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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1864 - 1 - January to March

Friday 1 January 1864

BIRTH at Barton Cottage, Whittlesea on the 28th December, the widow of the late T.S.M. KNIGHT of twins, a son and a daughter. Friends will please accept this notice.

DIED on the morning of 29th December 1863, at the residence of her son-in-law Wm. McGLASHAN of Alice, Mary ADAMS, relict of the late T.P. ADAMS Esq of Lower Albany, aged 76 years. Deceased belonged to BAILEY's Party and shared largely in the troubles and losses common to the Settlers of 1820. Friends will please accept this notice.

Tuesday 5 January 1864

BIRTH at Oak Terrace on Monday the 4th instant, Mrs. Martin E. SMIT of a daughter.

BIRTH at Bedford on the 28th December 1863, the widow of the late A. WILMANS MD at Colesberg of a son.

MARRIED on 31st December 1863 at "Hammonds" by the Rev William Holford, Mr. Benjamin WALKER of the Gonubie, British Kaffraria, to Matilda, eldest daughter of Benjamin BOOTH Esq.

Tuesday 12 January 1864

DIED on the 4th January 1864 at the residence of her son-in-law, Lombard's Post, Mrs. BROWN, widow of the late Stephen BROWN, aged 80 years and 11 months. One of the Settlers of 1820.

Friday 15 January 1864

BIRTH at Sunnyside on the 2nd inst, Mrs. E.R. CARLISLE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th inst, Mrs. T.B. GLANVILLE of a son.

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Fort Beaufort on Thursday the 7th inst by the Rev Robert Lamplough, the Rev Edward HILLIER to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev John SMITH, Fort Beaufort. No cards.

DIED on the morning of the 8th January 1864 at her residence, Bergman's Hoek, District of Stockenstrom, Maria, the beloved wife of John HANNAH, at the age of 40 years and 15 days. Deeply regretted by her family and friends.

BIRTH at King William's Town on the 13th instant, the wife of Colonel ARMSTRONG CMR Comdg. Eastern Districts, of a son.

Tuesday 19 January 1864

DIED in Grahamstown at her residence Hill-street, on Thursday evening last, January 14 1864, Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. J.B. LEVY, aged 46 years. She has left a bereaved husband and an only son to mourn an irreparable loss. She lived the life of a Christian and died with the full assurance that heaven was her home.

Friday 22 January 1864

MARRIED at Peddie on the 20th inst, by the Rev Wm J. Davis, Elliot Henry MACNAGHTEN Esq [sic] JP, to Maria, eldest daughter of Wm. M. EDYE Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of the district.

Friday 29 January 1864

BIRTH at Alice on the 16th inst, Mrs. George MURRAY of a daughter.

BIRTH on Friday the 22nd January, the wife of Mr. A.J. CLAIRMONTE of a daughter.

DIED at Moore's Hotel, King Wm's Town on Thursday the 14th Jan 1864, John James GUNN, aged 32 years, deeply regretted by his disconsolate widow and a large circle of relatives and friends. The widow takes this opportunity of sincerely thanking all those friends who so kindly attended the deceased in his last illness, and particularly Dr. EGAN, for his unremitting attention to her late husband.

Monday 1 February 1864

DIED at his residence in Church-square this morning, the 1st February, Mr. James HAMILTON, Saddler and Harnessmaker of this city, aged 40 years.

The Funeral of the late Mr. James HAMILTON of this place will take place on Wednesday morning next at 9 o'clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
T.E. PASSMORE, Undertaker.

Tuesday 2 February 1864

DIED at his residence in Market-square, Grahamstown, David HUME Senr, aged 66 years.

The Funeral of the late David HUME will take place on Wednesday afternoon at half past 3 o'clock. Friends will please accept this invitation as no cards will be issued.
W. PAXTON, Undertaker.


Edward JONES, Notary Public, Enrolled Practitioner in the Resident Magistrate's Court, King William's Town, Broker, Transfer and general Commission Agent. Agent for the Frontier Fire Insurance Company. Agent for the Guardian Fire and Life Insurance Company.

JEFFERSON & BROWN, Auctioneers, Agents at Law and General Commission Agents, Queenstown. Cases conducted in Magistrate's Court, Sales, Purchases and Transfers of Landed Property effected. Kinderbewyzen and other deeds executed at the shortest notice. Consignments of Merchandize received for sale. Wool and other produce purchased for account, and every other description of Agency transacted at reasonable terms.

Queenstown. Charles BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, has always on hand a large stock of Merchandize of every description at extremely low rates. Produce of all kinds bought for Cash at the Highest Market prices.

