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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1830 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 2 January 1830

In the English Church Bathurst on Tuesday Dec 8 1829 by the Rev. W. Wright MA Chaplain:
A son of George PALMER baptised Richard
Sunday Dec 12 by ditto:
A son of Thomas HARTLEY baptised Jeremiah Thomas
At Barville Park Wednesday Dec 23 by ditto:
A Bechuana child baptised Ann April

Dec 28 at Sans Souci, William Hood MENZIES, son of the Honorable Mr. Justice MENZIES, aged 12 months

Wednesday 6 January 1830

Tomorrow Morning Thursday 7th inst
Of a great variety of earthenware just landed from the Pacific. Also some more broad white canvas, sail twine, threads, cutlery, ironmongery, nails, with an assortment of muslin chintzes, crape dresses, crape handkerchiefs, with other goods, for account of the shippers without reserve.

Mr. C. WHITE most respectfully informs his friends and the public that it is his immediate intention to recommence teaching the above instruments as usual. Those who feel desirous of receiving his instruction will please to make an application to Mr. Otto LANDSBERG, No.9 Longmarket-street, where his terms &c may be known. Mr W. begs also to return his sincere thanks for the kind support he has hitherto received in Cape Town; and he assures his friends that he will use every exertion in his power to merit support.

TO LET, for such period as may be agreed upon, a house and garden in St.John-street, occupied for the last 16 months by Major MOLESWOTH
Enquire of Mr. BAMBERGER, 1 Plein-street.

A fire broke out on the 23rd Dec last in the house of Mr. J. SCHABORD, in Church-square in this village, which is supposed to have arisen from a crevice in the kitchen chimney: owing to the strength of the wind, the exertions made to save the premises were almost ineffectual; the house and an outbuilding were destroyed, with a valuable horse, which in the confusion was forgotten. From the rapidity of the flames, the want of a speedy supply of water, and the defective state of the engines, the upper part of the adjoining house of the Misses VAN BERGEN was also destroyed; but the building being furnished with a “Brandzolder”, the lower part escaped injury. Mr. VAN DER POEL’s premises suffered partial injury. The los of the parties is estimated at about 4,000 Rds; and it is difficult to say to what extent the mischief might have reached had the wind been in a south east quarter.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Jan 3 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Francis COLLISON Esq baptised Elizabeth.
A daughter of Mr. David Sunly SAPSFORD baptised Johanna Maria.
A daughter of Thomas MATHIAS baptised Catharine.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday Jan 3 1830 by the Rev B.C.Goodison MA, Acting Chaplain:
A female adult, native of the Cape, baptised Clarissa.
A female slave child, daughter of Sansprendre of Mozambique, baptised Rosanna.
A ditto ditto baptised Louisa.

Wednesday 13 January 1830

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Jan 10 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Hans HANSEN baptised George Thomas.

Saturday 16 January 1830

Christopher Joseph CATO, late a Constable at Graham’s Town, dark complexion, and speaks very quick, having deserted his Wife and Family ever since February last, and left them in great distress, this is to request any person who can give any information of him to the distressed Wife will address Mrs. CATO, Graham’s Town.
The last time he was seen was at Lange Kloof.

DIED on the 31st December 1829, Mrs. John MONTEATH, aged 24 years 1 month and 9 days, of which notice is hereby given to Relations and Friends.
J. ABERCROMBIE } Executors

In the English Church Bathurst on Friday Dec 25 1829 by the Rev. W Wright MA Chaplain

Sun Dec 27 by ditto:
A son of John Burnet BIDDULPH baptised Edward John.
A daughter of William BERRY baptised Mary Ann
Same day at Port Frances by ditto:
Two children of Henry LLOYD baptised Robert & Rebecca.
A daughter of James LEPPAN baptised Maria.
At Bathurst, Dec 30 by ditto:
A daughter of Walter CURRIE Esq baptised Ann.
A daughter of Alex. BISSET Esq baptised Alicia Honor.
Two Bechuana children baptised John and Rose.

Wednesday 20 January 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Sun 17 Jan 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. George KILGOUR baptised William.
In the English Church Simon’s Town Friday Jan 15 1830 by the Rev George Sturt AB Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of James DUNBAR Esq baptised Anna Maria Matilda.
A son of Mr. James GRIGGS baptised William Joseph Parry.

Jan 14 1830: A daughter of Thomas DENNIS, named Anne Eliza, aged 1 month and 14 days.

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town on Monday Dec 21 1829 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA Chaplain:
Isaac DENMIN to Jane FLINN.
Jan 2 1830: George JAMES to Hanah BUCKLEY

CHRISTENINGS in ditto at Graham’s Town by ditto Sunday Dec 6:
A daughter of Peter Upton TRIPP Esq baptised Ellen Sarah.
A son of Jan NEL baptised Louis Fransa Jacobus.
A son of Jan Christoffel ELS baptised Christiaan.
A daughter of Louis NEL baptised Sarah Louisa.
A son of Andries Fransa NEL baptised Jan Jacobus.
Dec 24: A son of Mr. Benjamin NORDEN baptised Mark.

