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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1864 - 3 - July to September

Friday 1 July 1864

MARRIED on the 22nd June by Antinuptial Contract at the Dutch Reformed Church, Adelaide, John William PIRZENTHAL Esq to Fredrika Maria, eldest daughter of J.P. RADEMEYER Esq, Adelaide. No cards.

DIED in Grahamstown on the 26th inst, John CRAUSE Esq HP 58th Reg, aged 71 years.

Teeth! Teeth!
Surgeon Dentist
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Grahamstown that he will be at the Cathcart Arms Hotel, Grahamstown on Monday and Tuesday the 4th and 5th July next and that he intends visiting Grahamstown regularly on the first Monday and Tuesday in every month.
NB Persons desirous of having Artificial Teeth made, or teeth (that have caused pain) stopped, must visit him the first day, as the operations cannot be performed in one day. Hours from nine till five.

Friday 15 July 1864


ATTWELL – 15th June at Grahamstown, Mrs. B.B. ATTWELL of a son
NIEKERK – 12th June at Alexandria, Mrs P.C. VAN NIEKERK of a son
WOOD – 14th June at Grahamstown, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a son

PIRZENTHAL – RADEMEYER 22nd June at Adelaide, John William PIRZENTHAL Esq to Fredrika Maria, eldest daughter of J.P. RADEMEYER Esq, Adelaide.

BAILIE – 20th June at Grahamstown, Amelia BAILIE, aged 72 years
CRAUSE – 25th June, John CRAUSE Esq HP 50th Regiment, aged 71 years
CALLAGHAN – 12th June at Vlak Fontein, in the division of Albert, William CALLAGHAN, aged 2 years 6 months and 15 days
HARTLEY – 15th June at Grahamstown, Mr. Wm. HARTLEY, aged 88 years
READ – 12th June at Grahamstown, Minnie Eleanor, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. READ, aged 6 months
THOMAS – 30th June at Morrel's Fontein, in the district of Queenstown, Ruth Gradwell THOMAS, aged 4 years 4 months and 12 days
WEBB – 17th February at Queenscliff, near Melbourne, John WEBB, aged 39 years

DIED at Thaba Nchu on the 2nd July, Jessie Ellen, aged 3 years and 6 months, and on the 3rd, Anne Elizabeth, aged 2 years and 11 days, the beloved children of James and Helen SCOTT.
"They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in death they were not divided."

DIED at Morrels Fountain, district of Queenstown, on Thursday the 30th June 1864, Ruth Gradwell, aged 4 years 4 months and 12 days, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James THOMAS. Friends at a distance will please accept of this notice.

DIED of consumption on the 17th Feb 1864 at Queen's Cliff, Port Phillip Heads, near Melbourne, John WEBB, son of Charles WEBB, Painter, Graham's Town, aged 39 years. Deceased was born in Graham's Town, was well known and respected, and at 21 took his full share in the war of '46, serving as Lieutenant in the Fingo Corps, and in the war of '50 and '51 (after being driven from his house by the enemy) he was engaged in most of the actions in the Winterberg, Blinkwater, Balfour and Fort Armstrong, under Commandants CURRIE and BOWKER. His business ruined and health broken, he left for the land of gold, in hopes to repair both, and failed in either, and while ardently longing for Home, died in that far off land amongst strangers, and fills a stranger's grave.

Tuesday 19 July 1864

DIED on the 11th July at Norham Dale, Chalumna District, British Kaffraria, at the residence of his son, Mr. Daniel WAINWRIGHT, aged 69. Deceased came to this country with his father with the Original Settlers of 1820, and was well known and greatly respected by the oldest inhabitants of the Colony.

Friday 22 July 1864

MARRIED on Tuesday 19th July 1864 in St.George's Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev R.G. Hutt, Mr. David S. BARRABLE, of Queenstown, to Elizabeth Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. S. ALLISON, Grahamstown.

