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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1833 - 4 - October to December

Wednesday 2 October 1833

The undersigned begs to inform the gentlemen of the medical profession and others connected with it, and the Cape public in general, that he has purchased the apothecary’s shop of Mr. Adolph KOHL (formerly of Mr. C.F. LIESCHING) and hopes by strict attention to his business, and by a careful selection of drugs of the first quality, and the accurate preparation of medical prescriptions, and moderate prices, to secure a part of that patronage which he has enjoyed during his seven years residence at Stellenbosch. He returns his grateful acknowledgements to his fellow citizens of Stellenbosch and its environs for their numerous marks of favour and friendship. Mr. A. KOHL will manage the dispensary for account of the undersigned till his affairs at Stellenbosch shall be settled.
Stellenbosch September 26 1833
Carl Friedrich JURITZ

DIED on the 24th Sept, my beloved husband John Valentyn ANHUIZER, aged 46 years 6 months and 9 days, deeply regretted by his disconsolate widow and children.
Cape Town September 24 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Sept 30 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J. SMITH to Rachel Louisa Jane ROU

On Sunday Sept 29 as above:
A daughter of Mr. G.M. BRUNETT baptised Helena Amelia.

Sept 21: Mr. Edward THOMAS, aged 53 years.

Wednesday 9 October 1833

BIRTH at Stellenbosch on Sunday the 6th October, the lady of Mr. C.F. JURITZ of a daughter.

Mr. Carl Friedrich JURITZ, intending to remove to Cape Town, will hold a Public Sale under the administration of the undersigned, of the following fixed property, on Monday and Tuesday the 21st and 22nd inst, viz:
1 The house and premises now occupied by himself, situate in Plein-street, with stores adjoining, forming one of the most pleasing residences in Stellenbosch, and formerly the property of the late Mr. J.M. MOREL, the whole of which has been lately put in a thorough state of repair; the erven planted with fruit trees, vines and cotton plants; has a good kitchen garden and plenty of water throughout the year.
2 The store houses adjoining the above.
3 The house and premises, situate in Plein-street, and now occupied by Mr. J.N. KNOOP.
4 The store house adjoining the above.
Lots 1 and 2 will be put up first, separately, by rise and fall, and afterwards by fall, in one lot, and the same course be pursued with Lots 3 and 4.
Also household furniture, consisting in escritoires, wardrobes, sofas, tables, chairs, bedsteads, looking-glasses, lamps, a household clock, kitchen utensils, glass and earthenware, chinaware comprising superior china pots, a blue dinner service.
Old and new wines, vinegar, stuckvats and other fustage, among which are a set of leaguers with ports, aums and half aums, stills.
Further, Hallisch and other medicines, Helmonds and medicinal herbs, curry powder, Van der Graaffs and other bitters, saltpetre &c &c. Also a quantity of merchandise, a tumbril cart with horse and harness, and what further may be offered.
The fixed property is in the mean time for Private Sale, together with the Dispensary, which has been carried on for the last seven years with success, and also an African slave, 28 years old, a laborer, an African female slave aged 18 years with her child about 3 years old, housemaid.
The purchase money of the slaves may be held at interest and the further conditions may be had on application to the proprietor or to
J.G. FAURE, Vendue Administrator
Vendue Office
Stellenbosch Oct 7 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Oct 7 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John THORNE to Miss Grace BORAINE.

On Sunday Oct 6 as above:
A daughter of Mr. J. BEYNON baptised Margaret Sophia.
A daughter of Mr. R. HAYNES baptised Mary Catherine.

Oct 3: A son of Mr, H. SPRINGHALL, named Henry, aged 2 months.

Wednesday 16 October 1833

Mr. HILL requests that all claims against him may be sent to No.20 Heeregracht.

MARRIED by Special Licence at Cape Town on the 15th instant by the Rev A Faure BD, the Rev William ROBERTSON AM, Minister of Swellendam, to Elizabeth Henrietta, third daughter of P.J. TRUTER Esq, Civil Commissioner of Worcester.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Oct 14 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. G.W. PRINCE baptised Frederick Thomson

Saturday 19 October 1833

We are requested to invite attention to the hard case of a woman named Margaret HELY, with four children, who arrived here in that ill fated vessel the Jane & Henry, on her way to join her husband in Van Diemen’s Land. The detention and sale of the vessel have reduced her to extreme want. An opportunity of conveying her and her children to their destination is now afforded in the schooner Fame, and several humane persons have opened a subscription for this purpose; the sum required is only £35. The names of His Excellency and of several other benevolent individuals are subscribed. A list is placed at this office, where donations will be readily received. A few decent clothes would probably also be acceptable for the children.

