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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1830 - 2 - April to June

Saturday 3 April 1830

DIED on Friday 2nd instant after a long and painful illness, Joseph TRUEMAN Esq, aged 25 years.

At Mannenberg on the Cape Downs Sunday March 28 1830 by the Rev Mr Snowdall:
A daughter of Mr. Hermanus DEMPERS baptised Gertruyda Wilhelmina.
A son of Mr. Paul M. BESTER baptised Christiaan Jacob.
In St.Georges Church Graham’s Town on Sunday March 14 1830 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA Chaplain:
A daughter of James and Ann FEWEL baptised Elizabeth.
A daughter of Willem CHADWICH baptised Olive Hester.

Feb 21: Frederick Edward Welsford CHABAUD, aged 10 months and 17 days.
Feb 28: Charlotte JACOBS, aged 32 years.
March 2: James Mc PHAIL, aged 35 years 8 months and 7 days.
March 14: John O’CONNOR, aged 25 years.

Wednesday 7 April 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday April 4 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thomas SINCLAIR baptised Thomas Kennet.
A daughter of Mr. John Albert SINCLAIR baptised Anna Christina.
A daughter of Mr. John ANSON baptised Hannah.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday April 4 1829 [sic] by the Rev B.C. Goodison AM Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Retief and Esther, natives of the Cape, baptised Margaret Seller.
A daughter of Willemse and Eva, natives of ditto, baptised Christina Margaret.
A daughter of Cornelius and Esther SASSMAN, of ditto, baptised Esther Christina.
A daughter of the same baptised Martha Esther.
A son of the same baptised Peter Robert Henry.
A son of Mackey and Jane, natives of Mozambique, baptised Abraham Mackay.

April 1: Mrs. Mary ADAMS, wife of Mr. James ADAMS, aged 65 years 7 months and 16 days.
April 1: John GEASY, a pensioner, late of 38th Regt, aged 53 years.
April 1: Mrs. Elizabeth THOMSON, wife of Mr. Robert THOMSON, aged 38 years.
April 2: Joseph TRUEMAN Esq, aged 25 years and 6 months.
April 2: Mrs. Emma Warren CORBITT, wife of Mr. William CORBITT, aged 34 years.

Saturday 10 April 1830

DIED on the 4th instant to the great sorrow of myself and my six children, my dearly beloved wife Margaretha Gertruyda STEYTLER, aged 43 years. If virtue and practical religion on earth are rewarded in eternity I may justly hope that her end is peace and blessedness. Convinced of the sympathy of my friends, I readily excuse their visits of condolence.
Cape of Good Hope, 6th April 1830

In the Military Church on Sunday April 4 by the Rev B.C. Goodison AM Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Asst.Surgeon ARMSTRONG, 96th Regt, baptised Mary Ann.
Monday April 5 by ditto:
A daughter of Color-Sergeant G. BLAKE, 98th Regt, baptised Martha.
In St.Andrew’s Church Cape Town Sunday March 21 1830 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
A daughter of Mr. R. MORGAN baptised Henrietta.
Sunday April 4 by ditto:
A daughter of Sergeant William JOHNSON, 72nd Highlanders, baptised Wilhelmina.
A daughter of Mr. P. McDOUGAL baptised Frances Maria.

April 6: R. BIRD, a pensioner 30th Regt, aged 50 years.

DIED at Port Elizabeth, Algoa Bay, on the 28th ult, Mr. Alexander ROBERTSON, a native of Roxborough, Scotland.

Wednesday 14 April 1830

BIRTH at Cape Town on the 2nd April, Mrs. George MARSH of a son.
BIRTH at Cape Town on the 11th instant, Mrs.Dr.MURRAY of a daughter.
BIRTH on Monday 12th inst, Mrs. Henry SHERMAN of a son.
BIRTH at Stellenbosch on the 10th instant, Mrs. DICKINSON of a daughter.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday April 12 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Thomas INGLESBY to Mrs. Jane WILSON, widow.

In the English Church Cape Town Friday April 9 by the Rev.H.G.P.Cooke:
A daughter of Mr. Francis Russell BRETT baptised Mary Catherine.

April 11: A son of Mr. Joseph STURGIS, named Joseph William, aged 6 months and 24 days.

Saturday 17 April 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday April 14 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William DUCKITT baptised Esther Ann.

April 12: Mr. Elias SHERMAN aged 58 years.
April 12: Mr. William BENSON aged 43 years.

