Port Elizabeth Mercury 1853 2 April - June
Saturday 9 April 1853
By the Rev Mr. Harsant on Sunday 27th [March]
A daughter of Mr. Jas. GAUGAIN, baptised E[mma]] Ann
Died at Stoke Newington, England, after a protracted illness, Frederic JOLY Esq.
Saturday 16 April 1853
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 7th instant, Mrs. Samuel BAIN of a Daughter.
Port Elizabeth April 9th 1853.
Saturday 23 April 1853
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Whereas Robert HEYDENRYCH of Port Elizabeth, Grocer & Shopkeeper, did, by Deed of Assignment, bearing date April 10th 1853, assign unto D.P. BLAINE in trust for the benefit of his Creditors, the whole of his Estate and his Effects. All Creditors of the said Robert HEYDENRYCH are requested to file their Claims without delay at the Office of the Undersigned, and Debtors are requested to pay their accounts immediately or proceedings will be instituted against them for recovery.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 20th instant, Mrs. G.M. COLE of a Son.
By the Rev Mr McCleland AB TCD
Mr. George HUMPHREY to Miss Eliza WALKER
Mr. Worthington HILL to Miss Elizabeth DIESEL.
Saturday 30 April 1853
DIED at his residence in Rofane Vale, Port Elizabeth, on Monday morning 25th April 1853, Mr. Jonathan Benjamin BOARD, aged 56 years, deeply regretted by his family and friends.
Saturday 7 May 1853
DIED at Rondebosch Cottage, Parish of Alexandria, District of Uitenhage, on the 29th day of April 1853, Eliza Ann STONES, aged one year and nine months, deeply regretted by her parents and friends.
Saturday 14 May 1853
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 9th May 1853, Cecilia Louisa, beloved wife of Mr. F. HUGHES Senr, aged 46 years, leaving husband and 6 children to mourn her loss.
Saturday 28 May 1853
Steam-Made Lemonade, Soda and other Aerated Waters
Having just received from England a superior Soda Water Machine of the same description as that so much approved of at the late Industrial Exhibition in London
Worked by Steam Power
Begs to announce that he will shortly have the said machine in full work, and will be able to supply the Public with the undermentioned Articles, of the best quality, in full-sized bottles, in any quantity, and forward the same to Persons who may favor him with their Orders to any part of the Colony.
Lemonade, Soda Water, Gingerade, Seltzer Water and Seidlitz Water.
Please to address all Orders or Return Packages specially to J.L. EARLE at McCarthy’s Brewery, Queen’s-street, Port Elizabeth.
May 24 1853
DIED at Port Elizabeth 22nd May, Edward, infant son of Mr. T.W. COLLARD, aged 9 days.
MARRIED in St. Mary’s Church
by the Rev F. McCleland AB Trinity College, Dublin, Colonial Chaplain:
Saturday 4 June 1853
MARRIED on Thursday 2nd June 1853 at St.Mary’s Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB TCD, Mr. Joseph FLACK to Miss Lydia BROWN, formerly of Rochester, Kent.
By the Rev F. McCleland AB TCD, Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. G.M. COLE baptised Henry Christian.
Saturday 25 June 1853
BIRTH on the 12th instant, Mrs. Henry DEARE of a Daughter.
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