In the English Church cape Town on Wednesday Oct 16 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.H.C. ROESCH to Miss Helena Johanna JACOBS.

On Thursday Oct 17 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. G.F. WILMOT baptised Emerentia.

On Sunday afternoon Graham’s Town was visited by a storm, which, for severity, has seldom been equalled. The hailstones were so large that there is scarcely a house in the town but what has been injured, whilst some have had broken from forty to sixty panes of glass. The most serious accident which occurred was, as we learn, at Mr. J. WHITE’s, whose residence was struck by lightening. The electric fluid passed through the thatched roof, which it set on fire; from thence it descended to an apartment below, in which the family were sitting, shattered a chimney glass, and struck down a young woman, who was at that moment before the fire. The upper part of her dress was instantly in a blaze, and a steel bust in her stays was literally fused or melted at either end. The poor girl was severely scorched on various parts of her body, and lay for a considerable time in strong convulsions; but, we are glad to say, that hopes are entertained of her ultimate recovery.
Graham’s Town Journal.

Wednesday 23 October 1833

From England and Wants Situation
James and Mrs. HAYES, the former as coachman and Mrs. a house servant.
Apply at No,3 Hout-street, St.George’s-street.

BIRTH on Tuesday 22nd October, the lady of the Hon Justice MENZIES of a son.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Oct 20 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. G. MILLS, baptised Sarah Hobart.

Oct 18: John FRANCIS, aged 25 years.

Saturday 26 October 1833

MARRIED on the 18th instant by the Rev A Faure, Mr. FORD Jun to Geertruyda, second daughter of G.H. MUNTINGH Esq.

MARRIED on Tuesday 22nd inst at the house of the Rev A Faure, Mr. Daniel George FOCK to Miss Magdalina Catharina DE VILLIERS

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Oct 28 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. W. GALLAGHER to Miss Magdalena Margaretha HIRCHENHEIN.
Mr. J. MARLOW, widower, to Mrs. Rosanna SMALL, widow.
Mr. C. ANDERSON to Elizabeth COTTLE.

On Sunday Oct 27 as above:
A daughter of Mr. J. BLAND, baptised Mary Ann.
In the English Church Wynberg Wednesday Oct 23 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Captain H. MABERLY HEIC 49th Regt. of Madras Native Infantry, bapt. Louisa Henrietta.

Saturday 2 November 1833

DEATH at cape Town on the 30th inst, Angelina, youngest daughter of Captain Thomas WINTER, aged 18 years.

In the English Church Cape Town Thursday Oct 31 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. W.L. HIGGINSON to Miss Elizabeth Hollett AMM

Wednesday 6 November 1833

Mr. LAING, Surgeon, has removed to No.21 Heeregracht, the house lately occupied by Mrs, BRATH.
Nov 5th 1833

MARRIED by Special Licence in the Roman Catholic Chapel Cape Town by the Rev Thomas Rishton, on Wednesday 30th October 1833, Mr. John James CAHILL to Miss Eliza Catharine DONOUGH.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Nov 4 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J. MILTON to Mrs. Margaret SWEETMAN, widow.
Mr. C.A. DONALD to Miss Sarah Aletta JANSEN.

On Sunday Nov 3 as above:
A son of Mr. T. KING baptised Benjamin Rose.
A son of Mr. P. TONKIN baptised Alfred Charles.

Oct 28: Mr. John William SOMERVILLE, aged 20 years.
Oct 30: Miss Angela WINTER, youngest daughter of Capt. T. WINTER, aged 18 years.

Saturday 9 November 1833

J. ARROWSMITH informs his friends and the public that he has taken the house No,5 Plein-street, where he intends, with the assistance of Mrs, ECKLEY, to supply all sorts of confectionery, pastries, soups, jellies &c, and hopes by strict attention and moderate charges to merit their patronage. Hot and cold joints, ham, beef, tripe &c. gentlemen’s breakfasts sent out. Dinners provided on the shortest notice. To commence on Tuesday the 12th instant. Genteel apartments, with board if required.
NB a good house boy wanted.

