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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1833 - 3 - July to September

Wednesday 3 July 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday July 1 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. T. BEETON to Miss Eliza BARKER.
Mr. J.S. BAYLY to Miss Dorothea Johanna HONEY.
Mr. W. LYALL to Miss Maria GILL.

On Sunday June 30 as above:
A son of Mr. C. HIND baptised Charles William.
A daughter of Mr. W. GUNN baptised Matilda Sarah Ann.
On Monday July 1 as above:
Three adult persons, baptised severally, by the names of Andrina, Maria Frances Carolina and Rosa Christina Maria ALLEN.

June 29: A daughter of Mr. W. HEARD, named Jane Elizabeth, aged 3 months and 2 days.

Saturday 6 July 1833

MARRIED in the Dutch Reformed Church by the Rev A Faure, on Monday the 1st instant, Mr. J.S.F. BOTHA to Miss C.M. MURDOCH, both of Cape Town.

BIRTH at Beaufort on the 29th June, the lady of William KINNEAR Esq of a son.

DIED at Stellenbosch on Friday morning the 28th June, in her seventeenth year, Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. John MURRAY, formerly of Strand-street Cape Town, deeply regretted by all who knew her.

Wednesday 10 July 1833

BIRTH this morning, Mrs. J.D. JACKSON of a son.
13 Plein-street, 9th July 1833.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday July 8 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. D. PAGE to Mrs. Anna Susanna Hendrina SPARKS, widow.

On Sunday July 7 as above:
A son of Mr. W. HUNT baptised Francis John.
A daughter of Mr. N.W. MEYER baptised Eliza Ann.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday July 30 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Jannetje, free native, baptised Michael Fredrick SASMAN

July 3: A daughter of Capt. T. WEATHERHEAD, named Mary Rutledge, aged 4 months.

Saturday 20 July 1833

DIED at an advanced age on the 18th April last and at her Residence near Exeter, the beloved mother of Mr. Justice KEKEWICH.
Cape Town 18th July 1833.

Mrs. S. BOYES takes the liberty of informing her friends and the inhabitants of Cape Town that she has, for the support of herself and children, commenced a mangle; and as it is the only prospect she has to depend upon, she humbly solicits a share of their favors, which will at all times be her great study to merit.
No.1 Stall-street, near Government House
July 20 1833.

Wednesday 24 July 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday July 21 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J. ROSS baptised John Robert.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday July 21 by the Rev Dr. Adamason DD:
Two daughters of Mr. R. MUTER baptised Ann Leonora and Mary Jane.

In Sunday evening 21st instant, Mrs. E.L. KIFT of a daughter.

Saturday 27 July 1833

DIED at Plumstead Common, Kent on the 30th March 1833, Mr. Henry BATT Sen, aged 83 years and 3 months.

DIED on Tuesday 23rd July 1833, Mr. Daniel MILLS, aged 78 years.

Wednesday 31 July 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Saturday July 27 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
J.K. LUARD Esq Captain H.E.I.C service to Miss Frederica Louisa, second daughter of Major C.C. MICHELL.

July 20: Edward VAUGHAN Esq, Lieut.Col of His Majesty’s 98th Regt, aged 40 years.
July 23: Mr. Daniel MILLS Sen, aged 78 years.
July 23: A daughter of Anthony and Margaret, free persons, named Sabina, aged 2 years 8 months and 15 days.
July 26: Mrs. Martha DRAKE, wife of Mr. S. DRAKE, aged 37 years and 3 months.

Saturday 3 August 1833

DEATH at Madras on the 26th May last, D DOHERTY Esq, Assistant Surgeon of HM 49th Regiment.

Wednesday 7 August 1833

R.H. ARDERNE, Upholsterer and Undertaker, begs leave to apprise the public that he has fitted up a coach expressly for the purpose of children’s funerals; and has also in a forward state of preparation an English Hearse, with appropriate fittings, suitable for the most respectable funerals, and hopes by reasonable charges and strict attention to merit a share of public support.
The Hearse &c lent to the Trade on moderate terms.

