Port Elizabeth Mercury 1850 2 April - June
Tuesday 9 April 1850
A Settler’s Gratitude
To the Editor: Sir,
In your late number you very justly, in recording the death of this very old and once active officer, gave a history of his career, and of the many valuable services he rendered to his country; but there is one omission, which I trust you will supply, and that is regarding his kindness to a body of strangers – homeless, houseless – thrust at a short warning on his hands.
On the 10th April 1844 you will remember that the British Settlers commemorated at Port Elizabeth their arrival in the Colony twenty five years before. One of the speakers on that occasion paid the following tribute to the good old Commandant, and it was well deserved:
“To Capt. EVATT, then, under Providence, belongs the praise of a safe landing of the women and children of the Settlers. I think, at a moderate computation, 3,000 in number. He directed their debarkation through the dangerous surf, and I saw him, in innumerable instances, bringing them through the breakers in his own arms. His care was not confined to this – his house and his heart were open to one and to all. The first breakfast we ever ate in Africa was at his cost, and many substantial meals besides we owe him. To every one that had the manners and conduct of a gentleman he was the ready friend.”
A British Settler of 1820.
Has received per “Rosebud”
A fresh assortment of Children’s and Girls’ Shoes, Ladies’ Enamel and Cordovan Slippers, Boys Caps, Silk and other Stockings, Linen Shirts, Oil Silk, Crape, Irish and Front Irish, Infants’ Frocks, Robes and Caps, Habit Shirts, Blond, Thread and other Lace, Stays, Gentleman’s and Ladies’ Silk and other Gloves, Widows Caps, Raven Silk &c
And has for sale also
Black Sattinette, White Areophane, White Satin, Plush Gros, Black French Satin, French Cambric, Puffings, Feathers, Gimps, Veils, Collars, Book Muslin, Damask, Nankeen, Diaper, Flannel, Shapes and Crowns, Bonnets, Hats, Brook’s Cotton, Socks &c &c
Tuesday 16 April 1850
A murder was committed on Thursday last in the neighbourhood of this town. The full particulars had not transpired, but the following are what we have learnt.
It would appear that Mr. FROST wanting brushwood for his kiln sent a wagon out under the charge of two lads, one a Hottentot and the other a Fingo, to procure some. A young child of 4 or 5 years accompanied them. After having procured a load, the Hottentot it would appear took the child with him, when he went to fetch the oxen. On returning without him he said that the child had been killed by a wolf. When the wagon returned to town, Mr. FROST questioned the Hottentot about the child, and was told that he was drowned, and when desired to point the place out he said he has been killed [by a wolf (line partially obscured in paper fold] The Hottentot was then given in charge of Mr. TEE, the field cornet, who was led by the boy, after many similar prevarications, to the spot. They found the body severely bruised with marks of blood on one side of the head, apparently the result of violent blows, and marks about the neck as though the child had been strangled. It is impossible to say what motives could have led to the commission of this act.
Tuesday 23 April 1850
As an instance of the enterprizing spirit which animates the people of Port Elizabeth, we have to announce the completion of another Steam Mill, by Mr. John Owen SMITH, which commenced operations on Saturday last, this activity is an event of the future prosperity of this town.
Painter, Glazier, Paper-Hanger, and Marble Grainer and French Polisher
Begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Inhabitants of Port Elizabeth that, having taken the premises next to Mr. LEE’s shop, he will there carry on the above business. All work done by G.K. will be promptly attended to and carefully executed upon the lowest terms, for Cash. Paper Hanging done for the Trade and General Contracts taken for repairs &c.
Tuesday 7 May 1850
OVERLEDEN, te Uitenhage, op Dingsdag avond, den 30 April, te half acht uur, onze geliefde en eenigste dochtertje Catharina Magdalena, in den ouderdom van 6 jaren, 4 maanden, en 19 dagen.
Wy versoeken van dit ons verlies kennis te geven aan Naastbestaande en Vrienden, en ter gelyker tyd onze oprechte dank te betuigen aan de Heeren J. GIBSON, Gouvernements Schoolmeester; J.G. DE KORTE, Assisteerende ditto, en Henry JONES, en aan de Scholieren van het Gouvernement school voor de laatste eer door hun aan ons overledene dochterje bewezen.
Johan Nicolas Wilhelm BARKHAUSEN, Catharina Magdalena BARKHAUSEN.