DIED at Norham Dale, British Kaffraria, on the 11th July, in the 70th year of his age, Daniel WAINWRIGHT Esq. he was deservedly esteemed by all who knew him, and died, as he had lived, in peace with all mankind, and a sincere Christian, with full faith in Jesus Christ.

Tuesday 26 July 1864

DIED at Grahamstown on the 24th July, Ellen, the beloved wife of Mr. Daniel DEVINE, aged 22 years and 11 months.

DIED at the Commercial Hotel, on Sunday morning July 24th, Emma Jane WOOD, aged 2 years and 9 months.

Friday 29 July 1864

DIED at Fort Beaufort, Maria Elila, the beloved daughter of Eliza Ann and Joseph O'GARA. Aged 2 years 4 months and 20 days.

Monday 1 August 1864

DIED at Thorn Kloof, Fish River Randt, Albany on the evening of the 28th July 1864, Miles Brabbin BOWKER Esq, third son of the late Miles BOWKER, of Olive Burn; after a lingering but painless illness of eighteen months, originating in paralysis. Aged 57 years. Friends will please accept this notice.

DIED at Sidbury Park on the 31st July, Diana, relict of the late Mr. Thomas BERRINGTON, aged 73 years, after a painful illness of five weeks, borne with Christian fortitude and resignation. Deeply and deservedly regretted by her sorrowing family and friends.

Friday 5 August 1864

BIRTH on the morning of the 5th inst, at Hill-street, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. S. FITZGERALD of a daughter.
August 1864

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday the 4th inst, the wife of Mr. A.S. BROWN of a daughter

DIED this morning (August 5th) of Bronchitis, Mary Louisa, the beloved and only daughter of Mr. J.H. READHOUSE. Aged 3 years and 2 months.

Monday 8 August 1864

Notice of Partnership
William Scott CRAIK
Having entered into Partnership with Julius JORDAN on the First Day of July last, Notice is hereby given that the Business heretofore carried on by the latter under the Firm of JORDAN & Co will from this day be carried on by the Undersigned, without alteration, under the Firm or Style of JORDAN CRAIK & Company.
Port Elizabeth
August 1st 1864

Friday 12 August 1864

BIRTH on the 10th August 1864, Mrs. R.W. NESON of a son.

BIRTH at West Hill, Graham's Town on the 12th August 1864, the wife of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF of a son

MARRIED at St.George's Cathedral, Grahamstown by the Rev Mr. Hutt, Edwin WILLOWS to Frances Sarah, the youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel ELSE.

MARRIED on Wednesday the 3rd instant, in Commemoration Chapel by the Rev William Impey, Mr. George B. ATTWELL to Marianne, eldest daughter of B.M. SHEPPERSON Esq, Grahamstown.

DIED on the 9th instant of Hooping Cough, aged 8 weeks, John Bowers, son of John Bowers and Hannah Maria JANION, Grahamstown.
August 12th 1864

Tuesday 16 August 1864

DIED at Grahamstown on the 29th July, Andrew HOSIE, aged 87 years.

DIED on the 13th instant, Frederick Arthur Cecil, younger son of Mr. Frederick HOLLAND, of this city, aged one year and four months.
Grahamstown 15th Aug 1864

DIED at Grahamstown on the 12th inst, Sarah Richards, fourth daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth EDKINS, aged two years and 11 months. Friends will please accept this notice.

Friday 19 August 1864

The undersigned begs to inform his friends and he public that he has removed his Boot and Shoe Warehouse to the opposite side of the street, two doors from Styles Hotel, formerly occupied by Mr. SANDERS, Saddler, whilst the alterations in his premises are in hand.
Boot and Shoe Warehouse
August 15th 1864

Monday 22 August 1864

MARRIED at St.Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, by the Rev J Seddon, on the 18th August, James HOGG Esq, C.E. of Port Alfred, to Charlotte, daughter of Nathaniel TAYLOR Esq of Belmont House, Stranraer, Wigtonshire N.B.

