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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1862 - 3 - July to September

Tuesday 1 July 1862

BIRTH at [illegible] [Hoek] on Thursday [illegible], Mrs. W.C. [illegible] of a daughter.

BIRTH on the [18th] instant at [……. Mission Station], the wife of Mr. [H..] WHITEHORN of a son.

DIED at his residence in Grahamstown on the [28th June], Mr. Frederick JONES, aged 40 years.

Saturday 5 July 1862

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday 1st July [instant], by Special Licence, Charles von Notter POTE Esq, Captain in Her Majesty’s Cape Mounted Rifles, to Marie Antoinette, daughter of the late John PENNIE of Colchester, Essex, England.

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel on Tuesday the 1st July by the Rev. Wm. Impey [G.W.M.], Mr. Charles CAWOOD of Keighley, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, to Maria, the only daughter of Mr. G. GOLDING of this city.

Saturday 12 July 1862

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the [30th inst], the wife of [Colin] [MARRAN] of a son.

DIED at her residence in Grahamstown on the 4th July, Mary, relict of the late Geo. [OSBORNE], aged [60] years and 11 months.

Tuesday 15th July 1862

DIED of Diphtheria, at Grahamstown, on the morning and evening of the same day, Monday the 14th July, [illegible] aged 6½ years, and Fanny Emily, aged [1½] years, children of W.A. and S.E. [illegible].

DIED at Farmersfield, Wednesday the 9th July 1862, Martha, the beloved wife of Mr. Richard WALKER, in the [69th] year of her age; deeply lamented by a large family and numerous circle of friends. Deceased had been a member of the Wesleyan Society upwards of 50 years. She died as she had lived, [illegible….] in the service of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Saturday 19 July 1862

DIED at Fort Beaufort on Sunday the 13th inst, after a lingering illness, Mr. James SAVORY, of this town, aged 48 years and 5 months.

Tuesday 22 July 1862

DIED at Nanaga Farm, Robert NEWCOMBE Sen. Esq., on this day, aged 75 years. Deceased was [born at] Bishop’s Clyst, near the city of Exeter, Devonshire, and came to this colony with the British Settlers in 1820. His end was peace.
3rd July 1862

DIED at her residence, Fort England, Grahamstown, on the [28th] June, Mary Ann, wife of George GRAHAM Esq, aged 72 years.
Friends will please accept this notice.

Saturday 26 July 1862

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th inst, Mrs. P. AMM Senr. of a son.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE Robert NEWCOMBE Sen. Esq., at the advanced age of 75 years. Deceased, one of the British Settlers of 1820, was born at Bishop’s Clist, near the city of Exeter. He [lived] the full number of days allowed to him and [after…illegible], quietly fell asleep, [illegible] as a [illegible] of the [remarkable…….] of those [….. Fathers] of 1820 [rest illegible].
Nanaga Farm, July 3rd 1862.

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 13th July 1862, Mr. James SAVORY, aged 48 years, leaving a Widow and five children and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. Deceased was a kind husband, an indulgent father and a faithful friend; and as his life was blameless, so his end was resigned and peaceful.
The Widow and relatives of the deceased hereby return their most heartfelt thanks for the sympathising kindness displayed by the numerous friends of the deceased during his last illness.
Fort Beaufort July 15 1862.

DIED at King William’s Town on Sunday the 13th July 1862, Edwin, the youngest son of Samuel and Margaret S. DREDGE; aged 7 months.

DIED at his residence in Bathurst-street, Grahamstown, on Tuesday [night] 22nd inst, Mr. Joseph TROLLIP, aged 87 years. Deceased came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820. During his long life he was justly esteemed for his integrity, modesty and [illegible]. He was a [illegible] member of the Wesleyan Church for upwards of [60] years, [… illegible…] confidence in Christ his Redeemer. He leaves behind and aged widow with a large circle of relatives and friends.

We regret to announce the death of Mr. TROLLIP Sen.. Deceased was one of the oldest inhabitants on the Frontier, having reached the advanced age of eighty-seven. Mr. TROLLIP, who was much respected, has left behind him upwards of two hundred living descendants, including children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Tuesday 29 July 1862

DIED on the 25th July at the residence of his son, Colonel J. ARMSTRONG, Cape Mounted Rifles, near King William’s Town, Lieut. Colonel A.B. ARMSTRONG, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Bathurst, formerly Capt. Cape Mounted Riflemen. Aged 73 years and 7 months.
July 26 1862

Saturday 2 August 1862

DIED at [illegible] Dale, [Ty….] on the 2nd instant, Mrs. Margaret [illegible], after a prolonged illness [illegible], deeply regretted by all who knew her. Friends will please accept of this [intimation].

Tuesday 5 August 1862

DIED at Somerset on Sunday the 20th July instant, after a painful and [lingering] illness, Jane Jackson, the beloved wife of James McMASTER, of Grahamstown, aged [56] years and eight months, deeply regretted by her bereaved husband and sorrowing family.

