Grahamstown Journal 1864 - 4 - October to December
Monday 3 October 1864
We regret to learn that a lamentable accident on Thursday at Remhoogto, Koeberg. A young man named THERON, residing at Twenty-four Rivers, was on his way homeward from town. There were four wagons together. THERON was walking beside his oxen when one of the other wagons suddenly came alongside, the oxen of which knocked him down, and the wheels of the wagon passing over his neck, killed him on the spot.
Wednesday 5 October 1864
MARRIED at West-hill Chapel on the 3rd October by the Rev W. Impey S.G.W.M., Walter Wills SHINGLER to Elizabeth Ann CAWOOD, fourth daughter of the late Hon'ble Joseph CAWOOD Esq. No cards.
Friday 14 October 1864
DIED on the 9th inst at the residence of Mr. Charles BROWN, Queenstown, after an illness of a few days, Mr. John BRADFIELD, aged 71 years. Deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Monday 17 October 1864
BIRTH at Port Alfred (Kowie) on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. W. SOUTTER of a son
Friday 21 October 1864
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th instant, the wife of Mr. W. MONTGOMERY, Trompetter's Drift, of a daughter
BIRTH at King Williamstown on Monday 17th inst, Mrs. Chas. KIDD of a son
Friday 28 October 1864
DIED at Burghersdorp, October 23 1864, Ida Ellen, infant daughter of W.S. and M.W. COPELAND, aged 5 months and 25 days.
DIED on the 24th inst, Jane, wife of the late William YELLING of this city.
Monday 31 October 1864
The weather at Caledon, during the late rains, was more tempestuous even than in the neighbourhood of Somerset. The heavy fall of water must have been, it is thought, from the bursting of a water spout. The gardens of the village itself were at once denuded of vegetation and soil, changing he whole appearance of the place. The Rev Mr. WILSHERE, rector of Caledon, had a narrow escape from drowning. On his return from an out-station he found the Steenboks River, in which there is generally very little water, so full as to make him hesitate before attempting the passage in his cart; but on the driver assuring him that he knew the drift well, and could get through without danger, he attempted it. The horses soon commenced to swim, and the flood was so strong as to drift them rapidly down the stream. The cart was upset, and the horses, struggling to free themselves, were soon drowned. The driver swam to the shore from which they started, but Mr. WILSHERE made for the opposite one, towards home, which, after alternately swimming and hanging to bushes, he reached in safety, though his hands were much torn in the struggle. The loss altogether amounted to about £70, including the cart, money, clothing and other articles. The horses were hired, and Mr. WILSHERE at once commenced a subscription for the owner's benefit. On his arrival at the village, having been assisted by friends with change of clothing, horses &c, he found the bridge washed away, and the river rushing wildly on. – Courant
The E.P. Herald gives the following:- On Monday morning as Mr. GOWIE, of Grahamstown, and some friends were driving in from Uitenhage, they met a two-horse cart and a horseman (Mr. EDYE of Uitenhage), a little beyond the half-way house, tearing along the road at a furious rate. The road at the point in question takes a sharp curve, and when Mr. GOWIE came in sight of the other cart it was only about twenty yards off. Mr. GOWIE's cart was on the proper side of the road, but seeing that the driver of the other vehicle made no attempt to change his course, Mr. GOWIE ordered his driver to turn to the left (in order to avoid a collision, which otherwise appeared inevitable), and in so doing the pole knocked Mr. EDYE off his horse, and severely injured him. He was taken to Uitenhage, and we regret to hear died yesterday, at twelve o'clock. He has left a widow and three children to mourn his untimely death. The Telegraph gives the reason why the unfortunate deceased was riding so fast. It says – A melancholy accident occurred on the road between this and Uitenhage on Monday last. Mr. J.B. EDYE, of Uitenhage, and late of this town, had been to Mrs. JAMES's half-way house on business, and there met with COOK's passenger cart. On leaving he chaffed Mr. COOK as to who should reach Uitenhage first, in consequence of which they both started off at a rapid rate, Mr. EDYE being on horseback. They had got some little distance along the road when in turning a corner a cart coming in an opposite direction ran upon Mr. EDYE, the pole striking him in the chest and knocking him completely off his horse. He was taken up all but dead and conveyed to Uitenhage, where he lingered till Thursday. The deceased was a very industrious young man and much respected, and his untimely death has cast a gloom over a large circle of friends. His funeral, which took place yesterday afternoon, was numerously and respectably attended.
Friday 4 November 1864
DIED at Melbourne, Australia on the 10th July last, Mr. Robert HART, formerly of the Commissariat Department, Cape of Good Hope.
DIED at Mount Pleasant, Lower Bushman's River, on the 26th October 1864, of ulcerated sore throat, Henrietta Louisa, eldest and beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. DENTON, aged 4 years 9 months and 15 days.
"Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven".
DIED at Capetown on the 26th Oct 1864, Andrew Geddes BAIN Esq, late Inspector of Roads at Katberg, in his 67th year.
Friday 11 November 1864
BIRTH on 28th October 1864 at Cathcart Cottage, Eland's Post, Mrs. J.C.B. BERRANGE of a son
DIED at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on Tuesday Nov 1st, Alfred Walsingham, infant son of Chas. And Annie SHEPPARD, aged 5 months and 22 days.