Saturday 23 January 1830

At Oaklands near Simon’s Town on Tuesday Jan 19 1830 by the Rev George Sturt AB Chaplain:
Marcus Freeman BROWNRIGG Esq to Miss Maria Caroline BLAKE.

Jan 21: William BALL, pensioner, aged 42 years.
Jan 21: William GRANGER, aged 22 years.

Wednesday 27 January 1830

DIED at Clanwilliam on Saturday 16th instant, Mrs. Mary FORSTER, wife of Mr. John FORSTER, deservedly regretted by her family and friends.

At Rondebosch near Cape Town on Friday Jan 22 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Henry CLOETE Esq Lz baptised Henry Daniel.

Jan 20: Thomas OWENS, aged 30 years.
Jan 22: Richard CRAIG, seaman, aged 24 years.
Jan 22: William John Leindert KOOPSTAD, aged 13 months and 5 days.

Wednesday 3 February 1830

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town Fri Jan 29 by the Rev H.G.P. Cooke AB:
Mr John BEVANT to Miss Johanna HOGG, widow.
In the English Church Cape Town Mon Feb 1 1829 (sic) by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Jacob Nicholas FRANCKE to Miss Mary Ann BARTLETT.
Mr. Thomas CATTELL to Miss Lavinia Cecilia PRITCHARD

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Jan 31 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John ELLIOTT baptised James Wilhelm.

Jan 29: A son of Mr. James Luke CHURCH, named James Fairbridge, aged 14 months.
Feb 1: James BASDEN, aged 30 years.

Saturday 6 February 1830

John SADLER, Painter and Glazier, begs leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public that the above business (in all its branches) will be carried on by him at No.13 Boom-street, and trusts by his continued attention to meet with public encouragement.

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town on Thursday Jan 28 1829 (sic) by the Rev.W.Carlisle MA Chaplain:
William GRAY to Elizabeth MARSDEN

In ditto at Graham’s Town by ditto Sun Jan [obscured]
A son of John SULLIVAN baptised John.
A daughter of William and Frances WENTWORTH baptised Emily.
A son of Philip Fonsford DUPRISE baptised Petrus Jacob.
A daughter of Hans Jacobus CUYLER baptised Maria Susanna.

Saturday 13 February 1830

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
On Wednesday the 10th inst by the Rev B.C. Goodison MA, Chaplain to the Forces:
Mr. Harry Remington HORNE to Susannah Margaret, daughter of the late Captain John BLAKE of HM’s 24th Regt. of Foot.

In the Military Church Cape Town on Sun Jan 30 (sic) 1830 by the Rev B.C. Goodison MA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of John SMITH of 98th Regt baptised Mary Anne.
At Simon’s Town on Sunday Feb 7 by the Rev Mr. Snowdall
A son of Wm. HARTELL baptised Johannes Andreas.
Also the following adults: Leonard KLYNN, Nicolaas PIETRSE, Martinus PIETERSE, Willem FELIXSE, Johan DAVIDSE, Elias DAVIDSE; Hester WARNEK, Margaretha PIETERSE, Candasa FELIXSE and Mietje RASMUS.

Wednesday 17 February 1830

Information was received in town on Monday last by Messrs BORRADAILES, THOMPSON & PILLANS of the Lady Holland, Capt. SNELL, having struck on a reef of rocks on the north end of Dassen Island, at about half past 10 o’clock on Sunday night. The night was very dark, and it was blowing a strong gale of wind from the S.E. A vigilant look-out had been kept from sun-et, at which period no appearance of land could be discerned: a few minutes before the vessel struck, the man stationed in the forecastle called out “Breakers ahead!” – the helm was immediately put down, but she struck before coming round. Some time previously the lead was hove, and no bottom could be found at 120 fathoms. Capt. SNELL ordered the mainmast to be cut away; this was done, but it fell backwards on the mizenmast, and carried that away also. The boats were then got out, and the whole of the passengers and crew got safely ashore at Dassen Island, without, however, being able to secure either provisions or water. A great portion of the cargo, it is hoped, will be saved, much of it consisting of Madeira wine in casks.
As soon as the intelligence of this unfortunate accident reached the Agents, they, with the utmost promptitude, dispatched the Constitution and Messrs. SINCLAIR’s boats &c, together with a wagon, for the purpose of relieving the passengers and crew, and of saving as much of the cargo as can be got at.
The Falcon, sloop, the cutter George, the Port Captain’s launch, the Northwester and several other boats went off to the spot in order to afford assistance: the Agents also made a request that Government would give directions to the nearest Authorities to provide for the protection of any of the goods which may float ashore. On Capt. SNELL’s arrival in Town, further particulars will no doubt be learned.
Dassen island is about forty miles to the northward of Table Bay and nearly midway between the latter and Saldanha Bay. The Lady Holland sailed from London in Oct last bound to Madras and Calcutta.
Mrs. LASCELLES, Mrs. STOREY, Mrs. MAUN, Mrs. DUFF, Miss SAUNDERS, Miss LIGHTFOOT, Miss DUVAL, Miss MOLESWORTH, Miss BAILIE, Miss WARBURTON, two Misses BYRNE; Colonel DE GRAVES, Mr. LASCELLES, Madras Civil Service; Captain POULTON; Captain STOREY; Lieut. LEYCOCK; Mr. Assistant Surgeon ALLARDICE; Cadet DURAND; and Mr. GIBBON.

