Grahamstown Journal 1861 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 6 April 1861
BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown on the 4th instant, the wife of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday the 3rd April, the wife of Mr. Charles Henry MORGAN of a son.
DIED at Wooldridge on Tuesday evening the 2nd inst, Lucy Ann, wife of William HUNTER and daughter of the late Mr. L.P. ROSS of Wynberg, near Capetown, aged 31 years [8] months, leaving a husband and 5 young children to regret her loss.
DIED in Grahamstown on the 5th April 1860, Mr. Phillip KING, in the 74th year of his age. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Begs respectfully to inform his friends and the public that he has removed from ‘Vyg Kraal’ to the Hotel lately conducted by Mr, KNOWLES, and known as Committee’s Drift Accommodation House, where he hopes to secure the same patronage and liberal support bestowed upon him during his residence at Vyg Kraal, which it will be his constant aim and study to merit, by paying due regard to the wants and comforts of the travelling public.
A new ferry boat always at the drift, and a ferryman in attendance to assist passengers in crossing over.
Saturday 13 April 1861
DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday the 7th April 1861, Henry Whitnall, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. SMITH, aged 15 months.
DIED in King Williamstown on Monday the 8th April 1861, Mary Jane, the infant daughter of Mr. Hugh THOMPSON, aged 3 months and 9 days.
In the Insolvent Estate of the late John Thomas FORBES, formerly of Alice, deceased
All persons claiming to be creditors under the said estate are required to take notice that, by order of the Hon. Mr. Justice BELL, bearing date at Grahamstown 2nd day of April instant, the undersigned was duly appointed a provisional trustee in the said estate. And all persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned, or to Mr. Alexander Stewart BROWN in Alice forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
William Thomas KINGSMILL
11th April 1861
Tuesday 16 April 1861
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th April 1861, the wife of Assist. Com. General C.W. EICHBAUM of a son.
DIED at Port Alfred on the 11th inst, Judith, the beloved wife of Mr. Geo. JARVIS and second daughter of the late Mr. Gilbert TROWER, [Kowie] West. Aged 31 years.
Port Alfred, 13th April 1861
BEDLEY: At King Williamstown, April 7th, Robert, infant son of Mr. H. BEDLEY, aged 20 months.
CLARK: At Fort Beaufort, Feb 25, George William CLARK, aged 42 years and 1 month
DRURY: At Uitenhage, 11th April, Henrietta Susanna, daughter of Mr. B. DRURY, aged 6 months.
DUFFIELD: At Cradock, March 23rd, Ann Elizabeth DUFFIELD, aged [3 years 7 months and ? days]
HUNTER: At Wooldridge, April 2nd, Lucy Ann, wife of Wm. HUNTER and daughter of the late Mr. L.P. ROSS of Wynberg, near Cape Town. Aged 31 years and 8 days.
[H…Y]: At Port Elizabeth, April [19th] Harriet Charlotte, youngest daughter of Mr. John [H…Y]. Aged 3 years.
KING: At Grahamstown, April 5th, Phillip KING, in the 74th year of his age. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
LITCHFIELD: At Hong Kong January 22, Eliza, wife of Edwin LITCHFIELD, Dep’ty A.C. Gen’l.
ROUPELL: At Port Elizabeth on March 25th, John, brother of W. ROUPELL Esq.
SMITH: At Grahamstown, April 7th, Henry Whitnall, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. SMITH. Aged 15 months.
STRINGFELLOW: At Fort Beaufort, March 25th, Ann, wife of T. STRINGFELLOW Esq, C.C. and R.M., and daughter of the late William TROTT of Newport, Essex.
THOMPSON: At King Williamstown, 8th April, infant daughter of Mr. Hugh THOMPSON. Aged 3 months and 9 days.
YATES: At King Williamstown, Hope, daughter of Mr. John YATES. Aged 12 months and 26 days.
LITCHFIELD: At Hong Kong, January 21st, wife of Edwin LITCHFIELD Esq, Dep. A.C. General of a son.
