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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1830 - 4 - October to December

Saturday 2 October 1830

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town on Sun Sep 19 1830 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA, Chaplain:
A daughter of John HILL baptised Sarah Agnes.
A son of Joseph STEVENS baptised James.
On Friday Sep 24 by ditto:
A son of Willem VAN DER MARVEL baptised Willem Jan Isaac.

Sept 16: A son of James ABERCROMBIE Esq, named Henry Poleman, aged 3 years and 9 months.
Sept 17: William Alexander GORDON, aged 8 days.

Wednesday 6 October 1830

BIRTH at Sans Souci on 2nd October, the lady of the Hon.Mr. Justice MENZIES of a daughter.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday 3 October by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of John ART, signal man on the Lion’s Rump, baptised William Frederick Alexander.
An emancipated slave child baptised William Martin.
One ditto baptised John
At Wynberg on Sunday Oct 3 by the Rev B.C.Goodison MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Johannes GODLEP and Sphia NAGREDY baptised Sarah.
Same day, a son of Maynler Fredrica, free Native of the Colony, baptised Henry.

Sept 30: William HAY, pensioner from HM 72nd Highlanders, aged 48 years.
Oct 1: William Boyd KERR Esq, aged 29 years.
Same day, William STEPHENSON, aged 31 years.

Saturday 9 October 1830

In the English Church on Thursday October 7 1830 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
Mr. R.M. SATCHWELL of the Ordinance Department to Miss E.M. BLANKENBERG

Wednesday 13 October 1830

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday 10th October by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Nathaniel LOCK baptised Sarah Ann Matilda.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday 10th instant by the Rev.J.Adamson DD:
A son of Garrison Serjeant David MADKAY [sic, should be MACKAY], named William.

Saturday 16 October 1830

On Sat 9th inst by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Lieut. Francis SHEARMAN of the Royal Staff Corps, baptised Frances Mary.
In the Military Chapel on Sunday the 10th inst by the Rev H.P. Cooke:
A daughter of Private James HARDIE of HM 72nd Regiment, baptised Margaret.

Wednesday 20 October 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Monday October 18 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
James BRADING to Ann KING.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday October 7 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thomas KING baptised William Edward.
A daughter of Mr. Edward HOLL baptised Jane Susanna Foulger.

Oct 16: A son of Mr. John JEARY, named John, aged 12 days.
Oct 16: A daughter of Mr. Philip John GOUGAIN, named Jane Sarah, aged 5 years and 9 months.

Saturday 23 October 1830

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Monday Sept 27 1830 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA, Chaplain:
Mr. Charles SLATER to Miss Sarah BOLD.
On Thursday Oct 7 by ditto:
Barend Christian GREYLING to Johanna Maria DELPORT.
On Monday Oct 11 by ditto:
Frederick HAWKES to Sarah KERWIN.

In ditto at ditto Sunday Sept 19 by ditto:
A son of Lieut. HOPE, Royal Engineers, baptised Charles William Elphinstone.
At Bathurst, Sunday Oct 3 by the Rev G.S. Porter MA, acting for the Chaplain:
A son of David RUDD baptised David.
A son of James WHEELER baptised James.
A son of William INGRAM baptised William Jonathan.
A son of ditto baptised James Daniel.
A son of ditto baptised Nathaniel.
A daughter of Elisha PAIN baptised Ann.
A daughter of ditto baptised Rhoda.
A daughter of ditto baptised Jane.

Oct 16: A daughter of Lieut.Col. Richard ENGLAND, HM 75th Regt, named Anna Maria, aged 5 months.
Oct 19: A daughter of John ART, named Mary Jane, aged 1 year 4 months and 22 days.
Oct 20: A son of ditto, named John James, aged 3 years 2 months and 11 days.

Wednesday 27 October 1830

In the English Church Simon’s Town Sunday October 17 1830 by the Rev Chas. WIMBERLEY, Colonial Chaplain:
A son of William TANNER Esq baptised William Afric.
On Sunday October 24 1830 by ditto:
A son of Mr. William ANDERSON baptised Henry Maynard.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Oct 24 1880 [sic] by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Ewan CHRISTIAN Esq baptised George Bellamy.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas GRIMES baptised Emma Ann.
A son of Mr. John SADLER baptised John William.
A daughter of John JOLLIFFE, a native of Delagoa Bay, baptised Charlotte.

