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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1861 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 1 January 1861

DIED on the [19th] December at his residence, Port Alfred, Mr. W. [illegible….] aged [illegible]. The deceased was a native of [illegible], England.

Saturday 5 January 1861

[Surrounded by black box at the top of the front page]
Mr. MANDY cannot refrain from expressing his deep and heartfelt gratitude to his fellow citizens and all others who have so strikingly manifested their sympathy with him in his affliction, and who followed the remains of his son to the grave.
Jan 5th 1861

MARRIED on the 3rd December by Special Licence, at the Mission House, Durban, Natal, by the Rev. George Blencowe, William MAWBY Esq of Marston Plantation, Durban, to Elizabeth, third daughter of J.T. LEPPAN Esq, Somerset East.

BIRTH at Cradock on the 31st Dec 1860, Mrs. James COLLETT Jun of a son.

BIRTH at King Williamstown on January 2nd, the wife of the Rev. James SCOTT of a daughter.

DIED at Alice on [14th] December 1860, Mr. James [DUNCAN], aged [39] years. The deceased was a native of [illegible], in Lanarkshire, Scotland; he came to this colony in [1845] and has [been in Alice…….years]. […………by the most respectable people in the town]
Deceased leaves a widow and four children to mourn their loss.

DIED on the 1st instant at the Kowie, Thomas William MANDY, son of Mr. S.D. MANDY of this city. Aged 16 years.

DIED at Alexandria, [illegible], on the 1st January 1861, Mr. Francis [illegible], aged [53] years. Deeply regretted by relatives and friends.

The sudden and lamented death of Mr. T.W. MANDY, third son of S.D. MANDY Esq of this city, has cast a gloom over the whole community and saddened the festivities of the season. The accident occurred on the afternoon of New Year’s Day. Mr. MANDY was passing the holidays with several friends at the Pavillion, or Old Custom House, on the east side of the Kowie. On Tuesday about 3 o’clock he and two of his companions rode out on some little [illegible] towards [illegible]’s store, and in returning the fall occurred which terminated so fatally. The approach to the Pavillion is by a somewhat steep and [illegible] and at the particular part where the accident happened it is narrowed by the [illegible]. Young MANDY’s two companions safely passed this somewhat dangerous pathway, and not dreaming of any possible [peril], rode on to the house, which was not more than 80 yards distant. When, however, after off-saddling they found that their friend was still absent, they went back out and discovered him lying face downwards in the [bedding] of the sand hole by the side of the narrow pathway. The head and shoulders of the deceased were buried in the sand, his horse was [out of sight] but one of the stirrups was lying by his side. The pathway was disturbed as if it had given way under his horse’s feet. On releasing the body it was found that [illegible] had already [illegible] injury having been received by its spine. It is impossible to say what the cause of the accident was; whether the horse became restive and threw its rider, whether it reared and fell with him, or whether it was occasioned by the giving way of the sand. The horse returned by the time the sorrowful party of friends with their sad burden reached the house, but no marks of a fall were found on inspection of the saddle, the stirrup spring of which, however, had been [illegible]. On Wednesday deceased was brought into the residence of his father, and on Thursday afternoon he was buried. The funeral was numerously attended. Mr. MANDY having been a member of the Grahamstown Infantry Corps, his fellow Volunteers attended him to his grave. His Excellency the Lieut. Governor expressed his sympathy with the [illegible] by attending the funeral with several members of his staff; we noticed also in the train Colonel DONOVAN, Colonel TINLEY, Major [BONNAR], Captain SHIPLEY and the acting Secretary of the Lieut. Governor. The order of the funeral procession was as follows: The firing party of the Graham’s Town Infantry in advance, the corpse on a gun carriage covered with Union Jack, mourners and civilians, the volunteers, infantry and cavalry, His Excellency and staff, Colonel TINLEY, Major [BONNAR] &c. The burial service of the Roman Catholic Church was read at the Cathedral and at the cemetery by Bishop MORAN. Mr. T.W. MANDY was a youth of amiabledisposition and excellent promise, and his untimely death, at the early age of 17 held to be a calamity not only to his family but to a large circle of friends.

[Surrounded by black box]
This week, that would otherwise have been marked by unusual cheerfulness and pleasure-taking, has been overcast with the shadow of a calamity which everyone has felt to be a public as well as a private source of grief. Out of sympathy with what must, we are sure, be the general sentiment of the city, we forego in this issue our usual [illegible] of gossip.

Saturday 12 January 1861

BIRTH at Queenstown on the 4th January, the wife of Mr. James FARNHAM of a daughter.

DIED at Harrison, near Whittlesea, on the 10th January, Florence Elizabeth, the beloved daughter of William and Elizabeth MILLER, aged 8 months and 9 days.

