South Africa 1890 1 January - March
4 January 1890
MCMILLAN—On the 23rd Dec., at Durban, the wife of W. H. McMillan (nee Duff, St. Leonards-on-Sea), of a son.
TAYLOR—GEERE—On the 30th Nov., 1889, at Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. A. K. Edwards, Arthur Ernest, fourth son of John Taylor, Solicitor, 14, Great James Street, Bedford Row, W.C., and 17, Albion Grove, Barnsbury, N., to Mary, widow of the late J. M. Geere, of Pietermaritzburg.
BROWNING—On Dec. 28, 1889, at Highfield, Hawke Road, Upper Norwood, in the 80th year of his age, George Wing Browning, late Civil Service, Cape of Good Hope.
LANGSTON—On Dec. 19, 1889, at Hereford, Catherine Mary, widow of the late Col. John Langston, late B.N.I., aged 78.
SHACKLETON—On the 28th Dec., at Beaufort West, Edmund Shackleton, Esq., L.R.C.S.I., late of South Norwood, youngest son of Ebenezer Shackleton, late of Moone, co. Kildare, Esq.
WEBB—On the 28th Dec., at Matjesfontein, South Africa, Emilia Jane, wife of W. F. Webb, Esq., Newstead Abbey, Notts, and 26, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.
11 January 1890
MATHERS—Jan. 3, at Glenalmond, Westwood Park, Forest Hill, S.E., the wife of Edward P. Mathers, of a daughter.
MARKS—PROKCH—On the 10th Dec., 1889, by special license, at St. Mary’s, Johannesburg, by the Rev. J. Darragh, Newman Marks to Milly Prokch. No cards.
EYRE—Dec. 3, at Kimberley, Dudley Richard, youngest and dearly-loved son of the late Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Eyre, 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry.
GEM—At Maritzburg, Natal, Anna, the wife of T. Gem, Esq., late A. C. General H. M. Army.
KEY—On the 6th Dec., at Umtata, South Africa, Georgina Anne, wife of Bransby Key, Bishop of St. John’s Kaffraria, and daughter of the late Archdeacon Waters.
PARKINSON—Jan. 5, in Swazieland, George Edward, only son of the late Rev. A. D. Parkinson, vicar of Thorne, Yorkshire, and of Mrs. Parkinson, of St. David’s, Paignton, South Devon, aged 31. R.I.P.
18 January 1890
BALLARD—On the 10th Jan., 1890, at 8, Queen’s Terrace, Southampton, the wife of Capt. H. Ballard, of Natal, of a son.
PIETERSEN—On Friday, the 10th Jan., 1890, the wife of J. F. G. Pietersen, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.L., of Bannatyne, Etchingham Park, Finchley, of a son.
BROWN—BERRY—On Dec. 19, at St. Michael’s Church, Queenstown, Cape of Good Hope, by the Rev. A. Grant, Rector and Rural Dean, William Bridgman Brown, son of Charles Brown, formerly of Queenstown, Ex M.L.C. (Cape Colony), to Gwendoline, daughter of William Bisset Berry, M.D., J.P., of Queenstown, C.G. Hope.
FURNESS—KIRKWOOD—On the 12th December, at St. John’s, Weston, Natal, by the Rev. H. H. Foster, Francis Smith, second son of Mr. Robt. Furness, Accrington, Lancashire, to Elizabeth Kathrine, second daughter of Mr. John Kirkwood, Durban.
CHADWICK—On the 3rd Dec., 1889, at Port Nolloth, Cape Colony, of typhoid fever, Annie MacDonald, the beloved wife of Robert Davidson Chadwick, of Namaqualand, and eldest daughter of the late Alex M. Fotheringham, of Cheshunt, Herts, aged 32, lamented by all who knew her.
FIELD—On the 12th inst., at his residence, 15, Aldridge Road Villas, Westbourne Park, London, after a long and painful illness, of valvular disease of the heart, Colonel Thomas Samuel Poer Field, late Royal Artillery, aged 60, youngest son of the late Honourable William Field, for many years Collector of Customs, Cape of Good Hope, and Member of the Executive Council of that Colony.
