Grahamstown Journal 1864 - 2 - April to June
Tuesday 5 April 1864
BIRTH at Somerset East on April 1st, the wife of the Rev Jno. WILSON, Wesleyan Minister, of a daughter.
Wm. Thomas INGLE
Carriage Builder
No.78 Hill-street, Grahamstown
Thanking his friends for past favours has determined to devote his time to his profession as carriage builder. Carriages of all descriptions, as spiders, phaetons, basket phaetons, carts &c, painted, repaired and trimmed. Carriages of all descriptions made to order. Carriages unpacked and put together with accuracy and dispatch.
Friday 8 April 1864
DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 2nd April 1864 at the age of 27 years, Johan Christian BERRANGE Esquire JP, second and youngest son of the Civil Commissioner, deeply regretted by his surviving widow, parents, relatives and friends.
Monday 11 April 1864
DIED on the 4th inst on the Farm of Mr. DELPORT, Fish River Randt, James THOMAS, aged 36 years.
Intending to reside in Port Elizabeth, will still continue to carry on his trade as a Stone Cutter, as exercised by him in this city, so that parties desirous of employing him for Tombstones or Headstones with inscriptions can leave their orders with Mr. Thos. KING or Mr. Joseph HAZELDON, who will transmit the same to him. Charges as usual. Parties in the country will only have to pay the additional carriage from Grahamstown.
Tuesday 12 April 1864
MARRIED at St.Bartholomew's Church by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman, John William, eldest son of John GEORGE Esq of Streatham, near London, to Ann QUINN, only surviving daughter of the late Phillip QUINN Esq and of Mrs. HAW, senior, of this city.
April 6th 1864
DIED at Grahamstown on the 10th April, Catherine, relict of the late Sarjeant-Major P. ADAMS. Aged 60 years. Requiescat in pace.
A large Watermill burnt to the Ground near Alice.
We received intelligence this morning from Mr.Barend WOEST, who arrived from the Chumie last night, of the total destruction by fire of the large watermill built on the banks of the Chumie by Mr. James ATTWELL Sen. The accident, we understand, took place on Saturday night last. In addition to the destruction of the premises, and, we suppose, considerable injury to, if not total loss of, the machinery, about 200 muids of wheat were likewise burnt. Mr. ATTWELL himself was away, having been called to the Mancazana to attend the funeral of his uncle, Mr. John PRINGLE, whose death we announced yesterday. The family were also away at the seaside, so that the particulars of the accident are very meagre.
The machinery and premises were insured for £1000, and the stock in the building for £500. Report says that both these insurances were effected in the Union Fire and Marine Insurance Company of this city.
Since hearing the foregoing, the KWT Gazette of yesterday has come to hand, and contains the following:-
Serious Disaster at Alice – It is with sincere regret that we learn of the destruction of Mr. James ATTWELL's flour mill on Saturday night. A private letter, dated Sunday morning, says "A Fingo has just come to report to me that ATTWELL's mill was burnt to the ground last night. He says Mr. ATTWELL had gone to the funeral of old John PRINGLE at Mancazana; the family are at the sea. The mill was in charge of a white man named PEDDIE or PERRY, who accounts for the disaster by saying the fire must have fallen among some old sacks. The Fingo could not tell me whether the man had been drinking. It will be a great loss to Mr. ATTWELL. About thirty bags of meal only were saved."
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Testate Estate of the late James Henry GREATHEAD, deceased, of Grahamstown, and surviving spouse Julia GREATHEAD (born WRIGHT)
All persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their claims with the second undersigned at the Stores of Messrs. GREATHEAD & BATE, in Church-square, in Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date: and all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to pay their respective debts to the second undersigned at the same place within said period.
Executors Testamentary
31st March 1864
Tuesday 19 April 1964
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 17th instant, Mrs. A.R. GOOCH of a daughter.
DIED April 12 at St.Matthew's, Keiskama Hoek, Henry, son of the Rev William GREENSTOCK. Aged 2 years and 2 months.
DIED at Collingham, near Graham's Town, on Thursday morning 14th inst, the Hon Joseph CAWOOD MLC, aged 49 years.
DIED at Glenthorn on the 7th April, John PRINGLE, aged 73 years – the last surviving full brother of 'PRINGLE the Poet'. His friends have the consoling assurance that he, like his brothers, died animated by that faith in a once crucified, but now exalted, Redeemer, that gives the promise of a glorious immortality.
Friday 22 April 1864
For Sale by Private Contract
That excellent Grazing and Agricultural Farm
In the District of Peddie, about six miles from the Sea
The Gwalana River forms its western boundary. On the eastern side it joins a piece of Government ground extending to the Beka River.
There are two Homesteads on the farm – one three rooms, brick, thatched roof; the other nine rooms, brick, covered with iron, the present residence of the proprietor.
There are also Outhouses; a shed for oat-hay; and imported Mill of the best description, three-feet stones, worked by wind and horses; a young Fruit Plantation just coming into bearing, including several orange trees; an abundance of firewood; and two never-failing springs of good water – one running through the middle of the farm.
