Grahamstown Journal 1863 - 4 - October to December
Friday 2 October 1863
DIED at King Williamstown, British Kaffraria, on Saturday the 19th September 1863, Sarah REDGARD, aged 27 years, daughter of James FLANAGAN of Lower Albany; wife of George REDGARD. Friends will please take notice.
DIED on the 1st September 1863 at Mount Pleasant, Bushman's River, Mary the beloved and loving wife of Mr. W. DENTON of that place, aged 69 years and 11 months. Deceased was a native of Sheffield, and one of the Settlers of 1820. She has left a husband and six children, and a numerous circle of other relatives and friends to mourn their irreparable loss in a most kind and affectionate wife and mother, and a charitable friend. She died as she had lived, placing her whole confidence in Him in whose hands are life, death and immortality.
Friday 9 October 1863
MARRIED by Special Licence on the 7th October 1863, at the Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Revd William Impey, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions, Richard William, second son of the late Dr. R.W. NELSON to Rachel, second daughter of the Hon'ble Samuel CAWOOD Esq, M.L.C. No cards.
MARRIED on the 8th instant at St. Bartholomew's by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman, Henry ANDERSON Esq of Grahamstown to Emily Frances, seventh daughter of Edmund Seymour FARBROTHER Esq of London. No cards.
DIED on the 3rd instant at the residence of her son, at Bushman's River, Susan, wife of Joseph THOMAS, aged 68. Deceased, with her husband, came out to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820.
DIED at her residence, Prince Alfred Street, on Sunday 4th October, Hannah, the beloved wife of Mr. James KEMP, aged 64 years. She died as she had lived, in the faith and hope of the Gospel of Christ her Redeemer. Her bereaved husband wishes thus publicly to express his sincere and grateful thanks to the kind friends who have so kindly attended on her during her long and painful illness. Deceased came to this Colony with the Settlers of 1820.
Tuesday 27 October 1863
BIRTH at Grahamstown, Market-square on Thursday the 22nd inst, Mrs. Peter POTE of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th October, the wife of Mr. T.N. JACKINS of a son.
BIRTH on Sunday last, the wife of W. WEBB of a son.
Friday 30 October 1863
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Sunday the 11th October 1863aftre a severe illness of upwards of 6 months, Mr. Henry James LLOYD, aged 72 years 9 months and 9 days. The deceased came to this Colony with the Original Settlers of 1820, and with them had to bear with the many losses from the repeated inroads of the Kafir hordes on their immediate border. He leaves an aged widow, a large circle of friends, relatives and descendants to mourn his loss. He was a kind parent and an affectionate friend.
Tuesday 3 November 1863
DIED at Grahamstown on 31st Oct 1863 (after four days illness), Elizabeth Agatha CURNIN, aged 22 years and 9 months. Deeply and sincerely regretted by all who knew her.
DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday the 1st inst, Mr. Thos. LANHAM, aged 71 years, 7 months and 20 days. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820. Friends will please take notice.
Friday 6 November 1863
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, Townshend Terrace, on Monday the 2nd instant, Mrs. Wm. A. FAIRBRIDGE of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th inst, Mrs S.D. LONG of a daughter.
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd Nov, by the Rev George Rennie, after special licence, Frederick BESWICK Esq, Teacher, Adelaide, to Elizabeth MENZIES, daughter of James MENZIES, Montrose, Scotland.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday November 3rd, Harry Herbert, the beloved child of Edward and Mary Ann NORTON, aged 2 years and 5 months.
Tuesday 10 November 1863
MARRIED at Seven Fountains on the 5th instant by the Rev H.H. Dugmore, Mr. Geo. PIKE of Sidbury to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Geo. CLACK Esq, Sweet Kloof, Sidbury. No cards.
CHRISTENED at Alexandria on the 1st instant, a son of Capt. W.H. GIBBON JP, named Alfred Louis Henry.
DIED at his residence in Somerset East, on the 7th November, Benjamin ANDERSON, aged 58; leaving a widow and two children to deplore their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Somerset, Nov 7th 1863.
Friday 13 November 1863
DIED on the 9th instant. P.A. CROUS Sen, aged 79 years and 8 months. Friends at a distance will please accept of this notice.
Tuesday 17 November 1863
MARRIED on the 26th August by the Rev Dr. Adler, Lewis SCHRYVER Esq, of 52 Gower-street, Bedford Square, London, late of Cradock to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Samuel LEVY Esq, 28 King William Street, Strand.
