Grahamstown Journal 1865 - 1 - January to March
Monday 2 January 1865
DIED at his residence, Lawrance-street, on Wednesday the 21st December, Benjamin Keen WAKEFORD, aged 29 years, leaving a widow and three young children to deplore their loss.
Grahamstown, Dec 30 1864
Wednesday 4 January 1865
DIED at Grahamstown on 30th December, Stephen, ninth (and seventh surviving) son of James and Ann [COGAN], aged four days.
MARRIED on Monday the 28th November 1864 at Alexandria, by the Rev W. Smit, Mr. Antonie Michael VAN NIEKERK, Widower, to Mrs. Elizabeth McCALL, Widow.
Monday 9 January 1865
DIED at his residence, Quagga's Flat, on the 22nd December last, Jacobus Mauritz HEGERS Esq JP, aged 79 years 8 months and 19 days.
Blacksmiths, Farriers and Wagonmakers, Robinson Road, Queenstown, make and repair every description of Cart, Buggy, Carriage, Spider, Wagon &c. Repair Agricultural Implements in the most improved manner. All articles manufactured on the premises bear the maker's name and address, without which none are genuine.
Largest and Cheapest Assortment is a E. FISHER's Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger, Hill-street, opposite Catholic Chapel. Mouldings for Pictures, in Gilt and Maple.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England. Licentiate of Midwifery. Address: Mrs. ARMSTRONG, Somerset-street, Grahamstown.
Wednesday 11 January 1865
DIED on the 9th January at Port Elizabeth, Andrew GIBSON, second surviving son of Kenneth McKenzie GIBSON, Saddler, Dundee, North Britain, aged 18 years.
Friday 13 January 1865
BIRTH on the 8th January, the wife of Mr. Charles HARPER, Victoria House, Alice, of a son.
Monday 16 January 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 11th January 1865, Mrs. James RICHARDS of a son
DIED at Eildon on the 8th January 1865 after a short illness of twenty four hours, Walter Gordon, infant son of John and Jeanie PRINGLE, aged 8 months and 9 days.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th January 1865, the wife of Mr. Francis W.G. PENN of a son
Friday 20 January 1865
BIRTH at Middleberg on the 11th inst, Mrs. James D. COUPER of a daughter.
MARRIED on Thursday January 12th 1865 at St.George's Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev R.G. Hutt, George Thomas, eldest son of Mr. George PALMER, to Sarah Helen, youngest daughter of Mr. George STEAD of Grahamstown.
DIED at Settler's Hill, Grahamstown, on the 16th January, James WILSON, aged 50, a native of Ayrshire, Scotland; gardener to the Hon. George WOOD Esq.
Monday 23 January 1865
Splendid Opportunity
Valuable Investment
Sale of Extensive and Important Property at Port Alfred
The Proprietor of this valuable Block of Property has instructed the undersigned to offer for sale, at Public Auction, on the spot, at Port Alfred, on Friday 24th February 1865, at twelve o'clock, upon very extended credit, viz. six or seven years:
The whole of those Large and Extensive Premises known as SWAN's Hotel, consisting of Several Important Buildings. 1st, the Hotel, or Main Property, contains in itself every convenience for conducting a large business. The accommodation is considerable and perfect. There are fourteen rooms, besides kitchen and wine cellar. The arrangements of the several apartments are superior, and in every way conducive to health and comfort. The whole forming one of the most compact and eligible establishments at Port Alfred. As a sea-side or marine residence it enjoys an unrivalled reputation, and is capable of being converted into one or two family dwellings. The situation is at once healthy and beautiful, commanding a fine view of the entrance to the Kowie River, and of the country for a considerable distance. 2nd, that Beautiful Little Cottage immediately above the hotel, containing three rooms and a kitchen, under slate roof, with boarded floor, and pleasantly situated for invalids visiting the sea-side.
The outbuildings are extensive; there is a Bakery and Butchery fitted up for use; Stabling &c attached, rendering the entire property very complete.
The extent of ground upon which this valuable establishment is built is over fourteen acres, a large portion of which is under cultivation, and extends almost to the river boundary. A Beautiful Garden, well planted with Trees, adds also a great charm to the view obtained from the hotel verandah; a delightful situation, well sheltered, with a commanding prospect, overlooking the wooded banks of the Kowie River for many miles, and with an equally beautiful view of the Indian Ocean. The property altogether is so thoroughly well known that the proprietor deems it almost superfluous to add further comment, simply believing that the opportunity now offered by him will be fully appreciated by intending buyers, ill-health alone constraining him to offer it to the public upon the terms so highly favourable – five, six or seven years.
Peter POTE, Auctioneer.
In the Insolvent Estate of Thos. S. FORD
Will be sold, at Port Alfred, on Friday the 24th February, at the same time and place as the sale of Mr. SWAN's hotel, the whole of the moveable effects belonging to the above Estate, consisting of various Merchandize; also two valuable Horses and other articles.
John SWAN, Sole Trustee
Peter POTE, Auctioneer
NB Farmers and others residing near the Kowie will find a capital opportunity afforded for the disposal of Stock &c at the Sale advertised by Mr. SWAN. The auctioneer is prepared to undertake any Sale on this occasion for the benefit of the Sellers.