In the English Church on Sunday Feb 14 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. F.S.F. ROESCH baptised Clarissa Taylor.
A son of Abel WHITE baptised Abel.
An orphan, baptised Mary Ann RATTOM.
Feb 11: George WRIGHT, pensioner, aged 54 years.
Feb 12: Walter REDING Esq, Major Bengal Native Infantry, aged 42 years.

Saturday 20 February 1830

Notice is hereby given for the information of those concerned that the following Estates have been finally settled at the Orphan Chamber from 1st January up to 31st December 1829:
Of the late Sophia Johanna SMIT, widow Fredrik Gideon KOTZE.
Elizabeth Catharina WATKY, widow Sebastiaan ROTHMAN.
Johannes Petrus MEINTJES and surviving widow Elizabeth Margaretha BOTHA.
Pieter DIEMEL.
Andries Johannes KUNTZ and surviving widow Anna Elizabeth KOK.
Casparus Johannes MATTHEE and predeceased wife Cornelia Johanna SMAL.
Johan Wilhelm Ludwich GEBHARDT.
Hendrik Albertus SWART and predeceased wife Hendrina SWAR.
Anna Elizabeth LOUW, widow David Schalk VAN DER MERWE.
Adam Gabriel DE SMIDT and surviving widow Helena Elizabeth STADLER.
Maria Geertruyda ESTERHUYZEN, widow Daniel Francois LAGUERRENE.
Alexander ANDERSON.
Appollos of the Cape, formerly slave of the widow Jan Willem BARKHUYZEN.
Johanna Christina DREYER.

In St.George’s Church Graham’s Town on Thursday Feb 4 1830 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA Chaplain:
George HOOKS to Hannah GREEN
[Transcriber’s note: should be FLOOKS]

In ditto at Graham’s Town by ditto Sunday Jan 31
A son of Lieut. BOYES baptised William GRAYSON.
On Sunday Feb 7 by ditto:
A daughter of Abraham WILD baptised Mary.
A son of ditto baptised James.
A son of Robert HORN baptised Henry.
A son of ditto baptised WILLIAM

Feb 10: Edward ROBERTS Esq, Surgeon, Cape Town, aged 33 years.

Wednesday 24 February 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Sun Feb 21 1830 by the Rev. George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John Chapman GOLDING baptised Lawrence.

Feb 21: Mr. Edward HANBURY, aged 51 years, 1 month and 8 days.

In the English Church Port Elizabeth Monday Dec 8 1829 by the Rev J. McCleland AB Chaplain:
Monday January 25:
William SCANLEN to Susanna Elizabeth KEYTER.
Monday Feb 8:
Thomas William STEVENS to Elizabeth WARD, widow.
Mr. Montagu Augustine ARMSTRONG to Miss Louisa Hedevig OXHOLM.

Dec 18: Matson TERRY, aged 27 years.
Dec 24: Johannes Christopher DIESAL aged 68 years and [obscured] months.
Jan 16: Caroline Louisa Farrington McCLELAND, daughter of the Chaplain of Port Elizabeth, aged 3 months and 29 days.
Jan 22: Mary Ann WINDER, aged 1 year and 10 months.

Saturday 27 February 1830

At Oatlands near Graham’s Town on Tuesday Feb 16 1830 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA Chaplain:
A son of Lieut.Col. SOMERSET, Commandant of the Frontier, baptised Henry George Edward.
In the Wesleyan Chapel Simon’s Town on Sunday Feb 21 by the Rev. Mr. Snowdall:
A daughter of Mr. John GERREMAN baptised Elizabeth Catharina.

Feb 22: A son of Francis STANLEY, named William, aged 6 months

Feb 11: Thomas EDWARDS, aged 22 days.
Feb 15: Samuel WILD, aged 22 days
Feb 15: Sarah SANSOM, aged 13 months.

