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Port Elizabeth Mercury

Port Elizabeth Mercury 1852 4 October - December

Saturday 2 October 1852

MARRIED on the 12th August at St. Mary’s Church, Bryanstone Square, Bernard DIETZ Esqr. Of Port Elizabeth to Melvilla Catherine, youngest daughter of the late Lt-Col. Geo. Russel DEARE, 8th Hussars.

Saturday 30 October 1852

In St.James’ Church, Graaff-Reinet, by the Rev F.McCleland AB (TCD)
Henry GREEN Esq to Miss Frances Lydia GRISBROOK.
Mr. Benjamin FINCHAM to Miss Cecilia Jacoba RABIE.
In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev Mr. Long

By the Rev F. McCleland AB (TCD), Graaff-Reinet:
A daughter of H.J. VAN RYNEVELD Esq, baptised Susan Ellen.
A daughter of Mr. Geo. C. STUBBS, baptised Georgina Louisa.
A son of C. RUBIDGE Esq, baptised Henry Frederick.
A son of Mr. E. WATKINS, baptised Samuel Daniel.
A son of Mr. J.M. BROWN, baptised John Charles Albertu[s]
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev Mr. Long:
A daughter of H.J. DUNNEL Esq, baptised Eliza Martha.
A son of H. PIERS Esq, baptised Alfred Hayton.
In the New Church, by the Rev Adam Robson:
A son of Mr. John Ross PHILIP, baptised George Henry.

Saturday 6 November 1852

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Intestate Estate of the late William PASSMORE of Port Elizabeth.
All Persons having any Claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same with the second Undersigned within 6 Weeks from this date; and those indebted to the Estate to pay their Debts within the same period.
J.W. KEMP       
Executors Dative
Port Elizabeth Oct.28 1852.

In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB (TCD)
Nov 3: Mr. T. HILL to Miss mary MURRELL

A son of Mr. FLETCHER, baptised John William.
A daughter of Mr. COLLINS, baptised Mary Ann.
A son of Mr. WYMAN, baptised Henry James.
A son of Mr. BROWN, baptised Henry John.
A daughter of Mr. BROWN, baptised Louisa Jane.

Saturday 4 December 1852

DIED, 4th October last, at Burley on the Hill, Rutlandshire, Mrs. Martha CARR, aged 55. She was sincerely esteemed by Relatives and Acquaintances, with whom her kindness was quite proverbial.

Saturday 18 December 1852

In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev F. McCleland AB (TCD)
A daughter of S. JOHNSON, baptised Charlotte.
A son of Mr. R. PHILLIPS, baptised John Robert.
A daughter of Mr. PHILPOT, baptised Maria Agnes.

Saturday 25 December 1852

Notice to Creditors
In the Assigned Estate of George Frederick ADCOCK of Port Elizabeth, Blacksmith.
A Liquidation Account and Plan of Distribution of the Assets of the above Estate will be for the inspection of Creditors at the Office of the Undersigned from Monday the 20th inst, when a first and final dividend will be paid.
W.C. HUTCHONS, Assignee
Port Elizabeth, Dec 19th 1852.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 22nd Dec, Mrs. Gustavus CHABAUD of a Son.

DIED on Tuesday evening at half past 7 o’clock, Dirk Gysbert, aged 15 months and 3 days, youngest son of F.T. HEYDENRYCH.
Port Elizabeth, 23rd Dec 1852.

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