GODLONTON & RICHARDS, Printers, Booksellers and Stationers. Printing executed on the shortest notice with neatness. Military Forms, Hand Bills, Posting Bills &c at a few hours notice. Foolscap, Post and Note Papers, Powders and Ink, Steel Pens and Quills, and every article in the Stationery line always on hand. Orders promptly executed.
Church-square, Grahamstown

John ROBERTS, Builder &c. Every description of work in the above line executed on moderate terms. Buildings erected on the most improved designs and at the shortest notice.
Campbell-street, Grahamstown

Friday 5 February 1864

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Peddie on the 3rd Feb 1864, by the Father of the Bride, the Rev P. HARGREAVES, Wesleyan Minister, to Henrietta Martha DAVIS, daughter of the Rev W.J. DAVIS, Wesleyan Minister of Peddie.

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Insolvent Estate of Peter HILL, Tailor, of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee in this Estate, and that the Master of the Supreme Court has appointed the Third Meeting of Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his Office, on Wednesday the 24th day of February 1864, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and for the purpose of giving directions to the Trustees as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay their respective Debts to the Undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted for the recovery thereof.
Fred. HALL, Sole Trustee
Union Office, Grahamstown
Jan 23rd 1864

Tuesday 9 February 1864

The Funeral of the late M. T.E. PASSMORE will take place on Tomorrow Morning (Wednesday) at a quarter before 9 o'clock precisely. To move from the residence of the deceased on West Hill. The Friends and the Public are respectfully invited to attend.
W. WATSON, Undertaker

Tuesday 16 February 1864

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday February 11th, the wife of Dr. William BROWN of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 4th February 1864 in St.George's Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev R. Goode Hutt, George GREENAWAY Esq, Cashier of the Frontier Commercial and Agricultural Bank, Aliwal North, to Emily Martha, eldest daughter of ER. KING Esq of this city.

DIED at the residence of his father on the 11th February 1864, Mr. William COMLEY Junr, in the 41st year of his age. "A brand plucked out of the fire".


CARLISLE – Jan 2nd. At Sunnyside, Mrs E.R. CARLISLE of a daughter.
CLAIRMONTE – Jan 22nd. At Grahamstown, Mrs. J.A. CLAIRMONTE of a daughter.
GLANVILLE – Jan 6th. At Grahamstown, Mrs T.B. GLANVILLE of a son.
MURRAY – Jan 22nd. At Alice, Mrs. George MURRAY of a daughter. [sic – Cf 29th Jan]

HILLIER-SMITH – Jan 7th. At Fort Beaufort, the Revd Edward Hiller to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Revd John SMITH
HARGREAVES-DAVIS – Feb 3rd. At Peddie, the Revd P. HARGREAVES to Henrietta Martha, daughter of the Revd W.J. DAVIS, Wesleyan Minister of Peddie.
MACNAUGHTEN-EDYE – Jan 20th. At Peddie, Henry MACNAUGHTEN Esq JP to Maria, eldest daughter of Wm. M. EDYE Esq, C.C. and Resident magistrate at Peddie.

ADAMS, Dec 29th at Alice, Mary, relict of the late T.P. ADAMS Esq, aged 76.
BROWN, Jan 4th at Lombard's Post, Mrs. BROWN, widow of the late Stephen BROWN, aged 80 years and 11 months.
HANNAH, Jan 8th at Bergmans Hoek, Stockentstrom, Maria, wife of John HANNAH, aged 49 years.
LEVEY, Jan 14th at Hill-street, Grahamstown, Sarah Ann, beloved wife of Mr. J.B. LEVEY, aged 46 years.
GUNN, Jan 14th at Moores Hotel, King Williamstown, Mr. John James GUNN, aged 32 years.
HAMILTON, Feb 1st at Grahamstown, Mr, James HAMILTON, Saddler and Harness maker, aged 40 years.
HUME, Feb 1st at Grahamstown, David HUME Sen, aged 66 years.
PASSMORE, Feb 8th at Grahamstown, Mr. Thomas Edward PASSMORE, aged 36 years.
COMELY, Feb 11th at the residence of his father, Mr. W. COMELY Jun, aged 41 years.

Wednesday 17 February 1864

DIED at the residence of his father on the 11th February, Mr. William COMELY Jun, in the 41st year of his age. Deceased left a wife and 9 children, and a numerous circle of relations and friends to lament his irreparable loss. He died in fill assurance of having his sins forgiven.

Friday 19 February 1864

Mr. Joseph TABB is authorised to collect and receive all accounts due to Mrs. ALLEN, Shop-keeper, New-street, and to grant necessary receipts for the same. Those who are indebted will please settle without delay, or legal proceedings will be instituted.

BIRTH at Alphaton on Friday the 29th January 1864, the wife of G.W. AYTON Esq of a son.