It is good English neighbourhood. A post office at the house, for keeping of which a small allowance is made by Government, besides the great convenience of it.
"Shawbury Chapel" within half an hour's ride, where there is a Day School, Sunday School and Divine Service on Sundays.
The Farm contains about 1,300 acres all available Land, and is one of the most fertile spots in the district. The proprietor reckons the Mill, Buildings and other improvements, at a low valuation, to be worth £1,000; but having another bare farm in the district, on which he wishes to make improvements, and to purchase Stock &c, he offers this excellent Farm, where seldom so many advantages meet at one spot, for £1,300, being at the rate of £1 per acre.
For further information apply to Mr. S. OATS, High-street, Grahamstown, or the proprietor.
On the spot
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 17th inst, Mrs. J.M. GIBSON of a daughter.
Tuesday 26 April 1864
I, James BANKS, of JAMES' Party, in the Division of Bathurst, hereby give notice that no person is, or will be authorised, to sign Promissory Notes or other documents in my name or on my behalf. And any Promissory Notes, "Good fors" or other documents purporting to bear my name or mark, either alone or in connection with others, unless passed by myself, will hereafter not be acknowledged.
James' Party
District of Bathurst
20th April 1864
Wednesday 4 May 1864
We regret to learn by yesterday's post of the death of Mr. GREENAWAY, Cashier of the Frontier Commercial and Agricultural Bank at Aliwel North. Though the deceased was ailing for some time, his death took place, says the local paper, unexpectedly on Thursday last.
BIRTH at Keiskama Hoek on the 27th April, the wife of Major George BRAY, 96th Regt, of a son.
MARRIED at St.George's Cathedral, May 4th 1864 by the R. Goode Hutt, the Rev Wm. ROSSITER of Alice to Martha, youngest daughter of the late Ferdinando BARNARD Esq of Charlton, Berkshire.
Friday 6 May 1864
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, 23rd April 1864, Mrs. W.F. BLOOMFIELD of a daughter
DIED at Botha's Drift, Fish River, on the 25th April 1864, at the age of 53 years and 7 months, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Francis PEIRCE. Deeply regretted by her surviving husband, relatives and friends. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
Friday 13 May 1864
DIED at Aliwel North on Thursday 28th April 1864, after a short illness, George GREENAWAY Esq, cashier of the Frontier Commercial and Agricultural Bank, Aliwel North, deeply regretted.
Tuesday 17 May 1864
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 26th April, Mrs. W.J. Byde MARTIN of a daughter
DIED on Friday last, the 13th inst, John Clement BROOKS, aged 1 year and 11 months, youngest son of Mr. Thos. BROOKS of this city.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
In the Testate Estate of the late Joseph CAWOOD, deceased, of Grahamstown, and surviving spouse Frances CAWOOD (born USHER)
All persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their claims with the third undersigned at the Stores of the late Joseph CAWOOD, Bathurst-street, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date: and all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to pay their respective debts to the third undersigned at the same place within the same period.
Frances CAWOOD
Executors Testamentary
May 12 1864
Friday 20 May 1864
Being about to build a smaller residence with School-room attached, offers for Private Sale her well-known residence, pleasantly situated on Settler's Hill, consisting of Drawing-room, large Dining-room, Breakfast-room, four Sleeping Apartments, Kitchen, Pantry, Cellar and Attics, with Garden and Water laid on from the Grey Reservoir.
Terms – Easy
For particulars apply to the undersigned
Graham's Town
18th May 1864
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
In the Intestate Estate of the late Mr. Thomas E. PASSMORE, of Graham's Town
The undersigned having been appointed Executors Testamentary in the above Estate request all claims against the same may be sent in to the Second Undersigned for Settlement within six weeks from this date; and further, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to pay their respective debts to the Second Undersigned within the same period.
Richard RYALL
Executors Testamentary
Graham's Town
May 19th 1864
At Smithfield, the wife of Mr. John BELL, Mission Party, of a son, on the 22nd April
At Smithfield, the wife of Mr. Gustav SCHEURMAN of a son on the 2nd inst
At Smithfield the wife of Mr. Charles SHEPPARD of a son on the 9th inst
At Smithfield the wife of Mr. John POULTNEY of a son on the 11th inst
The various Mamas and the dear little Cherubs are remarkably well, and the various Papas quite radiant.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 17th instant, Mrs. C.J. KIDWELL of a son.
Thursday 26 May 1864
BIRTH at Tylden on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr. John R. THOMSON of a daughter
Friday 27 May 1864
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. S. ORPEN, Hope's Garden, of a son
DIED at Dordrecht on Monday 16th May, aged 28 years, James Bradfield WEBSTER, son of the late Mr. Thomas WEBSTER of Whittlesea.
