Zulu medal and clasp.
PULLEN—On Nov. 3, at Bonny, West Coast Africa, suddenly, of malarial fever, Commander Thomas F. Pullen, F.R.G.S., Royal Navy, eldest son of the late Captain T. C. Pullen, Royal Navy, Woodland Terrace, Plymouth.
16 November 1889
DUFF—MACBEAN—On the 9th inst., at St. Mary’s Church, Dover, by the Rev. Canon Puckle, assisted by the Rev. A. Collet, Captain Alexander Gordon Duff, A.D.C., 42nd Royal Highlanders, eldest son of Colonel R. W. Duff, late 92nd Highlanders, to Frances Katherine, eldest daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Forbes MacBean, Sergeant-at-Arms to the Queen, and late Commanding 92nd Highlanders.
WILLOUGH BY—GIBBS—On the 6th inst., at St. James’s, Piccadilly, General Digby Willoughby to Julia R., widow of Mr. James Gibbs, C.S.I., C.I.E., Member of the Viceroy’s Council of India.
CROWDER—On the 6th inst., Clara Charlotte, the beloved wife of Samuel Crowder, Hillside, Auckland Road, South Norwood.
BLAIR—On the 14th Oct., at Kimberley, South Africa, Arthur Henry Blair, son of the late Captain Frederic Blair, R.N., aged 48.
23 November 1889
FAIRBRASS—On the 21st Oct., at Queen Street, Cape Town, the wife of E. Fairbrass, of a son.
CAWOOD—At Grahamstown, on the 22nd Oct., the wife of S. D. Cawood, Esq., of Klerksdorp, Z.A.R., of a son.
MULVIHAL—LYNCH—On the 22nd Oct., at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Cape Town, Michael William Mulvihal, of Beaconsfield, second son of T. Mulvihal, Esq., of Cape Town, to Mary Ann Lynch, eldest daughter of the late William Lynch, Cape Town.
WILLLIAMSON—LETCHER—On the 23rd Oct., at St. Cyprian’s Kimberley, by the Ven. Archdeacon Gaul, George Williamson, of Edinburgh, Scotland, to Annie Letcher, of St. Day, Cornwall, England.
PARSONS—On the 2nd Nov., at the residence of Dr. Christopher Henderson, Johannesburg, of dysentery, after a few days’ illness, Arthur George, the youngest beloved son of Henry Parsons, of Hampton Wick, in his 23rd year.
INGRAM—On the 11th Oct., at Hankey, Arthur Levi Ingram, aged 23 years.
DOLLERY—On the 16th Oct., at Milton Villa, Campbell Street, Port Elizabeth, James Dollery, aged 68 years.
LUGG—On the 11th Oct., at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Camp, Umbango Hotel, Lower Umzimkulu, Natal, James Lugg, aged 74 years.
ACUTT—On the 17th Oct., at her residence, Kensington, Musgrave Road, Natal, Penelope Ann Acutt, relict of the late Henry Acutt, of Sydney, New South Wales, aged 63 years.
ANDERSON—On the 17th Oct., at his residence, 11, Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, John Anderson, aged 74 years.
GREATHEAD—On the 26th June, at Richmond, Melbourne, Rose Magdalena, wife of Mr. Thomas Greathead, and daughter of the late J. Kannemeyer, of Swellendam, Cape Colony.
FORRETT—On the 19th Oct., at Carnarvon Hospital, Kimberley, Mr. Alexander Forrett, aged 49 years.
DAVISON—On the 12th Nov., Frederic Davison, at his residence, 24, Fitzroy Square, aged 74 years.
KERR—On the 16th Nov., at Bloemfontein, South Africa, Robert Aiton, son of the late John Kerr, of Australia.
ATHERSTONE—On Friday, 18th Oct., Catherine Handel Atherstone, wife of Hon. W. G. Atherstone, M.D., M.L.C., aged 78.
LAWSON—On the 19th inst., at Amesbury House, Longley Road, Tooting, after five days’ illness, John Lawson, aged 74; in H.M.C.S. 36 years, and late Postmaster South-Eastern District.
30 November 1889
CAMERON—On Oct. 30, at Umtata, South Africa, the wife of the Rev. W. M. Cameron, M.A., Warden of St. John’s College, Umtata, of a son.