Tuesday 23 February 1864

Union Insurance and Trust Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Henry PAXTON and Wm. FINAUGHTY
The Liquidation and Distribution Accounts of the above Insolvent Estates will lie for the inspection of Creditors for a term of 14 days from 23rd February 1864 at the office of the Resident Magistrate, Grahamstown, after which they will be filed in the Master's Office, Capetown.
Fred. HALL, Secretary, Trustee
Union Offices
Feb 23rd 1864

Builder, Undertaker &c
Bathurst-street, Grahamstown
Begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Town and Country that he is now carrying on business in the above line. Every requisite found for Funerals, and all orders entrusted to him will have the best attention.

BIRTH at Burnt KRAAL on Sunday the 7th inst, Mr. William Carey HOBSON Junr of a son.

DIED at Dagga Boer's Neck on the 10th inst, Sarah Scott, relict of the late John MEAKER, in the 61st year of her age.

Friday 26 February 1864

MARRIED in the Commemoration Chapel on Wednesday the 24th inst by the Rev W. Impey, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions, Thomas James, second son of Mr. S. ROBERTS, to Sarah Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, both of this city.

DIED at Cathcart on Sunday morning, the 14th February 1864, John Stephens, aged 7 years and 5 months, fifth son of Wm. Mills EDYE Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate for the Division of Peddie.

Monday 29 February 1864

Mr. Stephen MEINTJES, the well-known insolvent of this town, against whom a warrant of arrest for culpable insolvency is still out, has been appointed secretary to the commission appointed in the Transvaal Republic to confer upon and settle the relations between that State and the Free State. Mr. J.J. NAUDE SPson, formerly of this town, had also arrived safely at Potchefstroom.

Mr. Christian AURET met with a serious accident whilst riding at Adendorp, last Thursday, by his horse falling on him. He was hurt about the head and lay insensible for two hours; but fortunately escaped without any dangerous injury. – Herald.

Tuesday 1 March 1864

BIRTH at Cradock on Saturday the 13th inst, Mrs. Geo. COLLETT of a son.

BIRTH at Zout Pans Drift on Monday the 15th instant, Mrs. Joseph COLLETT of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grass Ridge on Monday the 22nd instant, Mrs. John COLLETT of a daughter.

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel Grahamstown by the Rev W. Impey, general Superintendent of the Wesleyan Missions, on Thursday the 25th February 1864, Alfred, third son of Edward WEBB Esq JP of Worcester, England, to Jemima, third daughter of the late Mr. Joseph RICHARDS and step daughter of R. GODLONTON Esq of this city.
Grahamstown, 29th Feb 1864.

DIED at her residence, Somerset East, on the 18th inst, Elizabeth PIPPIN, relict of the late William PIPPIN, HM's Royal Artillery, aged 61 years; leaving four children to mourn the loss of an affectionate parent.

Patrick ALLEN
West Hill, Grahamstown
Begs to inform the Public at large that he has discovered new remedies in curing all diseases incident to both Cattle and Sheep; effectual proof can be given by reference to his own stock, which has been cured of the following disorders: inflammation of the lungs, or peripneumonia; blood mum; dry mum; inflammation of the tongue; tongue blaine; disease of the hoofs; hidebound cattle; staggers; inflammation of the gull; dysentery; convulsions; inflammation of the head; disease of the eyes; glunochs in young calves; taking off warts on cattle. In Sheep he can cure scab or mange, lameness, rot, or inflammation of the lungs, blindness &c. An ointment for sore udders and afflicted paps.
Any person employing the undersigned, and purchasing his medicines, must be particular in going by his directions, or he cannot guarantee a cure. In any other case it will be neither gain to them nor credit to the advertiser.
P. ALLEN begs also to notify that he has discovered a new oil, proved to cure sprained joints, shoulder slips, lumps and swellings, cuts and wounds, quinsy, and any old sore in ox or horse.
Observe! The bottles are labelled "Allen's New Incomparable Oil".
Patrick ALLEN
West Hill, Grahamstown

James Lee WEBB
Formerly Armourer-Sergeant 2nd Queen's Regiment, who left his wife and four children in a state of destitution three years ago, and of whom nothing has been heard for more than two years, is earnestly requested to communicate with his Wife through the office of this paper.
If dead, any information will be thankfully received from anyone who may have heard of him. When last heard of he had left the residence of Mr. Peter DAVIS, Smithfield, and was about to cross the Vaal River.
James Lee WEBB is 43 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches in height, with swallow [sic] complexion, hazel eyes, and mark of a cut over one of the eye-brows.

