Grahamstown Journal 1862 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 4 October 1862
[Transcriber’s Note: There are four BMD announcements on the front page of this issue, but the scan is so bad that they are virtually illegible, apart from the occasional word. I suspect that at least two of them are repeated in the issue of 11 October, thankfully more legible, so I have not attempted to transcribe them here. ]
Saturday 11 October 1862
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Monday the 6th inst, the wife of Mr. Thos. E. PASSMORE of a daughter.
MARRIED by Special Licence on Monday the 6th instant, in St.Bartholomew’s Church, by the Very Rev. Archdeacon Merriman, William Peter HELLET Esq. to Emily Smith, third daughter of the Hon. Mr. Joseph CAWOOD of this city.
DIED on October 2nd at the residence of her son-in-law, Windsor Farm, district of Fort [Beaufort], Ann [MAHONY] aged [82] years, after a long and painful illness of [--] months. She was one of the early settlers of 1820.
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on Friday morning, Arthur, the second beloved son of John AYLIFF Esq, King Williamstown, and grandson of the late Rev. John AYLIFF, aged 8 years and 7 months. He was a [illegible] and obedient child, beloved by all who knew him.
DIED at Grahamstown October the [10th] 1862 of [illegible], [….. Maria], aged 7 days, infant daughter of M.D. and B.A. [illegible]. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Saturday 18 October 1862
MARRIED in St. Mark’s Mission, [T….an] Territory, on the 13th October, by the Rev. H.T. Watson, assisted by the Rev. H.K. Wordsworth, the Rev. [J…..] GORDON, […est] son of [the late Lieut. and Adjt.] GORDON, HM 91st Regt, to [illegible], third daughter of William [C…] Esq of Walmer, Kent.
MARRIED at Armagh, Ireland on the [1st May]1862, Charles PRINGLE Esq to Eliza, eldest daughter of [the late Lieut. and Adjt.] GORDON, HM 91st Regt.
DIED at Grahamstown, 14th Oct, Sarah Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Wm. GOLDSWAIN, at the early age of 36 years, after a long and painful illness which she bore with Christian fortitude. She leaves a large circle of friends and a large family, and a surviving husband, to lament her loss.
DIED at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H. KEW (Tarka) on Sunday the 12th inst, after a lingering illness of many years, Sarah, the relict of the late Mr. Ralph GODDARD of this city, in the 68th year of her age, leaving a very large family and a numerous circle of friends to mourn their bereavement. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820
DIED on the 5th September, at his residence, 12 Cavendish Square, London. Charles MAYNARD Esq, aged 67 years.
Tuesday 21 October 1862
DIED at Cradock on the [--th] instant, Henry James, youngest son of Mr. Thomas C. SCANLEN, aged 16 months and 13 days.
Saturday 25 October 1862
BIRTH at the [illegible] Mission Station on Sunday morning, the [19th] inst, the wife of the Revd. [illegible] of a son.
BIRTH on Monday the 20th at West Hill, the wife of Mr. [COMSFORD] of a son.
MARRIED on the 15th instant at Commemoration Chapel, by the Rev. George Chapman, Gibson Napier Holmes, second son of Mr. Wm. CROZIER Esq. of Blackheath, to Harriette Porter Rhodes, third daughter of the Hon’ble George WOOD Esq, Woodville House, Grahamstown.
DIED at King William’s Town on the 22nd October 1862, Alexander [WILLIAMSON], aged [54] years, after a long and painful illness. He leaves a large circle of friends, a sorrowing wife and six small children to lament his loss. Friends at a distance please accept of this notice.
Saturday 1 November 1862
MARRIED on the 23rd inst at Burnt Kraal, near Grahamstown, by the Rev. G. Chapman, Wesleyan Minister, John Sinclair MACKAY Esq. to Lydia, fifth daughter of Daniel ROBERTS Esq. of Burnt Kraal.
DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the [18th] October, John [TREADWELL Esq. aged[--] years.
DIED at [M……], Alice on the [--th] inst, [John], the third and youngest son of [Henry and Sarah WHITEHORN], after a short illness of 18 hours, aged 4 months and 4 days.
DIED as he lived, a […able] Christian, at the residence of his elder son, Market-square East, Grahamstown, on [Sabbath morning] at 8 o’clock, the 24th October last, Cumberland HILL, aged 84 years and 4 days. [Illegible sentence]
Friends at a distance will please to accept this notice.
DIED at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on 24th October 1862, at the age of [--] years and [-] months, Mr. Alfred WHITE, late of Queenstown, and eldest son of Capt. WHITE R.N. of this town, after a short but severe illness of six days, leaving a widow and three children to deplore their [irreparable] loss.
Saturday 8 November 1862
DIED at Heald Town on the 4th November 1862, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of James VERITY and eldest daughter of Mr. Richard WALKER of Farmersfield, aged 43 years, leaving a husband and seven children to deplore their irreparable loss.
Friday 14 November 1862
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 3rd instant, Mrs. T.I. COCKCROFT of a daughter.
MARRIED by Special Licence in Grahamstown on the 12th November, by the Revd. Rob’t Johnston, Minister of Trinity Church, John William HILL, eldest son of John HILL Esq, Market-square East, to Sarah Anne, eldest daughter of Alfred MOORCROFT Esq. of Winterberg. No cards.