MORGAN: At Grahamstown, April 3rd, wife of Chas. Henry MORGAN of a son.
AYLIFF: At Grahamstown, April 4th, wife of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF of a daughter.
RICHARDS: At Roseheath, Grahamstown, March 26th, wife of Mr. W.A. RICHARDS of a son.
AMM and WEDDERBURN: At Salem, March 20th, Mr. P. AMM to Mrs. Mary WEDDERBURN, daughter of C.T. CROFT Esq of this city.
MAYNARD and FLEMING: At Port Elizabeth, March 21, Mr. Henry MAYNARD Esq of this city and eldest son of Charles MAYNARD Esq of Cleveland Square, London, to Frances Margaret, daughter of William FLEMING Esq of Port Elizabeth.
MONTFORT and CARLISLE: At Grahamstown, April 4th, A.R.MONTFORT Esq, HM 10th Regt, to Emma Frances, daughter of F.CARLISLE Esq.
Saturday 20 April 1861
DIED at Whittlesea on the 11th April 1861, after a lingering illness, Harriet, the beloved wife of Arnold SHEPPERSON, aged 36 years, deeply regretted by her family and friends.
DIED at Orange Grove on the [--th] inst, of [lockjaw], after a short illness of 36 hours, the son of John [illegible], aged [18] years [3] months and [13] days.
DIED at Bedford after a few hours sickness, on the [25th] March 1861, Clement William, the only child of William Edward and Ellen WINGROVE. Aged 22½ months.
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday the 12th inst, John Henry Woolcott, aged 10 years and 11 months; also on Sunday the 14th inst, Walter George, aged 4 years and 4 months, beloved sons of Mr. Henry ROBERTS.
Grahamstown, April 19 1861
Saturday 27 April 1861
BIRTH at Panmure on the 22nd March 1861, the wife of George JUBBER, [confectioner], British Kaffraria, of a son.
BIRTH at Bedford on the 22nd instant, the wife of Percy NIGHTINGALE Esq, Acting Civil Commissioner, of a daughter.
MARRIED at Somerset East on the 18th April inst, by the Rev. G.H. GREEN, Mr. John Serapio PARKES, of Wheatlands, Graaff-Reinet, to Mary Tozer, eldest daughter of the Rev. G.H. GREEN, Wesleyan Minister, Somerset.
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Clumber on Thursday the 18th instant by the Rev. P. SMAILES of [Colesberg], Mr. William Wilberforce SMAILES, Master of the [Wesleyan …. Conference], to Miss Ann Shepherd COCKCROFT, daughter of Mr. Thomas COCKCROFT of Myrtle Grove, Lower Albany.
DIED at the Kariega on the 14th inst, of ulcerated sore throat, Asenath Emma, youngest daughter of Mr. John WESTCOTT. Aged 17 months.
DIED of Measles at Graham’s Town on the 17th April, Martha Mary, only daughter of Daniel and Mary Anne LOWE, aged 2 years 6 months and 23 days. Also on the 23rd April, Frederick Siddons, only and infant son of Daniel and Mary Anne LOWE, aged 10 months and 21 days.
DEATH [at her residence] on [--] April 1861, [illegible], aged [illegible], the beloved wife of [illegible] [The deceased was the eldest daughter of the late……] Her end was peace.
Tuesday 7 May 1861
BIRTH at Grahamstown May 7th, the wife of Mr. C. MALLETT of a daughter.
DIED at [Kariega] River on the 2nd inst, at the residence of her son-in-law Mr. W. DUGMORE, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John OATES, with whom she had lived for upwards of 44 years […fully] sharing in the various [trials] to which they were subjected.
Deceased was one of the Salem Party, [respected] by all who knew her, and had reached the advanced age of upwards of 78 years. The last few years of her life [rest of paragraph illegible].
Her remains were followed to the grave on Sunday the 5th inst by the greater part of her family and a few [illegible] friends and relations, the burial service being conducted by one of the [first preachers] of the Wesleyan Society, who delivered a very appropriate address on the occasion.
