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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1834 - 2 - April to June

Wednesday 2 April 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Monday March 31 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J. FLAHERTY baptised James Gray

March 29: William Howard PEACH Esq, aged 56 years.

Saturday 5 April 1834

Just unpacked and for sale at No.7 Keizersgracht
2 very large cases of children’s toys, comprising boxes of all sorts of working tools, horse and foot soldiers, large and small dolls, ready furnished houses, Noah’s Arks, carts, wagons and horses, churches, tables, chairs, chests of drawers, linen drapers’ shops ready stocked; whistles, rattles, churns, nine-pins, rocking horses and almost every other description of toy.
Also a few dozen of ladies’ and gentlemen’s superior kid gloves, gentlemen’s Berlin and real Norway doe, warranted to wash; plain and fancy silk stocks, braces, silk purses, net and wove ditto.

Cape Town, April 4 1834
The Members of the several Lodges are requested to meet the Provisional Grand Master and Officers of the Prov. Grand Lodge this day (Saturday) in the Hope Lodge at three o’clock in the afternoon precisely, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased and much esteemed Brother, Richard WRANKMORE, Grand Registrar.
By order of the Right Worsh. Prov. Gr. Master
Prov. Grand Sec.

Wednesday 9 April 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday April 6 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J. TOWNSEND baptised Alfred.
A daughter of Mr. J. PHILLIPS baptised Margaret Emma.

April 2: Richard WRANKMORE Esq, aged 68 years.
April 5: Mr. George DONALD, aged 44 years.

Saturday 12 April 1834

By Special Licence in the English Church Cape Town on Tuesday April 8 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
J.H. JACKSON Esq, Bombay Civil Service, to Miss Catharina Johanna RABE.

Saturday 19 April 1834

In consequence of the firm PUCKEY & CURRY being dissolved, the undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has made arrangements to commence business on his own account, and all orders which he may be favored with will be executed with the best materials and dispatch at very moderate prices.
Edw. PUCKEY, Tailor &c
April 18 1834, No.5 Shortmarket-street, Market-square.

MARRIED in the English Church Cape Town on Monday the 14th April 1843 by the Rev Geo. Hough, Sen. Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Louis Petrus CAUVIN to Miss Charlotte Jane WOODCOCK, daughter of the late R. WOODCOCK Esq.

On Sunday April 13 as above:
A daughter of D.J. CLOETE Esq baptised Jane.
A son of R. COOPER Esq baptised John Robert Deane.
A daughter and a son of Mr. J. SMITH baptised Mary Jane and Henry.
In the English Church Simon’s Town on Sunday April 13 by the Rev H Frazer AB, Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. R. NORMAN baptised Patience.
An adult private of HM 98th Regiment, baptised William, surname TILSLEY.

April 15: Mr. N.J. SMITH aged 40 years.

Wednesday 23 April 1834

MARRIED by Special Licence in the church at Rondebosch, on the 19th inst by the Rev Edward Judge, Ker Baillie HAMILTON Esq to Emma Matilda, only daughter of Charles BLAIR Esq.

(By Special Licence)
In the English Church Cape Town Saturday April 19 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
J.M. ROSS Esq, Captain of the 5th Regiment Madras Native Infantry, to Miss Emma Amalia SIEGROHN.
On Monday April 21 as above:
Mr. C. DUCKITT to Miss Elizabeth Wilhelmina VAN RENEN.
(By Special Licence) in the English Church Rondebosch Saturday April 19 by the Rev E Judge MA, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
K.B. HAMILTON Esq, Clerk of the Council of the Cape of Good Hope, to Miss Emma Matilda BLAIR.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday April 20 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son and a daughter of Mr. J.D. GREGORY baptised William Edwin Story and Stella Isabel Catherine.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday April 20 by the Rev Dr Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. A. LYALL baptised John Mutchison.
A son of Mr. J. MAXWELL baptised John Ebenezer.

April 16: A daughter of Mr. W. McLEOD, named Sarah Isabella, aged 9 months and 12 days.
April 17: Jane NANSON, aged 43 years.
At Wynberg April 13: A son of the late F. STOLL, named Fredrick, aged 7 years.
April 14: Ann, widow of the late Lt. Col. SMITH of the St.Helena Artillery, aged 65 years.