To relatives and friends, notice is hereby given that my son, Hendrik FLECK, Jun.Rom.Cund. and Member of the Inner Temple, departed this life at Leyden on the 14th August last at the age of 19 years 5 months and 22 days.
Cape Town Nov 6 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Tuesday Nov 5 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
John MAITLAND Esq, Lieut. 4th Madras Light Cavalry, to Aletta Francina, youngest daughter of the late John Adriaan VAN SCHOOR Esq.

Nov 5: Mr. Deodatus STONE, aged 25 years,

Wednesday 13 November 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Nov 10 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W.E. SCOTT Jun, baptised Timothy Edward.

Nov 8: Mr. William BLACK, aged 51 years.

Saturday 16 November 1833

DIED at Simon’s Bay on the 14th instant, John, son of J. Deas THOMSON Esq, aged 11 months.

Wednesday 20 November 1833

DIED at Uitenhage on Saturday last in the 44th year of his age, after six days illness, universally regretted, Mr. James SWAN, many years Government Surveyor of this District.
Uitenhage, Nov 6 1833

Mr. and Mrs. JENNINGS beg to return thanks for the benevolence and sympathy which have been manifested towards them in their distress, occasioned by the late fire in Loop-street.
Cape Town, Nov 18 1833

Margaret HEALY (and her 4 children) , having sailed in the Fame for N.S.Wales to join her husband, we are requested to express the grateful sense she felt for the kindness and liberality of His Excellency the Governor and the benevolent individuals who subscribed to pay the passage money, amounting to £30 sterling. A few shillings over were paid for necessaries.

On Saturday afternoon the 9th instant, Mr. H. LUTTIG of Beaufort, on his journey from Cape Town, on attempting to cross the Breede River on horseback, at the new drift near Worcester, was carried off with his horse by the strong current, and unfortunately drowned, leaving, as we hear, a wife and five young children to deplore his sad loss. The horse was also lost.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Nov 18 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.E. SAWYER to Miss Maria Catherine MORGENROOD.
Mr. H. DEWESS to Mrs. Maria Frances NASH, widow of the late Mr. George NASH.

On Sunday Nov 17 as above:
A daughter of Mr. G. STURGIS baptised Kate.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Nov 3 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W.R. OSMOND baptised James Francis.

At Wynberg Nov 2: Mr. Thomas WILLIAMS, aged 41 years.
Nov 7: Mrs. Sarah BALSTON, wife of Mr. Isaac BALSTON, aged 53 years.
At Simon’s Town Nov 14: A son of J.D. THOMSON Esq, Naval Officer at Simon’s Town, named John Deas, aged 11 months.

Saturday 23 November 1833

MARRIED by Special Licence in Cape Town, on Tuesday the 19th November 1833, Thomas Pownal Pellew BARROW Esq of the Royal Navy to Agnes, eldest daughter of John OSMOND Esq of Simon’s Town.

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 10th instant, my beloved husband Johan Laurens KONKEL, native of Berkenfield, in the Electorate of Mayence, aged 72 years 5 months and 23 days, of which painful loss I hereby give notice to friends and relatives.
Maria Aletta KONKEL, born OTTO

In the English Church Wynberg on Sun Nov 17 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Mr. G. TITTERTON baptised William.

Wednesday 27 November 1833

MARRIED on the 19th inst by the Rev Dr Adamson, Alexander BROWN Esq, Surgeon, to Frederica Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. PALLAS, cape Town.

MARRIED by Special Licence on Saturday the 23rd November 1833 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, at the house of Mr. C.A. BECKER, Market-square, Mr. Robert Irwin ROSS to Miss Charlotta Amelia SCHOLTZ.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Nov 25 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
John LEVAT, a native of Madagascar, to Sarah LAMBO, native of this colony.

On Sunday Nov 24 by the Rev George Hough as above:
A daughter of A. THOMSON Esq baptised Olivia hester.
A daughter of Mr. YATES, baptised Hannah Henrietta Margery.

Nov 19: Captain George William CLARKE, of the brig Vine, aged 50 years.
Nov 21: Mr. Walter Mills BARBER, aged 30 years 7 months and 3 days.
Nov 22: A son of Mr. S. STUART, named William Dalzell, aged 3 months and 14 days.

Saturday 30 November 1833

BIRTH on the 27th instant, the lady of Major C.B. JAMES of the Hon East India Company’s Service, of a daughter.
Camp Ground Nov 29 1833

The undersigned gives notice that he has retired from the firm of ILES, JONES & Co, Distillers &c at the Paarl
Cape Town Nov 30 1833

Wednesday 4 December 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Dec 2 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Andrew COPE to Antoinette COOPER

On Sunday Dec 1 as above:
A son of E. HAWKINS Esq, Captain Bengal Army, baptised Henry Lumsden.
A son of Mr. R. CLARKE baptised Richard.