[several issues missing]

Tuesday 19 August 1862

MARRIED on the 6th August in Commemoration Chapel, by the Revd. William Impey, John LOCKE, eldest son of the late Revd. John LOCKE, to Jane, [second] daughter of the late Mr. James THACKWRAY.

Tuesday 26 August 1862

BIRTH on the 1st August, Mrs. John AUSTEN of Alfred’s Drift, [Nanaga], Albany, of a son.

BIRTH on the [23rd] June at [10] Cleveland-square, Hyde Park, London, the wife of Charles H. MAYNARD Esq. of a son.

MARRIED on the 13th August at Fort Beaufort, John Chas. JAY, only surviving son of Mr. Ince Jas. JAY, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. N. ELLIOTT of Fort Beaufort.

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday the 20th inst, by the Rev. Edward Pickering, Colonial Chaplain, Henry Rudkin VIGORS Esq, Capt. in the 2nd Bat. of her Majesty’s 10th Regt. of Foot, to Mary Harriet, eldest daughter of John CAMPBELL Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Port Elizabeth.

DIED at Whittlesea on Thursday 14th August 1862, after a few days’ illness, C.T. NETTLETON, second son of Mr. J. NETTLETON Sen. of Keiskamma Hoek, aged 27 years 6 months and 6 days, leaving a widow, three young children and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.

“In the midst of life we are in death”
DIED at [Vaal …], […. River], District of Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on Sunday morning 20th July, Margaret Louisa, eldest daughter of Thos. HOLMES Esq, now the beloved wife of Mr. Charles A. DANIEL, after a short and painful illness of [5] days, which she bore with Christian [fortitude]. The deceased [died] at the early age of 28 years [leaving] a bereaved husband and two young children to mourn their [untimely] loss.
Relations and friends will please accept of this notice.
[illegible], Orange Free State
July [21st] 1862.

DIED at half past [3] on the afternoon of Wednesday the 20th August at the residence of Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE, [in consequence of injuries received … Bathurst-street] Cecilia Douglas, only child of Dr. William BROWN.

Saturday 30 August 1862

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday 23rd August 1862, Mrs. [E.] Thos. [TO….] of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 6th August 1862 in the Episcopal Church at Alice, by the Rev. J.R. Wilson, Lieut. [J.D.] MOONY 13th Lt. Infantry, to Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of Captain [Harold] DAVIES, [….. Lt. Infantry].

DIED at [Kei River], of Hooping Cough, on the [6th] August 1862, Harriet Margaret, only daughter of Henry Edward and Mary Jane [….Y], aged 1 year and [3] months

DIED at Keiskamma Hoek on the 23rd inst, suddenly, of disease of the heart, Sergeant Timothy COUGHLIN, 2nd Bat 10th Regiment, aged 37 years. Deceased served with the [rest illegible].

Saturday 6 September 1862

MARRIED on the 20th inst. at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev. George Chapman, Francis William George PENN to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of E.H. DELL Sen.

DIED on the night of Sunday the 31st August, Elizabeth, wife of James [illegible] of this city, aged 35 years.

Tuesday 9 September 1862

BIRTH at Cradock on Sunday 3rd August, Mrs. Joseph COLLETT of a daughter.

DIED at his residence at Port Elizabeth on Thursday the 7th August 1862, George DYASON Esq, late Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Graaff-Reinet, and formerly Resident Magistrate of Bathurst; aged 71 years.

DIED of Consumption [illegible….] on the [--th] July 1862, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. W. [MA…], deeply regretted by [a large circle] of relatives and friends.
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at West Hill, Grahamstown, at her residence, on Sunday evening the 7th inst at [¼ to 8] o’clock, aged [--] years and 10 months, Martha [Ellen], born [L….], wife of [Abraham] William [B…] of Grahamstown.
The death of this esteemed woman took place under circumstances more than [unusually sorrowful]. After giving birth to [twins] at [¼ to 6 this morning] she seemed to [illegible..] afterwards, exclaiming Lord Jesus Christ… [rest of obituary illegible]

Saturday 13 September 1862

MARRIED on the 9th Trinity Chapel by the Revd. Robert Johnston, Mr. Isaac SANDERSON to Caroline Petrie UPTON, daughter of the late William UPTON

Saturday 20 September 1862

BIRTH on the [16th] inst, the wife of Hamilton FINLAY Esq, [illegible], of a son.

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Chapel, Cradock, Wednesday the 10th Sep. 1862, by the Rev. G.H. Green, William COLLETT Esq of [“Wonder Heuwel”] in the district of Colesberg to Anna Maria, youngest daughter of the late Rev Edw. COOK, Wesleyan Missionary. No cards.

MARRIED on the 29th July at Christ Church, St.Pancras, George Edward COTTERILL Esq, eldest son of the Right Rev. the Bishop of Grahamstown, to Annie Manuela, second daughter of G.S. WALTERS Esq of Chester Terrace, Regent’s Park, [and] granddaughter of Frederick [Andrew] HUTH.

[three illegible death notices, all thought to be of young children]

Tuesday 30 September 1862

DIED at her residence on the [--th ] 1862, at the early age of [24] years and [2] months, Amelia [F…. ………] [rest illegible]

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