South African Commercial Advertiser 1830 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 3 July 1830
DIED on the 27th June, deeply lamented by his family and friends, Mr. John VAN DEN BERG, one of the partners in the House of Messrs. HAMILTON ROSS & Co.
In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Sunday May 30 1830 by the Rev.W.Carlisle MA Chaplain:
A son of William Ablorl MORGAN baptised William Ablorl. [sic]
[Transcriber’s note: William Ablot Morgan DN 1839 KAB MOOC 6/9/15]
A daughter of ditto baptised Celia.
[Further note from Paxie Kelsey: Thanks for this update to the children who were twins. The name is Ablort. The Welshman from Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, William Ablort MORGAN b ca 1800 married Jane HILL b ca 1804, London and d 1860 and handed the name down to his son William Ablort MORGAN b 9 April 1830 d 1867 and married 21 May 1856 to Louisa Selina BERRY b 21 Dec 1838. (Source confirmed by research in Familiae Morganiae et Dunbar Andersones by Sheila Mary Clarke Paterson]
On Sunday June 13 by ditto:
A son of Francis THORNTON baptised Francis James.
July 1: A daughter of John WALLACE, named Marrion, aged 7 days.
Wednesday 7 July 1830
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town Thursday July 1 1830 by the Rev. George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Edward Lorenzo CHIAPPINI Esq to Miss Anna Catharina Margaretha GIE.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday July 4 1830 by the Rev.B.C.Goodison AM Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Jack and Flora, natives of Mozambique, baptised Maria.
Saturday 10 July 1830
CHRISTENINGAt Mannenberg in the Cape Downs Wednesday July 7 1830 by the Rev.Mr. Snowdall:
A daughter of Mr. Arnoldus Christiaan DEMPERS, baptised Johann Sophia.
June 18: Mr. William WATHALL, aged 44 years.
June 19: Maria DUDLEY, aged 18 months.
Wednesday 14 July 1830
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday July 11 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of John HARDACRE baptised John Richard.
A son of ditto baptised William Edward Thomas.
A daughter of William NORRIS baptised Harriet Elizabeth Charity.
Saturday 17 July 1830
MARRIAGESIn St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Thursday July 1 1830 by the Rev.W.Carlisle MA Chaplain:
Mr. John STOW to Miss Rebecca AMES.
Mr. John WHITE to Miss Mary MALONY.
In ditto at Graham’s Town Sunday June 13 1830 by ditto.
A son of Francis THORNTON baptised Francis James.
A daughter of John DUDLEY baptised Maria.
On Sunday June 27 by ditto:
A daughter of M. BEKKER baptised Christina Magdalena.
In the English Church Port Elizabeth Thursday June 17 by the Rev.F. McCleland AB Chaplain:
A daughter of William Matthew HARRIES baptised Catherine Sophia.
July 14: A son of John ISAACS, native of the Island of Johanna, named Francis, aged 8 months and 24 days.
June 9: Robert DUGHBY aged 10 years.
June 12: Private John HARRIS HM 55th Regt, aged 30 years.
June 29: Sarah ADAMS aged 36 years.
Wednesday 21 July 1830
MARRIED at the Paarl by special licence on the 17th instant, John Frederick ALBERTUS Esq to Miss Cathrina Johanna HEROLD, eldest daughter of the Rev. T.J. HEROLD.DIED on the 5th inst on the banks of the Gouritz River, District of George, Mr. William APSEY of Cape Town aged 38 years.
DIED on Wednesday 15th July 1830 at Simon’s Town, Mr. Edward MULLER, aged 58 years, deeply lamented by his wife and family.
Saturday 24 July 1830
MARRIAGESAt Simon’s Town Monday July 19 1830 by the Rev. George Sturt AB Colonial Chaplain:
William Adam SAYERS to Mary Ann NANKIVET, widow.
Robert VAN DER SCHYFF to Catharina Petronella ESSENHIGH, widow.
In St.Andrew’s Church Cape Town Thursday July 22 1830 by the Rev.J. Adamson DD:
The Rev. John PEARS, Minister of Glen Lynden, to Louisa Ann ASHCROFT.
In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday July 20 1830 by the Rev.George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of John STEUART Esq, High Sheriff of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, baptised Margaret Henrietta Maria Janet.