DIED at Lilly Vale, the residence of her father, Mr. W. MORRIS, on the 3rd inst, Mary Jane, beloved wife of Mr. Hugh THOMPSON, after a short illness of [5] days, aged 21 years and 8 months. She leaves a husband and child, together with a large circle of friends, to lament this sudden, mysterious and deeply afflicting dispensation of Divine Providence.

DIED at “Lanka” on the morning of the 8th inst, after a short but painful illness of 2 days, Jessie Smith, fourth daughter of Thomas and M.A. GILBERT, aged 11 years and 6 months.

[Transcriber’s Note: This tribute is all but illegible, but does appear to give the age of Thomas William MANDY as 16½ years, which would perhaps explain the age being given as 16 in the death notification and 17 in the article as transcribed in the previous issue. In fact he was baptised in St.Patrick’s, Grahamstown on 26 June 1844, so 16½ is probably correct.]

Tuesday 15 January 1861

DIED at Grahamstown, Friday 11 inst, of Measles, William […en] Arthur, son of Christopher BIRKETT, Wesleyan Teacher, aged 11 year and 6 months
Manchester papers please copy.

Near Fort Peddie
The undersigned has on hand and for sale
The best Golden Ball Meal
The do Indian Corn do
The do Kafir do do
At reasonable rates

Expected daily, direct from England, a first class powerful Steam Corn Mill, set up with [smut] and dressing machines, on the most approved principle, with all the latest improvements. The Steam Mill will commence work early next year, and in conjunction with the present mill will clean and manufacture from 1500 to [2000] bushels of corn per week. No expense will be spared to make the mills the most complete, compact, powerful and best in the Eastern province.
Nurney Hill Mill.

Saturday 19 January 1861

The following immigrants lately landed from the Bride are expected at the Immigration Depot in this city this afternoon; two wheelwrights, one joiner, one agricultural labourer, wife and child, one plumber, one female cook, single, ten agricultural labourers, unmarried, one boot and shoemaker, two blacksmiths and farriers, one saddle and harness maker and three carpenters.

Tuesday 22 January 1861

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the morning of the 16th inst, Mrs. William WEDDERBURN of a son.

DIED at King Williamstown on Wednesday the 16th January 1861, Sarah, only daughter of Thomas Alfred and Martha KING. Aged 7 months and 11 days.

Saturday 26 January 1861

BIRTH on the [19th] inst, at Stoney Vale, Fort Beaufort, Mr. Geo. GILBERT of a daughter.

DIED this morning at his residence, Port Elizabeth, after a lingering illness, Alexander WARES Esq, Merchant.
Port Elizabeth, 25th January 1861

Saturday 2 February

DIED on the afternoon of the 23rd January 1861 at the farm of her son Rob’t FOXCROFT, “Bishopton”, in the [Gul…] Division of Peddie, Ann, the relict of the late Mr. Robert FOXCROFT Sen, at the advanced age of 102. Her end was peace.

BIRTH on the 26th inst, the wife of Mr. William DAWSON of twin daughters.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th Jan 1861, [Amelia Annie], wife of Thomas [ARGENT] late Quartermaster Cape Mounted Rifles. Requiescat in Pace.

DIED at Ebenezer on the 13th January 1861, Walter James, the third son of Samuel Bonnin and Sarah Maria HOBSON. Aged one year eleven months and nine days.

Tuesday 5 February 1861

DIED at Alexandria, Oliphant’s Hoek, on the 31st January 1861, after a lingering illness, Mrs James McCALL, aged 55 years. Deeply regretted.

Saturday 9 February 1861

BIRTH at West Hill on Saturday 26th January, the wife of Mr. G. WOOD of a daughter

DIED at Adelaide on Friday the 1st February, [Catherine Mar… Wilhelmina], youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [Henry] [WIENAND], aged 1 year and 5 months.

DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday last, the 5th inst, James [D…], only son of Mrs. John WEBB, aged 3 years and 2 months.

Tuesday 12 February 1861

MARRIED on the 6th inst at Somerset East, by the Rev. John Pearse, John G. TAYLOR Esq, Assistant Civil Commissioner, to Susan Isabella, daughter of James McMASTER] M.L.A.

Saturday 16 February 1861

DIED at Wood’s Hotel, Grahamstown, on Tuesday the 12th February 1861, Mr. John Thomas FORBES, of Alice, aged 38, leaving a wife and four children to deplore his loss.

BIRTH at Newton Hill [Neef’s] Camp, on the 7th February 1861, the wife of Mr. William SHEARD of a daughter

Saturday 23 February 1861

BIRTH on the [26th] Dec 1860 at Sussex Villa, Richmond, Surrey, the wife of Richard F. [RORKE], Cape Mounted Riflemen, of a son.