DIED on Thursday evening 1st August 1833, Clemens MATTHIESEN Esq, aged 83 years 10 months and 25 days, of which notice is hereby given to friends and relatives.
Cape Town 5th August 1833

MARRIED by Special Licence on Monday 22nd ult, at the house of Major MOLESWORTH, Simon’s Town, by the Rev H Frazer BA, Hungerford VOWE Esq of Noordhoek to Maria Josina Christina TRUEMAN, widow of the late Joseph TRUEMAN Esq, and only daughter of the late John Pigot WATNEY Esq.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday August 4 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Dr. J.W. FAIRBRIDGE baptised William Alexander.
A daughter of Mr. T. HALL baptised Aletta Catherine.

July 29: Mr. John SWENEY, aged 24 years.

Wednesday 14 August 1833

Desirable Farm at Tygerberg For Sale
Elsjes Kraal, at Tygerberg, the property of Mr. COKE, at present occupied by Pieter Johannes ROUX, situated between the farms of Messrs. NEETHLING and BEYERS, Stikland, distant about 12 miles (two hours) from Cape Town, containing about 570 morgen, of which 61 morgen 502 square roods are freehold, and the rest perpetual quit-rent at £3 per annum, with a right of grazing over the Cape Downs; supposed to be the best Oat Farm in this part of the Colony, with sweet grass and healthy grazing for cattle; having also an abundant supply of water all the tear, and the gardens can be irrigated in the summer.
Possession to be had in the beginning of April next
Apply at the office of Mr. HUTCHINSON, Attorney, No.7 St.George’s Street, where the diagram and title deeds may be seen.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday August 12 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.M. BROWN to Miss Anna Johanna CAUVIN.
Mr. T. MOSSE to Miss Elizabeth Alice WETHERALL.
Mr. J. CAHILL, widower, to Mrs. Elizabeth GOODMAN, widow of the late Mr. R. GOODMAN.
George APSEY, widower, to Caroline ROACH, widow of the late Jacob ROACH.

Saturday 17 August 1833

MARRIED on the 12th instant at the house of the Rev Mr. HOUGH, Mr. Thomas MOSSE to Elizabeth Alice, only daughter of the late Capt. WETHERALL RN.

Wednesday 21 August 1833

DIED on Sabbath morning about 4 o’clock, after a long and tedious illness, which she bore with Christian patience and resignation, Catherine, wife of Mr. John RUSSELL, justly esteemed and deservedly respected by everyone who knew her.
Cape Town August 2oth 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday August 19 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. W. MOORE to Miss Helen HAYLETT

On Thursday Aug15 as above:
A son of Mr. R.J. JONES baptised Charles Tennant.
On Sunday August 18 as above:
A son of Mr. J.D. JACKSON baptised Walter Hawkins.
A son of Mr. J. NORKET baptised William.
A daughter of Mr. D.H.G. DUNSTERVILLE baptised Harriet Charlotte.
A daughter of Mr. H. LEATT baptised Sophia Jane.

Saturday 24 August 1833

MARRIED on the 2nd May last by the Lord Bishop of Chester, John COTTON Esq of Bryanstone Square, one of the Directors of the Hon. East India Company, to Penelope RICHARDSON, widow of George RICHARDSON Esq and youngest daughter of William Wilberforce BIRD Esq of Wynberg.

BIRTH on Tuesday the 13th inst, Mrs. Thos. ELLIOTT of a son.

Aug 20: Mr. Benjamin RICHARDS, aged 41 years.

Wednesday 28 August 1833

BIRTH at Wynberg, Cape of Good Hope, on Sunday 25th August 1833, the lady of Captain MOBERLY HIC Madras Army, of a daughter.

MARRIED on Tuesday 27th August at the Mission Hose, Church-square, cape Town by the Rev Dr Adamson, the Rev George CHRISTIE to Mary, eldest daughter of the Rev Dr PHILLIP

Saturday 31 August 1833

DIED at Wimborne Dorset on the 20th May last, Mr. William DAY, aged 75 years 6 months and 9 days.
Joseph DAY
Cape Town 30th August 1833

Lately arrived here from Hamburgh
Begs leave to acquaint the public that he has got a licence from Government to practice in this Colony as Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Dr.A can be seen for medical attendance at Mr. POLEMANN’s, No 26 Strand-street.

