Port Elizabeth Mercury 1853 3 July - September
Saturday 2 July 1853
MARRIED on the 30th June by the Revd.James Cameron, Albert LILIENFELD Esq MD, of Graaff-Reinet, to Bertha, eldest daughter of Adolph GERS Esq of Schwarzburgh in Saxony.
DIED in Uitenhage Town on Tuesday the 21st inst, after a lingering illness, Mr. David GREWAR, aged 57 years, leaving a Widow and large Family of Children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Uitenhage Town, 28th June 1853.
Saturday 9 July 1853
BIRTH – At Pietermaritzburg, Natal on Sunday the 26th June, Mrs. John BIRD of a daughter.
Saturday 16 July 1853
High Sheriff's Office, Cape Town, 12th July 1853
In Execution of the Judgement of the Supreme Court in the matter of CROZIER Brothers & Co, Plaintiffs, and Thomas BROWNE and Elizabeth BROWNE, Defendants
Will be sold on Saturday the 23rd July 1853 at 12 o'clock, noon, on the Stoep of the Commercial Exchange in Cape Town,
The British built Brig "Charles Molloy"
coppered and copper fastened, 214 tons register, well found in Sails and Rigging, with all her Appurtenances, as she now lies in Table Bay, as per Inventory – to be seen at the Office of the Deputy Sheriff of Port Elizabeth, the High Sheriff of Cape Town or Messrs BLORE & BARTMAN, the Auctioneers.
NB the Vessel is in good order, sails well, and carries a good cargo.
Daniel J. CLOETE
High Sheriff.
In the Estate of the late C. GURNEY
All persons having Claims against this Estate are requested to file the same at the office of the Undersigned within six weeks from this date, and all Persons indebted to the same are requested to settle immediately.
G. CHABAUD, Ex. Testamen.
July 6th 1853.
In the Estate of the late Charles COOPER, formerly of Kent.
All Persons having Claims against this Estate are requested to lodge them with the undersigned, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to the same are requested to settle forthwith. Notice is hereby particularly given to those parties who purchased Ground at the sale held by Mr. HARRIES on the 18th September last, for account of the late Mr. COOPER, that unless they at once comply with the Conditions of Sale, the Executor will be constrained to adopt stringent measures to enforce a speedy settlement.
Executor Testamentary
Port Elizabeth, June 20th 1853.
Saturday 23 July 1853
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Mr. J.B. BOARD
All Persons having Claims against the Estate are requested to file the same with the Undersigned within Six Weeks from this date; and all Persons indebted to the same are requested to settle their accounts immediately.
B. BOARD } Executors Testamentary
Port Elizabeth, July 21st 1853.
In the Estate of the late Samuel ONIANS
All Persons having Claims against the Estate are requested to file the same with the last Undersigned within Six Weeks from this date; and those indebted to the same to settle with the last Undersigned forthwith.
John Owen SMITH } Executors Dative
Edward ONIANS }
Port Elizabeth 14th July 1853.
Saturday 6 August 1853
DIED at Bushman's River on the 28th July, Thomas HIPPERT, youngest Son of Mr. George HIPPERT of Uitenhage.
In St.Mary's Church on Sunday July 31 1852 [sic] by the Very Rev the Dean of Cape Town
A son of Charles ADAMS baptised Charles.
Saturday 13 August 1853
BIRTH – On the 14th May at No.3 Harewood Square, London, the Wife of Bernard DIETZ Esq of a Son.
Saturday 20 August 1853
In St.Mary's Church on Tuesday 16th Aug 1853 by the Very Rev the Dean of Cape Town.
Mr. George Mitchell GATES to Miss Martha Eliza HENLEY
A son of Mr. BLINCK baptised Charles Alfred.
A daughter of Mr. BLINCK baptised Maryann Elizabeth.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas BILLSON baptised Charlotte Jane.
A son of Mr. SWAIN baptised Charles Chelsea.
Saturday 27 August 1853
[Transcriber's Note: In the Voters' Roll which follows I have replaced numerous ditto marks with the full entry, but I am suspicious that nearly all the residents of Zwartkops River had names beginning with C. I suspect that most of the dittos were meant to refer to Uitenhage, but have listed the residence as it appeared in the paper.]
In and for the Fieldcornetcy and Town of Uitenhage, in the Electoral Division of Uitenhage, pursuant to the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th Sections of the Schedule referred to in the Order of Council dated 11th March 1853
ASPELING, Dirk Jacobus, Uitenhage Town.
ALEXANDER, William Watkins, Uitenhage Town.