Wednesday 21 April 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday April 18 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thomas HAYLETT baptised Abraham Thomas.

April 15: Mrs. Clara Charlotte KINGHAM, wife of Mr. William KINGHAM, aged 50 years.
April 16: Mr. Thomas GODFREY, aged 38 years.

Saturday 24 April 1830

DIED on Thursday morning the 22nd inst, Louisa Charlotte, daughter of Mr. Edward NORTON, aged eleven months & six days.

In St.Andrew’s Church Cape Town Thursday April 15 by the Rev. J. Adamson DD:
George ROBB Esq of the ship Leda to Miss Johanna Justina VAN NIEKERK.

By Special Licence at Leuwen Rust Garden on Monday April 19 by the Rev A Faure:
Major William Donald ROBERTSON of the Bombay Army to Maria, relict of the late Lieut. HALL of the same Presidency.

In the Military Chapel Cape Town on Thursday April 22 by the Rev F. Fallows AM, Astronomer Royal:
A daughter of the Rev B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain of the Forces, baptised Eleanor Anne.
In the English Chapel Port Elizabeth Sunday March 21 by the Rev J.McCleland AB Chaplain:
A son of David Jacobus ENGELA baptised David Johan.
At Uitenhage on Wednesday 24th March by ditto:
A son of William Walter HARDING Esq baptised George Henry

April 20: Mrs. Sophia Louisa Bestly WHITCOMB, wife of Charles WHITCOMB Esq, aged 31 years 3 months and 1 day.

Wednesday 28 April 1830

In the English Church Saturday April 24 1830 by the Rev B.C. Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Mr. William Rousseau OSMOND baptised John.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday April 25 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Peter HUNTER baptised Peter James.

April 22: A daughter of Mr. Edward NORTON, named Louisa Charlotte, aged 11 months and 6 days.

Saturday 1 May 1830

BIRTH on the 30th April the lady of Mr. Justice KEKWICH of a son.

DIED at the place of the undersigned, Muizenberg, on the 23rd instant, Mrs. Johanna Frederica BOPPE, aged 38 years 8 months and 3 days, with her infant son, deeply lamented by her family and friends.

DIED on the 27th instant, Aletta Maria, youngest daughter of Mr. L. HERMAN.
Cape Town, 29th April 1830.

DIED in Cape Town on the 27th April, Mr. Joseph HODGSON, aged 34 years.

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town on Friday April 2 1830 by the Rev.W. Carlisle MA Chaplain:
William Thomas PHILIPSON to Jacoba FEREIRA.

In ditto at Graham’s Town by ditto, Friday March 25 1830:
A son of Johanus Martinus DEBEST baptised Jacobus.
On Sunday April 11 by ditto:
A son of Christopher ADCOCK baptised John Henry.
A daughter of William FEATHERN baptised Mary Ann.

April 22: Mr. Joseph HODGSON, aged 34 years.

Wednesday 5 May 1830

In the Military Chapel on Saturday 17th ult by the Rev B.C. Goodison AM Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Major VAUGHAN of HM 98th Regt baptised John Crossby.
On Sunday 25th ult by ditto:
A son of Color Serjeant James RAMSEY of HM 98th Regt baptised George Hamilton.
On Thursday 29th ult by ditto:
A daughter of Henry PENNEL Esq baptised Mary Margaret.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday 2nd instant by the Rev B.C. Goodison AM Artillery Chaplain:
A son of Robert TAYLOR baptised Robert Julian.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday May 2 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. William HAYWARD baptised William.

April 30: Fatima WILLIAMS, wife of Benjamin WILLIAMS, aged 32 years.

Saturday 8 May 1830

FOR SALE, the following perfumery &c of the best quality at low prices:-
Brown and white Windsor Soap, Bloom ditto, Shaving Cakes, Razor Strops, Naples Soap, Bears’ Grease, ditto Marrow, Rowland’s Macassar Oil, Smelling Salts, Lavender Water, Otto of Roses, Rose Water, Bergamotte, Spirits of Vinegar, Prepared Charcoal, Athenian Dentifrice, Dressing Combs, Pocket and small-tooth ditto; hair, nail, clothes, tooth, hat, comb and flesh Brushes &c &c

DIED on Wednesday morning the 5th instant, an infant son of Mr. J.H. TREDGOLD, named John Mendham, aged six months and eleven days.
Cape Town, May 7th 1830.

