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Port Elizabeth Mercury

Port Elizabeth Mercury 1850 3 July - September

Tuesday 2 July 1850

Shipping Intelligence

The Barque “Anna Robertson” Capt. A. MUNTON [? Name partially obscured in binding] from Madras bound to London, laden with cotton, sugar, rice, indigo and other Indian produce, was towed into this port on Wednesday morning last by H.M. Steamer “Hermes”, in a disabled state. We understand a survey has been held on board the ”Anna Robertson” and that it has been found necessary to land a large portion of the cargo. Two of her crew have suffered compound fractures of the leg, one by a fall from the main-rigging, and the other in getting an anchor over the bows. One of these unfortunate men will have to undergo amputation of the leg. The crew of the “Anna Robertson” has experienced much hardship during the late gale, and are now suffering from sickness and extreme exhaustion. The “Anna Robertson” was picked upon Tuesday last by Capt. FISHBOURNE of the “Hermes”, a little to the westward of Cape St. Francis. She had encountered a succession of heavy gales since her departure from Madras on the 4th April. Much of her cargo has been thrown overboard, and it is expected she will have to discharge the rest. She has been in a very leaky state, but the leak has been partially stopped. Some of the hands have been brought on shore for medical treatment, while 7 others are suffering from dysentery &c.

Tuesday 9 July 1850

Are daily expecting from Mauritius, ex Wanderer,
200 Bags Sugars
Landing ex “Struan”
Pale Cognac in one dozen cases.
And on hand
French Brandy in half-aums
Cape Wines in qr. casks and hhds.
Cape Brandy
Claret in doz. Cases
Sauterac in do.
Champagne, in quarts and pints
Cape Meal, Steam-mill Flour
Brown Rice
Caper Tea
Wool Bags
Canvass Nos. 3 and 4
Nails of all descriptions
Liverpool Soap
Red Herrings
Bath Bricks
Cavendish Tobacco
Fresh Raisins
Port Elizabeth, 9th June 1850

Tuesday 16 July 1850

Wholesale Bookseller & Stationer
Britannia Street
At the above establishment may be had every description of
Commercial & Fancy Stationery
School Books, Reading Books
Printing Paper and Ink
Paper Hangings in great variety
Always on hand
A large assortment of Music, Reading Books
Sold at the London published prices
And Stationery supplied at the lowest prices.

Very severe weather has been experienced in Table Bay. The following is an account of the Wreck of the
On Friday night, the 5th inst, it commenced to blow fresh from the Northward, which increased towards midnight to a severe gale, with a heavy sea. About daybreak on the following morning the “Prince Charlie”, which arrived from England on the previous day, was observed to be driving, when the Life-boat was sent off and the and brought the Passengers on shore; the vessel continued to drive until she got into shoal water, where she brought up again for a short time, striking heavily. About half past 7 o’clock she was observed to be adrift, and the Life-boat was again dispatched to her and succeeded in bringing the captain and crew on shore without any accident, and the vessel came on shore near the Castle lines, in a very good position. The cargo will be landed forthwith, and as the vessel does not appear to have sustained any material injury, there is every possibility of getting her afloat again.
The gale continued throughout Saturday with great violence, the brig Helen Munro, bark Susan Crisp and schooner Border Maid parted a Bower Cable each. An anchor and cable were dispatched to each from the shore.
On Sunday morning the bark Juliana was observed to have driven considerably, and an anchor and hawser were laid out for her. About mid-day, after a heavy squall, the wind moderated and chopped round to the W.N.W. – Exchange Gazette.

By the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain and Trinity College Dublin.
Emily Lauretta, daughter of Capt. G. WATTS of the Emily Smith.
Mina Ellen, daughter of W. COLEMAN Esq.

Tuesday 23 July 1850

H.M. Steamer Hermes arrived here on Friday morning last for the purpose of making a survey of the Bay, and laying down the precise bearings of the Lighthouse, that proper instructions might be published for the guidance of vessels visiting this coast. This will determine the latitude and longitude of the place, and thus prove of infinite service, especially as this bay is now likely to become the resort of vessels in the Indian trade.
She has already commenced active operations. But we look to Government for more than a mere survey. We require proper moorings to be laid down; and we trust that amidst the many improvements projected and carried out for the benefit of Table Bay, this simple request iof the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth will not be disregarded.

The appointment of Mr. GODLONTON to sit along with the other members, who have gained the approval of the Colonists in a majority of the elections, is, it is presumed, from the published accounts of the elections, a departure from the principle on which those other members have been appointed the expediency of which is very questionable. It is presumed the Governor has appointed him on account of the importance of that particular constituency from which he was delegated.
It is well-known that there are two modes in which such an election might have been made. The first made [sic] is that in which the whole number is appointed by the whole colony, the second mode is when the different members are elected by different constituencies. Four of the members have been appointed in conformity with the first of these modes, the fifth represents, it is said, only a section of the community.

Established 20th July 1846
The course of Instruction pursued at this Establishment comprises the various Branches of a thorough, sound and practical English Education. Spelling, Grammar, Geography, History, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic &c &c.
Classes for the Latin and French Languages, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, Music, Drawing, Perspective; Letter Writing, Book Keeping, Mental Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Mathematics are open for Pupils wishing to join.
The Senior Pupils have free access to a Library, Laboratory and Museum, as well as to lectures on Chemistry, which are delivered regularly twice a week.
Cards of Terms &c obtained on application to Messrs. Joseph REID, William JONES and Wm. COLLARD.
The Duties of this Establishment will be resumed on Saturday next, 20th July 1850.