Saturday 7 December 1833

DIED on the 17th inst, my beloved husband J.D. HERMANS, aged 39 years 4 months and 13 days, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Beaufort, November 28 1833

Wednesday 11 December 1833

Publicans and others are informed that the undersigned is commissioned by a Licenced Dealer to sell, by the single case and upwards a choice batch of Schiedam Gin, in cases of 15 flasks, the price of which will be found exceedingly low, and the quality very superior. On application at No.1 Castle-street, opposite Capt. SMITH’s counting house, where a sample may be had.
Robt. REEVES, broker
NB Persons having gunpowder for sale will hear of a purchaser by applying as above with samples.

DIED on the 8th inst at Cape Town, Mrs. HACKETT aged 66.

DIED in the Castle Barracks on the 29th November, Ralph Darling ROSS, Ensign in His Majesty’s 72nd Highlanders, aged 23 years 3 months and 6 days, universally lamented by his brother officers and friends.

In the English Church cape Town on Monday Dec 9 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.L. TILBURY to Mrs. Sarah Hughes WRYGHT, widow.
Mr. John ANDERSON to Hannah SUTTON.

On Sunday Dec 8 as above:
A son of Mr. D.S. SAPSFORD baptised John Thomas.

Dec 5: Mary, wife of Mr. G. BAKER Sen, aged 44 years.
Dec 5: Mr. Richard RAILSTON aged 62 years and 5 months.
Dec 6: A daughter of Mr. H. WRIGHT, named Charlotte Sarah, aged 1 year and 4 months.

Saturday 14 December 1833

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Dec 8 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J. HERBERT baptised William Henry.
A daughter of Caroline Dorothy, free native, baptised Caroline Johanna FISHER.
An adult free native of this Colony, bapt. Robt. JOHNS

Wednesday 18 December 1833

DIED on the 11th Dec 1833 at the Residence of the Hon Justice MENZIES, Neville Somerville CAMERON Esq of the Madras Civil Service, second son of Lt.Col. William Neville CAMERON H.E.I.C.S.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Dec 16 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Thomas BAR to Mrs. Julia HOSKING, widow.
Mr. Samuel BENNINGFIELD, widower, to Miss Louisa Christina FLAMME
Mr. Thomas BOYLAN to Miss Charlotte CROWCHER
Mr. James MELBURNE to Miss Frederica Johanna BENDER
Mr. William BARBER to Mrs Lucinda CALLAGHAN, widow.
Jean Baptiste to Mary Ann, both from the Isle of France.

In the English Church on Sunday Dec 15 by the Rev G Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of W.G. ANDERSON Esq baptised Mary Ann.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Dec 15 by the Rev Edward Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of James George DICK Esq baptised Mary Alicia.

Dec 4: James DAVEY, seaman, aged 21 years.
Dec 9: Mrs. HACKETT aged 66 years
Dec 12: Neville Somerville CAMERON Esq, Madras Civil Service, aged 39 years.
Dec 16: P.Y. LINDSAY Esq, H.E.I.C.S

Saturday 21 December 1833

MARRIED in London on the 8th August last, Mr. J.F. ASHCHEN of Cape Town to Miss Sarah Jane WIEDE, only daughter of Mr. Harman WIEDE of 35 Lower White Cross Street, Cripplegate.

MARRIED at Graham’s Town by the Rev J Heaviside on Tuesday 3rd inst, James BLACK Esq to Miss Catharine PAKENHAM.

Dec17: A daughter of Mr. G. MARSHALL, named Mary Ann, aged 10 months and 11 days.

Wednesday 25 December 1833

MARRIED in the English Church Cape Town on Monday 23rd inst, by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Lloyd Evans MESHAM, youngest son of the late Rev Robert MESHAM, Vicar of Bromham and Oakley in the County of Bedford, and Rector of Ripple in the County of Kent, to Miss Christina Elizabeth, eldest daughter of G. SCHOLTZ Esq of Cape Town.

On Sunday Dec 22 as above:
A daughter of Mr. W. WRIGHT baptised Johanna.

Saturday 28 December 1833

BIRTH on the 22nd inst on the Camp Ground, the lady of R.J. JONES Esq of a son.

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