May 5: A son of Mr. John Harfield TREDGOLD,m named John Mendham, aged 6 months and 11 days.

Wednesday 12 May 1830

DIED this day at half past eleven o’clock, after five days’ illness, my beloved husband Paul ROUX, aged 81 years and 10 months, after a happy marriage of 56 years and 9 months, of which I hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Stellenbosch, 7th May 1830

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Chapel Cape Town Tuesday May 11 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George Francis WILLMOT to Miss Emmerentia Johanna TROUVE.

On Sunday May 9 by ditto:
A son of Mr. Henry SHERMAN baptised Henry Joseph
A son of Mr. W.M. BARBER baptised Walter

Wednesday 19 May 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday May 16 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Geo. MARSH Esq baptised William Wheeler.
A daughter of Mr. B. BOND baptised Emma.
A daughter of Mr. James COUSIN baptised Elizabeth Frances.
On Monday May 17 by ditto:
A daughter of Major Charles Cornwallis MICHELL, Surveyor General, Civil Architect & Superintendent of Works, baptised Anne.

May 12: Mr. Joseph LANGLEY aged 38 years.
May 13: Richard HEURTLEY Esq MD, aged 60 years.
May 13: A son of Mr. R. BAKER, named William Henry, aged 9 months.
May 16: Michael COHAN, 54 years.
May 17: A son of Peter HUNTER, named James, aged 2 months and 10 days.

Saturday 22 May 1830

In the Military Chapel Cape Town Saturday May 15 1830 by the Rev.B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of John MURRAY Esq MD, Surgeon to the Forces and Principal Medical Officer, baptised Eliza.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday May 16 1830 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM Acting Chaplain:
An adult female, native of the Cape, baptised Elizabeth Charlotte.
In the English Church Port Elizabeth Sunday May 2 1830 by the Rev J. McCleland AB Chaplain:
A son of Mr. T. COLLING Sen baptised William.
A daughter of Mr. T. COLLING Jun baptised Mary Anne.
A daughter of the late James McPHAIL baptised Matilda Anne.
A daughter of Johannes Jacobus VAN LOGGERENBERG baptised Hannah Elizabeth.
In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Sunday April 24 1830 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA Chaplain:
A son of Donald MOODIE Esq baptised Donald Hugh menzies.
On Sunday May 2 by ditto:
A daughter of Antonius LOMBARD baptised Sarah Johanna.
A daughter of Stephanus BEEKKER baptised Susannah Maria.
A son of Cornelius DE LONGA baptised John George.
A son of Johannes Christoffel STEIN baptised Johannes Christoffel.
A son of Antony COX baptised Joseph.

May 17: Mrs.B.M.ROEDELOFF, widow of the late Mr.C.W.LANGERMAN, aged 35 years.

April 14: Amy CLARKE, aged 9 moths and 13 days.
April 17: William Christopher DIESEL, aged 1 year 11 months and 2 weeks.
April 21: Mary Ann BILSON, 1 year 6 months and 6 days.

Wednesday 26 May 1830

DIED on the 22nd inst at half past two o’clock pm, aged 66 years 6 months and 11 days, A. RICHERT Sen Esq, after a residence in this Colony of upwards of 27 years, during which time he has filled different important situations, esteemed and regretted by a numerous circle of friends, and deeply lamented by his children and grandchildren. The deceased was born in the Royal Prussian Capital Berlin.
Cape Town, 26th May.

DIED at the Paarl on Monday morning, the 20th inst, Mrs. Susannah HEUGH, widow, aged 70 years and 7 months.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday May 24 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Thomas SMALL to Rosina McMANUS.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday May 23 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Benjamin POWELL baptised George

May 19: A daughter of Mr. Richard LAMONT, named Margaret Howard, aged 5 years.
May 23: Joseph LOMAS, aged 40 years.

Saturday 29 May 1830

DIED at Graham’s Town on the 12th May 1830 at 12 o’clock at night, my beloved husband Heinrich Bernhard WIENAND, aged 51 years 11 months and 21 days, notice of which is hereby given to relatives and friends.
(Signed) C.J.R. WIENAND

DIED at Uitenhage on the 18th inst, Mr. Hendrikus LANGENBACH, a native of Utrecht in Holland, aged 30 years and 7 months, leaving behind an unfortunate widow and four little children in distressed circumstances.