Saturday 26 April 1834

Charles KINCAID, Saddler and Harness Maker,
Respectfully acquaints his friends and the public that he has removed to No.1 Market-square, and earnestly solicits a continuance of their support.
NB Carpets, mattresses &c made to order on the shortest notice.

Begs to return his acknowledgments to his friends and the public for the favors received during his late partnership, and also to inform them that he carries on the business of a tailor and habit-maker on the same premises. He hopes by moderate charges and a strict attention to all orders to merit a continuation of their favors.
No.5 Market-square, 24th April 1834
Part of the above premises to let for any respectable business.

Wednesday 30 April 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Monday April 28 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J. HARRIS to Mrs. Mary LETHBRIDGE, widow

On Sunday April 27 as above:
A daughter of Mr. P.C. DANIEL baptised Eliza Isabella.
A daughter of C. BUSH baptised Mary Ann.
In the English Church Rondebosch Sunday April 20 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter and son of W. POOK baptised Maria Johanna and Johan William Hotterman.

April 24: Henry SARGENT Esq aged 43 years.
April 25: Mr. Henry HUMPHRIES aged 38 years

Saturday 3 May 1834

BIRTH at Stellenbosch on the 30th ult, Mrs. DICKINSON of a son.

DIED in Cape Town on the 24th ult, Henry SARGENT Esq of the Hon East India Company’s Bengal Civil Service, aged 45 years.

Wednesday 7 May 1834

BIRTH on Friday the 2nd instant at Cape Town, Mrs. HODGSKIN of a son.

BIRTH at 113 George Street, Edinburgh on the 21st Nov 1833, the lady of Thomas Henry DUTHIE Esq of a daughter.

MARRIED in the Reformed Church Cape Town on Monday 5 May by the Rev Faure, L.P.COMMAILLE to Johanna Margaretha, eldest daughter of Mr. C.M.VILLET.

Departed this life on the 2nd May at his Residence Lutgensburg, near Rondebosch, Lieut. W. STEELE, formerly of HM 72nd Regt, and latterly of HM 60th Royal Rifle Corps, aged 59 years and 6 months, deeply regretted by a disconsolate wife and son, and by all who had the pleasure of knowing him.
Cape Town May 6th 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday May 5 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J. COLLINS to Johanna Catharina Elizabeth COETZER

In the English Church Cape Town on Thursday May 1 by the Rev E Judge MA, acting for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of J.S. JUDGE Esq bapt. Spencer Alfred Taylor
On the same day by the Rev G Hough MA:
A son of H. CLOETE Esq bapt. John Evelyn Gordon.
On Sunday May 4 by ditto:
A son of Mr. J.S. BAYLY baptised William George.

Saturday 10 May 1834

May 3: A daughter of W.J. MACKRILL Esq, named Cornelia Frederica, aged 3 months.
Feb 5: Mary Ann MITCHELL, aged 27 years.

Wednesday 14 May 1834

BIRTH at the Castle Barracks on the 11th inst, the lady of Thomas E. LACY Esq, 72nd Regt, of a daughter.

It pleased Almighty God on Saturday morning 11 to take away out of our arms our beloved daughter Maria Jacomina, aged one year and five days, we hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Cape Town May 12 1834

In the English Church cape Town on Monday May 12 by the Rev G hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John HIGGS to Miss Harriet FISON

On Sunday May 11 as above:
A daughter of Mr. F.R. BRETT baptised Diana Johanna.
A daughter of Mr. H. ADAMS baptised Matilda Ann.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday May 11 by the Rev Dr. Adamson DD:
A son of John LAING Esq baptised John.
In the English Church Rondebosch on Sunday May 4 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of R.J. JONES Esq baptised Sydney Robison.

May 10: Mrs. Sarah GEORGE, wife of Mr. E. GEORGE, aged 38 years.

Saturday 17 May 1834

No.31 Burg Street
Having opened a boarding house on these eligible premises (lately occupied by Mr. MALLINSON as an hotel) will be happy to accommodate families and gentlemen on the most economical terms (consistent with selectness of society).
PS A gentleman or family may be accommodated with a private and commodious sitting room.
Coach house and stabling attached to the premises.

DIED at Rotenburg, Mr. Ernst HESSE MD, aged 26 years, third son of the late Rev Mr. F. HESSE, late Minister of the Lutheran Church in this Place.