LYS—At the Crown Reef, Johannesburg, Oct. 27, 1889, the wife of Godfrey Lys, Esq., of a daughter.
BEGLEY—FULLER—On Oct. 18, at Victoria West, Cape Colony, Vincent Begley to Minnie Elizabeth Fuller.
JAMESON—On Oct. 25, at his brother’s residence, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, Transvaal, John Julius Pringle Jameson, of heart disease, aged 43 years.
PARRY—At Simon’s Town, on Nov. 2, in her 55th year, Mary Rebecca Parry (born Reynolds, late of Chiswick, England), widow of the late John Parry, of Anglesea.
7 December 1889
BAIRNSFATHER—On the 28th Ult., at Rondebosch, Cape Town, Mrs. Kenneth Bairnsfather, of a son.
KIRCHHOFFER—Nov. 7, at Kimberley Diamond Fields, the wife of J. W. Kirchhoffer, of a son.
TARRY—On the 22nd ult., at Eastbourne, Edward Wallace Tarry, late of Kimberley.
TORRENS—On the 1st inst., in London, his Excellency Lt.-Genl. Sir Henry D’Oyley Torrens, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Malta, aged 56 years.
14 December 1889
FELKIN—On Dec. 7, at Spartan Villa, Burnaby Gardens, Gunnersbury, the wife of Richard Stuart Duncan Felkin, of a daughter.
WYNDHAM-VAUGHAN—On Dec. 11, at Forest View, Enfield, Middlesex, the wife of R. Wyndham-Vaughan, of a daughter.
FITTOCK—On Aug. 5, at his residence, 334, Stanstead Road, Catford, Edwin Fittock, second son of the late Captain John Rawlings Fittock, R.N., aged 62.
WYLY—On the 7th inst., at his residence, 34, Burlington Gardens, Acton, W., Christopher Wyly, formerly of Windsor and Reading, aged 62 years.
21 December 1889
FIELD—At Pretoria, on the 12th inst., the wife of A. Percy Field, of a daughter.
LEAN—At Pretoria, on the 9th inst., the wife of R. Harvey Lean, of a daughter.
EDWARDS—CARLESS—November 23, at Cape Town, Denis Edwards to Elizabeth Carless.
FRASER—JUTA—November 23, at Rondebosch, George Fraser to Wilhelmina Juta.
HARVEY—EXSTEEN—On the 5th November, at Dundee, by the Rev. Taylor, James Spray Harvey, only son of Frank Harvey, of Kimberley, to Aletta Johanna Christina, eldest daughter of William Exsteen.
JAMES—CORDNER—On Dec. 10, at All Saints’, Kensington, London, by the Rev. W. E. Jackson, John Henry, second son of the late A. T. James, Esq., of Redruth, Cornwall, to Marie Massereene, second daughter of the late William Thompson Cordner, Esq., of Boston, U.S.A. No Cards.
SMITH—GOBLE—On the 13th Nov., at St. Matthias’ Church, Umgeni, by the Rev. T. Goodwin, Frank S. W. Smith, eldest son of F. Smith, Esq., of Upper Glenwood, Berea, to Laura, third daughter of the late Capt. R. H. Goble, of Umgeni Lodge, Stamford Hill, Natal.
VARTY—COOKE—On the 29th Oct., at Elladale, the residence of J. G. Nel, Esq., by the Rev. G. H. Gathercole, William Boyd Varty, of Reit Vlei, Natal, to Emily Lucretia, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Frederic Cooke, Esq., of Lancaster Road, West Norwood, and London.
BOSHOFF—November 16, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr. J. C. Boshoff, aged 86 years.
COOK—On the 1st inst., at St. Thomas’s Home, London, William Cook, Governor of Central Gaol, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, aged 56 years.
CROWDER—On Tuesday, 12th Nov., Agnes Martha (Dickie), youngest daughter of Thomas and Emma Crowder, of Stamford Hill, Natal.
PEACHEY—On November 12, at Umvoti Beach, Natal, Edward Peachey, of Nonoti Peak, eldest son of the late Thomas Peachey, of Bristol, England, aged 50 years.
TAYLOR—On November 15, at Pretoria, Lowell Taylor, aged 58 years.
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