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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1889 3 July - September


6 July 1889


SCOTT-NEWTON-On the 25th of June, at St. Stephen's, Lewisham, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, assisted by the Rev. R. Rhodes Bristow, Vicar of St. Stephen's, the Rev. Alfred Lovell Scott, Vicar of Derry Hill, North Wilts, eldest surviving son of Daniel Burton Scott, of Maritzburg, Natal, to Miriam Claire Vincent, third daughter of Alfred Vincent Newton, The Glebe, Blackheath.


HART, Isabella Moutray, daughter of the late Lieut.-Col. Of the Inniskilling Dragoons, at Portsea Place, Connaught Square, aged 88, June 27.

20 July 1889


KELLY—RUSSELL—On the 11th inst., at North Ockenden, Essex, by the Rev. R. T. Crawley, assisted by the Rev.  J. B. Harrison, Colonel W. F. Kelly, the Royal Sussex Regt., D.A.A.G., South Africa, to Mary, second daughter of the late Champion Russell, Esq., of Stubbers, Romford.


METZGAR—On the 10th inst., at Brixton, of typhoid fever, Charles Metzgar, F.R.C.S. Eng., late of Guy’s Hospital, aged 25, third son of the late Henry Metzgar, of Jamaica and Forest Hill.
MCEWAN—On the 14th inst., at Harrismith, South Africa, in his 22nd year, Cuthbert George, fourth son of Alexander McEwen, of Mottingham Lodge, Kent.

27 July 1889


KING—On the 26th June, at Kimberley, the wife of H. J. King, of a son.
HAYNE—On the 26th June, at King William’s Town, the wife of Martin Wheatley Hayne, of a son.


SPEAR—On the 9th June, at Durban, Frederick Percival Spear.
BLYTH—On the 16th, at Cape Town, Captain M. S. Blyth, C.M.G., Chief Magistrate in the Transkei, aged 53 years.

3 August 1889


TILNEY—At Pretoria, on June 24, George A. Tilney, second son of Mrs. Tilney, of Pietermaritzburg, aged 31 years.
GEORGE—Hare Frederick, youngest son of the late Major George, C. B., Hyderabad Contingent, at Durban, Natal, June 26.

10 August 1889


UNDERWOOD-MARTIN-On July 31, at Maritzburg, Natal, Francis, elder son of the late Thomas Underwood, Sywell Hall, Northamptonshire, to Alice Collier, only daughter of Mrs. Martin, Ivy LODGE, Maritzburg.

17 August 1889


SOMERS—RICKARDS—On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. Lowe, assisted by the Rev. Lazarus, Annie, eldest daughter of Phoebe and Lawrence Somers, to John Edward Rickards, of 91, Cromwell Road, South Kensington.


ROSS—On July 18, at Johannesburg, Transvaal, James George, youngest son of Edward Ross, of Marple, aged 24 years. R.I.P.
BILL—On July 22, at sea, Godfrey, son of the late H. Kennard Bill, Esq., of Swansea and Durban, South Africa, aged 18.
FURZE CLARKE—On the 12th inst., at Horsman’s Place, Dartford, Fanny Maria, wife of Thomas Furze Clarke, M.R.C.S. Eng., &c., aged 34.

31 August 1889


MOORE—On the 25th inst., at the Elms, Chappel, Essex, John Croft Moore, late Capt. Rifle Brigade, aged 53.
GRAY—On the 23rd inst., at West Green, Tottenham, Mary Harris Gray, widow of the late Henry Gray, of Leamington, aged 85 years.


WILSON—CHALMERS—22nd August, at St. Mary’s Church, Kennington, Ashford, Kent, by the Rev. C. A. Greenland, assisted by Canon J. Weldon, vicar of the parish, Adam Brack-Boyd Wilson, Esq., of Otterburn, Roxburghshire, and Lieut. Inniskillings Dragoons, to Mary Ethel Chalmers, daughter of Major Owen Ivon Chalmers, late H. M.’s Indian Staff Corp (Bengal Presidency).

7 September 1889


KRAUSS—On the 2nd inst., at Hagley Lodge, Kimberley, Mrs. Edward Krauss, of a son.


ROBINSON—PUGH—On the 30th July, 1889, at Fort Beaufort, Cape Colony, William Robinson, of Rocklands, Adelaide, Cape Colony, to Beatrice Evelyn Eugenie Pugh, second daughter of Harris Pugh, Esq., J.P., and niece to the late Assistant Commissary-General, C. F. Potgieter.