Wednesday 21 May 1834

Miss MATHEW, Professor of the above Instruments, will be happy to attend ladies requiring lessons on the same, either at their own dwellings or at Rondebosch, Miss MATHEW’s intention being to devote two days in each week to those Ladies in Town who will favor her with their Patronage. Cards of Address left with the Publishing Clerk of this paper or at Mr. Thomas DRURY’s, No.13 Waale-street will be forwarded to Miss M and promptly attended to.

H. WESTCOTT begs to inform his friends and the public in general that he has taken the house No.13 Hout-street, where he hopes by attention to business to meet with that encouragement it has been his study to deserve.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday May 19 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. William JONES to Miss Jane BYRNE

On Sunday May 18 as above:
A son of Mr. W. COLLINS baptised John Thomas.
On Monday May 19 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. G. THOMPSON baptised Isabella.

Saturday 24 May 1834

BIRTH at Cape Town on Friday the 23rd May 1834, Mrs. A.J. LIND of a daughter.

BIRTH at Caledon on the 20th instant, the lady of John HONEY Esq of a daughter.

Tallow Chandlers and Melters
Begs to return their sincere thanks to their friends and the public in general for the encouragement they have met with at their shop No.43 Longmarket-street, corner of Greenmarket, and hereby respectfully informs them that, having left off supplying Mr. J. WOODMAN, they have opened another shop at No.7 Plein-street, where they hope by strict attention and keeping a good article, at a moderate price, to merit a continuance of their favors. For the quality of their candles, reference can be made to those persons who have been in the habit of dealing with Mr. J. WOODMAN, as the whole of his, up to the last month, were made by Mr. J. SMITHERS.

Wednesday 28 May 1834

Few feel more pleasure in the prosperity of young beginners than the Undersigned, still he cannot help noticing the inconsistent terms in which an Advertisement of “George PARKER and James SMITHERS”, under date the 24th instant, is coached. The latter had been employed by the Undersigned as a candle-maker till very lately; and although not always quite satisfied with him, he did, perhaps, his best in the execution of his duty.
The Undersigned would now suggest to “Messrs. PARKER & SMITHERS” that the best method to obtain not only his good will but a due share of public patronage, if they value either, would be, when they offer themselves to public notice, to do so under the protection of undisguised facts: this would procure them public as well as private esteem and encouragement.
The melters in the Undersigned’s service produce, of course, the same quality of tallow as that of which James SMITHERS made candles for him; and even had not J. SMITHERS been succeeded in that service by persons, at least, of equally approved ability, such has always been the quality of tallow made use of that even an indifferent tradesman, out of such materials, could not fail to produce candles of equally good quality with those his establishment hitherto supplied.
If the young men, in future advertisements, will but adhere to truth, they will heartily have the Undersigned’s approbation; if not, he will only meet such boyish misrepresentations with silence; and hereafter, of course, treat them with indifference.
Cape Town 27th May 1834

DIED on yesterday evening at 6 o’clock, our beloved mother Mrs. Anna Catharina SCHELTER, widow of the late Hendrik CLOETE Sen. Esq, aged 73 years 11 months and 26 days, giving hereby notice of our grievous loss to relatives and friends.
Cape Town May 27th 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday May 25 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. G. MARSHALL baptised George Holms.

May 22: Mr. James MOLTON, aged 53 years.
May 22: A daughter of Mr. M. NOBLE, named Eliza Ann, aged 1 year 8 months and 14 days.

Saturday 31 May 1834

DIED on Saturday the 24th instant at half past 2 o’clock, our beloved mother Mrs. Adriana BERRANGE, widow of Carel Willem DIELEMAN, aged 66 years 5 months and 3 days, of which painful loss we hereby give notice to relations and friends.
Cape Town, May 27 1834

NOTICE is hereby given to relatives and friends that it has pleased the Lord of Heaven and Earth to make my beloved husband Pieter Josua DE VILLIERS to change temporal for immortal life, aged 26 years 11 months and 4 days – hoping that everyone will take part in this her painful loss.
Widow P.J. DE VILLIERS, born LOUW.
May 24 1834

DIED at Green Point on the 28th instant, Eliza Maria, the infant daughter of Major C.B. JAMES. aged six months and one day.

