Grahamstown Journal 1862 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 5 April 1862
DIED on the 21st March at New Gloucester, District of Peddie, William NELSON, aged 45 years and 4 months, leaving a widow and two children and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore his loss.
[issues missing]
Tuesday 15 April 1862
The Funeral of the late Mr. Adam TODD will leave from the residence of [illegible], Donkin-street on Thursday afternoon at ½ past 3 precisely. The friends of the deceased will please accept of this notice.
Thos. E. PASSMORE, Undertaker
Grahamstown, April 15th 1862
BROTHERTON - At Grahamstown on Sunday morning the 23rd March, the wife of the Revd. R.H. BROTHERTON of a son. [sic – Death column shows a daughter dying two days later]
LUCAS - At Grahamstown on the 8th April, the wife of W. Tyndal LUCAS Esq. of a son.
MASON - At Port Elizabeth, on the 6th inst, the wife of Capt. MASON of twin daughters.
NORTON - At Port Elizabeth on Friday the 4th inst, Mrs. Edward H. NORTON of a daughter.
MURRAY: At King William’s Town on Thursday the 13th March 1862, the wife of Alfred E. MURRAY [sic]
ATTWELL – FERREIRA – Married by Special Licence on Thursday 27th March by the Rev. R. Birt, at Mrs. FERREIRA’s residence, James ATTWELL, Jun, to Maria Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late P. FERREIRA.
CHALMERS – RAWSTORNE – At Fort Beaufort on the 6th March, by the Rev. T. Henchman, W.B. CHALMERS Esq. to Clara Sophia, youngest daughter of the late W. H. RAWSTORNE, [illegible]
MUDIE – ROBERTSON – At Port Elizabeth on the 3rd inst, by the Rev. John Harsant, Mr. John MUDIE, to Margaret, second daughter of the late David ROBERTSON Esq, of Dundee.
WHINFIELD – TOPPER – Married on the 26th March at St.Paul’s Church, Port Elizabeth, Dr. Charles Reynell WHINFIELD to Eliza, daughter of T.R. TOPPER Esq. of London.
AUSTEN – SARGEANT – At Bly River, District of Somerset East, on Wednesday the 5th inst, by the Rev. John Wilson, Mr. George Frederick AUSTEN to Miss Hannah SARGEANT, daughter of Benj. SARGEANT Esq. of Bly River.
BIDDULPH – McNAMARA – At Coeb Ray Farm, British Kaffraria, by the Revd. J. O’Neil, [illegible], Mr. Chas. Henry BIDDULPH to Miss Margaret McNAMARA, eldest daughter of Mr. James McNAMARA.
[CAWOOD] – At the [illegible] on the 5th April, [Mrs. M. CAWOOD], aged [36] years.
BROTHERTON – At Grahamstown on the [25th] March, the infant daughter of the Rev. R.H. BROTHERTON, Baptist Minister, aged 2 days.
NELSON – At New Gloucester, District of Peddie, on the 21st March, William NELSON, aged 45 years and 4 months.
LOWRIE –At Hill’s Farm, near Grahamstown, on the 23rd March, Elizabeth LOWRIE, aged 80 years.
BLAINE- At Grahamstown, on Saturday the 29th March, Walter, and on Thursday the 10th of April, Catherine Agnes Lucas, children of H. and M.A. BLAINE.
CALLAGHAN – At Port Elizabeth on the 7th inst, George John CALLAGHAN, youngest son of John and Jannet CALLAGHAN of Ranaga.
USHER – At his residence in Grahamstown on the 20th March, James USHER Sen. aged 79 years 5 months and 10 days.
MILLER – On the 31st March, Mary Ellen, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MILLER
Saturday 19 April 1862
BIRTH at [Aliwal North] on the 11th April 1862, the wife of Mr. [Jo..] [GREEN] of a son.
DIED at his residence in Peddie, 7th April 1862, Mr. Richard TAINTON, aged 64 years. He leaves a large family and [circle] of relatives to deplore their loss.
DIED at Middelburg at the age of 9 months and [20] days, Maude, [infant] daughter of Fred’k ZIERVOGEL Esq. M.R.C.S.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 4th April 1862, after a short illness, Sarah Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Charles James HYMAN and eldest daughter of the late Mr. William A. DOLD, aged 25 years and 8 months, leaving a husband and three children with a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore their loss.
Saturday 26 April 1862
MARRIED on the 22nd instant at Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. W.A. Robinson, Arthur Newman STREET to Miss Mary Ann Elizabeth BEZANT.
DIED at the Umgwali Mission Station, British Kaffraria, on the 18th April, Eliza Jane CHALMERS, wife of the Revd. John A. CHALMERS and daughter of the Revd. William LINDSAY DD, Professor of [illegible] Theology in the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland.