The surviving members of the family desire thus publicly to acknowledge the very many acts of kindness to the deceased from numerous kind Christian friends [illegible…].
“For we who are blessed do enter into rest”
Distant friends will please accept this notice.
Saturday 11 May 1861
BIRTH on the 6th inst at [illegible], the wife of A. HILLIER Esq of a daughter.
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 7th instant, the wife of the Rev. W. SARGEANT of a daughter.
MARRIED on Wednesday the 8th inst, at Trinity Church, by the father of the Bridegroom, Martin Ebenezer, eldest son of the Reverend Nicholas Henry SMIT, Independent Minister, to Mary Ursula, eldest daughter of the late John T. TIDD Esq. of Wellington Road, Stoke Newington, London.
MARRIED at Donney Brook, district of Queenstown, on the 25th April 1861, by the Rev. E.[?]. Green, William H. STANTON, eldest son of William STANTON Jun. M.L.A., of Fort Beaufort, to Sarah, eldest daughter of the late William JELLIMAN Esq. of [Lower Peddie].
Saturday 18 May 1861
DIED at the Paarl on Thursday the 9th inst, the Rev George BARKER, for many years an [Administrator] of the London Missionary Society in this Colony.
We regret to learn that Mr. CARRUTHERS of Cheviot Valley, whose efforts to produce an improved breed of sheep in this colony are so well known, has been drowned. Fears are entertained that it was an act of suicide. The unfortunate gentleman had left his farm on horseback, and had gone down to the water. Being absent longer than usual, a friend went after him, and saw him seated on a spot over which the tide would rise. He called to him, and begged in vain of him to ford or swim the stream between them before it was too late: but he took no notice whatever of the alarm of his friend, and when the tide rolled in the first heavy wave struck him from the spot, and he was drowned. – Monitor.
The Rev. George BARKER died on Thursday morning last at the Paarl. The venerable gentleman was of a very advanced age, and had served for the lengthened period of 46 years as a Missionary in South Africa. He was throughout in connection with the London Missionary Society, and in the various fields of labour which he occupied in the Western Province, in the East and beyond the border he was alike respected and esteemed. For the last few years he returned to the Paarl, where a weakness of his eyes gradually advanced to total blindness. Even still, however, he frequently preached to the Mission Congregation in that place, and maintained his cheerfulness and [seeming] vigor undiminished to the last. He died of disease of the heart, and was surrounded at his decease by several members of his family. – Advertiser [..]
Saturday 25 May 1861
DIED this morning at 6am, the beloved wife of Thomas John [illegible], aged [61] years, after a lingering illness of nearly [five] months. Her end was perfect peace. She died as she lived, in the faith of her Lord and [Master]. She will be ever regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance; [illegible line] ..[was baptised] in South Africa and has been a [constant member of the Baptist [illegible] for the last 40 years. Came to this Colony in the middle of May [1820]
Port Elizabeth Provincial Hospital
DIED at Grahamstown May 6th 1861, after a lingering illness, Frances Sophia, the beloved wife of Benjamin HALL, one of the British Settlers of 1820, aged 69. Deceased has left a [numerous] family to deplore her loss.
Tuesday 28 May 1861
MARRIED on the 12th March 1861 at [Ma…..], Bombay, Captain G.H. STONE, Bombay Artillery, to Sarah Thomasina, eldest daughter of Col. ARMSTRONG, Civil Commissioner of Bathurst, Cape of Good Hope.
DIED at Oatlands, Grahamstown on the 6th inst, Alexander Braithwaite MORGAN Esq, late Surgeon HM 57th Regiment, aged 62 years.
Dr. MORGAN, whose death occurred on Saturday last at the residence of Sir W. CURRIE, has long been known on this Frontier. He was commissioned in 1818 and has served with distinction in this colony, India and the West Indies. He received the Kaffir medal for his services in the Frontier Wars. Dr. MORGAN was 62 years old. His death, which took place after a short attack of illness, has been severely felt by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Saturday 1 June 1861
DIED at his residence in African Street on 24th May, Mr. Wm. JEWSON, aged 83 years. Deceased came to this Colony with the Settlers of 1820.