July 17: William CUNNINGHAM aged 36 years.
July 20: A daughter of Mr.W. PRESTWICH, named Grace, aged 17 days.
Wednesday 28 July 1830
DEATHSJuly 23: John COOPER aged 26 years.
July 23: George COOPER aged 24 years.
July 24: A daughter of Mr. George GREIG, named Sophia Elizabeth, aged 3 years and 21 days.
July 24: Mrs. Maria Dorothea ARNOLD, wife of Mr. Edward ARNOLD, aged 46 years and 7 days.
Saturday 31 July 1830
DIED at Simon’s Town on the 14th instant, Mr. Edmund MILLER, sincerely regretted by his family and friends.DIED at Hope Farm, District of Albany, on Monday 19th instant, Dorothy, the wife of Henry NOURSE Esq of that place.
In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Friday July 16 1830 by the Rev.W.Carlisle MA Chaplain:
Richard LOVE to Mary MOUNCY.
In ditto at Graham’s Town Sunday July 4 1830 by ditto:
A son of Peter and Martha VOOS DEVEL baptised Johannes.
A daughter of Samuel and Maria WHITCOMBE baptised Mary Ann.
On Sunday July 11 by ditto:
A son of Wm. and Mary AYTON baptised Gilbert William.
June 24: Daniel HOGAN, aged 41 years.
July 8: Elizabeth KING, aged 37 years.
July 8: Richard WHITE, aged 63 years.
Wednesday 4 August 1830
DIED this day to the bitterest grief of her Father, Mother and three Sisters, Wilhelmina Anna, aged about 16 years, the beloved second daughter of J.G. and S.M. BLANCKENBERGSunday Aug 1 1830
In the English Church Cape Town Monday Aug 2 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Flor CAIN to Rosina Johanna Lodovica ALEXANDER
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Aug 1 1830 by the Rev Henry G.P.Cooke MD:
A son of James William FAIRBRIDGE Esq MD, baptised Robert Neave.
August 1: Mr. William STRINGER, aged 36 years and 6 months. [sic – see below]
Saturday 7 August 1830
DIED at Port Elizabeth, Algoa Bay, on the 7th ult, Mr. Alexander SUTHERLAND, builder, aged 50 years.DEATH
Aug 5: Mr. Henry BREST, aged 62 years.
Wednesday 11 August 1830
DIED on Sunday 1 August, Mr. William STRINGER of Cape Town, aged 33 years and six months.Cape Town 5 August 1830.
In the English Church Cape Town Saturday Aug 7 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Rice Jones JONES Esq baptised Fanny Trussillia.
Cape Town, Sunday Aug 1 1830 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
A son of James NISBET Esq baptised Henry Alexander.
Aug 5: Mrs. Jane Rebekak STIDWORTHY, wife of Mr. Joseph STIDWORTHY, aged 31 years and 11 months.
Aug 5: William TWIST aged 55 years.
Saturday 14 August 1830
DIED on the 29th July, my beloved husband L.P. VAN DER POEL, aged 64 years and 3 month, after an illness of eight days, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to friends and relatives.E.T. VAN DER POEL
NB Circumstances have prevented an earlier announcement of this notice.
Wednesday 18 August 1830
MARRIAGE (by special licence)In the Military Chapel Cape Town Tuesday Aug 17 1830 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
Color-Sergeant William PONTIN of His Majesty’s 55th Regt, to Elizabeth ROBERTS.
In the English Church Cape Town Sun Aug 15 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William Mills EDYE baptised Mary.
At the Royal Observatory Chapel near Cape Town Sun Aug 15 by the Rev F. Fallows AM, Astronomer Royal:
A slave boy baptised William August.
Aug 12: A daughter of Mr. John Mitchell BROWN, named Mary Ann Mitchell, aged 5 years and 7 months.
Aug 13: Mr. William WARBURTON, aged 43 years and 8 months.
Aug 14: Mrs. Amy CAPON, wife of Mr. Samuel CAPON, aged 55 years.
DIED on the 14th instant after a long and painful illness, which she bore with the greatest patience and resignation, Amy, the wife of Mr. Samuel CAPON of Market-square, in her 55th year. She was highly respected by all who knew her and sincerely regretted by her affectionate husband and friends.