DIED on the 4th August 1864, at her residence in the Bongolo, Elizabeth, beloved wife of William JACKSON. Aged 43 years 7 months and 25 days. Her end was peace.

Friday 26 August 1864

MARRIED at Cradock on the 18th instant by the Rev Mr. Green, William MOIR, Accountant Queenstown Bank, to Ann Rhoda Dorothy, eldest surviving daughter of Mr. Joseph THACKWRAY, Cradock. No cards.

DIED on the 22nd August, Lumby William, aged 2 years and 7 months, son of G.W. AYTON Esq of Alphaton, district of Fort Beaufort.

DIED at Somerset East on Thursday morning, the 18th inst, Mr. Job PATRICK, aged 55 years 6 weeks and 7 days, leaving a wife and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore their loss. Mr. PATRICK was the son of one of the Salem Party.

Monday 29 August 1864

DIED August 27th 1864 at the residence of her Cousin, Daniel PENN, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, Sarah, second daughter of William PENN of Basingstoke, Hants, aged twenty eight years and nine months, after a lingering and painful illness of three years, borne with Christian fortitude and patience.

BIRTH on the 25th instant, at Glenston, Mrs. C.H. MORGAN of a daughter.

Friday 2 September 1864

BIRTH on the 28th instant, the wife of Lieut. WOOLDRIDGE, 29th Regt, of a son

MARRIED on the 25th inst, at St.George's Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev R.G. Hutt, Mr. John RICHARDS to Emily Maria Evens, second daughter of the late Mr. James JAY.

Monday 5 September 1864

MARRIED at Zwarte Rivier, Zwarte Ruggens, on Thursday the 25th August 1864, by the Rev John Wilson, Mr. Jeremiah FOXCROFT, second son of Thomas Cumberland FOXCROFT Esq of Groot Vontein, District of Uitenhage, to Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Robert KELBRICK Esq.

Friday 9 September 1864

BIRTH at Peddie on the 31st August, the wife of Sydney SMITH of a son

Monday 12 September 1864

BIRTH at Bathurst on 2nd September, Mrs. Frances McINTYRE of a daughter.
Bathurst, 2nd Sept 1864

MARRIED in St. Peter's Church Cradock on Wednesday the 7th September inst, by the Rev J. Barker, Edward S. GILFILLAN, Attorney and Notary of Cradock, to Louise, daughter of Dr. C.A. FLEMMER of Cradock.

Friday 15 September 1864

DIED at Grahamstown on September 12, of Bronchitis, Charles Allen PORTER, aged 2 years and 2 months.

Monday 19 September 1864

DIED on the 7th September 1864, James SCOBIE, aged 59 years. Deceased was a native of Perth, Scotland, and came to this colony as Master Tailor of Her Majesty's much respected 72nd Highlanders.

Friday 23 September 1864

DIED at Oxkraal, near Buffalo, Thorns, Division of Queenstown, on Friday the 16th instant, Mr. James Noah SLEE, of Bermondsey, Surrey, England; aged 43 years 10 months and 26 days; leaving a widow and 3 children to deplore their lamentable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED at Cradock on the 11th instant, Mr. Edward GARDNER, in the 78th year of his age. Deceased came to this Colony with the Salem party in 1820.

Monday 26 September 1864

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday morning the 24th inst, Mrs. C. BIRKETT of a daughter

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Friday the 23rd inst, the wife of Mr. Geo. IMPEY Junr of a son

MARRIED at Fort Peddie on the 7th September 1864, Dr. VIX M.D, Pannmore, to Martha Cherith TAINTON, fifth daughter of the late R. TAINTON Esq.

Friday 30 September 1864

BIRTH at Amshaw, Middle Drift, on the 21st Sept, the wife of the Rev R. LAMPLOUGH of a son

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 22nd instant, the wife of the Rev W SARGEANT of a daughter

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Chapel, Fort England, on Wednesday Sept 28th, by the Rev J. Chapman, Henry William HARPER to Elizabeth Maria WEBB, only daughter of the late John Henry WEBB.

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