Tuesday 4 June 1861
DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday last, 30th May 1861, after a short but severe illness, William Emanuel KNIGHT, only son of Mrs. J. COLEMAN and stepson of Mr. J. COLEMAN of this city, aged 27 years and 9 months. He was an affectionate son, and his early loss is deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends, to whom he was much endeared.
Saturday 8 June 1861
BIRTH at Port Alfred on the 7th June 1861, the wife of Adolf ARENHOLD Esq. MD of a daughter.
DIED at Adelaide on Thursday the 23rd May, Jane Wilton, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry James WRIGHT, aged 28 years and [3] months.
Tuesday 11 June 1861
DIED in Grahamstown on Wednesday 5th June 1861, after a long and painful illness, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. Joseph SHORT of Salem, aged 73 years and 4 months, leaving a husband and 5 children besides a circle of relations to deplore her loss. She was an affectionate wife, a kind mother and a [illegible] friend. Deceased came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 5th inst, after a lingering illness, Joseph, eldest son of Mr. Joseph WEAKLEY Sen, of Graham’s Town, aged 44 years and 24 days. Deeply regretted by his wife and numerous friends.
Saturday 15 June 1861
BIRTH at Alexandria, Oliphant’s Hoek, on the 5th inst, the wife of Capt. W.H. [GIBSON] of a son.
DIED suddenly on the night of June 4th at Dordrecht, where he was playing [illegible] for a day in [illegible], Eli Frederick John WATKINS, of Prospect Farm in the Waschbank. Deceased was in the [illegible] year of his age and was one of those who came from England to this country in1820. His friends [illegible]…without hope, but have good grounds for believing that in his case sudden death was sudden glory.
Waschbank, June 8th 1861
[Transcriber’s Note: The word before ‘year’ does not appear to be a number. His Death Notice says he was 62 when he died.]
DIED at Somerset East from illness consequent from measles, on the 30th May 1861, Mary, aged 1 month and [5] days; and on 6th June 1861 Ann Maria, aged 5 years and 10 months. Children of Richard and Maryann ALLWRIGHT.
Tuesday 18 June 1861
MARRIED at Dedham, Co. Essex on the 18th April last, W. Tyndal LUCAS Esq. J.P. of [Shenfield], Albany to Matilda Emma, daughter of John AYLES Esq. of Dedham.
15th June 1861
DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday the 16th inst, Mr. Frederick W. HEWSON of this city, aged 44 years.
Saturday 22 June 1861
BIRTH at [Kamastone] on the 26th May 1861, the wife of Mr. R.B. EVA of a daughter.
BIRTH at Queenstown on the 14th June, the wife of Mr. W.J. COOPER (late of Grahamstown} of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 20th May at [illegible] Fontein, by the Rev. J. DeLong, Mr. William DEVINE to Miss Martha DEACON.
DIED on the 8th April 1861, at the residence of Capt. RORKE, [Baker-street, Kensington], Chas. Forrester, infant son of R. RORKE Esq, C.M. Riflemen.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 15th instant, of disease of the lungs, Mr. James SMITH, aged 45 years and 6 months, late of the farm Linton on the Macazana River, District of Bedford, and formerly of [Anarogel Kop] Mount Pleasant, near Smithfield, leaving a widow and six children to deplore his loss.
Saturday 29 June 1861
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 27th June, Mrs. James RICHARDS of a daughter.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Saturday the 15th June 1861, William FLEMING
DIED at the residence of Mrs. PIPPIN, Somerset East, on Saturday the 22nd June 1861, after a short but painful illness, James [HOGAN] tailor of the above mentioned place, aged 37 years two months and seven days. Deceased was much beloved by all who knew him.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 28th June 1861, Mary Ann, infant daughter of Mr. James RICHARDS
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday the 28th June 1861, F.W. CRAWLEY, aged 35 years.
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