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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1861 - 3 - July to September

Tuesday 2 July 1861

DIED at Grahamstown on the 22nd June, after a short illness of three hours, Hannah, the beloved wife of Mr. George CYRUS, Govt. Inspector and Superintendent of Natives, aged 45 years and 3 months, leaving a husband and six children to mourn her irreparable loss.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 23rd June, Mr. James B. WALKER, late of [illegible], Staffordshire, aged 25 years.

Saturday 6 July 1861

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Saturday 29th June 1861, Mrs. D’Urban DAVIS of a son.

MARRIED on the 28th May 1861 at Clarksbury, by the Rev. P. Hargreaves, James NUGENT, Serjt. F.A.M. Police, to Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Mr. Richard CALVERLEY.

MARRIED at Durban, Port Natal, on the 16th June by the Rev. G. Blencowe, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. Robert RICHARDS of Pietermaritzburg, Natal, to Sarah Frances, only daughter of George Christopher CATO Esq. of Natal.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on 3rd July 1861, in the Baptist Chapel, Bathurst Street, by the Rev. Mr. Hay, Baptist Minister of the Ebenezer Chapel, Michael Robert HURLY, of Cradock, second son of Michael Eager HURLY Esq, Capetown, to Mary Elizabeth AMOS, eldest daughter of H. AMOS Esq. of Mount Remarkable.

DIED at Thorn Flat, District of Fort Peddie, on 28th June 1861, Kate Cordelia, second daughter of William and Mary Ann FORRESTER, aged 2 years and 11 months.

Saturday 13 July 1861

DIED at King Williamstown on Friday July 5th, [Bertha Ida], youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KING, aged 7 months and [24] days.

Tuesday 16 July 1861

BIRTH at King Williamstown on Thursday the 11th instant, the wife of Mr. Thos. E. ROWLES of a daughter.

MARRIED on June 27th at Trinity Church, King Williamstown, by the Rev. A. Batt, Military Chaplain, assisted by the Rev. H. Kitton, Rector, Capt. J.C. TYRWHITT-DRAKE ADC 2nd Queen’s Royals, eldest son of the late Rev. J. TYRWHITT-DRAKE of Amersham, Bucks, to Emily Harriet Anne, only daughter of Major General D’URBAN of Newport, near Essex, [Commanding] in British Kaffraria.

Saturday 20 July 1861

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th July, the wife of Mr. Daniel DEVINE of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the [15th] July 1861, of ulcerated sore throat, Florence Emily, eldest daughter of Charles and Sarah Anne WEBB. Aged 3 years 7 months and 10 days.

DIED at Fish River Randt on the 4th July 1861, at the residence of Mr. H. GARDNER, Emma Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Penny WRIGHT, of Adelaide, aged 11 months and [6] days.

Tuesday 30 July 1861

BIRTH at Oliphant’s Hoek on the 23rd July, Mrs. G. VAN [H…EER] of a son.

MARRIED by the Rev. Mr. Johnstone on the 23rd inst, G. VAN MEERDEN Esq. to Miss H.M. INGLE, both of this city.

Saturday 3 August 1861

BIRTH at Grahamstown, August 3rd 1861, the wife of Colin T. CAMPBELL Esq J.P. of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 31st July, of consumption, Wilson Clement, eldest son of William Clement CRUTTWELL Esq, [illegible], Frome. Somersetshire, England. Aged 20 years and 9 months.

DIED at Thaba Nchu, Wesleyan Mission Station, Bechuanaland, on the 17th July 1861, William Impey Sargeant, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. ROSE aged 5 months and 6 days.

DIED at her residence, Upper Bushman’s River, on the 18th July 1861, Mary WATSON, the beloved wife of Wm. WATSON Sen, aged 65 years and 7 months, leaving a husband and eight children, besides a numerous circle of friends, to deplore her loss. She was an affectionate wife and a loving and kind mother; also a kind friend. As she lived, so she died, in peace with God and all mankind. Her last words were “Blessed Lord”. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at Queenstown on Sunday July 14th 1861, David [B…] FREER, aged 14 years and 2 months, deeply regretted by his family and much loved by all who knew him.

[Several August issues missing]

Saturday 17 August 1861

BIRTH at King Williamstown on Saturday the 10th inst, Mrs. M.B. SHAW of a son.