To be sold by auction on the premises, peremptorily to the highest bidder, on Tuesday 10th September at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
One half of that desirable and eligible plant known as the “Cape Distillery”, situate in Riebeck street near the Waterkant, the property of the estate of the late Mr. William FAIRCLOUGH; consisting of stills, condensing cylinders, boilers, receivers, with stoves, furnace and every requisite for distilling. Also one half share of the well seasoned Stuckvats and Riders, and likewise one half share of the lease of the premises. The whole forming a most complete establishment of the kind.
Robert WATERS, Curator.

Wednesday 4 September 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Sept 1 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. W. HUTCHONS baptised Mary Ann.

Aug 31: Mrs. Dorothea THORNHILL, aged 64 years.

Saturday 7 September 1833

MARRIED on Wednesday the 4th instant by the Rev G Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Lieut. J.H. SMITH, 62nd Regt HEIC Service to Julia Anne, eldest daughter of Major C.C. MICHELL, HM’s Surveyor General and Civil Engineer to this Colony.

DIED on the 31st August, Mrs. Dorothea THORNHILL, wife of Christopher THORNHILL Esq, late of Thornhill in the County of Durham, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian patience and resignation.

At Rondebosch near Cape Town on Wednesday Sept 4 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Lieut J.H. SMITH, 62nd Regt HEIC Service, to Julia Anne, eldest daughter of Major C.C. MICHELL.

At Wynberg August 28: Mr. James BRADING, aged 41 years.

Wednesday 11 September 1833

MARRIAGE in Cape Town 4th September by the Rev J Adamson DD, the Rev James CAMERON to Miss Margaret ALLISON.

In Rondebosch near Cape Town on Monday Sept 9 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. G. TITTERTON to Johanna Frederica Carolina GODIER.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Sept 8 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Capt. J. DRURY of the Royal Marines, baptised Maria Josephine.
A son of Mr. S. STUART baptised William DALZELL.

Sept 4: Frederic Octavius AYR, aged 13 years and 6 months.
Sept 5: Ann, wife of Keron DAVINE, aged 36 years.

Saturday 14 September 1833

MARRIED at Swellendam on the 1st instant by the Rev Mr Cassie of Caledon, Mr. Charles Hudson GRISBROOK to Maria Theodora BAM, second daughter of John Ferdinand BAM Esq, Clerk of the Peace &c &c for the above mentioned district.

MARRIED at Cape Town on the 12th inst, by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Peter LATOUCHE Esq, Captain HEIC Service, to Ellen Maria Johanna, only daughter of C. BESTANDIG Esq.

Sept 10: John EVANS, aged 50 years.

Wednesday 18 September 1833

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Sept 15 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. R.L. ATTWELL baptised Charles Hugh.
A daughter of Mr. J. STIDWORTHY bapt. Harriet Agnes.
A daughter of Mr. J. ELLIS baptised Margaret Jane.

Saturday 21 September 1833

DIED on Wednesday the 18th inst, John Wilkinson, infant son of Mr. Thomas ELLIOTT.

Wednesday 25 September 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Sept 23 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.A. MOLLETT to Miss Dorothea Carstena SCHONEGEVEL.
Mr. J. BRAND to Miss Mary COCHRAN.

On Sunday Sept 22 as above:
A daughter of Mr. J. THORNHILL baptised Henrietta Magdalena.
A daughter of Mr. F. ARMSTRONG bapt. Elizabeth Ann.
A daughter of Mr. R. GIBSON baptised Anna Maria.
A son of Mr. J.P.CATO baptised Thomas Pearson.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday Sept 22 by the Rev Dr Adamson DD:
A daughter of Mr. W. CORBITT baptised Anne Isabella Dorin:
A son of Mr. J.W.MOORE baptised Charles Edwin.

Sept 21: Maria RICHARDS, aged 25 years.

Saturday 28 September 1833

DIED on the 24th September 1833, Mr. Edward THOMAS, a farrier of this Town, after a lingering illness, born at Howarding, near Flintshire, North Wales, aged 52 years 8 months and 23 days.
[Transcriber’s Note: This is almost certainly Hawarden]

The undersigned begs to notify to the public that he will not hold himself responsible for any debts that may be contracted by his wife.
Thomas DENNIS X his mark

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