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Chapel, West Hill, on the 21st inst, by the Rev. J. Richards, John Carter WHITE to Miss Isabella Rhoda DANIEL, second surviving daughter of Mr. J.N. DANIEL of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday February 9th 1861, Ellen Gertroud, only child of Joseph and Hannah [COLLYER], aged 1 year 6 months and 11 days.

Saturday 2 March 1861

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, 23rd Feb 1861, the wife of Mr. Charles HOLLIDAY of a daughter.

BIRTH on the [27th] inst, the wife of J.A. McMASTER Esq of a son.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 24th February 1861, Mrs. W.T.L. [illegible] of a daughter.

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Clumber, on Wednesday the 27th inst, by the Rev. Purdon Smailes, Mr. Job TIMM of Elephant Park to Miss Sophia BRADFIELD, second daughter of Mr. R. BRADFIELD of Clumber.

MARRIED in Trinity Church, King Williamstown, by the Rev. H. Kitton, on Tuesday the 26th February 1861, John David WHEELDON of British Kaffraria to Jane Sarah NUNAN of King Williamstown.

DIED on [Wednesday the 13th] February 1861, at his residence near [H….] Garden, after a painful illness, [illegible] Sen, aged 55 years. Many years [illegible] to S.D. MANDY of this city.

DIED at Alice on the 20th February 1861, after a lingering illness, Edward DOONAN, aged 39 years, leaving a wife and two children to deplore their loss.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday March 1st 1861, William Rupert EASTON, eldest son of Thomas Jarvis and Elizabeth EASTON. Aged 6 years 1 month and [9] days.

DIED on Friday morning, March 1st 1861, Ann TEMLETT, aged 64 years and 6 months. Deceased came to this colony with the British Settlers of 1820. She leaves a husband, 6 grown up children and a number of grandchildren to mourn her irreparable loss; but as she was a consistent Christian their loss is her everlasting gain.

The Funeral of the late Mrs. TEMLETT will take place tomorrow afternoon at ½ past 3 o’clock, from the residence in Beaufort-street, Market-square. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Thos. E. PASSMORE, Undertaker

On Tuesday afternoon the city was horrified by the discovery that a Mrs. WATCHMAN, living in Cross-street, had been brutally murdered by her husband, Charles [E…..] WATCHMAN, a gentleman. The first alarm appears to have been given by a woman named CARR who visited the house and had free access to it. On entering the house she saw the husband lying on a sofa in the sitting room, apparently asleep. She passed on to the bed room and was horrified by seeing the body of Mrs. WATCHAM lying on the floor, covered with blood, and dead. [Illegible…]; the police came and [detained] the husband in custody till the District Surgeon and the Clerk of the Peace were sent for. The room in which the murder was committed was small, about 14 by 10 feet, It bore evidence on everything in it and about it of the [sanguinary] struggle that had taken place between the deceased trying to save her life and the murderer savagely determined to deprive her of it. The only furniture in the room was a miserably dirty bed, on which there was a pool of blood, a stretcher and a small trunk. [Next line illegible]. The body lay on its [side] in the middle of the floor. The head lay in a pool of blood and the ground under and about the body was besmeared with it, as were the skirting of the room and the stretcher, which was folded up. The walls were bespattered with blood up to the [door ceiling]. The body presented a shocking spectacle. The head and arms, which were naked, and the neck and jaw were covered in blood. Over each eye were two frightful gashes, one of them [extending over] the nose, completely smashing the bone. The shoulders, arms and other parts of the deceased were black and blue from former beatings. The handle of a broom, besmeared with blood and with hairs sticking to it, appeared to be the weapon by which most of the wounds were inflicted. In a tin dish with some [illegible] in it there was a table knife, but it was quite clean. A part of the rounded edge of the window sill had been broken off, but there was no blood on it. The other facts and circumstances of the murder are given in the evidence below. On Wednesday morning the evidence of the witnesses in the case were taken [illegible] the Magistrate in presence of the prisoner. The prisoner’s appearance and manner was that of a man labouring under the influence of excessive drinking. His look was distracted, and he was a good deal agitated. The main evidence taken was that of:
[Transcriber’s Note: The evidence continues over a further two columns, the witnesses being as follows]
Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE, District Surgeon
William [PA….], Chief Constable
John [MUKE], constable
Mary Ann CARR, wife of John CARR. “I knew the deceased”
George YOUNG deposed: I am a cook at the Albany Hospital. I know the prisoner WATCHMAN. I also knew his wife. I was at the prisoner’s house at ½ past 8 yesterday morning for some clean clothes the deceased washed for me. On entering the house I found Mrs. WATCHAM at the door opening to the sitting room. She was drunk…….
George RICHARDSON deposed: I am a labourer residing in Grahamstown. I knew the deceased…. I lodged with them about 10 months……
[third column illegible].

