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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1834 - 1 - January to March

Wednesday 1 January 1834

DIED on Thursday 26th ult, William Harington, eldest son of William GADNEY Esq, aged 8 years and 3 months.

In the English Church Cape Town on Thursday December 26 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of C.B. JAMES Esq, Major HEIC Bombay Service, baptised Eliza Maria.
A son of Mr. J. DIGGORY baptised Samuel Finch.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday Dec 29 by the Rev John Pears AM:
A son of the Rev Dr. ADAMSON named James Jamieson.

Dec 26: A son of Mr. W. GADNEY, named William Harington, aged 8 years 3 months and 23 days.
Dec 27: Rosetta, youngest daughter of Mr. J. SOLOMAN, aged 4 years.
Dec 30: Mr. Jeffrey CRONE, aged 27 years.
Dec 30: A daughter of Mr. J. CHAPMAN, named Susan Mary, aged 9 months and 7 days.

Saturday 4 January 1834

DIED at Liesbeck Cottage, Rondebosch on the 16th Dec, Philip York LINDSAY Esq, Bengal Civil Service, second son of the Lord Bishop of Kildare.

Captain FORDHAM of the American Ship Blackstone will not hold himself responsible for any debts the crew of said vessel may contract during her stay at this place.
Table Bay, Jan 3 1834.

MARRIED in Simon’s Town on the 30th December by the Rev Henry Frazer, Colonial Chaplain, Thomas MITCHELL Esq MD RN to Susan, only daughter of Mr. MULLIS of Simon’s Town.

Wednesday 8 January 1834

DIED at Utrecht on the 25th Sept, our beloved brother Mr. P.C. KEYTEL, aged 24 years 3 months and 23 days, of which painful loss we hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
For the joint brothers,
Cape Town Jan 6 1834.

In the English Church Cape Town on Tuesday Jan 7 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
The Rev E. COOK to Miss Mary Frances THORNHILL

On Sunday Jan 5 as above:
A son of John ISAACS, native of Johanna, baptised Thomas.

Jan 6: Mrs. Elizabeth CARNELL, wife of Mr. William CARNELL, aged 34 years.

Saturday 11 January 1834

The undersigned beg to inform their friends and the public that they have removed to No.28 Loop-street, where they will commence on Monday next 13th inst with a great variety of new and fancy articles in millinery, haberdashery, hosiery &c &c which will be for sale at the lowest prices possible.
28 Loop-street, 10th Jan 1834.

DIED at George Town on the 1st day of January 1834, Mr. Roeland WITZEN, after a protracted illness, much regretted by his affectionate widow and friends.

DIED at Beaufort on the 17th December last, Mr. Thomas HEYWARD of Cape Town.

Wednesday 15 January 1834

BAPTISED on Monday 13th instant by the Rev Mr Van Staveren, a son of Mr. J.J. MABILLE, baptised Kassien Claasen Dekenah.

In the English Church Cape Town on Thursday Jan 9 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W. GADNEY baptised William.
On Sunday Jan 12 as above:
A daughter of Mr. J. MARTIN baptised Eliza Jane.

Jan 10: A daughter of T. MACLEAR Esq, Astronomer Royal, named Lucy Anne, aged 6 months.
Jan 10: A daughter of Mr. S. STODART, named Emma Christina, aged 9 months and 21 days.

Saturday 18 January 1834

MARRIED in the Dutch Reformed Church at Cape Town on the 15th inst by the Rev L. Morees, Christian FLECK Esq, Med, Chir. & Obst. Doctor to Miss Louisa Elizabeth TWYCROSS, only daughter of the late Stephen TWYCROSS Esq.

Having removed his manufactory to No.11 St.George’s-street, the house formerly occupied by Mr. DIXIE, In returning his thanks for the great support and encouragement he has met with, begs to announce to his friends and the public generally that, as the organ which he has been making for St.George’s Church is now ready for fixing, and which has for some time past prevented him from attending regularly to his pianoforte tunings, he will now devote his attention to the tuning and repairing of pianofortes, harps and musical instruments generally. Applications for tunings, repairs &c will meet with immediate attention.
T.J. HITCHCOCK, Pianoforte Maker and Tuner, Organ Builder &c
No.11 St.George’s-street Cape Town
PS Pianofortes &c for sale or to hire.

Jan 15: Mrs. Mary Ann STIGANT, wife of Mr. Philip STIGANT, aged 27 years.
Jan 15: Mr. William WATSON, aged 51 years and 2 months.
Jan 16: A son of Mr, Philip STIGANT, named James, aged 8 months and 27 days.