Peter POTE
Friday 27 January 1865
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Ignatius FERREIRA, formerly of Adelaide, Division of Fort Beaufort, residing in British Kaffraria, at present sojourning in Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Trustee in the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 15th day of February next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Thomas BROOKS, Sole Trustee
F.F. & M.I., G.L. & T Company's Office
Grahamstown, 6th January 1865
Monday 30 January 1865
BIRTH at Settler's Hill, Grahamstown on the 27th instant, the wife of Mr. W.W. SMAILES of a son.
DIED in Grahamstown on the 29th Jan, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Wm. COMLEY, in the seventy-second year of her age.
"A woman that feared the Lord"
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 17th January, Mrs. M.B. SHAW of a daughter.
Friday 3 February 1865
DIED at Queenstown on Monday 30th January 1865, James Haswell Burke, infant son of Mr. Charles B. LUCAS of Goetfontein, Orange Free State.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership
The Partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned will be dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st day of February 1865, and all persons are requested to settle their accounts without delay; and all claims to be sent in for settlement. Accounts not settled within fourteen days will be handed to an agent for recovery.
London Studio, January 30th 1865
MARRIED on the 18th January at New Bedford, district of Peddie, by the Rev W.J. Davies, George STIRK, second son of Jos. STIRK Esq JP, to Adelaide BRENT, eldest daughter of Jno. BRENT Esq.
HARPER – On the 8th Jany, the wife of Mr. Charles HARPER, Victoria House, Alice, of a son
PENN – At Grahamstown on the 6th Jany, the wife of Mr. Francis W.G. PENN of a son
RICHARDS – At Port Elizabeth on the 11th Jany, Mrs. James RICHARDS of a son
SMAILES – At Settler's Hill, Grahamstown on the 27th Jany, the wife of Mr. W.W. SMAILES of a son
SHAW – At Port Elizabeth on Tuesday 17th Jany, Mrs. M.B. SHAW of a daughter
GIBSON – On the 9th Jany, at Port Elizabeth, Andrew GIBSON, second surviving son of Kenneth McKenzie GIBSON, saddler, Dundee, North Britain, aged 18 years.
PRINGLE – At Eildon, on the 8th Jany, after a short illness, Walter Gordon, infant son of John and Jeanie PRINGLE, aged 8 months and 9 days.
WILSON – At Settler's Hill, Grahamstown on the 16th January, James WILSON, aged 50, a native of Ayrshire, Scotland. Gardener to the Hon. George WOOD Esq.
Monday 6 February 1865
DIED at Koonapper, at the residence of his son-in-law Mr. W. DUGMORE, on the 5th February 1865, John OATES, aged 77. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, and of the Salem Party.
Friday 10 February 1865
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th February 1865, the wife of Mr. J.W. ASHBURNHAM of a son.
DIED at the residence of Mr. E. CROUCH, Queenstown, on the 14th day of January 1865, after an illness of only a few days, at the age of 33 years and 7 months, Mr. Joseph GOLDING, second son of Geo. GOLDING Esq of Grahamstown. Deeply lamented by an afflicted Widow and a large circle of relatives and friends.
Monday 13 February 1865
A serious accident, says the Fort Beaufort Advocate, happened to the Rev Mr. STEGMAN of Adelaide on Saturday last as he was returning from Graaff-Reinet. The cart in which he was travelling was overturned on the west side of Schiet Rug, nearly opposite Mr. George KING's dam, by the wheel coming against the stump of an old tree. The Rev gentleman was thrown out, and had his leg broken by the tent of the cart. The little Kafir boy who was travelling with him was pitched among the horses. Fortunately Mr. STEGMAN had sufficient presence of mind to keep hold of the reins, and thus staid the horses until another cart which he had heard coming along in the distance reached the spot. Mr. Nicholas RAUBENHEIMER and his Kafir man were in this cart, and they very kindly did all they could for the poor sufferer. He was brought into Adelaide as gently as possible; but it must have been a sore ride. Medical assistance was procured immediately on his reaching home, and we are glad to know that he is progressing favourably. The kindness of friends in this affliction has been very marked – many have come from a distance to sympathize with their pastor. We wish Mr. STEGMAN a speedy recovery and a life of usefulness for many years to come.
Monday 20 February 1865
MARRIED on the 18th instant at St.George's Cathedral by the Rev R.G. Hutt, Montague Augustine, son of M.A. ARMSTRONG Esq, to Elizabeth Wortley, youngest daughter of the late James EVERLEY Esq.
Grahamstown, Feb 20th 1865
Notice – Dissolution of Partnership
The undersigned having this day dissolved, by mutual consent, the Partnership hitherto existing between them, hereby notify the same to the Public; and request that all Parties indebted to the Firm will pay their respective accounts, either to the first or second undersigned within one month from this date. And all Claims, it is also requested, against the Firm, may be sent in for immediate settlement.