HILL-RENNIE—On the 9th inst., at Brighton, William Hill-Rennie, of the Standard Bank of South Africa, the beloved youngest son of the late Archibald Hill-Rennie, of Balelliesk, Perthshire, and Mrs. Hill-Rennie, 29, St. Luke’s Road, Westbourne Park.
TILNEY—On the 10th Dec., at Swellendam, Thomas Tilney, formerly Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner at Swellendam, Cape Colony, aged 75 years.
WOMERSLEY—On the 19th Dec., at Rouxville, Mary Louise, aged 17 years, youngest daughter of Pelham B. and Charlotte Womersley, of Lynmead, Wanstead.
25 January 1890
DAVIES—BALDWIN—On the 16th inst., at All Saints’, Benhilton, by the Rev. J. Booker, M.A., Frederick Davies, of Barberton, South Africa, to Maud, third daughter of James William Baldwin, of Hillwood, Sutton, Surrey.
SPENDLOVE—WATTS—On December 25, 1889, at the Presbyterian Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. J. M. Russell, George, younger son of W. Spendlove, Leighton Buzzard, to Emma, third daughter of W. Watts, Tooting, Surrey.
STANTON—PUMFRETT—On the 14th inst., at St. Stephen’s, Bayswater, Hugh Stanton, of 31, Blessington Road, Lee, son of W. F. Stanton, of Natal, to Amy Winifred, only daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Pumfrett, of Derwent House, South Wimbledon.
VAN DEN HEEVER—CROSBY—Dec. 20, at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Cape Town, by the Rev. Dr. McCarthy, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Kolbe, Johannes Cornelius, son of the Hon. D. R. van den Heever, M.L.C., to Beatrice Maud, fourth daughter of Mr. J. M. Crosby, R.M., of Brooklyn Villa, Cape Town.
BENJAMIN—On the 17th Jan., at 62, Priory Road, West Hampstead, Louis Benjamin, in his 54th year.
DAVIS—On the 14th inst., at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, David John, second son of Frederick and Eliza Davis, of 24, Park Crescent, Portland Place, aged 34.
HAYES—On the 16th inst., at Bailey’s Hotel, Gloucester Road, South Kensington, Thomas Hayes, Esq., late of Durban, Natal, aged 37.
1 February 1890
COWPER—On Jane. 2, at Rokeby, Wynberg, Cape Town, the wife of Sydney Cowper, of a son.
SAUNDERS—Jan. 1, at Johannesburg, the wife of Edward H. M. Saunders, Esq., of a son.
TUCK—Dec. 28, at East London, South Africa, the wife of Joseph Frederick Tuck, formerly of Portishead, Somerset, of a daughter.
VIGORS—Jan. 20, at 3, Heron Terrace, St. Margaret’s, Twickenham, the wife of T. W. Vigers, of a son.
FURST—ADLER—On Jan. 28, at the New West End Synagogue, by the Rev. S. Singer, Henry Furst, of Hamburg, to Martha, second daughter of Isedor H. Adler, of 39, Inverness Terrace, W.
LINDESAY—BIGG-WITHER—On December 26, at Durban, by the Rev. T. A. Lindon, M.A., Charles De la Poire-Crawford Lindesay, C.E., of Natal, third surviving son of the late Frederic Lindesay, M.A., D.L., and J.P., of Loughry, county Tyrone, Ireland, to Amy Carleton, eldest daughter of the late George Howard and Georgiana Bigg-Wither, and grand-daughter of the late Rev. Lovelace Bigg-Wither, of Marydown and Tangier Park, Hants.
WALKER—HALL—Dec. 18, at St. Cyprian, Durban, Natal, by the Rev. Herbert Johnson, A. Blofield Walker, of Mac-a-Mac, Lydenburg, Transvaal, to Edith Hall, of Woolston, Southampton, Hants.
BONSALL—On Dec. 26, 1889 at Maclear, South Africa, from the bite of a puff adder, Thomas Bonsall, aged 45.
LEA—On January 26, at Johannesburg, James F. Lea, Eldest son of J. J. Lea, of Brixton, London, aged 20 years.
THOMPSON—On January 3, when nearing Cape Town, fell overboard from the S. S. Australasian, and was drowned, Harold Field, the second and dearly-beloved son of Ralph J. Thompson, of Wanstead, Essex.