Friday 4 March 1864

DIED at Capetown on the 26th February 1864, Mary Anne, the beloved and affectionate wife of Staff Sergeant-Major J.COOPE, aged 29 years and 10 months.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 3rd March 1864 by the Rev Alex. Hay, William PAXTON Senr to Sarah Elizabeth MITCHISON of Surrey, England.

Monday 7 March 1864

Notice to Debtors and Creditors
In the Estate of the late Mr. Christopher WEBB of Grahamstown
The undersigned having been appointed Executors Testamentary in the above Estate, request that all claims against the same may be sent in for settlement within six weeks from this date.
And further all parties indebted thereto are requested to pay the same within the same period
Executors Testamentary
Feb 8th 1864

Tuesday 8 March 1864

DIED in Grahamstown on Sunday Morning, March 6th, Mrs. ALCOTT, wife of Mr. James ALCOTT of Bedford.

Tuesday 15 March 1864

BIRTH at Newton Hill Farm, near Need's Camp, on the 3rd March 1864, the wife of Mr. William SHEARD of a son.

BIRTH at Occupation Post, in the Queenstown district, on the 2nd March 1864, the wife of E. HARVEY Esq, Inspector Frontier Armed Mounted Police, of a daughter.

MARRIED at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, on the 9th instant by the Rev Robert Johnston, George Grey LOCKE, younger son of the late Rev John LOCKE, Trinity Church, to Emily Margaret, second daughter of Mr. Joseph GREEN.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. John WEBB of a daughter.

Wednesday 16 March 1864

DIED in Grahamstown on the 10th instant, after a painful and lingering illness, Mr. Henry USHER, aged 66 years, leaving behind a wife and four children, and a numerous circle of friends, to mourn his loss.
Grahamstown, March 10 1864

Friday 18 March 1864

No.2 Bathurst Street
Just to hand, by the 'Roman' direct, Gents' Hats in Felt and other materials, of the following shapes:
Regatta – Putney – Newton – Oxford – Sydney (leather bound) – President – Canterbury – Brisbane – Regent – Dennison – Richmond with raggerahs – Angelsea – Peep-o'-day – Tasmanian – Albert – Palmerston – Raglan – Canadian, also Black Paris fashionable and Boy's and Youth's French Peak Military Caps.
Branch Establishment at Fort Beaufort conducted by Mr. T.G. DICKERSON, where a stock of the above have been sent.

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership advertisement in the Cradock News of the 27th November last, as having been entered into between the undersigned and
Mr. Josiah Tumner SOUNDY
was not entered into, and no business whatever transacted on behalf of the then contemplated firm. No Partnership whatever is now existing between the said J.T. SOUNDY and the undersigned.
Cradock, March 15th 1864

Tuesday 22 March 1864

DIED 15th December 1863 at Kirton Villa, Parish of Christ Church, Island of Barbadoes, W.I., the residence of her eldest son, Mrs. Harriet SMITH, relict of the late Assistant Commissary-General J.J. SMITH. Aged 60 years.

Friday 25 March 1864

DIED near Blinkwater, District of Fort Beaufort, on Wednesday 16th March 1864, by being violently thrown from the cart in which he was travelling, Henry GOOLD of Seymour, Eland's Post, at the age of 45 years. Friends will please to accept this notice. Mrs. GOOLD wishes to express her sense of deep gratitude for the kindness and sympathy manifested upon this mournful occasion by many friends, and to thank those who took care of the body of her lamented husband after the accident, and those gentlemen who went to Fort Beaufort and had it conveyed to Eland's Post.

Monday 28 March 1864

The Late Rev Mr. GARNER
We regret to state that the Rev Mr. GARNER of the Wesleyan Mission died yesterday morning. Mr. GARNER had for some time been in ill health, but it was not supposed that his disease was mortal until a comparatively short time of his death. During a long residence in South Africa Mr. GARNER proved himself to be an efficient and labourious missionary. He spent most of his life in the distinctively mission work, and was for many years stationed beyond the borders of the colony, in Kaffraria Proper. Few ministers had a deeper insight into the Kaffir character; or had so effective an acquaintance with the Kaffir language, and few had greater influence over the Kaffir mind. During the last three years Mr. GARNER was the Superintendent of the Grahamstown Native Circuit, and resided at the Mission House on the Location. His memory will be held in esteem by many, both natives and Europeans.
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning, the procession leaving Commemoration Chapel (not the Mission House on the Location as announced from the pulpit yesterday) at 9 o'clock.

Tuesday 29 March 1864

BIRTH this morning at Roseneath, Mrs. W.A. RICHARDS of a son
Grahamstown 29th March 1864

BIRTH at Somerset East on the 18th March, Mrs. Jabez WEEKS of a son

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