Saturday 27 July 1850

Cabinet Maker
High Street, Port Elizabeth
Is now selling off the remainder of his stock of
Superior Furniture
at a further reduction in prices, as he wishes to close his Business as soon as possible.
All persons indebted to G. GRIFFITHS are particularly requested to settle their Accounts forthwith, so that he may make his departure for England, without delay.
N.B. The Premises to Let, situate opposite the Stores of Messrs. MAYNARD, KUHR & Co.
Port Elizabeth, 15th July 1850.

The Anna Robertson has been arrested by warrant from the Vice Admiralty Court for a salvage amounting to £3,000, claimed by Capt. FISHBOURNE and officers of HM Slvt Hermes for services rendered during the late gale.

We are glad to perceive that the attention of the public is about to be called by Mr. GEARD on Thursday evening next, the 1st August, to the important subject of a supply of water for the town. We are sure, from the practical tendency of all Mr. GEARD’s lectures, that much light will be thrown upon the subject. We trust therefore that as many as can will make it their business to be present. The meeting is to take place at 7 o’clock pm in the Mechanic’s Hall.

Saturday 3 August 1850

Notice is hereby given that Robert Wagstaff LEWIS and Elizabeth LEWIS, Wife, (born MORRIS) have This Day executed before me, the Notary, and Witnesses, a Deed of Separation from Bed, Board, Co-Habitation and Community of Goods.
Whereby it was (inter alia) agreed that the one of them shall not be liable for the Debts which the other of them shall in future contract, that each shall only be liable for his or her own respective Debts and engagements.
G. CHABAUD, Notary Public
Port Elizabeth 27th July 1850.


By the Rev F McCleland AB, Col. Chaplain TCD
A son of Mr. SEMON baptised Edward.

Saturday 31 August 1850

MARRIED at Chumie by the Rev A. Laign, [sic – should be Laing] Free Church Mission, Lovedale, on the 6th instant, the Rev. George BROWN of the United Presbyterian Church Mission. To Janet, second daughter of the late Rev. W. CHALMERS, Chumie.

MARRIED in St. Mary’s Church
By the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain, Trinity College, Dublin
Mr. William BENECKE to Miss Esther Elizabeth ETCHELLS.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William GRADWELL, Deceased
The first Liquidation Account in the above Estate will lie for the inspection of the Creditors at the Office of the Resident Magistrate for this Town, for 14 days, from the 29th instant, after which time it will be forwarded to the Master’s Office.
Albrecht RENS} Joints Trustees
Bernard DIETZ}
Uitenhage, Aug 25th 1850

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Henry HARVEY Senior
All persons having any Claims on the above Estate are requested to lodge the same with the Undersigned, within six weeks from this date; and those indebted to the said Estate, to pay the same within that period to
William KUHR
Executors Dative
Port Elizabeth 1st August 1850

In the Insolvent Estate of James HAYWARD
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the first Liquidation Account in the above Estate will lie for the inspection of the Creditors at the Office of the Resident Magistrate in Uitenhage for Fourteen Days from the 24th instant, after which it will be forwarded to the Master’s Office.
W.M. HARRIES} Joint Trustees
Albrecht RENS }
Port Elizabeth, 21st August 1850

Saturday 7 September 1850

Notice is hereby given that whereas we, the Undersigned, having on this the 25th day of July, 1850, divided our joint Estate and separated from Bed, Board and Community of Goods, it was agreed (among other things) by and between us that the one of us shall not be answerable for the Debts, Liabilities or Engagements which the other of us shall or may in future contract, but that each should only be liable for his or her own respective Debts and Engagements.
Uitenhage 25th July 1850

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William NASH, of the Division of Uitenhage, Agriculturalist
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office in Port Elizabeth, on Friday the 20th September next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, for the further proof of Debts and also to direct the Trustee as to the course to be pursued in regard to the Farm purchased by the Insolvent of John West Rafferty
Sole Trustee
Port Elizabeth August 10th 1850

Saturday 14 September 1850

DIED of consumption at his Residence at Riet Fonteyn, near Uitenhage, on the 2nd September 1850, Mr. Cornelis Johannes RENS Bson, aged 24 years, leaving a Mother and large family to mourn the irreparable loss of an affectionate Son and Brother, and a numerous circle of acquaintances to deplore the death of a true friend.
Uitenhage, 9th September 1850

Notice to Relatives and Friends
Died at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday Evening, the 11th Sept 1850 at 7 o’clock, after a lingering illness, my dearly beloved husband Gabriel Johannes Phillip HAUBTFLEISCH, aged 36 years 1 month and 21 days, leaving myself and Son to deplore his loss. Notice of which is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.

Saturday 21 September 1850

MARRIED on the 22nd August 1850, at Alice, District of Victoria, by the Rev W. Govan, the Rev Joseph KITCHINGMAN, of Bethelsdorp, to Charlotte M. KAYSER, only daughter of the Rev. F.G.G. KAYSER of Knapps Hope, British Caffraria.

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain TCD
A son of Mr. WILLIAMS, baptised William Alexander Knight

Saturday 28 September 1850

A waggish correspondent informs us that a memorial is being got up in Graham’s Town to the Hon. Mr. GODLONTON, requesting him to return without delay, as the Journal is languishing, and the Honorable Gentleman is obviously useless in Cape Town.

We learn that Mr. WIENAND has been appointed Magistrate to the Kat-river settlement in the room of Mr. BOWKER who has been removed. We cannot suppose that this will be satisfactory to the Kat-river people. The annual missionary meeting has just been held at Philipton. It seems to have been a very encouraging meeting, if we are to judge from the amount of subscription, which we learn had reached to £120, and the list not closed when the post had left. The Juvenile Society had raised £13.

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain TCD
A daughter of Mr. Hy. RUTHERFOORD, baptised Anna Amy.
A son of Mr. Wm. BRUTON, baptised William Thomas.

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