[The above notice was kindly transcribed by Sunelia Heath. Below it was a communication written in Dutch and somewhat garbled by the type setter. Geoff Chew has kindly provided a translation]
Daar de ter aarde bestelling van het lyk van de Heer GIE op den zelfde dag en byna ter zelfder uren (Donderdag den 2 Mei) plaats zoude nemen, wierd het ter aarde bestellen van de overledene dochtertje van den Heer BARKHAUSEN tot om vyf uren uitgesteld, en daar onvoorziene omstandigheid verhindering bragt[,] wierd het lyk van de Heer GIE later op genomen [correctly "opgenomen", one word] dan het bestemde tyd – hoewel deze voor de wachtende scholieren van de Heer GIBSON, die niet genoegzaam voorzien zynde de [sic, correctly delete "de"] voor dan te vallene scherpe avond daauw[,] een teleur stelling [correctly "teleurstelling", one word] mede bragt. Volgden echter de kinderen (en de meisjes me[t] slechts een dun wit doekje over het hoofd gebonden) onder den opzicht van hun onderwyzer met weemoedige harten en zachte schreden de laatste overbleyfselen van hun kort afgestorvene schoolmakker[,] die op Zaturdag morgen nog in haar vollen en jeugdigen bloei wandelde, en Dingsdag avond door haar Verlosser tot Hem geroepen wierd. Aan het kerkhof, daar het reeds laat [was,] en de zon de kim van zyne ondergang, bereikte [sic; correct punctuation: "ondergang bereikte,"] wierd de voorgenomene aanspraak niet aan de kinderen gedaan[,] die was het vroeger door hun onderwyzer op deze gelegenheid zoude plaats hebben gevonden [sic: some garbling seems to have taken place; suggested hypothetical correct reading: "die vroeger door hun onderwyzer op deze gelegenheid zoude plaats hebben"] – een voortreflyk gezang wierd met luider stemmen door de scholieren (en als het ware) uit grond van hun hart voortkomende gezongen[,] waarna de Heer GIBSON, in afwezigheid van den Eerwaarde Heer SMITH, een gebed over het lyk deed, die in haare eeuwige rustplaats op deze aarde geborgen wierd.
DIED at his Residence in the Town of Uitenhage on Tuesday the 30th April, 1850, Ernst Fredrick Schrader GIE Esq., late Clerk of the Peace of Port Elizabeth. Aged 47 years, leaving a Widow and five Children to deplore his loss.
Tuesday 28 May 1850
The following is the result of the ballot in Cape Town for Members to the Legislative Council.
John FAIRBAIRN, 446 – F.W. REITZ, 381 – Sir A. STOCKENSTROM, 351 – Adv. C.J. BRAND Sen, 341 – W. FLEMING, 129 – J.H. WICHT, 123 – Adv. DE WET, 108 – T.B. BAYLEY, 54 – J.J. MEINTJES, 49 – H.E. RUTHERFOORD, 48 – J.J.L. SMUTS, 35 – H.C. JARVIS, 25 – P.G. BRINK, 20 – A. McDONALD, 8 – O.J. TRUTER, 7 – J.B. EBDEN, 7 – John BARRY, 5 – Thos. ANSDELL, 4 – Henry SHERMAN, 4 – John STEIN, 4 – H. ROSS, 3 – C. MAYNARD, 3 – And. BRINK Ds, 3 – W.M. HARRIS, 3 – D.G. VAN BREDA, 3 – G.W. PRINCE, 2 – P.HEUGH, 2 – J.A.H. WICHT, 2 – W. SMITH, Cape Town, 2 – G. JARVIS, 1 – J. GIE, 1 – ZIERVOGEL, 1 – Dr. ATHERSTONE, 1 – O’CONNEL, 1 – Wm. GADNEY, 1 – E. EAGER, 1 – J. McGREGOR, 1 – W. MASKEW, 1 – W. SMITH, Port Elizabeth, 1 – J.F. HOFMEYER, 1 – F. DUCKETT, 1 – C.J. BLANCKENBERG, 1 – Advocate EBDEN, 1
Tuesday 4 June 1850
The inhabitants of Graham’s Town are up at last and ballotting for members for the new Council. They are determined to vote for none but Separationists. We admire their spirit; but are they not taking the edge off one of the best arguments for Separation, viz, the impossibility of obtaining residents in the Eastern Province to represent our interests at so distant a point as Cape Town.
Tuesday 18 June 1850
By the Rev F.M. McCleland AB (TCD)
A daughter of Mr. ATTREE, baptised Emma.
A son of Mr. SILLS, baptised William David.
A son of Mr. SUTHERLAND, baptised Francis William Alexander.
Tuesday 25 June 1850
George ADAMS
Ivory, Wood and Metal Turner
Respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Port Elizabeth that he has commenced Business in the Stationery and Cutlery Line in the Main-street
(Between Mrs. MORRELL and Messrs REED & Co Butcher’s Shop)
G.A. having received from England an assortment of Account, Pocket, School and Story Books; Plain, Embossed, Perforated Papers, Envelopes &c; Table, Pocket and Pen Knives; Scissors, Razors, Strops and Cases, Combs; Nail, Shaving Tooth and Hair Brushes; Ladies’ Reticules, Pin Cushions, Brooches, Silver Pencil Cases, Thimbles &c; Steel and Quill Pens, Shirt Studs, Perfumes, Fancy Soaps, with a great variety of other articles of use and ornament.
Cornice Rings, Poles, Table Legs and all descriptions of Turning
On the Shortest Notice
At the Lowest price – for Cash
- Hits: 10150