DIED of consumption on the 19th April, at the residence of [his father] Bly River, Somerset East, William Henry SARGEANT, aged 23 years and 10 months. Regretted by a beloved wife and a large circle of relatives and friends. It may be truly said “His end was peace”.
Tuesday 29 April 1862
MARRIED at Clumber on Thursday the 24th April by the Rev. P. Smailes, Mr. Thomas BRADFIELD to Miss Lydia Grace TARR, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. TARR of Mount Pleasant, Trappes Valley.
Saturday 3 May 1862
DIED in Queenstown [at Mr. Charles BROWN’s residence], on Friday 25th April, Jane, the beloved wife of John BRADFIELD, aged 57 years. [Deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.]
Saturday 10 May 1862
BIRTH at [illegible], Grahamstown, on the 7th instant, the wife of William COCKCROFT of a daughter.
[illegible death notice – print totally faded]
KILLED by lightning on the 8th April [illegible…]. Mr. John HAM of Quagga’s Flat, [illegible] in the [forty first year of his age, leaving a large circle of friends.]
[Transcriber’s Note: This notice is very faint, but his Death Notice shows that he was killed at Philipolis, OFS.]
Saturday 17 May 1862
BIRTH at Middleburg on the [-th] inst, the wife of [E.C.M.] [illegible] Esq of a daughter
BIRTH at [Grahamstown] on the [--] April 1862, the wife of Mr.James GARDNER of a son.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th April 1862 at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Joseph WALKER of Bathurst street, Mr. Benjamin BOOTH Sen. of Bathurst, in the 75th year of his age. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, belonging to the Salem Party.
[Transcriber’s Note: There is an alphabetical listing in this issue of Births, Marriages and Deaths, similar to the mid-month lists in April and June, but it is so faint that it is impossible to read]
Tuesday 20 May 1862
DIED on the 16th inst at Grahamstown, George CYRUS, Government Interpreter and Superintendent of Fingoes, aged 50 years and 6 months. Deceased came to this Colony with the original Settlers in 1820.
Saturday 24 May 1862
BIRTH at Clifton, [Baviaan’s] River, on the 18th May 1862, Mrs. J.E. HOWSE of a daughter.
The [illegible] mail of yesterday brought in the sorrowful intelligence of the death, at Fauresmith, on the 17th inst, of the Rev. John AYLIFF, so [advantageously] known as the missionary [under whose auspices] the Fingoes were liberated from Kafir bondage in 1835. Mr. AYLIFF’s [illegible] in the country was an eventful one. Coming [here] amongst the British Settlers of 1820 he, at an early period after his arrival, attached himself to the Rev.W. SHAW, under whose auspices he proceeded to Kafirland as one of the earliest missionaries in that country….
[Transcriber’s Note: The obituary continues to the foot of the column but is too blurred to read]
Saturday 31 May 1862
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on [Saturday morning] the 17th May 1862, the Rev. John AYLIFF, Wesleyan Missionary, late [illegible], aged [65] years, after a severe illness, borne with [illegible]. He died as le lived – a Christian.
Tuesday 3 June 1862
MARRIED by Special Licence at Fort Beaufort on the 22nd May, by the Revd. J. Smith, Richard, second son of William CAWOOD Esq. to Erilda Louisa Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Edward BUCKLEY.
DIED at her residence in Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 28th May, Elizabeth Margaret BARNETT, wife of Alexander N. IRVINE, Brass Founder, aged 55 years and 5 months, after a severe illness of 8 months, borne with Christian patience, and deeply regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives.
Saturday 7 June 1862
MARRIED at Somerset East on the 28th May 1862, by the Revd. J. Wilson, Wesleyan Minister, George Edmund ROBINSON, eldest son of Samuel J. ROBINSON Esq, of Stapleford, Graaff-Reinet District, to Malvina TROLLIP, eldest daughter of Alfred TROLLIP Esq. of Grahamstown.
DIED at his residence in Beaufort-street, Grahamstown on Tuesday the 3rd inst, Mr. Charles Thomas CROFT, aged 69 years and 7 months, one of the original Settlers of 1820, leaving a Wife and a numerous Family to deplore their loss.
DIED at Buccleuch, the residence of her son-in-law, on Wednesday the 28th inst, Beatrice PRINGLE, relict of the late Robert PRINGLE [of the ……settlement of Glen Lynden], in the 89th year of her age. Her remains were conveyed to Clifton, the residence of her late husband and [deposited] beside [illegible.]
Friends will please accept of this notice.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 4th June 1862, of Diphtheria, Lydia Cock, aged 3 years and 7 months, daughter of Mr. J.C. HOOLE
DIED on Sunday morning 1st June 1862, at his residence, Grahamstown, John Barnabus [CLARKE], aged [86] years.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 3rd June 1862, Mr. Joseph CURRIE, aged 41 years and 2 months.