Tuesday 5 March 1861

BIRTH in Grahamstown on Sunday last, [the third instant], the wife of Mr. T.E. PASSMORE of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown at ½ past eight o’clock [Tues] 5th March 1861, [Anne], the kind and beloved wife of R. [HOBSON], City and Civil Engineer, and daughter of George [POUNCEY] Esq of [….sby] House, Yorkshire, England.

[one further illegible death notification]

Saturday 16 March 1861

The Committee of the above Society respectfully invite the Members to attend the Funeral of the late Rev. John HEAVYSIDE, for which purpose they will assemble at the Club-room at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon and proceed to St.George’s Cathedral at ¼ before 3.
16th March 1861

MARRIED by Special Licence in St.George’s Cathedral on the 14th inst, by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, Hastings St.John DE ROBECK Esq R.N., son of the late Baron DE ROBECK of [Conrad] Grange, County Kildare, Ireland, to Mary Catherine, eldest daughter of Dr. W. Guybon ATHERSTONE.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. S.D. LONG, Hope Farm, of a son.

DIED at Pietermaritzburg, Natal on Sunday the 24th February last, at ½ past 7 o’clock pm, after 16 days illness, Captain John HARVEY, Cape Mounted Riflemen, in the 52nd year of his age, leaving a widow and six children to mourn his irreparable loss, besides a large circle of relations and friends. Captain HARVEY arrived on the Frontier when very young in 1817, and served with the Cape Mounted Riflemen in the several [Commander] and Kafir Wars from 1837 to ’53 – he also commanded after the war of ’53 the Mounted Levy, and did good service with them, and proceeded to Natal in the early part of ’60, in command of the Detachment of Cape Mounted Riflemen stationed in that Colony.
Peddie, 14th March 1861

DIED at Clumber at 9 o’clock on the 16th inst, Mary PIKE, widow of the late Wm. PIKE, aged 86 years, leaving a large circle of friends to lament her loss. Deceased came to this colony in 1820.

DIED on the 13th instant, at 23 minutes to 2 o’clock in the morning, at her residence, No.8 Bertram-street, in this city, Mary, the beloved wife of Charles Joseph GRAY, Government Land Surveyor, the daughter of the late Mr. John SHAW, of Rockwood Vale. For 33 years she proved herself a faithful, loving and true hearted wife, having through that long period sustained her husband through an almost incessant course of adverse circumstances. She died in peace with all mankind. Her age was [63] years and six months. She is gone where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.

DIED at Fort Beaufort on Monday evening, 25th February 1861, Mr. George William CLARKE, aged 42 years and 1 month, leaving a widow, one child and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore his irreparable loss.

We regret to announce the death of the Reverend John HEAVYSIDE, for many years Colonial Chaplain to this city. Mr. HEAVYSIDE’s decease will be regretted by a large circle of friends; indeed the whole city cannot but feel the departure of one who has so long and actively been engaged in its service. Mr. HEAVYSIDE, who having been ill, died at his residence in this city on Friday morning, the 15th inst. His funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at ½ past 3 o’clock.

Saturday 23 March 1861

MARRIED in Salem Chapel on the 20th inst by the Rev. H.H. Dugmore, Mr. P.AMM Sen to Mrs. Mary WEDDERBURN of Lindale, daughter of C.T. CROFT Esq of this city.

BIRTH at Hong Kong on the 21st January 1861, the wife of Edwin LITCHFIELD D’y Asst. Com. Gen. of a son.

DIED at Hong Kong on the 22nd January 1861, Eliza, the beloved wife of Edwin LITCHFIELD Esq, D’y Asst. Com. Gen.

Tuesday 26 March 1861

MARRIED on the 21st inst. in St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev.S. Pickering MA, Charles Henry MAYNARD Esq of this city, and eldest son of Charles MAYNARD Esq of Cleveland Square, London, to Frances Margaret, daughter of William FLEMING Esq of Port Elizabeth.

DIED at her residence in Fort Beaufort, on Monday 25th March, after a long and an exemplary life, Mrs. Ann STRINGFELLOW, the wife of the Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of this district, and daughter of the late Mr. William TROTT, of Newport, Essex.

Saturday 30 March 1861

DIED at Cradock on Saturday the 23rd March, Anne Elizabeth DUFFIELD, age 3 years 7 months and [23] days.
Cradock, March 23rd 1861


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