Port Elizabeth Mercury 1850 1 January - March
Tuesday 12 March 1850
Tuesday 26 March 1850
Mr. J.N. BILLINGHAM having closed his Stores in this place (preparatory to leaving the Colony) begs to apprise parties owing Accounts to him that are over-due, that he has taken the Office in the Market-place (late Messrs HART & CANSTATT's) where he requests a prompt settlement of the same; and also desires that any Claims against him may be forwarded to the same place.
Port Elizabeth, March 25 1850
Notes of the Week
We have to congratulate our fellow townsman W.C. HUTCHONS Esq on his appointment to the office of Deputy Sheriff for the district of Port Elizabeth.
Our obituary of today records the death of one of the oldest inhabitants of the place. Commandant EVATT departed this life, after a gradual decay of nature, on the afternoon of Thursday last. His exact age is not known, but he is supposed to have been about 87 years. Several friends kindly visited him during his illness, and among the many attentions paid him, we would especially notice those of Capt. BROWN, our present Commandant, and the Reverend Mr. ROBSON. His remains were interred in the burial place in connection with Union Chapel on last Friday afternoon, and were followed by a number of the inhabitants, as well as by all the military stationed here. We take over the following account of his services from the Herald.
The Deceased, Commandant EVATT, after retiring from the 2nd Dragoon Guards, about the year 1790, in order to devote himself to agricultural pursuits in Midlothian, was, on the breaking out of the Irish Rebellion in 1794, called upon by the county to accept the situation of Adjutant and Riding Master of a regiment of Fencibles, which he did, accompanying the same to Ireland. Here he was soon put in command of a Troop of Dragoons stationed in the County of Meath, where he was chiefly instrumental in keeping the rebellion in check by unwearied and increasing exertion in maintaining constant night patrols &c. For this service the county presented him with a sword, and £2000 to purchase him a commission in the service – which offer , as likewise a similar offer from a Colonel BURROWS of Summer Hill, were both respectfully declined. He continued therefore simply in command of different posts in Ireland, till, in the year 1798, he was severely wounded at the Battle of Ross, and at nearly the same time lost his father, who, in the same rebellion, was killed at the fight of Saintfield – his horse being killed under him. In 1799 his regiment was disbanded and in 1800 he was then appointed to the Adjutancy, and as Riding Master to the 21st Light Dragoons, at the recommendation of General GWYER, and in 1806 he accompanied his regiment to the Cape. He continued in this regiment until 1808, when he volunteered to accompany a squadron of the 6th Dragoon Guards to South America, with which squadron he served at the unfortunate affair of Buenos Ayres, where deceased was severely wounded in both knees. In the year 1809 he again returned to the Cape with a squadron of his former Regiment, the 21st Light Dragoons, with which he was at once sent by His Excellency, Lord CALEDON, to take command on the Eastern Frontier, which position he held for 15 months. For his services during these months he received the thanks and approbation of his superiors. In 1812 it seemed again necessary to His Excellency General Sir John CRADOCK to form a garrison company for the protection of the Uitenhage district, to which command deceased was then appointed, till the year 1815, when he was appointed Resident Commandant of this station, all the duties of which he continued to discharge till about 2 years ago, when he was considered as superannuated, and retired.
Domestic Intelligence
At Port Elizabeth on 17th inst, Mrs. J.O. SMITH of a daughter.
At Graham's Town on the 17th inst, Mrs. W.Y. THOMSON of a daughter.
At Port Elizabeth on the 17th inst, Mrs. Edward OWEN of a son.
A son of Mr. GIDDINGS, baptised Charles John.
A son of Mr. WOOD, of Graaff-Reinet, baptised Stephanus Lenox.
A daughter of Mr. MATHEWS, baptised Selina Ann
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