Oct 21: Jesse Daniel WILLIAMS, aged 36 years.

Wednesday 3 November 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday October 31 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Robert SHEARER baptised Jeannet Ferries.
In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday Oct 30 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A daughter of John HOLMES, 75th Regt, named Elizabeth East.
A son of Thomas ROSS, 75th Regt, named Alexander.
On Monday Oct 31 1830 by ditto:
A son of Mr. James McGREGOR, passenger in the ‘Drumore’, named John Gibson.

Saturday 6 November 1830

MARRIED at Stellenbosch by the Rev M. Borcherds, the Rev.J.S.S.BALLOT, Minister of George, to Miss C.E. KICHERER, daughter of the late Rev. J.J. KICHERER.
Stellenbosch Oct 20 1830

In the Military Chapel Sunday Oct 31 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Corporal Charles LAUDER of HM 75th Regt, baptised Charles.

Wednesday 10 November 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Monday November 8 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. David STUBBS to Louisa Sarah REISSER.

In St.Andrew’s Church Sun Nov 9 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A daughter of Mr. Robert THOMPSON named Maria Janet.

Nov 3: Peter WALKER aged 50 years.
Nov 7: An infant son of Mr. Thomas CATTELL, named John, aged 2 days.

Saturday 13 November 1830

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Wednesday Oct 20 1830 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA, Chaplain:
John BYRNES to Elizabeth McGEAR

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Sunday Oct 17 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA, Chaplain:
A son of Willem VAN DER MARVEL baptised Willem John Isaac.
On Sunday Oct 24 by ditto:
A son of Barend Stephanus VAN DER LINDEN baptised Hendrick.
A son of Johannes STADEN baptised barend Stephanus.
On Sunday Oct 31 by ditto:
A daughter of Michael RORKE baptised Mary Ann.
A daughter of William PIPIN baptised Elizabeth.

Wednesday 17 November 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Monday November 15 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Thomas MASKEW to Miss Susannah Wilhelmina BERNING.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Nov 14 by the Rev Archdeacon SCOTT MA:
A daughter of Mr. John ROSE baptised Ellen Ann.

Nov 11: Mary MECEY, widow of the late Walter MECEY, aged 50 years and 25 days.
Nov 13: A daughter of Mr. Philip John GAUGAIN, named Susan Frances, aged 2 years 7 months and 24 days.

Saturday 20 November 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Thursday November 16 [sic] 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain: (by special licence)
Horatio Nelson NOBLE Esq, Captain of the 40th Regt of Madras Native Infantry, widower, to Miss Henrietta Moulton MOULTON

In the Military Chapel Cape Town Monday Nov 8 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Betsy CARAG, native of Cape Town, baptised Robert.
On Sunday Nov 14 by ditto:
A son of Private Henry KEYS of the 75th Regt baptised Thomas.
In the English Church Wynberg Saturday Nov 13 1830 by the Rev B.C.Goodison AM, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Joseph HARE Esq baptised Augustus Francis.
In the Wesleyan Chapel Cape Town Sunday Nov 14 by the Rev J. Cameron:
A son of the Rev B. SHAW baptised Daniel Isaac.
An adult free person, native of Delagoa, baptised William Threlfall.

Nov 16: A son of Mr. Henry Green DUNSTERVILLE named Henry Edward George, aged 4 months and 27 days.

Wednesday 24 November 1830

BIRTH at Cape Town on the 20th inst, the lady pf Captain STOCKENSTROM of a son and still born daughter.

BIRTH at No.15 Strand-street on Sunday the 21st instant, the lady of John CARTER Esq, surgeon, of a son.

MARRIED on the 23rd instant by the Rev.George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Thomas, second son of Chas. E. NIGHTINGALE Bart, Kneeesworth Hall Cambridgeshire, to Hanna Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late G.H. PARRY Esq, Barrister at Law.

MARRIED by special licence on Tuesday 23rd November 1830 in the English Church Cape Town by the Rev.Dr. OKES, S.SMART Esq, late King’s Advocate of the Colony of Sierra Leone, to Mary Ann, second daughter of the Rev.Dr.OKES.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday November 22 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Joseph STIDWORTHY, widower, to Letitia JANDRELL.
Mr. Thomas NIGHTINGALE to Miss Hannah Elizabeth PARRY.
On Tuesday November 23 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, acting for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
(by special licence)
Samuel SMART Esq to Miss Mary Ann OKES.