On Wednesday last Mr. MUTINGH, for many years a merchant in this town, destroyed himself with a pistol. It is said that his affairs being in an embarrassed state, he could not support the change of circumstances. He held sales of his furniture and effects in the morning, and afterwards retired to his Fishery at Roggebay, where he committed the rash act.

Wednesday 22 January 1834

DIED on Saturday afternoon at quarter past 1 o’clock, Maria HUIBRECHT, aged 15 months and 1 day, only child of
Paul John ROUX
Maria Mag. STADLER

Saturday 25 January 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Thursday Jan 23 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
H.C. GILMORE Esq, Lieutenant Hon.E.I.C. Bengal Establishment to Miss Elizabeth Jesena CAMERON.
By Special Licence on Jan 23 by the Rev Dr Adamson DD:

In the English Chapel Cape Town on Tuesday Jan 21by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. T. WHITE baptised Louisa Eliza.

Wednesday 29 January 1834

MARRIED at the English Church Cape Town Thursday the 23rd January 1834 by the Rev Mr G. Hough, Henry Charles GILMORE Esq, Lieut. in the Hon. E.I. Company’s Service, Bengal Establishment, to Elizabeth Gesina, eldest daughter of the late Captain John McKenzie CAMERON of HM 55th Regt.

BIRTH on the 27th January 1834, the lady of Daniel J CLOETE Esq of a daughter.

BIRTH at Wynberg on the 22nd inst, the lady of Captain Edward WILLOUGHBY, Bombay Army, of a daughter.

The undersigned being on the point of leaving the Colony, requests all persons indebted to him to discharge the same by the 1st of February, so as to enable him to discharge his creditors, who are requested to send in their claims by the 3rd of February.
James HOGSFLESH, Coach Maker
Jan 28 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Jan 26 by the Rv G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W.S. COOKE, baptised Henry Anthony
A son of Mr. R. POLLEYBLANK baptised William Henry

Jan 25: Mr. Thomas GREEN, Chief Mate of the bark Hope, aged 26 years.

Saturday 1 February 1834

The undersigned begs again to request his old customers, who have been a long tome in arrear, to settle their accounts; otherwise, however unpleasant it may be, he will be obliged after the 15th February to give all unpaid accounts, either of his shop at No.4 Castle-street or at No.42 Long-street over for collection.
Cape Town 28th Jan 1834

DIED on Monday night the 27th instant, at Kalk Bay, a son of the undersigned, named John Andries Francois, aged 17 months and 5 days, of which severe loss notice is hereby given to relatives and friends.
Jan 29 1834

Wednesday 5 February 1834

DIED on the 2nd inst, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William GADNEY, aged 14 months and 13 days.

DIED at Cape Town on the 2nd inst, Mary Anne, the infant daughter of Dr. MURRAY, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Feb 2 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. C.H. McCOMB baptised Frances Dorothea.
A daughter of Mr. J. COLLING baptised Mary Ann.

Jan 29: William WOOD, seaman of the HCS Thames, aged 25 years.
Feb 2: A daughter of Mr. W. GADNEY, named Elizabeth, aged 14 months and 13 days.

Saturday 8 February 1834

Notice is hereby given that the Bank will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday next, the 11th and 12th instant, between the hours of 11 and 2, for the purpose of paying interests upon deposits due on the 31st December last, or of adding the amount to the capital.
John Centlivres CHASE, Secretary
Feb 7 1834

BIRTH on the 2nd Feb 1834, Mrs. W.J. MACKRILL of a daughter.

DIED this morning at 3 o’clock, aged 30 years, much esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, Mr. James McGILLIVRAY, eldest son of Robert McGILLIVRAY Esq of Inverness, North Britain.
Cape Town 7th Feb 1834.

Feb 3: William REED, aged 45 years.

Wednesday 12 February 1834

BAPTISED on the 7th Feb in the Lutheran Church by the Rev Kloek Van Staveren, a Cape child, three years of age, by the name of Charles Marie Boniface LE MORDANT.

DIED on Sunday morning at a quarter past 12 o’clock, to my inward sorrow, my dearly beloved wife Aletta Johanna Sophia MAASDORP, aged 34 years 1 month and 9 days, of which painful loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends, aware of their kind sympathy.
Feb 11th 1834.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Feb 10 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Etienne FIGARO to Anne FEADER.

On Sunday Feb 9 as above:
A son of Mr. J. BRUMFIELD baptised Matthew James.
A daughter of Angel WHEELER baptised Sarah.