Tuesday 18 November 1862
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Sunday the 16th inst, the wife of Owen H. STRONG Esq, Lieut. H.M. [13th] Regt., of a son.
DIED at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 1st November 1862, Benjamin Rufus, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.HARVEY, aged 2 years and 9 months.
And on the 6th November, Ruth, the beloved wife of Mr. J. HARVEY, aged 44 years and 8 months, deeply regretted by her husband and numerous friends.
DIED at Cradock on the 14th November 1862, deeply regretted by all who knew her, Caroline Ellen CAMPBELL, aged 15 years, 11 months and [18] days, daughter of the late Francis CAMPBELL and his surviving widow Clara CAMPBELL of this place. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
DIED at [Salem] on the [19th] inst, Mr. Thomas [OR….] aged [67] years.
DIED on Sunday November 16th 1862, aged 65 years and 11 months, James TEMLETT Sen., [Deacon] of the Baptist Church in Bathurst-street, Grahamstown, who was a liberal supporter of religious and [illegible] subjects. He was born in Somersetshire and came out with the early settlers of 1820. He leaves a [illegible] family, Church and many friends to mourn their irreparable loss.
[Transcriber’s Note: Although the date of death is blurred it is definitely a Sunday in November. His Death Notice, which has been incorrectly indexed on NAAIRS as FERNLITT, gives his date of death as 16th December, which cannot be correct. The date of death as 16th November 1862 is in the Family Bible on eGGSA.]
The sudden and unexpected death of Mr. TEMLETT leaves another gap in the [ranks] – now rapidly growing thinner – of the men, “the workers who made the [illegible] to give an impetus to that progress which, in the [illegible], has advanced this Province to the position of the most prosperous of the British African [illegible]. Mr. TEMLETT was a passenger by the good ship Brilliant, one of the first vessels that reached Algoa Bay in 1820…
[Transcriber’s Note: The obituary continues for the rest of the column but is totally illegible on the scan.]
Friday 21 November 1862
BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown, on the [--th] instant, Mrs, Jonathan AYLIFF of a daughter.
DIED at his residence, “Glen Stewart”, Water Kloof, District of Fort Beaufort, on Sunday the 16th instant, Michael UPTON Esq. M.L.A., deeply regretted by his Family and Friends.
Glen Stewart,
20th Nov. 1862
DIED in London on the 29th September 1862, [a few short days] after her arrival from the Cape of Good Hope, Elizabeth Maria, aged 25 years, the beloved wife of Asst. Com. Gen’l [Geo. J.] WEBB
Tuesday 25 November 1862
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 25th Nov, the wife of Mr. W. Wilberforce SMAILES of Clumber of a daughter.
DIED at Queenstown on the [10th], Mr. John [illegible], late of Grahamstown, in his 44th year.
DIED at Grahamstown on the [--th] instant, [through injuries] received by a wagon passing over [him………] amputation of the legs, after [several] days’ severe suffering, my beloved husband Mr. Jan [K….] VAN [illegible] of [illegible], aged [29] years and [2] months.
Anne G.W. VAN [Illegible]
Uitenhage, [--th] Nov 1862
Friday 28 November 1862
[one illegible birth notification from the Orange Free State]
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the [22nd] inst, Mrs. E. HOCKLEY of a daughter.
Tuesday 9 December 1862
MARRIED at Oakwell on the 5th November 1862, by the Rev. H.H. Dugmore, John FRANK, eldest son of John FRANK Esq, of [illegible], to Anne Elizabeth, second daughter of Bertram Egerton BOWKER Esq.
DIED at Lyndoch, the residence of her son-in-law, on Tuesday 2nd December 1862, after a long and painful illness, Elizabeth HOCKLY, aged 72 years, leaving a large family and many friends to deplore her loss.
Friday 12 December 1862
BIRTH at King Williamstown, the wife of Corporal [illegible], C.M. Rifles, of a daughter on the 7th inst.
MARRIED by Special Licence in Grahamstown on the 26th Nov by the Rev. R. Johnson, George Christiaan Hermann ZIMMERMAN of Queenstown to Sarah Jemima FLINT, Widow of [Grahamstown]
Friday 19 December 1862
BIRTH at Somerset East, 11th Dec, the wife of Mr. F. [CAR….] of [P….] of a daughter.
BIRTH at [illegible] Villa, near Somerset East on Thursday December 11th, the wife of Mr. J.T. [sic] HARTLEY of a son.
[Transcriber’s Note: I think this is the son of James Weeks HARTLEY]
[two illegible death notifications]
Friday 26 December 1862
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday 26th inst, the wife of Mr. Charles [H.] [illegible] of a daughter.
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, [--th] Dec, the wife of [illegible] [FORBES], Cape Mounted Riflemen, of a daughter.
DIED in Grahamstown on Saturday the 20th December 1862, at the residence of her son-in-law, Wm. ROBERTS and deeply regretted by her surviving husband and children, Ann, the beloved wife of James KIDD in the 72nd year of her age. Deceased was one of the Original Settlers of 1820 and was deservedly beloved and [esteemed] by all who knew her [sterling worth as a Christian and a friend].
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