8 February 1890
DAWSON—On the 7th Jan., at Johannesburg, George Wales, third son of the late John Dawson, Stratton Hall, near Ipswich, aged 32 years.
FRASER—On the 28th Jan., of consumption, at Keilands, in his 31st year, the Rev. George Fraser, Priest of the Society of Jesus. R.I.P. Deeply regretted.
KIRKWOOD—On the 30th Dec., 1889, at Johannesburg, Donald Somers Kirkwood, eldest son of the late W. S. Kirkwood, of Port Elizabeth.
MACFARLANE—On Feb. the 1st, at 17, South Mansion House Road, Edinburgh, Helen Milne Tennant, wife of Robert Macfarlane, of Harrismith, Orange Free State.
SABER—On January the 9th, at Johannesburg, David Benjamin, the youngest and dearly-beloved son of Ada and George Saber, age 3 years and 9 months. R.I.P.
15 February 1890
BENNETT—At the Residency, Estcourt, Weenen County, Natal, on the 11th January, 1890, the wife of T. R. Bennett, A.R.M., of a daughter.
DURANT—KIDGER—December 4, 1889, at St. Peter’s Church, Cradock, South Africa, by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, assisted by the Rev. W. C. Wallis, Rector of St. Peter’s, Charles Ernest Lord Durant, of Cape Town, son of the late Captain A. H. A. Durant, of Tong Castle, Shropshire, to Sarah Florence, fourth daughter of J. E. Kidger, Esq., of Cradock.
DAWSON—On the 6th Jan., at Johannesburg, George Wales Dawson, the third son of the late George Dawson, of Stratton Hall, Ipswich, aged 33 years.
PRIOR—On the 9th inst., at his residence, Berea, Durban, Natal, Henry John Prior, eldest son of Henry Prior, of Clapton, London, aged 35.
ROBSON—At Johannesburg, William Robert Robson, only son of the late William Robson, and of Mary Robson, of Ayton, Bournemouth West, aged 36 years (By cablegram.)
SEARLE—On February 9, at Pembroke College Lodge, Cambridge, Walter Searle, of Cape Town and Wynberg, aged 63.
22 February 1890
KRAUSS—On the 16th inst., at 9, Clarendon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, the wife of H. J. Krauss, Kimberley, of a daughter.
ROBINSON—On the 1st Jan., 1890, at Kimberley, the wife of Macleod Bawtree Robinson, additional Resident Magistrate, of a daughter.
BLAKE—WORTHINGTON—At All Saints Church, Barberton, on the 16th Jan., by the Rev. Langford Browne, Alfred John, son of the late John Blake, C.C., and R.M., of Knysna and Mabs, to Mabel, youngest daughter of Charles, youngest son of the late Jonathan Worthington, of Moor Hall, Worcestershire, England.
HOLE—RICKMAN—On the 23rd Jan., at the Cathedral, Cape Town, by the Very Rev. the Dean, Hugh Marshall Hole, of Tiverton, England, and Kimberley, to Ethel, daughter of the late Tom Rickman, of Poole, Dorset.
KERSHAW—PRIOR—On the 28th Jan., at Holy Trinity, Bournemouth, by the Rev. Henry Hawkins, Captain Arthur E. Kershaw, 4th Bde. S. I. Div. R.A., Commandant British Honduras Constabulary, to Ethel, second daughter of the late Holland Prior, of North Park, Surrey.
ORPEN—CROSBY—On the 27th ult., at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Cape Town, by the Most Rev. Dr. McCarthy, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Kolbe, Mary, eldest daughter of J. Crosby, Esq., Resident Magistrate of Cape Town, to E. C. H. Orpen, eldest son of H. M. H. Orpen, Esq., Assistant Treasurer of the Colony.
THOMPSON—HAINSSELIN—On the 18th Feb., at St. Andrew’s, Springvale, Natal, South Africa, by the Rev. H. T. A. Thompson, brother of the bridegroom, Ernest A., third son of the late Rev. W. Thompson, of the Riding, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, to Katharine, second daughter of the late T. Hainsselin, of Devonport.
BERTOLACCI—On the 6th Jan., in South Africa, the wife of John Hewetson Bertolacci, Esq.
GREY—On the 18th inst., at Johannesburg, of typhoid fever, Laurence Grey, aged 31.