Our obituary of today [mentions] the death of Mr. C.T. CROFT sen. Deceased came to this colony in 1820, with the Salem Party, and took up his abode at Salem, where he lived until about 12 years since, and has removed to Grahamstown. In [this city] he resided up to the time of his death. Mr. CROFT has [achieved] a very wide celebrity in connection with his Tincture of Life, which has [illegible] saved the life of many persons bitten by snakes and other venomous reptiles when every other remedy had failed. He also practised extensively as a physician, and in this capacity enjoyed the confidence of hundreds of persons in this city and neighbourhood. Those who were intimately acquainted with Mr. CROFT say that he had some excellent [illegible] both of […. and ….]. He had long been suffering from the illness which caused his death. His funeral took place last Thursday, and was attended by nearly 100 persons.
Mr. Joseph CURRIE died on [Tuesday] last, after great suffering, from consumption, at the early age of 41 years. Deceased was a brother of Sir Walter..
Saturday 14 June 1862
MARRIED on Saturday 7th June 1862, at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by the Revd. R. Johnstone, Mr. Edwin TIDMARSH to Charlotte Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. G. DICKERSON.
DIED on the [9th] inst, at his residence, Grahamstown, Mr. William Henry [TR….], aged [--] years, deeply regretted.
DIED on the [--] inst. of Diphtheria, [illegible], aged 2 years, the beloved child of Edward and Mary Ann [illegible] of Grahamstown, deeply [lamented].
FYNN, the wife of W.R.D. of a daughter, at Port Elizabeth, on the [10th] ult.
HOWSE, Mr. J.E. of a daughter on the 18th ult at Clifton.
[illegible], Mrs. [illegible] of a daughter on the [18th] ult at [Middleburg].
[V…], the wife of Mr. W. of a son on the [14th inst] at Port Elizabeth.
WEBB, the wife of Mr. John of a son on the [illegible] at Grahamstown.
CAWOOD, Richard Esq. to Miss Erilda Louisa Elizabeth BUCKLEY, on the 22nd ult at Fort Beaufort.
ROBINSON, George Edmund to Miss Malvina TROLLIP, on the 28th ult at Somerset East.
TILBROOK, William to Miss Louisa STOKES, on the 3rd Inst, at Grahamstown.
AYLIFF, Rev. John, aged 64, on the 17th ult, at Fauresmith, Orange Free State. Deceased was a Wesleyan Missionary and late Governor of the [illegible] [Institution].
CYRUS, George, aged 50 years, on the 16th ult, at Grahamstown. Deceased came to this Colony in 1820 with the original settlers and was interpreter and superintendent of Fingoes.
COPEMAN, [Wil….] [M..], youngest child of [Rev] P.W., aged 17 months, on the 18th ult at Alexandria.
CROFT, Charles Thomas, aged 69 years, on the 3rd inst, at Grahamstown. Deceased had been in the Colony since 1820.
[CLARKE], John Barnabas, aged 86, on the 1st inst, at Grahamstown.
CURRIE, Mr. Joseph, aged 41, on the 3rd inst, at Grahamstown.
HOOLE, Lydia Cock, daughter of Mr. J.C., aged 3 years, on the 3rd inst at Grahamstown.
[H….], Elizabeth Ann, aged 54 years and [-] months, on the [illegible], at Fort Beaufort.
HYMAN, Sarah, relict of the late William, aged 54, on the 8th inst, at [Grahamstown].
IRVINE, Margaret Barnett, the wife of Mr. Alexander, at Grahamstown, aged 55, on the 28th ult.
[NUGENT], Thomas Samuel, son of Edward, aged 7, on the [13th] inst, at Grahamstown.
PRINGLE, Beatrice, aged 89, on the 28th ult. at Buccleuch. Deceased was the relict of the late Mr. Robert PRINGLE of the [illegible] settlement of Glen Lynden.
[illegible], Revd. J.P., aged [--] years, on the [--th] inst, at Port Elizabeth.
[illegible], the wife of William Esq. at Penge, Surrey on the [--th] March 1862.
[TA…], Elizabeth Louise, the wife of Mr. J.M., aged [31] on the [--th] ult, at Port Elizabeth.
YELLING, William Henry, aged [--], on the 9th inst, at Grahamstown.
Tuesday 17 June 1862
DIED on the 9th inst at […..-street], Grahamstown, Mr. William Henry YELLING, aged [--] years, deeply [lamented.
Tuesday 24 June 1862
BIRTH at Beaufort-street, Grahamstown on the 23rd inst, the wife of the Rev. Robert JOHNSTON of a son.
Saturday 28 June 1862
BIRTH on the [22nd] June, at [Middleburg], [illegible], the wife of Mr. W.H.D. MATTHEWS of a son.
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