Saturday 15 February 1834

Relations and friends are hereby informed that on Saturday last at 11 o’clock pm my youngest and dearly beloved son C.D. Dirk VERSFELD, aged 19 years 11 months and 20 days, died after a very short illness.
Clasenbosch Feb 12 1834

Departed this life on the 6th instant, after a lingering illness of long duration, which she bore with Christian resignation, my dearly beloved and lamented wife Cornelia Sophia HOFFMAN, in the prime of life, aged 30 years, of which painful loss in the name of myself and unfortunate little daughter I hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Stellenbosch 13th Feb 1834.

Wednesday 19 February 1834

DIED on Wednesday afternoon the 12th instant at 3 o’clock, after a short illness, Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. M. WOODLOCK, aged 14 years 8 months and 20 days, sincerely beloved and deeply regretted by all who were acquainted with her mild and amiable disposition, leaving a heart-broken family to lament her premature death.
Cape Town Feb 17 1834.

In the English Church Rondebosch on Monday Feb 17 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. William FARMER to Miss Mary Ann MAYNARD.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Feb 16 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W. PRESTWICH baptised William Henry.

Feb 2: Richard FURLONG, aged 40 years.
Feb 14: Maurice JONES, aged 50 years.
Feb 15: Charles John STOCK Esq, Cornet in HM 13th Regt Light Dragoons, aged 25 years.

Saturday 22 February 1834

DIED on Tuesday the 18th February, after a short illness of 24 hours, Nicholaas Wollaston, third son of Mr. N.W. MEYER

In the English Church Wynberg on Sun Feb 16 by the Rev Edward Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of W.E. UNDERWOOD Esq baptised Maria Camilla.

Wednesday 25 February 1834

Richard BAKER
Grocer, Bread and Biscuit Baker and General Dealer
At the Bridge, by the Castle, Cape Town
In returning his most hearty thanks for the liberal encouragement he has already received, begs to inform his friends and the public in general that as it is his intention to devote his whole time and attention to serve them, he trusts that by supplying them with articles of the best quality on the most reasonable terms, he will ensure the support of all who honor him with their orders.
Ships, Passengers and Families supplied with any articles in the above lines on the shortest notice.
Orders received by Captain KILGOUR, at the Wharf; Mr. Robt, JOHNSTONE, No.6 Shambles; or Mr. Wm. MOORE, Strand-street will be punctually attended to.
Goods required for the Frontier will be sent to the order of Mr. Thos. WILLIAMSON, Port Elizabeth; or Mr. John DOUGLAS, Graham’s Town.

We understand that Jacobus DU TOIT Esq of Hex River has accepted the appointment of a Member of the Legislative Council in the room of F. KORSTEN Esq, who declined.

We regret to learn that the house “Rocklands”, near Simon’s Town, belonging to Mr. F. BECKER, was destroyed by fire on Friday last. The flames spread so rapidly that the roof fell in before any of the furniture could be saved. The house was insured in the Alliance Fire Office; but unfortunately for the owner, no part of the furniture was covered against risk. This is an additional proof of the value of Fire Insurance Offices.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Feb 24 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John KITCH to Mary LENNAN.
Mr. Thomas SMITH to Mary Elizabeth KNOX.

On Sunday Feb 23 as above:
A daughter of Mr. C. HOLLOWAY baptised Charlotte Wilhelmina.

Feb 22: A daughter of J. JOLIFFE, native of Delagoa Bay, named Mary, aged 2 years and 2 months.

Saturday 1 March 1834

The undersigned notifies to the public that on the night of the 25th instant he was robbed of his cash box, containing several papers, amongst which was an Acceptance of Captain Albert SWAIN, drawn by T.B.WOOLS Esq, in favor of the undersigned, for the sum of two hundred pounds sterling. Should the same be presented for negotiation it is requested that it may be stopped, and the parties detained.
Cape Town 26th February 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Tuesday Feb 27 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. W.J. MACKRILL baptised Cornelia Frederica.
At Sans Souci on Sunday Feb 23 by the Rev Edward Judge MA, Acting Chaplain at Wynberg:
A son of the Hon Mr Justice William MENZIES, baptised William.

Wednesday 5 March 1834

Two journeymen tinplate workers, to whom constant employment and good wages will be given.
J. FELL & Son
No.8 Burg-street
NB genuine spermaceti and other lamp oils for sale.

Part of the premises of Mr. J.P. DE VILLIERS (of Garden “Werkerslust” Cape Town) near to Stellenbosch was consumed by fire last week. The fire broke out in the wine-store and the damage is estimated at nearly 10,000 Rds. We regret to learn that the property was not insured.