ARMSTRONG, Alexander Boswell, Uitenhage Town.
ALLISON, Henry, Uitenhage Town.
ARMSTRONG, William, Zwartkops' River.
ADAMS, David, Uitenhage Town.
ACCUM, Alexander, Uitenhage Town.
ADONIS, Salomon, Uitenhage Town.
BULLER, James, Uitenhage Town.
BREHM, Joachim, Uitenhage Town.
BRILL, Fredrik, Uitenhage Town.
BREHM, George Bernard Anton, Uitenhage Town.
BROCK, John van der, Uitenhage Town.
BERNARD, J., Zwartkops' River.
CROWE, Joseph, Zwartkops' River.
CHASE, John Centlivres, Zwartkops' River.
CADLE, William, Zwartkops' River.
COPEMAN, Philip Walker, Zwartkops' River.
CAMPBELL, Joseph Thomas, Zwartkops' River.
CUNNINGHAM, Alexander William, Zwartkops' River.
CLUS, Jacobus Johannes Francois le, Zwartkops' River.
COY, James Mac, Zwartkops' River.
CLARK, David, Zwartkops' River.
CADLE, John, Zwartkops' River.
CURTIS, John Joseph, Uitenhage Town.
DANIEL, Jonas, Dornhoek.
DORMEHL, Andries Christian, Uitenhage Town.
DEEBLESS, Nicolas Johannes, Uitenhage Town.
DIVINE, Henry, Uitenhage Town.
DEEBLESS, Johannes Petrus, Uitenhage Town.
DOBSON, Edward, Port Elizabeth.
DRIVER, Thomas Manning, Uitenhage Town.
EYK, Myndert Jacob van, Uitenhage Town.
ELEMANS, Petrus Gerhardus, Uitenhage Town.
FLEISCHER, John Martin, Uitenhage Town.
FITZGERALD, John Francis, Uitenhage Town.
FROST, Philip sen, Uitenhage Town.
FORTUIN, May, Uitenhage Town.
FLEETWOOD, Thomas John, Uitenhage Town.
FROST, John LOWNE, Uitenhage Town
FORREST, Andrew, Uitenhage Town.
FORREST, Peter, Uitenhage Town.
GAUS, Jacob, Uitenhage Town.
GILLSON, William, Uitenhage Town.
GIBSON, John, Uitenhage Town.
HYMAN, William, Uitenhage Town.
HIPPERT, George sen, Uitenhage Town.
HULL, Bicton, Uitenhage Town.
HITZEROTH, John Christoffel, Uitenhage Town.
HUTCHINSON, Fredrik Oliver, Uitenhage Town.
HITZEROTH, Jacob Fredrik, Uitenhage Town.
HARDING, James, Uitenhage Town.
HYMAN, James, Uitenhage Town.
HARTSLIEF, Johannes Abraham, Uitenhage Town.
HIPPERT, Ignatius Petrus, Port Elizabeth.
HIPPERT, Johan Petrus, Uitenhage Town.
HYNES, Michael, Uitenhage Town.
JONES, henry, Uitenhage Town.
JONES, Leonard, Uitenhage Town.
KELLEY, Thomas, Uitenhage Town.
KERR, Samuel, Uitenhage Town.
KERKEN, Petrus Jacobus van, Uitenhage Town.
KERKEN, Jan Cornelis van, Uitenhage Town.
KORTE, Gilis de, Uitenhage Town.
LUYT, Johan Godried, Uitenhage Town.
LANGE, Fredrik Hendrik, Uitenhage Town.
LINGERFELDER, Fredrik Marthinus, Uitenhage Town.
LANCE, James, Uitenhage Town.
LEACH, Benjamin, Uitenhage Town.
MORAN, Matthew, Uitenhage Town.
MURRAY, Matthew, Uitenhage Town.
NOYCE, Fredrik John, Uitenhage Town.
NIEKERK, Stephanus Ignatius van, Uitenhage Town.
NICOLAS, September, Uitenhage Town.
PATERSON, Thomas Jones, Uitenhage Town.
PRINGLE, Robert, Uitenhage Town.
PITT, John, Uitenhage Town.
PRESTON, William, Uitenhage Town.
RENS, Hendrik Herholdt, Uitenhage Town.
RENS, Petrus Abraham de Villiers, Naroes.
RADEMEYER, Cornelis Stephanus, Uitenhage Town.
RENSBURG, Johannes, Uitenhage Town.
REED, James Samuel, Port Elizabeth.
REED, George Thomas, Port Elizabeth.
REES, David, Uitenhage Town.
SMITH, Alexander, Uitenhage Town.