Saturday 21 August 1830
DIED at Cape Town on the morning of Wednesday 18th August 1830, Isabella Sarah, the wife of Simon FRASER Esq of the Bengal Civil Service, deeply regretted. The remains of this lady were followed to the grave by a numerous assemblage of friends and relations from India.MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the Military Chapel Cape Town Tuesday Aug 17 1830 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
Thomas BARTLETT, private HM 55th Regt, to Magdalena Christina SCHELDER
CHRISTENING by ditto on the same day:
A daughter of Thomas BARTLETT, HM 55th Regt, baptised Elizabeth.
In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday Aug 18 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of the late Joseph TRUEMAN Esq baptised Joseph John
Aug 18: Mrs. FRASER, wife of Lunan [sic] FRASER Esq of the Bengal Civil Service, aged 23 years.
Wednesday 25 August 1830
DIED on the 21st August 1830, my beloved wife Johanna Frederica RORICH, born KRAFT, aged 29 years 3 months and 26 days, leaving me with 3 children to deplore her loss.Wynberg 21st August 1830
DIED. Notice to Relations, Friends and the Brethren of the various Freemasons’ Lodges, that my dear husband Captain George SMITH died [rest of image cut off]
In the English Church Cape Town Monday Aug 23 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Alexander BAYART to Mrs. Sarah Ann McKELLAR, widow.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Aug 22 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Thomas SMITH baptised Mary Ann
Aug 22: A daughter of Lulan, native of Madagascar, named Catherine, aged 10 weeks.
Aug 23: An infant daughter of Mr. G. HERBERT, aged 1 month.
Saturday 28 August 1830
MARRIAGE (by special licence)In the Military Chapel Cape Town Thursday Aug 26 by the Rev B.C.Goodisom AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
Lieut. McKenzie WILSON, Acting Adjutant of HM 55th Regt, to Miss Maria LUMLEY.
In ditto by ditto on Sunday Aug 22:
A son of Private James WYBER of HM 55th Regt, baptised Robert.
At Wynberg on ditto by ditto:
A son of James CAREY Esq, Commissioner of Stamps, baptised James Gaspard le Marchant.
A daughter of Peter Francis RODE baptised Classina Hendrina.
Aug 23: William Maltwood APSEY, an orphan, aged 6 years and 5 months.
An infant daughter of Capt. G. HERBERT aged 1 month.
Wednesday 1 September 1830
DIED at Simon’s Town on the 25th August 1830, the Rev George William Millar STURT AB, late Colonial Chaplain of that place.CHRISTENINGS
On Thursday Aug 26 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces
A son of Corporal William NEW of HM 55th Regt, baptised Edmund.
On Monday 30th by ditto:
A daughter of Private Alexander CARDWELL, of ditto, baptised Anne.
A son of Corporal William EVERETT, of ditto, baptised William.
A son of Private Michael VOIL, of ditto, baptised Michael.
A son of Private John NEWBOLD, of ditto, baptised Robert.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday Aug 29 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A son of James ABERCROMBIE Esq baptised James.
A daughter of Charles S. PILLANS Esq baptised Camilla Kendreah.
Aug 29: A daughter of Mr. Matthew ADAMS, named Eliza Jane, aged 1 year and 11 months.
Saturday 4 September 1830
DIED at Port Frances on the 18th August 1830, Arabella BROOME, wife of John Centlivres CHASE Esq, after a short and painful illness, aged 30 years, leaving a husband and four infant children to deplore their loss.Wednesday 8 September 1830
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday Sep 5 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. T. MORRIS baptised Elizabeth Sarah.
A son of Mr. John ECKLEY baptised George Henry.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday Sep 5 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A son of W. SOMERFIELD baptised William.
A daughter of Mr, G. TAIT baptised Alison.
A son of ditto baptised Thomas.
Saturday 11 September 1830
Catherine COCKRAN, aged 3 years.
Jacobus DE WAAL, aged 38 years and 3 months.
Wednesday 15 September 1830
BIRTH on the 12th September 1830, the lady of Daniel J. CLOETE Esq of a daughter.BIRTH on the morning of the 14th inst, Mrs. HOLL of No.24 St.George’s-street of a daughter.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Monday Sep 13 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
Mr. Edward MOORE to Naomie SIBBALD.