MARRIED on the 12th instant at Peddie, by the Rev C.R. Lang, De Lacy Richard Frank WOOLDRIDGE, C.M. Riflemen, to Sarah Jane, youngest daughter of the late Richard TAINTON Esq.
Friday 20 November 1863
DIED at St. John's River of Dysentery, on the 6th November 1863, John Eldred Mowbray, youngest son of Mr. F. HUGHES, aged 3 years and 6 months.
DIED at Cradock on the 17th instant, William H. PIKE, aged 31 years, after a long and painful illness, which was borne with truly Christian fortitude and confident assurance of eternal life; leaving one daughter and a large circle of relations and friends to mourn his removal. Friends will please accept this notice.
Tuesday 24 November 1863
BIRTH on the 21st instant, at Grahamstown, Mrs. W.H.D. MATTHEWS of a daughter.
DIED of Croup at Gwalwo, British Kaffraria, on the 26th Oct 1863, Ann Catherine, daughter of R. CARLISLE, aged 15 months.
DIED at Grahamstown, Hellena, the beloved wife of N.W. PICKWORTH of Dasseys Klip, daughter of Mr. R. McCANN, aged 20 years, of Rheumatic Fever. She leaves a loving husband and infant, and a large circle of friends to mourn her irreparable loss.
Friday 27 November 1863
MARRIED by Special Licence on 24th November 1863, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Seymour by the Rev Mr Thompson, Johan C.B. BERRANGE, son of A. BERRANGE Esq, Civil Commissioner of Graaff-Reinet, to Emily Lock LAMONT, daughter of W.T.L. EMETT Esq, Civil Commissioner of Stockenstrom. No Cards.
DIED at Buffels Fontein on the 21st Nov 1863, of Hooping Cough, Edith Gertrude Giddy, infant daughter of John E. and Annie E. HUTTON, aged 5 months.
DIED on the 20th November 1863, at the residence of Mr. Jas. GLASS (Driver's Bush), Mrs. Elizabeth CARNEY Senr, aged 74 years. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820.
Tuesday 1 December 1863
DIED at the residence of his Grandmother, Bathurst-street, Grahamstown, on Saturday evening 28th inst, Frederic William Elliot, only child of Charles and Mary JAY, aged 6 months and 13 days.
30th Nov 1863
Tuesday 8 December 1863
At 44 Clifton Gardens, Maiden Hill, London, on the 13th October, Christiana Emma, the wife of Colonel Charles Henry SOMERSET, CB.
[Transcriber's note: Although not specified, this is a death notice. She was buried at All Souls, Kensal Green on 19th October. The burial entry gives her age as 36 and her address as Maida Hill rather than Maiden Hill]
Friday 11 December 1863
BIRTH at Alice on Friday the 4th instant, Mrs. P.A. MADER of a son.
Drowned at Committee's Drift on the 2nd instant, while attempting to cross the Fish River, Ockert Johannes GROBBELAAR, aged 45 years and 2 days, leaving a widow and seven children. Friends will be kind enough to accept this notice.
Cornelia Margaretha Stofwiena BOSCH
The Undersigned takes the opportunity of publicly thanking Mr. John SURMON, Mr. William HOWARTH, Mr. Theunis NAUDE and the other gentlemen who assisted to recover the body of his late brother-in-law Mr. Ockert Johannes GROBBELAAR, unhappily drowned in the Fish River on the 2nd instant.
DIED at the residence of his son in New-street, Grahamstown on Thursday morning the 10th inst, Mr. Christopher WEBB, aged 78 years. Deceased was one of the Salem party of 1820.
Friday 18 December 1863
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 15th inst by the Rev A Hay, Mr. George PENN (formerly of Basingstoke, England) to Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. PAXTON of Grahamstown.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Saturday the 12th instant, Catherina Jacoba Rosina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry WIENAND, aged 10 months and 12 days.
Tuesday 22 December 1863
MARRIED at Adelaide on the 15th inst, by the Rev Edward Solomon (Bedford) assisted by the Rev G.W. Stegmann, after Special Licence, the Rev Peter DAVIDSON, Minister of Union Church, to Janet Eliza WYBRON, youngest daughter of the late Rev Alexander WELSH of the Parish of Glen Lynden. No Cards.
DIED at Cape Town on the morning of the 12th instant, Clarence Percy, the beloved son of Staff-Serjeant Major J. COOPS, aged 3 years and 2 months.
DIED at 44 Clifton Gardens, Maida Hill, London on the 4th Nov, Colonel Charles Henry SOMERSET CB.
Tuesday 29 December 1863
BIRTH at Lambrook Farm on Sunday December 13th, Mrs. Edward HARDWICH of a daughter.
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