In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday Nov 21 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. Henry McDONOUGH named Charles Henry.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Nov 21 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of James MILNE baptised William Peter.

Nov 19: A daughter of Mr. John SADLER, named Sarah, aged 2 years 11 months and 14 days.

Saturday 27 November 1830

BIRTH on Tuesday evening the 22nd inst, the wife of Dr. VAN HORSTOK of a daughter.

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 18th instant, the lady of Lt. WILLIAMS of the Royal Engineers of a daughter.

CHRISTENED at Caledon by the Rev J. Cassie on Sunday 7th Nov, a daughter of mr. Johan ANDERSON, named Anna Susanna Petronella.

On Thursday Nov 25 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, acting for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
(by special licence)
Mr. John ROSS to Mrs. Maria Johanna HODGSON, widow.

In the Military Chapel Cape Town Sunday Nov 21 by the Rev.B.C. Goodison AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Corporal Elisha SWAN, Royal Artillery, baptised Martha.

Wednesday 1 December 1830

Mr. LOGIER begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he will at the commencement of this month devote part of his leisure time to give instructions on the harp.

MARRIED at Stellenbosch by Special Licence on Saturday the 27th instant by the Rev.B.C. Goodison AM, Acting Chaplain at Wynberg, William Macdonald MACKAY Esq, Civil Commissioner of the Cape District, to Miss Maria Josina Johanna, only daughter of Daniel Johannes VAN RYNEVELD Esq, Civil Commissioner of the District of Stellenbosch.

MARRIED on Tuesday the 30th November by the Rev A. Faure VDM, Paul Johannes ROUX Jun Esq to Miss Maria Magdalena STADLER, third daughter of H. STADLER Esq, Church-street, Cape Town.

DIED at Hamburgh on the 6th August last, Mr. Hand Jurgen Jacob WATERMEYER, aged 70 years and 6 months.

DIED yesterday morning at half past two o’clock, aged 63 years 8 months and 17 days, our beloved mother and mother-in-law Johanna Dorothea PITZER, widow of the late A. SCHOONHUISEN, of which we hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Cape Town, Nov 30 1830

DIED on the 26th November, my dearly beloved daughter Catharina Cornelia SANDENBERGH, aged 17 years and 7 days, of which afflicting loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends, requesting to be excused from visits of condolence.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Nov 29 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. William RUTHVEN, widower, to Gertruyda jacoba STERRENBERG
In the English Church Simon’s Town Sunday Nov 21 by the Rev Charles Wimberley, officiating Colonial Chaplain:
Cornelis PIETERSEN to Elizabeth KLEINHANS.
In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town Tuesday Nov 9 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA, Chaplain:
Christian GEYER to Susannah Sophia ELS.
In the English Church Port Elizabeth Monday Sept 20 by the Rev F. McCLELAND AB, Chaplain:
Johnstone Christopher Beach MERAN to Louisa Diana WARNER.
On Monday Oct 4 by ditto:
Robert THOMSON to Ann HILES.
On Monday Oct 25 by ditto:

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Nov 28 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, acting for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Matthew ADAMS baptised Elizabeth.
On Monday Nov 29 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Frederick DUCKITT baptised John.
In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town on Sunday Nov 7 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA, Chaplain:
A son of Robert WATSON baptised William.
A daughter of Henry DIXON baptised Ellen.
A daughter of Hendrick BEZUIDENHOUT baptised Sophia Christiana.
A daughter of Johannes Martinus DELPORT baptised Sophia.
On Sunday Nov 14 by ditto:
A son of John REEVES baptised John.
At Bathurst Sun Oct 17 by the Rev G.S. Porter MA, acting for the Chaplain:
A son of John and Sarah HOLT baptised James Henry Birch.
On Sunday Oct 31 by ditto:
A son of Henry and Hannah WOODLAND baptised William John.
In the English Church Port Elizabeth Sun Oct 10 by the Rev.F. McCleland AB, Chaplain:
A son of Stephanus Johannes HARTMAN baptised Isaac Abraham.
A son of Thomas MITCHELL baptised William Simon Gregorius.
A son of James SELKIRK baptised Andrew.
On Friday Oct 15 by ditto:
A son of the late James THOMAS baptised James Alfred.
On Sunday Oct 17 by ditto:
A daughter of Hougham HUDSON Esq, Resident Magistrate, baptised Sarah Elizabeth.
A daughter of Matthew KENNETT baptised Elizabeth Parsons.
A son of George BUBBS baptised James Edward.
On Sunday Oct 31 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. George UBSDELL, Postmaster, baptised Sarah.
A daughter of George Daniel DIESEL baptised Anna Caroline Margaret Byers.