DIED at Alice on the 11th inst, Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. THOMPSON, age 17 months.

DIED at Fort Peddie on Tuesday 13th inst, after a lingering illness, James RYDER, aged 11 years and [2] months, deeply lamented by parents and friends.

In the Estate of the late Mr. Joseph READ of Oxkraal, in the Division of Queen’s Town
All Persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to forward them to the office of Mr. R.W.H. GIDDY, Fort Beaufort, within six weeks from this date; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to pay their accounts within the same period to avoid legal proceedings.
James READ
Executor Dative
Fort Beaufort, 9th August 1861

Saturday 24 August 1861

DIED at Grahamstown on the 21st August, Susannah Margaret, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [G.C.O.] [BRICE], aged 8 months and 16 days.

BIRTH at Grahamstown 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. A.R. GOOCH of a daughter.

MARRIED at St. Helier, Jersey on the 13th June 1861, by the Rev. T. Middlemore Whittard MA, Edward A. CLIFF of [illegible], Cape of Good Hope, to Elizabeth LINDESAY, fourth daughter of David Ayton LINDESAY Esq. of Wormistone, Fifeshire.

MARRIED on the 14th June inst at [Lanarkshire] Robert Johnstone THOMPSON Esq, youngest son of W.R. THOMPSON Esq. of this city, to Miss NEWBIGGING, only daughter of the late Robert NEWBIGGING Esq of [Lanarkshire].
Aug 20th 1861

Saturday 31 August 1861

BIRTH at Grahamstown, August 25th, Mrs. R. READ of twin daughters.

Tuesday 3 September 1861

DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th [August], Eliza Sophia [….], infant daughter of Robert and Mary JEFFERSON, aged 21 days.

Tuesday 10 September 1861

DIED at Doorn Kloof, District of Alexandria, on the 1st September, after two days illness, Mr. Samuel EARL, architect, [Leicester], England, aged 52 years. His end was peace in the Lord. Friends at a distance will accept of this notice. The deceased was buried on the farm of Mr. Robert NEWCOMBE, Nanaga.

Saturday 14 September 1861

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown on Tuesday 10th September 1861 by the Rev. J. Richards, Mr. J.P. VAN ROOYEN of Fort Brown to Diana STANLEY of the same place.

MARRIED on the 4th September 1861, by the Rev. John Wilson, Wesleyan Minister, Cradock, Edward, eldest son of William SAUNDERS Esq. of Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England, to Phoebe Rhoda, third daughter of Joseph TROLLIP Esq. of Dagga Boer [rest illegible].

DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th September instant at the age of 62 years, George JARVIS Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Deeply regretted.

DIED at Albany on Wednesday the 28th August after a long and painful illness, Mr. Jeremiah [illegible], deeply regretted by his family.
4th September 1861

Tuesday 17 September 1861

DIED at Cradock, of [illegible] fever, at Thornley, 22nd August 1861, Samuel Palmer PENNY, youngest son of Mr. Charles PENNY Sen. of Salem, aged 24 years and ten months, leaving a wife and 2 children to deplore their loss.
[Transcriber’s Note: The date is clearly the 22nd but his Death Notice gives the date as the 27th.]

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday morning the 15th September, Mr. George DENNISON, of Lower Albany, aged 47 years, leaving a wife and six children to mourn their loss. The family wish to thank those friends who were so kind to him during his illness.



COURT – At Port Elizabeth on the 29th Aug, the wife of Mr. P.W. COURT of a daughter.
FRAMES – At Port Elizabeth on the 28th Aug, the wife of Mr. Clement FRAMES of a son.
GOOCH – At Grahamstown on the 22nd Aug, the wife of Mr. A.R. GOOCH of a son.
HANCOCK – At Grahamstown on the 8th Sep, the wife of Mr. E. HANCOCK of a daughter.
HART – At Grahamstown on the [illegible], the wife of Mr. [illegible] HART of a daughter.
OGILVIE – At Echo Vale, British Kaffraria, on the 23rd Aug, the wife of Mr. Walter OGILVIE of a son.
READ – At Grahamstown on the 25th Aug, the wife of Mr. R. READ of twin daughters.
SHAW – At King Williamstown on the 10th Aug, the wife of Mr. M.B. SHAW of a son.
ST.LEDGER – At St.Andrew’s College, Grahamstown on the 7th inst, the wife of the Rev. F. ST.LEDGER of a son.