The Funeral of the late Mr. James POWELL will move from his residence in Market-square at half past 3 o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Friday 3 June 1864
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday 28th May, Mr. E.T. SHINGLER of a son
BIRTH at Woest's Hill on Thursday the 2nd June, the wife of George WOOD Jun Esq of a daughter
BIRTH at Queenstown on the 25th May, the wife of Selby CORYNDON Esq of a son
MARRIED on the 28th instant, at West Hill Chapel by the Rev Thomas Guard, Thomas WEBB of British Kaffraria, second son of Mr. C. WEBB of Grahamstown, to Louisa, third daughter of Mr. Percival J. PLATT of Grahamstown. No cards.
MARRIED in Trinity Church, Alice, by the Rev Rossiter, Henry Charles Gilmour FIELDING Esq, youngest son of the late Captain F.B. FIELDING of Her Majesty's 98th Regiment to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of James ATTWELL Esq, Battlesden. No cards.
1st June 1864
DIED at her residence, district of Merico, February 13th 1864, the beloved wife of Wm. COLLEN, aged 45 years, born EASTLAND. Also, at Oliphant's Hoek, 21st May, George EASTLAND, aged 58 years, both leaving families and a large circle of friends to mourn the irreparable loss.
Tuesday 14 June 1864
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 7th June 1864, the wife of Mr. J. ANDREWS of a son
MARRIED in Trinity Church, Alice on Thursday the 2nd June by the Rev Rossiter, William WRIGHT Esq, Inspector F.A.M. Police, to Edith Charlotte, third daughter of Wm. WYNNE Esq of Woodstock.
DIED at Salem on the 8th June 1864, Frances, wife of W.H. MATTHEWS
DIED at Salem on the morning of Wednesday the 8th June 1864, aged 63, Mr. Thomas TYLER, Master Mariner, formerly of Capetown. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Salem, June 8 1864
Thursday 16 June 1864
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday the 15h instant, Mrs. B.B. ATTWELL of a son
BIRTH at Alexandria on the 12th instant, the wife of Pieter Cornelis VAN NIEKERK Esq of De Hoop, Division of Alexandria, of a son
DIED at Grahamstown on 12th June 1864, Minnie Eleanor, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. READ, aged 6 months
We regret to have to announce the decease of Mr.James POWELL of this city. This gentleman will be well known to many of our English readers. He came to this colony in the year 1820 with what was termed the "Bristol Party". By honourable labour and economy he obtained a competency, and established himself in this city, where he has for many years devoted himself to the improvement of the Eastern capital. During this period he has filled the office of Municipal Commissioner and Superintendent of Public Works. The Municipal funds were, up to the time of his death, entrusted to his keeping. His death is felt by all classes of the inhabitants of Grahamstown to be a loss not easily replaced.
ANDREWS – 7th June at Graham's Town, Mrs. J ANDREWS of a son
BELL – 22nd April at Smithfield, Mrs. John BELL of a son
CORYDON – 25th May at Queen's Town, Mrs Selby CORYDON of a son
KIDWELL – 17th May at Graham's Town, Mrs. C.J. KIDWELL of a son
MAYNARD – 28th May at Graham's Town, Mrs. C.H. MAYNARD of a son
ORPEN – 22nd May at Graham's Town, Mrs. S ORPEN of a son
POULTNEY – 11th May, Smithfield, Mrs. John POULTNEY of a son
SCHEURMAN – 2nd May at Smithfield, Mrs. G. SCHEURMAN of a son
SHEPPARD – 9th May at Smithfield, Mrs. S. SHEPPARD of a son
SHINGLER – 28th May at Graham's Town, Mrs. E.P. SHINGLER of a son
WOOD – 2nd June at Woest Hill, Mrs Geo. WOOD Junr of a daughter
FIELDING – ATTWELL 1st June at Trinity Church, Alice, Henry Charles Gilmour FIELDING Esq to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of James ATTWELL Esq, Battlesden.
WEBB – PLATT 28th May at Westhill Chapel, Graham's Town, Mr. Thomas WEBB to Louisa, third daughter of Percival J. PLATT of this city.
WRIGHT – WYNNE 2nd June at Trinity Church, Alice, William WRIGHT Esq to Edith Charlotte, third daughter of William WYNNE Esq of Woodstock
COLLEN - February 13th 1864 at Merico, Mary Jane COLLEN, born EASTLAND, aged 45 years.
EASTLAND – 21st May at Oliphant's Hoek, George EASTLAND, aged 58 years.
MATTHEWS – 8th June at Salem, Frances, wife of W.H. MATTHEWS Esq.
TYLER – 8th June at Salem, Mr. Thomas TYLER, aged 63 years.
WEBSTER – May 16th at Dordrecht, James Bradfield WEBSTER, aged 23 years.
Friday 17 June 1864
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 14th June, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a son
Tuesday 21 June 1864
DIED in Grahamstown on the 15th June, Mr. Wm. HARTLEY Sen, at the advanced age of 88 years.
Friday 24 June 1864
Killed in Action on the 18th April last, Edward WIENAND, Captain in the 53rd Regiment, Prussian Infantry, whilst bravely leading his company in the storming of Fort No.4 in front of Doppel, in Schleswig Holstein. He was buried on the battlefield, with 32 of his men in one grave.
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