At Port Elizabeth
Oct 9: Francina, a child of colour, aged about 4 years and 6 months.
In Graham’s Town
Nov 15: William Caleb KAY, aged 7 days.

Saturday 4 December 1830

BIRTH at Rodehek on Wednesday 24th November, the lady of James BANCE Esq of a son.

DIED yesterday, November 30th, aged 19 years and 6 months, Miss Johanna Maria TRUTER, only daughter of her deeply afflicted mother.
Cape Town, Dec 1st 1830

In the English Church Thursday Dec 2:
A daughter of Daniel J. CLOETE Esq baptised Catherine Dorothy.
In the Wesleyan Chapel Simon’s Town Nov 28 by the Rev B. Shaw:
A daughter of Mr. P.G.A. RAVEN baptised Ann Sophia

Wednesday 8 December 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Dec 6 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
George CARSZ to Catherine HOGAN, widow.

In the English Church Cape Town Thursday Dec 2 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Daniel J. CLOETE Esq baptised Catherine Dorothy.
On Sunday Dec 5 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. William COLLINS baptised Mary Ann Gertrude.
In St.Andrew’s Church Dec 5 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. George TURNBULL named George Alexander.

Nov 30: A son of Jessup, native of Madagascar, names Cosette, aged 1 year.

Wednesday 15 December 1830

DIED at Wynberg on the 11th instant, aged 2 months and 12 days, Hendrik Oostwald, son of Mr. Thomas Fredrik DREYER Jun.
Cape Town Dec 14 1830.

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town Saturday Dec 11 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John BRUMFIELD to Mrs. Elizabeth Margaretha DEDIER, widow.

Dec 10: A daughter of Mr. Edward SAUNDERS, named Sarah Eliza, aged 1 year 2 months and 5 days.
Dec 11: Mr. Thomas GOLDSWORTHY, Master of the Brig Resolution, aged 33 years.

Saturday 18 December 1830

DIED on the 9th instant, Mr. Jan Jacob MEINERT, born in Hamburgh, aged 56 years 10 months and 19 days. The community loses in him one of the most active characters. His widow gives notice thereof to friends and relatives in the Colony and abroad.
Cape Town
5 Dec 1830

Wednesday 22 December 1830

DIED on the 16th December at the Residency Saldanha Bay, after a short illness, Miss DE WAAL, aged 32 years.

DIED suddenly on Sunday afternoon the 19th instant (his child having died on the day preceding), Mr. S. PROBART, aged 30 years, leaving a widow and three children to mourn over their painful bereavement.

Dec 14: Mr. David IRVIN, half pay, formerly purser of HMS Heron, aged 40 years.
Dec 17: A daughter of Mr. Edward THOMAS, named Ann Harden, aged 9 days.
Dec 19: Fredrik Anthony, a free person, aged 31 years.

Saturday 25 December 1830

BIRTH on the 7th instant, the lady of Lieut. F.B. FIELDING, 98th, of a son.

DIED at Stellenbosch on the 13th instant aged 16 months and 1 day, Charles Vaughan Caulfield, only son of Charles ROBINSON Esq of the Medical Board of Bengal.

In St.Andrew’s Church
Dec 19: A daughter of A. HUTCHESON, named Margaret Ann.

Wednesday 29 December 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Dec 27 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Henry LEATT, widower, to Mary Jane KROPP.
Mr. James ROSS to Maria Johanna Sophia ZINN.

In the English Church Cape Town Friday Dec 24 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, acting for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John CARTER baptised Rowland Wimburn.
On Sunday Dec 26 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John David FILMALTER baptised John David.
A daughter of Mr. James BROOKE baptised Elizabeth.
A daughter of John BROOKSHAW baptised Jemima

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