GREATBATCH—Amy Janet, elder daughter of Mr. D. Edward, of Kimberley, South Africa, late of Blandford, at Blandford, Dorset, aged 19, Aug. 30.
HARRISON—On the 3rd Sept., at Easington Rectory, Lieut. Gilbert Elliot Harrison, R.N., late Lieut. Commander of H.M.S. Bramble on the West Coast of Africa, only son of the Rev. W. G. Harrison, Rector of Easington, county Durham, aged 38.
CAMPBELL—On the 2nd Sept., Henry Murray Campbell, of 123, Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale, in his 58th year.

14 September 1889


WATSON—On the 7th Aug., at Cledbew, Rondebosch, Cape Colony, the wife of T. Tennant Watson, of a daughter.


KARET—WINGARD—On Sept. 4, at the New Synagogue, Great St. Helen’s, Dora, eldest daughter of Abraham and Krusse Karet, of 17, Commercial Road, to Harry Wingard, of Kimberley, South Africa, son of Mrs. R. Wingard, of Wood Street, Spitalfields.
CORY—PALMER—On the 31st July, at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Alice, Victoria East, Cape Colony, Charles William, eldest son of Alexander Turner Cory, of Cottesmore Gardens, Kensington, to Frances Christina, youngest daughter of E. Palmer, of Alice.
WATSON—EDWARDS—On the 21st Aug., at the Parish Church, East Budleigh, Devon, by the Rev. Edward Watson, assisted by the Rev. W. F. Green, Vicar, Robert Walker Watson, M.R.C.S., of Ladysmith, Cape Colony, and 22, Highbury New Park, London, to Jane Sarah, daughter of the late R. Edwards, Esq., of Knowle Villa, Budleigh Salterton.


CROMPTON—On the 3rd Aug., at Breightmet, Pinetown Estate, Natal, John Lake  Crompton, M.A., Canon of Maritzburg, in his 74th year. R.I.P.

21 September 1889


PAYN—On the 14th September, at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, the wife of Philip Francis Payn, F.R.G.S., of a son.
WILSON—On Sunday, the 21st July, at the Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne, Victoria, the wife of the Rev. Ambrose Wilson, D.D., of a daughter.


DUNCAN—MORRISON—11th inst., at Christ Church, Burton-on-Trent, by the Rev. Charles Guest, Alexander Duncan, M.A., Alpha, district Ladybrand, Orange Free State, formerly of the Grey College, Bloemfontein, eldest son of the late Alexander Duncan, M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S.L., of Aberdeen, to Bella, eldest daughter of the late George Morrison, Goodnestone Court, Faversham.
MOLTENO—CURRIE—At Garth, Perthshire, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Donald Fraser, of Marylebone Presbyterian Church, London, Percy A. Molteno, son of the late Sir John C. Molteno, Cape Colony, to Elizabeth Martin, second daughter of Sir Donald Currie, K.C.M.G., M.P. for West Perthshire.


READE—On the 14th inst., at Powis Gardens, Bayswater, in the 82nd year of his age, Francis Edward Reade, late B.C.S., and of Holbrook House, Ipswich, Suffolk.
THOMAS—On the 13th September, at Sheerness-on-Sea, of heart disease, Edward Croft Greenway Thomas, Madras Civil Service (Retired), in his 61st year.
TUCKER—On the 17th August, at Ingham, Maritzburg, Natal, Alice, the wife of Frederick N. Tucker, M.L.C., widow of the late T. J. Lovell Scott, and eldest daughter of the Dean of Maritzburg, aged 33 years; also, on the 19th ult., Richard Scott, infant son of the above, aged five days.
WILLCOX—On the 14th inst., at Harrismith, of pneumonia, William Willcox, C.E., aged 59.
WILLIAMS—On the 12th September, at Park Crescent, Worthing, Violet Lilian Ann Conde Williams, youngest daughter of Mr. Justice and Mrs. Conde Williams, of the Supreme Court, Mauritius.

28 September 1889


PARDY—22nd Sept., at 55, Osborne Road, Forest Gate, the wife of H. F. Pardy, of Leadenhall Market, of a daughter.
POSTANS—21st inst., at Ivy House, E., the wife of Frederic Postans, of a son.


FAITHFULL—ASH—21st Sept., at St. Paul’s, Camden Square, by the Rev. Canon Duckworth, assisted by the Rev. J. R. Ransom, cousin of the bride, and the Rev. George Tiley, Vicar of St. Paul’s, James Barton-Faithfull, of 54, Comeragh Road, Kensington, to Edith, youngest daughter of William Ash, Esq., of Tower House, Camden Road, and Heathfield, Sussex.


PHILLIPS—24th inst., at Stanley Villa, 540, Caledonian Road, N., Easter Hazzard, wife of Charles Phillips, in her 74th year.

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