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Port Elizabeth Mercury

Port Elizabeth Mercury 1850 4 October - December

Saturday 5 October 1850

Saddler, Collar and Harness Maker
Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and the Country that he has taken the Premises lately occupied by Mr. GRIFFITHS, Cabinet Maker, where he intends carrying on the above Business in all its Branches. He will open on the 1st October.
D.M, in returning thanks for the support that he has already received, begs to state, that it will be his constant endeavour to perform any work with which he may be favored in the best possible manner, combined with moderate charges and immediate despatch.
He will always have on hand a well selected Assortment of good Saddlery.
NB Two respectable Young Men can be accommodated with Board and Lodging.
Port Elizabeth, Sept 20th 1850.

Saturday 12 October 1850

OVERLEDEN te Colesberg, op Zaterdag, den 21ste Sept 1850, Mejufvrouw Adriana Johanna POTGIETER, geliefde Echtgenoot van den Heer Adriaan DE WAAL, in den Ouderdom van 46 Jaren, 11 Maanden en 12 Dagen, diep betreurd door hare Echtgenoot, hare Kinderen en Vrienden.

Master’s Office, 28th September 1850
By virtue of the authority vested in me, by the Ordinances of His Excellency the Governor in Council, Nos. 104 and 105, I hereby appoint Mr. James HALL to be Appraiser for the District of Port Elizabeth, under the Provisions of the said Ordinances.
J. STEWART, Master.

by Rev.Mr. McCleland AB TCD
A son of Mr. BROWN, baptised John Robert.
A son of Mr. TAYLOR, baptised William.
A daughter of Mr. COLLINS, baptised Susan.

Jessie, daughter of John EASTES

Saturday 19 October 1850

Wool Washing
George UPPLEBY, in returning his Acknowledgements to the Merchants and Wool-Growers of this Colony, for their liberal support during the past season, begs to inform them, that having made great improvements in his Washing Grounds he is now enabled to receive any quantity of Wool, and prepare it for Shipment, namely – to Sort, Wash, Bleach, Pack, Mark, Weigh and Press, for a charge of 7/8ths of a Penny per lb, net weight, delivered. Those Parties wishing the Wool delivered at their Stores in Port Elizabeth not Pressed, a reduction of one eighth of a Penny will be allowed.
Port Elizabeth, Sep 17, 1850.

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain TCD
Mr. J. WALLACE to Miss Mary ARNOTT

Saturday 26 October 1850

The Weather
On Saturday last there was a very heavy fall of hail on the hills around Graham’s Town, especially to the southwards. About 3pm the horizon became black and cloudy, which was suddenly followed by a rushing sound as if of a distant torrent. The hailstones covered the tops of the high ground to the thickness of 3 or 4 feet, and were also accumulated in drifts to the extraordinary depth of 7 to 9 feet – many of the stones were as big as a duck’s egg, or about 5 to 6 inches in circumference. The sudden melting of the icy particles caused the adjacent brooks to be filled immediately, which suggested the possibility of a waterspout having burst. Fortunately the storm did not pass over the town, or the fruit trees must have been utterly denuded of the blossoms and buds. Later in the day, and on Sunday, copious rain fell, which we hear have been very general throughout the locality, much to the relief of the parched country. The farmers are now enabled to plough and to put in the seed. The vleys have also got filled, and grass is springing up, so that travelling will shortly become less difficult. The entire prospects around us are this week much brighter than during the last.

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain TCD, 22nd October 1850
Mr. John HURRY to Miss Harriet Charlotte DUNSTERVILLE

[by the same]
A son of Mr. James BROWN baptised John
A son of Mr. James TAYLOR baptised William
A daughter of Mr. George COLLINS baptised Susanna
A son of Mr. John HENWOOD baptised George Horatio Wainwright
A son of Captain BAWDEN of the Sans Pareil, baptised William Henry

Saturday 2 November 1850

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Thursday afternoon, the 31st October, Mrs. KUHR of a son.

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain (TCD)
Francis John GOODALL to Mary Ann WYNNE

[by the same]
A son of Mr. John Frederick CONRY baptised John Henry
A son of Mr. James CASTLEMAN, baptised Henry

Saturday 9 November 1850

Notice to Travellers
Begs to intimate to the public that he has taken the Hotel recently occupied by Mr. C. STEWART, and hopes that by keeping Good Accommodation, with the best of Wines, Spirits, and Attendance, to be favored with a share of the Public Patronage,
As the Premises are now enlarged, Families travelling will be sure to meet with every convenience and comfort.
Good Stabling and Forage for Horses
Charges Moderate
NB Three or Four respectable Boarders can be accommodated.
Matthew’s Hotel
Market Square, Graaff-Reinet.