SAUNDER—On the 12th inst., at Manchester, Colonel Edward Charles Saunder, Army Service Corps (Assistant Adjutant-General, South Africa), aged 55 years.
1 March 1890
MACCLEAR—ELLA—On the 21st January, at St. Michael and All Angels, Cape Town, by the Rev. A. Grant, Rector, Harry, son of Mr. G. W. H. Macclear, F.R.A.S., Royal Observatory, Cape Town, to Dora Ella, daughter of the late Mr. A. N. Ells, J.P., Queen’s Town.
BUIST—On the 18th Feb., at Johannesburg, of typhoid fever, Laurence Andrew, eldest son of Laurence and Marianne Buist, of 3, Park Village West, Regent’s Park, London, aged 31.
WASSERMANN---On the 26th Feb., at 59, Leazes Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, in her 76th year, Sarah Shield Wassermann.
8 March 1890
ANDREW—At Elandsheuvel, Klerksdorp, on Feb. 3, 1890, Mrs. W. W. Andrew, of a son.
BROMLY—Jan. 1st, 1890, at Barberton, South Africa, the wife of A. Hammond Bromly, of a daughter.
JENKINS—PLATER—Feb. 26, at Rondebosch Church, Cape Town, William Kinnaird Jenkins, fifth son of Robert Charles Jenkins, M.A., rector and vicar of Lyminge, Kent, and honorary canon of Canterbury, to Marian, only daughter of Charles Eaton Plater, M.A., rector of Dymchurch, Kent.
KNIGHT—On the 28th Feb., at Bournemouth, William Clifford Knight, Esq., Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Cavalier of the Crown of Italy, late of Cape Town, aged 62.
15 March 1890
RAPHAEL—On Feb. 13, at Avondale, Johannesburg, the wife of Henry J. W. Raphael, of a daughter, stillborn.
SANDILANDS—On Jan. 14, at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Gordon Sandilands, Esq., the Royal Scots, of a daughter.
AUSTIN—CARLSEN—On Feb. 3, at the Mission Church, Enhloyana, Klein Vry Staat, Swazieland, by the father of the bride, Alexander Betts Struben Austin, of Transvaal, Z.A.R., to Frederica Louise, third daughter of the Rev. Geo. F. Carlsen.
GARDNER—GIRDLESTONE—On Feb. 6, at St. Mary’s Collegiate Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. C. E. Mayo, assisted by the Rev. A. T. Wirgman, M.A., D.C.L., Edward John Bishop, second son of the late Mr. James Gardner, of Cradock, to Florence Nelson, fifth daughter of Mr. Nelson Girdlestone, of Port Elizabeth.
HOLMES—WADE—On Feb. 5, in the West Street Wesleyan Church, Durban, by the Revs. E. Nuttal and C. Pettman, W. Holmes, to Maggie, only daughter of Mr. J. H. Wade, Durban.
MACINTOSH—BOTTOMLEY—On Feb. 12, at the Presbyterian Church, Kimberley, by the Rev. J. Henry, Mary Emma, daughter , of George Bottomley, Esq., of Kimberley, to William Macintosh, of Port Elizabeth. No cards.
DAVIS—On Feb. 17, at Kimberley, Thomas Henry, son of E. W. Davis, of High Holborn, and Colville House, Ealing, Middlesex, aged 33 years. Friends, please accept this intimation.
ETHERIDGE—On Tuesday, Feb. 18, at Plumstead, Cape of Good Hope, Thomas Etheridge (Admiral), in his 80th year.
GRIFFITHS—On Jan. 29, at Johannesburg, of typhoid fever, Katherine, the beloved daughter of Mr. Councillor Griffiths, of Brighton, aged 28.
HALL—On Feb. 28, lost in the s.s.Quetta, the Rev. Thomas Kenrick Hall, formerly Vicar of Whatton-in-the-Vale, Notts, aged 42 years.
HARFORD—On Feb. 11, at Mount Frere, Griqualand East, South Africa, Alfred Harford, of the Cape Mounted Rifles, youngest son of Charles R. Harford, Esq., of Woodside Lawn, Lymington, aged 30.
HODGES—On Feb. 9, at Cape Town, Arthur, eldest son of E. C. Hodges, of Islington, aged 26.