DIED at Burton Cottage, Whittlesea on Sunday the 6th inst, Arthur, third son of the Widow of the late T.S.M. KNIGHT, aged 4 years 7 months and 13 days. Friends will please accept this notice.
DIED suddenly from Paralysis, on the evening of the 10th Nov 1864, Wm. SARGEANT Sen, in his 78th year. Deceased was one of the Original Settlers of 1820, of the Salem Party.
Grahamstown, 11th Nov 1864.
Monday 14 November 1864
DIED on Sunday evening the 6th inst, at the residence of Mr. Alfred WEBB in this city, Mr. Charles Henry COOKE, of Assegai Bush Farm, Sidbury; only son of the late Charles COOKE Esq of Ledbury, Herefordshire, England. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.
DIED at St. John's River on Sunday 9th October 1864, Alexandra Alice, youngest daughter of Mr. F.J. HUGHES, aged one year and four months.
Friday 18 November 1864
DIED at Hellingdan Farm, district of Queenstown, on Monday 7th November 1864, Margaret Emily, aged 7 years and 4 months, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McGRATH. Friends at a distance will please to accept of this notice.
The Queenstown Free Press says Mr. GOODCHILD narrowly escaped drowning in the Kei, between Queenstown and Whittlesea. The river was swollen, and in attempting to cross, the horse lost his footing and was washed down. Mr. G was thrown, but succeeded in reaching the opposite bank. The horse did not get out until he had been washed down some 200 yards.
Wednesday 23 November 1864
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, Nov 19th, the wife of the Rev Edwin HILLIER, Wesleyan Minister, of a son
MARRIED on Thursday the 17th inst, at St.Mary's, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev James Seddon, assisted by the Rev Samuel Brook, Arthur Sumner DUDLEY, of Sidbury, fifth son of the Rev W.M. DUDLEY, Rector of Laverstoke and Vicar of Whitchurch, Hampshire, England, to Emma Louisa, eldest daughter of the late George ALLEN Esq, Architect, of Southwark, London. No cards.
Friday 25 November 1864
BIRTH at Tharfield, near Port Alfred, on the 18th November, Mrs. T. Holden BOWKER of a son
DIED in Grahamstown at her residence in Lawrance-street, Nov 23rd 1864, Sarah, the widow of the late James USHER Senr, aged 81 years and 9 months. For the last 30 years or upwards she has been a member of the Wesleyan Society, and there is every reason to believe that she truly "feared God and worked righteousness", and "humbly walked with God". She appeared to have no particular disease, but gradually sank beneath the weight of years. Although aged and infirm, her children and relatives will deeply feel their loss.
Friday 2 December 1864
BIRTH at Somerset East on the 23rd inst, the wife of Mr. E. CASTENS, of Pearston, of a son
DIED at Peddie on Saturday evening, 26th inst, after a long and lingering illness, Mr. John SUTTON, aged 51 years and 8 months, deeply and sincerely regretted by his widow and a large circle of relatives. The bereaved Widow through this medium begs to return her sincere thanks to those friends who so kindly assisted her, and attended her late husband during his illness, and also for their attendance at the funeral.
Peddie, Nov 29th 1864
Monday 5 December 1864
BIRTH at Oatlands on the 29th Nov, the wife of Mr. John WALKER of a son
DIED on the 5th December, Richard Percy, only son of Richard Edwin and Mary Ann RUSHBY, 23 Hill-street, Grahamstown, aged 14 months.
DIED at Grahamstown December 2nd 1864, Alfred Henry, youngest son of William and Elizabeth ROBERTS, aged three years and twenty-three days.
Friday 9 December 1864
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 5th December, the wife of Mr. C. PURDON of a daughter
DIED at Bedford on December 4th, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, Edgar Atheling, eldest surviving son of Robert Bluett and Mary Ann Margaret ROBERSON
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 5th December, by the Rev R Johnstone, David John HARLEY, Storekeeper, Colesberg, to Margaret LANGLANDS, late of Lochee, Scotland.
Friday 16 December 1864
MARRIED on the 14th December 1864 at St.George's Cathedral, Grahamstown. By the Rev R.S. Hutt, Albert Edward, youngest son of the late Dr. Richard William NELSON of Dublin, Ireland, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of William WALLACE Esq of this city. No cards.
Wednesday 21 December 1864
DIED at Table Farm, December 14th 1864, Emily WHITE, daughter of the late T.C. WHITE Esq, aged 31 years.
The Undersigned, having determined upon closing the Agency Business, for some time carried on by him in Queenstown, forthwith begs to request that all persons who have entrusted any Papers, Notes &c to his care will make application for the same before the 31st December next, and at the same time to inform all parties indebted to him for Agency that he intends to close his accounts without delay.
Queenstown, Nov 25th 1864
Friday 23 December 1864
MARRIED at Uitenhage, December 21st, by the Rev R.H. Brotherton, Mr. Jno. TEMLETT, of Grahamstown, to Hannah Coope HOBSON, fourth daughter of Mr. D. HOBSON, of Uitenhage. No cards.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th instant, the wife of John DUGMORE of a daughter
December 23 1864
DIED at Grahamstown on the 21st instant, Annie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John DUGMORE, aged 5 days.
December 23 1864
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