Wednesday 3 March 1830

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
On Saturday 27 Feb by the Rev.B.C.Goodison AM
William DICKSON Esq to Magdalena Hendrica, second daughter of Hendrick VOS Esq.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Feb 28 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of William Stollard COOKE Esq baptised Daniel JONES
In the English Church Cape Town Monday March 1 1830 by the Rev. Mr. Jackson M. Williams AM, Chaplain on the Madras Establishment:
A son of Hercules TENNANT baptised John Henry.

Feb 26: Lieut. Henry HANSON, late Barrack Master of [image cut off]

Saturday 6 March 1830

A most dreadful fire happened in Wagonmaker’s Valley at the place of Mr. J.G.BRINK on Saturday the 27th ult. In a few minutes the house, with the greater part of the furniture, clothing and all the effects were reduced to ashes. But the most melancholy part of the catastrophe is that two valuable and faithful slaves, the property of Mr. BRINK, met their deaths in the flames; and a more distressing sight cannot be imagined than that presented by the disfigured bodies of these unfortunate men. A third person, a slave belonging to Mr. J. MARAIS, was so much injured by the fire that he breathed his last on the following day. Mr. BRINK, a man of the most hospitable character, has by this misfortune suffered a loss which cannot be calculated at less than 20,000 guilders, very little of his property being saved.

Wednesday 10 March 1830

In the English Church Cape Town Saturday March 6 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Edmund Lombard KIFT to Miss Caroline Petronella HECKRATH

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday March 7 1830 by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William SCOTT Jun baptised Eliza Sophia.
A daughter of Mr. John HARE baptised Eleanor.
A daughter of Mr. George BRYAND baptised Sarah.
A daughter of Mr. Jan MULDER baptised Eva.
An adult slave of D.J. CLOETE baptised Charles.

March 4: A son of James LUKAS, named George, aged 3 years 3 months and 18 days.
March 7: S. PRESCOTT Esq, Lieut. Madras Light Infantry, aged 25 years.

Saturday 13 March 1830

Since the 14th February last my Apprentice, John QUIN, by trade a Baker; had on when left a pepper and salt mixture and a drab colour cap; age about 17 years. Whoever lodges him in prison, or gives such information as may lead to his apprehension, shall be rewarded for their trouble; and those harbouring him after this notice will be prosecuted.
R.L. ATWELL, Strand-street

On the 29th January, at sea, on board the Duke of Bedford, the lady of the late J.R. BEST Esq of the Bengal Civil Service of a daughter.

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the Reformed Church Cape Town Monday March 8 1830 by the Rev A Faure BD:
Mr, G. TWYCROSS to Miss Geertruida Catharina RICHERT.

Wednesday 17 March 1830

In St.Andrews Church March 1
Mr. George HUDD to Miss Margaret TAYLOR
March 14: Mr. George ANDERSON to Margaret Letitia BAISLEY, widow of the late John BAISLEY.

In St.Andrews Church, March 7
A daughter of Mr. R. BUCHANAN, baptised Sarah.
A son of Mr. W. BARTIE baptised George Waldey
In the English Church Cape Town Saturday March 14 (sic) by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. James JURY baptised Alfred John.
In the Military Church on Friday March 12 by the Rev B.C. Goodison AM Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of the late John Bycroft BREST Esq, Bengal Civil Service, baptised Frances Helen Bowen.
In the English Church Bathurst on Thursday Feb 18 1830 by the Rev.W. Wright MA Chaplain:
A son of Joseph WEAKLEY, Joseph.
A son of ditto, John.
A daughter of ditto, Ann.
A daughter of ditto, Rhoda.
A son of ditto, Benjamin.
A son of ditto, Samuel.
A son of William ROBERTS, William.
A son of ditto, Henry.
A son of ditto, Benjamin.
At Port Frances on Sunday Feb 21 by ditto:
A daughter of William F.A. GILFILLAN Esq, Anna Frances.
A daughter of Joseph TURPIN, Isabella Hensley.

March 11: William STEPHENSON, seaman, aged 28 years.

Saturday 20 March 1830

BIRTH at Cape Town on the 16th instant, the lady of Frederick S. WATERMEYER Esq of a daughter.

Wednesday 24 March 1830

BIRTH on the 16th at the Lines’ Hospital, the lady of Assistant Surgeon ARMSTRONG, 98th Regt, of a daughter.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday March 21 1830 by the Rev George Hough MA Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thomas Wilkinson ELLIOTT baptised Charles Heurtley.
A son of Mr. Edward GEORGE baptised John Henry.
A daughter of Isaac DA COSTA baptised Mary Johanna.

Saturday 27 March 1830

March 22: Mrs. Elizabeth SMITH, widow, aged 40 years.

Wednesday 31 March 1830

BAPTISM in St.Andrews Church on the 24th instant by the Rev Dr. Adamson, a daughter of Mr. Benjamin MORGAN baptised Elizabeth Margery.

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