Begs to inform her friends and the public that she will commence tomorrow at No.7 Keizersgracht as haberdasher, Hosier &c, where she trusts, by attention and perseverance, to be favored with that patronage, in her new business, she has always so liberally received in the Millinery and Dress-making.
J.D. has on sale a few choice morning and evening dresses lately arrived from France; also some very handsome gauze scarfs and shawls, a part of the same investment.
Ladies’ fancy worked collars, ditto habit shirts, morning and dress caps; gentlemen’s neck and pocket silk handkerchiefs, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention.
March 4 1834.
NB J.D. will be happy to receive orders in the Millinery and Dress Businesses as usual.

Saturday 8 March 1834

On a lease of seven years, or such other period as may be agreed upon.
That eligible and fertile farm called Riet Valley, situate in the Cape District, about 12 miles from Cape Town, at present occupied by the Widow BRAND, or BESTER.
Entry may be had on the 1st April next.
For terms apply at the office of Messrs DICKSON, BURNIES & Co or Mr. Alex. HUTCHINSON, Attorney, St.George’s-street, cape Town.

Feb 26: Mr. Andrew MELDRAM, aged 33 years.
March 4: Mr. Thomas CROWCHER, aged 74 years 10 months and 4 days.

Wednesday 12 March 1834

In the Dutch Reformed Church on Sunday 9th March 1834 by the Rev J.H. Von Manger VDM, a son of Andries DE SMIDT Esquire, baptised John.
On the same day in the English Church by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Harry HORNE Esquire, baptised Elizabeth Mary.

DEATH on the 10th instant, Mr. W.F. VENABLES, aged 57 years.

We are requested to interest the benevolent feelings of the public in behalf of the six orphan children of the late Mr. Joseph TAYTASAC of the Customs Department, who are left in a state of destitution. Subscriptions will be received at the bank and by the publishing clerk of this paper.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday March 9 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. H.R. HORNE baptised Elizabeth Mary.
A daughter of Mr. E.L. KIFT baptised Mehetabel Josephine.
A son of Mr. J.R. BATHIE bapt. Robert Thomas Werner.

March 9: Mr, Joseph TAYTASAC, aged 45 years.

Saturday 15 March 1834

DEATH on the 9th May inst, Mary, the wife of W. CARSTAIRS Esq, Staff Surgeon, Poona, aged 25 years.

To the Medical Profession
Mr. TREDGOLD begs to inform his medical friends and the public that he has just received a considerable supply of vastly superior India Leeches, which are now for sale at his Dispensary, No.93 Long-street. Mr. T avails himself of this opportunity of notifying that with investments lately from England he has received a variety of English Patent Medicines, some superior medical and chemical preparations &c.

March 10: William Ferrar VENABLES Esq, aged 57 years.

Wednesday 19 March 1834

BIRTH on Tuesday the 11th instant, the lady of G.L. PRENDERGAST Esq, Madras Civil Service, of a son.

BIRTH on the 18th March 1834, the lady of Mr. Advocate DE WET LLD of a daughter.

MARRIED by the Rev J H Von Manger on Monday the 17th instant, Mr. S. GIRD to Miss S.M. VAN DER POLL.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday March 16 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. D. PAGE baptised Susan Anne.
A daughter of Mr. L. ARMSTRONG baptised Fanny.
A daughter of Mr. B. BOND baptised Jane Charlotte.

March 12: William Henry BEALE, seaman, aged 30 years.
March 15: John WEATHERSON, seaman, aged 28 years
March 16: A son of Mr. J. JOBSON, named William, aged 25 days.

Saturday 22 March 1834

BIRTH at Wynberg on the 19th inst, the lady of James CAREY Esq of a son.

Tailor from London
No.1 Grave-street, corner of Keizersgracht
Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the kind patronage he has received since his commencement, and hopes by constant attention and moderate prices to merit a continuance of those favors which have already crowned his exertions.
Good superfine black and blur dress coat35 Rds
Very best do.45 Rds
Do black and drab beaver hats14 Rds
Trousers, jackets and waistcoats at equally reduced prices.

Wednesday 26 March 1834

BIRTH on Tuesday 25th instant, Mrs, TREDGOLD of a daughter.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday March 23 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. H. WRIGHT baptised James Henry.
A son of Mr. R. SHEARER baptised William Ferries.

March 22: George JONES Esq, Major 32nd Regt Madras Native Infantry, aged 49 years.
March 22: William Henry LOW Esquire, aged 38 years.

Saturday 29 March 1834

In St.Andrew’s Church on Thursday March 13, a daughter of Mr. G. HUDD bapt. Amelia Jane Shelly.

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