Saturday 16 November 1850

DIED at Graaf-Reinet on the 5th inst, Johan Ludwig, the only son of Mr. J.L. LEEB, aged 10 months and 2 days [could be 12 or 22 – obscured in binding] deeply lamented.

Departed this Life, last Night, Mr. Christopher ADCOCK Sen, of this Town, Tallow Chandler, aged 71 years, universally lamented and respected being one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Notice is hereby given that the Remains of the Deceased will be intered To-Morrow Afternoon at 3 o’clock, when the attendance of all Friends are respectfully invited.
Port Elizabeth, 14th Nov 1850

Saturday 30 November 1850

MARRIED on Tuesday 26th inst in St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Gustavus Henry Pullen CHABAUD Esq of this town to Helena Catherine Josephine, only daughter of T. THOMPSON Esq, of Uitenhage.
Port Elizabeth, 26th Nov 1850

On Wednesday Evening last a very interesting and entertaining lecture on Elocution was delivered by Mr. T.P. HILL in the Hall of the Commercial Exchange. The necessity of studying the principles of Elocution was clearly and forcibly pointed out, and the illustrations with which he interspersed his lecture were executed with artistic effect. We cannot but notice here the pleasure with which we listened to the recital of Lord Byron’s piece upon Modern Greece, and Mrs. HEMAN’s striking ballad of the Spanish Champion, in which the Lecturer very happily brought out the living embodyment of the Authors’ true thoughts and feelings.
We have great pleasure in announcing that Mr. HILL’s second Elocutionary Lecture is to take place on Wednesday Evening next. The Programme exhibits a rich feast of intellectual enjoyment, and we feel certain that none who were present on the former occasion will fail in their attendance on this.

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain (TCD)
Nov 25 1850 -  Mr. Thomas WARD of Fort Beaufort, Bachelor, to Miss Mary Ann CHALLENGER, Spinster.
Nov 26 – Gustavus Henry Pullen CHABAUD Esq, bachelor, to Miss Helena Catherine Josephine THOMPSON, Spinster.

A son of W. KUHR Esq, baptised Henry Robert

Saturday 14 December 1850

Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and the Neighbourhood that he has commenced the Practice of the Medical Profession in this Town. He is at present residing at Miss COLLING’s, High Street
Port Elizabeth, Nov 26 1850

Saturday 21 December 1850

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain (TCD)
A son of Mr. William Webb WYMAN baptised William Henry Thomas.
A son of Edward PHILPOTT Esq Jun, baptised Edward John.
A daughter of Joseph SIMPSON Esq, baptised Frances Mary

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
The Undersigned, in his capacity as the duly authorised Attorney and Agent to the Executrix, under the Will of the late Christopher ADCOCK Senior of Port Elizabeth, Tallow Chandler, deceased, to whom as such Executrix Letters of Administration have been granted by the Master of the Supreme Court – hereby calls upon all Persons having any Claims or Demands whatsoever against the said Christopher ADCOCK, or his Estate, to lodge the same with the Undersigned, at his Office, High Street, Port Elizabeth, within six weeks from the publication hereof; and all persons indebted to the said Estate, upon any account whatsoever, are requested to pay their Debts to the Undersigned forthwith.
Wm. ADCOCK, Agent
Port Elizabeth, 7th December 1850.

Saturday 28 December 1850

Having just landed from the Ship “Archimedes”, I take the first opportunity to express my entire satisfaction of Captain G. DOWNING, he having behaved to the Passengers in the most kind manner. I should in the event of any body I am acquainted with coming out, recommend them to come in the “Archimedes”, as she is one of the safest Sea Boats I ever saw. The Captain is, in my opinion, a thorough Officer, being in every way competent to command any vessel.
(Signed) Thomas PERKS, Passenger.

In Port Elizabeth by the Rev A Robson
A son of Mr. John Ross PHILIP baptised William Yalden Thomson.

Mr. George Macnamara BRUNETT, late Clerk of the Peace, Uitenhage.

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