Grahamstown Journal 1862 - 1 - January to March
Tuesday 7 January 1862
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th January 1862, the wife of Mr. John R. MORGAN of a son.
BIRTH at [illegible], District of Graaff-Reinet, on the [--th] December 1861, [illegible] of a daughter.
MARRIED by the Rev. H.H. Dugmore on Wednesday the 25th December 1861, at Thorn Kloof, Fish River Randt, John Evelyn Gordon CLOETE Esq, son of [the Rev. Mr. Henry CLOETE Esq. LLD, [illegible….] of the Colony, to Anna Maria, second daughter of William Monkhouse BOWKER Esq. JP.
DIED on the 3rd Jan inst, Mary, daughter of Mr. B.M. SHEPPERSON, aged 3 months and 4 days.
Saturday 11 January 1862
BIRTH at Yellow Wood Trees, District of Fort Beaufort on the 4th January inst, Mrs. F.P. LEONARD of a son.
MARRIED on Monday morning, 6th January 1862, by Special Licence, at [Trinity Church], King Williamstown, [by Archdeacon ….], Mr.William FINAUGHTY to Miss Susannah THOMAS, of Grahamstown.
DIED on the 8th January 1862, Emma HARDING, daughter of [Edward and Mary Jane] HARDING, aged 6 years 1 month and 8 days.
[digital images for January 1862 are of very poor quality but there do not appear to be any BMD notifications between the 11th and 21st]
Tuesday 21 January 1862
MARRIED in [Bedford Free Church] on Wednesday 8th January…
[Transcriber’s Note: the rest of this notice is very smudged, but is thought to be the marriage of Alexander WELSH to Jessie SOLOMON as transcribed in the Cape and Natal News]
Saturday 25 January 1862
BIRTH at Springfield on the 21st January, the wife of W.H. DANIELL of a son.
MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown on the 22nd January by the [Venerable] the Archdeacon Merriman, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Martin, Owen Henry STRONG Esq, [Lieutenant] […..Regiment of Horse], to Alicia Emily Katherine, only daughter of the late [illegible] Charles E.H. ORPEN.
DIED at Spring Vale on [Tues] the 24th December 1861, James HAYWARD, aged 83 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
DIED at King Williamstown, on the [--th] January 1862, Alexander [Mc…..], after a long and painful illness of 11 months. Deceased was generally adored by all who knew him and leaves a disconsolate widow and [-] young children as well as a number of [relatives] and friends to deplore their irreparable loss. He died a Christian and his end was peace. Aged 41 years and [-] months.
Tuesday 28 January 1862
DIED on [illegible] at the residence of Mr. [illegible] [….HEAD], [R….] [B….] aged [rest illegible]
DIED at Grahamstown Jan 28th, Alexander Ernest, infant son of John and Elizabeth WEDDERBURN, aged 11 months and 28 days.
Tuesday 4 February 1862
MARRIED by Special Licence at Elizabeth Farm, Bedford on the 28th January [instant], by the Rev. Solomon, George Robert, [seventh] son of Joseph WEAKLEY Esq. of Grahamstown, to Mary, fourth daughter of the late John TUCKER Esq. of Canterbury, England.
Saturday 8 February 1862
The Funeral of the late Mrs. T.C. SCANLEN will move from the residence of the Widow SCANLEN, Bathurst-street, at half past 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.
Wm. PAXTON, Undertaker
February 8th 1862
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday the 7th February, Emma, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas SCANLEN of Cradock, aged 27 years and 7 months. Deceased was the eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph THACKWRAY and leaves a family of [four] young children to mourn her irreparable loss.
BIRTH at Dordrecht on the 27th January 1862, the wife of Mr. [H…..] HUTCHINS of a son.
BIRTH on the 26th ultimo at Port Alfred, the wife of Mr. J.S. NIAS of a son.
DIED on the 1st inst aged twenty five years and six months, William, eldest son of the late Mr. James JAY of Vyg Kraal and Mrs. Thomas STYLE of Bathurst Street, leaving a widow and two young children. Deceased met his death by drowning at Committee’s Drift while endeavouring to ferry [across] some passengers and [illegible].
Mrs. Thomas STYLE begs to tender her sincere thanks to the many kind and [illegible] friends who [recovered the remains] of her son William JAY, by their [attendance….] on Thursday
Grahamstown, February 7th 1862.