James GRAY
Grahamstown, 6th January 1865
Friday 24 February 1865
MARRIED on the 15th inst at St. John's Church, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev W. Johnson, Military Chaplain, John Oldham ELLIS, late Lieut. of the 96th Regt, eldest son of John ELLIS Esq of Creave House, County Down, Ireland, to Margaret Matilda, third daughter of R.J. PAINTER Esq. MLA. No cards.
MARRIED on 31st December 1864, at the office of the Registrar, Hull, Yorkshire, Edward KNIGHT of Grahamstown to Elizabeth Cranshaw SCOTT of Hull.
Monday 27 February 1865
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday the 25th February, the wife of Mr. G.G. LOCKE of a daughter.
Monday 6 March 1865
BIRTH at Aliwal North, February 23rd 1865, the wife of the Rev W. ROSSITER of a daughter.
DIED at the residence of his son, on the 1st March 1865, George DUFFIELD, a native of Yorkshire, England, who came to this colony in WAINWRIGHT's Party with the British Settlers in 1820; aged 66 years and 10 months. Deceased leaves a large family to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Friday 10 March 1865
DIED at Briedbach Park, on the 2nd instant, aged 26 years, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Edward A. CLIFF Esq and daughter of David Ayton LINDSAY Esq of Warminston and Lochlan in the County of Fifeshire, Scotland.
DIED on the Farm of Mr. J. GREEFF, in the division of Queenstown, on the 11th February 1865, Mary Ann Ellen MEYBURG, born HARRIS, aged 34 years and 10 months, the beloved wife of Johannes P. MEYBURG.
DIED at her residence, No.28 African-street, Grahamstown on the 6th March, Ellen, the beloved wife of William WATSON, in the 46th year of her age, leaving a husband, five children, and a large circle of relations and friends to lament their loss.
The undersigned respectfully tenders his sincere thanks to all who so kindly rendered assistance at the late fire in Church Square.
10th March 1865
LOCKE – At Grahamstown on Saturday the 25th Feb, the wife of Mr. G.G. LOCKE of a daughter
ROSSITER – At Aliwal North on the 23rd Feb 1865, the wife of the Rev W. ROSSITER of a daughter
A fire occurred on the premises of Mr. John McCORD, Hotel-keeper of Queenstown, on Friday afternoon last, resulting in the destruction of three rooms in the yard of the Hotel, used as a store and sleeping rooms. From the absence of a bell or any other means of alarm, very few people were present at the commencement, but those that were exerted themselves in a very laudable manner, and after an interval of two hours the fire was subdued. The premises belong to Dr. DUNCAN, and are insured, he will therefore be the loser of at least £100.
DIED at Vakens Kop, district of Middleburg, on the 19th Feb after a short illness, Amelia Margaret, aged 25 years, the beloved wife of Mr. David W. CAWOOD, and second daughter of Mr. Edmund BRADFIED of this town. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Cradock, 3rd March 1865
Monday 13 March 1865
BIRTH on the 12th instant at Oatlands, Grahamstown, Mrs. NIXDORFF of Twin Daughters, one still born.
Friday 17 March 1865
DIED on the 16th instant at Oatlands, Grahamstown, Alice, infant daughter of C. NIXDORFF Esq, aged 5 days.
DIED on the 12th March at Hondeneck, Reuben George VERITY Esq, aged 24 years and 2 days, leaving a widow and infant child. His end was peace in the Lord.
Friday 24 March 1865
MARRIED at Annshaw by the Rev R Lamplough, on the 15th inst, William Hinde GARNER of Mount Elizabeth, son of the late Rev W.H. GARNER, to Martha, daughter of Mr. Thomas ESKDALE of Warrington, England. No cards.
The remains of the late Sub-Inspector JACOBS were moved from the Police Camp at 4 o'clock and conveyed to their last resting place on Sunday afternoon last, followed by a number of relatives and personal friends, as well as the entire police force of the district, and a large gathering of the Volunteer Corps. The late lamented officer was much respected by all who knew him for his kindness of disposition and uprightness of character. He was present at the taking of Natal from the Dutch in 1843, and remained there during its siege by the emigrant farmers. He afterwards settled in the Tyumie and resided there until the formation of the Frontier Armed Mounted Police, which he shortly joined, remaining in that force until the day of his death, respected by his fellow officers and beloved by the men under his command. Sergt. RENNIE takes temporary command of the police post rendered vacant by the lamented death of Mr. JACOBS. – Free Press
Monday 27 March 1865
DIED at Uitenhage on Monday 20th March 1865, Robert Godlonton, only son of Mr. James RICHARDS, aged 2 months and 9 days.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 25th March, Edith Dyer, infant daughter of Daniel and Annie KEEVY; aged one year and three months.
Wednesday 29 March 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 24th inst, Mary, the beloved wife of Jas. GRADY, after a short illness. Aged 37 years and 5 months.
Friday 31 March 1865
BIRTH at Alice on the 24th instant, the wife of Mr. Wm. WRIGHT of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 28th March at St. James's Church, Graaff-Reinet, by the Rev W.A. Steabler, William KELBRICK Esq of Meitjes Kraal, Graaff-Reinet, to Jessie Usher, daughter of the late Joseph CAWOOD Esq of Grahamstown.
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