MELVILLE-SMITH—On Feb. 14, Lionel Melville, eldest son of J. Melville-Smith, Docks, Cape Town, aged two years and six months.
SAMUEL—On March 9, at Kokstad, Griqualand, Frederick B. Samuel, youngest son of the late John Samuel and Esther Samuel, of 23, Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, aged 39.
VANDER BYL—On March 9, at his residence, Belmont, Cannes, Pieter Gerhard Vander Byl, of High Beeches, Farnborough, Hants, and late of the Cape of Good Hope, aged 70.
VICKERS—On Feb. 13, at Dutoitspan, Allan Vickers, late Manager of the Gordon Diamond Mining Company, aged 64 years.
22 March 1890
HAWKINS—MACLAURIN—On February 11, at Roseville, Maritzburg, by the Rev. D. Russell, James Montigue Hawkins to Agnes Mary Jackson, daughter of (the late) John Maclaurin, Esq., U.T., of Glenary, Verulam.
LILIENFELD—MARCUS—On February 19, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. S. Rapaport, Alphonse, son of Gustav Lilienfeld, Esq., of Frankfort O.M., to Flossie, daughter of Frederick Marcus, Esq., of Port Elizabeth.
MERCER—LOWE—On March 15, at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. A. K. Edwards, Walter Louis, eldest son of Henry Mercer, Esq., of Broomhill, Sheffield, Yorkshire, to Edith Isabel, third daughter of the late W. H. Lowe, Esq., of London.
HULLAH—On February 18, at Fort England, Grahamstown, Dr. Hullah, Surgeon-Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum, aged 45 years.
29 March 1890
BUSSEY—On March 21, at 8, Randolph Road, Maida Hill, the wife of Frank H. Bussey, of Johannesburg, of a daughter.
KNOBEL—At Pretoria, on February 22, the wife of Dr. Knobel, of a son.
THOMPSON—At Eshowe, Zululand, on February 22, the wife of Colonel G. W. Thompson, the Royal Scots, of a son.
FINDLAY—UECKERMANN—On February 26, at St. Alban’s Cathedral, Pretoria, by Bishop Bousfield, Robert Morton Findlay, of Edinburgh, Scotland, to Mary Hester, third daughter of the late H. J. C. Ueckermann, of Heidelberg.
HARVEY—CARLISLE—On January 14, at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. C. H. L. Packman, M.A., Rector, Archibald Lloyd Harvey, to Eveline Hester, daughter of Robert Carlisle, Esq.
HICKMANN—GORDON—On March 18, at Calder Glen, Lanarkshire, by the Rev. G. C. Henderson-Hamilton, Incumbent of St. Mary’s, Hamilton, assisted by the Rev. A. S. Syme, Harry Otho Devereux Hickman, Captain 27th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, only surviving son of Henry T. Hickman, Esq., of Hagley, Worcestershire, to Louisa Helen Gordon, fourth daughter of J. R. Cochrane, Esq., of Calder Glen, Lanarkshire.
TYSON—GOWIE-At Grahamstown, on February 27, by the Rev. Henry Cotton, John Daughtrey, youngest son of Rev. William Tyson (British Honduras), to Alice Jane, youngest daughter of C. R. Gowie, Esq., of Grahamstown.
GODDARD—At Grahamstown, on February 22, William Goddard, of “Howard’s Party,” aged 68 years.
HAW—At Grahamstown, on February 25, W. Montague Haw, eldest son of the late William Haw, aged 26 years and 7 months.
MARTIN—On February 22, at Durban, of fever, Somerled Macdonald Martin, aged 21 years and 8 months, eldest surviving son of Simon N. Martin, H.M. Bengal Civil Service (retired), of 35, Brunswick Square, Brighton.
MYERS—On March 21, at 99 King Henry’s Road, N.W., Henry Isaac Myers, of Vicksburg, aged 44.
REED—At Grahamstown, on February 19, Robert Reed, aged 49 years.
ROSE—At Barberton, on February 19, Mr. William Rose, aged 41, born at Colchester, Essex.
YOUNG—February 23, at Umzimkulu, South Africa, aged 36, Edward Annesley Young, third son of the late Rev. J. R. Young, rector of Whitnash and Hon. Canon of Worcester.
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