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Port Elizabeth Mercury

Port Elizabeth Mercury 1853 1 January - March

Saturday 8 January 1853

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Whereas William PAGE of Port Elizabeth, Shopkeeper and Baker, did, by Deed of Assignment, bearing date the 24th day of December 1852, assign unto William Matthew HARRIES and William Charles HUTCHONS, in trust for the benefit of his Creditors, the whole of his Estate and his Effects. All Creditors of the said William PAGE are requested to file their Claims without delay at the Office of the second Undersigned, and Debtors are requested to settle at the same place forthwith.
Port Elizabeth, December 29 1852.

On the 5th January by the Rev A Robson:
A son of Mr. H. REYNOLDS baptised Frederick Laughlin.

Saturday 22 January 1853

MARRIED on the 18th inst at St.Mary’s by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colin F. CAMPBELL Esq JP to Flora, eldest daughter of the late G.W. ASHBURNHAM Esq. [sic - should be Colin T. CAMPBELL]

We are glad to see that the last engagement with the Rebels by Commandant CURRIE and his party has had the effect of dispersing the Banditti, who are now actively followed up by our patrols through the bushy country lying between the Kerreiga and the Bushman’s River, and we have little doubt that this pursuit will end in the utter destruction of this dangerous band.

We are rejoiced to find that Dr. ATHERSTON Jun. has been the means of saving the life of Mr. CURRIE, who was wounded in the attack upon Brander at the Slagtkammer.

By the Rev F. McCleland AB TCD
A son of Mr. KERR baptised David.
A son of Mr. KERR baptised William Chicken.
A daughter of Mr. PETERS baptised Clara Herm..[obscured]

Saturday 29 January 1853

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the Morning of the 24th instant, Maria, the beloved Wife of Mr. James BROWN, after a lingering illness, aged 26 years.
January 25th 1853.

DIED, on the 25th instant, Elizabeth, Daughter of Mr. W. NOTHARD, aged 14 months and 18 days.
Port Elizabeth, 26th January 1853.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday Morning the 26th Jan, George Henry, infant Son of Mr. J.R. PHILIP, aged 4 months & 2 weeks.

DIED at Rondebosch, near Gamtoos River, Mr. Wm. DODDS, aged 45 years.

Saturday 19 February 1853

BIRTH at Stockdale, district of Somerset, on the 1st instant, the Lady of Charles W. HUTTON Esq of a Daughter.

Serious Fire
One Saturday night one of the most alarming fires took place which has been witnessed in Cape Town for many years. The handsome stores of Messrs J.F. LONG & Co, only lately altered and enlarged, at a considerable expense, are now a smouldering mass of ruin. The fire broke out about half past 11 o’clock, and burnt so fiercely that, although there were several engines immediately on the spot, it could not be kept under, and nothing but some account books and office furniture could be saved, while the adjoining buildings were placed in imminent danger. At one time those of Messrs W.S. BRUCE & Co, and Mr. WILSON the grocer, were so much so that the Lt. Governor, who was on the spot, gave orders to pull that of the latter down, in order to arrest the progress of the fire; this was fortunately rendered unnecessary by the slight breeze that was blowing taking another direction; but owing to a want of proper management, the destruction in the removal of the property has been immense, and to a great extent quite unnecessary; indeed, had there been anyone present whose duty it was to have given proper orders, nothing belonging to either Mr. BRUCE or Mr. WILSON need have been injured – the whole, however, presented a scene of confusion that can hardly be described, counter orders were being given in various directions – a sufficient supply of water could not be obtained for all the engines; while valuable property was thrown into the streets in a most reckless manner. Both the stores and merchandise of Messrs LONG & Co were insured, but not to an extent to cover their losses. –Advertiser.

DIED at Sunday’s River near Port Elizabeth, on the 15th inst, from Apoplexy, Mr. Joseph SMITH, aged 43 years, deeply regretted.

DIED on Thursday 17th inst, after a long and painful illness, William SMITH (late of the firm W.& J. SMITH & Co, Merchants of this town) Aged 51 years. Deceased has left a Widow and five Children, and a numerous circle of Friends to mourn his irreparable loss.

Saturday 5 March 1853

DIED this Afternoon, after a few hours illness, aged 12 months, Johan Fredrik, youngest son of Mr. R.J. HEYDENRYCH.
Port Elizabeth 4th March 1853.

Saturday 12 March 1853

Important Sale of
Oxen, Breeding Cattle and Mares
The Undersigned, duly authorised by Mr. COMBRINK, of Baviaans Kloof, will sell by public Auction at Human’s Dorp
On Monday the 18th April next
The following valuable stock:
100 superior Zuurveld Trek Oxen
50 well bred Cows and Heifers
50 Mares and Young Horses
4 young Stallions, bred by Alwyn MULLER, progeny of the celebrated thoroughbred Horse “Blackstone”
2 well trained Horses, broken in either to Saddle or Draught
2 Silver Patent Lever Hunting Watches
1 Double-barrel Fowling Piece
1 Single barrel Rifle
And whatever else may be offered on the day of Sale.
W.S.G. METELERKAMP, Auctioneer
Zuure Bron, March 8 1853

Saturday 26 March 1853

Public Sale at Sidbury
The Undersigned has been instructed by Mr. Henry BROWN to seel by public Auction at
The Sidbury Inn
On Wednesday the 30th March next
The undermentioned stock, viz:
100 head Breeding Cattle
3 well bred Bulls
50 Zuurveld Oxen, well trained to Spans
12 Superior Mares
6 Riding and Draught Horses
A Spring Cart with Harness complete
The Thoroughbred Horse “Pilot” by “Gustavus”
Do.Do. Colt “Adderley” by “Bramble”
The whole of the above stock is of a very superior description and parties wishing to improve the Breed of Cattle and Horses will do well to attend this Sale.
Sale to commence at 11 o’clock am
H.H. RENS & Co, Auctioneers
NB Parties residing in Albany can make the Bills, for the amount of their purchases, payable at either of the Graham’s Town Banks, as may best suit their convenience.

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