Serjeant Samuel CHANNAN to Widow Elizabeth BRANKIN.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Sep 12 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Henry Green DUNSTERVILLE baptised Henry Edward George.
Saturday 18 September 1830
DIED at Graaff Reinet on the 29th August last, Susanna Francina, infant daughter of Anthony BERRANGE Esq, Clerk of the Peace.Wednesday 22 September 1830
DIED on Monday morning the 20th Sept, our beloved only daughter Wilhelmina Margaret, at the tender age of 3 years.W. RAUCH
James ERITH, who came to this Colony in the year 1820, as a British Settler, unfortunately in the early period of the Settlement met with very heavy losses of Property, which, owing to a variety of causes, it is well known have not yet been adjusted: this delay has plunged him into difficulties beyond the power of his control; his Wife is now in Europe, with a view to obtain a settlement of his Claims; he himself has been for a considerable time in a very weakly state of health, and having a family of Four Female Children, wholly depending on him for their support, ventures to solicit the sympathy and assistance of a Benevolent Public in order to enable him to liquidate a few debts which he has unavoidably contracted, and to complete his arrangements for carrying on his business as a Baker.
The smallest Donation will be gratefully received by himself, and the Children on whose account he ventures to intrude his embarrassed and unfortunate circumstances before the Public.
His Excellency the Governor5L
Lady Frances COLE2L
Lady Catherine BELL1L 10s
Lady Mary FITZROY10s
Miss COZENS10s
Anonymous7s 6d
Rev.H.G.P.COOKE7s 6d
Capt. DARING7s 6d
J.A. TRUTER7s 6d
P.G. BRINK7s 6d
Major ROGERS10s
&c &c
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Sep 19 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Andrew STEEDMAN baptised Emma Percy.
A daughter of Mr. Frederick David WALDEK baptised Sarah Eliza.
A daughter of Mr. John Mitchell BROWN baptised Mary Ann Mitchell.
In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday Sep 19 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
A daughter of John McARTHUR, Private of 72nd Highlanders, baptised Margaret.
Sept 15 1830: Mr. William FOX of London, aged 16 years,
Saturday 25 September 1830
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Wynberg Sunday Sept 12 1830 by the Rev.B.C.Goodison AM, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Andries BACK baptised Johanna Helena.
At the Hope, Bathurst on Tuesday Aug 31 1830 by G.S.Porter MA, acting for the Chaplain:
A son of John James Centlivres and Arabella Broome CHASE baptised Henry Nuthall Centlivres.
A son of ditto baptised Frederick Augustus Centlivres.
A daughter of ditto baptised Maria Anna Centlivres.
A daughter of ditto baptised Arabella Helen Centlivres.
In the English Church Port Elizabeth on Sunday Aug 8 1830 by the Rev F. NcCleland AB Chaplain:
A daughter of William BARKLEY baptised Emily Anna.
An adult woman of color baptised Mary Ann.
On Sunday Aug 15 by ditto:
A son of Thomas William STEVENS baptised John Buckingham.
A son of Jonathan BROOKS baptised William James.
On Sunday Aug 22 by ditto:
A daughter of William WHITE baptised Elizabeth Ann.
A daughter of John SCANLEN baptised Hannah.
On Aug 29 by ditto:
A son of Gert Petrus BEZUYDENHOUT baptised Petrus Matheus.
On Sunday Sep 5 by ditto:
A daughter of Gert BOTHA baptised Emerentia Aletta Catharina.
On Tuesday Sep 7 by ditto:
A son of John SCANLEN baptised William Francis.
Wednesday 29 September 1830
BIRTH on Saturday last, the lady of J.M. HORAK Esq of a son.Birth on the 18th instant on board the Margaret, off Cape Point, the wife of Mr. W. TANNER of a son.
In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Sep 26 1830 by the Rev Georhe Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Richard Labrun ATTWELL baptised Emma Mary Ann.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday Sep 26 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A son of James HUTTON Esq baptised James Frederick.
A son of Serjeant Donald DAVIDSON HM 75th Regt, baptised William.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas REID baptised Elizabeth.
Sept 23: James JENKINS, boatman, aged 36 years.
Sept 24: Henry HILDYARD, steward of the ship Lonach, aged 30 years.
Sept 27: A daughter of Mr. Laurence ARMSTRONG, named Mary, aged 2 years 9 months and 20 days.
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