No.15 Heeregracht
Shipwrights and Ship’s Chandlers
Notify to the public that they have received, per late arrivals:
Ford’s Patent improved Cooking Apparatus, of different sizes, and beg to call attention of families studying economy, as they consume very little fuel, and much more convenient than ordinary fire-places.
Coals: A few chaldrons of very superior coals at Rds 30 per chaldron.
Hemp and Coir Cordage of all sizes; Junk, American and Stockholm Pitch, Stockholm and Coal Tar, Rosin, Paints of different colors, Oils, Turpentine, Varnish.
Canvas of all sizes, Russia Duck, Roping and Sewing Twine, Marline, House Line, Log Lines, Fishing Lines &c.
Sheet Copper, copper Nails and Spikes, copper Pumps and iron Nails of all sizes.
Also a quantity of Whaling Stores, Harpoons, Lances, Spades, Canting Hooks, Whale Lines, Boat Axes, Boat Compasses, Boat Lanterns, ash Oars, Whale Boats &c.
Timber of all sorts on the shortest notice.

Wednesday 4 June 1834

MARRIED by Special Licence in the Military Chapel Cape Town on Saturday May 31 by the Rev E.J. Burrow DD, Officiating Chaplain to the Troops, Lieutenant John WILLIAMS, Royal Engineers, to Frances, only daughter of the late Major BENJAFIELD of HM 67th Regt.

Saturday 7 June 1834

June 2: Mr. David GOSS, aged 37 years.

Wednesday 11 June 1834

In the Military Chapel Friday June 6 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of W.M.FORD Esq, Assistant Surgeon HM 72nd Highlanders, baptised Jenetta Hester.
In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday June 8 by ditto:
A son of Mr. G. HODGSKIN baptised Frederick James Samuel.
A daughter of Mr. W. BUCHANAN bapt. Anna Isabella.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday June 8 by the Rev Dr. Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. R.C. LOGIE baptised Robert Clunie.

Saturday 14 June 1834

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday June 1 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Betsey, free black, baptised Sarah Norton.

June 8: Mr. William FRIEND, aged 57 years.
June 10: Mr. Thomas LE BRETON, aged 56 years.

Wednesday 18 June 1834

Wm. MOORE Sen, having retaken his Shop and Butcher’s Business, lately carried on by Thomas MORRIS, begs to inform the inhabitants of Wynberg and vicinity that on the 1st July he will commence to supply all kinds of butcher’s meat of the very best quality, and hopes by strict attention to merit a continuance of their support which he formerly had.
Wynberg, 17th June 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Monday June 12 [sic] by the Rev G Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
Mr. Godfrey RAWSTORNE to Miss Sarah Christina Wilhelmina DE VOS.
By Special Licence on Friday June 13 by ditto:
Mr. Hew BURN to Miss Lucy BROADFIELD

On Monday June 16 as above:
A son of Mr. F. DUCKITT baptised Jacob.
A son of Mr. R. YARDLEY baptised Richard George.

June 12: Mary, wife of Mr. C. STEWART, aged 47 years.

Saturday 21 June 1834

DIED at Verdeaux Cottage, on the Camp Ground, on Tuesday evening the 17th inst, Johannes Fredrik, aged 1 year 3 months and 20 days, youngest son of O.J. TRUTER.
Verdeaux Cottage, June 18 1834

In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday June 15 by the Rev Dr.Adamson DD:
A daughter of Mr. A. JOHNSTONE baptised Margret Jane.
A daughter of Mr. J. HAMILTON baptised Mary Elisabeth.

June 18: A daughter of Mr. F. ARMSTRONG, named Catherine, aged 3 years.

Wednesday 25 June 1834

BIRTH on Friday 20th instant, Mrs. W.G. ANDERSON of a daughter.

DIED on Thursday last, Mr. Thomas CAFFYN, aged 38 years; deeply regretted.

Saturday 28 June 1834

DIED on the 9th March on board the Euphrates, on the passage to Bombay, 15 days after giving birth to a son, Amelia Maria Georgina, wife of E.C. MORGAN Esq, Solicitor to the H.E.I. Company at Bombay and daughter of E.C. EMETT Esq of this Colony, aged 20 years and 0 months, deeply regretted by her afflicted parents and relations.

BIRTH at Clasenbosch on the 25th instant, the lady of Capt. W. SHAW of the Madras Army of a son.

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