SMITH, William, Uitenhage Town.
SMITH, Edward James, Uitenhage Town.
SPENCE, John, Uitenhage Town.
STEVENS, John, Uitenhage Town.
SAVAAL, Ooma, Uitenhage Town.
SCHLEMMER, Johan Fredrik, Uitenhage Town.
SCHLEMMER, Johan Godfried, Uitenhage Town.
SCHLEMMER, Petrus Johannes, Uitenhage Town.
SCHLEMMER, Carel Wilhelm, Uitenhage Town.
STREAK, James Nevill, Uitenhage Town.
STOCKENSTROM, Jan, Uitenhage Town.
SAVAAL, Kaffar, Uitenhage Town.
SAVAAL, Latief, Uitenhage Town.
STOCKENSTROM, Oloff Godfried, Uitenhage Town.
SMUTS, Wessel Michael, Uitenhage Town.
TOIT, Stephanus Jan van Kervel du, Uitenhage Town.
TOIT, Stephanus Hendrik du, Uitenhage Town.
TENNANT, John Henry, Uitenhage Town.
TAUTE, Hermanus Gerhardus, Uitenhage Town.
THOMPSON, William, Uitenhage Town.
TEE, Richard senior, Port Elizabeth.
URRY, Robert Bradshaw, Uitenhage Town.
VILJOEN, Jan, Uitenhage Town.
VOGEL, Fredrik Johannes, Uitenhage Town.
WALSH, Richard, Uitenhage Town.
WOOD, James, Uitenhage Town.
WALSH, David, Uitenhage Town.
WELSFORD, William Thorn, Uitenhage Town.
WILLIAMS, Joseph, Port Elizabeth.
WELSH, Patrick, Uitenhage Town.
WEILBACH, Johan Daniel, Uitenhage Town.
WELSH, Peter, Uitenhage Town.
WILSON, John, Uitenhage Town.
Saturday 3 September 1853
BIRTH at King William's Town on Wednesday 17th August, the Lady of C. BROWNLEE Esq, Gaika Commissioner, of a Son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth, Aug 29, aged 46 years, sincerely regretted, Mr. John Keith WILLIAMSON, of Glasgow, Bookseller and Publisher.
Married in St.Mary's Church on the 29th inst by the Rev. Mr. Wilson.
Mr. William Henry SHEPHERD to Miss Margaret FRANCES.
At Uitenhage, by the Rev Mr. Copeman.
Mr. Charles ADCOCK of Port Elizabeth to Miss Eliza Charlotte NOYCE of Uitenhage.
Saturday 10 September 1853
MARRIED at Uitenhage by the Rev P. Copeman, on the 25th August, Mr. Charles Thomas ADCOCK of Port Elizabeth, to Eliza Charlotte, youngest daughter of the late Mr. F.T. NOYCE of London.
DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday the 4th September 1853, Mrs. Amelia Margaret MORREL, of Port Elizabeth, aged 37 years, after a long and severe illness, deeply regretted by her relatives and friends.
DIED at his Residence, Port Elizabeth, on the 6th September, Mr. Richard TEE senr, aged 61 years; regretted by a large circle of friends.
Saturday 17 September 1853
MARRIED at St.Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth on Tuesday 13th Sept 1853 by the Venerable Archdeacon, Robert Pinchin Esq, Sworn Government Surveyor, to Mary Ann, only Child of the late Captain BURTON.
DIED at Port Elizabeth This Morning the 15th instant, Mrs. Ann STAINES, the beloved Wife of Mr. William STAINES, after a long and lingering illness. After 75 years, deeply regretted by her Relatives and Friends.
Saturday 24 September 1853
The Creditors of, and all other Persons having Claims against John Keith WILLIAMSON, late of Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, Merchant, deceased, or his Estate, whether arising from Bonds, Bills, Promissory Notes, Book Debts or otherwise, are hereby called upon to lodge the same, and full particulars thereof, with the undersigned at her residence in Main-street, Port Elizabeth, within two Months from the date of the publication hereof, in order that the same may be examined, inquired into and considered. And all Persons indebted to the same Estate are requested forthwith to pay the same to
Mary WILLIAMSON, Executrix Testamentary
Port Elizabeth, 14th Sept 1853.
Notice of Partnership
The Undersigned begs to inform the public that they have this day entered into a Deed of Partnership, and that the Business will be carried on in Graham's Town under the style or firm of BEST & LAKE, and at Sidbury under the name of LAKE & BEST.
Robert BEST
Nicholas LAKE
Graham's Town, September 1st 1853.
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