Our Obituary today records the death of Mr. William JAY, whose lamented and untimely fate we briefly mentioned in our issue of Tuesday last. The deceased was well known in the city as the eldest son of the late Mr. James JAY of Vyg Kraal, and on the receipt early on Sunday morning of the intelligence of his melancholy fate, a feeling of deep regret at his sudden departure from amongst us, with sympathy for his bereaved widow and mother, was universal with all classes. Mr. JAY’s loss is one which will be felt by many beyond the circle of his immediate relations, having by his straightforward bearing, [manly and genuine conduct], with [unvaried] courtesy, endeared himself to all who had the good fortune to form his acquaintance. In him was found the affectionate and dutiful son, worthy husband and father and the honest man – an example as a Christian and neighbour worthy of imitation by us all. In the fearless and faithful discharge of his duty, while endeavouring to protect the lives and property of others, he met the [illegible] which we all so much deplore. His remains were interred in the cemetery on Thursday last, followed by a numerous body of relatives and friends, the funeral service being read in a most impressive manner by the very Rev. the Dean of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev. George THOMPSON. The [illegible] of the body in death […..illegible] of many kind friends who were anxious that the [last respect] which would be paid to the deceased might be [illegible]. We have been requested on the part of his mother, Mrs. Thomas STYLE, to acknowledge the kindness and sympathy so promptly offered [at the distressing demise] by many friends, and especially to Messrs. James and Thomas [illegible], Inspectors of Police, Messrs. WAINWRIGHT, [E…], WEEKS, James WRIGHT, [illegible], LAIDLAW, VAN DER MERWE and the District Police, to whose unrelenting exertions the recovery of the body is due.
Saturday 15 February 1862
BIRTH on Tuesday last, the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. A.J. CLAIRMONTE of a son.
BIRTH at Belle Vue Cottage, Settler's Hill, on the 13th inst, Mrs. Martin SMIT Sen. of a daughter.
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 15th inst, George Hardinge GORING, son of William GORING Esq, [A..a] Villa, County Tipperary, Ireland, to Maria Theresa WEISBECKER of this city.
DIED at Grahamstown on Monday the 10th inst, Mr. S. HAW, aged 80 years.
Tuesday 18 February 1862
DIED at King Williamstown on the [3rd] February, James Christopher, infant son of William and Martha DREDGE, aged 4 months.
Saturday 1 March 1862
BIRTH at Bishopsbourne on Tuesday the 18th February, the wife of the Rev. W. GREENSTOCK of a son.
Tuesday 4 March 1862
MARRIED by Special Licence at King Williamstown on the 27th January [illegible] John ARMSTRONG, Major Cape Mounted Rifles, to Ellen Constance, eldest daughter of Major D’ARCY of the same Regiment [rest of notice illegible.]
DIED at the residence of Mr. Stephen TROLLIP, Queenstown, on the 1st March, Charles Wesley STAPLES, aged 30 years and 4 months, the son of the late John STAPLES, leaving a wife and two children to mourn his loss. His end was peace.
Saturday 8 March 1862
BIRTH in Grahamstown on the [--th] instant, the wife of [John] [illegible] of [Peddie], Assistant Deputy Commissariat General, of a son.
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Queenstown on the 27th February, by the father of the bride, Walter John, only son of John BRADFIELD Esq, [Bougola] to Mary Clifford, only daughter of the Rev. W.C. HOLDEN, Wesleyan Minister, Grahamstown.
Saturday 15 March 1862
BIRTH at Grahamstown [illegible] on the [--th] instant, the wife of John [Napier] [illegible], Acting Deputy Assistant Commissary General, of a son.
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 6th March 1862, by the Rev. E. Henchman, William Buchanan CHALMERS Esq, [illegible] to Clara Sophia, [2nd surviving] daughter of the late William Henry RAWSTORNE, [illegible]
MARRIED on the 5th instant in Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev. W. Impey, General Superintendent Wesleyan Missions, Mr. Livett Connor FRANK to Louisa Emma, eldest daughter of [William A.] FLETCHER Esq. of [Grahamstown]
Saturday 22 March 1862
[Transcriber’s Note: Three almost totally illegible BMD announcements. The third one I think is a fairly lengthy obituary for James USHER, who died in Grahamstown on the 20th March 1862.]
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