BURTON – At Grahamstown on the 2nd Sep, Mr. Frederick BURTON to Julia MAHONY.
LEVY – At Grahamstown on the 29th Aug, Mr. G.J. LEVY to Sarah Jane YELLING.
VAN ROOYEN – At Grahamstown on September 10th, Mr. J.P. VAN ROOYEN to Mrs. Diana STANLEY
SAUNDERS – At Cradock on the 4th September, Edward William SAUNDERS to Phoebe Rhoda TROLLIP.


[BRICE] – At Grahamstown on the 21st Aug, Susannah Margaret, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.C. [BRICE] aged [6] months and [10] days.
COLE – At Port Elizabeth, on the 28th Aug, Matilda Freeland, beloved wife of Mr. G. Montague COLE.
DENNISON – On Sunday morning the 15th September, Mr. George DENNISON of Lower Albany, aged 47 years, leaving a wife and six children to mourn their loss.
EARL – At Doorn Kloof, District of Alexandria, Mr. Samuel EARL, Architect, aged 52 years.
[GOSHAM] – At [Vigen] Kraal, Great Winter Hoek, on the 21st ult, Martha Elizabeth, aged 2 years and 10 months [ and on the .. Aug] Ronald Henry, aged 5 years and [13] days, son and daughter of Mr. J.D. [GOSHAM].
JARVIS – At Grahamstown on the 13th September, George JARVIS Esq, Justice of the Peace, aged 62 years.
JEFFERSON – At Queenstown on the 28th ult, Eliza Sophia […ce], daughter of Robert and Mary Anne JEFFERSON, aged 21 days.
LAWRIE – At Alice, Mr. Johnstone on the [24th] Aug.
RYDER – At Peddie on the [13th] ult, James RYDER, aged 11 years and [3] months.
THOMPSON – At Alice on the 11th Aug, [illegible] Annie, daughter of Mr. J.B. THOMPSON, aged 17 months.
WILLIAMS – At Victoria West on the 31st Aug, [Albert L… P…] youngest son of Mr. Henry WILLIAMS, aged [-] years and 1 month.

Saturday 21 September 1861

MARRIED on the 11th September by the Rev. J. Richards, William Carey, second son of David .
HOBSON Esq. of Uitenhageto Elizabeth, [5th] daughter of Mr. Daniel ROBERTS of Burnt Kraal.

DIED in London on the 14th July last, aged 36 years and 3 months, George Henry WYNYARD, eldest and beloved son of Lieut.General and Mrs. WYNYARD. He was until very lately a Major in HM [--th] Regt [illegible…..] in the New Zealand Wars of 1843-46.

DIED at Bonnin Dale, near Ebenezer, District of Uitenhage, on the 15th September 1861, from ulcerated throat and croup, Samuel Thomas BERRINGTON, second son of Wm. and Ann BERRINGTON, aged 10 years.

[two further illegible BMD notifications]

Tuesday 24 September 1861

MARRIED at Mowbray Park on Wednesday the 18th Sept. 1861 by the Rev. Geo. Chapman, Wesleyan Minister, Edward HARDWICK to Mary Jane, twin daughter of John CROUCH Esq, Field Commandant, British Kaffraria.

MARRIED at Mowbray Park on Wednesday the 18th Sept. 1861 by the Rev. George Chapman, Wesleyan Minister, Frank HOLLAND to Sarah Ann, twin daughter of John CROUCH Esq, Field Commandant, British Kaffraria.

Saturday 28 September 1861

MARRIED on September 27th by Special Licence at Commemorative Chapel, Grahamstown by the Rev W. Impey, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions, William Pike, eldest son of the Hon’ble S. CAWOOD M.L.A. to Hannah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Thos. SCANLEN of this city.

DIED on Sunday night 22nd September at the residence of Mr. J.E. WOOD, “Fair View House”, West Hill, Grahamstown, Mr. John Wesley WILSON, late of Belfast, aged 22 years 8 months and 2 days.

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