Wednesday 2 June 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Saturday May 29 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. H.A. PAINE to Maria Petronella Francina PFEIFFER
On Monday May 31 by ditto:
Mr. J. HALLIER, widower, to Elizabeth CROWCHER.
On Tuesday June 1 by ditto:
Mr. W.A. DALY to Miss Ann Catherine LAMONT.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday May 30 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of the Rev Charles WIMBERLEY, H.C. Chaplain Bengal Establishment, baptised Charles Irvine.
A son of William Tulloh ROBERTSON Esq, Bengal Civil Service, baptised Fitzwilliam Lascelles.
A daughter of Mr. George Macnamara BRUNETT baptised Ann Elizabeth.
A son of Mr. Richard WILSON baptised Stephen.
A son of Mr. Thomas SMITH baptised Thomas James.

May 26: James BROWN, pensioner, aged 45 years.
May 28: A daughter of the late Mr. Charles HUGHES, named Lucretia Mary, aged 12 years and 8 months.
May 29: Mrs. Mary HUNTER, wife of Mr.T. HUNTER, aged 21 years and 10 months.

Saturday 5 June 1830

DIED on the 30th May last, Mrs. Johanna Catharina HEINKES, aged 46 years and 2 months, much regretted by her afflicted husband and children.
Siegfr. FRAENKEL Jun
Cape Town 3rd June 1830

Wednesday 9 June 1830

DIED on Friday the 28th May 1830 in the Garden Rheezigt, Mrs. Elizabeth Petronella EELDERS, widow of the late Arend Jossas VAN BREDA Sen Esq, aged 63 years and 1 month, much regretted by her children.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday June 7 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
On Tuesday June 8 by ditto:
The Rev. Mr. William WRIGHT MA, Chaplain at Bathurst, to Miss Adelaide Elizabeth FORD.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday June 6 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Henry HEWITT baptised Mary Gray.
A daughter of Etienne DE LORME baptised Margaret Eleanor.
In St.Andrew’s Church Cape Town Sunday May 20 1830 by the Rev. J. Adamson DD:
A son of Corporal BESS, 72nd Highlanders, baptised Robert.
On Sunday June 6 by ditto:
A daughter of Private Hector NICHOLSON, of ditto, baptised Mary.

Wednesday 16 June 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Monday June 14 by the Rev. George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Thomas ANSDELL Esq to Miss Sophia Alida DE WET.
On Tuesday June 15 by ditto:
Mr. John FELL, widower, to Mrs, Catherine MURDOCH, widow.

In the English Church Cape Town Saturday June 12 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Justice KEKEWICH baptised Robert Burton.
On Sunday June 13 by ditto:
A son of the late Mr. Robert WHITEHEAD baptised Robert William.
A son of Mr. Richard VIPPOND baptised William Arthur.

Saturday 19 June 1830

MARRIED at the Paarl on the 14th instant, W. HERMAN Esq to Miss Hester Anna, eldest daughter of W.T. LOUW Esq of Simon’s Valley.

In the English Church Port Elizabeth Sunday May 9 1830 by the Rev.J. McCleland AB Chaplain:
A daughter of Assistant Surgeon Alexander Braithwaite MORGAN of HM 55th Regt, baptised Charlotte Elizabeth.
On Sunday May 30 by ditto:
A son of William Roxby HILTON baptised William Jones Ford.
A son of ditto baptised Henry Roxby.

Wednesday 23 June 1830

In the Private Chapel of the Royal Observatory, Monday June 21, by the Rev.George Hough Senior Colonial Chaplain:
George THOMPSON Esq to Miss Johanna Maria Dirkina DE NEYS.

Saturday 26 June 1830

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday June 22 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
The Rev. Edward JUDGE MA, Professor of English and Classical Literature in the South African College, to Miss Charlotte WHEATLEY.

Wednesday 30 June 1830

BIRTH on Thursday 24th instant, Mrs. ABERCROMBIE of a son.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday June 28 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Peter Franciscus ROODE to Johanna Ciassina PIETERSEN

In the English Church Cape Town Saturday June 28 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Frederic DICKINSON Esq, Clerk of the Peace of the Stellenbosch District, baptised Esther Maria.
In St.Andrew’s Church Cape Town Sunday June 27 1830 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. John McLACHLAN baptised John William.

June 24: Edward PAINTER aged 57 years.
June 25: A son of Mr. William SMITH, named Thomas Bochardus, aged 13 months and 19 days.

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